Whitefish Processing PDF
Whitefish Processing PDF
Whitefish Processing PDF
• Optimize throughput
• Maximize uptime
• Raise eiciency
Achieve high quality, maximum
throughput and excellent yield
Marel’s systems and solutions are designed to increase and maintain the highest
quality, throughput and yield possible. The Marel team has the technological expertise
and the practical know-how to optimize these critical factors and help processors
manage their operation every step of the way. Marel’s progressive technology and
solidly built equipment can deliver accelerated returns on investment by enhancing
productivity and streamlining the production process.
The Marel team has the
technological expertise
and the practical know-how
to help processors achieve
their production goals
Quality whitefish
deserves quality
Quality is built into every aspect of Marel's solutions. Standalone Innova Food Processing Software
units and turn-key processing systems are designed to preserve Innova enables ish processors to maximize yield and
the best possible raw material quality throughout production; throughput, conform to quality standards and ensure
from improved raw material handling and advanced portioning food safety. The powerful Innova software suite helps
methods to gentle product conveying and packing. increase product quality and value by monitoring
production, supporting process improvements and
Marel also ofers individual QC solutions that monitor and raising eiciency. It enables processors to easily
manage the QC process itself. Innova Quality Control software benchmark suppliers and prevent potential production
automatically connects QC checkpoints, QC stations and QC problems.
assurance systems to deliver a fully paperless QC process.
Innova provides a solid foundation for reliable data
collection. It ensures full traceability and quality control
throughout the value chain as well as communicating
with planning and business management systems. This
unique tool monitors key performance indicators such as
yield, throughput, quality, capacity and labor eiciency.
The modular portfolio ofers applications for everything
from simple device control up to plant-wide total
processing solutions .
Full traceability across the complete
value chain - from raw material
reception, through processing and
packing on to dispatch
Marel graders are as accurate as they are eicient, whether it be
small footprint standalone units or highly sophisticated sorting Innova order fulfillment
solutions with automatic infeed and batch takeaway systems. Innova can communicate with other systems, such as
Renowned for their robust construction, the average lifetime ERP or other planning systems, to give you a powerful
of Marel graders is 15 to 20 years even in the harshest interconnected management system and produce your
environments. Marel graders are designed to deliver higher product to order. Enter the orders from your customers
yield and increased throughput with exceptional raw material each morning and produce only what you know you
handling. Every Marel grading system is hygienic in design and can sell.
easy to clean.
Onboard processing
The renowned M1100 and M2200 marine scales and robust
marine graders are equipped with advanced motion Innova Marine Pack
compensation devices that make weighing and sorting almost Integrated hardware and software system for onboard
as fast and accurate as on land. use that enables you to register relevant information like
ish species and grades, harbors and ishing gear. The
Marel’s on-board grading and packing systems process whole reports provide a graphic view of data and an overview
ish, illets, shellish and even by-products such as delicate of everything from catch value and packing history to
roe sacks very eiciently. The marine graders and packing cargo and e-logs.
systems are precise and ofer improved yield and quality while
minimizing product handling.
Fillet processing
Filleting and trimming flowlines X-ray bone inspection
Whatever the set-up or scale of production, Marel ofers illeting Processors can reduce bone complaints and increase product
and trimming systems to suit diferent needs; from highly value with cutting-edge X-ray bone detection from Marel. The
advanced automatic systems with built-in traceability to basic SensorX bone detection system automatically inds bones and
manual lines that monitor performance. Filleting and trimming other foreign objects in ish products. The advanced technology
lowlines streamline processing with less product handling and provides bone detection capabilities that are unprecedented
continuous data collection in both wild and farmed whiteish among automatic bone detection systems. After illeting and
processing. The raw material is weighed, graded, cut and packed trimming, the X-ray bone detection serves as an automated QC
in a continuous low, increasing capacity by 50 to 80% per man station as well as the product inspection solution that enables
hour. This results in higher throughput and increased labor processors to reach a higher level of product quality.
Marel ofers intelligent, high-speed, high-precision portioning Innova real-time data collection
systems that are designed to consistently increase the primary Accurate data collection is the key to eicient
product ratio, optimize yield and improve raw material traceability and monitoring. The system collects
utilization. With solid units like the I-Cut 11 PortionCutter and reliable data in real time and presents it on user friendly
the StripCutter or sophisticated, high-tech systems like the dashboards and reports. Real-time data from the
FleXicut, an endless variety of value-added products can be processing lets you monitor targets per employee or
created; from ixed-sized strips, dices and splits to high-value per process line for yield, quality and throughput.
portions of ixed weight and length. The latest in innovative
cutting patterns for loin and illet cuts is available in Marel’s
advanced portioning lines that deliver custom made portions
directly to orders.
Eicient, high-speed,
high-precision portioning
systems designed to
consistently increase the
primary product ratio,
optimize yield and
improve raw material
Further processing
Forming Cooking and frying
Marel ofers both high-pressure and low-pressure formers Marel fryers deep- or lash-fry product at consistent, high
for ish. The formers increase utilization of raw material, ofer standards. The fryers are equipped with a highly sophisticated
great yield and a highly customizable product range. The oil management system for extended oil life and thus better
high pressure portioning and forming of ish enables the yield. The end result is an optimally ixed coating that gives
development of a wide range of products such as nuggets, the product a perfect crunchy layer and the right appetizing
croquettes and burgers for the home and catering industries. appearance. Marel also ofers a line of modular, spiral and
linear ovens with high-grade steaming, cooking and grilling
Coating – breading and battering
Designed to enhance taste and texture, Marel's coating systems
can supply the appropriate application for virtually any type of
coating. The number of possible coatings is abundant; be it wet
or dry, or a combination of both. Marel’s coating applications
deliver the exact process sequences needed with eiciency and Innova Quality Control
ease. The Innova Quality Control module allows quality
personnel to enter quality related information at
designated control points throughout the production
Marinating process. All inspections can be directly linked to
Marel ofers a unique in-line marinating solution designed to production, raw material source or final products.
process small batches. Keeping this process in-line eliminates Historical data is available for as long as the customer
the need for manual product handling. Marel has embraced wants and is easy to use for trend analysis.
the principle of working with small batches or single products
because of its many beneits. Keeping batches small positively
inluences the distribution of additives and the speed of the
process, while product damage is reduced dramatically.
Weighing, grading OD PR OC
and batching
• Checkbin and modular graders
• Bulk and ixed-weight batchers
• Table and platform scales
• Flowscales
• Hopper scales
• Multihead weighers
and packing
• Checkweighers
• Wraparound labelers
• Box/crate labelers
• Multi-lane convergers
• Ice dosers
• Packing stations and systems NN
CESSING SO Filleting and trimming
AR lowlines, portioning,
E pinboning, bone
inspection and QC
• Flowlines
• Water-jet cutters
• Portion cutters
• Strip cutters
• Water-jet pinboners
• X-ray bone detectors
• QC stations
Forming, coating
and cooking
• Marinade distributors
• Ovens
4. Precision cutting
The angle of the water-jet cutters adjusts to the
cutting pattern and the location of the bones
to make a v-cut as close as possible to the
pinbones. FleXicut is also equipped with twin
blades for dividing the loin, cutting the belly
lap or tail, or portioning the ish to customer
1. Pre-trimming lowline
Eicient and hygienic lowline for pre-trimming
of illets. Its ultra-gentle product handling is
unique and it ofers a seamless infeed into
FleXicut. After trimming, each illet gently drops
lat on the takeaway belt and is automatically
lined up for the FleXicut. This minimizes labor
requirements and helps keep product low
2. Quality feedback
Innova software provides feedback on quality
issues such as tail bones or blood spots from
each trimmer, making it simple to correct them.
As an option, work stations can be equipped
with computer terminals for operator feedback, 3. X-ray bone detection
displaying quality control information and FleXicut locates the pinbones to an accuracy of
individual production rates. 0.2mm to determine precisely the optimal cut
coniguration and cutting angle. The processor
can control the level of pinbone material down
to 4 to 6% of illet weight, much less than in
manual pinboning.
5. Intelligent product distribution
The FleXiSort product distribution system
automatically allocates each of the various
outputs to diferent packing lines.
Innova FleXicut
Innova allows operators to remotely control the
FleXicut line, monitor the production in real time and
report on actual performance. A powerful web-based
program editor allows operators to visualize how
the machine settings will afect the raw material.
Information about all pieces and portions are collected
in real time and stored in the Innova database, enabling
users to analyze and optimize their portioning and
trimming process.
Packing & dispatch
Checkweighing for maximum eiciency and quality in the weighing, pricing
The M-Check range of checkweighers combines high levels of and labeling of retail packs. Diferent systems are available for
accuracy with lexibility and capacity, making them the ideal packing products into boxes or crates with labels to match.
choice for whiteish processing. Approved for process and end Labeling QC inspection systems are also available to maintain
of line applications, the checkweighers monitor and optimize label and pack presentation quality.
the accuracy of processing equipment and ensure compliance
with EU and EEA weight legislation across a wide range of
products. Marel checkweighers make it easy and eicient to Pack handling
manage underweight, overweight or non- weighed items in the Eicient pack turners, singulators and convergers are necessary
production low. for a well-functioning packing system. Marel’s range of turners
and convergers helps make sure that product low is maintained
at an optimal speed, channeling products from multi-lane
Ice dosing packing machines into a single line and ensuring correct
Marel automatic ice dosers ensure continuous, accurate dosing, presentation when a pack reaches a labeler.
suitable for various box sizes. Marel ice dosers dispense an exact
quantity of ice into fresh-ish boxes, ensuring uniform coverage
while keeping excess weight to an absolute minimum. This
precision greatly reduces transportation costs, particularly when
air freight is involved. Innova customer specific labeling
Innova can help simplify your labeling process and use
the data you have already collected to meet diferent
Labeling needs with ease. Innova Labeling selects texts and
Marel labelers are accurate, reliable, inexpensive and easy to images from the database based on product, customer
operate, ranging from Automatic Box and Crate Labelers to and destination, so you can use the same label design
manual and automatic Weigh Price Labelers for a variety of pack even if you need to print the label in a diferent
sizes. Marel’s highly successful weigh price labelers are designed language.
4. Packing stations
Each packing station is equipped with
a holding bin, a pack-of chute and a
tilted packing table for full visibility
5. M3210 industrial controller
and easy access.
User-friendly graphical interface.
Touch-sensitive and IP69 water
resistant. Built-in Ethernet connection
links to standard PCs and Innova Food
Processing Software.
Service & support
Remote On-site
support support
Spare parts
Eficient maintenance,
equipment and software
services that help processors
run their plants smoothly
Welcome to our Whitefish ShowHow
Explore the future of whitefish processing
Marel invites whiteish processors from around the world to Live demonstrations staged in the 900 m2 demonstration halls
attend the annual Whiteish ShowHow at Progress Point, the provide a unique, irst-hand experience of Marel systems and
company’s demonstration and training facility in Copenhagen. equipment in action, while a team of professionals is on hand
The ShowHow displays the latest processing equipment, to answer questions. A parallel conference program includes
highlighting both fully integrated systems and a wide range of lectures and seminars where Marel’s specialists and guest
standard systems and standalone machines. speakers address current processing challenges.