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      HistoryEthnic StudiesEastern European StudiesInternational Relations
Persian rugs, porcelain, clocks, furnitures, militia and exotics. On the flows of furniture from confiscated Moravian-Silesian castles in the auction house Karel Ditrich Brno 1948–1950 Political developments in the early post-war... more
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      Czech HistoryHistory of ArtArt MarketCentral and Eastern Europe
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      European HistoryOttoman HistorySoviet HistoryEastern European history
Die Vertreibung der Ungarndeutschen aus dem Komitat Pest nach den Vertreibungs-Namensverzeichnissen Im Jahre 1947 erschien eine Regierungsverordnung, dass ein Namensverzeichnis mit den Ver- treibenden zusammengestellt werden soll.... more
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      History of HungaryMigration StudiesWWII, Expulsion, Ethnic CleansingModern Hungarian History
Wenn im April 1945 in dem Bezirk Žamberk 22 731 Einwohner der deutschen Nationalität lebten, sie bildeten 44 % aller Einwohner des Bezirkes.Überwiegend in den Sommermonaten 1945 wurden 8538 Deutschen mutwillig über die Grenze der... more
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      Mass TransferCzech & Slovak StudiesWWII, Expulsion, Ethnic CleansingHistory of Czechoslovakia
1954 marked the beginning of a brief but intense migratory flow from the city of Trieste towards Australia. Following a prolonged period of Anglo-American administration, the city had been returned to Italian jurisdiction once more;... more
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      MigrationCold WarFascismMigration Studies
This paper will focus on the general social development of the Korean community in the Russian Far East, Tsarist-era attitudes and Russian nationalism(s), and the circumstances which limited the promised 'territorial autonomy' for Koreans... more
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      Russian StudiesSoviet HistoryKorean StudiesDiaspora Studies
Ein Kurzportait von Martin Sandberer, als einem Vertreter der „Generation des Unbedingten“ (Michael Wildt), in dem seine Werdegang vom nationalsozialistischen Studentenfunktionär zum Massenmörder im Baltikum nachgezeichnet und analysiert... more
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      Race and EthnicityHolocaust StudiesNational SocialismHolocaust and Genocide Studies
Zum gleichnamigen Vortrag des emeritierten Professor an der Yale University Peter Demetz (Yale University, Ehrendoktor der Masaryk-Universität 2014), Schüler und Nachfolger von René Wellek, über die Studentenexilzeitschrift Skutečnost,... more
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      German StudiesCzech HistoryCzech & Slovak StudiesExile Literature
Testo di Aldo Pizzigalli con prefazione di Augusto Turati che descrive le politiche di pulizia etnica operate dal governo italiano attraverso l'italianizzazione forzata dei nomi. Il testo non è di mia autoria, è una riproduzione del libro... more
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      Italian StudiesFascismOccupation and Resistance in WW2Italy
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      International RelationsTransitional JusticeWorld War IIWWII
Chameria region begins from South of Albania, Northwest region in Greece. The name Cham has been associated with the people that have lived in the area close to the river with the same name (Thyam). Chams (Çam or Çamë) and the Greek name... more
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      European integrationEuropean LawHuman Rights LawInternational Law
The Ukrainian nationalist-led ethnic cleansing campaign against Poles in Volhynia during 1943–44 has long been the subject of international tension and contentious public and scholarly debate. This article analyzes the topic through a... more
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      Ethnic StudiesRace and EthnicityNationalismEthnic Conflict
My doctoral dissertation examines the experiences of the Italian volunteers in the Waffen-SS troops using in-depth interviews with former volunteers as the main primary source. This phenomenon, even if significant in size (depending on... more
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      Discourse AnalysisHistoryEuropean HistoryEuropean History
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      HistoryRussian StudiesSoviet HistoryPolish History
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      German HistoryHistory and MemorySecond World WarWWII, Expulsion, Ethnic Cleansing
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      Ethnic StudiesEastern European StudiesJewish StudiesEastern Europe
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      HistoryGerman HistoryBalkan StudiesBalkan History
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      History of HungaryMigration StudiesWWII, Expulsion, Ethnic CleansingModern Hungarian History
Contemporary approaches to integrating "self" and the "other"—such as multiculturalism, cultural diversity, race relations, inclusiveness strategies, or identity politics—are flawed from the perspective of traditional thought. At their... more
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      ReligionBuddhismNative American ReligionsComparative Religion
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      History of HungaryMigration StudiesWWII, Expulsion, Ethnic CleansingModern Hungarian History
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      Jewish StudiesBalkan StudiesEastern European and Russian Jewish HistoryOttoman Balkans
Book Review of Martin Shaw. What Is Genocide? Cambridge, England: Polity Press, 2007. Pp. viii + 222. In Ethnic and Racial Studies 31:7 (Oct. 2008): pp. 1352-1354. © 2008 Eric J. Schmaltz Department of Social Sciences... more
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      Genocide StudiesComparative genocideBook ReviewHolocaust and Genocide Studies
Around 50 to 60 million people were displaced during the course of World War II (WWII) and its immediate aftermath. Approximately 12 million of these were German nationals from territories east of the Oder-Neisse line or ethnic Germans... more
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    • WWII, Expulsion, Ethnic Cleansing
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      Second World WarItalyWWII, Expulsion, Ethnic Cleansingitalian eastern border
Koreans in the Russian Far East were deported to Central Asia in 1937-38 as 'potential fifth columnists', 'suspicious' or as an 'unreliable' people. This article chronicles their struggles to resettle and establish new lives through... more
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      Russian StudiesSoviet HistoryKorean StudiesEast Asian Studies
Erinnerungsmedien und -praktiken spielen eine wichtige Rolle bei der Konstruktion und Vermittlung kollektiver Erinnerungen an die Zwangsmigration der Deutschen infolge des Zweiten Weltkrieges. Das Handbuch gibt erstmals einen umfassenden... more
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      History and MemoryMemory StudiesCultural MemoryCommemoration and Memory
Vorgeschichte und Situation der ‚Deutschen‘ nach 1945; Die „wilden“ Vertreibungen; Aussiedlungen nach den „wilden Vertreibungen“; Aussiedlungen auf Basis des Potsdamer Abkommens; Aussiedlungen auf Basis der Dekrete von 1946; Das Ende der... more
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      German StudiesGerman HistoryRefugee StudiesRefugees
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      European HistoryCultural HistoryEastern European StudiesEastern Europe
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      German HistoryMedia HistoryHistory and MemoryTelevision History
Potsdam – Zwang oder Möglichkeit? Zeitgenössische Interpretationen Ein Schwerpunkt in der Geschichte der Aussiedlung der Ungarndeutschen ist die Interpretation des Potsdamer Abkommens. Sowohl die damaligen Politiker, als auch die... more
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      History of HungaryMigration StudiesWWII, Expulsion, Ethnic CleansingModern Hungarian History
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      Forced MigrationCentral and Eastern EuropeWWII, Expulsion, Ethnic CleansingEthnic Cleansing
Bayer's human rights violations included non-consenting human victims of quasi-medical experiments related to Nazi "world domination" of which only a handful survived. Bayer commissioned the Nazi Party to build Auschwitz to facilitate... more
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      Political SociologyInternational LawNazi GermanyWWII, Expulsion, Ethnic Cleansing
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      WWIIWWII, Expulsion, Ethnic CleansingDeportationStosunki Polsko-niemieckie
Cette réflexion porte sur la quête du chez-soi des réfugiés de guerre et sur la maison en tant qu’objet principal de cette quête. Elle s’appuie sur des enquêtes ethnographiques réalisées auprès d’expulsés allemands de la Seconde Guerre... more
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      WWII, Expulsion, Ethnic CleansingFlight and ExpulsionThe Expulsion and Flight of the East European Germans 1944-1950Tourisme de retour
Ethnic Cleansing - Origins of the Concept: Do you know the origins of the term "ethnic cleansing"? Contrary to entrenched beliefs, this expression was not coined during the Yugoslav wars. The violent removal of opponents and entire... more
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      ViolenceRace and EthnicityPolitical Violence and TerrorismYugoslavia
Review of Johh D. Kulczycki, Belonging to the Nation. Inclustion and Exclusion in the Polish-German Borderlands 1939 – 1951, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 2016, pp. 402.
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      HistoryNationalismCommunismSecond World War
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      WWII, Expulsion, Ethnic CleansingFlight and ExpulsionThe Expulsion and Flight of the East European Germans 1944-1950
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest prześledzenie, na jakie problemy napotyka badacz/ka pomników ku czci poległych i zaginionych w I wojnie światowej na terenie tzw. Ziem Odzyskanych i zaproponowanie sposobu kompleksowego ich badania.
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      Cultural StudiesGerman StudiesSocial and Cultural AnthropologyCentral European history
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      Forced MigrationWWII, Expulsion, Ethnic CleansingGerman Expellees
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      NationalismGerman diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)Minority StudiesHistory of Hungary
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      European HistoryEastern European StudiesPolandCentral and Eastern Europe
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      German StudiesInternational RelationsInternational RelationsMulticulturalism
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      Eastern European StudiesGerman HistorySecond World WarWWII, Expulsion, Ethnic Cleansing
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      German StudiesWWII, Expulsion, Ethnic CleansingHeimatThe Expulsion and Flight of the East European Germans 1944-1950
Con este artículo aspiramos a plantear vías y elementos para el análisis, el estudio y la comprensión de un fenómeno complejo de violencia étnica con múltiples implicaciones a todos los niveles y un escenario transnacional marcado por... more
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      Eastern European StudiesViolencePolish HistorySexual Violence
This book review was written in Japanese. On the last three pages of the document (pdf), there are eight paragraphs which have been translated into English. These eight paragraphs cover the main ideas in the review.
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      Asian StudiesSoviet HistoryChinese StudiesKorean Studies