RM Unit 3
RM Unit 3
RM Unit 3
Assistant Professor
SMS, Varanasi
The data, after collection, has to be processed
and analysed in accordance with the outline
laid down for the purpose at the time of
developing the research plan. This is essential
for a scientific study and for ensuring that we
have all relevant data for making
contemplated comparisons and analysis.
Is the level of job satisfaction related with the age of the employees?
Can be :
Non directional
Null (H0)
Alternative (H1)
The hypothesis stated above is also called one-tailed test and the
researcher would be interested in the lower tail (left hand tail) of the
Research Methodology Mr. V. P. Singh 37
The acceptance or rejection of a hypothesis is
based upon sample results and there is always a
possibility of sample not being representative of
the population. This could result in errors as a
consequence of which inferences drawn could be
wrong. The situation could be depicted as given:
Accept H0 Reject H0
H0 True Correct decision Type 1 Error
One sample
One Sample Two or More Two or more
Frequency, Chi- samples
T-test, Z-test Samples
square, K-S, etc
Independent Related
T-test Related
Chi-square Wilcoxon
Z-test Paired t-test
Mann-Whitney McNemar
One-way ANOVA
K-S etc Chi-square, etc
Expected 10 10 15 20 30 15
2 2
Chi-square = (20 – 10) +…………….. (30 – 15)
10 15
= 11.44
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Step 4: Compare the chi-square value with the
table value at the assumed degree of freedom.
Step 2
P = ½ = 0.5 p = 540/1000 = 0.54
Zα = 2.58
Z = 0.54 – 0.50 = 0.04
S.E (p) √PQ/n
= 0.04 = 2.332
√0.5*0.5/1000 Research Methodology Mr. V. P. Singh 75
In the given example the calculated value is less then tabulated value
at 1 % level of significance thus null hypothesis is rejected.
Paired Unpaired
One sample
(Dependent) (Independent)
(One sample)t = (x - µ) .
S = S.D
µ = mean (population)
n = Sample size
x = mean (sample)
Research Methodology Mr. V. P. Singh 81
S = S.D
µ = mean (population)
X = mean (population)
x = mean (sample)
n = sample sized (number of observation)
If t value is greater than the Critical
value then reject the Null Hypothesis.