Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have relevant positive and negative impacts on environmental sustainability on various levels: First-order effects such as increasing electronic waste streams; second-order effects such as... more
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have relevant positive and negative impacts on environmental sustainability on various levels: First-order effects such as increasing electronic waste streams; second-order effects such as improved energy-efficiency of production; third-order effects such as a product-to-service shift in consumption or rebound effects in transport. In the simulation study described in this article, all known relevant effects on all three levels were modeled using a System Dynamics approach in combination with scenario techniques and expert consultations. The prospective study for the European Union with a time-horizon until 2020 revealed great potential for ICT-supported energy management and for a structural change towards a less material-intensive economy, but strong rebound effects in the transport sector whenever ICT applications lead to time or cost savings for transport.
Video games are definitely one of the fastest growing industry in all kind of digital platforms from computers to mobile phones. Cellular data and wifi connections allow players to link to their virtual life easily wherever they are.... more
Video games are definitely one of the fastest growing industry in all kind of digital platforms from computers to mobile phones. Cellular data and wifi connections allow players to link to their virtual life easily wherever they are. Online transactions have transformed video games into bustling online markets. Most of the games now offer variety of virtual products to their gamers within the virtual world. Multiplayer online battle arena or MOBA is one of the newest game models that use the free to play business model which allows users to purchase mostly virtual cosmetic products that have no effect on actual game play. In this study gaming time effects and virtual product involvement are researched in concept of cosmetic virtual product purchase. Players divided into five groups for gaming time from very low to very high while two group for virtual product involvement as interested and uninterested. Also players' views about purchases are discussed.
Este trabalho tem como tema central discutir o modelo de negócio free-to-play e suas implicações para os jogadores. Em meio a uma variedade de práticas abusivas nesse meio como pay-to-win e loot box que incentivam um comportamento de... more
Este trabalho tem como tema central discutir o modelo de negócio free-to-play e suas implicações para os jogadores. Em meio a uma variedade de práticas abusivas nesse meio como pay-to-win e loot box que incentivam um comportamento de apostas e vício no jogador, buscamos identificar um ponto de equilíbrio entre um modelo de negócios viável para desenvolvedores e ao mesmo tempo vantajoso para seus usuários. Para isso, realizamos uma extensa avaliação qualitativa com 116 jogadores, utilizando como foco o League of Legends -- um dos jogos gratuitos de maior sucesso na atualidade que contém microtransações baseadas em sua maioria em itens cosméticos -- para avaliar o processo de decisão de compras de seus jogadores. Nossos resultados apontam principais elementos que influenciam os consumidores, alertando para os problemas que podem emergir neste processo e possíveis benefícios para os players. Com esse trabalho queremos garantir um ambiente saudável para o público gamer, e também oferecer uma robusta referência do púbico consumidor de jogos para orientar o processo o desenvolvimentos de jogos que sigam caminhos semelhantes.
Tesis doctoral Cum Laude - Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Esta tesis trata precisamente sobre cómo interactúan diferentes factores. Se estructura en tres partes diferenciadas. En la primera parte de la tesis, se establece el marco... more
Tesis doctoral Cum Laude - Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.
Esta tesis trata precisamente sobre cómo interactúan diferentes factores. Se estructura en tres partes diferenciadas. En la primera parte de la tesis, se establece el marco teórico
y metodología. En la segunda parte se profundiza en el estudio comparado de dos empresas pioneras: Zynga y EA Playfish. La tercera parte trata sobre el contenido paralelo desarrollado por los jugadores a partir de los juegos y la aplicación de las técnicas de investigación. Las metodologías aplicadas son varias, destacando principalmente la netnografía.
Nell’attuale era digitale si pone sempre di più l’esigenza di conservare in sicurezza e di avere il controllo del proprio patrimonio digitale. Gli strumenti, che possono essere utilizzati per disporre della propria eredità digitale, sono... more
Nell’attuale era digitale si pone sempre di più l’esigenza di conservare in sicurezza e di avere il controllo del proprio patrimonio digitale. Gli strumenti, che possono essere utilizzati per disporre della propria eredità digitale, sono il testamento, il mandato post mortem exequendum e l’istituto dell’esecutore testamentario.
An established body of research exists in which playing video games has been associated with potentially problematic behaviours, such as gambling. An issue highlighted by the recent emergence of game-based gambling practices such as loot... more
An established body of research exists in which playing video games has been associated with potentially problematic behaviours, such as gambling. An issue highlighted by the recent emergence of game-based gambling practices such as loot boxes, social network casinos, free-to-play game mechanics, and gambling using virtual goods and skins. This study investigates relationships between a range of gambling activities and the consumption of video games in general, and the newly emergent phenomenon of esports in particular. In addition, these practices are considered in relation to established measures assessing game addiction and problematic gambling. The study employs Partial Least Squares modelling to investigate data gathered via an international online survey (N = 613). Video game addiction was found to be negatively associated with offline gambling, online gambling, and problem gambling. Video game consumption had only small, positive association with video game-related gambling and problem gambling. Consumption of esports had small to moderate association with video game-related gambling, online gambling, and problem gambling. The primary finding of this study are that contemporary video games are not, in themselves, associated with increased potential for problematic gambling, indeed, the position that problem gaming and problem gambling are fundamentally connected is questioned.
“Pet Society” es un “juego social” desarrollado en la red social: Facebook. Creado por Playfish en 2008 (empresa caracterizada por su innovación y creatividad), en 2009 Playfish es adquirida por Electronic Arts. Tiene el honor de ser el... more
“Pet Society” es un “juego social” desarrollado en la red social: Facebook. Creado por Playfish en 2008 (empresa caracterizada por su innovación y creatividad), en 2009 Playfish es adquirida por Electronic Arts. Tiene el honor de ser el primer juego en alcanzar el 1 millón de fans en Facebook. Esta tesina se centra en diversos factores de la producción: diseño, interacción y usuario; para poder entender este éxito entre los jugadores desde un enfoque social. Centrándose en cómo se presentan los contenidos por parte de la empresa y cómo los usuarios se apropian de estos contenidos, creando los suyos propios.
Este artigo busca compreender o consumo de bens virtuais nas práticas cotidianas de jogadores do jogo on-line League of Legends (LoL) para refletir sobre a própria constituição social dos consumidores desse jogo on-line. O objeto de... more
Este artigo busca compreender o consumo de bens virtuais nas práticas cotidianas de jogadores do jogo on-line League of Legends (LoL) para refletir sobre a própria constituição social dos consumidores desse jogo on-line. O objeto de estudo centrou-se nas skins disponíveis em LoL, as quais foram especificamente observadas nas relações estabelecidas com os jogadores e suas motivações de aquisição e interpretação desses bens no ambiente do jogo. O arcabouço teórico-analítico parte da orientação da abordagem antropológica do consumo. Como recorte empírico, a discussão será evidenciada por meio de uma pesquisa com premissas etnográficas com um grupo de consumidores de League of Legends das cidades de Belém (PA), Diadema (SP) e Osasco (SP). As reflexões indicam que as motivações principais para o consumo dessas mercadorias em League são baseadas na atuação essencial dos valores simbólicos em detrimento dos valores de uso e de troca.
This article seeks to discuss consumer practices in the digital game League of Legends (LoL), from a study based on the field of communication and material culture. The objective is to understand the relationship between objects and... more
This article seeks to discuss consumer practices in the digital game League of Legends (LoL), from a study based on the field of communication and material culture. The objective is to understand the relationship between objects and players-subjects-consumers. In order to do so, we seek to analyze the social and cultural trajectory of these commodities in the symbolic experiences in LoL. In this perspective, according to the ethnographic method, reports and observations of the consumption of objects in LoL are presented by players from the cities of Belém (PA), Diadema (SP) and Osasco (SP). The results point to the existence of a complex web of interconnected meanings, responsible for (de)codify the objects and transform aggregations of pixels into experiences of communication, consumption and material culture.
This article focuses its argument on an understanding of the consumption process in contemporary culture through the notion of pastiche by Fredric Jameson. The aim is to question how the dynamics of industrial production of symbolic goods... more
This article focuses its argument on an understanding of the consumption process in contemporary culture through the notion of pastiche by Fredric Jameson. The aim is to question how the dynamics of industrial production of symbolic goods were responsible for creating products whose purpose do not relate to the idea of presenting an identity, but follows a strategy of creation of replicas of an entire pre-established symbolic context. That said, we sought to discuss how societal networks in the videogame Hearthstone are the result of this necessarily contemporary cultural condition that gives rise to design principles that not only enable in-game action but that ensue complex virtual goods acquisition and trade processes.
Video games were most popular among young male teenagers as a leisure activity for a long time. After 30 years of its history, video games are now popular among females and adults as well according to studies. (Griffiths, Davies, &... more
Video games were most popular among young male teenagers as a leisure activity for a long time. After 30 years of its history, video games are now popular among females and adults as well according to studies. (Griffiths, Davies, & Chappell, 2003). This increase in interest effected game industry in many ways. Game developers started to create different games and platforms and with this variety different tools of generate income.
Este artigo procura discutir as práticas de consumo no jogo digital League of Legends (LoL) a partir de um olhar baseado nos estudos do campo da comunicação e da cultura material. O objetivo é compreender a relação entre objetos e... more
Este artigo procura discutir as práticas de consumo no jogo digital League of Legends (LoL) a partir de um olhar baseado nos estudos do campo da comunicação e da cultura material. O objetivo é compreender a relação entre objetos e jogadores-sujeitos-consumidores. Para tanto, procuramos analisar a trajetória social e cultural dessas mercadorias nas experiências simbólicas em LoL. Nessa perspectiva, e fazendo uso de método etnográfico, são apresentados relatos e observações do consumo de objetos em LoL por jogadores das cidades de Belém (PA), Diadema (SP) e Osasco (SP). Os resultados apontam para a existência de uma complexa teia de significados interconectados responsáveis por (de)codificar os objetos e transformar aglomerados de pixels em experiências de comunicação, consumo e cultura material.
Weltweit Auf dem Weltmarkt für Videogames ist eine Wachstumstendenz zu beobachten. Für den Zeitraum 2010-2016 wird ein Wachstum des Marktvolumens von USD 66 auf USD 81 Milliarden prognostiziert. Diese Beobachtungen zeigen eine... more
Auf dem Weltmarkt für Videogames ist eine Wachstumstendenz zu beobachten.
Für den Zeitraum 2010-2016 wird ein Wachstum des Marktvolumens von USD 66
auf USD 81 Milliarden prognostiziert. Diese Beobachtungen zeigen eine steigende
Nachfrage der Konsumenten nach Videogames, woraus auch auf eine steigende
Attraktivität der Industrie für Investoren geschlossen werden kann. Weiter wird
vorausgesagt, dass die Onlineverkäufe von Videogames die Offlineverkäufe im Jahr
2013 überholen werden (DFC, 2011).
Das Onlinegaming ist eines der profitabelsten Internetgeschäfte geworden. Von
allen Onlinespielarten sind Massively-Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games
(MMORPG) die beliebtesten bei den Netzwerkspielern. Diese Spiele ziehen Millio-
nen von Nutzern über das Internet an, um an einer virtuellen Welt teilzunehmen
(Chen, et al., 2006).
„ A hard nosed person should balk at this, but there are good reasons
for serious people to be interested in games“ (Castronova, 2004)
In der Schweiz
Der Schweizer wendet durchschnittlich fünf Stunden wöchentlich zum Spielen von
Computer- und Videospiele auf. Jährlich kauft er durchschnittlich fünf neue Spiele
und besitzt über eine Sammlung von 35 Spielen. Mit den fünf Stunden Gamekon-
sum wöchentlich liegt der schweizerische Gamer 1 unter dem europäischen Mittel-
wert von sechs Stunden (NZZ, 2013).
„Im Jahr 2007 wurden mit Videospielen in der Schweiz Umsätze in Höhe von 322 Milli-
onen Schweizer Franken erwirtschaftet.“ (Statista, 2013).
Im Jahr 1999 hat der Handel von virtuellen Vermögenswerten wie Gegenständen,
Konten oder Währung gegen echtes Geld zugenommen. Die Geburt dieses "Se-
kundärmarktes" löste verschiedene Reaktionen von Unternehmen in der
MMORPG Branche in Bezug auf dieses neue Phänomen aus (Lehdonvirta, 2008).
Im Fokus dieser Arbeit stehen die Wahrnehmung und der Besitz von virtuellen
Gütern als Hauptobjekt in Videogames. Die Forschung soll die folgenden zwei
Fragen beantworten:
Wie nehmen die Gamer die virtuellen Güter wahr und was für ein Verhältnis
haben sie zu diesen?
Besteht ein Bedürfnis nach materieller Manifestation von virtuellen Gütern,
die in Gamer Communities bekannt sind?
In dieser Analyse werden die Gamer Communities aus der Unternehmenssicht
erforscht. Die Forschung ist relevant für Unternehmen, die im virtuellen Güter-
handel tätig sind. Die Arbeit sollte ebenfalls für offline Handelsunternehmen von
Interesse sein, damit diese einen Überblick über virtuelle Produkte und virtuellen
Konsum gewinnen können. Für die offline Unternehmen ist die sekundäre Frage
interessant, um eventuell ein virtuelles Gut, welches in Gamer Communities bereits
populär ist auch auf dem materiellen Markt zu verkaufen.
Die Dissertation von Jens Frieling widmet sich dem Verhalten von Konsument_innen virtueller Güter in digitalen Spielen, unter anderem in Online-MMORPGs wie Guild Wars 2 (2012) und League of Legends (2009)... more
Die Dissertation von Jens Frieling widmet sich dem Verhalten von Konsument_innen virtueller Güter in digitalen Spielen, unter anderem in Online-MMORPGs wie Guild Wars 2 (2012) und League of Legends (2009) oder freien Online-Welten wie Second Life (2003) und Habbo Hotel (2000). Der Begriff ‚virtuelle Güter‘ bezieht sich demnach nicht nur auf funktionale und dekorative digitale Gegenstände für Avatare, sondern auch auf digitale Immobilien und Dienstleistungen, die in den Spielen zu finden sind. Frieling verfolgt einen interdisziplinären Ansatz und fokussiert insbesondere Aspekte der Markt- und Verhaltensforschung, um anhand der Nutzungs- und Kaufmotivation von Spieler_innen eine theoretische Grundierung zu schaffen, welche im zweiten Teil des Buches mittels Interviews empirisch gestützt wird.
This article’s understanding of the consumption process in contemporary culture dialogues with Fredric Jameson’s postmodernist notion of pastiche. Its intent here is to help enlighten how the production of symbolic goods in the context of... more
This article’s understanding of the consumption process in contemporary culture dialogues with Fredric Jameson’s postmodernist notion of pastiche. Its intent here is to help enlighten how the production of symbolic goods in the context of the Cultural Industry fomented the creation of objects whose sole purpose lies in the referencing or allusion of pre-established symbolic contexts. That said, we sought to discuss how societal networks in the videogame Hearthstone are the result of this contemporary cultural condition that gives rise to design principles that not only enable in-game action but that ensue complex virtual goods acquisition and trade processes.