Recent papers in Swidden
In the 1970s and 1980s, the borderlands between southern Laos, northeastern Thailand and northern Cambodia were a hotbed of militarized conflict and insurgent activity. Various armed groups, on the political left and right, operated in... more
Recent literature describing the process and pathways of the agrarian transition in Southeast Asia suggests that the rise of agricultural intensification and the growth of commodity markets will lead to the demise of swidden agriculture.... more
A political ecological research orientation elucidates the effects of Miskito wage work in the Honduran lobster export industry. Miskito wage labor conserves local rain forest by displacing agricultural deforestation pressure into wages.... more
Tribal areas in Orissa are some of the most backward and poverty ridden areas in the country. They are also extremely resource rich. 72% of the tribal households in Orissa live beneath poverty line. The paradox of rich resources, poor... more
Across the uplands of Northeast India, sedentary forms of agriculture are gradually replacing shifting cultivation. In the process, land holdings are becoming “privatized.” As commonly held land becomes inaccessible or dis- appears, and... more
The origin of swidden systems is typically portrayed as a pre-colonial, pre-nationalist, and pre-developmentalist tradition, subsequently interrupted and eroded by colonial exploitation and post-colonial technoscience in favour of market... more
Tribal areas in Orissa are some of the most backward and poverty ridden areas in the country. They are also extremely resource rich. 72% of the tribal households in Orissa live beneath poverty line. The paradox of rich resources, poor... more
This study employs an historical institutionalist approach to analyzing causes of Siam’s approach to, and success in, establishing itself as a modern nation-state and thereby avoiding colonization, how the nascent Siamese state created... more
Tribal areas in Orissa are some of the most backward and poverty ridden areas in the country. They are also extremely resource rich. 72% of the tribal households in Orissa live beneath poverty line. The paradox of rich resources, poor... more
Shifting cultivation systems (SCS) are currently restricted to tropical areas. The classical nutrient flow model for SCS considers increasing soil fertility from the conversion phase, with the addition of nutrients contained in the... more
This article is about the ways the Drung (Dulong), a minority inhabiting a remote mountainous valley of Northwest Yunnan province (China), view the ‘natural world’ as part of a cosmological order in which human society is integrated. The... more
Landlessness and rural deprivation have historically been virtually absent in the uplands of Northeast India. Currently, due to the increasing presence of a monetarised market oriented economy, rural destitution is becoming an everyday... more
This paper aims to explore agriculture in modern-day Uaxactún, Petén, Guatemala. The results are based on two types of dataspatial and anthropological. Spatial data are represented in the visualization of recent agricultural features... more