RFT in Dyeing: Benefits and Objectives of RFT
RFT in Dyeing: Benefits and Objectives of RFT
RFT in Dyeing: Benefits and Objectives of RFT
This term RFT means ‘right first time’ is often used in the wet processing factories. RFT actually
defines the flawless processing of fabric at the first time. Every dye-house has an RFT% target to
be achieved. Doing things right first time especially when it is fabric or yarn dyeing is not that
easy because there are lots of things at the back end that has to be done rightly. So, the RFT is
not just a concept, it is a process that needs to be developed by practicing daily and it is kind of
a commitment from the organization.
Modern dye-houses always focus on achieving satisfactory RFT%. Certainly, there are some
objectives and benefits of RFT dyeing and these are-
Sometimes re-dyeing process damages the fabric, by RFT dyeing fabric damage can be
Reduce the business risk and gain the vendor’s faith etc.
Before dyeing process, there are many norms and issues at the back end that are directly
related to achieving good RFT%.
Chemical management system (CMS): Chemicals are the vital part for right first time
dyeing. Shade mismatch occurs mostly for dyes and chemicals. Non-tested chemicals,
error dispensing system, strength variation of dyes, not following MRSL, wrong chemical
selection etc. occurs shade variation. If a dye-house follows the MRSL then many
difficulties can be avoided. The core objective of the MRSL is to avoid and control the
substances that are used in the textile production processes to the final product. Now,
ZDHC Foundation is helping the factories to establish proper chemical management.
Standard operating procedure (SOP): Standardizing all the processes before dyeing,
during dyeing and after dyeing should be done first to achieve the expected RFT%.
Standardization is must to bring non-standard conditions within the standardization
tolerance limits. Actually, there should be SOP for every action in a dye-house like lab to
bulk, bulk to bulk, how to dose the color, cutting a sample from the running machine
Skilled workforce: Behind every success, there is human involvement. Wrong shade
passing, not following M:L ratio, lack of knowledge in shade matching, negligence
attitude etc. leads to shade mismatch. So, a skilled and experienced workforce is a must
to achieve the targeted RFT%.
Updated machinery: Technology is power, of course when it is the right technology for
the regarding process. Variation from machine to machine increases the risk of non RFT
dyeing. If you expect an under-capacity, the machine will give you higher efficiency- it
will be wrong thinking. So, the selection of machine and maintenance is a very
important issue to achieve RFT dyeing.
Data bank: Information is power and wealth. Eventually, the data bank reduces the time
of dyeing process because it helps to prepare the right recipe in first hand. Data bank
also helps to continue the quality consistency of fabrics.
Awareness & commitment: Operators needs awareness and management needs the
commitment to achieve a decent percentage of RFT. And that’s why ownership
transformation from management to operators is very much needed unfortunately
which is missing in the industry.
Variation in steam pressure, water quality, grey materials etc. are also directly responsible for
not achieving the expected RFT%. Whatever the causes, the decision to achieve RFT% has to be
taken first from the management and then it will be easy for others who will implement.