Recent papers in Tumuli
Beszámoló a Herman Ottó Múzeum által végzett régészeti feladatokról
The late Antique mosaic of Orpheus decorated a small room, approximately 18 m2 in area, connected with two even smaller ones, in 4 m2 and the other 2 m2 in area, belonging most likely to a small funerary chapel (or tomb) discovered in the... more
A travers l’examen des sépultures de Jbel Boughanem qui représentent, à notre sens, un laboratoire de recherche des sépultures autochtones dans un "espace clos", nous avons pu suivre l’évolution chrono-spatiale des différents types de... more
The article presents the site of Grofove njive near Drnovo, where an unfortified lowland settlement and a tumulus from the Early Iron Age were found. The well preserved metal grave goods provide a clear date for the tumulus, while the... more
Recent excavations by the Greek Archaeological Service carried out in the town of Thebes, Boeotia, clarified matters concerning the building features, the chronology and the function of the Early Helladic mudbrick tumuli. Until now, two... more
Nemrut Dağı'nda Bulunan Heykel ve Kaideler
В книге более детально, чем это сделано сегодня для других катакомбных культур среднего бронзового века, описан погребальный обряд восточноманычской культуры и предлагается реконструкция некоторых черт социальной структуры носителей... more
This thesis has been devoted to the study of Libyan necropolises of Jbel Boughanem. I have set in this work a systematic inventory of 491 monuments which constitute the 7 necropolises gathered in a form of a «funeral complex ». Our... more
Çalışma kapsamında Anadolu’da M. Ö. 6.-5. yüzyıllarda inşa edilen tümülüslerin mimari içerikleri ve bu tümülüslerin inşa edildikleri dönemin genel mimari uygulamaları ile karşılaştırılmasına odaklanılmıştır. Çalışmanın... more
Lucrarea de față prezintă rezultatele cercetărilor arheologice efectuate la Cimișlia (Republica Moldova) în anii 1969, 2015 și 2019. O bună parte din informațiile științifice obținute, provin din patru tumuli situați în partea nordică a... more
Although Paphlagonia is not as rich in tumuli as Phrygia, Lydia, or Trakhia, the region is still home to a considerable number of tumuli. Many of the tumuli are located in the the Taşköprü District of Kastamonu Province in Northern Turkey... more
VIIIe siècle avant J.-C. _ 40 ap. J.-C.
Monumental funerary stone architecture in north-eastern Thrace, during the early Hellenistic period, indirectly reflects the strong Macedonian political involvement in the area starting with Philip II, and its consequences on the social... more
Barrows, as burial markers, are ubiquitous throughout North-Western Europe. In some regions dense concentrations of monuments form peculiar configurations such as long alignments while in others they are spread out extensively, dotting... more
This article puts into scientific circulation rescue research results from a mound (tumulus)1 from Brînzeni Noi village, Telenești district, located in the middle reaches of Răut river. In the western sector of the mounds were... more
The ancient migrations settling the South Pacific remain poorly understood. This is particularly so when the New Caledonia sequence is considered and where perhaps the greatest archaeological mystery of the region awaits resolution.... more
In the 1883 Bullettino dell’Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeologica, Wolfgang Helbig described a fossa tomb inside the Cuccumelletta tumulus at Vulci, excavated by Francesco Marcelliani on behalf of Prince Alessandro Torlonia. The tomb... more
In this paper the development of lion protome bracelets in the Ancient Near Eastern between the 14th and the 6th century BC will be examined. For the reason a lion protome bracelet from tomb 36 at Marlık, a pair of lion protome bracelets... more
Verschiedenen Berechnungen zufolge gibt es im Gebiet zwischen den Flüssen Dnjestr und Prut fast 11 000 Grabhügel, von denen etwa 6300 in Moldawien und 4400 im ukrainischen Teil liegen. Höchstwahrscheinlich begann ihre Errichtung... more
The aim of this contribution, within the categories of scale and size that characterize the theme of this volume, is to compare the two main monumental structures in the site of Grotta Porcina, located in southern inner Etruria. The two... more
The research on the Mound of Queen (excavations 2008-2014) showed a long stretch of the perimeter of the monument and the front of the tomb, focused on the large vestibule / entrance on which there are three funerary rooms: the large... more