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Congress’s national-security legislation will often require clear and specific congressional authorization before the executive can undertake certain actions. The War Powers Resolution, for example, prohibits any law from authorizing... more
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      LawNational Security LawStatutory InterpretationStatutory Construction
In what follows, the legislative powers of the courts are examined and three different ways in which the courts can contribute to the regulation of the labour markets are marked. First, the courts can create new regulation through their... more
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      Labour LawStatutory InterpretationStatutory Construction
The rise of legislation as the increasingly preferred means of regulating society is considered. The rise of legislation is significant as an increase of legislation strengthens the argument as to the importance of the interpretation of... more
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      JurisprudenceLabour LawStatutory InterpretationStatutory Construction
The Indian tax system suffers from an excessive incidence and pendency of tax disputes before civil courts. A certain degree of disputes are unavoidable since the tax code and policy of any jurisdiction (being the outcome of various... more
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      Constitutional LawTax LawTaxationIndian Law
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      Statutory InterpretationHuman Rights Act (1998)
This article considers the Automated and Electric Vehicles Act 2018's insurer liability model. Comparing the position in Scotland with that in England and Wales, it analyses the private law obligations imposed on insurers by the Act in... more
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      Contract LawInsurance LawTort LawProduct liability
I summarize and evaluate Dworkin's model of statutory interpretation in Ch. IX of Law's Empire from the point of view of its contribution to the existing debate between formalism and instrumentalism.
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      Ronald DworkinStatutory InterpretationLegal Formalism
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    • Statutory Interpretation
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      Statutory InterpretationInterpretation of StatutesStatutory lawStatutory Construction
A jog elméletének és gyakorlatának talán legfontosabb közös szegmense a jogértelmezés témaköre; nincs olyan neves elméleti szerző, jogfilozófus, jogbölcsész vagy mélyebb összefüggéseket feltárni igyekvő gyakorlati jogász, akinek ne lenne... more
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      Judicial PrecedentStatutory Interpretation
Given that insolvency has pertinent repercussions for the property and person of an insolvent debtor, constitutional challenges to rules of insolvency law are likely to arise. The constitutionally guaranteed fundamental rights that may... more
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      Insolvency LawStatutory InterpretationStatutory Construction
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      LawPragmaticsLegal interpretationStatutory Interpretation
The main aim of this paper is to create a semi-formal model of reasoning with cases in statutory interpretation. We introduce the notion of reasoning protocol as a frame for a set of elements used by relevant agents to justify their... more
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      Computer ScienceStatutory Interpretation
the conventional perseverance of this research paper is to clarify the concept of statutory interpretation in terms of the common law approach of interpretation. Because (the research topic) will be working with these statutes, law... more
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      LawJurisprudenceComparative LawConstitutional Law
ABSTRACT This commentary seeks to define the limits of dynamic interpretation and to increase the transparency of judicial reasoning, both as a means of allowing a better judgment about the quality of judicial interpretation, and as an... more
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      SociologyLawSocial Science Research NetworkStatutory Interpretation
The identification of the parties to the employment relationship is a universal issue. It is therefore appropriate to explore the international experience as well as the experiences of other jurisdictions in order to clarify its South... more
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      Labour LawInternational Labour LawStatutory Interpretationthe International Labour Organization (ILO)
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      Legislative StudiesIndianaStatutory InterpretationIllinois
An epistemological analysis of common law doctrinal legal methodology seeks to answer one basic question: why is doctrinal legal method the best approach for acquiring knowledge about law? A lawyer might provide a pragmatic answer—because... more
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      EpistemologyResearch MethodologyStatutory InterpretationLegal Studies
Philippine Statutory Construction Reviewer.
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      LawStatutory InterpretationPhilippine LawPhilippine Laws
It is certain that human life is not perpetual and surely does come to an end. That notwithstanding, during one’s lifetime, several properties whether movable and/or immovable are acquired but cannot be carried along into the afterlife.... more
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      JurisprudenceConstitutional LawDevelopment StudiesDisability Studies
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    • Statutory Interpretation
A substantial academic literature considers how agencies should interpret statutes. But few studies have considered how agencies actually do interpret statutes, and none has empirically compared the methodologies of agencies and courts in... more
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      TaxationLaw and EconomicsEmpirical Legal ResearchAdministrative Law
Constitutional interpretation, or constitutional construction, is the process by which meanings are assigned to words in a constitution, to enable legal decisions to be made that are justified by it. The Constitution is a legal document... more
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      Constitutional LawConstitutional law and interpretationStatutory InterpretationStatutory Construction
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      Legal Writing and ResearchStatutory Interpretation
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      LawJurisprudenceConstitutional LawStatutory Interpretation
This Article studies judicial innovation and diffusion in civil law jurisdictions, with a focus on China. It examines the lawmaking function of the Chinese judiciary, in particular, the interaction between the Chinese Supreme People’s... more
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      Judicial PrecedentStatutory InterpretationPolicy DiffusionChinese Courts
This article considers the utility of the presumptions of statutory interpretation and the appropriate status thereof in a legal system. Thereafter, the most commonly cited South African presumptions will be compared to similar... more
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      JurisprudenceCommon LawStatutory InterpretationStatutory Construction
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      Legal interpretationStatutory InterpretationInterpretation of law or statutes
Adoption of Children in Islam and the Muslim Law of Sri Lanka – An Abstract This is a slightly modified version of an article previously published under the same title in [2008] Meezan pages 1 to 5. Meezan is an annual publication of the... more
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      Children and FamiliesMuslim Family LawShariahSri Lankan Law
An initiation of a debate of how statutory interpretation may be employed to widen the ambit of existing offences in Pakistani law to include different categories of sexual violence
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      LawSexual ViolencePakistanViolence Against Women
Textualism is the doctrine of statutory interpretation propounded by a small group of US federal court judges, including the late Justice Antonin Scalia. Whilst the doctrine has attracted a great deal of scholarly attention, few have... more
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      Research MethodologyStatutory InterpretationHistory of Legal Doctrines
At Robson Crim we believe passionately that criminal law in Canada must be studied from perspectives of multivalence. Black letter law analyses indeed have their place, as do complex theoretical interrogations of criminal law. Speaking... more
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      CriminologyCriminal LawCriminal ProcedureCriminal Justice
The study, entitled “Identification of the parties to the employment relationship: an appraisal of teleological interpretation of statutes”, is a legal-interdisciplinary doctrinal investigation situated within the fields of labour law and... more
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      Labour LawStatutory InterpretationStatutory Construction
Michael Bishop and Jason Brickhill, 'In the Beginning Was the Word: The Role of Text in the Interpretation of Statutes' (2012) 129 S African LJ 681 This article deals with statutory interpretation under the South African Constitution. It... more
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      Constitutional LawComparative Constitutional LawSouth African Constitutional CourtStatutory Interpretation
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      LawStatutory InterpretationCxc Csec Cape
Almost every debate in statutory interpretation is framed as an argument between “Purposivists” and “Textualists.” This overlooks a remarkable and increasingly important area of interpretive disagreement—disagreements between Textualists.... more
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      LawJurisprudenceLegal TheoryLegal interpretation
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      LawStatutory Interpretation
Under the supervision of PROF. RAHUL MISHRA SUBMITTED BY-NAMAN JAIN (0029) COURSE-BBALLB ABSTRACT Interpretation is the art of discovering the true meaning of a law by giving the words of the law their natural and ordinary meaning. It is... more
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      JurisprudenceCommon LawStatutory Interpretation
The aim of this article is to critically examine relevant provisions of the Act, especially in relation to government policy and executive decision making. In doing so, the author would succinctly outline the provisions of the Act and... more
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      NigeriaStatutory InterpretationNigerian Law
What methods, if at all, do Indian judges deploy in their law reading? In their abundant refer- ences to the term “jurisprudence”, the Indian judge gives neither precise meanings nor meth- ods to ascertaining what is jurisprudence; the... more
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      JurisprudenceSouth Asian StudiesNatural LawPhenomenology
Jelen tanulmányban arra vállalkozunk, hogy röviden bemutassuk a jogértelmezés módszereinek elmélettörténeti fejlődési útját, vagyis azt, hogy a jogértelmezési metódusok lehetséges fajtáiról való teoretikus gondolkodás – annak legfontosabb... more
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      InterpretationStatutory Interpretation
In contrast to case law systems in liberal democracies with independent judiciaries, in an authoritarian context, China's guiding case system is distinctive and cannot simply be explained by current case law theories. This article first... more
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      Comparative LawChinese LawChinese StudiesCourts
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      LawJurisprudenceComparative LawConstitutional Law
In Marshall NO v Commissioner, South Africa Revenue Service (2019 6 SA 246 (CC)) the constitutional court heard an application for leave to appeal against the decision of the supreme court of appeal in Commissioner, South African Revenue... more
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      LawConstitutional LawTax LawStatutory Interpretation
It is certain that human life is not perpetual and surely does come to an end. That notwithstanding, during one’s lifetime, several properties whether movable and/or immovable are acquired but cannot be carried along into the afterlife.... more
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      JurisprudenceConstitutional LawSuccession LawWills and Estates
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      Human RightsConflict of LawsConstitutionStatutory Interpretation