Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No
Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No
Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No
(a) whether the Government is encouraging research in the fields of water management and its
conservation technology;
(b) if so, the details thereof along with the progress made in these fields during the last three
(c) whether the Government proposes to set up a water university; and
(d) if so, the details thereof?
(a) & (b). Yes, Madam. This Ministry promotes research activity to address the challenges in
water sector by adopting modern techniques and technologies and also to involve research &
academic institutions pursuing research in identified / key priority areas of water sector through
its scheme “Research and Development Programme in Water Sector” under the current Plan.
Details of the research projects taken up under the scheme in the field of water management and
its conservation technology are at Annexure-I. The outcomes of these technologies are
demonstrated/disseminated by the respective research institutes to the beneficiaries. During the
last three years, the assistance amounting to Rs 1.88 crore in this regard have been provided by
way of grants to academicians and experts in universities, IITs, recognized R&D laboratories and
institutes by this Ministry.
(c) & (d). There is no proposal to set up a water university as of now.
Details of the research projects in the fields of water management and its conservation
2. Augmentation of water resources through water harvesting in hilly Dr. Y.S. Parmar
areas University, Solan
3. Standardization of drip irrigation and fertigation schedules with and Dr. Y.S. Parmar
without mulchin fruits crop of himalayan region. University, Solan