This year, Sells Middle School is offering an online summer book club
option for incoming 7th and 8th graders. Students who participate in the
book club will be able to connect online with other students reading
the same book. A Sells language arts teacher will guide the clubs in
developing a reading schedule, discussing the book, and completing
the required summer questions. Book club participation will be shared
with their new language arts teacher when the school year begins.
Space is limited to 50 and sign up is required. Please fill out and detach
the bottom portion of this announcement and return it to your current
language arts teacher. Book club participants will be accepted until the
50 slots are filled. More information will come to participants at the end
of May.
Student Name __________________________________________
Current Language Arts Teacher
When do you have Study Center(circle) A days only
A and B days
B days only
Parent Signature
Any questions regarding summer book clubs can be directed toward
Mrs. Voss.