economics of European integration
Recent papers in economics of European integration
L'obbiettivo della ricerca e l'analisi del riassetto istituzionale dovuto alla crisi economica. Il progetto di ricerca parte da un’analisi della formazione della moneta unica e dell’Unione economica e monetaria, per proseguire... more
Als Mittel der Preispolitik, zur Dämpfung der Preissteigerungserwartungen und zur Korrektur der Vorstellungen über die durchsetzbaren Lohnerhöhungen ist eine gleitende Aufwertung diskutabel, auch wenn kein fundamentales Ungleichgewicht in... more
I problemi connessi all’azione della Banca centrale europea (BCE) e ai conflitti istituzionali tra questa e le Corti costituzionali degli Stati membri dell’Unione europea sono oggetto di un ampio dibattito dottrinale, che ha assunto un... more
The theme of solidarity between European Union (EU) member states lies at the heart of the European integration process itself, in the context of an ongoing tension between the renunciation of national sovereignty, driven by a drive for... more
The quality infrastructure” (QI) refers to the policy and institutional framework that governments establish to provide evidence that products and services meet the requirements set by regulatory Authorities and the market place. QI... more
This paper discusses the need for harmonization of the standards with EU. Benefits of the standards can not be underestimated. But also someone sees them as barriers to trade, Now standards has been described as the Common language of... more
This article presents the problem of decontamination, as one of the most important aspects of defense against weapons of mass destruction. Vehicles that are currently equipped troops CBRN require improvements in order to better adapt to... more
This paper analyzes the perspectives of a Euro area membership for Bulgaria by systematizing the reasons for the debt crisis and by reviewing the macroeconomic specificity of Bulgaria. The focus of investigation is on institutional and... more
This paper analyzes the perspectives of a Euro area membership for Bulgaria by systematizing the reasons for the debt crisis and by reviewing the macroeconomic specificity of Bulgaria. The focus of investigation is on institutional and... more
Sommario: 1. Coesione e condizionalità: i due volti della solidarietà economica europea.-2. La mutualizzazione del debito e i limiti dei Trattati.-3. Il difficile completamento dell'Unione bancaria tra responsabilità economica e... more
The former socialist-communist rule kept Romania isolated from the Western World for almost half a century (1945-1989). All about 7000 Romanian state-owned companies which were operational in 1989 were obliged by decree to organize a CTC... more
in Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto dell'Economia, n. 1, 2021
The third wave. The European Union and the economic consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic-The article analyses the countermeasures taken by the European Union to tackle the economic crisis following the Covid-19 pandemic. In particular,... more
Il secondo Dialogo di cittadinanza sul futuro dell'Europa, svoltosi online a causa delle restrizioni messe in atto dal Governo per fronteggiare la pandemia da Covid-19, ha visto il coinvolgimento di esperti provenienti dal mondo... more
Recensione di "Aldo Barba, Massimo D’Angelillo, Steffen Lehndorff, Leonardo Paggi e Alessandro Somma, Rottamare Maastricht. Questione tedesca, Brexit e crisi della democrazia in Europa (DeriveApprodi 2016)
Sommario: 1. Tensioni oggettive e pressioni sovranazionali sulle Costituzioni finanziarie e monetarie degli Stati.-2. L'impatto del modello Maastricht sulle Costituzioni nazionali.-3. Il Regno Unito e l'euro: opting out.-4. La... more
Sommario. 1. Premessa. 2. Le molteplici crisi dentro e intorno al vecchio Continente. 3. European Social Union e reddito minimo adeguato contro tecnocrazie e nazionalismi. A partire dallo European Social Pillar. 4. Per il reddito di base... more
In Florescu, the Court of Justice defined the memorandum of understanding concluded between the EU and Romania as an act of a Union institution and national austerity measures as measures implementing EU law. The paper reflects on the... more
Bundeskoordination Internationalismus: Seminar und Veranstaltung in Berlin: “Von Bischofferode nach Athen Die deutsche Vereinigungspolitik und die Zukunft der EU” 21.-23.10.2016 Vladimiro Giacché Anschluss. Die deutsche Vereinigung und... more