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A última obra de Almada, intitulada Começar, é um testamento espiritual do artista, compendiando todo o seu saber filosófico e sinestético. Poeta, pintor, coreógrafo, ensaísta, Almada converge neste manifesto em pedra os conhecimentos... more
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      TheosophyArt and PhilosophyIconography and IconologyTheosophy and Antroposophy
De Curuppumullage Jinarajadasa Um manual de teosofia, em português
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    • Theosophy and Antroposophy
Articulo publicado en la revista Humanitas, Santiago del Cile, n° 29, enero-marzo 2003.
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      AntroposophyAntonio gaudiTheosophy and AntroposophyModernismo catalán y español
More information on the published volume, chapters and authors.
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      Abstract ArtModern ArtHistory of ArtModernism (Art History)
Esta Tesis tiene por objetivo proponer un tipo de abordaje psicológico y socio-político para reconsiderar la formación y formalización de los esquemas de conocimiento y construcción de la subjetividad. Lo que me conduce a esto, es el... more
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      Jean PiagetAffect/EmotionSpinozaAffect (Cultural Theory)
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      ReligionHinduismNew Religious MovementsComparative Religion
Ghiaccio e fuoco, repulsione e attrazione lottano eternamente nell'Universo. Questa lotta determina la vita, la morte e la rinascita perpetua del cosmo. Uno scrittore tedesco, Elmar Brugg, ha scritto nel 1952 un'opera in lode di Horbiger,... more
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      Comparative EsotericismEsotericism (Anthropology)Western Esotericism (Anthropology)Western Esotericism (History)
My thesis will attempt a preliminary examination of the factors that were formative in shaping Hilma af Klint’s unique early abstract vision, especially with regard to her unorthodox use of automatic writings, séances, and spirit guides... more
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      Art HistoryAbstract ArtWomenAbstract Painting
Artykuł jest próbą zrekonstruowania polskich dziejów formacji teozoficznych do 1939 roku przy jednoczesnym wpisaniu jej w konteksty międzynarodowe. W pracy przedstawiono: stan badań i kwerendę źródłową; polskie teozofie w przededniu... more
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      Western Esotericism (History)Theosophical SocietyTheosophy and Antroposophy
Did the so-called Sarmoung Brotherhood, from which George Ivanovich Gurdjieff claimed to have learned so much, exist. What about their monastery he said was somewhere in the “heart of Asia"? It's hard to say because neither is attested... more
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      New Religious MovementsQumranic StudiesGeorge Ivanovich GurdjieffTheosophy and Antroposophy
Abstract: The objective of this study is threefold: (a) to present the life and spiritual science of the Danish author Martinus Thomsen (1890-1981), and (b) to compare his worldview with the worldviews of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky... more
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      Western EsotericismTheosophy and AntroposophyMartinus' Spiritual Science
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      Italian StudiesItalian LiteratureOccultureWestern Esotericism (History)
Astrosophie ist ein auf Himmelskörperkonstellationen gerichtetes Reflexionsfeld vorzugsweise von Esoterikern und Okkultisten. In Bezug auf die gewöhnliche traditionelle Astrologie wird der Begriff seit Jahrhunderten in Abgrenzung zu... more
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      Rudolf SteinerAstrologyGérard Encausse (Papus)Paracelsus (Philippus Theophrastus Aureolus von Hohenheim)
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      Italian (European History)Modern Italian HistoryItalian StudiesAnthroposophy
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      Fin de Siecle Literature & CultureOccultismChristian KabbalahKabbalah
A study of the last words of Jesus according to the authors of the gospels of Mark and Matthew -- comparisons of the Greek, Syriac, Aramaic and Hebrew editions of Psalm 21/22, and of the Syriac and Greek editions of the relevant verses... more
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      Baha'i studiesAnthroposophyJewish - Christian RelationsNew Testament and Christian Origins
This book is a reconstruction the biography and artistic achievements of Margarete and Stanisław Kubicki against a background of Polish artistic output and activity as well as German Avant-garde, especially taking the accomplishments of... more
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      ConstructivismGerman ExpressionismBauhausOkkultismus
Did the so-called Sarmoung Brotherhood, from which George Ivanovich Gurdjieff claimed to have learned so much, exist. What about their monastery he said was somewhere in the “heart of Asia"? It's hard to say because neither is attested... more
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      New Religious MovementsOrientalismGeorge Ivanovich GurdjieffEnneagram
When speaking to her students, on June 20, 1889, H.P. Blavatsky, frustrated, scolded them claiming, " Look here, you Europeans ought never to have been given the seven principles. Well, perhaps in a hundred years you will understand it.... more
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      Bodies and CultureEmbodimentThe BodyHabitus
David W. Wood: "Exoteric & Esoteric: Methodological Reflections on Vol. 7 of the Rudolf Steiner Critical Edition":  https://correspondencesjournal.com/volume-3/
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      AnthroposophyRudolf SteinerSpiritualityRosicrucianism
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      SpiritualitySurrealismAutomatismDadaism & Surrealism
Rudolf Steiner, who draws attention with his multi-faceted works, is known for his important works in the fields of medicine, education, art and agriculture, as well as esotericism and occultism in particular. In this article, it is... more
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      Rudolf SteinerSpiritualityWaldorf EducationScience and Spirituality
Review of Diane Sasson's Yearning for the New Age: Laura Holloway-Langford and Late Victorian Spirituality (Bloomington: Indiana UP, 2012).
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesWomen's HistoryNineteenth Century Studies
Karolina M. Hess, Between Spiritualism, Theosophy and Christianity: Chosen Aspects of Esoteric Environments in Cieszyn Silesia in the First Half of the 20th Century [w:] Mystic and Esoteric Movements in Theory and Practice. Mystic and... more
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      ChristianityReligious SyncretismSpiritualismWestern Esotericism (History)
Das Goetheanum (Wochenschrift), No. 28, 13 July 2013, pp. 6-11.
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      AnthroposophyRudolf SteinerRosicrucianismWestern Esotericism (History)
franz von baader reader of Thomas and Boehme
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    • Theosophy and Antroposophy
This paper is part of the volume "Luigi Pericle. Beyond the Visible", promoted by Archivio Luigi Pericle (Ascona, Switzerland) curated by Chiara Gatti, in collaboration with Luca Bochicchio, Marco Pasi and Michele Tavola. The book... more
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      Contemporary ArtAbstract ArtModern ArtTheosophy
Данас, у контексту савремене архитектонске егзистенције, постоји осећај запостављености почетних истина архитектуре. Није јасно шта је почетак архитектуре, односно њена онтолошка дефиниција; или, проблемски прецизније,... more
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      Theosophy and AntroposophyParadigmaraison d'être
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      Political PhilosophyLiteratureTheosophy and Antroposophy