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La agroecología en Latinoamérica llega a implantarse como disciplina científica a inicios de los años 80´s. Para ese entonces, la ciencia propia de la agroecología ya había pasado por su primera etapa desarrollada en la década de los... more
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      ZoologyAgroecosystemsAnimal communicationCzech Republic
The global demand for different land-use practice commodities in the Amazonia is growing, and this region is increasingly affected by the impacts of land management. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of land-use... more
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SOIL ORGANIC CARBON AS A FUNCTION OF LAND USES ABSTRACT - Organic matter is one of the most sensitive attributes of the soil triggered by changes in management systems. This study aimed to assess the distribution and carbon stocks... more
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      Environmental ScienceAgroecosystemsLand UseSoil Organic Carbon
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      Traditional Ecological KnowledgeAgroecosystemsCanary IslandsRain Water Harvesting
Effect of spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) as predators of insect pest in alfalfa crops (Medicago sativa) (Fabaceae) in Argentina. Spiders are predators that reduce insect pest populations in agroecosystems. Trials were conducted to measure... more
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      AgroecosystemsRevista de Biología Tropical
The goal of this study is to perform a comparative analysis of agroecological and conventional small coffee farms. We investigated 15 coffee farms in the East region of Minas Gerais, a Brazilian rural region, based on coffee production... more
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      AgroecologySustainable agricultureAgricultureResilience (Sustainability)
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      AgroecosystemsProduction Systems
Arthropods ISSN 2224-4255 arthropods@iaees.org Volume 9, Number 4, 1 December 2020 Cover Pages [Front Pages (142K)] [Back Pages (63K)] Articles Biochemical characterization of digestive carbohydrases in Moroccan locust, Dociostaurus... more
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      BiologyAgroecosystemsApis melliferaArachnida
... Ambiental, Biodegradación, Restauración Ecológica, Conservación y Protección Ambiental, Ecosistemas, Botánica, Micología, Botánica, Microbiología, Ecología, Tecnología, Política Agraria, Política Ambiental, Ingeniería Sanitaria,... more
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      GeographyAgroecosystemsGenetic EngineeringLatin America
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      AgricultureAgroecosystemsTheoretical biologyBiological Sciences
En pleno siglo XXI, el conocimiento de la realidad circundante continúa siendo una necesidad insoslayable, sobre todo en una temática tan trascendental como lo es la educación ambiental. Este hecho y para nuestra región geográfica, atañe... more
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      AgroecosystemsEducación AmbientalAgricultural SustainabilityAgroecologia
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      CancerAgroecosystemsWater Pollution
RESUMEN Al revisar el uso del término " manejo " , este artículo concluye que han habido cambios en su interpretación, desde el convencional hasta el agroecológico. Con base en el análisis de los cambios en el diseño y tecnologías de los... more
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      AgroecologyIntercultural EducationAgroecosystemsInterculturalidad
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    • Agroecosystems
The strawberry is an important crop for Guanajuato mexican state, with high economic cost by the use of insecticides and acaricides, therefore it is necessary to know the diversity of beneficial insects that potentially might control to... more
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      Organic agricultureAgroecosystems
This is the editorial to the special issue on Urban Agroecology, of the RUAF Urban Agriculture Magazine (No. 33), published on the 9th November 2017. Individual chapters and the special issue are openly accessible here:... more
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      Urban PlanningEnvironmental SustainabilityAgroecosystemsFood Sovereignty
Este trabajo aborda el ecosistema alimentario, sus actores, problemas y posibles estrategias de innovación, en clave de diseño, incorporando marcos conceptuales, herramientas y casos. Se trata de una búsqueda para ampliar un poco más el... more
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      DesignEcosystems EcologyProduct DesignEconomics of Innovation
This course introduces students to a number of research disciplines and areas ranging from foundational archeological and anthropological texts on the origins and diverse conceptions of “agriculture” to more recent historical and... more
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      Environmental StudiesAgroecologyTraditional and subsistence agriculturePeasant Studies
This paper examines ecological farm internships and the implications for agroecology and food systems’ sustainability. Drawing on over 60 interviews with farmers and interns in Ontario, Canada, I show that internships offer hands-on... more
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      AgroecologyOrganic agricultureWork and LabourAgroecosystems
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      AgroecologyTraditional Ecological KnowledgeSustainable Water Resources ManagementAgroecosystems
El libro resume una década de monitoreo de aves en agroecosistemas de Ica y Lima, en la costa central del Perú. Presenta datos de variaciones estacionales y anuales de riqueza y abundancia de aves, datos de reproducción y gremios... more
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      OrnithologyConservation BiologyDesert EcologyPeru
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      OrnithologyConservation BiologyAgrobiodiversityArid environments
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    • Agroecosystems
20 22 24 26 28 30 32 Importancia socioeconómica y cultural de las gallinas locales en una comunidad tsotsil 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48
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      Environmental EducationAgroecologyAgrobiodiversityAgroecosystems
A plethora of research has been conducted on the use of marigolds (Tagetes spp.) for nematode suppression, yet limited cover cropping with marigold is being practiced in commercial operations. Marigold is well known among nematologists... more
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      Soil ScienceSustainable agricultureEcologyAllelopathy
The rapid development and expansion of modern irrigation schemes across arid environments have radically transformed both natural environments and existing agricultural systems over the past century. The consequences for natural and... more
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      Vegetation EcologyBiodiversityAgroecosystemsBIO STATISTICS
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      AgroecosystemsFood websAllometryBody Size
La presente investigación tiene como propósito la elaboración de un set de indicadores de sostenibilidad para tres (3) agroecosistemas localizados en el municipio de San José de Las Lajas (Cuba). Estos agroecosistemas fueron seleccionados... more
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      AgroecosystemsDesarrollo SustentableAgroecologiaSostenibilidad
Farm systems are facing a global challenge amidst a socio-metabolic transition that places them in a dilemma between increasing land-use intensity to meet the growing demand of food, feed, fibres and fuels, while avoiding a biodiversity... more
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      Landscape EcologyInformation TheoryEcological EconomicsComplexity
This paper discusses the key features of collective efforts to enhance biodiversity in the European agricultural systems.
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      Rural SociologyEcosystem ServicesCommonsPolitical Ecology
In the final analysis, sustainable agriculture must derive from applied ecology, especially the principle of the regulation of the abundance and distribution of species (and, secondarily, their activities) in space and time. Interspecific... more
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      PhilosophyApplied EthicsSustainable agricultureCulture
Overcoming hunger and meeting the nutritional needs of almost 7 billion people, rising to over 9 billion people by 2050, is a central challenge for this generation. Equally critical will be to achieve this in a way that keeps humanity’s... more
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      Climate ChangeEcosystem ServicesSustainable agricultureFood Security and Insecurity
En la cara norte de Sierra Nevada (Granada) existen sistemas de riego desde época medieval que, gracias a una gestión racional del agua del deshielo, han logrado sobrevivir hasta la actualidad. Las comunidades de regantes son las... more
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      ResilienceIrrigationCollective ActionAgroecosystems
The objective of this article is to critically analyze the concept of resilience and propose complementary elements for its strengthening, particularly for its study in agroecological systems facing climate change and variability. Five... more
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      Climate ChangeResilienceAgroecologyAgroecosystems
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      CancerAgroecosystemsWater Pollution
Opium interdiction projects have dominated Thai state interactions with northern upland ethnic minority peoples since the 1970s. One of these projects, the Sam Muen Highland Development Project (SMHDP), had great success in ending opium... more
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      AnthropologyDevelopment StudiesKinship (Anthropology)Thailand
Energy balances of farm systems have overlooked the role of energy flows that remain within agro-ecosystems. Yet, such internal flows fulfil important socio-ecological functions, including maintenance of farmers themselves and... more
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      Ecological EconomicsBiodiversityAgroecosystemsEnergy efficiency
Aquatic weeds are higher plants found in the aquatic ecosystem and in anaerobic rice fields, where they have no economic benefits. The continuance of aquatic weeds is more widespread than terrestrial weeds because in aquatic ecosystems... more
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      AllelopathyAgroecosystemsAquatic Weeds
Many studies in recent years have investigated the relationship between landscape complexity and pests, natural enemies and ⁄ or pest control. However, no quantitative synthesis of this literature beyond simple vote-count methods yet... more
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      Ecosystem ServicesEcologyPopulation DynamicsAgroecosystems
l género Jatropha pertenece a la familia Euphorbiaceae con más de 170 especies en el ámbito internacional, de las que más de 100 son nativas de América y se reportan más de 66 del viejo mundo. El piñón (Jatropha curcas L.), especie del... more
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      AgroecosystemsUrban AgricultureBiofuels
Management of trees in agroecosystems such as agroforestry, ethnoforests, and trees outside forests can mitigate green house gas (GHG) emissions under the Kyoto Protocol. Agroforestry systems are a better climate change mitigation option... more
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      Land tenureCarbon SequestrationAgroecosystemsApplied Economics
Conservation biological control in agroecosystems requires a landscape management perspective, because most arthropod species experience their habitat at spatial scales beyond the plot level, and there is spillover of natural enemies... more
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      ZoologySpatial EcologyAgroecosystemsBiological Control
El maíz nativo es de alta importancia debido a su rusticidad, amplia adaptación, tolerancia y resistencia a condiciones ambientales adversas; en Tamaulipas existen regiones agrícolas donde los cultivares utilizados no alcanzan a... more
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      AgroecosystemsTemperatureZea maysInflorescences
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      Human GeographyEnvironmental EconomicsInternational RelationsDevelopment Studies
Aves y Agroecosistemas 18 Las aves 19 Las aves y los agroecosistemas 22 Las aves en el mundo actual 24 Las aves de Ica en la costa del Perú 26 Agrokasa en Ica 28 Ubicación 29 Hábitats 31 ¿Cómo se realizó el estudio? 34 Inventario 35 Censo... more
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      OrnithologyConservation BiologyAgrobiodiversityArid environments
ABSTRACT: The horticultural belt of La Plata is a complex framework of lands with a marked urban influence. The unregulated use of agrochemicals is one of the most important sources of superficial and underground water contamination... more
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      AgroecosystemsPlanktonFresh water algal ecology
Ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) were surveyed across three horticultural farms, located in a peri-urban area, in the Po plain in Lombardy (Northern Italy) from April 2003 to March 2005. Their biodiversity was estimated using... more
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      BiodiversityAgroecosystemsAgroecosystems conservationCarabidae