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Although the idea of making electric weapons has emerged since the beginning of the 20th Century, the great number of technological problems made that such technology was not developed. During the Cold War, the US strategic programme... more
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      Weapons SystemsStrategy (Military Science)MilitaryWeapons
""En Filipo II y el Arte de la Guerra tendremos la oportunidad de conocer en profundidad a uno de los más grandes reyes de la antigua Macedonia. Gracias a su habilidad como estratega, diplomático, político y soldado, heredó un reino... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMilitary History
Projet de thèse développé.
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      GeographyWeapons SystemsEpistemologyCold War and Culture
Özet Bu bildiride silah sistemlerinde hedef karakteristiği temelinde esnekliği ve entegrasyonu yüksek bir takip mekanizmasının tasarımı ve üretimini sunulmuştur. Görüntü işleme teknikleriyle hedef karakteristiğinin belirlenmesi ve ayırt... more
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      RoboticsArtificial IntelligenceWeapons SystemsImage Processing
The present work examines the possibility of a serious undermining of European security architecture in the near future, due to a synthesis a series of factors. One of these factors is the deconstruction of European militaries with a... more
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      Weapons SystemsStrategy (Military Science)GeopoliticsMilitary Strategy
A lo largo de sus tres siglos de historia en la época imperial romana, la función principal de la Guardia Pretoriana fue la protección de la figura del emperador allí donde este se encontrara, ya fuera actuando permanentemente como su... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMilitary History
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      Weapons SystemsAir Force StudiesCongress (American Politics)Climate Change Adaptation
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      Weapons SystemsUavWalter BenjaminWar on Terror
Mycenae culture became due to its own merits, the most important one in continental Greece for more than four centuries all along the II Millennium B.C. Its commercial importance due to the fact they took advantage of the minoans exchange... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMilitary History
The Early Dynastic Period in Mesopotamia can function as a sort of experimental laboratory to study the early development of state-controlled warfare. This paper approaches the topic from the point of view of tecnical and tactical... more
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      Weapons SystemsMesopotamian ArchaeologyMesopotamian CityAncient Warfare
The use of elephants for military purposes was, for centuries, one of the most important military arms of the armies in the Antiquity. Although, these could get to suppose so many advantages as drawbacks and, for this reason, they were... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMilitary History
En el S. XVI mares y océanos se habían convertido en ajetreadas zonas de paso, confrontación, exploración, etc. por las que pululaban armadas, corsarios, piratas, comerciantes y aventureros tanto de coronas europeas como de reinos... more
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      Ocean EngineeringNaval EngineeringNaval ArchitectureReligion
Imperio sasánida SUMARIO Si bien el Imperio romano sería siempre el enemigo tradicional y más importante del Imperio sasánida, éste nunca fue el único y, en determinados momentos, tampoco el más importante ni el que, a la postre, acabaría... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMilitary History
In the wake of the Crimean War, the upper military circles in Russia changed their thinking with regard to firearms. General Milyutin became Minister of War. It was the time when Alexander II reigned over Russia. In 1856, the calibre of... more
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      Military HistoryWeapons SystemsBalkan HistoryMilitary
O objetivo da pesquisa é compreender os motivos que levaram a paralisação do programa para a produção do Avião de Treinamento Primário Básico Unasul I, que se desenvolveu sob a coordenação do Conselho de Defesa Sul-Americano (CDS), em um... more
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      Weapons SystemsInternational RelationsGeopoliticsInternational Security
The prospect for weapons systems to become imbued with artificial autonomy is being realized by the accelerating advances in the fields of computer science and robotics today. Rather than merely marking another incremental stage in the... more
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      Weapons SystemsAutonomous weaponsLethal Autonomous WeaponsAutonomous Weapons Systems
Es difícil pensar que la Historia, como disciplina, llegue a ser nunca asimilada a una Ciencia, aunque se intente englobar dentro de las llamadas humanas. ¿Qué profesionales de la Historia pueden surgir cuando la objetividad se sacrifica... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMilitary History
Drones and autonomous weapons systems (AWS) are fundamentally changing the battlefield environment. This has created a revolution in military affairs by enabling greater territorial extension of power with reduced personnel battlefield... more
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      Weapons SystemsStrategy (Military Science)War StudiesAutonomous Robotics
¡Otra vez aquí! Después de tres números de la revista, innumerables entradas tanto en la web como en facebook, comentarios en el twitter y un sinfín de desvelos, seguimos en la brecha sin desfallecer gracias a vuestra fidelidad que nos... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMilitary History
С ТЯХНА ПОМОЩ БЪЛГАРИТЕ БЯХА СВОБОДНИ (БЪЛГАРСКИ ОРЪЖИЯ ОТ АНТИЧНОСТТА, СРЕДНОВЕКОВИЕТО И НОВО ВРЕМЕ). Сборник с доклади от национална научна конференция гр. Перущица 13 и 14 ноември 2020 г.
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      Weapons SystemsBalkan HistoryFirst World WarBulgarian history
Alerting NATO allies and EU friends to the variable threats posed by covert hostile nonkinetic cognitive warfare technologies
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      Weapons SystemsCognitive NeuroscienceCognitive Enhancement
Along the history of Sassanid’s Empire many landmarks marked its turns. But the most important internal issues the kings Shapur I and Khosrau II had to go through were the political, military, social and administrative reforms that they... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMilitary History
While dozens of sites in northern Alaska have been assigned to the Northern Archaic tradition, most are small lithic scatters that represent ephemeral occupations and often contain only a single side-notched biface. In contrast, two sites... more
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      Weapons SystemsArctic ArchaeologyNorthern ArchaicNotched Projectile Points
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      Naval EngineeringNaval ArchitectureReligionHistory
El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar la gestión de dos recursos faunísticos comúnmente cazados por las comu-nidades campesinas del sur de la provincia de San Luis, Argentina: el ñandú (Rhea americana) y el jabalí (Sus scrofa). Uno de... more
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      Weapons SystemsTraditional Ecological KnowledgeEthnozoology in South AmericaArqueología
In this chapter we discuss the strategies used by hunter-gatherers to capture guanaco (Lama guanicoe) in the southeastern Pampas during the Late Holocene (ca. 3500 to 500 14 C years BP). We summarize the analysis of different evidence... more
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      ArchaeologyWeapons SystemsHunters, Fishers and Gatherers' ArchaeologyLithic Technology
Abstract. The use of elephants for military purposes was, for centuries, one of the most important military arms of the armies in the Antiquity. Although, these could get to suppose so many advantages as drawbacks and, for this... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMilitary History
Deterring and prosecuting criminal laser strikes against aircraft requires a unified effort among local, State, and Federal law enforcement; cooperation with the Federal Aviation Administration; and awareness and collaboration with the... more
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      Criminal LawWeapons SystemsPolice TechnologyCounterterrorism policing
Tras la caída del Imperio parto a manos de Ardešīr, el nacimiento de la nueva Persia sasánida llevo aparejada la aparición de un nuevo poder en Oriente Próximo que sustentaría su cohesión y expansión en la fuerza militar. A lo largo de su... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMilitary History
In this paper we present the results of the study of 32 projectile points from Hangar site, located in the Salado creek basin (centre of the province of Buenos Aires). Archaeological materials recovered from the site include some isolated... more
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      ArchaeologyWeapons SystemsLithic TechnologyAncient Technology (Archaeology)
ISBN 978-84-941099-7-3 Desde tiempos inmemoriales Asia ha sido la cuna de numerosos imperios pero, de entre todos ellos, llegando a abarcar desde el Pacífico hasta el Mediterráneo y desde Siberia hasta el Índico, los mongoles crearon el... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMilitary History
Charles Ailleret, personnalité à la vie mouvementée qui prit des options courageuses, signe en 1948 un "Que-sais-je ?" consacré à l'armement à la fois rétrospectif et dans une moindre mesure prospectif, très complet. Bref par définition,... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary ScienceMilitary EthicsWeapons Systems
Like most sectors of modern life, the Department of Defense (DOD) has turned to digitalization to power up cutting edge weapons systems. While this plays to better defense, it opens up many more points of entry for cybercriminals. Learn... more
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      Weapons SystemsCyber Security
The early examples of self-directing robots attracted the interest of both scientific and military communities. Biologists regarded these devices as material models of animal tropisms. Engineers envisaged the possibility of turning... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceWeapons SystemsCyberneticsRoboethics
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have been replacing more expensive and manned aircrafts in particularly asymmetric operations to minimize costs and death risk of pilots. This article elucidates the evolution of UAVs in detail and proposes... more
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      Weapons SystemsTurkeyMilitaryMilitary Drones
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      Weapons SystemsDefense and National SecuritySeguridad Y DefensaArms Trade
This analysis piece provides an in-depth review of military capabilities on the Korean peninsula, he underscores obstacles to peace and the catastrophic cost of war. This analysis examines the North Korean People's Army Strategic Force,... more
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      Weapons SystemsKorean StudiesStrategic AlliancesMilitary
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      Weapons SystemsTerrorismMiddle East StudiesSecurity Studies
A lo largo de su historia, el ejército sasánida se convirtió por derecho propio en una de las fuerzas bélicas más importantes de su época y que logró enfrentarse de igual a igual con la todopoderosa máquina bélica que suponía el ejército... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMilitary History
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03071847.2021.2016208 This article examines the development of precision guided munitions (PGMs) from the earliest proto-PGMs of the late 18th century to the miniaturised, semi-autonomous... more
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      Military HistoryWeapons SystemsArms and Armor StudiesHistory of Military Technology
В статье приводится анализ данных по комплексу вооружения из могильников позднесарматского времени Западного Казахстана и Устюрта. В статистическую выборку вошло 315 погребений из курганов и погребально-ритуальных сооружений. Предметы... more
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      Weapons SystemsEurasian NomadsTuareg Pastoral NomadsSarmatians
"Recension en 6500 caractères environ de l'ouvrage récent d'Arlette Estienne Mondet Le général J.B.E Estienne « père des chars » Des chenilles et des ailes. Ce livre bien documenté apporte aux historiens et aux passionnés d'histoire... more
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      EngineeringMilitary HistoryMilitary ScienceMilitary Ethics
Although the idea of making electric weapons has emerged since the beginning of the 20th Century, the great number of technological problems made that such technology was not developed. During the Cold War, the US strategic programme... more
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      Weapons SystemsMilitarySSRNSocial Science Research Network
"History in Two" essays are regularly published to official website of Air Force Materiel Command Headquarters (https://www.afmc.af.mil/) by the Air Force Material Command History Office. They are intended to be brief, easily consumable... more
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      Weapons SystemsAir Force StudiesHistory of TechnologyCold War
The effectiveness of the weapon systems are determined depending on the perceptions of the experienced personnel in counter-terrorist operations and using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Technique for Order Preference by Similarity... more
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      Weapons SystemsMulti Criteria Decision MakingTOPSISMultiple criteria decision making (MCDM)
In dieser Forschungsarbeit wird ein sich selbst finanzierendes, redundantes Waffensystem zum Einsatz in Deutschlands Sozialstaat vorgestellt. Hierfür werden durch Langzeitarbeitslose und Depressionskranke verursachte Kosten mithilfe einer... more
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      Weapons SystemsPublic HealthPsychological warfareLegalism
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      Software EngineeringWeapons SystemsSoftware Engineer