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“Power is war, the continuation of war by other means”: Foucault’s reversal of Clausewitz’s formula has become a staple of critical theory — but it remains highly problematic on a conceptual level. Elaborated during Foucault’s 1976... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSociologyCultural Studies
This article draws on British newspaper reports in order to demonstrate that trolling, and the media's subsequent framing of trolling, involves " silencing strategies ". It is important to examine how trolling is discussed within the... more
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      Gender StudiesRapeGenderFeminism
[ENG] Awareness of symbolic violence in the education process in academic environment
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      SociologyEducationSociology of EducationPolitics
Od głównego nurtu myślenia o władzy do władzy symbolicznej w ujęciu Bourdieu.
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      Pierre BourdieuSocial Space and Symbolic PowerSymbolic PowerPierre Bourdieu and symbolic violence
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      SymbolsSpanish MonarchyCatholic Monarchs of Spain 15th CenturySymbolic Power
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      English as a Lingua FrancaLanguage and IdentityLanguage Learning and IdentityInterculturality
Özet Bu çalışma Türkiye’de son yıllarda neredeyse her Ramazan ayında tekerrür eden Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı ve bazı ilahiyatçı ve din adamları arasındaki oruç ibadetine başlamayı simgeleyen imsak vaktinin tespiti meselesini... more
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      Sociology of ReligionPierre BourdieuEmile DurkheimMax Weber
This book explores the practical and symbolic resources of legitimacy which the elites of medieval Scandinavia employed to establish, justify, and reproduce their social and political standing between the end of the Viking Age and the... more
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      Legitimacy and AuthorityMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Ecclesiastical History
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      New MediaJournalismMedia EthicsOnline Journalism
Increasingly national policy processes are intersected with and affected by global policy actors and ideas. In aid-recipient countries such as Ethiopia, donors use financial and non-financial means to influence national policy decisions... more
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      Higher EducationEthiopiaSymbolic PowerPierre Bourdieu and symbolic violence
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      Middle East StudiesSyriaCultural power and resistanceMiddle East
This article focuses on the issues of the «integration» and/as «cultural subalternity» of migrants in Italy. It aims at discussing some concepts developed by Pierre Bourdieu, such as symbolic violence, habitus, and doxa, reflecting on two... more
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      HabitusPierre BourdieuSymbolic violenceSymbolic Power
In this article, I deconstruct the concept of legitimacy (notably in the form elaborated by Max Weber) by emphasising its conceptual complicity with the notion of sovereignty. Through an analysis of Derrida's critique of Austin's theory... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionSociologyCultural Studies
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      SemioticsNew Religious MovementsHistoryEuropean History
Este artigo sistematiza os conceitos fundamentais da teoria social de Pierre Bourdieu (espaço social, capital, habitus, campo e poder simbólico), em sua s aplicações à problemática da relação entre os sexos. Segundo... more
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      SociologyGenderSymbolic Power
The Spanish Inquisition that took over following the collapse of the Islamic rule in Spain in the 15th century is, commonly, associated with the persecution of heresy in its strict religious sense. However, a deep probing into the... more
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      MoriscosThe Spanish InquisitionSymbolic Power
Mit dem Einmarsch der deutschen Truppen 1940 endete die Unabhängigkeit Luxemburgs für vier Jahre. Die Stadt Luxemburg, bis dato Hauptstadt eines souveränen Staates, wurde von den Nazis zu einer Kreisstadt degradiert und sollte im Gegenzug... more
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      History Of PropagandaNational SocialismNationalsocialismNazi Propaganda
Il progetto di ricerca indaga la relazione tra agire comunicativo e agency politica, che è caratteristica costitutiva delle pratiche dei media alternativi, nel caso di studio della Red Nacional de Medios Alternativos (RNMA) argentina. Lo... more
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      Critical TheoryMedia and Cultural StudiesMedia ActivismMedia and Democracy
—After the big bang of democratization, Indonesia has been employing a dramatic decentralization practice in Indonesia nationwide. Since 1999, Indonesia has been electing for representative council (DPR RI) and regional representation so... more
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      Electoral SystemsDemocracyRepresentationSymbolic Power
The title of this research is " Consumerism in Fourteen Art Works of Kecil-Kecil Punya Karya (KKPK) ". The purpose of this research is to describe the lifestyle of the figures that reveal the symptoms of consumerism. The consumptive... more
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      CapitalismHabitusPierre BourdieuSkripsi
Nesse presente artigo, trataremos da construção da imagem de Otávio, utilizando para tal um conjunto de moedas que serão analisadas cronológica e simbolicamente, demonstrando como Otávio vai angariando com o passar dos anos epítetos e... more
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      Social RepresentationsAncient CoinsSymbolic PowerRepresentação
This ten-year study investigates how the ways in which modern digital age, austerity-driven societies are structured can fuel discontent, rising popular support for authoritarian regimes and less tolerance of dissent in a wide range of... more
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      Political SociologySocial MovementsEastern European StudiesInternational Relations
Abstract: In recent years, a dominant discourse has emerged asserting that humanitarian work has become a dangerous profession. In response to growing insecurity in the field, humanitarian organizations have come to develop new security... more
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      Critical TheoryInternational RelationsSociology of WorkHumanitarianism
European fundings received under the programs of rural development have a major political impact in Romania, as they help to shape the legitimate form of agriculture. They are used as a support for new representative claims. At the same... more
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      Rural SociologyBureaucracies & Bureaucratic WorkersAgricultural DevelopmentAgricultural Policy
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    • Symbolic Power
Desde Marx, a sociologia sugeria a idéia de que o Direito poderia funcionar como uma “superestrutura” de legitimação das desigualdades sociais. Mas ainda era muito vago e misterioso o fato de haver um tipo de “consenso... more
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      LegitimacyPierre BourdieuLegal SociologySymbolic Power
The resources of power are usually understood as the entirety of means of influencing the object of power in accordance with the subject’s aims. This paper investigates the phenomenon of Internet of Things (IoT, or Cloud of Things, or... more
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      Information SystemsSociologyPolitical SociologySocial Psychology
Why do the dominated and exploited come to accept a social order that disadvantages them? Pierre Bourdieu suggests that the relative stability of societies results not from coercion but from consent by the dominated, which is the result... more
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      SociologySociology of EducationFilm StudiesPractice theory
This paper is a case study of a Filipino woman who migrated to Korea to marry a Korean farmer and who ends up using her knowledge of English to navigate power differences in her exchanges with Korean interlocutors. I extend the tradition... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationSouth KoreaEnglishSymbolic Power
This article deals with Pierre Bourdieu´s critic on Max Weber´s State conception. It analyses the concept of State in Machiavelli, Weber and Bourdieu. The issue about the legitimating bases of the State domination is resolved changing the... more
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      Political TheoryLegitimacyState TheoryLegal Sociology
RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo é compreender as abordagens e representações sociais utilizadas nos discursos presidenciais em contextos de crise política (Impeachment), bem como suas estratégias e condições discursivas. Para tal,... more
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      CommunicationPoliticsImpeachmentSymbolic Power
In the present article it is reflected critically about a possible time's use as a power'sinstrument by the political leaders in different societies around the world, specially inthe actions considered as milestone-historical, according... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical ScienceIdeologyMongolian Studies
Le pouvoir symbolique de la littérature : une exception française ? (résumé) La littérature est dotée en France d’un capital symbolique qui lui permet d’exercer un pouvoir non négligeable. Ceci est dû à des conditions de possibilité... more
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      Pierre BourdieuChamp LittéraireLiterary FieldSymbolic Power
The Polish sociology of law is unfamiliar with the critical sociology of law as proposed by P. Bourdieu – one of the most acclaimed contemporary sociologists. Therefore the main aim of the paper is to indicate the causes of this... more
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      Critical TheoryCritical ThinkingPierre BourdieuField of Power
The paper present the so-called “practice turn in contemporary theory” and its possible and profitable sociological application to the field of food studies. Starting from the epistemological perspective that sees the concept of practice... more
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      Practice theoryEthnographySociology of Food and EatingHabitus
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      HabitusCultural CapitalPierre BourdieuSocial recognition
Propomos neste trabalho identificar quais as articulações dos elementos informativos mobilizam e usam os objetos simbólicos nas reportagens sobre a votação da redução da maioridade penal, apresentadas pelo Jornal Nacional entre os dias 30... more
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      Symbolic PowerPierre Bourdieu and symbolic violence
Representation of women in advertisements has been a crucial point of debate in critical studies on advertising and gender. Advertising has critically been evaluated as an ideological apparatus that reproduces gender roles and promotes... more
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      Cultural StudiesFeminist SociologyGender StudiesPR and Advertising
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      Critical TheoryAmerican HistoryEconomic HistoryEvolutionary Biology
The IPCC has been studied by a diverse range of social science disciplines. The majority of this research focuses on the scientific and political dimensions of the organization and its work, and as such, overlooks other important actors... more
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      HabitusPierre BourdieuKnowledgeIPCC
Inspired by Pierre Bourdieu's theorising, and considering the limitations of conventional notions of power used to study trade politics, this chapter argues that a critical framework on symbolic power is of intellectual importance. The... more
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      Political EconomyLegitimacy and AuthorityInternational Relations TheoryInternational Trade
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      Discourse AnalysisDiscourseIdeologyCitizen Journalism
This article is an analysis of the contexts and discourses constructed around the social movement “Occupy the Street” in Spain (aka M15). This research shows the Movement’s symbolic counterpower—its capacity for defining social... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSocial MovementsSocial Media
Advertising is not only the socio-cultural organization of market economies, but it is also a fundamental element for brands communication. This communication is not limited to the promotion of goods and services, as can be seen by its... more
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      Gender StudiesMedia StudiesNew MediaSex and Gender
Las nuevas prácticas discursivas digitales, eminentemente dialógicas, presentan un desafío para los discursos verticales, los que se definen por tener una voz poseedora de un saber privilegiado que envía información a un grupo receptor... more
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      Forms of addressSymbolic PowerDigital Discoursehorizontal communication
Günümüzde reklam olgusu, yalnızca bir ürün veya hizmet tanıtımının ötesinde, kitlelere ulaştırdığı anlamlarla kültürel ve ideolojik anlamları da yeniden üreten bir işlev görebilmektedir. Özellikle, reklamlarda kadın imgesinin yer alış... more
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      Discourse AnalysisGender StudiesCritical Discourse StudiesWomen's Studies
This introductory chapter presents the geographical, chronological, and thematic scope of the volume and expounds its guiding questions and conceptual framework. By combining Pierre Bourdieu’s notions of symbolic capital and doxa, Giorgio... more
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      Legitimacy and AuthorityIdeologyPolitical LegitimacyMedieval Scandinavia
« Cuando Foucault dice ‘Estado’. Conversación con Arnault Skornicki », avec David J. Domínguez González et Mario Domínguez Sánchez, dans A. Skornicki, La grand Sed de Estado. Michel Foucault y la ciencias sociales, Dado Ediciones, 2017,... more
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      Political SociologyGovernmentalityHobbesState Theory
Öz II. T.B.M.M'nin kurulmasından (1923) ve meclisteki birinci grubun ikinci grubu parlamento dışı bırakmasından bir süre sonra Türk modernleşmesi/batılılaşması, laiklik temelli anayasal devrimlerle yeni bir zemine taşındı. Mezkûr grup... more
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      Pierre BourdieuEmile DurkheimMax WeberSymbolic Power