Recent papers in YPJ
The thirty million Kurds in Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Armenia are the largest ethnic group that has not gained its own permanent nation-state (BBC News 2014). Although statelessness generally renders women socioeconomically and... more
The Kurdish female fighters of the YPJ/ YJA-Star women’s guerrilla units have in recent events gained global recognition as one of the prime group of combatants fighting against the extremist terror group, Isis. The West’s impression of... more
An analysis of the impact of Kurdish nationalism on the success and efficacy of Kurdish guerrilla forces in the fight against Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria.
Monografia apresentada para obtenção do título de bacharela em Relações Internacionais pela Universidade Federal da Paraíba As mulheres estão adentrando a cada dia lugares mais relevantes na sociedade atual, sobretudo em temáticas que... more
How does the military cooperation of the Kurds in Rojava and Northern Syria with the US, Russia and other forces affect their standing in the larger Syrian context?
Rojava, medyada ve gündelik siyasette hep jeopolitik satranç tahtasında bir taş veya bir kare gibi anılıyor. Elinizdeki kitap, Rojava’nın iç dünyasını ve toplumsal gerçekliğini anlama niyetiyle yapılmış bir çalışmaya dayanıyor. Suriye’de... more
Don't get me wrong: the question in the title does not refer to people living in European countries with two half nationalities, but on Turks living in Asia Minor and in Istanbul. Or should I write: Constantinople? (...) Erdowahn screams... more
Über die Selbstermächtigung von Frauen, das - emanzipatorische Erbe der Kurden und die Weiterführung der Revolution Nesrin Abdullah … ist eine der Sprecherinnen der YPJ (Yekineyen Parastina Jin, Frauenverteidigungskräfte von Rojava).... more
El Estado Islámico (ISIS) fue fundado como organización armada en 2004 en Irak y, en ese momento, declaró su alianza con Al Qaeda. Al igual que Al Qaeda, ISIS pronto se convirtió en un centro de atracción para los yihadistas salafistas y... more
2011 yılından bu yana devam eden Suriye İç Savaşı, pek çok bölgesel ve küresel aktörün müdahalesine maruz kalmıştır. Bazı terör örgütleri, bu dönemde ortaya çıkan otorite boşluğu ve kaos ortamından faydalanarak Suriye’de etkin hale gelmiş... more
As 151 delegates from various northern regions of the Syrian state, including Rojava, proclaimed the "Federation of Northern Syria–Rojava" on March 17, 2016, reactions of regional and international states were almost exclusively negative.... more
Während wir aus dem Irak und Syrien immer wieder Erfolgsmeldungen des Islamischen Staates IS und die Niederlagen und Rückzüge der irakischen oder auch der syrischen Armee zu hören bekommen, können wir beobachten, wie die... more
ABSTRACT This paper aims to provide a critical review of the popular forms of representation of the Revolution in Rojava and provide a departure from the Eurocentric perception of anti-capitalist/feminist movements, as well as to present... more
De brujas con escobas a brujas con Kaláshnikov. El presente texto es un ensayo sobre la figura de la bruja, su persecución y resignificación en la historia, como icono representativa del feminismo. Un 5 de diciembre del año 1484, es... more