Unit 5
Unit 5
Unit 5
Chapter VI
Processing and Analysing of Data
The aim of this chapter is to:
defne processing operations
explain coding of data
classify the data
Objectives of this chapter are to:
explain problems in processing
explicate statistics in research
elucidate the measures of research
Learning outcome
At the end of this chapter, you will be able to:
discuss regression analysis
comprehend partial correlation
understan d the measures of dispersion
6.1 Introduction
Once the collection of data is over, the next step is to organise data so that meaningful conclusions may be drawn.
The information content of the observations has to be reduced to a relatively few concepts and aggregates. The data
collected from the feld has to be processed as laid down in the research plan. This is possible only through systematic
processing of data. Data processing involves editing, coding, classifcation and tabulation of the data collected so
that they are amenable to analysis. This is an intermediary stage between the collection of data and their analysis
and interpretation. In this unit, therefore, we will learn about different stages of processing of data in detail.
6.1.1 Processing Operations
Following are the important steps in the operations process.
Editing of data
Editing is the frst stage in data processing. Editing may be broadly defned to be a procedure, which uses
available information and assumptions to substitute inconsistent values in a data set. In other words, editing is
the process of examining the data collected through various methods to detect errors and omissions and correct
them for further analysis. While editing, care has to be taken to see that the data are as accurate and complete as
possible, units of observations and number of decimal places are the same for the same variable. The following
practical guidelines may be handy while editing the data:
The editor should have a copy of the instructions given to the interviewers.
The editor should not destroy or erase the original entry. Original entry should be crossed out in such a
manner that they are still legible.
All answers, which are modifed or flled in afresh by the editor, have to be indicated.
All completed schedules should have the signature of the editor and the date.
For checking the quality of data collected, it is advisable to take a small sample of the questionnaire and examine
them thoroughly. This helps in understanding the following types of problems:
whether all the questions are answered
whether the answers are properly recorded
whether there is any bias
whether there is any interviewer dishonesty
whether there are inconsistencies
At times, it may be worthwhile to group the same set of questionnaires according to the investigators (whether
any particular investigator has specifc problems) or according to geographical regions (whether any particular
region has specifc problems) or according to the sex or background of the investigators, and corrective actions
may be taken if any problem is observed.
Before tabulation of data it may be good to prepare an operation manual to decide the process for identifying
inconsistencies and errors and also the methods to edit and correct them. The following broad rules may be
Incorrect answers: It is quite common to get incorrect answers to many of the questions. A person with a thorough
knowledge will be able to notice them.
For example, against the question Which brand of biscuits do you purchase? the answer may be We purchase
biscuits from ABC Stores. Now, this questionnaire can be corrected if ABC Stores stocks only one type of biscuits,
otherwise not. Answer to the question How many days did you go for shopping in the last week? would be a
number between 0 and 7. A number beyond this range indicates a mistake, and such a mistake cannot be corrected.
The general rule is that changes may be made if one is absolutely sure, otherwise this question should not be used.
Usually a schedule has a number of questions and although answers to a few questions are incorrect, it is advisable
to use the other correct information from the schedule rather than discarding the schedule entirely.
Research Methodology
Inconsistent answers: When there are inconsistencies in the answers or when there are incomplete or missing
answers, the questionnaire should not be used. Suppose that in a survey, per capita expenditure on various items is
reported as follows: Food Rs. 700, Clothing Rs.300, Fuel and Light Rs. 200, other items Rs. 550 and Total
Rs. 1600. The answers are obviously inconsistent as the total of individual items of expenditure is exceeding the
total expenditure.
Modifed answers: Sometimes it may be necessary to modify or qualify the answers. They have to be indicated for
reference and checking. Numerical answers to be converted to same units: Against the question What is the plinth
area of your house? answers could be either in square feet or in square metres. It will be convenient to convert all
the answers to these questions in the same unit, square metre for example.
Coding of data
Coding refers to the process by which data are categorised into groups and numerals or other symbols or both
are assigned to each item depending on the class it falls in. Hence, coding involves:
deciding the categories to be used,
assigning individual codes to them
In general, coding reduces the huge amount of information collected into a form that is amenable to analysis. A
careful study of the answers is the starting point of coding. Next, a coding frame is to be developed by listing
the answers and by assigning the codes to them. A coding manual is to be prepared with the details of variable
names, codes and instructions. Normally, the coding manual should be prepared before collection of data, but for
open-ended and partially coded questions. These two categories are to be taken care of after the data collection.
The following are the broad general rules for coding:
Each respondent should be given a code number (an identifcation number).
Each qualitative question should have codes. Quantitative variables may or may not be coded depending on
the purpose. Monthly income should not be coded if one of the objectives is to compute average monthly
income. But if it is used as a classifcatory variable it may be coded to indicate poor, middle or upper income
All responses including dont know, no opinion no response etc., are to be coded.
Sometimes it is not possible to anticipate all the responses and some questions are not coded before collection
of data. Responses of all the questions are to be studied carefully and codes are to be decided by examining the
essence of the answers. In partially coded questions, usually there is an option Any other (specify). Depending
on the purpose, responses to this question may be examined and additional codes may be assigned.
Classifcation of data
Once the data is collected and edited, the next step towards further processing the data is classifcation. In most
research studies, voluminous data collected through various methods needs to be reduced into homogeneous groups
for meaningful analysis. This necessitates classifcation of data, which in simple terms is the process of dividing
data into different groups or classes according to their similarities and dissimilarities.
The groups should be homogeneous within and heterogeneous between themselves. Classifcation condenses huge
amount of data and helps in understanding the important underlying features. It enables us to make comparison,
draw inferences, locate facts and also helps in bringing out relationships, so as to draw meaningful conclusions. In
fact classifcation of data provides a basis for tabulation and analysis of data.
Types of classifcation
Data may be classifed according to one or more external characteristics or one or more internal characteristics or
both. Let us study these kinds with the help of illustrations.
Classifcation according to external characteristics
In this classifcation, data may be classifed according to area or region (Geographical) and according to occurrences
Geographical: In this type of classifcation, data are organised in terms of geographical area or region.
State-wise production of manufactured goods is an example of this type. Data collected from an all India
market survey may be classifed geographically. Usually the regions are arranged alphabetically or according
to the size to indicate the importance.
Chronological: When data is arranged according to time of occurrence, it is called chronological
classifcation. Proft of engineering industries over the last few years is an example. We may note that it is
possible to have chronological classifcation within geographical classifcation and vice versa. For example,
a large scale all India market survey spread over a number of years.
Classifcation according to internal characteristics
Data may be classifed according to attributes (Qualitative characteristics which are not capable of being described
numerically) and according to the magnitude of variables (Quantitative characteristics which are numerically
Classifcation according to attributes: In this classifcation, data are classifed by descriptive characteristic
like sex, caste, occupation, place of residence etc. This is done in two ways simple classifcation and manifold
classifcation. In simple classifcation (also called classifcation according to dichotomy), data is simply grouped
according to presence or absence of a single characteristics male or female, employed or unemployed etc.
In manifold classifcation (also known as multiple classifcation), data is classifed according to more than
one characteristic. First, the data may be divided into two groups according to one attribute (employee and
unemployed, say). Then using the remaining attributes, data is sub-grouped again (male and female based on sex).
This may go on based on other attributes, like married and unmarried, rural and urban so on The following
table is an example of manifold classifcation.
Classifcation according to magnitude of the variable:
This classifcation refers to the classifcation of data according to some characteristics that can be measured.
In this classifcation, there are two aspects: one is variables (age, weight, income etc) another is frequency
(number of observations which can be put into a class).
Quantitative variables may be, generally, divided into two groups - discrete and continuous. A discrete
variable is one which can take only isolated (exact) values, it does not carry any fractional value. The
examples are number of children in a household, number of departments in an organisation, number of
workers in a factory etc.
The variables that take any numerical value within a specifed range are called continuous variables. The
examples of continuous variables are the height of a person, proft/loss of companies etc. One point may
be noted. In practice, even the continuous variables are measured up to some degree of precision and they
also essentially become discrete variables.
Preparation of frequency distribution
When raw data is arranged in conveniently organised groups, it is called a frequency distribution. The number of
data points in a particular group is called frequency. When a discrete variable takes a small number of values (not
more than 8 or 10, say), each of the observed value is counted to form the discrete frequency distribution. In order
to facilitate counting, prepare a column of tallies. The following example illustrates it.
Construction of a continuous frequency distribution: In continuous frequency distribution, the data is grouped
into a small number of intervals instead of individual values of the variables. These groups are called classes.
There are two different ways in which limits of classes may be arranged - exclusive and inclusive method. In
the exclusive method, the class intervals are so arranged that the upper limit of one class is the lower limit of
the next class, whereas in the inclusive method, the upper limit of a class is included in the class itself.
Tabulation of data
Presentation of collected data in the tabular form is one of the techniques of data presentation. The two other
techniques are diagrammatic and graphic presentation. Arranging the data in an orderly manner in rows and
columns is called tabulation of data.
Research Methodology
Sometimes data collected by survey or even from publications of offcial bodies are so numerous that it is diffcult
to understand the important features of the data. Therefore it becomes necessary to summarise data through
tabulation to an easily intelligible form. It may be noted that there may be loss of some minor information in
certain cases, but the essential underlying features come out more clearly.
Quite frequently, data presented in tabular form is much easier to read and understand than the data presented in
the text. In classifcation, as discussed in the previous section, the data is divided on the basis of similarity and
resemblance, whereas tabulation is the process of recording the classifed facts in rows and columns. Therefore,
after classifying the data into various classes, they should be shown in the tabular form.
Types of tables
Tables may be classifed, depending upon the use and objectives of the data to be presented, into simple tables and
complex tables. Let us discuss them along with illustrations.
Simple table: In this case data are presented only for one variable or characteristics. Therefore, this type of table is
also known as one way table. The table showing the data relating to the sales of a company in different years will
be an example of a single table.
Parts of a statistical table
A table should have the following four essential parts:
Caption or
Box head
Fig. 6.1 Essentials of statistical table
At times it may also contain an end note and source note below the table. The table should have a title, which
is usually placed above the statistical table. The title should be clearly worded to give some idea of the tables
contents. Usually a report has many tables. Hence the tables should be numbered to facilitate reference.
Caption refers to the total of the columns. It is also termed as box head.
There may be sub-captions under the main caption. Stub refers to the titles given to the rows. Caption and
stub should also be unambiguous. To the extent possible abbreviations should not be used in either caption or
stub. But if they are used, the expansion must be given in the end note below. Notes pertaining to stub entries
or box headings may be numerals. But, to avoid confusion, it is better to use some symbols (like *, **, @ etc)
or alphabets for notes referring to the entries in the main body. If the table is based on outside information, it
should be mentioned in the source note below.
This note should be complete with author, title, year of publication etc to enable the reader to go to the original
source for crosschecking or for obtaining additional information. Columns and rows may be numbered for easy
Arrangement of items in stub and box-head
There is no hard and fast rule about the arrangement of column and row headings in a table. It depends on the nature
of data and type of analysis. A number of different methods are used - alphabetical, geographical, chronological /
historical, magnitude-based and customary or conventional.
Alphabetical: This method is suitable for general tables as it is easy to locate an item if it is arranged
alphabetically. For example, population census data of India may be arranged in the alphabetical order of states/
union territories.
Geographical: It can be used when the reader is familiar with the usual geographical classifcation.
Chronological: A table containing data over a period of time may be presented in the chronological order.
Population data (1961 to 2001) presented earlier are in chronological order. One may either start from the most
recent year or the earliest year. However, there is a convention to start with the month of January whenever
year and month data are presented.
Based on Magnitude: At times, items in a table are arranged according to the value of the characteristic.
Usually the largest item is placed frst and other items follow in decreasing order. But this may be reversed
also. Suppose that state-wise population data is arranged in order of decreasing magnitude. This will highlight
the most populous state and the least populous state.
Customary or Conventional: Traditionally some order is followed in certain cases. While presenting population
census data, usually rural comes before urban and male frst and female next. At times, conventional
geographical order is also followed.
6.1.2 Some Problems in Processing
Following are the two problems of processing the data for analytical purposes:
The problem concerning Dont know (or DK) responses:
While processing the data, the researcher often comes across some responses that are diffcult to handle. One
category of such responses may be Dont Know Response or simply DK response. When the DK response
group is small, it is of little signifcance. But when it is relatively big, it becomes a matter of major concern in
which case the question arises: Is the question which elicited DK response useless? The answer depends on
two points, viz., the respondent actually may not know the answer or the researcher may fail in obtaining the
appropriate information.
In the frst case the concerned question is said to be alright and DK response is taken as legitimate DK response.
But in the second case, DK response is more likely to be a failure of the questioning process. How DK
responses are to be dealt with by researchers? The best way is to design better type of questions. Good rapport
of interviewers with respondents will result in minimising DK responses. But what about the DK responses
that have already taken place?
One way to tackle this issue is to estimate the allocation of DK answers from other data in the questionnaire.
The other way is to keep DK responses as a separate category in tabulation where we can consider it as a
separate reply category if DK responses happen to be legitimate, otherwise we should let the reader make his
own decision.
Yet another way is to assume that DK responses occur more or less randomly and as such we may distribute them
among the other answers in the ratio in which the latter have occurred. Similar results will be achieved if all DK
replies are excluded from tabulation and that too without infating the actual number of other responses.
Research Methodology
Use or percentages:
Percentages are often used in data presentation for they simplify numbers, reducing all of them to a 0 to 100 range.
Through the use of percentages, the data are reduced in the standard form with base equal to 100 which fact facilitates
relative comparisons. While using percentages, the following rules should be kept in view by researchers:
Two or more percentages must not be averaged unless each is weighted by the group size from which it has
been derived.
Use of too large percentages should be avoided, since a large percentage is diffcult to understand and tends to
confuse, defeating the very purpose for which percentages are used.
Percentages hide the base from which they have been computed. If this is not kept in view, the real differences
may not be correctly read.
Percentage decreases can never exceed 100 per cent and as such for calculating the percentage of decrease, the
higher fgure should invariably be taken as the base.
Percentages should generally be worked out in the direction of the causal-factor in case of two-dimension
tables and for this purpose we must select the more signifcant factor out of the two given factors as the causal
6.1.3 Elements / Types of Analysis
As stated earlier, by analysis we mean the computation of certain indices or measures along with searching for
patterns of relationship that exist among the data groups. Analysis, particularly in case of survey or experimental
data, involves estimating the values of unknown parameters of the population and testing of hypotheses for
drawing inferences.
Analysis may, therefore, be categorised as descriptive analysis and inferential analysis (Inferential analysis is
often known as statistical analysis). Descriptive analysis is largely the study of distributions of one variable.
This study provides us with profles of companies, work groups, persons and other subjects on any of a multiple
of characteristics such as size, composition, effciency, preferences, etc. This sort of analysis may be in respect
of one variable (described as one-dimensional analysis), or in respect of two variables (described as bi variate
analysis) or in respect of more than two variables (described as multivariate analysis).
In this context we work out various measures that show the size and shape of a distribution(s) along with the
study of measuring relationships between two or more variables. We may as well talk of correlation analysis
and causal analysis. Correlation analysis studies the joint variation of two or more variables for determining
the amount of correlation between two or more variables.
Causal analysis is concerned with the study of how one or more variables affect changes in another variable. It
is thus a study of functional relationships existing between two or more variables. This analysis can be termed
as regression analysis. Causal analysis is considered relatively more important in experimental researches,
whereas in most social and business researches our interest lies in understanding and controlling relationships
between variables then with determining causes per se and as such we consider correlation analysis as relatively
more important.
In modern times, with the availability of computer facilities, there has been a rapid development of multivariate
analysis which may be defned as all statistical methods which simultaneously analyse more than two variables
on a sample of observations. Usually the following analyses* are involved when we make a reference of
multivariate analysis:
Multiple regression analysis: This analysis is adopted when the researcher has one dependent variable
which is presumed to be a function of two or more independent variables. The objective of this analysis is to
make a prediction about the dependent variable based on its covariance with all the concerned independent
Multiple discriminate analysis: This analysis is appropriate when the researcher has a single dependent
variable that cannot be measured, but can be classifed into two or more groups on the basis of some attribute.
The object of this analysis happens to be to predict an entitys possibility of belonging to a particular group
based on several predictor variables.
Multivariate analysis of variance (or multi-ANOVA): This analysis is an extension of two ways ANOVA,
wherein the ratio of among group variance to within group variance is worked out on a set of variables.
Canonical analysis: This analysis can be used in case of both measurable and non-measurable variables
for the purpose of simultaneously predicting a set of dependent variables from their joint covariance with
a set of independent variables.
Inferential analysis: This is concerned with the various tests of signifcance for testing hypotheses in order
to determine with what validity data can be said to indicate some conclusion or conclusions. It is also
concerned with the estimation of population values. It is mainly on the basis of inferential analysis that the
task of interpretation (i.e., the task of drawing inferences and conclusions) is performed.
6.1.4 Statistics in Research
The role of statistics in research is to function as a tool in designing research, analysing its data and drawing
conclusions there from. Most research studies result in a large volume of raw data which must be suitably
reduced so that the same can be read easily and can be used for further analysis.
Clearly the science of statistics cannot be ignored by any research worker, even though he may not have occasion
to use statistical methods in all their details and ramifcations. Classifcation and tabulation, as stated earlier,
achieve this objective to some extent, but we have to go a step further and develop certain indices or measures
to summarise the collected/classifed data.
Only after this we can adopt the process of generalisation from small groups (i.e., samples) to population. If fact,
there are two major areas of statistics, viz., descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics
concern the development of certain indices from the raw data, whereas inferential statistics concern with the
process of generalisation. Inferential statistics are also known as sampling statistics and are mainly concerned
with two major type of problems:
the estimation of population parameters, and
the testing of statistical hypotheses
The important statistical measures that are used to summarise the survey/research data are:
measures of central tendency or statistical averages;
measures of dispersion;
measures of asymmetry;
measures of relationship; and
other measures
Amongst the measures of central tendency, the three most important ones are the arithmetic average or mean,
median and mode. Geometric mean and harmonic mean are also sometimes used. From among the measures
of dispersion, variance, and its square rootthe standard deviation are the most often used measures. Other
measures such as mean deviation, range, etc. are also used. For comparison purpose, we use mostly the coeffcient
of standard deviation or the coeffcient of variation.
With respect to the measures of skewness and kurtosis, we mostly use the frst measure of skewness based on
mean and mode or on mean and median. Other measures of skewness, based on quartiles or on the methods
of moments, are also used sometimes. Kurtosis is also used to measure the peakedness of the curve of the
frequency distribution.
Amongst the measures of relationship, Karl Pearsons coeffcient of correlation is the frequently used measure in
case of statistics of variables, whereas Yules coeffcient of association is used in case of statistics of attributes.
Multiple correlation coeffcients, partial correlation coeffcient, regression analysis, etc., are other important
measures often used by a researcher.
Index numbers, analysis of time series, coeffcient of contingency, etc., are other measures that may as well be
used by a researcher, depending upon the nature of the problem under study. We give below a brief outline of
some important measures (our of the above listed measures) often used in the context of research studies.
Research Methodology
6.2 Data Measuring
Data measuring is explained below.
6.2.1 Measures of Central Tendency
Measures of central tendency (or statistical averages) tell us the point about which items have a tendency to
cluster. Such a measure is considered as the most representative fgure for the entire mass of data. Measure of
central tendency is also known as statistical average.
Mean, median and mode are the most popular averages. Mean, also known as arithmetic average, is the most
common measure of central tendency and may be defned as the value which we get by dividing the total of the
values of various given items in a series by the total number of items we can work it out as under:
Mean (or = =
Where = The symbol we use for mean (pronounced as X bar)
= Symbol for summation
= Value of the i
item X, i = 1,2, ... , n
n = total number of items
In case of a frequency distribution, we can work out mean in this way:
Sometimes, instead of calculating the simple mean, as stated above, we may workout the weighted mean for a
realistic average. The weighted mean can be worked out as follows:
Where weighted item
= weight of i
item X
= value of the i
item X
Mean is the simplest measurement of central tendency and is a widely used measure. Its chief use consists in
summarising the essential features of a series and in enabling data to be compared. It is amenable to algebraic
treatment and is used in further statistical calculations. It is a relatively stable measure of central tendency. But
it suffers from some limitations, viz., it is unduly affected by extreme items; it may not coincide with the actual
value of an item in a series, and it may lead to wrong impressions, particularly when the item values are not
given with the average. However, mean is better than other averages, especially in economic and social studies
where direct quantitative measurements are possible.
Median is the value of the middle item of series when it is arranged in ascending or descending order of magnitude.
It divides the series into two halves; in one half all items are less than median, whereas in the other half all items
have values higher than median. If the values of the items arranged in the ascending order are: 60, 74, 80, 90,
95, 100, and then the value of the 4th item, viz., 88 is the value of median. We can also write thus:
If we assumed average A, then mean would be worked out as under:
or , in case of frequency distribution. This is also known as short cut method
of fnding
Median (M) = Value of
Median is a positional average and is used only in the context of qualitative phenomena, for example, in estimating
intelligence, etc., which are often encountered in sociological felds. Median is not useful where items need to
be assigned relative importance and weights. It is not frequently used in sampling statistics.
Mode is the most commonly or frequently occurring value in a series. The mode in a distribution is that
item around which there is maximum concentration. In general, mode is the size of the item which has the
maximum frequency, but at items such an item may not be mode on account of the effect of the frequencies of
the neighbouring items. Like median, mode is a positional average and is not affected by the values of extreme
items. It is, therefore, useful in all situations where we want to eliminate the effect of extreme variations. Mode
is particularly useful in the study of popular sizes.
For example, a manufacturer of shoes is usually interested in fnding out the size most in demand so that he may
manufacture a larger quantity of that size. In other words, he wants a modal size to be determined for median
or mean size would not serve his purpose. But there are certain limitations of mode as well. Geometric mean
is also useful under certain conditions. It is defned as the nth root of the product of the values of n times in a
given series. Symbolically, we can put it thus:
Geometric mean (G.M.) =
Where G.M. = Geometric Mean
n = number of items
= i
value of the variable X
= conventional product notation
For instance, the geometric mean of the numbers, 4, 6 and 9 is worked out as
G.M. =
= 6
The most frequently used application of this average is in the determination of average per cent of change, i.e.,
it is often used in the preparation of index numbers or when we deal in ratios. Harmonic mean is defned as
the reciprocal of the average of reciprocals of the values of items of a series. Symbolically, we can express it
as under:
Harmonic mean (H.M.) = Rec.
= Rec.
Where H.M. = Harmonic mean
Rec. = Reciprocal
value of the variable X
n = number of items
For instance, the harmonic mean of the numbers 4, 5 and 10 is worked out as
H.M. = Rec = Rec
Research Methodology
Rec = = 5.45
Harmonic mean is of limited application, particularly in cases where time and rate are involved. The harmonic
mean gives largest weight to the smallest item and smallest weight to the largest item. As such it is used in cases
like time and motion study where time is variable and distance constant. From what has been stated above, we
can say that there are several types of statistical averages.
Researcher has to make a choice for some average. There are no hard and fast rules for the selection of a
particular average in statistical analysis for the selection of an average mostly depends on the nature, type of
objectives of the research study. One particular type of average cannot be taken as appropriate for all types of
studies. The chief characteristics and the limitations of the various averages must be kept in view; discriminate
use of average is very essential for sound statistical analysis.
6.2.2 Measures of Dispersion
An average can represent a series only as best as a single fgure can, but it certainly cannot reveal the entire story of
any phenomenon under study. Especially it fails to give any idea about the scatter of the values of items of a variable
in the series around the true value of average. In order to measure this scatter, statistical devices called measures of
dispersion are calculated. Important measures of dispersion are:
It is the simplest possible measure of dispersion and is defned as the difference between the values of the
extreme items of a series. Thus,
Range = (Highest value of an item in a series) (Lowest value of an item in a series)
The utility of range is that it gives an idea of the variability very quickly, but the drawback is that range is
affected very greatly by fuctuations of sampling. Its value is never stable, being based on only two values of the
variable. As such, range is mostly used as a rough measure of variability and is not considered as an appropriate
measure in serious research studies.
Mean deviation
It is the average of difference of the values of items from some average of the series. Such a difference is
technically described as deviation. In calculating mean deviation we ignore the minus sign of deviations while
taking their total for obtaining the mean deviation. Mean deviation is, thus, obtained as under:
Mean deviation from mean ,
if deviations, are obtained from arithmetic average.
Mean deviation from median =
When mean deviation is divided by the average used in fnding out the mean deviation itself, the resulting
quantity is described as the coeffcient of mean deviation. Coeffcient of mean deviation is a relative measure
of dispersion and is comparable to similar measure of other series. Mean deviation and its coeffcient are used
in statistical studies for judging the variability, and thereby render the study of central tendency of a series more
precise by throwing light on the typicalness of an average. It is a better measure of variability than range as it
takes into consideration the values of all items of a series. Even then it is not a frequently used measure as it is
not amenable to algebraic process.
Standard deviation
It is most widely used measure of dispersion of a series and is commonly denoted by the symbol (pronounced
as sigma). Standard deviation is defned as the square-root of the average of squares of deviations, when such
deviations for the values of individual items in a series are obtained from the arithmetic average. It is worked
out as under:
Standard deviation* () =
* If we use assumed average, A, in place of while fnding deviations, then standard deviation would be
worked out as under:
This is also known as the short cut method of fnding .
Standard deviation () = ; in case of frequency distribution where, means the frequency of the i
When we divide the standard deviation by the arithmetic average of the series, the resulting quantity is known
as coeffcient of standard deviation which happens to be a relative measure and is often used for comparing with
similar measure of other series. When this coeffcient of standard deviation is multiplied by 100, the resulting
fgure is known as coeffcient of variation. Sometimes, we work out the square of standard deviation, known
as variance, which is frequently used in the context of analysis of variation.
The standard deviation (along with several related measures like variance, coeffcient of variation, etc.) is used
mostly in research studies and is regarded as a very satisfactory measure of dispersion in a series. It is amenable
to mathematical manipulation because the algebraic signs are not ignored in its calculation (as we ignore in case
of mean deviation). It is less affected by fuctuations of sampling. These advantages make standard deviation
and its coeffcient a very popular measure of the scatteredness of a series. It is popularly used in the context of
estimation and testing of hypotheses.
6.2.3 Measures of Relationship
So far we have dealt with those statistical measures that we use in context of univariate population, i.e., the
population consisting of measurement of only one variable. But if we have the data on two variables, we are
said to have a bivariate population and if the data happen to be on more than two variables, the population is
known as multivariate population. If for every measurement of a variable, X, we have corresponding value of
a second variable, Y, the resulting pairs of values are called a bivariate population.
In addition, we may also have a corresponding value of the third variable, Z, or the forth variable, W, and so on,
the resulting pairs of values are called a multivariate population. In case of bivariate or multivariate populations,
we often wish to know the relation of the two and/or more variables in the data to one another. We may like to
know, for example, whether the number of hours students devote for studies is somehow related to their family
income, to age, to sex or to similar other factor. There are several methods of determining the relationship
between variables, but no method can tell us for certain that a correlation is indicative of causal relationship.
Thus we have to answer two types of questions in bivariate or multivariate populations, viz.,
Does there exist association or correlation between the two (or more) variables? If yes, of what degree?
Is there any cause and effect relationship between the two variables in case of the bivariate population
or between one variable on one side and two or more variables on the other side in case of multivariate
population? If yes, of what degree and in which direction?
Research Methodology
The frst question is answered by the use of correlation technique and the second question by the technique of
regression. There are several methods of applying the two techniques, but the important ones are as under:
In case of bivariate population: Correlation can be studied through
cross tabulation;
Charles Spearmans coeffcient of correlation;
Karl Pearsons coeffcient of correlation;
whereas cause and effect relationship can be studied through simple regression equations.
In case of multivariate population: Correlation can be studied through
coeffcient of multiple correlation;
coeffcient of partial correlation; whereas cause and effect relationship can be studied through multiple
regression equations.
Following given is the brief explanation of each method:
Cross tabulation approach
This is especially useful when the data are in nominal form. Under it we classify each variable into two or more
categories and then cross classify the variables in these subcategories. Then we look for interactions between
them which may be symmetrical, reciprocal or asymmetrical. A symmetrical relationship is one in which the
two variables vary together, but we assume that neither variable is due to the other.
A reciprocal relationship exists when the two variables mutually infuence or reinforce each other. Asymmetrical
relationship is said to exist if one variable (the independent variable) is responsible for another variable (the
dependent variable). The cross classifcation procedure begins with a two-way table which indicates whether
there is or there is not an interrelationship between the variables. This sort of analysis can be further elaborated
in which case a third factor is introduced into the association through cross-classifying the three variables.
By doing so we fnd conditional relationship in which factor X appears to affect factor Y only when factor Z
is held constant. The correlation, if any, found through this approach is not considered a very powerful form
of statistical correlation and accordingly we use some other methods when data happen to be either ordinal or
interval or ratio data.
Charles Spearmans coeffcient of correlation (or rank correlation)
This is the technique of determining the degree of correlation between two variables in case of ordinal data where
ranks are given to the different values of the variables. The main objective of this coeffcient is to determine the
extent to which the two sets of ranking are similar or dissimilar. This coeffcient is determined as under:
Spearmans coeffcient of correlation or (r
) = 1-
Where d
= difference between ranks of i
pair of the two variables;
n = number of pairs of observations
as rank correlation is a non-parametric technique for measuring relationship between paired observations of
two variables when data are in the ranked form.
Karl Pearsons coeffcient of correlation (or simple correlation) is the most widely used method of measuring
the degree of relationship between two variables. This coeffcient assumes the following:
that there is linear relationship between the two variables;
that the two variables are casually related which means that one of the variables is independent and the
other one is dependent; and
a large number of independent causes are operating in both variables so as to produce a normal
Karl Pearsons coeffcient of correlation can be worked out thus.
Karl Pearsons coeffcient of correlation or (r)* =
* Alternatively, the formula can be written as:
r =
r= =
r =
(This applies when we take zero as the assumed mean for both variables, X and Y).
Where = i
value of X variable
= mean of X
= i
value of Y variable
= Mean of Y
n = number of pairs of observations of X and Y
= Standard deviation of X
= Standard deviation of YIn case we use assumed means (Ax and Ay for variables X and Y respectively) in
place of true means, then Karl Persons formula is reduced to:
Where = (X
= (Y
= (X
= (Y
. = (X
) (Y
n = number of pairs of observations of X and Y
This is the short cut approach for fnding r in case of ungrouped data. If the data happen to be grouped data (i.e., the
case of bivariate frequency distribution), we shall have to write Karl Pearsons coeffcient of correlation as under:
Research Methodology
Where f
is the frequency of a particular cell in the correlation table and all other values are defned as earlier.
Karl Pearsons coeffcient of correlation is also known as the product moment correlation coeffcient. The
value of r lies between 1. Positive values of r indicate positive correlation between the two variables (i.e.,
changes in both variables take place in the statement direction), whereas negative values of r indicate negative
correlation, i.e., changes in the two variables taking place in the opposite directions.
A zero value of r indicates that there is no association between the two variables. When r = (+) 1, it indicates
perfect positive correlation and when it is () 1, it indicates perfect negative correlation, meaning thereby that
variations in independent variable (X) explain 100% of the variations in the dependent variable (Y). We can
also say that for a unit change in independent variable, if there happens to be a constant change in the dependent
variable in the same direction, then correlation will be termed as perfect positive.
But if such change occurs in the opposite direction, the correlation will be termed as perfect negative. The value
of r nearer to +1 or 1 indicates high degree of correlation between the two variables.
6.3 Regression Analysis
Following is the description of different types of regression analysis.
6.3.1 Simple Regression Analysis
Regression is the determination of a statistical relationship between two or more variables. In simple regression,
we have only two variables, one variable (defned as independent) is the cause of the behaviour of another one
(defned as dependent variable). Regression can only interpret what exists physically, i.e., there must be a physical
way in which independent variable X can affect dependent variable Y. The basic relationship between X and Y is
given by:
= a +bX
Where the symbol denotes the estimated value of Y for a given value of X. This equation is known as the regression
equation of Y on X (also represents the regression line of Y on X when drawn on a graph) which means that each
unit change in X produces a change of b in Y, which is positive for direct and negative for inverse relationships.
Then generally used method to fnd the best ft that a straight line of this kind can give is the least-square method.
To use it effciently, we frst determine
= - n
= - n
= - n .
Then b = a = b
These measures defne a and b which will give the best possible ft through the original X and Y points and the value
of r can then be worked out as under:
r =
Thus, the regression analysis is a statistical method to deal with the formulation of mathematical model depicting
relationship amongst variables which can be used for the purpose of prediction of the values of dependent variable,
given the values of the independent variable.
(Alternatively, for ftting a regression equation of the type = a + bX to the given values of X and Y variables, we
can fnd the values of the two constants, viz., a and b by using the following two normal equations:
= na + b
= a + b
And then solving these equations for fnding a and b values. Once these values are obtained and have been put in
the equation = a + bX, we say that we have ftted the regression equation of Y on X to the given data. In a similar
fashion, we can develop the regression equation of X and Y, viz., = a + bX, presuming Y as an independent
variable and X as dependent variable).
6.3.2 Multiple Correlation and Regression
When there are two or more than two independent variables, the analysis concerning relationship is known as
multiple correlations and the equation describing such relationship as the multiple regression equation. We here
explain multiple correlation and regression taking only two independent variables and one dependent variable
(Convenient computer programs exist for dealing with a great number of variables). In this situation the results are
interpreted as shown below:
Multiple regression equation assumes the form
= a + b
+ b
Where X1 and X2 are two independent variables and Y being the dependent variable, and the constants a, b
and b
can be solved by solving the following the following three normal equations:
= na + b
+ b
= a + b
+ b
= a + b1 + b
(It may be noted that the number of normal equations would depend upon the number of independent variables.
If there are 2 independent variables, then 3 equations, if there are 3 independent variables then 4 equations and so
on, are used).
In multiple regression analysis, the regression coeffcients (viz., b
) become less reliable as the degree of correlation
between the independent variables (viz., X
) increases. If there is a high degree of correlation between independent
variables, we have a problem of what is commonly described as the problem of multi-co linearity. In such a situation
we should use only one set of the independent variable to make our estimate. In fact, adding a second variable, say
, that is correlated with the frst variable, say X1, distorts the values of the regression coeffcients. Nevertheless,
the prediction for the dependent variable can be made even when multi-co linearity is present, but in such a situation
enough care should be taken in selecting the independent variables to estimate a dependent variable so as to ensure
that multi-co linearity is reduced to the minimum.
With more than one independent variable, we may make a difference between the collective effect of the two
independent variables and the individual effect of each of them taken separately. The collective effect is given by
the coeffcient of multiple correlations.
defned as under:
Research Methodology
Alternatively, we can write
Where x
= ( )
= ( )
= (
and b
and b
are the regression coeffcients.
6.3.3 Partial Correlation
Partial correlation measures separately the relationship between two variables in such a way that the effects of other
related variables are eliminated. In other words, in partial correlation analysis, we aim at measuring the relation
between a dependent variable and a particular independent variable by holding all other variables constant. Thus,
each partial coeffcient of correlation measures the effect of its independent variable on the dependent variable. To
obtain it, it is frst necessary to compute the simple coeffcients of correlation between each set of pairs of variables
as stated earlier. In the case of two independent variables, we shall have two partial correlation coeffcients denoted
. x
ryx2 . x1
which are worked out as under:
. x
This measures the effort of X
on Y, more precisely, that proportion of the variation of Y not explained by X, which
is explained by X
in which X
and X
are simply interchanged, given the added effect of X
on Y.
Alternatively, we can work out the partial correlation coeffcients thus:
These formulae of the alternative approach are based on simple coeffcients of correlation (also known as zero order
coeffcients since no variable is held constant when simple correlation coeffcients are worked out). The partial
correlation coeffcients are called frst order coeffcients when one variable is held constant as shown above; they
are known as second order coeffcients when two variables are held constant and so on.
6.4 Other Measures
Other data measures are explained below.
6.4.1 Index Numbers
When series are expressed in same units, we can use averages for the purpose of comparison, but when the
units in which two or more series are expressed happen to be different, statistical averages cannot be used to
compare them. In such situations we have to rely upon some relative measurement which consists in reducing
the fgures to a common base.
One such method is to convert the series into a series of index numbers. This is done when we express the
given fgures as percentages of some specifc fgure on a certain data. We can, thus, defne an index number
as a number which is used to measure the level of a given phenomenon as compared to the level of the same
phenomenon at some standard date.
The use of index number weights more as a special type of average, meant to study the changes in the effect of
such factors which are incapable of being measured directly. But one must always remember that index numbers
measure only the relative changes. Changes in various economic and social phenomena can be measured and
compared through index numbers.
Different indices serve different purposes. Specifc commodity indices are to serve as a measure of changes
in the phenomenon of that commodity only. Index numbers may measure cost of living of different classes of
people. In economic sphere, index numbers are often termed as economic barometers measuring the economic
phenomenon in all its aspects either directly by measuring the same phenomenon or indirectly by measuring
something else which refects upon the main phenomenon.
But index numbers have their own limitations with which researcher must always keep him aware. For instance,
index numbers are only approximate indicators and as such give only a fair idea of changes but cannot give
an accurate idea. Chances of error also remain at one point or the other while constructing an index number
but this does not diminish the utility of index numbers for they still can indicate the trend of the phenomenon
being measured.
However, to avoid fallacious conclusions, index numbers prepared for one purpose should not be used for other
purposes or for the same purpose at other places.
6.4.2 Time Series Analysis
In the context of economic and business researches, we may obtain quite often data relating to some time period
concerning a given phenomenon. Such data is labelled as Time Series. More clearly it can be stated that series
of successive observations of the given phenomenon over a period of time are referred to as time series. Such
series are usually the result of the effects of one or more of the following factors:
Secular trend or long term trend that shows the direction of the series in a long period of time. The effect
of trend (whether it happens to be a growth factor or a decline factor) is gradual, but extends more or less
consistently throughout the entire period of time under consideration. Sometimes, secular trend is simply
stated as trend (or T).
Short time oscillations, i.e., changes taking place in the short period of time only and such changes can be
the effect of the following factors:
- Cyclical fuctuations (or C) are the fuctuations as a result of business cycles and are generally referred
to as long term movements that represent consistently recurring rises and declines in an activity.
- Seasonal fuctuations (or S) are of short duration occurring in a regular sequence at specifc intervals of
time. Such fuctuations are the result of changing seasons. Usually these fuctuations involve patterns
of change within a year that tends to be repeated from year to year. Cyclical fuctuations and seasonal
fuctuations taken together constitute short-period regular fuctuations.
- Irregular fuctuations (or I), also known as Random fuctuations, are variations which take place in a
completely unpredictable fashion.
All these factors stated above are termed as components of time series and when we try to analyse time series,
we try to isolate and measure the effects of various types of these factors on a series. To study the effect of one
type of factor, the other type of factor is eliminated from the series. The given series is, thus, left with the effects
of one type of factor only. For analysing time series, we usually have two models;
multiplicative model; and
additive model
Multiplicative model assumes that the various components interact in a multiplicative manner to produce the
given values of the overall time series and can be stated as under:
Y = T x C x S x I
Research Methodology
Where, Y = observed values of time series,
T = Trend
C = Cyclical fuctuations
S = Seasonal fuctuations
I = Irregular fuctuations
Additive model considers the total of various components resulting in the given values of the overall time series
and can be stated as:
Y = T + C + S + I
There are various methods of isolating trend from the given series, viz., the free hand method, semi average
method, method of moving averages, method of least squares and similarly there are methods of measuring
cyclical and seasonal variations and whatever variations are left over are considered as random or irregular
The analysis of time series is done to understand the dynamic conditions for achieving the short term and long-
term goals of business frm(s). The past trends can be used to evaluate the success or failure of management
policy or policies practiced hitherto. On the basis of past trends, the future patterns can be predicted and policy
or policies may accordingly be formulated.
We can as well study properly the effects of factors causing changes in the short period of time only, once we
have eliminated the effects of trend. By studying cyclical variations, we can keep in view the impact of cyclical
changes while formulating various policies to make them as realistic as possible. The knowledge of seasonal
variations will be of great help to us in taking decisions regarding inventory, production, purchases and sales
policies so as to optimise working results.
Thus, analysis of time series is important in context of long term as well as short term forecasting and is
considered a very powerful tool in the hands of business analysts and researchers.
Data processing involves editing, coding, classifcation and tabulation of the data collected so that they are
amenable to analysis. This is an intermediary stage between the collection of data and their analysis and
Coding refers to the process by which data are categorised into groups and numerals or other symbols or both
are assigned to each item depending on the class it falls in.
The groups should be homogeneous within and heterogeneous between themselves. Classifcation condenses huge
amount of data and helps in understanding the important underlying features. It enables us to make comparison,
draw inferences, locate facts and also helps in bringing out relationships, so as to draw meaningful conclusions.
In fact classifcation of data provides a basis for tabulation and analysis of data.
Causal analysis is concerned with the study of how one or more variables affect changes in another variable. It
is thus a study of functional relationships existing between two or more variables.
Multiple discriminate analyses are appropriate when the researcher has a single dependent variable that cannot
be measured, but can be classifed into two or more groups on the basis of some attribute.
Median is the value of the middle item of series when it is arranged in ascending or descending order of
magnitude. It divides the series into two halves; in one half all items are less than median, whereas in the other
half all items have values higher than median.
Mode is the most commonly or frequently occurring value in a series. The mode in a distribution is that
item around which there is maximum concentration. In general, mode is the size of the item which has the
maximum frequency, but at items such an item may not be mode on account of the effect of the frequencies of
the neighbouring items.
The use of index number weights more as a special type of average, meant to study the changes in the effect of
such factors which are incapable of being measured directly. But one must always remember that index numbers
measure only the relative changes.
Kothari, C. R ., 2004. Research Methodology. New Age International.
Murthy, C., 2009. Research methodology, 1
ed., Vrinda Publications (P) Ltd.
Processing of data . [Online] Available at: <http://www.egyankosh.ac.in/bitstream/123456789/2405/4/Unit%206.
pdf>. [Accessed 4 October 2011].
Data Analysis . [Online] Available at: <http://www.drtomoconnor.com/3760/3760lect07.htm>. [Accessed 4
October 2011].
Data analysis - example from a research project , 2011. [Video Online] Available at: <http://vimeo.com/28346996>.
[Accessed 4 October 2011].
2nd Part Quantitative Analysis, 2009. [Video Online] Available at: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxkRAIn-
bwg&feature=related>. [Accessed 4 October 2011].
Recommended Reading
Singh, Y. K., 2006. Fundamental of Research Methodology and Statistics. New Age International.
Marczyk, G. R., DeMatteo. D. and Festinger, D., 2010. Essentials of Research Design and Methodology.
John Wiley and Sons.
Kumar, R., 2010. Research Methodology: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners. Sage Publication Ltd.
Research Methodology
Self Assessment
____________ is the process of examining the data collected through various methods to detect errors and 1.
omissions and correct them for further analysis.
Editing a.
Interview b.
Questionnaire c.
Observation d.
Once the data is collected and edited, the next step towards further processing the data is 2.
Organising. a.
Classifcation. b.
Scheduling c.
Interview d.
State-wise production of manufactured goods is an example of this type. 3.
Chronological a.
Classifed b.
Geographical c.
Social d.
A __________________ is one which can take only isolated (exact) values, it does not carry any fractional 4.
Variable a.
Discrete data b.
Data c.
Discrete variable d.
The variables that take any numerical value within a specifed range are called _______________. 5.
Continuous variable a.
Discrete variable b.
Variable c.
Numerical variable d.
Which of the statements is true? 6.
When raw data is arranged in random groups, it is called a frequency distribution. a.
When fnal data is arranged in conveniently organised groups, it is called a frequency distribution. b.
When raw data is arranged in conveniently organised groups, it is called a frequency distribution. c.
When raw data is arranged in conveniently organised groups, it is called a raw distribution. d.
Which statement is false? 7.
The number of data points in a particular group is called frequency. a.
Presentation of collected data in the tabular form is one of the techniques of data presentation. b.
Arranging the data in an orderly manner in rows and columns is called tabulation of data. c.
Data presented in tabular form is much diffcult to read and understand than the data presented in the text. d.
The table showing the data relating to the sales of a company in different years will be an example of a 8.
Single table a.
Statistical table b.
Tabular table c.
Alphabetical table d.
_______________ are often used in data presentation for they simplify numbers, reducing all of them to a 0 9.
to 100 range.
Numbers a.
Numeric b.
Percentage c.
Alphabets d.
Match the following. 10.
Chronological 1.
A. When data is arranged according to time of occurrence
Coding 2.
B. It refers to the process by which data are categorised into groups and
numerals or other symbols or both are assigned to each item depending on
the class it falls in.
Magnitude table 3. C. It takes only isolated (exact) values, it does not carry any fractional value.
Discrete variable 4.
D. Usually the largest item is placed frst and other items follow in decreasing
1-A; 2-B; 3-C; 4-D a.
1-A; 2-B; 3-D; 4-C b.
1-D; 2-C; 3-B; 4-A c.
1-C; 2-B; 3-A; 4-D d.
Research Methodology
Chapter VII
Interpretation and Report Writing
The aim of this chapter is to:
defne interpretation
explain technique of interpretation
introduce the essentials of interpretation
The objectives of this chapter are to:
enumerate report writing
elucidate the purpose of a report
enlist different steps in writing a report
Learning outcome
At the end of this chapter, you will be able to:
understand the mechanics of writing a research report
explain the characteristics of a good report
discuss eva luation of the research report
7.1 Introduction
A researcher/statistician besides the collection and analysis of data has to draw inferences and explain their
signifcance. Through interpretation, the meanings and implications of the study become clear. Analysis is not complete
without interpretation, and interpretation can not proceed without analysis. Both are, thus, inter-dependent. In this
unit, therefore, we will discuss the interpretation of analysed data, summarising the interpretation and statistical
7.2 Meaning of Interpretation
Interpretation refers to the task of drawing inferences from the collected facts after an analytical and/or experimental
study. In fact, it is a search for broader meaning of research fndings. The task of interpretation has two major
aspects, viz.,.
the effort to establish continuity in research through linking the results of a given study with those of another,
the establishment of some explanatory concepts
In one sense, interpretation is concerned with relationships within the collected data, partially overlapping analysis.
Interpretation also extends beyond the data of the study to include the results of other research, theory and hypotheses.
Thus, interpretation is the device through which the factors that seem to explain what has been observed by researcher
in the course of the study can be better understood and it also provides a theoretical conception which can serve as
a guide for further researches.
7.2.1 Essentials of Interpretation
Certain points should be kept in mind before proceeding to draw conclusions from statistics. It is essential that:
The data are homogeneous: It is necessary to ascertain that the data are strictly comparable. We must be careful
to compare the like with the like and not with the unlike.
The data are adequate: Sometimes it happens that the data are incomplete or insuffcient and it is neither
possible to analyse them scientifcally nor is it possible to draw any inference from them. Such data must be
completed frst.
The data are suitable: Before considering the data for interpretation, the researcher must confrm the required
degree of suitability of the data. Inappropriate data are like no data. Hence, no conclusion is possible with
unsuitable data.
The data are properly classifed and tabulated: Every care is to be taken as a pre-requisite, to base all types
of interpretations on systematically classifed and properly tabulated data and information.
The data are scientifcally analysed: Before drawing conclusions, it is necessary to analyse the data by applying
scientifc methods. Wrong analysis can play havoc with even the most carefully collected data. If interpretation
is based on uniform, accurate, adequate, suitable and scientifcally analysed data, there is every possibility of
attaining a better and representative result.
Thus, from the above considerations we may conclude that it is essential to have all the pre-requisites/pre-conditions
of interpretation satisfed to arrive at better conclusions.
7.2.2 Technique of Interpretation
The task of interpretation is not an easy job; rather it requires a great skill and dexterity on the part of researcher.
Interpretation is an art that one learns through practice and experience. The researcher may, at times, seek the
guidance from experts for accomplishing the task of interpretation. The technique of interpretation often involves
the following steps:
Researcher must give reasonable explanations of the relations which he has found and he must interpret the lines
of relationship in terms of the underlying processes and must try to fnd out the thread of uniformity that lies
under the surface layer of his diversifed research fndings. In fact, this is the technique of how generalisation
should be done and concepts be formulated.
Research Methodology
Extraneous information, if collected during the study, must be considered while interpreting the fnal results of
research study, for it may prove to be a key factor in understanding the problem under consideration.
It is advisable, before embarking upon fnal interpretation, to consult someone having insight into the study and
who is frank and honest and will not hesitate to point out omissions and errors in logical argumentation. Such
a consultation will result in correct interpretation and, thus, will enhance the utility of research results.
Researcher must accomplish the task of interpretation only after considering all relevant factors affecting the
problem to avoid false generalisation. He must be in no hurry while interpreting results, for quite often the
conclusions, which appear to be all right at the beginning, may not at all be accurate.
7.2.3 Precautions in Interpretation
One should always remember that even if the data are properly collected and analysed, wrong interpretation would
lead to inaccurate conclusions. It is, therefore, absolutely essential that the task of interpretation be accomplished
with patience in an impartial manner and also in correct perspective. Researcher must pay attention to the following
points for correct interpretation:
At the outset, researcher must invariably satisfy himself that
the data are appropriate, trustworthy and adequate for drawing inferences
the data refect good homogeneity
proper analysis has been done through statistical methods
The researcher must remain cautious about the errors that can possibly arise in the process of interpreting results.
Errors can arise due to false generalisation and/or due to wrong interpretation of statistical measures, such as
the application of fndings beyond the range of observations, identifcation of correlation with causation and the
like. Another major pitfall is the tendency to affrm that defnite relationships exist on the basis of confrmation
of particular hypotheses. In fact, the positive test results accepting the hypothesis must be interpreted as being
in accord with the hypothesis, rather than as confrming the validity of the hypothesis. The researcher must
remain vigilant about all such things so that false generalisation may not take place. He should be well equipped
with and must know the correct use of statistical measures for drawing inferences concerning his study.
He must always keep in view that the task of interpretation is very much intertwined with analysis and cannot be
distinctly separated. As such he must take the task of interpretation as a special aspect of analysis and accordingly
must take all those precautions that one usually observes while going through the process of analysis, viz.,
precautions concerning the reliability of data, computational checks, validation and comparison of results.
He must never lose sight of the fact that his task is not only to make sensitive observations of relevant occurrences,
but also to identify and disengage the factors that are initially hidden to the eye. This will enable him to do his
job of interpretation on proper lines. Broad generalisation should be avoided as most research is not amenable
to it because the coverage may be restricted to a particular time, a particular area and particular conditions. Such
restrictions, if any, must invariably be specifed and the results must be framed within their limits.
The researcher must remember that ideally in the course of a research study, there should be constant interaction
between initial hypothesis, empirical observation and theoretical conceptions. It is exactly in this area of
interaction between theoretical orientation and empirical observation that opportunities for originality and
creativity lie. He must pay special attention to this aspect while engaged in the task of interpretation.
7.3 Report Writing
The last and fnal phase of the journey in research is writing of the report. After the collected data has been analysed
and interpreted and generalisations have been drawn the report has to be prepared. The task of research is incomplete
till the report is presented. Writing of a report is the last step in a research study and requires a set of skills some
what different from those called for in respect of the earlier stages of research. This task should be accomplished
by the researcher with utmost care.
7.3.1 Purpose of Report Writing
The report may be meant for the people in general, when the investigation has not been carried out at the instance
of any third party. Research is essentially a cooperative venture and it is essential that every investigator should
know what others have found about the phenomena under study. The purpose of a report is thus the dissipation
of knowledge, broadcasting of generalisations so as to ensure their widest use.
A report of research has only one function, it must inform. It has to propagate knowledge. Thus, the purpose
of a report is to convey to the interested persons the results and fndings of the study in suffcient detail, and so
arranged as to enable each reader to comprehend the data, and to determine for himself the validity of conclusions.
Research results must invariably enter the general store of knowledge. A research report is always an addition
to knowledge. All this explains the signifcance of writing a report.
In a broader sense, report writing is common to both academics and organisations. However, the purpose may
be different. In academics, reports are used for comprehensive and application-oriented learning. Whereas in
organisations, reports form the basis for decision making.
7.3.2 Meaning of Report
Reporting simply means communicating or informing through reports. The researcher has collected some facts
and fgures, analysed the same and arrived at certain conclusions. He has to inform or report the same to the
parties interested. Therefore reporting is communicating the facts, data and information through reports to the
persons for whom such facts and data are collected and compiled.
A report is not a complete description of what has been done during the period of survey/research. It is only
a statement of the most signifcant facts that are necessary for understanding the conclusions drawn by the
investigator. Thus, a report by defnition is simply an account. The report thus is an account describing the
procedure adopted, the fndings arrived at and the conclusions drawn by the investigator of a problem.
7.3.3 Importance of Social Research Report
The social research reports are prepared for the following purposes.
Report enables the social problems in the society.
The written report acts as guidelines for future course of action.
Organise and regulate the social problems can be obtained through the reports.
The information regarding specifc problems or issues can be obtained by way of report.
Information provided in the reports enables the decision making and policies of the planners and academicians
Report may also be prepared to convince the reader or sell an idea.
Reports may be prepared to provide an insight into the problem and may also provide a fnal solution to the
7.3.4 Signifcance of Report Writing
Research report is considered a major component of the research study, as the research task remains incomplete
till the report has been presented and/or written. As a matter of fact, even the most brilliant hypothesis, highly well
designed and conducted research study, and the most striking generalisations and fndings are of little value unless
they are effectively communicated to others. The purpose of research is not well served unless the fndings are
made known to others. Research results must invariably enter the general store of knowledge. All this explains the
signifcance of writing research report. There are people who do not consider writing of report as an integral part
of the research process. But the general opinion is in favour of treating the presentation of research results or the
writing of report as part and parcel of the research project. Writing of report is the last step in a research study and
requires a set of skills somewhat different from those called for in respect of the earlier stages of research. This task
should be accomplished by the researcher with utmost care; he may seek the assistance and guidance of experts
for the purpose.
Research Methodology
7.3.5 Different Steps in Writing Report
Research reports are the product of slow, painstaking, accurate inductive work. The usual steps involved in writing
report are:
logical analysis of the subject-matter;
preparation of the fnal outline;
preparation of the rough draft;
rewriting and polishing;
preparation of the fnal bibliography; and
writing the fnal draft
Though all these steps are self explanatory, yet a brief mention of each one of these will be appropriate for better
Logical analysis of the subject matter: It is the frst step which is primarily concerned with the development of a
subject. There are two ways in which to develop a subject
Logical: The logical development is made on the basis of mental connections and associations between the one
thing and another by means of analysis. Logical treatment often consists in developing the material from the
simple possible to the most complex structures.
Chronological: This development is based on a connection or sequence in time or occurrence. The directions
for doing or making something usually follow the chronological order.
Preparation of the fnal outline: It is the next step in writing the research report Outlines are the framework upon
which long written works are constructed. They are an aid to the logical organisation of the material and a reminder
of the points to be stressed in the report.
Preparation of the rough draft: This follows the logical analysis of the subject and the preparation of the fnal
outline. Such a step is of utmost importance for the researcher now sits to write down what he has done in the
context of his research study. He will write down the procedure adopted by him in collecting the material for his
study along with various limitations faced by him, the technique of analysis adopted by him, the broad fndings and
generalisations and the various suggestions he wants to offer regarding the problem concerned.
Rewriting and polishing of the rough draft: This step happens to be most diffcult part of all formal writing.
Usually this step requires more time than the writing of the rough draft. The careful revision makes the difference
between a mediocre and a good piece of writing. While rewriting and polishing, one should check the report for
weaknesses in logical development or presentation. The researcher should also see whether or not the material, as
it is presented, has unity and cohesion; does the report stand upright and frm and exhibit a defnite pattern, like a
marble arch? Or does it resemble an old wall of mouldering cement and loose brick. In addition the researcher should
give due attention to the fact that in his rough draft he has been consistent or not. He should check the mechanics
of writing - grammar, spelling and usage.
Preparation of the fnal bibliography:
Next in order comes the task of the preparation of the fnal bibliography. The bibliography, which is generally
appended to the research report, is a list of books in some way relevant to the research which has been done.
It should contain all those works which the researcher has consulted. The bibliography should be arranged
alphabetically and may be divided into two parts; the frst part may contain the names of books and pamphlets,
and the second part may contain the names of magazine and newspaper articles.
Generally, this pattern of bibliography is considered convenient and satisfactory from the point of view of reader,
though it is not the only way of presenting bibliography. The entries in bibliography should be made adopting
the following order: For books and pamphlets the order may be as under:
Name of author, last name frst.
Title, underlined to indicate italics.
Place, publisher, and date of publication.
Number of volumes.
Kothari, C.R., Quantitative Techniques, New Delhi, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 1978.
For magazines and newspapers the order may be as under:
1. Name of the author, last name frst.
2. Title of article, in quotation marks.
3. Name of periodical, underlined to indicate italics.
4. The volume or volume and number.
5. The date of the issue.
6. The pagination.
Robert V. Roosa, Coping with Short-term International Money Flows, The Banker, London, September, 1971,
p. 995.
The above examples are just the samples for bibliography entries and may be used, but one should also remember
that they are not the only acceptable forms. The only thing important is that, whatever method one selects, it must
remain consistent.
Writing the fnal draft: This constitutes the last step. The fnal draft should be written in a concise and objective
style and in simple language, avoiding vague expressions such as it seems, there may be, and the like ones.
While writing the fnal draft, the researcher must avoid abstract terminology and technical jargon. Illustrations and
examples based on common experiences must be incorporated in the fnal draft as they happen to be most effective
in communicating the research fndings to others. A research report should not be dull, but must stimulate people
and maintain interest and must show originality. It must be remembered that every report should be an attempt to
solve some intellectual problem and must contribute to the solution of a problem and must add to the knowledge
of both the researcher and the reader.
7.3.6 Layout of the Research Report
Anybody, who is reading the research report, must necessarily be conveyed enough about the study so that he
can place it in its general scientifc context, judge the adequacy of its methods and thus form an opinion of how
seriously the fndings are to be taken. For this purpose there is the need of proper layout of the report. The layout
of the report means as to what the research report should contain. A comprehensive layout of the research report
should comprise:
Preliminary pages
In its preliminary pages the report should carry a title and date, followed by acknowledgements in the form of
Preface or Foreword. Then there should be a table of contents followed by list of tables and illustrations so that
the decision-maker or anybody interested in reading the report can easily locate the required information in the
Main text
The main text provides the complete outline of the research report along with all details. Title of the research
study is repeated at the top of the frst page of the main text and then follows the other details on pages numbered
consecutively, beginning with the second page. Each main section of the report should begin on a new page. The
main text of the report should have the following sections:
Research Methodology
Introduction: The purpose of introduction is to introduce the research project to the readers. It should contain a
clear statement of the objectives of research. A brief summary of other relevant research may also be stated so
that the present study can be seen in that context. The hypotheses of study, if any, and the defnitions of the major
concepts employed in the study should be explicitly stated in the introduction of the report. The methodology
adopted in conducting the study must be fully explained. The statistical analysis adopted must also be clearly
stated. In addition to all this, the scope of the study should be stated and the boundary lines be demarcated. The
various limitations, under which the research project was completed, must also be narrated.
Statement of fndings and recommendations: After introduction, the research report must contain a statement of
fndings and recommendations in non-technical language so that it can be easily understood by all concerned.
If the fndings happen to be extensive, at this point they should be put in the summarised form.
Results: A detailed presentation of the fndings of the study, with supporting data in the form of tables and charts
together with a validation of results, is the next step in writing the main text of the report. The result section of
the report should contain statistical summaries and reductions of the data rather than the raw data. All the results
should be presented in logical sequence and splitted into readily identifable sections.
Implications of the results: Toward the end of the main text, the researcher should again put down the results of
his research clearly and precisely. He should, state the implications that fow from the results of the study, for
the general reader is interested in the implications for understanding the human behaviour. Such implications
may have three aspects as stated below:
A statement of the inferences drawn from the present study which may be expected to apply in similar
The conditions of the present study which may limit the extent of legitimate generalisations of the inferences
drawn from the study.
The relevant questions that still remain unanswered or new questions raised by the study along with
suggestions for the kind of research that would provide answers for them.
It is considered a good practice to fnish the report with a short conclusion which summarises and recapitulates
the main points of the study. The conclusion drawn from the study should be clearly related to the hypotheses
that were stated in the introductory section. At the same time, a forecast of the probable future of the subject and
an indication of the kind of research which needs to be done in that particular feld is useful and desirable.
Summary: It has become customary to conclude the research report with a very brief summary, resting in brief
the research problem, the methodology, the major fndings and the major conclusions drawn from the research
End matter
At the end of the report, appendices should be enlisted in respect of all technical data such as questionnaires, sample
information, mathematical derivations and the like ones. Bibliography of sources consulted should also be given.
Index (an alphabetical listing of names, places and topics along with the numbers of the pages in a book or report
on which they are mentioned or discussed) should invariably be given at the end of the report. The value of index
lies in the fact that it works as a guide to the reader for the contents in the report.
7.4 Types of Reports
Research reports vary greatly in length and type. In each individual case, both the length and the form are largely
dictated by the problems at hand. The results of a research investigation can be presented in a number of ways,
viz., a technical report, a popular report, an article, a monograph or at times even in the form of oral presentation.
Method(s) of presentation to be used in a particular study depends on the circumstances under which the study
arose and the nature of the results. A technical report is used whenever a full written report of the study is required
whether for recordkeeping or for public dissemination. A popular report is used if the research results have policy
implications. We give below a few details about the said two types of reports:
Technical report
In the technical report the main emphasis is on
the methods employed,
assumptions made in the course of the study,
The detailed presentation of the fndings including their limitations and supporting data.
A general outline of a technical report can be as follows:
Summary of results: A brief review of the main fndings just in two or three pages.
Nature of the study: Description of the general objectives of study, formulation of the problem in operational
terms, the working hypothesis, the type of analysis and data required, etc.
Methods employed: Specifc methods used in the study and their limitations. For instance, in sampling
studies we should give details of sample design, viz., sample size, sample selection, etc.
Data: Discussion of data collected their sources, characteristics and limitations. If secondary data are used,
their suitability to the problem at hand be fully assessed. In case of a survey, the manner in which data were
collected should be fully described.
Analysis of data and presentation of fndings: The analysis of data and presentation of the fndings of the
study with supporting data in the form of tables and charts be fully narrated. This, in fact, happens to be the
main body of the report usually extending over several chapters.
Conclusions: A detailed summary of the fndings and the policy implications drawn from the results be
Bibliography: Bibliography of various sources consulted be prepared and attached.
Technical appendices: Appendices be given for all technical matters relating to questionnaire, mathematical
derivations, elaboration on particular technique of analysis and the like ones.
Index: Index must be prepared and be given invariably in the report at the end.
The order presented above only gives a general idea of the nature of a technical report; the order of presentation
may not necessarily be the same in all the technical reports. This, in other words, means that the presentation may
vary in different reports; even the different sections outlined above will not always be the same, nor will all these
sections appear in any particular report. It should, however, be remembered that even in a technical report, simple
presentation and ready availability of the fndings remain an important consideration and as such the liberal use of
charts and diagrams is considered desirable.
Popular report
The popular report is one which gives emphasis on simplicity and attractiveness. The simplifcation should be sought
through clear writing, minimisation of technical, particularly mathematical, details and liberal use of charts and
diagrams. Attractive layout along with large print, many subheadings, even an occasional cartoon now and then is
another characteristic feature of the popular report. Given below is a general outline of a popular report:
The fndings and their implications: Emphasis in the report is given on the fndings of most practical interest
and on the implications of these fndings.
Recommendations for action: Recommendations for action on the basis of the fndings of the study is made in
this section of the report.
Objective of the study: A general review of how the problem arises is presented along with the specifc objectives
of the project under study.
Methods employed: A brief and non-technical description of the methods and techniques used, including a short
review of the data on which the study is based, is given in this part of the report.
Results: This section constitutes the main body of the report wherein the results of the study are presented in clear
and non-technical terms with liberal use of all sorts of illustrations such as charts, diagrams and the like ones.
Technical appendices: More detailed information on methods used, forms, etc. is presented in the form of
appendices. But the appendices are often not detailed if the report is entirely meant for general public.
Research Methodology
There can be several variations of the form in which a popular report can be prepared. The only important thing
about such a report is that it gives emphasis on simplicity and policy implications from the operational point of
view, avoiding the technical details of all sorts to the extent possible.
Oral presentation
At times oral presentation of the results of the study is considered effective, particularly in cases where policy
recommendations are indicated by project results. The merit of this approach lies in the fact that it provides an
opportunity for give-and-take decisions which generally lead to a better understanding of the fndings and their
implications. But the main demerit of this sort of presentation is the lack of any permanent record concerning the
research details and it may be just possible that the fndings may fade away from peoples memory even before an
action is taken. In order to overcome this diffculty, a written report may be circulated before the oral presentation
and referred to frequently during the discussion.
7.5 Mechanics of Writing A Research Report
There are very defnite and set rules which should be followed in the actual preparation of the research report or
paper. Once the techniques are fnally decided, they should be carefully adhered to, and no deviation permitted.
The criteria of format should be decided as soon as the materials for the research paper have been assembled. The
following points deserve mention so far as the mechanics of writing a report are concerned:
Size and physical design: The manuscript should be written on unruled paper 8 1 2 11 in size. If it is to be
written by hand, then black or blue-black ink should be used. A margin of at least one and one-half inches should
be allowed at the left hand and of at least half an inch at the right hand of the paper. There should also be one-
inch margins, top and bottom. The paper should be neat and legible. If the manuscript is to be typed, then all
typing should be double-spaced on one side of the page only except for the insertion of the long quotations.
Procedure: Various steps in writing the report should be strictly adhered (All such steps have already been
explained earlier in this chapter).
Layout: Keeping in view the objective and nature of the problem, the layout of the report should be thought
of and decided and accordingly adopted (The layout of the research report and various types of reports have
been described in this chapter earlier which should be taken as a guide for report-writing in case of a particular
Treatment of quotations: Quotations should be placed in quotation marks and double spaced, forming an
immediate part of the text. But if a quotation is of a considerable length (more than four or fve type written
lines) then it should be single-spaced and indented at least half an inch to the right of the normal text margin.
The footnotes: Regarding footnotes one should keep in view the followings:
The footnotes serve two purposes, viz., the identifcation of materials used in quotations in the report and the
notice of materials not immediately necessary to the body of the research text but still of supplemental value.
In other words, footnotes are meant for cross references, citation of authorities and sources, acknowledgement
and elucidation or explanation of a point of view. It should always be kept in view that footnote is neither
an end nor a means of the display of scholarship. The modern tendency is to make the minimum use of
footnotes for scholarship does not need to be displayed.
Footnotes are placed at the bottom of the page on which the reference or quotation which they identify or
supplement ends. Footnotes are customarily separated from the textual material by a space of half an inch
and a line about one and a half inches long.
Footnotes should be numbered consecutively, usually beginning with 1 in each chapter separately. The
number should be put slightly above the line, say at the end of a quotation. At the foot of the page, again,
the footnote number should be indented and typed a little above the line. Thus, consecutive numbers must
be used to correlate the reference in the text with its corresponding note at the bottom of the page, except
in case of statistical tables and other numerical material, where symbols such as the asterisk (*) or the like
one may be used to prevent confusion.
Footnotes are always typed in single space though they are divided from one another by double space.
Documentation style: Regarding documentation, the frst footnote reference to any given work should be
complete in its documentation, giving all the essential facts about the edition used. Such documentary footnotes
follow a general sequence. The common order may be described as under:
Regarding the single-volume reference
Authors name in normal order (and not beginning with the last name as in a bibliography) followed -
by a comma;
Title of work, underlined to indicate italics; -
Place and date of publication; -
Pagination references (The page number). -
John Gassner, Masters of the Drama, New York: Dover Publications, Inc. 1954, p. 315.
Regarding multi volumed reference
Authors name in the normal order; -
Title of work, underlined to indicate italics; -
Place and date of publication; -
Number of volume; -
Pagination references (The page number). -
Regarding works arranged alphabetically
For works arranged alphabetically such as encyclopaedias and dictionaries, no pagination reference is -
usually needed. In such cases the order is illustrated as under:
Example 1
Salamanca, Encyclopaedia Britannica, 14th Edition.
Example 2
Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, Dictionary of national biography.
But if there should be a detailed reference to a long encyclopaedia article, volume and pagination reference may
be found necessary.
Regarding periodicals reference
Name of the author in normal order; -
Title of article, in quotation marks; -
Name of periodical, underlined to indicate italics; -
Volume number; -
Date of issuance; -
Pagination. -
Regarding anthologies and collections reference
Quotations from anthologies or collections of literary works must be acknowledged not only by author, -
but also by the name of the collector.
Regarding second-hand quotations reference
In such cases the documentation should be handled as follows:
Original author and title -
quoted or cited in, -
Second author and work -
Research Methodology
Case of multiple authorship:
If there are more than two authors or editors, then in the documentation the name of only the frst is given and the
multiple authorship is indicated by et al. or and others. Subsequent references to the same work need not be as
detailed as stated above. If the work is cited again without any other work intervening, it may be indicated as ibid,
followed by a comma and the page number. A single page should be referred to as p., but more than one page be
referred to as pp. If there are several pages referred to at a stretch, the practice is to use often the page number, for
example, pp. 190ff, which means page number 190 and the following pages; but only for page 190 and the following
page 190f. Roman numerical is generally used to indicate the number of the volume of a book. Op. cit. (opera
citato, in the work cited) or Loc. cit. (loco citato, in the place cited) is two of the very convenient abbreviations used
in the footnotes. Op. cit. or Loc. cit. after the writers name would suggest that the reference is to work by the writer
which has been cited in detail in an earlier footnote but intervened by some other references.
Punctuation and abbreviations in footnotes:
The frst item after the number in the footnote is the authors name, given in the normal signature order.
This is followed by a comma.
After the comma, the title of the book is given: the article (such as A, An, The etc.) is omitted and
only the frst word and proper nouns and adjectives are capitalised.
Information concerning the edition is given next. This entry is followed by a comma.
The place of publication is then stated; it may be mentioned in an abbreviated form, if the place happens to
be a famous one such as Lond. for London, N.Y. for New York, N.D. for New Delhi and so on. This entry
is followed by a comma.
Then the name of the publisher is mentioned and this entry is closed by a comma.
It is followed by the date of publication if the date is given on the title page. If the date appears in the
copyright notice on the reverse side of the title page or elsewhere in the volume, the comma should be
omitted and the date enclosed in square brackets [c 1978], [1978].
The entry is followed by a comma. Then follow the volume and page references and are separated by a
comma if both are given. A period closes the complete documentary reference.
But one should remember that the documentation regarding acknowledgements from magazine articles
and periodical literature follow a different form as stated earlier while explaining the entries in the
Certain English and Latin abbreviations are quite often used in bibliographies and footnotes to eliminate
tedious repetition. The following is a partial list of the most common abbreviations frequently used in report-
writing (the researcher should learn to recognise them as well as he should learn to use them):
Abbreviation Long form
anon anonymous
ante before
art article
aug augmented
bk book
bull bulletin
cf compare
ch chapter
col column
diss dissertation
ed editor, edition, edited
ed. cit. edition cited
e.g. exempli gratia: for example
eng. enlarged
et. al. and others
et seq., et sequens and the following
ex example
f., ff. and the following
fg (s) fgure (s)
fn footnote
id, idem the same
ill, illus, illust (s) illustrated, illustrations
intro introduction
l, ll line (s)
MS., MSS. Manuscript or manuscripts
N.B. Nota bene: note well
n.d. no date
n.p. no place
no pub. no publisher
no (s) number (s)
o.p. out of print
o.p. cit. in the work cited
rev revised
vid or vide see, refer to
viz namely
vol (s) volume (s)
Table 7.1 List of abbreviations
Use of statistics, charts and graphs: A judicious use of statistics in research reports is often considered a virtue
for it contributes a great deal towards the clarifcation and simplifcation of the material and research results.
One may well remember that a good picture is often worth more than a thousand words. Statistics are usually
presented in the form of tables, charts, bars and line-graphs and pictograms. Such presentation should be self
explanatory and complete in itself. It should be suitable and appropriate looking to the problem at hand. Finally,
statistical presentation should be neat and attractive.
The fnal draft: Revising and rewriting the rough draft of the report should be done with great care before
writing the fnal draft. Sentences that seem crystal-clear to the writer may prove quite confusing to other people;
a connection that had seemed self evident may strike others as a non-sequitur. A friendly critic, by pointing out
passages that seem unclear or illogical, and perhaps suggesting ways of remedying the diffculties, can be an
invaluable aid in achieving the goal of adequate communication.
Bibliography: Bibliography should be prepared and appended to the research report as discussed earlier.
Preparation of the index: At the end of the report, an index should invariably be given, the value of which lies
in the fact that it acts as a good guide, to the reader. Index may be prepared both as subject index and as author
index. The former gives the names of the subject-topics or concepts along with the number of pages on which
they have appeared or discussed in the report, whereas the latter gives the similar information regarding the
names of authors. The index should always be arranged alphabetically. Some people prefer to prepare only one
index common for names of authors, subject-topics, concepts and the like ones.
Research Methodology
7.6 Characteristics of a Good Research Report
Research report is a channel of communicating the research fndings to the readers of the report. A good report is
one which does this task effciently and effectively. As such it should have the following characteristics/qualities.
It must be clear in informing the what, why, who, whom, when, where and how of the research study.
It should be neither too short nor too long. One should keep in mind the fact that it should be long enough to
cover the subject matter but short enough to sustain the readers interest.
It should be written in an objective style and simple language, correctness, precision and clarity should be the
watchwords of the scholar. Wordiness, indirection and pompous language are barriers to communication.
A good report must combine clear thinking, logical organisation and sound interpretation.
It should not be dull. It should be such as to sustain the readers interest.
It must be accurate. Accuracy is one of the requirements of a report. It should be factual with objective presentation.
Exaggerations and superlatives should be avoided.
Clarity is another requirement of presentation. It is achieved by using familiar words and unambiguous statements,
explicitly defning new concepts and unusual terms.
Coherence is an essential part of clarity. There should be logical fow of ideas (i.e. continuity of thought), sequence
of sentences. Each sentence must be so linked with other sentences so as to move the thoughts smoothly.
Readability is an important requirement of good communication. Even a technical report should be easily
understandable. Technicalities should be translated into language understandable by the readers.
A research report should be prepared according to the best composition practices. Ensure readability through
proper paragraphing, short sentences, illustrations, examples, and section headings, use of charts, graphs and
Draw sound inferences/conclusions from the statistical tables. But dont repeat the tables in text (verbal)
Footnote references should be in proper form. The bibliography should be reasonably complete and in proper
The report must be attractive in appearance, neat and clean whether typed or printed.
The report should be free from mistakes of all types, viz., language mistakes, factual mistakes, spelling mistakes,
calculation mistakes etc.,
The researcher should try to achieve these qualities in his report as far as possible.
7.7 Precautions for Writing Research Reports
Research report is a channel of communicating the research fndings to the readers of the report. A good research
report is one which does this task effciently and effectively. As such it must be prepared keeping the following
precautions in view:
While determining the length of the report (since research reports vary greatly in length), one should keep in
view the fact that it should be long enough to cover the subject but short enough to maintain interest. In fact,
report-writing should not be a means to learning more and more about less and less.
A research report should not, if this can be avoided, be dull; it should be such as to sustain readers interest.
Abstract terminology and technical jargon should be avoided in a research report. The report should be able to
convey the matter as simply as possible. This, in other words, means that report should be written in an objective
style in simple language, avoiding expressions such as it seems, there may be and the like.
Readers are often interested in acquiring a quick knowledge of the main fndings and as such the report must
provide a ready availability of the fndings. For this purpose, charts, graphs and the statistical tables may be
used for the various results in the main report in addition to the summary of important fndings.
The layout of the report should be well thought out and must be appropriate and in accordance with the objective
of the research problem.
The reports should be free from grammatical mistakes and must be prepared strictly in accordance with the
techniques of composition of report-writing such as the use of quotations, footnotes, documentation, proper
punctuation and use of abbreviations in footnotes and the like.
The report must present the logical analysis of the subject matter. It must refect a structure wherein the different
pieces of analysis relating to the research problem ft well.
A research report should show originality and should necessarily be an attempt to solve some intellectual problem.
It must contribute to the solution of a problem and must add to the store of knowledge.
Towards the end, the report must also state the policy implications relating to the problem under consideration.
It is usually considered desirable if the report makes a forecast of the probable future of the subject concerned
and indicates the kinds of research still needs to be done in that particular feld.
Appendices should be enlisted in respect of all the technical data in the report.
Bibliography of sources consulted is a must for a good report and must necessarily be given.
Index is also considered an essential part of a good report and as such must be prepared and appended at the
Report must be attractive in appearance, neat and clean, whether typed or printed.
Calculated confdence limits must be mentioned and the various constraints experienced in conducting the
research study may also be stated in the report.
Objective of the study, the nature of the problem, the methods employed and the analysis techniques adopted
must all be clearly stated in the beginning of the report in the form of introduction.
7.8 Presentation of Research Report
Presentation has become an important communication medium in organisations because a research report is properly
understood if it is accompanied by a presentation.
Presentation skill: Research report presentation skills include the ability to mix in the right proportion various
elements of:
Presentation package
Use of audio visual aids to achieve proper presentation.
The researcher needs to acquire the public conversation skills.
Communication dimension
The major elements of communication dimension, which are relevant to a presentation, are:
Purpose: Researcher has to think the purpose of the presentation and focus the light on research analysis sharply.
Researcher can try to achieve a variety of purpose such as informing, selling, exploring, and decision making
persuading and changing attitude or behavior.
Audience: research report presentation, multiple audiences interest at the same time. The researcher and
the receiver of the message keep changing roles through clarifcation queries, question answer, dialogue and
discussion; researcher should make live and dynamic shape of presentation of report.
Media: Researcher report presentation, sound, sight and body language come into play. Therefore, the co-
ordination of all three at one short becomes an important aspect of presentation.
Message: Researcher has to think of focus of the message. The presentation situation is built on interaction
between the presenter and the audience, the emotional content of the message and the audience should be
Time: The element of time in a presentation of research report situation depends on various factors like availability
of the room, audience and right time if he has the choice. Time is the major aspect is how much time is given
to the researcher to make the presentation.
Research Methodology
Place: Researcher may not have much choice in selecting the place. But the make the best of use of the place
and the facilities available will depend on the researcher. On the room arrangement depend the kind of audio-
visual tools that can be used and the type of interaction that the researcher can have with the audience.
Cost: The preparation of a good presentation is time consuming and expensive. Researcher could use chapter
production methods and aids than the ones he has chosen to put across the message.
Audio visual aids
These can be classifed as follows:
Audio: Tape recorder and compact disc
Non projected: black board
Film charts -
Models -
Proj ected:
epidiascope -
Overhead -
Slide -
Film strip -
Slide projector with a timer -
Aud io - Visual:
flm - and video cassettes
Usefulness of audio visual aids: Visual aids are sound, greater credibility and clarity can be achieved in presentation.
Since both sound and sight service are activated at the same time along with the body language, concentration,
retention and recall can be obtained in presentation of research report.
Researchers poise: Researcher himself is an essential part of the presentation. Researchers posture and movement
on the dias or at the speaking place and his hand gestures indicate the level of confdence of the researcher to present
the report. Researchers ability to maintain eye contact with the audience and keep his facial expressions suited to
the subject become also important. The fuency, pace of delivery, level of the voice and command of the language
shows the level of confdence and preparation of the researcher presenting the reports.
7.9 Evaluation of the Research Report
After the report has been submitted by the researcher, he should try to get the feedback on the same. Feedback will
enable him to know the defciencies of his report, both in regard to the subject matter and the method of write-up.
A detailed evaluation of the research project should be undertaken. This evaluation and review should do by panel
of experts related to the subject. With respect to each stage of the researcher process, researcher may have to keep
in mind some important aspects are:
Conformity with the actual requirement of the study
Tools used in collection of data
Collection instrument properly designed
Appropriate sample survey
Adequate sample size
Suffcient control over survey, appropriate analysis of data
Interpretation of data
Suitable research fndings
Research report should be free from different types of experimental errors. Thus, proper method of evaluation
research report can lead to an improvement in the quality of research. A scientifc researcher will fnd considerable
improvement in the quality of research undertaken by him over a period of time.
Research Methodology
Interpretation refers to the task of drawing inferences from the collected facts after an analytical and/or
experimental study. In fact, it is a search for broader meaning of research fndings.
Researcher must give reasonable explanations of the relations which he has found and he must interpret the
lines of relationship in terms of the underlying processes and must try to fnd out the thread of uniformity that
lies under the surface layer of his diversifed research fndings.
Research is essentially a cooperative venture and it is essential that every investigator should know what others
have found about the phenomena under study.
The bibliography, which is generally appended to the research report, is a list of books in some way pertinent
to the research which has been done. It should contain all those works which the researcher has consulted.
Attractive layout along with large print, many subheadings, even an occasional cartoon now and then is another
characteristic feature of the popular report.
While determining the length of the report (since research reports vary greatly in length), one should keep in
view the fact that it should be long enough to cover the subject but short enough to maintain interest.
Presentation has become an important communication medium in organisations because a research report is
properly understood if it is accompanied by a presentation.
Researcher has to think the purpose of the presentation and focus the light on research analysis sharply. Researcher
can try to achieve a variety of purpose such as informing, selling, exploring, and decision making persuading
and changing attitude or behavior.
Visual aids are sound, greater credibility and clarity can be achieved in presentation. Since both sound and sight
service are activated at the same time along with the body language, concentration, retention and recall can be
obtained in presentation of research report.
Kothari, C.R ., 2004. Research Methodology. New Age International.
Murthy, C., 2009.Research methodology, 1st ed., Vrinda Publications (P) Ltd
Presentation of Report [PDF] Available at: <http://www.egyankosh.ac.in/bitstream/123456789/35380/1/Unit-
13.pdf>. [Accessed 4 October 2011].
Interpretation of Statistical data. [PDF] Available at: <http://www.egyankosh.ac.in/bitstream/123456789/12397/1/
Unit%2b18.pdf>. [Accessed 4 October 2011].
Report Writing, 2009. [Video Online] Available at: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFGNKJruxdg >.
[Accessed 4 October 2011].
Organising your research paper, 2008. [Video Online] Available at: < http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97HWWy_
Y1Gs&feature=related>. [Accessed 4 October 2011].
Recommended Reading
Singh, Y. K., 2006. Fundamental of Research Methodology and Statistics. New Age International.
Misra, P. R., Research Methodology: A Handbook. Concept Publishing Company,
Taylor, et. al., 2006 Research Methodology: A Guide for Researchers in Management and Social Sciences. PHI
Learning Pvt. Ltd.
Self Assessment
_________________ refers to the task of drawing inferences from the collected facts after an analytical and/ 1.
or experimental study.
Interpretation a.
Report writing b.
Research report c.
Research d.
______________ is communicating the facts, data and information through reports to the persons for whom 2.
such facts and data are collected and compiled.
Interpretation a.
Reporting b.
Researching c.
Report writing d.
______________________________ is the frst step which is primarily concerned with the development of a 3.
Preparation of the fnal outline a.
Preparation of the rough draft b.
Logical analysis of the subject matter c.
Rewriting and polishing of the rough draft d.
Which of the following is false? 4.
Logical treatment often consists in developing the material from the simple possible to the most complex a.
Chronological development is based on a connection or sequence in time or occurrence. b.
Research reports are the product of slow, painstaking, accurate inductive work. c.
Rewriting and polishing of the rough draft is the frst step in writing the research report. d.
The ______________ should be written in a concise and objective style and in simple language, avoiding vague 5.
Final draft a.
Research report b.
Bibliography c.
References d.
If research report is to be written by hand, then _____________ ink should be used. 6.
Red a.
black or blue-black b.
black c.
blue d.
red and green e.
Research Methodology
_____________ are placed at the bottom of the page on which the reference or quotation which they identify 7.
or supplement ends.
Page numbers a.
Foot message b.
End notes c.
Footnotes d.
The frst item after the number in the footnote is the __________________. 8.
authors name a.
publication b.
edition c.
year of publication d.
Which of the following is false? 9.
Charts, graphs and the statistical tables should be omitted in the main report. a.
The layout of the report should be well thought out and must be appropriate and in accordance with the b.
objective of the research problem.
Abstract terminology and technical jargon should be avoided in a research report. c.
The layout of the report should be well thought out and must be appropriate and in accordance with the d.
objective of the research problem.
Match the following. 10.
Abbreviation Long form
ante 1. A. enlarged
bull 2. B. column
col 3. C. bulletin
eng 4. D. before
1-A; 2-B; 3-C; 4-D a.
1-D; 2-C; 3-B; 4-A b.
1-B; 2-A; 3-D; 4-C c.
1-C; 2-D; 3-A; 4-B d.
Chapter VIII
Computer Its Role in Research
The aim of this chapter is to:
highlight the signifcance of reports
introduce evolution of computers
defne computer system
The objectives of this chapter are to:
explain the characteristics of computers
elucidate binary number system
explicate binary fractions
Learning outcome
At the end of this chapter, you will be able to:
understand computer applications
discuss the phases of computer
comprehend the use of int ernet in research
Research Methodology
8.1 Introduction
The development of electronic devices, specially the computers, has given added force to problem solving activity.
Problems which could not be solved earlier due to sheer amount of computations involved can now be tackled
with the aid of computers accurately and rapidly. Computer is certainly one of the most versatile and ingenious
developments of the modern technological age. To the researcher, the use of computer is to analyse complex data
that has made complicated research designs practical. Electronic computers have become an indispensable part of
research students in the physical and behavioural sciences as well as in the humanities. The research student, in this
age of computer technology, must be exposed to the methods and use of computers. A basic understanding of the
manner in which a computer works helps a person to appreciate the utility of this powerful tool.
8.2 Signifcance of Computers
Computer helps in various felds of research promotion and development. It is useful in research programme.
Speed and accuracy: A computer is a high speed device, capable of taking logical decisions, performing arithmetic
and non-arithmetic operations for research. The high speed may be visualised by the fact that modern computer can
perform a lot of calculations relating to research. The result of research is 100% accurate.
Logical decisions for research: A computer has the capabilities to take decision relating to research. It is capable
of comparing data of research project and the results are compared to take appropriate action. Computer is handling
both, numerical and non-numerical data in research.
Perfect memory relating to research: The most important characteristics of a computer in which it is very large and
perfect memory relating to research work. A computer is capable of recalling the information stored in its memory
at the rate of very faster in a second.
Versatility: A modern computer is a very versatile machine. Computer can be used to solve the problems relating
various different research projects. It may be solving a complete scientifc research problem. A computer machine
is capable of doing any task which can be split into a number of logical steps.
Diligence: Computer is superior to human brain in respect of memory. Moreover, even after working for long hours,
there is no loss of accuracy in results.
Automation: A computer machine is automatic in operation. Computer is automatic; it means that once the research
data and research instructions are fed to a computer, human interventions are not required.
Achievement of modern knowledge: The discovery of computers which is considered as the greatest achievement
of modern knowledge. Without computer knowledge, no nations can exist in development.
8.2.1 Evolution of Computers
Different engine: In 1823, Babbage put together a model of the frst mechanical computer. It is called the
difference engine. His aim was to create a machine that would compute and check tables. Towards this purpose,
he combined the two check tables. He combined these two operations of sequence control and automatic control,
using punched cards.
Analytical engine: Babbage improved on the difference engine and designed a more sophisticated and large
calculating machine in 1834. This machine was capable of working on some form of charge and calculating up
to 20 decimals and about 60 additions per unit. He initiated the frst notions of imputing data via a device and
the storage of data and information prior to the process. It is for this pioneering effort that he is known as the
Father of computer.
First programming: Lord Byrons daughter is famous as the frst programmer, for having devised a suitable
use of the Binary Number systems for programmes and data to be fed in to the Analytical computer.
Boolean algebra: George Boole actually applied the solution of alternative choices and its link with computer
development. His theoretical development for representing and manipulating logical evaluations were in terms
of true or false.
Punctual cards: A big step forward was taken in the development of information processing in 1890 census
of U.S.A. The U.S.A. Census Department was booking for a quick way of processing the census information
is put on punch cards.
Magnetic media: Major developments were taking place in the areas of recording devices by Mr. Valdemer
Poulson. He devised the method of tapes and drums coated with thin flms of magnetic materials.
Thermionic value: In 1906 Lee De Forest invented the Thermionic value. This invention facilitated amplifcation
and switching of electrical signals or pulses, without the movement of any mechanical or electrical part.
First automatic electro-mechanical computer: In 1930, at Harvard University, Howard Aiken and Grace
Hopper got together and arranged for the IBM to build them a general purpose computer. This machine was
very reliable and is regarded by some as fnished engine.
Generation: The term generation refers to major developments in computer science. From 1946 onwards, the
development of computers occurred at a very fast pace and the development of Electronic Digital Computers
which would be much faster and have grater storage facilities. At present we are in the middle of the 5
Each generation was an improvement over the former in terms of technology, speed, storage, size, reliability
and system cost. Computers are classifed into three categories, namely, super computers, large computers and
mini computers. Super computer is primarily used for highly scientifc and research purposes. Computer is
playing a vital role to social research as well as scientifc research. Computers are used for a variety of tasks.
The most common applications are:
Word Processing
Financial analysis
Data base access
Tabulation and classifcation of data
Graphic representation of research fndings and communication network for scientifc research.
8.2.2 The Computer System
In general, all computer system
can be described as containing some kind of input devices, the CPU and some
kind of output devices. The fgure below depicts the components of a computer system and their inter-relationship.
Central Processing Unit
Control Unit
(Interprets the computer
programme. Directs the
operation of all components
and units of the system)
Internal Storage
(Holds the computer
programme and data, and makes
them available for processing)
Arithmetic Logical Unit
(Performs all arithmetic
operations and logical
Input Devices
(Enters the computer
programme and data
in to internal storage)
Output Devices
(Records result
received from
internal storage)
Instruction of data fow
Control function
Fig. 8.1 The computer system
Research Methodology
The function of the input-output devices is to get information into, and out of, the CPU. The input devices
translate the characters into binary, understandable by the CPU, and the output devices retranslate them back into
the familiar character, i.e., in a human readable form. In other words, the purpose of the input-output devices is
to act as translating devices between our external world and the internal world of the CPU, i.e., they act as an
interface between man and the machine. So far as CPU is concerned, it has three segments, viz.,
internal storage
control unit and
arithmetic logical unit
When a computer program or data is input into the CPU, it is in fact input into the internal storage of the CPU.
The control unit serves to direct the sequence of computer system operation. Its function extends to the input
and output devices as well and does not just remain confned to the sequence of operation within the CPU.
The arithmetic logical unit is concerned with performing the arithmetic operations and logical comparisons
designated in the computer program.
In terms of overall sequence of events, a computer program is input into the internal storage and then transmitted
to the control unit, where it becomes the basis for overall sequencing and control of computer system operations.
Data that is input into the internal storage of the CPU is available for processing by the arithmetic logical unit,
which conveys the result of the calculations and comparisons back to the internal storage. After the designated
calculations and comparisons have been completed, output is obtained from the internal storage of the CPU.
It would be appropriate to become familiar with the following terms as well in context of computers:
Hardware: All the physical components (such as CPU, Input-output devices, storage devices, etc.) of
computer are collectively called hardware.
Software: It consists of computer programs written by the user which allow the computer to execute
Firmware: It is that software which is incorporated by the manufacturer into the electronic circuitry of
System software: It is that program which tells the computer how to function. It is also known as operating
software and is normally supplied by the computer manufacturer.
Application software: It is that program which tells the computer how to perform specifc tasks such as
preparation of company pay roll or inventory management. This software is either written by the user himself
or supplied by software houses, the companies whose business is to produce and sell software.
Integrated circuit (IC): It is a complete electronic circuit fabricated on a single piece of pure silicon. Silicon
is the most commonly used semiconductora material which is neither a good conductor of electricity nor a
bad one. An IC may be small-scale, medium-scale or a large-scale depending upon the number of electronic
components fabricated on the chip.
Memory chips: These ICs form the secondary memory or storage of the computer. They hold data and
instructions not needed immediately by the main memory contained in the CPU.
Two-state devices: The transistors on an IC Chip take only two statesthey are either on or off, conducting
or non-conducting. The on-state is represented by 1 and the off-state by zero. These two binary digits are
called bits. A string of eight bits is termed byte and a group of bits constitute a word. A chip is called 8-bit,
16-bit, 32-bit and so on, depending on the number of bits contained in its standard word.
8.2.3 Important Characteristics of Computers
The following characteristics of computers are note worthy:
Speed: Computers can perform calculations in just a few seconds that human beings would need weeks to do by
hand. This has led to many scientifc projects which were previously impossible.
Diligence: Being a machine, a computer does not suffer from the human traits of tiredness and lack of concentration.
If two million calculations have to be performed, it will perform the two millionths with exactly the same accuracy
and speed as the frst.
Storage: Although the storage capacity of the present day computer is much more than its earlier counterpart, the
internal memory of the CPU is only large enough to retain a certain amount of information just as the human brain
selects and retains what it feels to be important and relegates unimportant details to the back of the mind or just
forgets them. Hence, it is impossible to store all types of information inside the computer records. If needed, all
unimportant information/data can be stored in auxiliary storage devices and the same may be brought into the main
internal memory of the computer, as and when required for processing.
Accuracy: The computers accuracy is consistently high. Errors in the machinery can occur but, due to increased
effciency in error-detecting techniques, these seldom lead to false results. Almost without exception, the errors
in computing are due to human rather than to technological weaknesses, i.e., due to imprecise thinking by the
programmer or due to inaccurate data or due to poorly designed systems.
Automation: Once a program is in the computers memory, all that is needed is the individual instructions to it
which are transferred one after the other, to the control unit for execution. The CPU follows these instructions until
it meets a last instruction which says stop program execution.
Binary digits: Computers use only the binary number system (a system in which all the numbers are represented
by a combination of two digitsone and zero) and thus operates to the base of two, compared to the ordinary
decimal arithmetic which operates on a base of ten. Computers use binary system because the electrical devices
can understand only on (1) or off (0).
8.3 Introduction to Binary Number System
An arithmetic concept which uses two levels, instead of ten, but operates on the same logic is called the binary
system. The binary system uses two symbols 0 and 1, known as bits, to form numbers. The base of this number
system is 2. The system is called binary because it allows only two symbols for the formation of numbers. Binary
numbers can be constructed just like decimal numbers except that the base is 2 instead of 10.
For example,
523 (decimal) = 5 X 10
+ 2 X 10
+ 3 X 10
111 (binary) = 1 X 2
+ 1 X 2
+ 1 X 2
= 7 (decimal)
Thus, in the example, we see that in the decimal system, the frst place is for 1s, 2nd place is for 10s and the 3rd
place is for 100. On the other hand, in the binary system, the factor being 2 instead of 10, the frst place is still for
1s but the 2nd place is for 2s, the 3rd for 4s, the 4th for 8s and so on.
Decimal to Binary Conversion: A positive decimal integer can be easily converted to equivalent binary form
by repeated division by 2. The method works as follows:
Start by dividing the given decimal integer by 2. Let R
be the remainder and q
the quotient.
Next, divide q
by 2 and let R
and q
be the remainder and quotient respectively. Continue this process of
division by 2 until a 0 is obtained as quotient. The equivalent binary number can be formed by arranging the
remainders as
Rk R
... R
where R
and R
are the last and the frst remainders respectively, obtained by the division process.
Find the binary equivalents of 26 and 45.
Solution: Table for conversion of 26 in to its Binary equivalent:
Research Methodology
Number to be divided by 2 Quotient Reminder
26 13 0
13 6 1
6 3 0
3 1 1
1 0 1
Table 8.1 Table for conversion
Collecting the reminders obtained in the above table we fnd that
26(decimal) =11010 (binary)
Or (26)
= (11010)
8.3.1 Computations in Binary System
Binary addition: Binary addition is just like decimal addition except that the rules are much simpler. The binary
addition rules are as shown below:
0 0 1 1
+ 0 + 1 + 0 + 1
___________ ___________ __________ ___________
0 1 1 10
Note that sum of 1 and 1 is written as 10 (a zero sum with a 1 carries) which is the equivalent of decimal digit 2.
We can now look at two examples of binary additions which make use of the above rules. The computer performs all
the other arithmetical operations (viz., , , +) by a form of addition. This is easily seen in the case of multiplication,
example, 6 8 may be thought of as essentially being determined by evaluating, with necessary carry over, 8 + 8
+ 8 + 8 + 8 + 8. This idea of repeated addition may seem to be a longer way of doing things, but remember that
computer is well suited to carry out the operation at great speed. Subtraction and division are handled essentially
by addition using the principle of complementing.
Complementary subtraction: Three steps are involved in this method:
Step 1: Find the ones complement of the number you are subtracting;
Step 2: Add this to number from which you are taking away;
Step 3: If there is a carry of 1 add it to obtain the result; if there is no carry, add 0, recomplement and attach a
negative sign to obtain the result.
8.3.2 Binary Fractions
Just as we use a decimal point to separate the whole and decimal fraction parts of a decimal number, we can use a
binary point in binary numbers to separate the whole and fractional parts. The binary fraction can be converted into
decimal fraction as shown below:
0.101 (binary) = (1 21) + (0 22) + (1 23)
= 0.5 + 0.0 + 0.125
= 0.625 (decimal)
To convert the decimal fraction to binary fraction, the following rules are applied:
Multiply the decimal fraction repeatedly by 2. The whole number part of the frst multiplication gives the frst
1 or 0 of the binary fraction.
The fractional part of the result is carried over and multiplied by 2.
The whole number part of the result gives the second 1 or 0 and so on.
Convert 0.625 into its equivalent binary fraction.
Applying the above rules, this can be done as under:
0.625 2 = 1.250 1
0.250 2 = 0.500 0
0.500 2 = 1.000 1
Hence, 0.101 is the required binary equivalent.
8.4 Computer Applications
At present, computers are widely used for varied purposes. Educational, commercial, industrial, administrative,
transport, medical, social fnancial and several other organisations are increasingly depending upon the help of
computers to some degree or the other. Even if our work does not involve the use of computers in our everyday work,
as individuals, we are affected by them. The motorists, the air passenger, hospital patients and those working in
large departmental stores, are some of the people for whom computers process information. Everyone who pays for
electricity or telephone has their bills processed by computers. Many people who are working in major organisations
and receive monthly salary have their salary slips prepared by computers. Thus, it is diffcult to fnd anyone who in
some way or the other does not have some information concerning them processed by computer.
Computers can be used by just about anyone: doctors, policemen, pilots, scientists, engineers and recently even
house-wives. Computers are used not only in numeric applications but also in nonnumeric applications such as
proving theorems, playing chess, preparing menu, matrimonial matchmaking and so on. Without computers we
might not have achieved a number of things. For example, man could not have landed on the moon nor could he
have launched satellites. We might not have built 100 storied buildings or high speed trains and planes.
The following table depicts some of the important applications and uses of computers:
Applications Some of the various uses
Provide a large data bank of information
Aid to time-tabling
Carry out lengthy or complex calculations
Assist teaching and learning processes
Provide students profles
Assist in career guidance
Assist the production of text material such as
reports, letters, circulars etc.
Handle payroll of personal, offce accounts,
invoicing, records keeping, sales analysis, stock
control and fnancial forecasting.
Research Methodology
Banks and Financial institutions Cheque handling
Updating of accounts
Printing of customer statements
Interest calculations
Planning of new enterprises
Finding the best solution from several options
Helpful in inventory management, sales forecast-
ing and production planning.
Useful in scheduling of projects
In process control
In production control
Used for load control by electricity authorities
Computer aided designs to develop new products.
Communications and Transportation
Helpful in electronic mail
Useful in aviation: Training of pilots,
Table 8.2 Important applications and uses of computers
8.5 Computers in Research
The computers are indispensable throughout the research process. The role of computer becomes more important
when the research is on a large sample. Data can be stored in computers for immediate use or can be stored in
auxiliary memories like foppy discs, compact discs, pen drives or memory cards, so that the same can be retrieved
later. The computer assists the researcher throughout different phases of research process.
8.5.1 Phases of Research Process
There are fve major phases of the research process. They are:
Conceptual phase
Empirical phase
Analytic phase
Dissemination phase
Design and planning
Fig. 8.2 Phases of research process
Role of computer in conceptual phase: The conceptual phase consists of formulation of research problem, review
of literature, theoretical frame work and formulation of hypothesis.
Role of computers in design and planning phase: Design and planning phase consist of research design, population,
research variables, sampling plan, reviewing research plan and pilot study.
Role of computers in empirical phase: Empirical phase consist of collecting and preparing the data for analysis.
Data Storage: the data obtained from the subjects are stored in computers as word fles or excel spread sheets.
This has the advantage of making necessary corrections or editing the whole layout of the tables if needed, which
is impossible or time consuming in case of writing in papers. Thus, computers help in data entry, data editing, and
data management including follow up actions etc. computers also allow for greater fexibility in recording the data
while they are collected as well as greater ease during the analysis of these data.
In research studies, the preparation and inputting data is the most labor intensive and time consuming aspect of
the work. Typically the data will be initially recorded on a questionnaire or record form suitable for its acceptance
by the computer. To do this the researcher in conjunction with the statistician and the programmer, will convert
the data into Microsoft word fle or excel spreadsheet. These spreadsheets can be directly opened with statistical
software for analysis.
Role of computers in data analysis: This phase consist of statistical analysis of the data and interpretation of results.
Data analysis: Many software are now available to perform the mathematical part of the research process, i.e., the
calculations using various statistical methods. Software like SPSS, NCSS-PASS, STATA and Sysat are some of the
widely used. They can be like calculating the power of the study. Familiarity with any one package will suffce to
carry out the most intricate statistical analyses. Computers are useful not only for statistical analyses, but also to
monitor the accuracy and completeness of the data as they are collected.
Role of computers in research dissemination: This phase is the publication of the research study. Research
publishing: The research article is typed in word format and converted to portable data format (PDF) and stored
and / or published in the World Wide Web.
Research Methodology
8.5.2 Further Uses of Computers
Medical record linkage in longitudinal studies: In a more comprehensive way, medical record linkage provides
continuous record of individual patients from birth to death, including illnesses, hospitalisation, operation,
allergies and so on. Prior to the use of computers, the linking together of different events in an individuals
medical case history was extremely diffcult. Individual events (treatment by family doctor, stay in hospital,
etc.) were, and indeed usually still are, recorded separately at different locations with no systematic procedures
to bring together these elements of a case history into a single record.
With computer based recording systems, such linking becomes more feasible, medical records can be put to
better use and information stored effciently; moreover, this information can be retrieved more rapidly than
before. Cumulative fles for individuals can be compiled and assembled into family groups, socio economic
categories, and so on, for purposes of analysis.
Longitudinal studies, which involve following up a given group of cohort over a period of time, are a well
established application of the concept of medical record linkage, and the large and comprehensive computerised
databases established through record linkage open up a wide range of potential research studies.
For performing Meta-analysis and systematic reviews: the results from systematic reviews are graded as the
level I evidence. These are obtained by the meta-analysis of the data from various studies. This is made easy by
the use of specialised software for the purpose. This will be a mammoth task without a computer.
For performing Rasch analysis: Many sophisticated software are available to analyses the psychometric properties
of various outcome measures and performing a rasch analysis with the help of computers.
A note of caution
The above description indicates clearly the usefulness of computer throughout the research process. Researchers
using computers make their work faster with more accuracy and grater reliability. The developments taking
place in the technology will further enhance and facilitate the use of computers for researchers.
In spite of all these sophistications it is wise to remember that a computer is just a tool and a resource. It can only
calculate or obey commands and cannot think. If the methods of handling the data are to be applied effciently,
adequate planning and suitable organisation is necessary. No facility can replace this aspect of planning. Further,
it would be a disaster to replace the statistician analyses is built on sound principals of design, implementation
and handling of exigencies in data collection, all of which require the expertise of a qualifed statistician. The
human brain remains supreme and will continue to be so for ever.
8.6 Use of Internet in Research
The internet, also known as the Information Super Highway, is possibly the greatest communication medium since
the telephone. The World Wide Web (www or web) is the component of the Web and internet synonymously. The
Internet and computers can be employed to aid the process of formulating a research design. The internet, in its
capacity as a source of information can be useful in uncovering secondary data and also collecting primary data
needed in conclusive research, descriptive research, and problem solving research, applied research, quantitative
and qualitative research, exploratory research and laboratory research.
8.7 Importance of Internet
Importance of Internet is explained below.
Source of Research Provider: There are many ways in which the Internet can be useful to researchers. It is a
source of secondary data, a source of research software, and as a source for data gathering, survey etc.
Helps in Project Management: The internet is also very useful for project management. Internet can be used to
help fnd a job in marketing research.
Information Supplier: Many sites include information on company history, products, clients and employees.
Statistical Packages: The use of mainframe and Microcomputer versions of some popular statistical packages,
SPSS, SAS, BMDP, Minitab and Excel.
Computer Maps: Computer mapping which combines geographic, demographic and company information can
be a valuable tool for marketing and business research.
Sources of Secondary Data: The World Wide Web is an important source of secondary data for the researcher.
Information on the web is of high quality because it comes from original sources and it is current.
Sources of Government Data: One of the major sources of secondary data is the Central Government and
State Government. The researcher can visit the Government Information Location Service. Extensive business
statistics can be obtained from website. Thus the internet and computers can be used to access, analyse and
store information available from secondary sources.
E-mail Interview: The survey is written within the body of the e-mail message and sent to respondents.
Respondents type the answers to either closed ended or open ended questions at designated places, and click
or reply, responses are entered and tabulated. Data entry is typically required before any statistical analysis can
be conducted.
Consistency Check: Computer packages such as SPSS, SAS, BMDP, Minitab and Excel can be programmed to
identify out-of-range values for each variable and print out the respondent code, variable code, variable name,
record number, column number and out-of-range value. The correct response can be determined by going back
to the edited and coded questionnaire.
Research Methodology
A computer is a high speed device, capable of taking logical decisions, performing arithmetic and non-arithmetic
operations for research.
The most important characteristics of a computer in which it is very large and perfect memory relating to
research work. A computer is capable of recalling the information stored in its memory at the rate of very faster
in a second.
The input devices translate the characters into binary, understandable by the CPU, and the output devices
retranslate them back into the familiar character, i.e., in a human readable form.
Computers use only the binary number system (a system in which all the numbers are represented by a combination
of two digitsone and zero) and thus operate to the base of two, compared to the ordinary decimal arithmetic
which operates on a base of ten.
Data can be stored in computers for immediate use or can be stored in auxiliary memories like foppy discs,
compact discs, pen drives or memory cards, so that the same can be retrieved later.
Computer mapping which combines geographic, demographic and company information can be a valuable tool
for marketing and business research.
Computer packages such as SPSS, SAS, BMDP, Minitab and Excel can be programmed to identify out-of-range
values for each variable and print out the respondent code, variable code, variable name, record number, column
number and out-of-range value.
Many sophisticated software are available to analyses the psychometric properties of various outcome measures
and performing a research analysis with the help of computers.
It would be a disaster to replace the statistician analyses is built on sound principals of design, implementation
and handling of exigencies in data collection, all of which require the expertise of a qualifed statistician.
Dhawan, S., 2010. Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies. Global Media Publisher.
Kothari, C.R ., 2004. Research Methodology. New Age International.
Role of Computer in Research. [Online] Available at: <http://www.scribd.com/doc/11515555/Role-of-Computers-
in-Research>. [Accessed 4 October 2011].
Binary Number System [Online] Available at: <http://ed-thelen.org/comp-hist/lgp-21-prog-man4.pdf>. [Accessed
4 October 2011].
Binary Number , 2007. [Video Online] Available at: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZBLD-
2KgHM&feature=related>. [Accessed 4 October 2011].
Use Social Networking for Market Research , 2008. [Video Online] Available at: <http://www.youtube.com/
watch?v=cyGSmGFgyX4>. [Accessed 4 October 2011].
Recommended Reading
Sachdeva, J.K., 2009. Business Research Methodology, Global Media.
Singh, Y. K., 2006. Fundamental of Research Methodology and Statistics. New Age International.
Geoffrey. R. and David. M., 2005. Essentials of Research Design and Methodology. Wiley Publishing.
Self Assessment
Which of the following statement is false? 1.
Major developments were taking place in the areas of recording devices by Mr. Valdemer Poulson. a.
In 1823, Grace Hopper put together a model of the frst mechanical computer. b.
George Boole actually applied the solution of alternative choices and its link with computer development. c.
In 1906 Lee De Forest invented the Thermionic value. d.
At present we are in the middle of the ___ generation of the computer. 2.
5 a.
4 b.
7 c.
3 d.
______________ is primarily used for highly scientifc and research purposes. 3.
Computer a.
Fastest computer b.
Super computer c.
Power computer d.
The function of the input-output devices is to get information into, and out of, the __________. 4.
Monitor a.
CPU b.
Screen c.
Mother board d.
Data that is input into the internal storage of the CPU is available for processing by the___________________, 5.
which conveys the result of the calculations and comparisons back to the internal storage.
Numeric unit a.
Logical unit b.
Language unit c.
arithmetic logical unit d.
___________ is the most commonly used semiconductora material which is neither a good conductor of 6.
electricity nor a bad one.
Aluminium a.
Glass b.
Fibre c.
Silicon d.
Computers use binary system because the electrical devices can understand only ________________. 7.
on (1) or off (0). a.
on (0) or off (1). b.
on (1) or off (2). c.
in (1) or out (0). d.
Research Methodology
An arithmetic concept which uses two levels, instead of ten, but operates on the same logic is called 8.
Arithmetic concept a.
Logical concept b.
binary system c.
secondary system d.
The ________________ consists of formulation of research problem, review of literature, theoretical frame 9.
work and formulation of hypothesis.
Design phase a.
Planning phase b.
Empirical phase c.
conceptual phase d.
Match the following. 10.
Firmware 1.
a. It is that program which tells the computer how to perform specifc tasks
such as preparation of company pay roll or inventory management.
System software 2. b. It is that program which tells the computer how to function.
Application software 3.
c. It is that software which is incorporated by the manufacturer into the
electronic circuitry of computer.
Integrated circuit 4.
d. It is a complete electronic circuit fabricated on a single piece of pure
1-a; 2-b; 3-c; 4-d a.
1-c; 2-b; 3-a; 4-d b.
1-d; 2-c; 3-b; 4-a c.
1-b; 2-a; 3-d; 4-c d.