Recent papers in Xenophanes
For the last 2,500 years literature has been attacked, booed, and condemned, often for the wrong reasons and occasionally for very good ones. ‘The Hatred of Literature’ examines the evolving idea of literature as seen through the eyes of... more
Nell’arco di un cinquantennio, l’itinerario di ricerca di Néstor Cordero ha ruotato prevalentemente intorno al pensiero di Parmenide di Elea. Oltre ad alcuni libri capitali, Cordero ha dedicato all’Eleate numerose pubblicazioni, alcune... more
Feuerbach is known for his unmasking of the concept of God insofar he solved it in a celestial idealization of the human essence. Xenophanes already rejected the popular idea of the gods, which were described as deified human beings. Our... more
A discussion of the quarrel of philosophy and poetry in its various stages in the history of western ideas: from the early poets (e.g., Homer), to the first philosophic attack on poetry (e.g., Xenophanes), to the poetic counter-attack... more
La han atacado, denunciado, condenado, con todos los pretextos, bajo todos los regímenes, con las mejores o las peores intenciones, por malas razones y a veces inclusos por buenas. Exiliaron a los poetas, quemaron sus libros -o... more
The author argues that Jose Rizal’s mature philosophy of religion is a combination of agnostic realism and deism, or in short it can properly be described as agnostic deism. It affirms the existence of a God who does not interfere... more
This paper investigates whether and to what extent Xenophanes could be considered a forerunner of so-called Greek ‘Rationalismus’ (or, according to old-fashioned historico-philosophical patterns, Greek ‘Enlightenment’). Above all, it... more
NB/ cultura CULTURA PRESOCRATICA ha preparato la strada a un volune che ora sta per essere pubblicato, RIPENSARE I PRESOCRATICI. Di questo libro è disponibile una sinossi. Si trova qui:... more
Ksenophanes şair ve filozof kimliğiyle 21. yüzyılın insanını sadece evrenin ve insanın varoluşunu düşünmeye ve sorgulamaya değil, aynı zamanda bizzat toplumun içinde yanlış bildiğimizi yüksek sesle eleştirmeye de çağırıyor. Hiç kuşku yok... more
Ils l’ont attaquée, conspuée, condamnée, sous tous les prétextes, sous tous les régimes, avec les meilleures ou les pires intentions, pour de mauvaises raisons et parfois même pour de bonnes. Ils ont exilé les poètes, brûlé leurs livres –... more
""В статье обосновывается создание Гераклитом философского метода «исследования (didzesis)», хорошо известного как zetesis в классическую и позднеантичную эпохи. Предпосылки его возникновения и использования можно обнаружить у Ксенофана,... more
A review of Glenn Alexander Magee (ed). Hegel and Ancient
Philosophy: A Re-Examination. New York: Routledge, 2018.
Philosophy: A Re-Examination. New York: Routledge, 2018.
In Classical Greece some thinkers (Critias, Prodicus, Democritus) formulated theories about the origins of religion and/or the gods that accounted for religious belief in terms that today qualify as ‟reductionist” explanations. None of... more
La conclusion du monologue d’Iphigénie à la fin du premier épisode de l’IT (v. 380-391) contient une critique argumentée des rites en l’honneur d’Artémis, dont la protagoniste est présentée comme l’officiante dans le cadre exotique de la... more
I summarise certain aspects of Paul Feyerabend’s account of the development of Western rationalism, show the ways in which that account is supposed to run up against an alternative, that of Karl Popper, and then try to give a preliminary... more
One of the most debated issues in Parmenides is that of the relation of the content and the form of the poem. The content is presented through an argumentation unparalleled in stringency at the time. Despite its argumentative rigour,... more
Even though there is a large body of scholarly articles devoted to individual Presocratic philosophers and their reflections on the nature of Olympic gods and Greek religion, as well as some good general monographs mapping the "theology"... more
Review of Early Greek Philosophy, 9 vol., edd André Laks and Glenn W. Most, Harvard University Press (Loeb Classical Library), 2016, 4196 pp. and Les débuts de la philosophie, ibid., Fayard, 2016, 1674pp. Detailed Review of the 9 volume... more
Though born in Ionia, the pre-Socratic philosopher Xenophanes lived most of his adult life in the Sicilian cities of Messina and Catania. Plato and Clement of Alexandria identify him as the founder of the Eleatic school. Modern scholars... more
In his treatise On the eternity of the world , 4-47 Philo of Alexandria sets forth a doxography of opinions of Greek philosophers on the eternity of the cosmos contrasting the theory of its periodical generation/destruction held by... more
Ο ρόλος του νερού πρωτοστατεί στην ελληνική κοσμογονία: στον Όμηρο Ξ 200, «λέει η Ήρα: Πηγαίνω εγώ να ιδώ στην τέλειωση της Γης της πολυθρόφας τον Ωκεανό, των θεών τον πρόγονο, και την Τηθύ την μάνα… «(μτφ Καζαντάκη-Κακριδή). Εάν κανείς... more
On at least one of Plato's visits to the sparkling city of Syracuse, he must have visited its famed theater and taken in a tragedy or two. He may also have reflected, as he sat there on the marble seats and looked up occasionally to... more
Supplemental Table to:
Rheins, J.G. 'Review of Early Greek Philosophy, 9 vol., edd André Laks and Glenn W. Most, 2016 and Les débuts de la philosophie, ibid.', Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, October 2018.
Rheins, J.G. 'Review of Early Greek Philosophy, 9 vol., edd André Laks and Glenn W. Most, 2016 and Les débuts de la philosophie, ibid.', Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, October 2018.
Attribution to Xenophanes of three anonymous pantheistic hexameters quoted by John Philoponus in his commentary to Aristotle's De anima.
Der nicht nur auf die Nutznießung materieller Güter zu beschränkende Begriff der Konsumption wird außerhalb der Altertumswissenschaften seit längerem erfolgreich dazu benutzt, um unterschiedliche Lebensstile mit ihren jeweiligen... more
Статья посвящена выявлению топосов рационально-теологического дискурса у античных философов досократического периода. Анализируются онтологические представления Фалеса, Пифагора, Анаксагора, Архелая, Гераклита, Ксенофана, Парменида,... more
Clement of Alexandria preserved four important fragments of Xenophanes, three of them in a section of the Stromata devoted to Greek borrowing of Jewish ideas that also included a passage from Parmenides. Against the backdrop of... more
This paper seeks to investigate the strategies employed by Hesiod and by the Presocratics to claim personal authority. Despite the fact that the works of the latter mostly survive in the form of fragments as quoted and preserved in the... more
English summary is attached in the beginning of the file