Behavior Based Interviews-Star
Behavior Based Interviews-Star
Behavior Based Interviews-Star
The selection of a new team member is a major investment for our organization and the candidate. Developing and maintaining a selection system that yields solid returns productive employees who enjoy their responsibilities and seek opportunities to continuously improve their jobs is critical to the success of every organization. The most effective selection systems share three goals: Accuracy Equity Buy-In
Accuracy is the ability of the selection process to validly predict applicants job performance. Equity is the assurance that the selection system gives every qualified applicant a fair and equal chance to be selected. Buy-In is the extent to which the people involved in the selection process perceive its worth, both interviewers and candidates. Many companies have adopted such a system of interviewing, utilizing the behavioral method, and have trained and certified their leaders to conduct these interviews.
The interviewer will be focusing on competencies that serve as keys for collecting data. Competencies -- describe the knowledge, motivations, and behaviors associated with success or failure in a job.
A competency -based interviewing format focuses on the particular knowledge, motivations, and behaviors important in the specific job or role and eliminates unrelated questions that waste time or are illegal. Interviewers rely on three general type of information when gathering data about candidates: Work/Education History/Certification/Skills The candidates broad, general background. This information, much of which can be found on an application form or a resume, includes: o Where a candidate went to school o Number of years of service with a company o Number of job changes o Licenses and certifications o Ability to use specific computer software o Familiarity with industry procedures o Ability to operate specialized equipment
Specific Experiences Specific things the candidate has done in his or her jobs or other relevant history. For example: o The time the candidate sold an idea to his or her group leader. o A major project for which the candidate developed the budget. o The time the candidate resolved a conflict with a team member Interests/Desires What the candidate is looking for in a job, organization, and location. Interviewers should note this information and confirm it with examples during the interview.
Interviewing overcomes this problem by helping interviewers focus on collecting behavioral examples. Specific information about the situation and what the person actually did helps to accurately predict how the candidate will behave in similar situations in the future. Past behavior predicts future behavior. This is called the STAR method. The ST situation the candidate faced The Action the candidate took (What did the person do) The Result of the candidates actions.