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About this ebook

  • Have you ever been frustrated by test after test only to be told there's nothing wrong? Yet the symptoms persist?
  • Is it tough to stay on top of your mental, emotional and physical symptoms to get through the week?
  • Perhaps you or someone you know suffers from an autoimmune condition such as Hashimoto's, Multiple Sclerosis, Di
Release dateJan 16, 2023

Karlene Georgiadis

Karlene Georgiadis is a biomedical Nutritionist and Naturopath with over 2 decades in the field. Karlene's work is dedicated to analyzing and interpreting the scientific test results of thousands of clients' stool samples. Her one goal is to understand and solve your greatest health mystery.

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    GUT TRUTH - Karlene Georgiadis





    Email: support@karlene.com.au

    Karlene is constantly told by her patients Please put what you know in a book, you really know your shit. Her latest book, GUT TRUTH, has finally answered their call.


    Access some of Karlene’s favorite gut health recipes in the bonus Chapter of this book. Also download her complete recipe booklet with many more suggestions here:


    Copyright © 2023 Karlene Georgiadis

    ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without the expressed written permission from the author and publisher.

    Author: Karlene Georgiadis

    Title: Gut Truth

    ISBN Paperback: 978-922380-53-1

    ISBN Kindle: 978-1-922380-55-5

    Author website: www.karlene.com.au

    Category: Health | Nutrition

    Publisher: Mind Potential Publishing

    Division of Mind Design Centre Pty Ltd. www.mindpotentialpublishing.com

    Cover design and internal art by: Narelle Craven Logozoo https://logozoo.com.au

    Author Photography by: Adrienne Dillon www.littleblackrabbit.net

    Book Formatting by: Narelle Ellis NGirl Design: www.ngirldesign.com.au


    The author and publisher of this book have used their best efforts in preparing this material and they disclaim any warranties, (expressed or implied) for any particular purpose. The information presented in this publication is compiled from sources believed to be accurate at the time of printing, however the publisher assumes no responsibility for omissions or errors. The author and publisher shall not be held liable for any loss or other damages, including, but not limited to incidental, consequential, or any other. This publication is not intended to replace or substitute medical or professional advice, the author and publisher disclaim any liability, loss or risk incurred as a direct or indirect consequence of the use of any content.

    The case study stories in this book are based on real life patients and their results. In some cases, the names and or the genders may have been changed to protect patient privacy.

    The author and publisher state that there is no conflict of interest with Bioscreen (the specialist microbiology laboratory used by the author for all stool testing.) The author agrees that some content in this book was learned in consultation with experts from Bioscreen so that the author can interpret stool tests for her patients. It is important to note that there is no financial agreement with Bioscreen and no financial exchange between the author, publisher and Bioscreen for this information.

    Mind Potential Publishing bears no responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided as either online or offline links contained in this publication. The use of links to websites does not constitute an endorsement by the publisher. The publisher assumes no liability for content or opinion expressed by the author. Opinions expressed by the Author do not represent the opinion of Mind Potential Publishing or Mind Design Centre Pty Ltd.


    To my two beautiful children Nathan and Emily for their patience and support and love.

    And to my mother, Hiltrud, for asking me the right questions that led me to my own answers, as I now do this daily in my work.

    Bless you Mum

    Karlene, xo





    Chapter 1: Know Your Shit

    Chapter 2: Biggest Health Mysteries Solved - Invisible Diseases

    Chapter 3: Exposing the Myths in Gut Health to Find the Sweet Spot

    Chapter 4: Symptoms and Solutions – You are Your Medicine

    Chapter 5: The Gut Protocol

    Chapter 6: Karlene’s Gut Health Tips

    Chapter 7: The Flow Check-up

    Chapter 8: Your New Map to a Healthy Gut and Vibrant Life

    Recipes for Great Gut Health - Stop Eating Crap - Bonus Chapter

    Glossary of Terms


    References and Recommended Reading


    Meet the Contributor

    Meet the Author

    What Others Have to Say


    When I studied naturopathy in the late 1980s, we were taught that ‘all diseases begin in the gut’ despite the fact there was little in the scientific literature to support this hypothesis. In the past two decades following innovative technologies and mapping of the human genome, the volume of research dedicated to the microbiome and its impact on animal and human health has taken centre stage, as evident by the thousands of publications and numerous journals dedicated to this field. Much of this knowledge sits idly in journals given it can take up to 17 years to go from scientific discovery to clinical practice. As the magnitude of this discovery trickles into the health industry, a small but dedicated number of clinicians are challenging the status quo, thinking beyond their training, spending years listening to their patients, and hundreds or even thousands of hours of their own time attending lectures to help their patients. Karlene Georgiadis is one such clinician. Her dedication to her patients and dogged determination to get to the root cause(s) has discovered that your poo provides an incredible snapshot of your health which is the outcome of your genes, lifestyle and environmental factors.

    Almost half of the adult population are diagnosed with at least one chronic disease and, over the years most end up on a longlist of medications. This polypharmacy approach frequently results in addictions and more often than not, negatively impacts one’s physical and mental wellbeing. It certainly negatively impacted my father’s health (and my parent’s relationship) following his Parkinson’s Disease diagnosis and subsequent addiction to over a hundred tablets per day. Is this acceptable? I think not. Is there a better way? YES!

    Regardless of your state of health or diagnosis, your stool reveals your unique story and the perfect snapshot of your health. More importantly, it provides the key steps you need to take to improve your health and vitality. Karlene’s approach to gut health, addresses how we can positively feed and balance our microbiota and take back control of our health. The book is brimming with real-life stories of people who have faced the kinds of challenges you face and how they gained great health. Having presented at medical conferences in Environmental Medicine both in Australia and abroad, I can personally advocate that Karlene digs deeper into the story of gut health than any other gut health book I’ve read. She is willing to get down and talk dirty and empower you to love and observe your stool as a gateway to good health. This engaging and thought-provoking, yet easy to read book will have you running to the phone to get your stool tested. It certainly did for me!

    Nicole Bijlsma

    Best-Selling Author & Public Figure

    PhD (pending), N.D.

    BHScAc(Hons.), Grad.Dip.OHS.

    Dip. Building Biology,

    IICRC Mould Remediator


    Nicole Bijlsma is a building biologist, bestselling author (Healthy Home Healthy Family), researcher and CEO of the Australian College of Environmental Studies (est.1999). Nicole is the founder of the Building Biology movement in Australia which was created to educate people about the health hazards in the built environment. Nicole has lectured at tertiary institutions for over 30 years, has published in peer reviewed journals and is regularly consulted by the media to discuss mould, electromagnetic fields and toxic chemicals, and lectures in Australia and abroad about environmental health issues.



    I am overjoyed to receive emails from patients telling me they now feel great, or they are relieved to have avoided needing a colostomy bag or even that they feel that ‘I saved their life’. That they feel free of their crippling symptoms, free to live their best life. I’m so humbled to read their emails.

    But I’m not a life-saver. I am a solution-finder. I find the solution within your gut. In fact, I find that solution in the last place any person wants to look: your poo!

    Yup, buried in your poo lies a solution so transformative and powerful that it saves lives. Don’t worry, I do the dirty work. All you have to do is start realizing that within your gut lies your own unique healing solution.

    Every patient who finds me has already seen genuinely caring physicians, dieticians, nutritionists, naturopaths and healers who did their best to bring about better health. Many patients have become desperate for a miracle because nothing else got the level of results they wanted.

    And that’s exactly what I do, but it’s not my miracle cure made from secret herbs and nutrients. It’s your very own innate ability to heal, which has been lying dormant in your gut waiting for an opportunity to be activated. I help patients access the truth from within their gut and achieve incredible health potential and freedom.

    There have been many times when a new patient has confided in me and told me they feel so exhausted after years of trying to ‘crack the code’ on their health, many even tell me they find it difficult to believe they can ever feel well again.

    I don’t waste time trying to TELL someone who has lost hope in their body’s ability to heal, I instead SHOW them. There’s nothing like feeling well again to inspire the biggest cynic. Best of all, when I guide patients to their own ‘code’ and their body begins to heal itself, they get their lives back, and I get heartfelt emails in my inbox to start my day with joy!

    No longer does Joyce need to cancel a nursing shift because she can’t muster enough energy to shower let alone get through an entire shift.

    Nor Cameron, who can’t get off the toilet long enough to make it out of the driveway, let alone sit in peak hour traffic.

    Imagine that Joyce and Cameron no longer wonder IF they will ever feel better, because they KNOW how great it feels to be healthy!

    As you read this book you will hear real life stories of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), sexual dysfunction, auto-immune conditions, you name it, and each case will involve a unique treatment with one thing in common: The body only heals when you activate your gut’s unique healing solution.

    Let’s get started on your unique healing code to fix your gut.

    Until now you have understandably been consumed by your suffering. I get it.

    But right here, right now, choose to be done with suffering and instead decide consciously and willingly to align yourself with health and vitality, these are your birthright.

    I need you to set aside your fears and doubts and stop doing what doesn’t work. By doing this you can get out of the way of your own healing and start to feel empowered, vital and strong.

    I know that your gut has phenomenal healing power.

    By taking specific steps, you will establish a miraculous gut forest that grows your body’s own cure. A forest so small that it can’t be seen by the naked eye but so vast that it will change your physiology from symptomatic to super-cala-fragilistic-expialadotious!

    What is the starting point for your gut’s healing power?

    Your Poo of course!

    The last place that most people want to start is the first step to their natural and lasting solution. Let’s go!

    Why poo? Really??

    Your poo tells the story of your unique pathway to sickness and health.

    In a clinical setting I use the word stool. It’s more professional, clinical and sounds nicer. Some patients laugh and call it ‘their shit’, but more often I make it conversational by using the word "poo."

    This makes the topic seem more childlike and friendly, doesn’t it? But at the end of the day, do you know what I hear people say most often about me and the work I do?

    They say Karlene really knows her shit!!

    When did we stop talking about shit? I know many of you are secretly fascinated with the topic and want to come out and talk openly about it. Some not so, and that’s ok, many of us were perhaps shamed over poo accidents during childhood.

    Your gut gurgles, cramps, stitches, fascinates and worries you. Nausea, burping, reflux, heartburn, bloating and farting. These all may feature in your day. For some people, they’d swear until they were blue in the face that they don’t do any of these things. Here’s the thing though – everyone is human, and we know that they do!

    I hope I can make you just as fascinated about your poo as I am. Perhaps you want to know if your poo is good, bad, offensive, high quality or even good enough to transplant into another gut? Yes indeed, there is even a type of therapy where a

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