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Gaveigggueman: English

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Stage 5, Year 10, English 2022

Assessment Task 4 Notification

Topic The World of Writing
Nature of assessment task Speech and Transcript
Weighting NA
Anwar Al Batat, Mohammad Bazzi, Rania Darwich,
Hosai Ebrahimi and Angela Shakir
Date notified
Tuesday 1 November, 2022 (Term 4, Week 5)

Due date Transcript: Google Classroom 11:59pm on Tuesday

15th November (Term 4, Week 7) Night before
as to
Submit Speech: In class Wednesday 16th November, 2022
Google Doc (Term 4, Week 7)


Syllabus outcomes assessed

EN5-1A A student responds to and composes increasingly sophisticated and sustained
texts for understanding, interpretation, critical analysis, imaginative expression
and pleasure
EN5-2A A student effectively uses and critically assesses a wide range of processes,
skills, strategies and knowledge for responding to and composing a wide
range of texts in different media and technologies
EN5-3B A student selects and uses language forms, features and structures of texts
appropriate to a range of purposes, audiences and contexts, describing and
explaining their effects on meaning
EN5-5C A student thinks imaginatively, creatively, interpretively and critically about
information and increasingly complex ideas and arguments to respond to and
compose texts in a range of contexts

Nature of the task

You have been invited to a UN convention on ‘Equality across the Globe’ where world
leaders are invited to listen to different speakers raising awareness on inequality and how
this can be addressed. e.geducation s
In this assessment, you will be required to compose and present a speech based on a
social issue concerning inequality with reference to the following statement:

between wealthy and poor
eg social conformity eg cap

er Aboriginal d

rights limited
America ferrara speech
Poignancy e g the glass ceiling

e g equal representation
in media
Topic b Ina eo Don't be the am

i equality I
e.g Bum biased

es cancer headlines
e.g newspaper e.gmasculine
T me
Dowe really have
of speech eg media
es social stars

in its
unfairness Particular me

Inequality is a matter of choice. It’s the rules and policies we put together that determine
how equal we are.

In your own speeches, you will be required to select from ideas and techniques explored
in class. Your speech MUST include ‘ethos, pathos, logos’ as well as other techniques
and devices related to the art of rhetoric.
Your speech must include: 3m
 a word count of 600-700 words
 a time limit of 3-4 minutes
 purposeful use of at least five persuasive techniques embedded through your

You must submit your speech transcript by Tuesday the 15th of November 11:59pm to
your Google Classroom.

Marking criteria
You will be marked on how well you:
 explore a concept relating to inequality in a speech context
 compose an effective speech, using language appropriate to text, audience and
 choose techniques that are relevant to your concept and
 present an engaging and articulate speech using voice and body language to
reflect the idea of inequality and those presented in the statement.

Detail on the feedback that will be provided

Feedback will be provided to you in the following ways:
 Checkpoints will take place throughout Week 6. The informal feedback provided at
this time will be focused on the outcomes of the task and will aim to correct
 Opportunities for peer assessment will be offered during this process.
 You will be encouraged to self-assess and to reflect on your own learning during
this assessment process.
 Formal teacher feedback will be provided once the task is handed back to you. It
will be informed by the marking criteria and guidelines.

Plagiarism and malpractice

 Student malpractice in assessment will be referred to a Review Committee for
investigation and final determination.
 Plagiarism is unacceptable and may result in a penalty including a zero award.
 Plagiarism may also result in the issue of an ‘N’ determination warning letter.
 Refer to the 2022 Student Handbook for further information.
Illness, misadventure and late submission of assessment tasks
 You are to call the school if you are sick on the examination date or the date of
submission (02) 9199 3900.
 A doctor’s certificate for the day(s) of illness is necessary to verify illness, and
notes from parents are not accepted.
 Late submission or completion of assessment without the appropriate supporting
documentation will be penalised at 20% for day 1 and a further 20% for day 2. If
your assessment is more than two days late you will be awarded a mark of zero.
(Please note that the task must still be submitted.)
 For further information, refer to the 2022 Student Handbook.
I Sustained argument
use of rheturi
3 Performance

Marking Guidelines - Critical Study of Speeches, Speech

A Demonstrates a perceptive and insightful concept that is sustained

throughout the text using sophisticated language
13-15 Presents a highly developed speech which uses the art of rhetoric with
techniques chosen discerningly
Displays highly engaging speaking skills (including eye contact, stance,
volume, intonation, pause)
Demonstrates an effective concept that is sustained throughout the text
B using language conventions with increasing confidence
Presents a well-developed speech which uses the art of rhetoric with
10-12 carefully chosen techniques
Displays engaging speaking skills (including eye contact, stance,
volume, intonation, pause)
Demonstrates a sound concept that is mostly sustained through the text
Presents a sound speech which uses a number of rhetorical techniques
with varying effect
Displays some speaking skills but may or may not be able to sustain
them (including eye contact, stance, volume, intonation, pause)
Attempts to present a concept with developing language skills
An underdeveloped use of rhetorical techniques
With varying control, displays some speaking skills (including eye
4-6 contact, stance, volume, intonation, pause)

Demonstrates a minimal/literal idea with limited language skills

Presents very few or no techniques
Displays poor speaking skills

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