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Analysis of early cinema in England and the United States of America. Aesthetic commentary on the plastic advantages of silent films over sound films in terms of an effective melodrama. Beginnings of Hitchcock's cinema in Great Britain.... more
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      Space and PlacePlace-Identity (Architecture)Place (Architecture)Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
Este texto narra a história melancólica de Buk, um homem de 59 anos que, após ser diagnosticado com uma doença terminal, decide passar sua última noite sozinho em uma cabana nas gélidas florestas da Noruega. À medida que as horas passam,... more
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    • Crônica
Nicht einmal die größten Optimisten scheinen unter den gegenwärtigen Bedingungen weiterreichende Ambitionen zu haben, als abzuwenden, was droht. Wenn noch eine gewisse Aussicht darauf besteht, dass 2024 wider Erwarten ein gutes Jahr wird,... more
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      Gaia hypothesisSuspenseKatechonGaia
I first show that even minimalist narratives (in any formulation of minimalism that can encompass the views of Lamarque, Carroll, Currie and Jureidini, and Velleman) there are sufficient resources both for generating a basic level... more
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    • Languages and Linguistics
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In this text, the author analyzes the convergence between Christian culture and relevant films of Alfred Hitchcock’s suspense filmography. Rather than focusing on Hitchcock’s status as a Catholic director, he makes an empirical analysis... more
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      Art HistoryFilm TheorySpace and PlaceVisual Culture
Lorena busca incansablemente a su bebé de tan solo nueve meses en un escenario apocalíptico. En esta novela, Villafáñez busca problematizar tanto los paradigmas culturales contemporáneos como aquellos históricamente consagrados, a través... more
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Novela corta, sobre una Lima q se va, pero aun esta ahi, Lima, y su rio
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    • Novela
Typically, films are suspenseful when they keep us on the edge of our seats, when glimpses of a turning doorknob, a ticking clock, or a looming silhouette quicken our pulses. Exemplified by Alfred Hitchcock’s masterworks and the countless... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryFilm SoundFilm Music And Sound
Jeder Mensch erlebt in seinem Leben eine Reihe sehr verschiedener emotionaler Zustände. Wir ärgern uns über die S-Bahn, die uns vor der Nase wegfährt, freuen uns spontan über ein Tor im Fußball oder über den Besuch eines Freundes, haben... more
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El neoyorkino Alan J. Pakula es un director cinematográfico que hizo de la gestión del secreto el elemento central de su filmografía. Su inicial experiencia como productor le ha llevado a desarrollar un estilo propio en el que lo... more
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This article considers Alfred Hitchcock’s work in relation to the connotations of “fallacy” within conventional settings of modern Western society. Focusing on two films, Strangers on a Train (1951) and Rear Window (1954), we point to the... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyCultural StudiesAesthetics
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      AestheticsArtFilm StudiesFilm Theory
Responding to recent conversations surrounding the maturation of Tobias in the tale, the essay applies recent advancements in masculinity studies to examine the portrayal of Tobias in the book of Tobit as a coming-of-age story. In so... more
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      HistoryMasculinityTobit Model
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Far from the “romantic” label that her novels erroneously carry, Daphne du Maurier’s short stories evince a macabre and cruel strain of which the writer was perfectly aware and occasionally wrote. Wishing to understand the prevalence of... more
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      CrueltyShort story (Literature)Daphne du MaurierSuspense
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    • Dark Romance
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      ArtWar FilmsGenre TheoryHollywood
'This is it. I need to shit and I need to cry and I can do neither." How the subject of MJ Hyland's outstanding third novel comes to be thrust into a shared prison cell, physically and emotionally paralysed by inner trauma and external... more
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    • History
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The novel, now available from most online booksellers, probes the implications of a National Socialist experiment during the Second World War.
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      AlchemySecond World WarFictionAntisemitism
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The rise of the internet horror can be found online, in particular as a type of stories called the “creepypasta”. There seems to be a few studies on creepypasta that focus on the narrative structure. An American philosopher Noël Carroll... more
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      English LiteratureNarrative AnalysisHorror LiteratureSuspense
Las campañas de prevención de la DGT consolidan un tipo de publicidad institucional persuasiva que ha experimentado grandes transformaciones a lo largo de sus 60 años de existencia. La actual publicidad de la Dirección General de Tráfico... more
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    • Humanities
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      ArtMultilingualismmovie theater
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    • History
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      Creative WritingLiteratureConspiracy TheoriesContemporary Fiction
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Much of the talk leading up to, and following, the release of Gus Van Sant's 1998 remake of the Alfred Hitchcock fi lm Psycho (1960) was an expression of outrage and confusion at the defilement of a beloved classic. For fans and critics... more
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      Film StudiesHorror FilmFilm AdaptationFilm Remakes
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      PsychologyNarrativeSurpriseOpen University
The Gothic genre aims to expand the reader or viewer’s consciousness by encouraging them to suspend their disbelief and by shocking them out of the boundaries of their everyday lives not by confronting them with explicit violence or... more
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      Gothic LiteratureHenry JamesTzvetan TodorovAlfred Hitchcock
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This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
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      Cultural StudiesFilm StudiesAudiovisual Translation
Umbi paku atai merah (Angiopteris ferox Copel) merupakan tumbuhan paku yang berasal dari suku Dayak yang digunakan sebagai obat tradisional yang berpotensi sebagai antioksidan karena memiliki kandungan senyawa metabolit sekunder meliputii... more
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Seit der Wende hat die Erforschung der DDR-Übersetzungsliteratur einen starken Aufschwung erfahren. Zahlreiche Forschenden haben sich mit diesem Thema beschäftigt und dabei vor allem die Zensur in den Vordergrund gerückt. Dabei wurde das... more
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      CensorshipTranslation StudiesCommunismCensorship (History)
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This essay will cover some of Alfred Hitchcock’s early silent movies up to and including Blackmail (1929), of which he filmed both a silent and a sound version simultaneously. Hitchcock’s success with sound was directly linked to his... more
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      ArtVisual ArtsEposmovie theater
A Rose for Emily is a typical Gothic-style novel, intimately associated with the characteristics of Gothic literature: 1. Ghostly and horrible environment; 2. The tone of death; 3. Uncanny character images. Generally speaking, Gothic... more
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      Comparative LiteratureEnglish LiteratureArtLiterature
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      PhilosophyHungarian Studies
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    • Medicine
Suspense is known to play a crucial role in storytelling phenomena in general, and computational storytelling systems in particular. While several story generation algorithms have addressed suspense, they have usually done so either by... more
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*Sambre* d'Alice Géraud paraît à point nommé en 2023, tandis que l'offensive réactionnaire contre la vague #MeToo gagne partout du terrain. Le fait divers que traite l'autrice y apparaît en effet comme un cas exemplaire de la réalité... more
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      Literary JournalismFrench LiteratureReportageSuspense
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Umbi paku atai merah (Angiopteris ferox Copel) merupakan tumbuhan paku yang berasal dari suku Dayak yang digunakan sebagai obat tradisional yang berpotensi sebagai antioksidan karena memiliki kandungan senyawa metabolit sekunder meliputii... more
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Die vorliegende Arbeit "Politik, Ästhetik, Kulturidentität. Melancholische und humoristische Ansichten Ost- und Mitteleuropas in ausgewählten Prosatexten von Andrzej Stasiuk und Jurij Andruchovyč" beschäftigt sich hauptsächlich mit den... more
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