Spirituality and Education
Recent papers in Spirituality and Education
In Ancient Egypt, at any given moment, there was never one Egyptian Religion. Different priesthoods developed tremendously divergent interpretations of the Divine Order, the Spiritual Universe, the Creation, the Material Universe, and... more
For most of its history, the field of teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL) has focussed much of its attention on teaching methods and curricula to the exclusion of the person who must deliver them. In this article we... more
Through striking new curricular language, Ted Aoki (2003/2005) contends the living site of pedagogy as a space amidst the horizontal and vertical: /, a third space that is generative and holds possibility and promise. With Aokian vigour,... more
Recensión del libro (en español).
Book review of that spanish book.
Book review of that spanish book.
The Prospectus of the Advaita Ashrama, Mayavati, was consccrated by Swami Vivekananda as a manifesto for the oneness of all beings. It is the coping stone o f the mighty edifice of his thought. His works ring with the constant refrain of... more
John Dewey’s ‘religious attitude’ has great potential for the educative development of children’s spirituality. This is because it enables their spiritual understandings to become more intelligently composed – not just in a cognitive or... more
Here is a prospectus for a new kind of free college that offers a two-year bachelor's degree (BL, Bachelor of Letters). Advantages: it is free, it is high-quality, it is substantial, it is personally and societally helpful, it is... more
Discussion of how love can be a legitimate curriculum theme that challenges K-12 students to think critically, creatively and spiritually across multiple subject areas
This chapter utilized historical accounts of various cultural, educational, and Buddhist reforms in Thailand and analyzed and interpreted them according to experts in the fields of Thai Buddhism and culture, international comparative... more
This playful and irreverent introductory narrative (to my thesis) explores what is at stake when students' creative expression is stifled and all that may be reclaimed by encouraging and supporting the free and playful expressive writing... more
Shevock, Daniel J. “Peace, Place, and Then … A Practice of Silence.” PMEA News: The Official Publication of the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association 83, no. 3 (Spring, 2019): 14-15. (Invited)
PONENCIA. [Introducción], p. 35. 1. Los Carmelitas Descalzos en Tortosa (desde 1590 a 1835), p. 36. 2. Demarcaciones: diócesis de Tortosa, provincia de Castellón (1789, 1833), baronía de Benicasim (1790), pp. 36-40. 3. El Convento de... more
Education’s ancient and profoundly important pursuit to ‘know thyself’, is often realised through engaging with the question ‘who am I?’ In order to the identify who in this search, it is argued in this paper that personal identity should... more
We live in a world that often consigns individuals to a life of inner torment, more often than not unnoticed, as is witnessed by the growing numbers of people who suffer from mental illnesses of varying degrees. AWARE reports that... more
In this recent interview with Yad Vashem I discuss the Piaseczner Rebbe as an educator and his educational philosophy. We discuss both the interwar context in which spiritual education was marshaled also to combat secularization as well... more
Spiritual intelligence involves a search to find and create meaning based on a deep understanding of existential tenets and the ability to reach higher meanings and values. Despite the growing interest among scholars to study the... more
Introductory Chapter outlining the main themes of each of the following chapters.
Authentic listening understands the importance of contexts, relationships, and silence. The purpose of this essay is to explore speaking silences and silent silences and to frame these understandings in terms of classroom pedagogy.... more
Spiritual paper prescribing virtue.
Opinion Letter - The Star Newspaper
This qualitative and instrumental case study explores how volunteer Christian ESOL tutors describe putting their religious beliefs into practice in a church-run adult ESOL ministry. Data was gathered by means of teacher interviews and... more
In this photo essay, I enact how a creative pedagogue engages with artistic practice and contemplative inquiry. As a poet, at home in words, photography represents a creative risk. This vulnerability is felt in the sharing of the work... more
Recensión (en español) de ese libro francés.
Spanish book review of that french book.
Spanish book review of that french book.
У статті аналізується навчальний процес у вищих духовних навчальних закладах Донецької області в 90-х роках ХХ – першому десятиріччі ХХІ століття. Для всебічного дослідження проблеми автором було залучено конфесійну періодику та... more
Tibetan Schools trace their lineage to Indian tantric masters: Drupchcn or Mahasiddhas. Monks like Zanabazar sculpt Mongolian monasteries as late as the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. Tibetan teachers like Rinchen... more
ABSTRACT In the Czech Republic, home schooling is an increasing but still rare education practice. The country is at the same time not favourable to public demonstrations of religion. In such a specific context, we investigated the... more
This paper aims at showing the dimensions of spirituality in childhood education by suggesting a new analysis of the concept of ‘pure life’ used in the Qur’an. Putting spirituality in the framework of the pure life provides us with a rich... more
У статті на основі польових досліджень, які провів автор, робиться спроба розглянути вищу духовну освіту в християнських громадах Донецької області в період з 1991 по 2011 рр., її історичний розвиток і особливості навчального процесу.... more
Introducción. Este artículo se sitúa en la rica y profunda discusión interna-cional sobre la educación del espíritu que contrasta con un silencio espeso sobre el tema en el ámbito pedagógico. Método. Articula los pasos clásicos de una... more
This is my part of a panel. Dominant and Marginalized Narratives in Music Education: Intersections of Religion, Spirituality, and Sexual/Gender Diversity in the Music Classroom, LGBTQ Studies & Music Education III, Urbana, IL.... more
Сравнение систем духовного и светского обазования в постсоветских странах на примере вузов системы МВД, Минздрава и духовных школ РПЦ.