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Daily Lesson Plan Third

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Republic of the Philippines

Schools Division of Batangas City
Mahabang Dahilig Senior High School
Mahbang Dahilig, Batangas City

Learning Plan
Reading and Writing Skills
Date: February 24, 2020
Duration: 2 hrs
Grade and Section: G11 – Polaris/G11- Vega

Content Standard
The learner understands the relationship of a written text and the context in which it was

Performance Standard
The learner writes a 1000-word critique of a selected text on the basis of its claim/s,
context, and properties as a written material.

Learning Competencies
Explains critical reading as reasoning EN11/12RWS-IVac-8
5. Formulates evaluative statements about a text read EN11/12RWS-IVac-9
a. Formulates assertions about the content and properties of a text read
b. Formulates meaningful counterclaims in response to claims made in a text read
6. Determines textual evidence to validate assertions and counterclaims made about
a text read EN11/12RWS-IVac-10

Specific Objectives
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. explain the different types of assertion;
2. describe each type of evidence; and
3. use various types of assertion and evidence in writing.

RWS11.2. Text and Context Connections (Critical Reading)
B. Critical Reading as Reasoning
1. Types of Assertion
2. Types of Evidence

TV monitor
PowerPoint presentation
Pictures/other visual aids
Activity sheets

Printed Material
Cabana-Basilan, MLJ (2017). Reading and Writing Skills. Unlimited Books Library
Services & Publishing Inc., Manila

Online Sources

For God’s glory and in unity, we serve.

Republic of the Philippines
Schools Division of Batangas City
Mahabang Dahilig Senior High School
Mahbang Dahilig, Batangas City

https://web.iit.edu › cac › student-resources › writing-guides › writing-process
https://www.slideshare.net › aliciamargaretjavelosa › patterns-of-development

Preparatory Activities
A. Prayer
A student will lead the class in the prayer.
B. Greetings
C. Checking of Attendance
Class monitor will be asked to check the class attendance.

A. Review
A brief review session will be administered through the “Race the Board” Review

B. Motivation/Priming
This two hour session will advocate for a collaborative learner-centred approach as
students will be grouped and will only be given lecture cue cards about the lesson. They will
be given ample time to prepare their discussion about the assigned topic. This is an on-the-
spot reporting activity.

Establishing the Purpose

The teacher presents the objectives of the lesson.
C. Activity
Reporting Live!
Each group is assigned to each type of assertion and evidence. Included in their
reporting stint are discussion of the topic, citing of examples, and forum for clarification on
the topic. Each group is only given 20 minute for preparation and five minutes for the

For God’s glory and in unity, we serve.

Republic of the Philippines
Schools Division of Batangas City
Mahabang Dahilig Senior High School
Mahbang Dahilig, Batangas City

D. Analysis
Process Questions:
 What are the different types of assertions?
 How does one determine the proper assertion to use in making sound argument?
 To which communicative situation does each type of evidence apply?

E. Developing Mastery of the Lesson

Trade Trade Quiz!
Each group will be asked to provide examples for each type of assertion and evidence.
All groups will take turn trading off their questions and answers.

F. Abstraction/Generalization
Select students will serve as the course wrapper as summary of the discussion.

G. Valuing/Application
Students will be asked to make an assertion supported by strong pieces of
evidence about the given topic.

H. Assessment
Students’ works from the previous activity will be assessed using the following criteria.

Content – 20 pts
Assertiveness – 20 pts
Grammar Usage – 10 pts

Prepare for a long test about the following topics.
 Critical Reading as Way of Thinking
 Critical Reading as Way of Reasoning

Prepared by:


Reading and Writing Skills, Instructor



School Principal

For God’s glory and in unity, we serve.

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