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Японские боевые искусства в русскоязычной литературе xix – начала xx веков Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются основные публикации, вышедшие в XIX – XX веках в Российской Империи, в которых упоминаются японские боевые искусства.... more
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      Japanese StudiesSocial and Cultural AnthropologyMartial ArtsMilitary culture
Der Weg des Samurai Der Weg des Samurai ist der Tod. Wenn ein Samurai sich zwischen Leben und Tod entscheiden muss, gibt es für ihn nur die schnelle Wahl des Todes. Das ist nicht besonders schwierig. Sei entschlossen und handle. Wenn... more
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      PhilosophyAsian philosophiesPhilosophieThe way of the samurai, the way of the warrior
FECHAS Resumen. Los samuráis completaban su entrenamiento marcial mediante un viaje a lo largo de la geo-grafía japonesa para aprender de otras escuelas y en ocasiones, batirse con ellas poniendo a prueba sus aptitudes marciales. Sin... more
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      Japanese StudiesMartial ArtsJapanMartial Arts (Anthropology)
Rethinking the American gangster figure from The Godfather to Ghost Dog.
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      Black Popular CultureAmerican Popular CultureThe way of the samurai, the way of the warriorThe Sopranos
Perkembangan tradisi harakiri tidak dapat dilepaskan dari berbagai pengaruh beberapa kepercayaan masyarakat Jepang seperti Neo-konfusius, Taoisme, Zen dan Shinto. Harakiri dianggap sebagai tindakan terhormat karena untuk melakukan... more
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      Japanese HistoryZenZen BuddhismThe way of the samurai, the way of the warrior
This essay is based on a discussion on the Premodern Japanese Studies email list in 2016. 「辻斬り」の考察です。
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      Japanese StudiesAnthropologyPhilosophyEthics
En el antiguo imperio japonés surgió una nobleza de cuño feudal muy similar a la europea, pese a la distancia entre ambos y la escasa comunicación que existió entre ambos paises separados por más de once mil kilometros. Loss Samurais... more
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      Japanese HistoryChivalry (Chivalry)HeraldryNobility
Dieser Text stellt eine gemäß dem "SHIn-Ken"-Prinzip erstellte Zusammenfassung über Moritz von Sachsens „Reveries Upon the Art of War“dar. Daher enthält diese Zusammenfassung nicht nur die Lehre des Moritz von Sachsen, sondern wird im... more
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      Friedrich NietzscheBushido 武士道The way of the samurai, the way of the warriorFrederick the Great, Seven Years War
In questo saggio ci proponiamo un modello generale del samurai, costruito sull'interpretazione di due autori fondamentali, Daidòji Yuzàn (Introduzione alla Via del samurai) e Yamamoto Tsunemoto (Hagakure). I due testi hanno diversi punti... more
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      WarfareThe way of the samurai, the way of the warriorGuerraSamurai history
From the Introdution, written by Luka Culiberg, guest editor of this special issue: The aim of the present issue of the Asian Studies journal is thus to approach the notion of bushidō from as many aspects as possible in order to further... more
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese LiteratureJapanese Language And CultureJapanese History
Der japanische Samurai und Schwertmeister Miyamoto Musashi gilt heutzutage als einer der bekanntesten Vertreter der japanischen Samurai-Kultur, obwohl er auf den ersten Blick der totale Gegensatz von Japans kollektivistischer... more
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      Japanese HistoryStrategyHistory of the SamuraiThe way of the samurai, the way of the warrior
[1. Abstract] Unlike his later works, Yamaga Sokō's Shidō was the very first attempt in Japanese intellectual history to comprehensively address the identity crisis of the samurai during the pax Tokugawa. As such, its importance is... more
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      Japanese PhilosophyBushido 武士道The way of the samurai, the way of the warriorYamaga Soko 山鹿素行
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      History of the SamuraiThe way of the samurai, the way of the warriorSamurai historyPhilosophy of Samurai Warriors
The figure of the samurai occupies a prominent place in Japanese culture-and an even larger place in perceptions thereof. For more than half its recorded history, the archipelago was politically and socially dominated by its warrior... more
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      Japanese HistoryHistory of the SamuraiThe way of the samurai, the way of the warrior
В статье рассмотрены основные черты образа тэнгу в японской мифологии и народных сказках. Рассмотрен процесс формирования образа тэнгу под воздействием древних традиций и культов, содержащих в своей основе тотемные, шаманские и... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreJapanese StudiesAnthropologyMythology
В статье рассматриваются психологические аспекты подготовки японских воинов (буси) в школах традиционных боевых искусств и самурайских домах. Для преодоления и предотвращения негативных последствий стрессовых ситуаций в школах боевых... more
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      Social PsychologyJapanese StudiesJapanese Language And CultureMartial Arts
The Fourteenth Century Japan was marked by intense political instability and a legitimacy crisis that lasted half a century, in which two centers of power declared themselves simultaneously as legitimate – the Ashikaga bakufu and the... more
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      Medieval Japanese HistoryHistory of the SamuraiThe way of the samurai, the way of the warriorMuromachi period
Madrid Palabras clave: Nanban, tsuba, nihontô, guarda. Resumen: Las tsuba son las guardas de los sables japoneses o nihontô, estas piezas además de cumplir una función defensiva y de protección de las manos del guerrero es un "lienzo"... more
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      Japanese StudiesArt HistoryArms and Armor StudiesJapanese History
Modern combat has become greatly de-personalized (and one could argue, exacerbated) by long range drones, so-called smart bombs, stealthy technologies and the "virtual battlefield" of electronic data and commands. The “art of the... more
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      Japanese StudiesHistory of the SamuraiThe way of the samurai, the way of the warriorAncient Warefare
Appendix to the "Tales from old Japan" (1871) by Lord Redesdale about Japanese Ritual Suicide known as Hara Kiri or Seppuku. Details of the practical organization of the ceremony and the on the spirit and philosophy underlying it.
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      SuicideHistory of the SamuraiThe way of the samurai, the way of the warriorSamurai history
Armenian historiography contains considerable information about ancient and medieval Armenian military ideology. In the works of fifth century historians Pavstos Buzand and Movses Khorenatsi, the commands and legacy of the Armenian... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary EthicsLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryMedieval History
As two of the most romanticized symbols of traditional Japan, samurai and castles feature prominently in popular culture and tourist promotions, and serve as important markers of both regional and national identities. In spite of their... more
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      HistoryJapanese StudiesJapanese Language And CultureIdentity (Culture)
Тема статьи-сопоставление элементов шаманской традиции в Древней Японии и в индейском племени абсарока. Оставляя в стороне вопросы о месте боевых искусств в воинской культуре и общекультурном пространстве Японии (это тема специального... more
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese Language And CultureJapanese ReligionsSocial and Cultural Anthropology
«Spero di trovare una morte conforme al mio sogno di sempre, una morte degna del rivoluzionario e del reazionario che sono», così ha lasciato scritto il francese Pierre Drieu La Rochelle, suicida nel marzo del 1945, sul finire della... more
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      Japanese StudiesModern and Contemporary JapanNihilismModern Japanese Literature
В статье рассматриваются место и роль поэзии в культуре японских самураев. В статье представлены основные этапы развития поэзии от ритуальных песен, связанных с мифологией Синто, до буддийской и светской поэзии воинов. Рассмотрены... more
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      Japanese StudiesMedieval LiteratureJapanese LiteratureJapanese Language And Culture
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      Thomas HobbesHistory of the SamuraiThe way of the samurai, the way of the warriorLeviathan
The Samurai Game is a transformative role-playing game invented by George Leonard, a fourth dan black belt and Aikido sensei in Northern California. The game takes participants into 17th century samurai consciousness and is intended to... more
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      Altered States of ConsciousnessAnthropology of ConsciousnessRole-playing Game TheorySwords, Symbolism, Comparative Mythology
В статье рассматриваются механизмы ограничения насилия в воинской культуре Японии в эпоху Эдо (1603-1868). Процесс трансформации в воинской культуры чести, становление корпуса сочинений «Кодекса Бусидо», а также разработка философских... more
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      Japanese StudiesSociology of ViolenceViolenceJapanese Language And Culture
Аннотация: Предметом исследования является философия японских школ боевых искусств. В статье рассматриваются философские категории «сущность» и «явление», как наиболее подробно разработанные составляющие философской системы японских школ... more
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      Japanese StudiesPhilosophyJapanese PhilosophyMartial Arts
As two of the most romanticized symbols of traditional Japan, samurai and castles feature prominently in popular culture and tourist promotions, and serve as important markers of both regional and national identities. In spite of their... more
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      HistoryJapanese StudiesIdentity (Culture)Ideology
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese Language And CultureZenJapanese Art
The purpose of this paper is to examine the warrior archetype from both the five widely accepted tenets of the Bushido code (honor, courage, justice, loyalty, and self-control) and Jungian personality typology. Subsequently, this... more
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      Transpersonal PsychologyJungian psychologyJungian and post-Jungian psychologyCarl G. Jung
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      BuddhismEthicsHigher EducationCritical Pedagogy
Inventing the Way of the Samurai examines the development of the 'way of the samurai' - bushidō - which is popularly viewed as a defining element of the Japanese national character and even the 'soul of Japan'. Rather than a continuation... more
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      BuddhismHistoryCultural HistoryAsian Studies
This study examines the development of the concept of “bushido,” or the “way of the warrior,” in modern Japan, focusing on the period between the mid-nineteenth century and the early 1930s. The popular view holds that bushido was a... more
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese PhilosophyIdeologyNationalism
Intervista a cura di Davide Brullo intorno a "Yukio Mishima. Enigma in cinque atti" (Luni Editrice, Milano 2020, pp. 256, € 20), pubblicata su "L'Intellettuale Dissidente"; 8 dicembre 2020.
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      Japanese Language And CultureLiteratureFascismModern Japanese Literature
List of my Documents in Categoy 9: Persönliche Aspekte/Personal Aspects - in acaademia.edu - mostly literature extracts
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      DaoismScience and SpiritualitySocial Care For Older PeopleFree Will and Moral Responsibility