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Hands on Health: Take Your Vibrant, Whole Health  Back into Your Healing Hands
Hands on Health: Take Your Vibrant, Whole Health  Back into Your Healing Hands
Hands on Health: Take Your Vibrant, Whole Health  Back into Your Healing Hands
Ebook158 pages2 hours

Hands on Health: Take Your Vibrant, Whole Health Back into Your Healing Hands

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Hands-On Health seeks to entice you to eat healthier; move your body more frequently; get outside into the natural world we are inherently a part of; sleep better; and take good, wholesome, natural care of your body, mind, and soul.

This book was written for me, wasnt it? You have ruined me for the Standard American Diet (SAD). And, for the record, I am so glad! Kelly Burnham, Editor and whole food enthusiast

Paula has a wonderful healing presence. She has opened my eyes to healthier living.
S. Montgomery, healthy client!

My cure-all, my magic bullet! Betsy H.

Thanks for helping my whole family eat better and feel healthier!
Denice N

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateApr 2, 2013
Hands on Health: Take Your Vibrant, Whole Health  Back into Your Healing Hands

Paula M. Youmell

Paula M. Youmell, RN, MS, CHC, is an NYS registered nurse; licensed health and physical education teacher; and holistic health, nutrition and fitness educator. Paula works as a private holistic health and nutrition consultant with individual clients; she also teaches group classes in health, healing, yoga, and cooking. Visit her online at www.HandsOnHealthHH.com.

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    Hands on Health - Paula M. Youmell

    Copyright © 2013 Paula M. Youmell.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-6590-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-6592-7 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-6591-0 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2012924003

    Balboa Press rev. date: 3/28/2013

    Table of Contents



    My Preface

    Thanks and Praise


    Chapter 1    Whole Health

    Chapter 2    Principles of Whole Food Nutrition

    Chapter 3    50 Ways to Love Your Fruits and Vegetables!

    Chapter 4    Navigating Local / Seasonal Food

    Chapter 5    Navigating the Whole Food Scene

    Chapter 6    Navigating Fitness

    Chapter 7    Exercising Your Mind, Body, and Soul Connection

    Chapter 8    Whole Health Lifestyle Choices

    Chapter 9    Jump Start Your Health

    Chapter 10  Whole Food Recipes to Live By and Love!

    Chapter 11  Resources for Whole Health Living

    Bibliography or Lack Thereof!

    About the Author


    To my Grampa, Myron Youmell, my first teacher in the art of natural healing and herbal medicine. I am grateful for the many times I watched you stir your herbal brews and strain them into your brown bottles. Your kitchen magic stirred the part of me that knows healing comes from within, from nature.

    To my Grams, Katherine Page and Marion Youmell, and my Grampa, Glenn Page, who taught me that healing ourselves was best kept in our own hands.

    To my parents, Francis and Glenda (Page) Youmell, for continuing the reminder that health and healing are innate in us and bringing me up to know I can do anything I set myself to.

    To Jake and Eli,

    My inspirations

    An apple a day keeps the doctor away

    Origin: Wales

    The February 1866 edition of Notes and Queries magazine includes this:

    A Pembrokeshire proverb. Eat an apple on going to bed, and you’ll keep the doctor from earning his bread.



    To spread a little apple love in the world; proceeds from this book will be used to support my favorite, local non-profits:

    Little River Community School www.littleriverschool.org

    GardenShare www.gardenshare.org

    The Sustainable Living Project www.sustainablelivingproject.net

    These agencies support:

    Healthy, happy kids who learn through love,

    Whole foods grown locally,

    Rural and sustainable living skills for a better community — micro and macro!


    Shelby Connelly, L.Ac.


    THE fiRST YEAR I OPENED my practice I met Paula Youmell. She called seeking acupuncture and asked how it could help her fine tune her own health. On her very first treatment we became fast friends. Her scheduled treatments weren’t nearly enough time for us to talk about the thousands of health-related topics we wanted to cover. It was so refreshing to find a practitioner with a Western medical background so deeply imbedded in Eastern philosophy. I had struck GOLD! Not only has she guided me with coaching patients, she has helped me tremendously with my own wellness, seen me through personal struggles, and been my touchstone on the health choices I’ve made for my children.

    I have been a holistic practitioner for over 15 years and I am still amazed at how my patients view their own health and wellness. Whether it is chronic or acute physical or emotional pain, many have the mindset that their dis-ease¹* is out of their control. They come with stories of disappointment and despair from not being able to find hope in a quick fix or a magic pill. When they arrive at my door they are looking for a magic needle. Since I became an acupuncturist, I too, have been searching for answers. Not answers on how to fix what is already broken but how can I achieve optimal wellness and keep it. I wanted to empower my patients and teach them that the control over their health is their own. Over the past 14 years I have found answers through Paula. She has taught me to look at the body as a garden, not a machine, and has inspired me to think in ways of tending and nurturing and not fixing and mending.

    We are at constant war with our bodies: asking them to function at optimum capacity without optimal care. I include myself in the we, as I am well versed through Paula’s guidance yet constantly refocusing on the task at hand. I can relate to my dear patients. I understand the wanting to push my body and spirit harder than I give it the tools to succeed. Paula has taught me the practice—as it is a practice—of giving daily, sometimes hourly, care to myself. Paula teaches common sense, the basics yet so deeply foreign in our culture. She teaches us the ease of self-care, making it accessible to every human being.

    While acupuncture, chiropractic, physical therapy, massage, and even surgery can help clear the path to better observation of ourselves—it is the on- going, daily practice of tending to our bodies that will keep us well. The lessons Paula creates can put us beyond weight loss, above all right and further into our intended life span. This book will inspire you to find your own power to heal!

    My Preface

    I WRITE THIS BOOK TO remind everyone of their own innate ability to heal. Healing is the norm. If you cut your finger, it heals without intervention. Every part of your body is capable of healing if it is given what it needs to heal and thrive. This is a Vitalist philosophy of healing: Healing comes through nature. You are nature; therefore, healing comes from within you and through you.

    Despite longer life spans, people are not necessarily living healthier lives. Much of our older years are plagued with disease symptoms that are managed and squelched by prescription medications and other medical treatments that do not actually invoke real healing.

    People say all the time, My grandfather lived to be 89, so we must be doing something right with health care. Chances are that grandparent grew up on food raised naturally in the backyard garden and barnyard or by the farmer down the street. Even people living in urban areas were being fed by farmers growing whole foods close by the city. When a body is built from conception on (and this really goes back through generations of good whole food living, passing strong cellular health to the next generation) with whole foods, the body grows up with intact, whole cellular health. Each generation of cell reproduction was created with whole foods growing up a body on a solid foundation of good, healthy cells.

    Our increased longevity can also be attributed to better sanitation, use of antibiotics (unfortunately, we are now paying for the overuse of them), and easier lifestyles. The hard labor and constant exposure to the elements, in those generations living and working more closely to the land, were factors in earlier death. If we look at colonial days, wealthy land owners lived longer lives (if they did not contract an infectious disease and not recover from it) than the field hands working the land, constantly exposed to hard physical labor and the elements.

    When we look at children growing up in today’s fast food and food product culture, we are seeing different results. As their bodies grow and develop from their conception on with packaged, refined foods being a staple of the diet, we are witnessing the new generation of humans who have degenerative diseases at very early ages. Children and teenagers are developing type 2, adult onset diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and cardiovascular disease. I think this speaks loudly about our cultural movement away from traditional eating of whole, well-raised food to a culture of packaged, processed food products. Our cultural cellular health and integrity are suffering.

    I offer this book as a simple reminder of health and healing, a simple solution to the symptoms that bother you. What I write in this book is what I have found to be truths—truths for me, based upon my learning, experience, and resultant wisdom (or so called wisdom). As you read, question everything. Avoid being a passive sponge soaking up the information I lay out for you. Question and seek your own answers. Create your own truths.

    My own interest in healing began in my first year of nursing school. I watched how patients were cared for in the hospitals. Their symptoms were managed, but people were never helped to heal, never reminded of what we intuitively know. Healing can and will happen.

    Thus began a 25 year journey learning about nutrition, herbs, energy, emotional and spiritual health, and healing. May the health and healing path I have walked make your path to health and healing much shorter.

    Writer’s Waiver: I write this book from the information in my head; you will not find a bibliography or footnotes. I have used my educational and real life experience as a registered nurse, school health and physical education teacher, yoga practitioner and teacher, herbalist, reiki practitioner, and whole food educator. I added the many dashes of the wisdom I have gained through my holistic trainings under naturopaths, herbalists, energy healers, and many other natural healers, as well as the common sense that becomes inherent in working with the natural balance of life.

    Please relax and enjoy our healing conversation.

    Thanks and

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