1st Week STAT
1st Week STAT
1st Week STAT
I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the week, at least 90% of the learners are expected to:
a. illustrate a random variable a. Illustrate a random variable a. illustrate a probability c. Compute probabilities
b. classify random variables as b. classify random variables as distribution for a discrete corresponding to a given
discrete or continuous discrete or continuous random variable and its random variable.
c. value the importance of the c. value the importance of the topic properties D. Value the importance of
topic to our daily living by to our daily living by finding the b. construct the probability the lesson by solving real life
finding the possible values of possible values of a random mass function of a discrete situations involving
a random variable in everyday variable in everyday living. random variable and its probabilities.
living. corresponding histogram.
B. Reference Belecina, Rene R., et.al (2016). Belecina, Rene R., et.al (2016). Belecina, Rene R., et.al Belecina, Rene R., et.al
Statistics and Probability. Rex Statistics and Probability. Rex (2016). Statistics and (2016). Statistics and
Bookstore, Inc. Manila, Bookstore, Inc. Manila, Probability. Rex Bookstore, Probability. Rex Bookstore,
Philippines (pp. 1-8) Philippines (pp. 1-8) Inc. Manila, Philippines (pp. Inc. Manila, Philippines (pp. 9-
9-20) 20)
C. Materials Curriculum Guide Curriculum Guide Curriculum Guide Curriculum Guide
chalk/chalkboard, coins, chalk/chalkboard, coins, chalk/chalkboard, chalk/chalkboard, coins,
notebook(experiment's result) notebook(experiment's result) notebook(experiment's notebook(experiment's result)
result), calculator
c. Review of the
previous lesson You have learned from Who can recap the lesson that Pass your assignments.
your past lessons in we had yesterday? Call a student to recapitulate what you had discussed last
mathematics that an Ask them if they have any meeting.
experiment is any activity, queries or clarifications of Ask the class to give some examples of a discrete and a
which can be done yesterday's lesson before continuous random variable.
repeatedly under similar proceeding to the next lesson.
The set of all possible
outcomes of an experiment
is called the sample space.
You have also learned how
to systematically list the
possible outcomes of a
given experiment.
B. Lesson Proper
a. Motivation To find out if you are ready Okay, I have here an answer
to learn this new lesson, do sheet for you to fill up. Please Ask the students to bring out their activity notebooks that
the following activity: answer the questions honestly. contains their results in their coin-toss experiment.
1. Coin-toss experiment Don't worry the information are In your previous study of mathematics, you have learned
2. Drawing spade from a confidential and we will just use it how to find the probability of an event. In this lesson, you
deck of cards. in our class. will learn how to construct a probability distribution of a
discrete random variable. Your knowledge of getting the
Then list the outcomes or (please see attached answer probability of an event is very important in understanding
results you have in your sheets) the present lesson. To find out if you are ready to learn this
notebook. new lesson, do the following activities:
b. Presentation
A variable is a Last meeting I told you to study For the given values of x, evaluate
characteristic or attribute about the classificqtionw of sP(x).
that can assume different random variable. To test if you 1.
values. In this lesson, we really did your assignment, I'll 2. Getting a sum of
shall discuss variables that randomly select from your 6 when two dice are
are associated with classmates to give me the rolled
probabilities, called classifications of random 3. Getting a sum of
random variables. variable. 11 when two dice
Suppose in your 1. Discrete Random Variable are rolled
experiment you tossed 2. Continuous Random Variable 4. Getting an ace
3coins. Let y be the when a card id
random variable drawn from a deck
representing the number of 5. Getting a red
heads that occur. Find the queen when a card
values of the random is drawn from a
variable Y. deck.
c. Lecture/Discussi
on Write on the board the Now, who can define the two?
results of your experiment. EVENT (E) PROBABILITY P(E)
If you have similar result DISCRETE RANDOM 1. Getting an even number in
with your classmates then VARIABLE - the set of possible a single roll of a die
you don't need to write it outcomes is countable. Mostly, 2. Getting a sum of 6 when
anymore. discrete random variables two dice are rolled
Check if there is lacking. represent count data, such as 3. Getting a sum of 11 when
(SS=8, HHH, HHT, HTT, the number of defective chairs two dice are rolled
HTH, THH, TTH, THT, produced in a factory.
4. Getting an ace when a
TTT) card id drawn from a deck
Then, define to them about CONTINUOUS RANDOM
5. Getting a red queen when
what is a random variable. VARIABLE - it takes know values
a card is drawn from a deck.
RANDOM variable is a on a continuous scale. Often,
function that associates a represent measured data, such
real number to each
element in the sample as heights, weights, and
space. It is a variable temperatures.
whose values are
determined by chance. From the answer sheet that I
Activity: two balls are have given you, enumerate the
drawn in succession items that are discrete random
without replacement from variable. (number of siblings,
an iron containing 5 red age of mother, usual daily
balls and 6 blue balls. Let Z allowance, usual daily
be the random variable expenditure, number of text
representing the number of messages or chat sent in a day.)
blue balls. Find the values Continuous random variable
of the random variable Z. (weight., height)
(SS=4, RR, RB, BR, BB) Aside from the items in the
SO, the possible values of answer sheet, give me another
the random variable Z are examples of discrete and
0,1, and 2. continuous random variable.
d. Generalization
What is a sample space?
What is the formula in
getting the sample space?
What is a random variable?
Four coins are tossed. Let
Z be the random variable What are the two classifications
representing the number of of random variable?
heads that occur. Find the Define and differentiate the two
values of the random classifications of random
variable Z. variable.