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      RheumatologyFractureRiskRisk Analysis
Введение I. Чукотские сказания 1. Материалы, собранные В. Г. Богоразом 2. Сказания о героях 3. Эпос о Кунлéлю 4. Предания об оленеводах 5. В поиках похищенной сестры 6. Предания о храбрых женщинах 7. Исторические предания II. Предания... more
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      FolkloreChukchiEposVladimir Bogoras
Ione. Il passaggio dalla cultura orale alla cultura scritta stravolge la struttura del sapere e introduce più esplicitamente alla distinzione tra forma e contenuto. Socrate trae le somme di questa trasformazione
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      EpistemologyPlatoSocratesPhilosphy of Language
Die Psychomachia des Prudentius stellt das erste vollkommen allegorische Epos des Abendlandes dar. Es ist insbesondere in der Kunst und Literatur des Mittelalters vielfältig rezipiert worden. Magnus Frisch legt nun erstmals einen... more
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      Latin EpicVirtues and VicesLate Antique LiteratureLate Antique Latin Poetry
הכח המניע של אודיסיאוס והגורמים שעוזרים לו להגשים את רצונותיו
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      Economic HistoryGreek LiteraturePapyrologyGreek Language
Il volume raccoglie gli Atti del convegno internazionale sull’opus magnum mariniano organizzato nel 2019 dall’Istituto di Filologie romanze dellaHumboldt-Universität zu Berlin, per celebrare il 450mo anniversario della nascita del massimo... more
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      SeicentoBaroccoVenus and AdonisGiambattista Marino
There is carried out the typological analysis of the basic motive in the song about Deli Domrul (" Book of Dede Korkut " , a fight against an angel of death) and revealed analogies between this motive, Sumerian-Acadian and Greek... more
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      Folklore (Literature)Dede Korkut HikâyeleriEposMifology
Xülasə Məqalədə Azərbaycan xalq dastanlarında dini-mifoloji motivlər araşdırılmışdır. Tədqiqat əsasən "Əsli və Kərəm", "Abbas və Gülgəz" və "Qurbani" dastanları üzərində aparılmışdır. Qədim tarixə malik Azərbaycan dastanlarında kifayət... more
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      Arabic LiteratureArabic Language and LinguisticsMedieval EpicsArabic and Islamic Studies
Analisi del film La finestra sul cortile - Rear window analysis
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryNarratologyNarrative Analysis
Рахно К.Ю. Фрагмент средневекового булгарского эпоса у Абу Хамида ал-Гарнати // Люди, культуры, пространство: социокультурная динамика мира Евразии: Материалы Всероссийской научно-практической конференции (с международным участием),... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMythologyVolga BulgharsAzov Greeks
L’analisi del penultimo canto dell’Orlando furioso di Ludovico Ariosto rivela una forma peculiare (e probabilmente unica nel poema) della costruzione dell’intreccio. Indagarne il funzionamento permette di riflettere sull’interazione degli... more
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      Genre studiesItalian StudiesRenaissance StudiesRenaissance Humanism
Introduction to the epic genre in Rome after Vergil and to Lucan's "Bellum civile". Translation with stylistic and philological commentary of Lucanus’ 'Bellum civile' 1, 98-182 and 9, 734-838.
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      LucanThe Reception of VergilPoesia epicaEpos
Рахно К.Ю. Киеворусский след скифских золотых даров // Nartamongae. The Journal of Alano-Ossetic Studies; Epic, Mythology & Language. – Paris – Vladikavkaz/Dzæwdžyqæw, 2017. – Vol. XII. – № 1, 2. – С. 363-379.
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      AlansThe Tale of Igor's CampaignNart SagasOssetian mythology
Рахно К.Ю. Булгары в осетинском нартовском эпосе // Кочевые народы Юга России: исторический опыт и современность. Материалы российской научной конференции с международным участием, 16-19 марта 2016 г. – Элиста: ЗАОр «НПП «Джангар»,... more
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      Iranian StudiesEpic poetryTurco-Iranian WorldBulgarian history
ЖУРНАЛ ТАРТАРИЯ МАГНА Концепт Tartaria Magna, никогда не имевший эквивалентов в восточной географии, использовался в европейской науке с эпохи Ренессанса для обозначения обширных, малонаселенных, малоизученных и потому казавшихся... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryEthnic Studies
Da tempo le antologie latine Lyra ed Epos sono considerate di fondamentale importanza per lo studio della poesia, della poetica e della cultura di Pascoli. Ma non solo: sempre più se ne apprezza il valore intrinseco, l’originale... more
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      Latin LiteratureDante StudiesLiteraturePoetry
Il quattrocentesimo anniversario della pubblicazione del Gofred abo Jerozolima wyzwolona di Piotr Kochanowski, celebrato nel 2018, è diventato un’occasione per ricordare l’opera di questo scrittore polacco, membro di una famiglia dei... more
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      Renaissance StudiesItalian Renaissance literatureLudovico AriostoTorquato Tasso
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Analisi del film Rashomon
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryNarratologyJapanese Cinema
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    • Epos
Рахно Константин. «Земля незнаема» и иранский субстрат «Слова о полку Игореве» // Studia mythologica slavica. – Ljubljana: Znanstvenoraziskovani center Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti, Inštitut za slovensko narodopisje,... more
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      Iranian StudiesHistory of IranIranian HistoryIndo-Iranian Linguistics
In genre theory, epic, dramatic and lyric poetry are often defined in terms of the past, present or future. This association of genres and time tenses is, howewer, far from being self-evident: The idea is widely unknown before 1800.... more
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      FolkloreEthnographyHistory of AnthropologySiberia
Öz " Köroğlu " destanındaki kadın tipleri, XVII. yy. Türk kadını, onun düşünme tarzı, ahlakı, aile ve toplum içinde yeri ve görevi hakkında bilgi edinmekte büyük önem arz etmektedir. Destanın sekiz kolu kadınlarla ilgilidir, bu kollarda... more
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      LiteratureFolklore (Literature)Azerbaijan LiteratureEpos
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      Islamic StudiesSufismIslamic HistoryEpic poetry
Məqalədə "Koroğlu" dastanının struktur-morfoloji təhlili təqdim edlir.
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      DestanStrukturTürk DestanlarıEpos
During my fieldwork in the Altai Mountains of Mongolia, I encountered a particularly rare dance song with the title " Doldoi zeerd biyelgee " (Dance of the fiery chestnut horse). This song can only be heard in a very small area and is... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMusicEthnomusicologyCultural Heritage
Destanlar, her toplumun tarihte yaşadığı veya yaşaması muhtemel olaylardan ilham alan, çoğu zaman başarı öyküleri gibi görünse bile toplumların başından geçen en acı olayları, ihanetleri ve buhranları da etkili bir biçimde gelecek... more
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      FolkloreTypologyMedieval EpicsKırgız Folkloru, Destanlar
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      Nationalism And State BuildingLithuanian HistoryLatvian LiteratureLatvian History
Background information and lyrics with translation to the first CD with Khakas folk music by a single musician and devoted to a single instrument, the chatkhan.
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      MusicologyFolkloreAnthropology of MusicAnthropology of Music
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      HomerHistory and Classical tradition studiesThe Classical TraditionClassical Reception Studies
Özet Kazak bilim adamı Muhtar Avezov'un. Manas Destanını de÷erlendiren makaleleri, Kazak edebiyat biliminde, bu destanla ilgili öncü çalıúmalardan olması sebebiyle önemlidir. Ayrıca, Avezov, 1952 yılında Biúkek (o zamanki adı Frunze)'de... more
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      HomerLegal HistoryHesiodic PoetryGreek Law
Abstract: Two indigenous Siberian groups—the Yukaghirs and the Telengits—share rather similar ideas about success in hunting as an elusive and highly precarious tension between too little and too much luck. In the catalogue of semiotics,... more
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionFolkloreSocial Anthropology
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      Cultural StudiesSpace SciencesPerceptionTheology
The article is an attempt at interpreting Józef Wittlin’s "Salt of the Earth" in the context of the epic story’s historical semantics, and the novel investigated not as much as regards their formal construction but the original... more
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      Literary ResearchWorld War 1Józef WittlinEpos
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      Renaissance StudiesHeroesHeroismEpic poetry
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Las variedades en las clases de ELE / EL2 son un ingrediente indispensable y hay que recurrir a fuentes auténticas para ofrecer un input real a los alumnos. El uso de los recursos audiovisuales para tal efecto ya se ha normalizado en los... more
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The article criticizes the criteria for testing the authenticity of Russian bylinas (heroic folk epics) offered by V.Y. Propp in his book " The Russian Heroic Epic ". The author of the article argues that Propp employs... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreHistoryFolkloreIdeology
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      FolkloreEthnomusicologyKazakh CultureEpos
Page 1. GEORGICA ET IRANO-SEMITICA Studien zu den iranischen und semitischen Lehnwörtern im georgischen Nationalepos „Der Recke im Pantherfell“ Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrads Fachbereich für Orientalische ...
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    • Epos
Öz " Köroğlu " destanındaki kadın tipleri, XVII. yy. Türk kadını, onun düşünme tarzı, ahlakı, aile ve toplum içinde yeri ve görevi hakkında bilgi edinmekte büyük önem arz etmektedir. Destanın sekiz kolu kadınlarla ilgilidir, bu kollarda... more
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      FolkloreEpic poetryXVII centuryAzerbaijan Literature
This text explores the notion of the feminine through the schemas of epic and tragedy in Ricœur’s work, symbolized by the figures of Penelope and Antigone. Later, we will propose Medea as a better example for Gender Studies, interpreted... more
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      Gender StudiesPhilosophyPaul RicoeurTragedy
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      ReligionAnthropologyFolkloreHuman-Animal Relations