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The Qalipu First Nation Band Act, Bill C-25 (2012), and associated legislation has displaced Indigenous Peoples responsible for Mi'kmaq rights movement in Newfoundland by centralizing community membership away from the traditional... more
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      PsychologyIndigenous PeoplesConstitutionalismNewfoundland culture
UNDRIP is non-binding, and Canadian governments - provincial and federal - understand this, and actively exploit Indigenous peoples, their communities and their rights through their extractivist activities. The hypocritical adoption of... more
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      Indigenous PeoplesCanadaExtractivismUNDRIP
Historically, Indigenous women have been the target of violence at an alarming rate compared to the non-Indigenous population. This work explores how Indigenous women have used the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous... more
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      International LawFederalismRights of Indigenous PeoplesWomen's Activism
This study seeks to understand what aspects of Crown consultation with indigenous groups influence the meaningfulness of the British Columbia (BC) Environmental Assessment (EA) process through the perspectives of indigenous groups, and... more
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      Indigenous StudiesEcological AnthropologyPolitical ScienceEnvironmental Politics
While it is increasingly recognised as a core element of the emerging international Indigenous rights regime, the implementation of the principle of free, prior and informed consent (fpic) remains contested. As the comparative literature... more
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      Indigenous PeoplesFirst Nations of CanadaFPICUNDRIP
Starting in April 2016, thousands of people, led by Standing Rock Sioux Tribal members, gathered at camps to stop the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL)—creating the #NoDAPL movement. I am concerned with how critics of... more
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      Business EthicsEnvironmental EngineeringNative American StudiesEnvironmental Science
While international instruments and a few state governments endorse the "free, prior and informed consent" of Indigenous peoples in decision-making about the water in their traditional territories, most state water governance regimes do... more
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      Environmental Impact AssessmentWater LawWater governanceFree Prior and Informed Consent
Since its emergence in the 17th Century, and up until and beyond World War II, international law defined a “people” as the aggregate of the population of a state. Further, the simultaneously evolving human rights system came to focus on... more
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      Human RightsSelf-Determination TheoryCustomary LawTraditional Knowledge
Tanzania is estimated to have a total of 125-130 ethnic groups, falling mainly into the four categories of Bantu, Cushite, Ni- lo-Hamite and San. While there may be more ethnic groups that identify themselves as Indigenous Peoples, four... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous PeoplesTanzaniaHunter-Gatherers (Anthropology)
The course examines the concept of Indigenous water justice whereby students explore the development and implementation of water policies in relation to major themes and debates associated with Indigenous water crises. Through facilitated... more
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      Indigenous StudiesWaterInternational Water LawWater Rights Law
This paper considers the UNDRIP and the project of implementation in light of the ideas of legal and political constitutionalism. Its aims are to link criticisms of the UNDRIP with these broader strands of theoretical reflection on... more
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      Political PhilosophyIndigenous StudiesPolitical TheoryInternational Law
The principle of Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) has become increasingly important in Indigenous peoples’ rights discourse. But continuing debates over the meaning of consent show the need for further clarification. In the... more
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      Rights of Indigenous PeoplesConsentDuty to ConsultUNDRIP
Talk delivered to British Columbia Legislative Interns, on June 22, 2017. Broad overview of the history of the Canadian state's relationship with Indigenous people of Turtle Island, highlighting the question of settler responsibility to... more
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      Canadian StudiesCanadian HistoryColonialismIndigenous Knowledge
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      Constitutional LawSovereigntyAboriginal RightsUNDRIP
This paper examines the relationship between Australia's international and domestic legal obligations to Indigenous peoples with respect to the 2007 Northern Territory 'Intervention', and subsequent 2012 'Stronger Futures'... more
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      Indigenous or Aboriginal StudiesIndigenous Peoples RightsNorthern Territory InterventionUNDRIP
The Ontario government currently is considering the repeal of the Far North Act, 2010 (the “FNA”). The FNA currently provides a legal basis, at least in theory, to institute meaningful, broad-scale land-use planning for Ontario’s... more
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      Indigenous or Aboriginal StudiesForestrySustainable DevelopmentUnited Nations
Using a “Fourth World perspective,” the chapter also analyses how the FPIC norm as adopted and implemented in the Philippines has been framed within the legal regime of state sovereignty over natural resources. Finally, it argues that... more
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      Indigenous Peoples RightsTWAIL - Third World Approaches to International LawFPICland policy and FPIC
The Indigenous Peoples of Ethiopia make up a significant proportion of the country’s estimated population of 110 million. Around 15% are pastoralists and sedentary farmers who live across the country but particularly in the Ethiopian... more
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      Indigenous Peoples RightsIndigenous PeoplesEthiopiaLand Grabbing
Indigenous Peoples in Uganda include former hunter-gatherer communities, such as the Benet and the Batwa. They also include minority groups such as the Ik and the Karamojong and Basongora pastoralists who are not recognized specifically... more
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      UgandaIndigenous Peoples RightsIndigenous PeoplesBatwa
The Amazigh form the Indigenous population of Libya. They are estimated to number some one million people, or more than 16% of the country’s total population. They live in various areas of Libya in the north, east and south of the country... more
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      Indigenous PeoplesLibyaLibyan StudiesAmazigh
Women’s participation in the Zapatista Revolutionary Movement improved women’s potential for gender justice as outlined in the 1994 Declaration of Women’s Rights; however, Zapatismo has struggled to implement and sustain a clear... more
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      Gender StudiesIndigenous StudiesRevolutionsGender Equality
Abstract: North American archaeology is evaluated in light of state and heritage crime theory. When analyzed with preexisting typologies, the practice is shown to meet the threshold for state-sanctioned heritage crime. This study also... more
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      CriminologyArchaeologyIndigenous StudiesHeritage Studies
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      SociologyAmerican Indian LawLegal PersonalityIndigenous Peoples
Māori Data Sovereignty has evolved over the past 5 years while commercial and government agencies are now seeking solutions and information. This is a complication of all of the authors writings using only updated information.
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      Kaupapa Maori ResearchTe Tiriti o WaitangiMāori and IndigenousHe Whakaputanga
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      GenocideSámi StudiesUNDRIPEnvironment and green technoloy
This article examines the extent to which a recent law reform initiative in New South Wales (NSW), Australia-the draft Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Bill 2018 (NSW)-advances the general principles outlined in the United Nations Declaration... more
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      Indigenous KnowledgeIntangible cultural heritageIndigenous cultural heritageUNDRIP
As of 2017, the Indigenous Peoples of Malaysia were estimated to account for around 13.8% of the 31,660,700 million national population. They are collectively known as Orang Asal. The Orang Asli are the Indigenous Peoples of Peninsular... more
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      MalaysiaIndigenous Peoples RightsIndigenous PeoplesOrang Asli
Indonesia has a population of approximately 260 million. According to the Central Bureau of Statistics, the government recognizes 1,331 ethnic groups.1 The Ministry of Social Affairs identifies some Indigenous communities as komunitas... more
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      IndonesiaIndigenous MovementsIndigenous Peoples RightsIndigenous Peoples
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger and malnutrition. FAO was founded in 1945, and its primary goal is to achieve food security for... more
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      United NationsIndigenous PeoplesFAOUNDRIP
Ahead of the adoption of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples this article highlights its significance related to the recognition of the traditional knowledge of Indigenous Peoples and advocacy toward the... more
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      Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)Indigenous PeoplesTraditional KnowledgeUNDRIP
In this time of unprecedented ecosystem collapse and species loss, the relevance of Indigenous environmental knowledge has gained increasing recognition. Over at least the last two decades, there have been increasing efforts from... more
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      Development StudiesIndigenous ResilienceColonialism and ImperialismUNDRIP
Como en otras partes del norte de África, los Amazigh son la población indígena de Túnez. No existen estadísticas oficiales que precisen su número exacto en el país, pero asociaciones Amazigh estiman que hay alrededor de 1 millón de... more
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      Pueblos indígenasAmazighÁfricaUNDRIP
The Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous (EMRIP) is a subsidiary body of the Human Rights Council composed of seven independent members, one from each of the seven Indigenous sociocultural regions: Africa; Asia; the Arctic;... more
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      United NationsIndigenous PeoplesUniversal Declaration of Human RightsUNDRIP
The two Indigenous Peoples of Japan, the Ainu and the Okinawans, live on the northernmost and southernmost islands of the country’s archipelago. The Ainu territory stretches from Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands (now both Russian... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous Peoples RightsUniversal Declaration of Human RightsUNDRIP
Nation-states around the world tend to view Indigenous nations' claims for sovereignty and self-determination in zero-sum terms, fearing that any advancement in Indigenous peoples' self-determination means a loss of sovereignty or... more
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      Indigenous StudiesSelf-Determination TheoryUnited NationsIndigenous Peoples
This paper takes the ratification of the U.N. Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as its departure point. Reactions to the Declaration have thus far been mixed. According to advocates, these events signal ‘a new consensus’... more
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      Human RightsJacques RancièreIndigenous Peoples RightsCitizenship
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      Indigenous PeoplesIndigenous womenCEDAWUNDRIP
Ed. Universidade Federal de Goiás, Coleção Diferenças,
ISBN: 978-85-93380-58-7

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      Cultura MaterialMuseología CríticaMuseologia SocialDireitos Indígenas
The declaration of 1992 as the International Year of the Indigenous People by the UN came after a long struggle. But there is now the danger that with the revival of colonial ambitions under the US leadership in the UN, the real issues of... more
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      Indigenous Peoples RightsScheduled TribesUNDRIP
Los pueblos indígenas de Tailandia viven principalmente en tres regiones geográficas del país: las comunidades de pescadores indígenas (los Chao Ley) y las pequeñas poblaciones de cazadores-recolectores del sur (los Mani); los pequeños... more
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      Southeast AsiaPueblos indígenasDerechos Colectivos De Los Pueblos IndígenasDERECHOS INDIGENAS
The Amazigh (Berber) peoples are the Indigenous Peoples of North Africa. The last census in Morocco (2016) estimated the number of Tamazight speakers at 28% of the population. However, Amazigh associations strongly contest it and instead... more
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      MoroccoIndigenous Peoples RightsIndigenous PeoplesBerber studies
Tanzania is estimated to have a total of 125-130 ethnic groups, falling mainly into the four categories of Bantu, Cushite, Nilo- Hamite and San. While there may be more ethnic groups that identify themselves as Indigenous Peoples, four... more
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      African Indigenous CulturesIndigenous PeoplesTanzaniaUNDRIP
Three of Nicaragua’s seven Indigenous Peoples live in the Pacific, central and northern regions: the Chorotega (221,000), the Cacaopera or Matagalpa (97,500), the Ocanxiu or Sutiaba (49,000) and the Nahoa or Nahuatl (20,000). In addition,... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous Peoples RightsIndigenous PeoplesNicaragua
Indigenous Peoples – or Amerindians as they are identified both collectively and in legislation – number some 78,500 in the Co-operative Republic of Guyana, or approximately 10.5% of the total population of 746,955 (2012 census).1 They... more
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      Amerindian StudiesIndigenous Peoples RightsIndigenous PeoplesGuyana
El Navegador Indígena es un portal en línea que proporciona acceso a un conjunto de herramientas desarrolladas por y para los pueblos indígenas. A través del marco del Navegador Indígena se reúnen datos que pueden ser utilizados por los... more
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      Derechos HumanosIndígenasPueblos indígenasPoblaciones Indígenas
The Indigenous Peoples of Thailand live mainly in three geo- graphical regions of the country: indigenous fisher communities (the Chao Ley) and small populations of hunter-gatherers in the south (Mani people); small groups on the Korat... more
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      Indigenous StudiesThailandIndigenous Peoples RightsIndigenous Peoples
The Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples’ (EMRIP)is a subsidiary body of the Human Rights Council composed of seven independent members, one from each of the seven indigenous sociocultural regions: Africa; Asia; the... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous Peoples RightsIndigenous PeoplesUNDRIP
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      Indigenous PoliticsIndigenous Peoples RightsIndigenous PeoplesFPIC
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      SociologyAmerican Indian LawLegal PersonalityIndigenous Peoples