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SUBJECT CODE - 1625306
Government Polytechnic Muzaffarpur
Subject Code: 1625306

List of Experiments

Exp. No. Experiment Page No.

1 Tension Test on mild steel, Aluminium on 1-7

Universal Testing Machine.

2 Compression test on cast iron on Universal 8-12

Testing Machine.

3 Direct Shear Test of mild steel on Universal 13-14

Testing Machine.

4 Conduct bending test for the given specimen 15-19

5 Torsion Test on Mild steel bar. 20-21

6 Izod - Impact tests of a standard specimen. 22-24

7 Charpy - Impact tests of a standard specimen. 25-27

8 Rockwell hardness Test on Hardened Steel. 28-31

9 Brinell Hardness Test on Mild Steel. 32-36

10 Vicker’s Hardness Test on Mild Steel 37-40

Government Polytechnic Muzaffarpur
Name of the Lab: Mechanics of Solids Lab
Subject Code : 1625306

Experiment 1

Objective: To study the behavior of the given material under tensile load and to
determine the following:

  Percentage elongation in length

  Percentage reduction in area
  Working stress or permissible stress or safe stress
  Young‟s modulus
  Yield stress
  Ultimate stress or Maximum tensile stress
 Breaking stress or Failure stress

Practical importance: while designing a component, selection of metals for

different applications is based on salient points such as limit of proportionality or
elastic limit, yield strength, ultimate strength, and breaking strength. Therefore, from
this tension test above said salient points can be calculated.

Apparatus Required:
Universal Testing machine, Dial gauge, Vernier caliper and scale.

In engineering, tension test is widely used to provide basic design information on the
strength of the materials. In the tension test a specimen is subjected to a continually
increasing uniaxial tensile force while simultaneous observations are made of the
elongation of the specimen. A stress-strain curve is plotted from the load-elongation
The parameters which are used to describe the stress-strain curve of a
material are the tensile strength, yield strength or yield point, percent elongation and
reduction of area. The first two are strength parameters; the last two indicate


 Least count of dial gauge = 0.01mm.

 Specimen Material = …………………

 Initial length (li) = ………….. ….. mm

 Initial diameter (di ) = ………….. ….. mm

 Original C/S Area (Ai or Ao) =π x d i 2

=………………….mm2 4
 Yield Load (pY ) =………………. KN
Where „pY‟ is the load at yield point

 Breaking Load (pB) =………………. KN

Where „pB‟ is the load at breaking point.

 Ultimate Load (pu ) =…………KN

Where „pu‟ is the maximum load applied.

 Final length (lf) =……………….mm

 Final diameter (df) =……………..mm

 Final Area (A f) = π x df = ………………mm2

Limit of proportionality (A): It is the limiting value of the stress up to which
stress is proportional to strain.

Elastic limit: This is the limiting value of stress up to which if the material is
stressed and then released (unloaded), Strain disappears completely and the original
length is regained.

Tabular Column
Sl. Load in Extension (δl ) Stress in
Load in N 2 Strain modulus
No. KN in mm N/mm N/mm2
E = stress
11 Result
12 from
13 the graph


Stress = Load = P=…………….N/mm2
Area Ai

Strain = Change in length 
Original Length

 
Young‟s modulus = Stress = ………N/mm2 (obtained from the graph) Strain
Working stress = yield stress =………. N/mm2
Factor of Safety.

% Elongation= Final length-Initial length X100 = (l f – l i) x 100 …%

Initial length li
% reduction in Area = Initial area- Final area = (Ai – Af) x 100 =…….%
Initial area Ai
Yield strength = Yield load = pY = ……………… N/mm
Initial area Ai
 
Ultimate Tensile strength = Ultimate load = pu = …………… N/mm2

Upper Yield Point (B): This is the stress at which, the load starts reducing and the
extension increases. This phenomenon is called yielding of material.

Lower Yield Point (C): At this stage the stress remains same but strain increases
for some time.
Ultimate Stress (D): This is the maximum stress the material can resist. At this
stage cross sectional area at a particular section starts reducing very fast (fig.1). This
is called neck formation.
Breaking Point (E): The stress at which finally the specimen fails is called breaking
Hooks law: Within the elastic limit, the stress is proportional to the strain for an
Isentropic material.

Graph: Stress v/s Strain

Fig.1: Linear stress - strain Curve

A - Elastic Limit
B - Upper Yield Stress
C - Lower Yield Stress
D -Ultimate Stress
E -Breaking Stress

Breaking strength = Breaking load = pB= ……………… N/mm2
Final Area Af

Universal Testing Machine

lg = gauge length i.e. length of the specimen on which we want to determine the
mechanical properties.
L= Total length of the specimen

Proof Resilience: It is defined as the "partial strain energy stored in the specimen
from zero upto elasti.c point". Graphically, it is the area bounded below the graph
from zero upto elastic point. Hence proof resilience=Approximately the Triangular
area from zero upto elastic point (Fig: 1),

Proof resilience = [1/2 ∆EP WEP] kg- cm.

Modulus of Resilence: It is defined as the" Total strain energy stored in the

specimen from 'zero upto the fracture point of the specimen". Graphically, it is the
area bounded below the graph from zero upto the point of fracture From the Graph.
Modulus of Resilience=Triangular area Al + Rectangular area A2 + Remaining area
A3 Modulus of Resilience = (AI+A2+A2) kg.cm


 The original dimensions of the specimen like original diameter, gauge length
 etc. is to be measured.
 The specimen is mounted on the Universal Testing machine between the fixed
 and movable jaws.
 The load range in the machine is adjusted to its maximum capacity (160
 tonnes)
 The dial gauge is mounted on the machine at the appropriate positions and
 adjusted to zero.
  The machine is switched on and the tensile load is applied gradually.
  For every 5 KN of load, the readings of dial gauge is noted and tabulated.
  Remove the dial gauge at slightly below the expected load at yield point.
 Record the load at yield point, at the yield point the pointer on load scale will
remain stationary for small interval of time and blue needle will come back by
 2 or 3 divisions that point is lower yield point.
 The specimen is loaded continuously up to the ultimate load (red needle will
stops) where there is formation of cup and cone at neck in the specimen,
which is to be noted.
  With further loading the specimen breaks, and breaking load is noted.
 The specimen is removed and final dimensions are measured.

Results and Conclusions:

1. Working stress =
2. Young‟s Modulus of specimen =
3. Yield stress =
4. Ultimate stress =
5. Breaking stress =
6. % reduction in Area =
7. % Elongation=

Experiment 2


Objective: To study the behavior of the given material under Compressive load and
to determine the following:

  Modulus of elasticity
  Maximum Compressive strength or ultimate stress
  Percentage Decrease in length
 Percentage Increase in area

Principle: Ductile materials attain a Bulge or a Barrel shape after reaching the
maximum compression load. No fracture takes place and there is change in cross-
section and compression value remains the same on reaching the maximum load. For
brittle materials, there will be no change in the cross-sections or height of the
specimen due to the compression load. On reaching the maximum compression load,
the specimen suddenly fractures as shown in the Fig.

Apparatus Required:
Universal Testing machine, Dial gauge, Vernier caliper and scale.
The compression test is just opposite to tension test, with regard to direction.
However, there are certain practical difficulties which may induce error in this test.
They are:
 Difficulty in applying truly axial load.

 There is always a tendency of the specimen to bend in addition to Contraction. To
avoid these errors, usually the specimen for this test shall be short inlength (not
more than 2 time the diameter)

1. Least count of dial gauge = 0.01mm.
2. Specimen
Material = …………………
= ………….. …..
3. Initial length (li) mm
4. Initial diameter = ………….. …..
(di ) mm
5. Original C/S Area (Ai ) =πxd 2 =………………….mm2

6. Ultimate Load (pu ) =…………KN

i. Where „pu‟ is the maximum load applied.
7. Final length (lf) =……………….mm
8. Final diameter
(df) =……………..mm
9. Final Area (A f) = π x df = ………………mm2

Tabular Column:

Sl. Compression Stress Strain Young’s

No. Load in Load in (δl ) in modulus
KN N N/mm2 N/mm2
in mm

E = stress
5 strain
9 Result
10 from
the graph


Stress = Load = P =…………….N/mm2

Area Ai

Strain = Change in length(δl ) = ……………

Original Length (l)

Young‟s modulus= Stress =……… N/mm2 (obtained from the graph)


% Decrease in Length = (li – lf) x 100 =……………%


% Increase in area = (Af – Ai) x 100 =………..%


Ultimate Compressive strength = Ultimate load = pu = …………… N/mm2

Initial area Ai

In a compression test, stress – strain curve is drawn up to the elastic limit of

proportionality. Metals have approximately the same modulus of elasticity as in
tension test. The curve, for ductile materials, continues almost without limit as
there is no fracture of the material due to its ductility and cross sectional area
increases continuously with increase in load. The specimen will shorten and bulge
out. Compression test is mainly used for testing brittle materials such as cast
iron, concrete etc. Brittle materials commonly fail along a diagonal plane due to

Graph: Stress v/s Strain

 The original dimensions of the specimen like original dia., gauge length etc. is
 to be measured.
 The specimen is mounted on the Universal Testing machine between the fixed
 and movable jaws.
 The load range in the machine is adjusted to its maximum capacity (300
 tonnes)
 The dial gauge is mounted on the machine at the appropriate positions and
 adjusted to zero.
  The machine is switched on and the compressive load is applied gradually.
  For every 10 KN of load, the readings of dial gauge is noted and tabulated.
  Remove the dial gauge at slightly below the expected load at yield point.
 Record the load at yield point, at the yield point the pointer on load scale will
remain stationary for small interval of time and blue needle will come back by
 1 or 2 divisions that point is lower yield point.
 The specimen is loaded continuously up to the ultimate load (red needle will
stops) which is to be noted.
 The specimen is removed and final dimensions are measured.

Results and Conclusions:

1. Modulus of elasticity =
2. Maximum Compressive strength or ultimate stress =
3. Percentage Decrease in length =
4. Percentage Increase in area =

Experiment 3
AIM: To determine the shear strength of the given standard specimen under single
and double shear.

APPARATUS: UTM, Vernier Calipers, Standard MS

Specimen THEORY:

A shear stress acts parallel to a C/S plane whereas tensile and compressive stresses
act at normal to the C/S plane. For direct shear test of metals, a bar is usually
sheared in the same device that changes the position of the specimen while the
remaining position is subject to load by suitable dies.


1. Measure the diameter of the specimen

2. Fix the shear Specimen in the Single/Double Shear fixture.
3. Keep the shear equipment on the fixed jaw of UTM and apply the load slowly at right
angles to the axis of piece through the central block.
4. Note the load at fracture.


1. Diameter of specimen for single shear = ______________ mm

2. Diameter of specimen for double shear = _________mm


Type of Load(P) Cross Sectional Shear Stress
Area 2

Shear Kgf N mm2 N/ mm


1. Shear Stress = load = ________ ____N/mm2

(single shear) c/s Area

2. Shear Stress = load = ____________ N/mm2

(double shear) 2 x c/s Area


Experiment 4

Objective: To Conduct bending test for the given specimen and to determine the
 Modulus of elasticity

 Modulus of Rupture or flexure modulus (maximum bending stress at failure
using bending equation).
A Bending test may be performed on actual beam cross-section by using the three
point loading system. The bending fixture is supported on the platform of the
hydraulic cylinder of the universal testing machine. The loading knife edge is held in
the middle crosshead. At a particular load, the deflection at the centre of the beam is
determined by using a dial gauge.

The deflection at the beam centre is given by ∆ = WL3/48EI.

By knowing W, L, D and I, it is possible to obtain the modulus of elasticity of beam

Apparatus Required:
Universal Testing machine, Dial gauge, Vernier caliper and scale.
Application of a simple concentrated load at centre in the case of Bending associated
with shear. Application of two concentrated loads will lead to pure bending without
shear. Beams are usually subjected to bending moment and shearing forces which
vary from section to section. Bending moment at a section in a beam is the moment
that is trying to bend it and is obtained as the algebraic sum of the moments about
the section of all the forces acting on the beam either to the left or to the right of the
section. Due to the bending moment, beam sags or hogs as shown below;

Tabular Column

Sl. Load Deflection (P/)

No (p) () value
KN mm




 Material =……………….

 Span length(L) =……………..mm

 Breadth (b) =……………….mm

 Height (h) =……………….mm

 Cross sectional area at centre= b x h=…………….. mm2

 Load at fracture, Pf =……………..kN


Moment of inertia, I = b x h 3 =………………. mm4

Section modulus (Z) = I = bh2
Y 6
From the graph, Load/ Deflection= P /=…………

Deflection (δ) = PL3


Young‟s Modulus, E= l3 *Slope of the load-deflection at yield

48I point. (Obtained from the graph)

Maximum Bending moment= M= Pf L =……………N-mm

M = Bending moment in N – mm
I = Moment of Inertia in mm4
b = Bending Stress in N / mm2 (Mpa)
y = Distance from neutral axis to the outer most fiber in mm.

E = Young‟s modulus in N / mm2 (Mpa)

R = Radius of curvature in mm.

Bending Stress,b= M y =………………N / mm
y = h / 2 =………….. mm

Modulus of rupture(f) = 3Pf L =……………N/ mm2

Modulus of rupture (f) = M = ……………..N/ mm2

Bending equation: M = b = E
I y R

Graph : Load v /s Deflection


  The dimensions of the specimen are noted.

 The specimen is placed on the supports and is fitted to the universal testing
 machine.
 Dial gauge is mounted on the UTM at the appropriate position and adjusted
 to read zero.
  The UTM is adjusted to have the suitable load range.
  The machine is switched on and bending load is applied gradually.
 For every 0.5 KN rise in load, the corresponding dial gauge and scale
 readings are noted.
 The load is applied until the specimen breaks and the breaking load is noted.

Results and Conclusions:

Modulus of Rupture =
Modulus of elasticity =


Modulus of Rigidity C = 32 l T
πD4 θ

Maximum Torsional Shear Stress ζ = 16 Tmax



1. Length of the specimen (l) = _______mm

2. Mean diameter of a specimen (D) = _______mm


Sl. Twisting Moment Angle of Twist θ Modulus Torsional

No. T Kg-m In In of Rigidity Shear Stress
degrees Radians Kgm


Experiment 5
AIM: To determine the modulus of rigidity and torsional shear stresses developed

APPARATUS: Torsion Testing machine, Vernier Calipers, Measuring scale, Specimen



1. Measure the Dia of the test piece at three different places and note the Average
dia.( D)

2. Measure its gauge length

3. Fix the specimen in the chucks and adjust the load range real and start the

4. Take readings of torsion and twist until failure occurs

5. Plot the graph T v/s θ

6. Calculate modulus of rigidity and torsional shear stress.


Modulus of Rigidity C = 32 l T
πD4 θ

Maximum Torsional Shear Stress ζ = 16 Tmax



1. Length of the specimen (l) = _______mm

2. Mean diameter of a specimen (D) = _______mm


Sl. Twisting Moment Angle of Twist θ Modulus Torsional

No. T Kg-m In In of Rigidity Shear Stress
degrees Radians Kgm



Experiment 6

Objective: To determine the Impact strength (Specific impact factor) through Izod
Principle: Static tests are not satisfactory in determining the resistance to shock or
impact loads such as automobile parts are subjected to shock loads, and in the
impact test a notched specimen of the material is fractured by a single blow from a
heavy hammer, the energy required being a measure of the resistance to impact.

Materials and equipments required

Impact testing machine, MS Specimen


IZOD Impact Test:

A pendulum type single blow impact test in which the specimen, usually
notched, is fixed at one end and free at other end. Specimen is broken by a falling
pendulum. The energy absorbed as measured by the subsequent rise of the
pendulum is a measure of impact strength or notch toughness.

Notch: A slot or groove of specified characteristics intentionally cut in a test piece so

as to concentrate the stress localizing the rupture.

Notch Toughness: The high resistance of the material to fracture under suddenly
applied loads at any Stress raiser such as notch.

Toughness: The ability of the material to absorb energy and deform plastically
before fracture. It is usually measured by the energy absorbed in a notched impact
test like Charpy and Izod tests. The area under the stress -strain curve in a tensile
test is also a measure of toughness and as such is proportional to the combined
effects of tensile strength and ductility.
The Izod impact energy (I) i.e, the energy required to break the specimen is
obtained directly from the test. The depth below the notch and the breadth of the
specimen is measured (i.e d and b). The effective cross-sectional area below the
notch is obtained (A=bd mm2) hence, specific Impact factor=If=I/A Joules /mm2

Fig: Izod Impact testing equipment

Fig: Position of specimen for Izod test

Tabular Column

Sl. Initial Final Izod Izod impact

No. Specimen Trials Reading Reading Impact Strength
K1 in J K2 in J Value I=K/A
K=K1-K2 J (J/Cm2 )

1. M.S 1

2. M.S 2


Specimen size= 75*10*10

Type of notch = V- Notch

Angle of notch= 45o

Depth of notch= 2mm

1. Fix the charpy striker in its respective position; place the charpy test specimen
on supports.
2. Align the centre at the specimen notch with respect to centre of support by
means of setting gauge.
3. Touch the striker to the test specimen and adjust the indicating pointer to 170J.
4. Lift the pendulum till it gets latched in its position at 900 from its vertical axis.
5. Allow the pendulum to swing freely and break the specimen.
6. After rupture apply the break to the pendulum slowly by operating break lever.
7. Note down the reading at observed energy directly on the dial as indicated by
the indicating pointer.
8. Before proceeding for next test, remove the broken piece of the tested
specimen and bring indicating pointer, striker to its original position at 170J.

Results and Conclusion

Average impact value of Mild Steel = ------------Joules

Average impact strength = ------------Joules/cm2

Experiment 7


Objective: To determine the Impact strength (Specific impact factor) through

Charpy test.

The Charpy Impact Test is similar in principle to the Izod, but the notched specimen
is supported at each end as a beam and struck by the hammer in the centre.

Materials and equipments required

Impact testing machine, MS Specimen


In an impact test a specially prepared notched specimen is fractured by a

single blow from a heavy hammer and energy required being a measure of
resistance to Impact. Impact load is produced by a swinging of an impact weight
(hammer) from a height. Release of the weight from the height swings the weight
through the arc of a circle, which strikes the specimen to fracture at the notch. Here
it is interesting to note that height through which hammer drops determines the
velocity and height and mass of a hammer combined determine the energy. Energy
used can be measured from the scale given. The difference between potential
energies is the fracture energy. In test machine this value indicated by the pointer
on the scale. This energy value called impact toughness or impact value, which will
be measured, per unit area at the notch.


Specimen size= 55*10*10

Type of notch = U - Notch

Angle of notch= 45o

Depth of notch= 2mm

Fig: Charpy impact testing equipment

Fig: Specimen for Charpy test

Tabular Column

Sl. Initial Final Charpy Charpy impact

No. Specimen Trials Reading Reading Impact Strength
K1 in J K2 in J Value I=K/A
K=K1-K2 J (J/Cm2 )

1. M.S 1

2. M.S 2


1. Fix the charpy striker in its respective position; place the charpy test specimen
on supports.
2. Align the centre at the specimen notch with respect to centre of support by
means of setting gauge.
3. Touch the striker to the test specimen and adjust the indicating pointer to
4. Lift the pendulum till it gets latched in its position at 1400 from its vertical axis.
5. Allow the pendulum to swing freely and break the specimen.
6. After rupture apply the break to the pendulum slowly by operating break lever.
7. Note down the reading at observed energy directly on the dial as indicated by
the indicating pointer.
8. Before proceeding for next test, remove the broken piece of the tested
specimen and bring indicating pointer, striker to its original position at 300J.

Results and Conclusion

Average impact value of Mild Steel = ------------Joules

Average impact strength = ------------Joules/cm2

Experiment 8


Objective: To determine the Rockwell hardness number of the given Specimen

using “Rockwell Hardness tester”.

Principle: A standard load (Based on type of material) is applied through a

standard indentor (cone or ball indentor) for a standard duration of time. The
hardness number is directly obtained in the experiment.

Practical importance: Hardness is the property of the material by which it

offers resistance to scratch or indentation. It is the most important property, as the
material is subjected to friction and scratch. By this experiment we can determine the
Hardness of the given material.

Materials and equipments required:

  Rockwell hardness testing machine.
  Diamond cone indentor, ball indentor.
 Specimens (Hardened steel, Mild steel, Brass, Copper, Aluminium )

Hardness of a material is generally defined as Resistance to the permanent
indentation under static and dynamic load. When a material is required to use under
direct static or dynamic loads, only indentation hardness test will be useful to find out
resistance to indentation.
Rockwell test is developed by the Wilson instrument co U.S.A in 1920. This test
is an indentation test used for smaller specimens and harder materials. In this test
indenter is forced into the surface of a test piece in two operations, measuring the
permanent increase in depth of an indentation from the depth increased from the
depth reached under a datum load due to an additional load.
Measurement of indentation is made after removing the additional load.
Indenter used is the cone having an angle of 120 degrees made of black diamond.



Type of Type of Total load(P)

specimen indenter Kg-F

C (Black
Hard Metals Diamond cone 150

B (Red
Soft Metals Ball (1/16”) 100
graduations )

Tabular Column

SR.N Type of RHN Average

o Specimen indenter RHN
1 2 3

01 Hardened steel

Mild steel
02 (1/16”)

03 Brass

04 Copper

05 Aluminium

Rockwell hardness tester gives the direct reading of hardness number on a
dial provided with the machine. The specimen may be cylinder, cube, thick or
thin metallic sheets.
Specifications are as follows.
1. Ability to determine hardness up to = 100 RHN
2. Maximum application of load = 150 Kgf
3. Method of load application = Lever type
4. least measuring hardness number= 1 RHN
1. Keep the loading and unloading lever at position “A” which is unloading position.
2. Select the suitable indentor & weights according to the scale.
3. Place the specimen on testing table anvil.
4. Turn the hand wheel to raise a job until it makes contact with indentor &
continue turning till the longer pointer at the dial gauge makes 2 ½ rotations.
Then it stops at zero continue turning slowly till the small pointer reaches the
red spot at „3‟, this is automatic zero setting dial gauge.
5. Turn the lever position „A‟ to „B‟ i.e. from unloading to loading position. So
that the total load will act.
6. When the longer pointer of the dial gauge reaches steady position, take back
the lever to the unloading position „A‟. [Avoid sudden release at the lever]
7. Now note down the reading in the last dial indicator by notifying the large
8. Turn back the hand wheel and remove the job.
9. Similarly repeat the step from 1-9 for different trials and for different metals.

Results & Conclusion:

Rockwell hardness Number of given specimen is
1. Hardened steel =

2. Mild steel =

3. Brass =

4. Copper =

5. Aluminium =

Experiment 9


Objective: To determine the Brinell hardness number of the given Specimen

using Brinell hardness tester.

Principle: Brinell hardness number (BHN) is obtained by the ratio of the calculated
load and the spherical area of the Indentation or Impression made on the specimen
by the corresponding Indentor Ball.

Practical importance: This Brinell Hardness Test is used to determine the

Hardness Number of hard, moderately hard, and soft material Eg: Brass, Bronze,
Aluminum, Gold, Copper, Etc. Very hard material and Brittle material cannot be
tested by Brinell hardness tester.

Materials and equipments required

 Brinell hardness testing machine and Brinell Microscope.

 Ball Indentor of diameter 2.5mm and 5mm

 Specimens ( Mild steel, Brass, Copper, Aluminium )


In Brinell hardness test, a steel ball of diameter (D) is forced under a load on to a
surface of test specimen. Mean diameter (d) of indentation is measured after the
removal of the load (P).

Specifications are as follows.

1. Ability to determine hardness up to =1411 BHN
2. Maximum application of load =250 Kgf
3. Method of load application = Lever type
4. least measuring hardness number= 1 BHN3



Type of
load(P) Suitable for

Ball Indentor Non ferrous soft metals, Soft iron, steel

2.5mm dia. castings, Cast iron, malleable iron.

Ball Indentor Light alloys casting, forging alloys, die casting

5mm dia. alloys.

Tabular Column

Diameter of
indenter Total
Sr.No Specimen Diameter(D) load(P) Indentation(d) Average BHN
in mm dia
In mm Kg-F
1 2 3

01 Mild steel

02 Brass

03 Copper

04 Aluminium


Brinell Hardness Number (BHN) = 

 D D - D2  d 2 
D = Diameter of ball indentor in mm
d= Diameter of Indentation in mm
P= Load applied in Kgf


Least Count of Brinell Microscope=0.01mm

1. Keep the loading and unloading lever at position “A” which is unloading
2. Select the suitable indentor & weights according to the scale.
3. Place the specimen on testing table anvil.
4. Turn the hand wheel to raise a job until it makes contact with indenter &
continue turning till the longer pointer at the dial gauge makes 2 ½ rotations.
Then it stops at zero continue turning slowly till the small pointer reaches the
red spot at „3‟, this is automatic zero setting dial gauge.
5. Turn the lever position „A‟ to „B‟ i.e. from unloading to loading position. So
that the total load will act.
6. When the longer pointer of the dial gauge reaches steady position, take back the
lever to the unloading position „A‟. [Avoid sudden release at the lever]
7. Remove the job from the platform and note down the diameter of the
indentation using Brinell microscope.
8. Using appropriate formula calculate BHN.
9. Similarly repeat the step from 1-8 for different trials and for different metals.

Results & Conclusion: Brinell hardness number of given specimen is
1. Mild steel =

2. Brass =

3. Copper =

4. Aluminium =

Conclusion: Based on BHN for Mild Steel, the Relation between the tensile
strength and Hardness Number is given as follows,
Tensile Strength of Mild Steel = K*BHN for MS
Where K= constan between 3.4 to 3.9 for types of steel.

Experiment 10


Objective: To determine the hardness of the given Specimen using Vicker‟s

hardness test.

Principle: The required load as calculated by P/D2 ratio is applied on the specimen
for a standard time of 8-10 Sec‟s and BHN is calculated by the ratio of load and the
spherical area of indentation. The diameter of the indentation is measured on the
focusing screen of the machine.

Practical Importance :
Same as in Experiment NO.8 (i.e., Rockwell Hardness Test).

Materials and equipments required:

Vicker‟s Hardness Testing Machine.
Diamond cone indentor,

Very Hard materials (e.g. Mild steel, case hardened steel, etc,) can be tested by the
Vicker's method. If the moderately hard materials like Brass, Copper and Aluminium
are tested in this machine, the indentor makes a deep impression. Hence, a proper
indentation cannot be made on the specimen and a correct value of the hardness
cannot be obtained for these materials by V. H. Test.

VHN = Load Sloping or pyramidal area of indentation

This test is similar to Brinell hardness test similar relationship and eliminates most of
the errors. A regular pyramid having a square base and smoothened off diamond
point is pressed in the material to be tested under a load „F‟. The produced
impression is projected onto a focusing screen and the diagonals of the impression
are measured by means of the measuring equipment.
Due to small impressions, it is very suitable for testing polished and hardened
material surfaces. This test is rapid, accurate.


Type of indenter = Diamond cone

Tabular column

Length of Indentation in Averag VHN=

Load mm(l)
Sl. e
Specimen applied 1.854P
No length
in Kgf 2
1 2 3 in mm l

Vicker‟s Hardness Number (VHN) =
P= Load applied in Kg
l= Average length of the diagonal L in mm

Least count of microscope=0.001mm

1st scale each division =0.1mm
2 scale each division =0.01
3 scale each division =0.001mm


1 Maximum application of load = 120 kgf

2 Method of load application = Push button

3 Least measuring indentation length= 0.001mm


a. Clean the surface at the specimen

b. Fix the indenter in the hardness tester and switch on the power supply.
c. Place the specimen with cleaned surface facing the indentor on the anvil
at work table.
d. Focus the work piece surface for clean visibility by rotating the hand
wheel at the work table upwards and downwards.
e. Select the load specified (P) push button available on the right side at the
hardness tester.
f. Actuate the electric push button (Green Button) at the front for loading,
the loading lever starts moving up words and reaches the study position.
g. Now release the loading lever slowly and bring it to the downward
h. For major reading adjust the display at the indentation made by the
indenter to co inside with the micrometer on the display screen.
i. For major (minor) reading adjust the movable side at the micrometer and
note down the total reading.
j. The measurement is to be made for two opposite corners of the diagonal
indentation denoted as (l).
k. Repeat the above procedure for different material.

Results and Conclusion: Vicker‟s hardness Number of given specimen is

1. Mild steel =

2. Hardened mild steel =


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