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Special attention in this Newsletter for pythagorean women. Sarah B. Pomeroy interview + CV, Hypatia, Museum of Pythagoras, basilica Pitagorica, Conferences , New books, Book reviews, Book chapters, Journal articles,... more
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      Presocratic PhilosophyAncient PhilosophyPythagoreanismAncient Greek Philosophy
With Empedocles, the qualities of a creative religious, mytho-poetic imagination fluent in Homer, Hesiod, Pindar, and Parmenides allies itself with a rational mind keenly interested in understanding the natural world.: The first... more
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      MythologyClassicsPresocratic PhilosophyAncient Philosophy
“Friendship in Early Greek Ethics” examines the accounts of friendship (philia) in the early philosophical literature and argues that there is a coherent narrative of philosophical theorizing of friendship prior to Aristotle, one which... more
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      EthicsPresocratic PhilosophyPlatoSocrates
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      Ancient Greek PhilosophyEmpedocles
http://www.instoria.it/home/melenconia_albrecht_durer_I.htm Nell’antica teoria umorale dei quattro temperamenti la melanconia è lo stato patologico dovuto al dominio dell’atra bilis, la fredda e secca “bile nera”, sugli altri umori... more
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      Art HistoryHistory of MedicineAlchemyMelancholy
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      OvidEmpedoclesAncient HermeneuticsPolyphemus
Bien que les notions de φιλία et δίκη n’apparaissent pas conjointement dans les fragments présocratiques, elles relèvent de champs similaires, qu’il s’agisse de la nécessité cosmique ou d’une forme conditionnelle de nécessité. Mais,... more
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      Presocratic PhilosophyAristotleJusticeFriendship
Review of BONAZZI, Mauro; SCHORN, Stefan. Bios Philosophos: Philosophy in Ancient Greek Biography. Turnhout: Brepols, 2016. 313p. ISBN 978-2-503-56546-0.
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This chapter examines the story of Salmacis and Hermaphroditus from book 4 of Ovid’s Metamorphoses, whose two bodies are merged into one. A series of connections are drawn between Hermaphroditus and the representation of the primordial... more
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      ClassicsPlatoPre-Socratic (Pre-Platonic) PhilosophyAncient Greek Philosophy
XIV Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Filosofia da UFU, o V Encontro de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia da UFU e o Encontro de Pesquisa em Filosofia no Ensino Médio
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      Human-Animal StudiesEmpedocles
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      Presocratic PhilosophyPlatoAncient PhilosophyPlato and Platonism
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From ancient to classical philosophy there have been different comprehensions about attraction and repulsion as being the essence of matter, as well as that matter was considered as the unity of fullness (i.e. that of particles) and the... more
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      Atomic, Molecular, And Optical PhysicsHegelAtomic PhysicsNatural philosophy
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      PhenomenologyGaston BachelardEmpedoclesPhoenix
This essay examines Aristotle’s critique of metaphor as a vehicle of knowledge in scientific discourse. It focuses on Meterologica 2 where, within an assessment of Presocratic theories about the origin of the sea, Aristotle argues against... more
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Sokrates öncesi filozofların doğayı açıklama çabası varlık, oluş, değişim sorunları etrafında döner. Bu sorunlara önerilen çözümlerde Sokrates öncesi filozofların gözettiği temel izlek ise doğanın birlikteliğini, biraradalığını diğer bir... more
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      Presocratic PhilosophyDemocritusParmenidesAnaxagoras
Empedocles-the-scientist got a minoritarian attention, and this paper was meant to do something in order to redress the situation. Two preliminary questions are addressed here at the beginning: (1) how folklore, speculation and 'science'... more
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      PhilosophyHistory of ScienceAncient Greek PhilosophyHistory of Life Sciences
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      PhilosophyAncient PhilosophyAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greek Philosophy
RESUMO : Queremos levantar algumas questões referentes à tese que trata do materialismo de Empédocles a partir da ideia de elemento. O termo “elemento” não aparece no poema, por isso, a primeira questão é se faz realmente sentido falar de... more
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      Elementary Particle PhysicsPresocratic PhilosophyAristotlePre-Socratic (Pre-Platonic) Philosophy
I argue that there is nothing strange about the idea of writing philosophy in verse (as though the normal way to write it was in prose) for any philosopher up to and including Parmenides and Empedocles. Rather the reverse: the idea of... more
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      PhilosophyClassicsPresocratic PhilosophyLiterature
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      Presocratic PhilosophyPlatoAncient PhilosophyPythagoreanism
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      Presocratic PhilosophyAncient Greek PhilosophyEarly Greek poetryEmpedocles
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      Ancient Greek ReligionXenophanesEmpedoclesGREEK PHILOSOPHY
Empedocles, who is accepted to have lived in the 5th century B.C. (495-435 B.C.), established a new mindset by bringing a spiritual interpretation to the views of natural scientists who came before him with the identity of bard,... more
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      ArchaeologyPhilosophyEgyptian ArchaeologyEmpedocles
When Empedocles uses a divine name for one of the items in his ontology, does this serve merely as a poetic metaphor or does it mean that the item in question is a god, with personal agency and intentions? In Empedocles’ poem, most things... more
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      Presocratic PhilosophyAncient PhilosophyAncient Greek ReligionEmpedocles
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      Presocratic PhilosophyAncient PhilosophyAncient Greek PhilosophyEmpedocles
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      Greek LiteratureEmpedoclesFilosofíaFilologia Classica
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      Presocratic PhilosophyModern Greek literatureAncient Greek PhilosophyModern and Contemporary Greek poetry
It is well-known that as a term, Nietzsche’s Übermensch derives from Lucian of Samosata’s hyperanthropos. I argue that Zarathustra’s teaching of the overman acquires new resonances by reflecting on the context of that origination from... more
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      ClassicsPhilosophy Of ReligionFeminist TheologyProverbs
Like many philosophers before them, Plutarch and Porphyry refused to eat animals, but unlike their predecessors, each sets out numerous arguments in favour of vegetarianism in their writings. Their arguments are many and varied. Some tell... more
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      PlatoVegetarianismPlutarchAncient Philosophy
for discussion purposes
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      Political PhilosophyFriedrich NietzscheClassical philologyEmpedocles
Special attention in this Newsletter for Empedocles. Jean-Claude Picot, CV + interview, Conferences, New books, Book reviews, Book chapters, Journal articles, Internet, and Podcasts
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      Presocratic PhilosophyPythagoreanismAncient Greek PhilosophyNeopythagoreanism
This practice-based research sets out to explore new ways of visualizing and conceptualizing the notion of aura in art. It departs from Walter Benjamin’s widely known critique of aura, the thesis of which is that aura as ‘uniqueness’ of... more
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      Models of Creativity & of Creative ProcessesInner AlchemyPaintingAlchemy
This essay proposes a synchronic reading of Empedocles’ fragments that emphasizes the relationship of the mortal human mind to all of the determinants in the system, including the Sphere which represents the zenith of Love’s power and the... more
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      Presocratic PhilosophyEmpedoclesAphroditePolytheism
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      AristotleAncient PhilosophyEmpedoclesAncient Greek Philosophy / Aristotle
This book presents a new account of Thales based on the idea that Acheloios, a deity equated with water in the ancient Greek world and found in Miletos during Thales’ life, was the most important cultic deity influencing the thinker,... more
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      Presocratic PhilosophyAncient PhilosophyEmpedoclesPhilosophical Papyri
Special attention in this Newsletter for Nicomachus.  Conferences, New books, Book reviews, Book chapters, Journal articles, Internet, and Academia.
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      Presocratic PhilosophyPythagoreanismAncient Greek PhilosophyNeopythagoreanism
In the present paper, I focus on Empedocles’ fragment 115 DK, on the exile of the daimons, which is largely inspired by a passage of Hesiod’s Theogony (783-806), regarding the expulsion from Olympus of gods having sworn false oaths upon... more
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      Presocratic PhilosophyDemonologyHesiodic PoetryAncient Greek Religion
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      SuicideAncient PhilosophyEmpedoclesАнтичная философия
Il  s'agit d'une étude érudite (160 pages) du processus d'audition au Vème siècle avant notre ère chez les philosophes Grecs, d'après les traces qu'ils ont laissées auprès de leurs successeurs.
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      Speech & Hearing SciencesClassical philologyEmpedoclesAncient Greek Science and Philosophy
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      Presocratic PhilosophyAncient Greek PhilosophyEmpedoclesPresocratics
La tesi tenta di studiare l'opera teofrastea del De sensibus, importante testimonianza di scritto di ricerca all'interno del Peripato. Nei tre capitoli della tesi ho affrontato i problemi della tradizione manoscritta del testo, ho... more
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Contents: Introduction, news from the library Acknowledgements. Tabula Cebetis 1573. Colophon Pythagoras Foundation 40 years John Dillon, interview + CV International Association for Presocratic Studies. Conference 2014 Conferences... more
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      PythagoreanismNeopythagoreanismNeoplatonism and PythagoreanismPythagoras
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      Presocratic PhilosophyAncient PhilosophyAncient Greek PhilosophyEmpedocles
"Rethinking the Presocratics" / "Ripensare i presocratici" is a book of mine, published by MIMESIS, Milano in July 2023.. A considerable discontinuity from the current image of most Presocratics marks it. To begin with: it is still... more
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Contents: Pitagora. Il monumento di Metaponto. Pythagorean Self-Awareness Intervention (PSAI) Crotone, the construction of the statue of Pythagoras New books, Book chapters, Book reviews, Internet, academia.edu, Journal... more
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      PythagoreanismAncient Greek HistoryNeopythagoreanismNeoplatonism and Pythagoreanism