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The aim of this study was to examine the underlying structure of the Special Event Volunteer Motivation Scale (SEVMS; Farrell, Johnston, & Twynam, 1998) in a Greek context. The sample consisted of 272 volunteers from the 2001 Young Men’s... more
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      PsychometricsVolunteerismVolunteer management
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      Event ManagementEvents managementVolunteerismEvent Studies
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      Museum learningVolunteer managementMuseum and Heritage StudiesMuseum Education and Communication
In urban communities, infrastructures that support living are indispensable. There is increased interest in alternative ways of providing such support systems, including semi-autonomous infrastructures resulting from the self-organization... more
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      WaterSelf-OrganizationInfrastructure PlanningUrban Planning
Basińska, A., Łuczak, M. J. (2012). Wolontariat akcyjny: problemy zarządzania i organizacji pracy. Organizacja i Kierowanie, 1 (150), 41-51. This article is about the problems of management and work organization of the action... more
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      SociologySociology of OrganizationsVolunteer managementZarządzanie
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      Psychological ContractVolunteerismPhysical EducationSport
На сторінках посібника ви знайдете факти історії благодійності у світі та в Україні, наукові підходи до класифікації волонтерів, інформацію про міжнародний волонтерський рух, нормативно-законодовачу базу волонтерської роботи, зміст і... more
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      VolunteerismVolunteer managementVolunteeringVolunterring
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      Theory of Planned BehaviourVolunteerismValidity ResearchVolunteer management
Purpose: The volunteer and nonprofit sector is a significant and important part of the United States economy and culture.  While there can be many differences between nonprofit organizations, most rely heavily on the support of... more
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      Nonprofit StudiesNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)NonprofitManagement Nonprofit
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      Emergency ManagementVolunteer management
Ο πολίτης, κάποια στιγμή στην ζωή του αποφασίζει αβίαστα και με ελεύθερη βούλησή του να γίνει Εθελοντής Διασώστης. Δηλαδή, πέραν των τετριμμένων που ο αναγνώστης γνωρίζει, ο πολίτης αποφασίζει να αφήσει την κανονική του ζωή, την βόλεψή... more
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      Disaster StudiesDisaster ManagementVolunteerismVolunteer management
Wildlife rehabilitation centers are tasked with the difficult challenge of providing medical care to wildlife while limiting human contact to ensure a successful transition into the wild. Building off of interviews with volunteers and 6... more
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      Human-Animal RelationsAnimal WelfareWildlife ConservationAnimal Husbandry
dissertatie uit 1997
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      Volunteer managementVrijwilligerswerk
The Economic and Social Impact Study of Australian Agricultural Shows set out to identify and measure the economic and social impact of Australian agricultural shows with the aim of providing valuable information to those who support the... more
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      Impact EvaluationVolunteerismVolunteer managementAgricultural Shows
Volunteer organizations operate in a challenging environment and their management practices toward volunteers have become increasingly influenced by the private sector. This case study explores the impact of brand heritage on the... more
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      Heritage TourismVoluntary AssociationsBrand ImageVolunteerism
The purpose of this paper is to articulate a set of ethical standards for international volunteer tourism. The standards are focused on promoting fair trade learning principles in the management and operation of volunteer programmes.... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingTourism ManagementTourist Behavior
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      ResilienceCrisis communication and managementCrisis ManagementVolunteer management
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      Social WorkJob SatisfactionVolunteerismVolunteers, volunteering, & voluntarism
This paper provides an overview of the state of volunteering infrastructure globally. The study that informs this paper was originally commissioned as background research to the State of the World's Volunteerism Report 2018. Different... more
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      VolunteerismVolunteers, volunteering, & voluntarismVolunteer managementVolunteering
ICOM Austria's guidelines for volunteer work in museums.

Mit dieser Handreichung zeigt ICOM Österreich neue
Trends und Perspektiven für Museen auf, um das so wichtige
freiwillige Engagement auch im Kulturbereich zu stärken.
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      Museum StudiesMuseum EducationVolunteerismMuseums
This is the 1999 version of The Virtual Volunteering Guidebook. It was replaced by The LAST Virtual Volunteering Guidebook, available from http://www.coyotecommunications.com/volunteer/guidebook.shtml This 1999 book was written before... more
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      VolunteerismVolunteers, volunteering, & voluntarismVolunteer managementVolunteering
This article delivers insights into the leadership of volunteers using a local music festival as a case study. Leadership traits and styles have been discussed in the literature in relation to festivals and events, with authors... more
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      LeadershipTransformational LeadershipVolunteer managementLeadership styles
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      VolunteerismNonprofit Management and LeadershipVolunteer management
Social development program using volunteer mentoring in public schols at Lima, Peru.

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      EducationCommunity ResilienceCommunity DevelopmentMentoring and Leadership
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      Youth Civic EngagementVolunteer managementVolunteeringEducational studies
Sažetak: Promenama u društvu i razvojem neprofitnog sektora, volonterstvo izrasta u novi sociokulturni i ekonomski fenomen i postaje bitno obeležje modernog društva. Volonterski rad, spremnost pojedinca da uloži svoje vreme i energiju,... more
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    • Volunteer management
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      Nonprofit StudiesAcademic WritingNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)Volunteerism
Volunteers are recognized as the most important resource for implementing change. Volunteerism improves the quality of life, changes people's minds, changes their attitudes towards civic engagement, it represent on of the forms of citizen... more
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      VolunteerismVolunteer managementCivilno društvo
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      VolunteerismVolunteers, volunteering, & voluntarismVolunteered Geographic InformationVolunteer management
Дисертаційну роботу присвячено проблемі забезпечення умов соціально-педагогічної діяльності студентських волонтерських груп. У ній здійснено ретроспективний аналіз волонтерського руху в зарубіжній та вітчизняній соціально-педагогічній... more
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      Voluntary AssociationsVolunteerismVolunteered Geographic InformationVolunteer management
La Responsabilidad Social, y en específico, el voluntariado, favorecen el desarrollo de la sociedad Mexicana. A partir de este artículo, se ilustra que las instituciones en México han encontrado en los voluntarios un potencial que las... more
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      Voluntary AssociationsVolunteerismVolunteers, volunteering, & voluntarismMexico
Basińska, A., Łuczak, M. J. (2012). Rola wolontariuszy w opiece hospicyjnej na przykładzie poznańskiego hospicjum Palium. W: B. Kromolicka (red.), Z pomocą człowiekowi. Wsparcie i opieka w sytuacji nieuleczalnej choroby (ss. 157-174).... more
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      Volunteer managementSocjologiaVolunteeringHospice Care
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      Organizational BehaviorOrganizational TheoryYouth StudiesOrganizational Learning
Az önkéntes lelőhely-felderítő fémkereső műszerével jó szolgálatot tesz az örökségvédelemnek, ha a munkáját szakszerűen, az összes lehetséges adat megfelelő meghatározásával és dokumentálásával végzi. A közölt protokoll egy út a sikerhez.
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      Battlefield ArchaeologyBattlefield Heritage Management and Metal DetectingVolunteer managementMetaldetector
Данное издание отражает ключевые тренды в области добровольчества последних лет. В сборнике показаны те сферы музейной деятельности, в которых волонтеры только начинают появляться в Российской Федерации, чтобы наши коллеги не только... more
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      Museum AnthropologyMuseologyVolunteer managementMuseum Education and Communication
Ο δημιουργός αυτού του εγχειριδίου, ως Εθελοντής Σαμαρείτης του Ελληνικού Ερυθρού Σταυρού (από το 1982 έως το 2014 και από το 2018 έως σήμερα), είχε την χαρά και την τιμή το έτος 2005 να δημιουργήσει εξ ιδίας πρωτοβουλίας τον πρώτο και... more
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      VolunteerismVolunteer managementVolunteeringRed Cross
В сборник вошли кейсы, посвященные практикам работы с волонтерами в разных музеях Российской Федерации, а также другие материалы, отражающие специфику волонтерства в культуре. Брошюра адресована музейным работникам, преподавателям и... more
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      Museum StudiesMuseum AnthropologyVolunteer managementMuseum and Heritage Studies
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      Volunteer managementYouth and VolunteerismVolunteer Motivation
У даному посібнику описано отриманий Всеукраїнським громадським центром "Волонтер" досвід здійснення профілактичної роботи у ПТНЗ та залучення лідерів-волонтерів з числа учнів. Матеріал, викладений у ньому, буде корисний спеціалістам, які... more
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      Educational LeadershipLeadershipTransformational LeadershipVolunteerism
To meet the growing social service needs of our societies, the social services and other Volunteer organizations need to understand the needs and motives of their volunteers to keep them retained. Although volunteer motivation scales are... more
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      Motivation (Psychology)Student Motivation And EngagementVolunteerismVolunteer management
This paper explores the ways volunteer tourism is socially perceived in contemporary Western societies and the ways this practice affects host communities. The paper begins with an analysis of the existing literature and debate on the... more
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      SociologyDevelopment StudiesSustainable DevelopmentSocial Economy
This handbook has been created as a tool for organisations and programs that want to engage local volunteers in their activities, and for those that want to participate in regional short- and long-term volunteer exchange programs. It is... more
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      Volunteer managementCivil Society OrganizationsVoluteerism
“Perchè la sharing economy è la a nuova frontiera da esplorare per il volontariato” è il titolo del nuovo numero di Vdossier. Un tema delicato e quanto mai attuale che coinvolge anche il Terzo settore. La questione di che cosa si intenda... more
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      Third SectorVoluntary AssociationsCivil SocietyVolunteer management
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    • Volunteer management
This paper introduces the concept of volunteering in the hospitality industry. Used to great success in other industries, volunteering is almost unheard of in hospitality and this paper argues that substantial benefits might accrue to not... more
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      Events managementY GenerationVolunteerismVolunteer management
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      Event ManagementOlympic Social LegaciesUrban PlanningUrban Morphology
ABSTRAKSI Bekerja di daerah bencana atau paska bencana (termasuk konflik bersenjata) bagi sukarelawan dan pekerja kemanusiaan merupakan kondisi yang penuh dengan ketidakamanan. Oleh karenanya perlu dipastikan oleh Lembaga Kemanusiaan... more
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      Risk management and control of ERP projectsHumanitarian Emergency AidVolunteer managementOccupational health and safety
The article is devoted to the development of volunteering as a social phenomenon. ‘Democratic’, ‘mixed’, ‘post-soviet’ models of volunteering are highlighted and described in this paper. According to the results of sociological... more
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      SociologyVolunteerismVolunteer managementVolunteering
Prezentul proiect are ca scop realizarea unui instrument sociologic pentru a evalua efectele și impactul voluntariatului la nivelul voluntarilor înrolați în programul Timișoara 2023 - Capitală Europeană a Culturii. Raportul explică mai... more
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      SociologyMotivation (Psychology)CultureImpact Evaluation
This study considers the results of the sociological research such as poll of volunteers in a big Russian city as well as expert’s poll of NGO leaders in Sverdlovsk region. The structure of formal volunteer’s community is described.... more
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      Volunteers, volunteering, & voluntarismCurriculum Development for Administration Studies in the Voluntary Sector .Volunteer management