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Jump Shot 4-1-15

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Tiger Pride 2015

Department of Health, Exercise and Sport Sciences

Teacher: Casey Fleming

Background Information
Date: April 1st, 2015

School: Cleveland Elementary

Grade Level: 4th grade

Lesson Focus: Basketball Jump shot

# of students: 20 students

Equipment and Facilities: For this lesson the teacher

will need access to 3 basketball hoops, 6 small size
basketballs, 20 jerseys split into 3 colors, 20 poly
spots, 12 star poly spots.

Safety Considerations: Students will be advised to

keep their heads up and be aware of their surroundings
when in limited space. Students will be told to not
throw the equipment in an inappropriate manner or
shoot a ball when it is not their turn. The teacher will
make sure that there is adequate personal space for
each student during the activities.

Lesson Specifics
Behavioral Contingencies: Students will be expected
Previously Learned Skills: Students have already a
to actively participate during the lesson. If students
unit on cooperative learning, and a 2 week football
are misbehaving, a 2 strike rule will be
unit, and a unit on Frisbee. They also had one lesson
implemented. The first strike being that the student
on dribbling, passing, shooting, and defense.
will be pulled to the side and verbally warned about
the misbehavior and sit out for that activity. The final
warning, students will be pulled from all activities.
When the teacher is talking, the students will place all
equipment on the ground and their hands on their
head. Students will be removed from activity if the
equipment is used inappropriately.

Teaching Strategy: In this lesson, the students will be

paired into small groups at based on randomized
jersey colors. This lesson is intended for long periods
of practice and repetition while feedback is being
provided from the teacher

Academic Language: The primary academic language

being addressed will be the cues of the skill. The cues
of the skill for shooting will be: dribble, jump, shoot
using the cues practiced form previous lessons

Tiger Pride 2015


Psychomotor (P): Students will be able to shoot a jump shot with the correct cues 7 out of 10
Cognitive (C): Students will be able to say the cues of the skill for a jump shot with 100
percent accuracy
Affective (A): Students will show enjoyment during activity through celebrating success
H-R Fitness (H): Students will be engaged in moderate to vigorous physical activity at least
50 percent of the time.


I. Demonstrate the motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical
II. Demonstrate knowledge of movement concepts, principles and strategies that apply to the learning and
performance of physical activities.
III. Assess and maintain a level of physical fitness to improve health and performance.
IV. Demonstrate knowledge of physical fitness concepts, principles and strategies to improve health and
V. Demonstrate and utilize knowledge of psychological and sociological concepts, principles and strategies that
apply to the learning and performance of physical activity.
1. Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of
motor skills and movement patterns.
2. Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and
3. Demonstrates the knowledge skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and
4. Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
5. Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self- expression, and/or social interaction.

Describe the pre-class arrangement Students will come to the blacktop and put their backpacks by the fence
near the basketball courts and will sit down at home-base, which will be designated as the basketball court line
Teacher: The teacher will stand on the court facing the students
Students: the students will put their backpacks against the fence and take a seat at homebase on the line
Equipment: the poly spots and jerseys will be pre placed on the court.

Tiger Pride 2015

Diagram the pre-class arrangement

Home base

Content Development

How 8

Instant Activity: Passing Relay

Students will be separated into teams of
6-7. Each team will have a different
color jersey and students will stand on
their own poly spot. Students will
compete against the other teams and the
time will practicing their bounce,
overhead, and chest pass.

Set Induction:
Minutes Today we will be working on the
basketball jump shot. For this skill you
will combine 3 skills. Dribbling,
jumping and shooting.
The jump shot is used so you can shoot
quickly while moving and be used to
avoid defense from trying to block your

Transition : Students will remain at

home base for instructions on the next

(Illustration of
Diagram Instant

Start/Stop Signals: Ready

Tiger Pride Freeze
Grouping Strategies:
Students were able to
choose their groups by
picking a jersey color.


a) Goal Orientation for each

NASPE: Standard 1, Standard
2 Standard 4
CalPE: Standard I Standard V
The goal of this activity is to
practice and improve upon
basketball passing skills in a
team setting

Goal of this is task is to give

the students some
understanding of the skills
needed for todays lesson.


Tiger Pride 2015


Content Development

16 min

Lesson Core - Task 1: Jump shot

At each basketball hoop, the students
will line up at the stars. They will
dribble the ball to the orange star poly
spot, to perform a jump shot. They will
collect their ball, and the next person at
the other star will go when it is their
Demonstration Plan:
The teacher will demonstrate at slow
motion, at full speed, and then will have
a student volunteer come foreword.

3 min

Questions to Check Understanding

How many feet should you jump with?
When do you jump? When you get to
the poly spot
If students are successful or struggling,
the teacher can move the poly spots
forward or backwards. The teacher can
send lower skilled students to the
smaller basketball hoops. The teacher
can create competitions to have the
students more engaged
Transition: Students will have 30
seconds to collect all the equipment and
return to home base.
Review: Great Job today everyone.
Can someone tell me something they
learned about the jump shot? Was it
harder than normal? Its important to be
under control and not moving as fast as
you can. Can someone tell me the 3
steps to a jump shot? Dribble, Jump,
Shoot. Tomorrow Reggie will wrap up
our final day of basketball with you all.

(Illustration of
Diagram Task 1
3 basketball courts total, 1
for red like below

2 other basketball courts set

up similar to this. one will
be for the yellow group and
one for blue.

a) Goal Orientation for each

NASPE: Standard 1, Standard
CalPE: Standard I, Standard II
The goal of this activity is to
practice and improve upon
basketball jumpshots and
dribbling in a group setting
Teaching Cues for Task 1:
Dribble- using the cues from
Jump- use 2 feet to jump to a
Shoot- use the cues from

Common Errors Task 1:

1. Students running to fast and
falling forward after the jump
2. Students shooting too



Diagram The Closure



Tiger Pride 2015

References Used: none

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