Regs Paper 3
Regs Paper 3
Regs Paper 3
1. In class A airspace
a) All flights are permitted. b) Only VFR flights are permitted.
c) Only IFR flights are permitted. d) SPL VFR flights are permitted.
Ans. c)
9. Position report is required to be given when
a) crossing an FIR b) over a compulsory reporting point
c) if so required by ATC d) all are correct
Ans. d)
14. An aircraft is commencing descend from its initial FL 290 over Palam Airport. The altimeter
reads 12000 ft. The commander will report his vertical distance to the ATC in terms of:
a) 12000’ Altitude b) F 120 c) 12000’ a.g.l. d) 12000’ amsl
Ans. b)
15. An aircraft is following a track of 179º (M) on a VFR plan . The choice of flight levels
available to the pilot is:
a) 50,70,90,150,170,190,210,230,250,270,290
b) 55,75,95,155,175,195,215,235,255,275,295
c) 50,70,90,110,130,160,180,200,220,240,260,280
d) 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 155, 175, 195, 215, 235, 255, 275
Ans. d)
16. A horizontal red square panel with one yellow diagonal means:
a) Do not land for the time being b) Landings Prohibited
c) Aircraft are to land Take off & Taxi on runways and taxi ways only
d) Special precaution while landing should be taken because of the bad state of the
Maneuvering area
Ans. d)
17. The visibility minima for those Airlines who have not filed their own Minima with the
DGCA for an airport for Non Precession approach is:
a) 1500’ b) 1500 meters c) 5 Nm d) 3.7 km
Ans. d)
18. Max flying hours for a flight crew in one year is: ______ hrs
a. 200 b. 900 c. 1200 d. 1000
Ans. d)
20. If the age of a CPL holder is more than 40 years the validity of medical is for_________
a) 1 yr b) 6 months c) 2 yrs d) 5 yrs
Ans. b)
21. If a passenger falls sick on board an a/c and he is suspected of any infectious disease then
PIC’s action is:
a. To land immediately.
b. To inform health officer of destination aerodrome at least two hrs before landing.
c. To inform DGCA.
d. To inform doctor on board.
Ans. b)
23. An aircraft force lands at an uncontrolled aerodrome, it can take off again:
a) with the permission of DGCA
b) without the permission of controller of Aerodrome
c) with the permission of nearest aerodrome control tower
d) Matter is to be reported to DGCA as an incident
Ans. d)
24. Wake turbulence separation minima for Take off, if a light aircraft is to take off behind a
heavy or a medium aircraft is:
a) 2 minutes b) 3 minutes c) 5 minutes d) Non of the above
Ans. a)
25. All flights above_________ flight levels are to be cleared IFR irrespective of weather
Conditions: a) F 280 b) F 150 c) F 140 d) F 100
Ans. b)
26. Dropping of paper leaf lets require the permission of:
a) Aerodrome b) Local District Magistrate. c) Operator. d) DGCA
Ans. c)
30. A pilot can fly an aircraft which is not entered in the aircraft rating of his licence for
endorsement on his licence
a) With in 5 nm of an aerodrome b) With in Local Flying Area of the aerodrome
c) Any where d) Cannot fly
Ans. b)
32. When an aircraft is being refueled, the refueling must be stopped if a jet aircraft crosses with
in a distance of: a) 15 meters b) 30 meters c) 43 meters d) 45 meters
Ans. c)
33. At an aerodrome the aerobatics are to be carried out above 6000 feet
a) Beyond 4 nm of perimeter of aerodrome
b) Within 2 nm of nearest perimeter of aerodrome
c) Beyond 5 nm of nearest perimeter of aerodrome
d) Beyond perimeter of aerodrome
Ans. b)
35. The CVR has the capability of recording information
a) One hour or more b) At least 30 minutes
c) Atleast 15 mins d) There is no minimum limit
Ans. b)
39. A report received from an aircraft giving a position and /or met report is called
a) Met report b) Position report c) Air report d) All of the above
Ans. c)
40. During flight as a pilot you are subjected to unlawful interference .On SSR you should to set
a) Mode A code 7500 b) Mode A code 7600
c) Mode A code 7700 d) Mode C code 7500
Ans. a)
43. A fresh flight plan is to be filled if a scheduled flight is delayed by more than
a) One hour b) 30 minutes c) 15 mins d) 5 mins
Ans. b)
44. The designators for world wide ATS routes are in which colour
a) White b) Red & Green
c) Red, Green, Blue & Amber d) Red, Green, Blue, Amber & White
Ans. d)
45. The minimum wake turbulence time separation for a heavy aircraft to land behind a heavy
aircraft is: a) 2 minutes (b) 3 minutes (c) 5 minutes (d) not required
Ans. d)
49. A series of red and green projectiles fired at an interval of 10 sec means
a) aircraft is flying over danger area b) aircraft is flying over prohibited area
c) Aircraft is flying over restricted area d) All of the above are correct
Ans. d)