Tipping Points
Recent papers in Tipping Points
Perhaps two of the most commonly asked questions about Covid-19 hysteria and the formulation and implementation of the disastrous policies across the globe in response to the Chinese virus are: why are we so willing to give up our... more
The Communicating Climate Risk toolkit draws together best practice on the effective communication of climate information from across STEM, social sciences, and arts and humanities. It provides users with insights, recommendations, and... more
The article reviews the origins, precursors, and main proponents of climate change tipping points, and the debates that the tipping point concept has occasioned. The importance of dynamical systems theory, GAIA theory, and abrupt climate... more
"Patterns in War Dynamics. WARning 2020". In this study, complexity and network science are applied to the dynamics and development of the (International) System. This study shows that the System periodically becomes critical and produces... more
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with... more
A brief summary and analysis of Malcolm Gladwell's "The Tipping Point"
This paper explores further what is behind the descriptor of William Carey being the ‘father of modern mission’. It does so, not to prove, disprove or discredit the title that has been bestowed upon him, but rather to seek to understand... more
L'impact des activités humaines sur le climat, la biodiversité et les ressources disponibles est tel que nous sommes en train de changer d’époque. Certains scientifiques parlent d’anthropocène, une nouvelle ère dans l’échelle des temps... more
"Society is reliant on infrastructure services, such as information and communication technology, energy, water, and food supply, but also on governmental, cultural, and search and rescue organizations. The goal of project Kritis-... more
This paper explores how a formal strategic planning process will help Intactivism succeed. In particular, it explores what we have learned from experts on social change movements regarding the “tipping point” phenomenon—that moment in... more
Studies on the impact of climate change and sea level rise usually take climate scenarios as their starting point. To support long-termwatermanagement planning in the Netherlands, we carried out a study that started at the opposite end of... more
The Communicating Climate Risk toolkit draws together best practice on the effective communication of climate information from across STEM, social sciences, and arts and humanities. It provides users with insights, recommendations, and... more
This paper formally defines tipping points as a discontinuity between current and future states of a system and introduces candidate measures of when a system tips based on changes in the probability distribution over future states. We... more
The first millennium AD encompasses the Roman period (12 BC to AD 450) and the Early Middle Ages (AD 450 to 1050). In the Netherlands, this millennium saw population growth, steep decline and subsequent revival. In addition, many changes... more
Climate change has created potential major threats to global biodiversity. The multiple components of climate change are projected to affect all pillars of biodiversity, from genes over species to biome level. Of particular concerns are... more
Complex systems inspired analysis suggests a hypothesis that financial meltdowns are abrupt critical transitions that occur when the system reaches a tipping point. Theoretical and empirical studies on climatic and ecological dynamical... more
The term 'tipping point' has experienced explosive popularity across multiple disciplines over the last decade. But confusion and divergent opinions about what it means remains. Our new paper aims to create the foundation for a discussion... more
(chapter published in Black, Sandy (ed) (2012) The sustainable fashion handbook, New York: Thames & Hudson) Fashion is full of paradoxes and certainly one of the most profound is how we try to express individuality using only ready-made... more
When the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic started to manifest itself across the globe at an unprecedented pace and magnitude, the various emergency response strategies pursued by highly affected countries in Europe raised many... more
Authors: van Ginkel, K., Botzen, W.J.W., Haasnoot, M., Bachner, G., Steininger, K., Hinkel, J., Watkiss, P., Boere, E., Jeuken, A., Sainz de Murieta, E., Bosello, F. Tipping points have become a key concept in research on climate change,... more
In recent years, research on diffusion process in social networks has grown in a variety of fields including computer science, physics, and biology. However, often times research in these individual disciplines becomes stove-piped. In... more
When the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic started to manifest itself across the globe at an unprecedented pace and magnitude, the various emergency response strategies pursued by highly affected countries in Europe raised many... more
The Communicating Climate Risk toolkit draws together best practice on the effective communication of climate information from across STEM, social sciences, and arts and humanities. It provides users with insights, recommendations, and... more
Institutions are norms that undergird organisations and are reflected in laws and practices. Overtime institutions take root and persist, as they are path dependent. This makes them change-resistant. So, it is puzzling when institutions... more
Tipping points have become a key concept in research on climate change, indicating points of abrupt transition in biophysical systems as well as transformative changes in adaptation and mitigation strategies. However, the potential... more
In this paper institutions are treated as stabilized sets of expectations, an approach that encourages investigation of how cultural formations, political regimes, global financial arrangements, and other institutions can be both reliable... more
¿Puede haber tipping points en la teología? ¿Podemos imaginarnos puntos de inflexión que cambian todo el pensamiento teológico, y que resultan ser irreversibles? ¿Puede haber momentos de crisis teológicas sin retorno, que debemos... more
This study leads the reader to some remote Kashubian villages, located on the shores of Lake Słupino, Poland. The residents of these villages have witnessed uncanny transformations of their once familiar lake in recent years. Through... more