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I/A Series®
Intelligent Positioner
November 30, 2008
Invensys, Foxboro, FoxCom, and I/A Series are trademarks of Invensys plc, its subsidiaries, and affiliates.
All other brand names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Copyright 1998-2008 Invensys Systems, Inc.

All rights reserved


Before using the Invensys Systems, Inc. supplied software supported by this documentation, you
should read and understand the following information concerning copyrighted software.
1. The license provisions in the software license for your system govern your obligations
and usage rights to the software described in this documentation. If any portion of
those license provisions is violated, Invensys Systems, Inc. will no longer provide you
with support services and assumes no further responsibilities for your system or its
2. All software issued by Invensys Systems, Inc. and copies of the software that you are
specifically permitted to make, are protected in accordance with Federal copyright
laws. It is illegal to make copies of any software media provided to you by
Invensys Systems, Inc. for any purpose other than those purposes mentioned in the
software license.
Figures................................................................................................................................... vii

Tables..................................................................................................................................... ix

Preface.................................................................................................................................... xi
Who This Book is For .............................................................................................................. xi
What You Should Know .......................................................................................................... xi
Revision Information ............................................................................................................... xi
Reference Documents .............................................................................................................. xi
Abbreviations .......................................................................................................................... xii

1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1
Control Software ....................................................................................................................... 1
ECB73 ................................................................................................................................. 1
ECB74 ................................................................................................................................. 1
Application Software for FBM43 ......................................................................................... 2
System Overview ....................................................................................................................... 2
Intelligent Positioner ............................................................................................................ 3
Control Processors ................................................................................................................ 3
Intelligent Transmitter Interface Module (FBM43) .............................................................. 4
Cable Balun Module (Optionally Used with FBM43) .......................................................... 5

2. Hardware/Software Installation......................................................................................... 7
Hardware Installation ................................................................................................................ 7
Overview of Intelligent Positioner Control Loop Wiring ...................................................... 7
FBM43 to Intelligent Positioner Connections .................................................................... 10
Connections to Intelligent Positioner ............................................................................ 10
Connections to FBM43 ................................................................................................. 13
Cable Balun Installation ................................................................................................ 15
System Definition ................................................................................................................... 16
Software Installation ................................................................................................................ 16

3. Configuring Your I/A Series Control Database for the Intelligent Positioner .................. 17
Recommended Configuration Sequence .................................................................................. 18
Blocks Available in the I/A Series Workstation ........................................................................ 18
Initial Unconfigured Database ................................................................................................ 18
Configuring ECB Blocks ......................................................................................................... 19
Accessing ICC .................................................................................................................... 19

B0193VH – Rev F Contents

ECB73 Configuration ............................................................................................................. 21

ECB73 Parameters ............................................................................................................. 21
Parameter Definitions .................................................................................................... 23
Sample Configured ECB73 ........................................................................................... 26
ECB74 Configuration ............................................................................................................. 27
ECB74 Parameters ............................................................................................................. 28
Parameter Definitions .................................................................................................... 30
Sample Configured ECB74 ........................................................................................... 39
Putting the ECB74s On-Line ............................................................................................. 40
Adding Compounds ........................................................................................................... 40
AIN Blocks ............................................................................................................................. 42
AOUT Blocks ......................................................................................................................... 43
PID Blocks .............................................................................................................................. 43
Summary of Recommendations and Guidelines ...................................................................... 44

4. Process Displays .............................................................................................................. 45

Accessing Block Detail Displays .............................................................................................. 46
FoxSelect Screen ................................................................................................................. 46
50 Series Display Manager Select Screen ............................................................................ 47
I/A Series Workstation Displays for the Intelligent Positioner ................................................. 48
ECB73 Block Detail Display .............................................................................................. 48
ECB73 Overlay Button ................................................................................................. 49
ECB73 Faceplate ........................................................................................................... 49
ECB74 Display .................................................................................................................. 51
ECB74 Overlay Buttons ................................................................................................ 51
ECB74 Faceplate ........................................................................................................... 52
Configuration Overlay ................................................................................................... 53
Trend Overlay ............................................................................................................... 55
Valve Information Overlay ............................................................................................ 56
Valve Measurements Overlay ......................................................................................... 57
Valve Status Overlay ...................................................................................................... 58
Additional Status Bytes .................................................................................................. 59

5. System Management Displays ......................................................................................... 63

Accessing Equipment Information Displays ............................................................................ 63
Equipment Information Display Actions ............................................................................ 63
Equipment Information Display for ECBs ......................................................................... 64
ECB73 Equipment Information .............................................................................................. 64
Diagnostic Status 1 ............................................................................................................. 67
Diagnostic Status 2 ............................................................................................................. 68
Diagnostic Status 3 and 4 ................................................................................................... 68
PRIM CMD Status ............................................................................................................ 69
FBM CMD Status .............................................................................................................. 70
FBM Status ........................................................................................................................ 70

Contents B0193VH – Rev F

ECB74 Equipment Information .............................................................................................. 71

ECB74 Equipment Information, Page 1 ............................................................................. 71
FBM Chan Status .......................................................................................................... 73
VALVE STATUS NO. 1 .............................................................................................. 74
VALVE STATUS NO. 2 .............................................................................................. 75
Diagnostic Error ............................................................................................................ 76
ECB74 Equipment Information, Page 2 ............................................................................. 77
ECB74 Equipment Information, Page 3 ............................................................................. 79
Status Error Messages .............................................................................................................. 81
Local Mode ............................................................................................................................. 83

Appendix A. Device Parameters for Intelligent Positioner ................................................... 85

Parameter Definitions ............................................................................................................. 88

Appendix B. Wire Diameter Size Conversion ...................................................................... 97

Index .................................................................................................................................... 99

B0193VH – Rev F Contents

1-1. Intelligent Positioner and Control Process Components ............................................... 3
1-2. FBM43 Termination Cable Assemblies (TCAs) ............................................................ 5
2-1. System Wiring Between Intelligent Positioner and FBM43 in Hazardous Area ............. 8
2-2. System Wiring Between Intelligent Positioner and FBM43 in Safe Area ....................... 8
2-3. Load vs. Supply Voltage for Intelligent Positioner ....................................................... 10
2-4. Electrical Connections for the Intelligent Positioner .................................................... 11
2-5. FBM43 Functional Connection Diagram ................................................................... 12
2-6. FBM43 Termination Cable Assemblies to the Intelligent Positioner ........................... 14
2-7. Cable Balun Module, FBM43 Connections, Multiple Loops Connected to a
Common External Power Supply ................................................................................ 15
3-1. Control Processor Selection Menu .............................................................................. 20
3-2. Initial Configuration Menu ......................................................................................... 20
3-3. ICC with Block Configuration Menu ......................................................................... 21
3-4. Sample ECB73 Configuration ..................................................................................... 27
3-5. Sample ECB74 Configuration ..................................................................................... 40
3-6. Typical Intelligent Positioner Compound Configuration ............................................ 41
4-1. FoxSelect Screen .......................................................................................................... 46
4-2. 50 Series Display Manager Select Screen ..................................................................... 47
4-3. ECB73 Display ........................................................................................................... 49
4-4. ECB73 Faceplate and Illustration ................................................................................ 49
4-5. Initial ECB74 Display ................................................................................................. 51
4-6. ECB74 Faceplate Display ............................................................................................ 52
4-7. ECB74 Configuration Display .................................................................................... 54
4-8. ECB74 Trend Overlay Display ................................................................................... 55
4-9. ECB74 Valve Information Overlay Display ................................................................ 56
4-10. ECB74 Valve Measurements Overlay Display ............................................................. 57
4-11. ECB74 Valve Status Overlay Display .......................................................................... 58
4-12. Additional Status Bytes – First and Third ................................................................... 60
4-13. Additional Status Bytes – Second and Fourth .............................................................. 60
5-1. Equipment Information Display for ECB73 ............................................................... 64
5-2. Equipment Information Display for ECB74 (Page 1) .................................................. 71
5-3. FBM Chan Status ....................................................................................................... 74
5-4. Valve Status No. 1 ...................................................................................................... 74
5-5. Valve Status No. 2 ...................................................................................................... 76
5-6. Diagnostic Error Byte ................................................................................................. 77
5-7. Equipment Information Display for ECB74 (Page 2) .................................................. 78
5-8. Equipment Information Display for ECB74 (Page 3) .................................................. 79

B0193VH – Rev F Figures

I/A Series System Documents ...................................................................................... xii
Intelligent Field Device/Transmitter Documents ........................................................ xii
3-1. ECB73 Parameters ...................................................................................................... 22
3-2. ECB74 Parameters ...................................................................................................... 28
4-1. Additional Status Byte 1 and 3 .................................................................................... 60
4-2. Additional Status Byte 2 and 4 .................................................................................... 61
5-1. Equipment Information for ECB73 ............................................................................ 65
5-2. Diagnostic Status 1 Bit ................................................................................................ 68
5-3. Diagnostic Status 2 Bit ................................................................................................ 68
5-4. Diagnostic Status 3 and 4 Bits ..................................................................................... 68
5-5. PRIM CMD Status Bits .............................................................................................. 69
5-6. FBM CMD Status Bits ............................................................................................... 70
5-7. FBM Status Bits .......................................................................................................... 70
5-8. Equipment Information for ECB74 (Page 1) .............................................................. 72
5-9. FBM Chan Status Bits ................................................................................................ 74
5-10. Valve Status No. 1 Overview ....................................................................................... 75
5-11. Valve Status No. 2 Overview ....................................................................................... 76
5-12. Diagnostic Error Codes ............................................................................................... 77
5-13. Equipment Information for ECB74 (Page 2) .............................................................. 78
5-14. FBM Status Errors ...................................................................................................... 78
5-15. Equipment Information for ECB74 (Page 3) .............................................................. 80
5-16. Intelligent Positioner Status Error Messages – Primary Status Fields ........................... 81
5-17. Intelligent Positioner Status Error Messages – Secondary Status Fields ........................ 81
5-18. Intelligent Positioner Status Error Messages – Additional Status ................................. 82
5-19. Intelligent Positioner Status Error Messages – Diagnostic Status Fields ....................... 83
A-1. Intelligent Positioner Device-Specific Parameters ........................................................ 85
B-1. Wire Diameter Size Conversion Table ........................................................................ 97

B0193VH – Rev F Tables

This document describes hardware and software components relating to the I/A Series
Intelligent Positioner. It describes Fieldbus Modules, equipment control blocks, and
operator interface displays for use with the Intelligent Positioner.

Who This Book is For

The document is intended to be used by process control personnel and maintenance
personnel. You must have an understanding of instruments and process control as well as
Intelligent Field Devices and the I/A Series system.

What You Should Know

Prior to using this book, you should have an understanding of process control and be
generally familiar with the I/A Series system, and the Solaris™ or Windows NT™ operating
system. Detailed information for the software and the hardware is found in the full
documentation set for I/A Series systems.

Revision Information
For this release of the document (B0193VH-F), the following changes have been made:
Updated cover graphic of intelligent positioner.
Chapter 2 “Hardware/Software Installation”
♦ Updated Figure 2-4.
Chapter 4 “Process Displays”
♦ Updated Figure 4-12 to include Bit 7 Binary Input Channel Set.
♦ Updated Table 4-1 to include the condition for Hexadecimal Value 80, Bit 7.
Chapter 5 “System Management Displays”
♦ Updated Table 5-10 with the condition for Hexadecimal Value 18.
♦ Updated Figure 5-6 to include Bit 7 Option Brd Error.

Reference Documents
The following documents provide coverage for their subject areas and are recommended reading
for all aspects of Intelligent Positioner integration. Refer to the following documents for addi-
tional information. Most are available on the I/A Series Electronic Documentation CD-ROM
(K0173TQ or K0173WT). The latest revisions may also be available on the Global Client Sup-
port Center (Global CSC) website (http://support.ips.invensys.com).

B0193VH – Rev F Preface

I/A Series System Documents

Number Title
B0193AC System Equipment Installation
B0193AD System Maintenance
B0193AW Integrated Control Software Concepts
B0193AV Integrated Control Configurator
B0193AX Integrated Control Block Descriptions
B0193BF Control Processor Sizing Spreadsheet
B0193JC System Management Displays
B0193JG Software Installation (Solaris Platform)
B0700BN Process Operations and Displays
B0700BD FoxView
B0199AJ AW70/WP70 Hardware Installation Quick Setup Guide
B0400PJ Hardware Kit Installation Procedures for 50 Series Model 51, Style E Processors
B0400PT Hardware Kit Installation Procedures for 50 Series Model 51, Style D Processors

For hardware and software installation procedures for your 70 Series processor, refer
to Hardware and Software Specific Instructions for 70 Series Processors included with
your processor.

Intelligent Field Device/Transmitter Documents

Number Title
MI 020-350 Wiring Guidelines for Foxboro Intelligent Transmitters
MI 020-495 Intelligent Field Device Configurators:
IFDC for use with I/A Series Systems and PC20 for use with Windows-based PCs

The following abbreviations are used in this document:

AW I/A Series Application Workstation

AW70 Application Workstation 70 Series
CP Control Processor
ECB I/A Series Equipment Control Block
ECB73 I/A Series Parent Equipment Control Block for the ECB74
ECB74 I/A Series Equipment Control Block for the Intelligent Positioner
FBM Fieldbus Module

Preface B0193VH – Rev F

FBM43 Intelligent Transmitter Fieldbus Module for the Intelligent Positioner

ICC I/A Series Integrated Control Configurator
IFD I/A Series Intelligent Field Device (Transmitter or Positioner)
IFDC I/A Series Intelligent Field Device Configurator
IT Intelligent Transmitter
PC20 Configurator similar to PC10
WP I/A Series Workstation Processor

B0193VH – Rev F Preface

1. Introduction
This chapter introduces the hardware and software used to support the Intelligent Positioner.
The Intelligent Positioner is an Intelligent Field Device that controls and monitors valves and
actuators in the I/A Series system. This document provides a description of the Intelligent Posi-
tioner, its connection and configuration procedures, and its relationship to the control blocks
within the I/A Series system.

Control Software
I/A Series systems support Intelligent Positioners via FoxCom™ communication through three
types of control processors: CP30, CP40, and CP60. These host processors communicate with
Intelligent Positioners through the Intelligent Transmitter Fieldbus Module (FBM43), and con-
figure Intelligent Positioners through three system configurators:
♦ Integrated Control Configurator (ICC)
♦ Intelligent Field Device Configurator (IFDC)
♦ PC201.
These configurators are responsible for maintaining values for all Intelligent Positioner data which
remains constant (such as parameters set during configuration, calibration, and so forth). All data
generated in real time by the Intelligent Positioner is monitored by lower level control software
which maintains a direct connection with the Intelligent Positioner. This control software consists
of an ECB73, ECB74, and application software for the FBM43.

The ECB73 is functionally similar to the ECB12, retaining many of its parameters and opera-
tions, while enhanced to support up to eight Intelligent Positioners or Intelligent Transmitters.
The ECB73 can be connected to either the existing ECB18 for transmitters or the new ECB74
for the Intelligent Positioner. The ECB73 supports the Intelligent Positioner through the ECB74
in a way that is similar to the way in which the ECB12 supports an Intelligent Transmitter
through the ECB18.
The ECB73 supports multiple FoxCom device scanning protocols, and FoxCom process writes to
the Intelligent Positioner. The ECB73 has no direct I/O block connections. Control blocks can
connect to the ECB74 only.

The ECB74 supports only the Intelligent Positioner, and is only compatible with the ECB73. All
control block connections are made directly to the ECB74.
The ECB74 supports the Intelligent Positioner with functionality similar to that which the
ECB18 provides for transmitters. Real-time data from the Intelligent Positioner is made

1. Refer
to Measurement Integration (B0193RA) and Intelligent Field Device Configurators
(MI 020-495) for further information on the PC20 and its required peripheral devices.

B0193VH – Rev F 1. Introduction

available as fully supported Object Manager connectable value records. This data includes the
♦ Up to five analog values read from the Intelligent Positioner. These values always
include setpoint and valve position. The remaining values depend on the specific
device and its configuration. Actuator pressure would be a typical choice.
♦ Data slots to support status and discrete indicators. Examples include limit switches
and fugitive emission sensor outputs.
♦ Support for process writes through an AOUT block.
In addition to the real-time value records supporting both display and control connections, the
ECB74 also supports a selected set of uploaded and configurable parameters to support the oper-
ator display and other functions requiring real-time access to selected data elements.
The ECB74 supports much of the functionality of the AIN block, and, therefore, does not require
an AIN block in its respective compound. The output of the ECB74 can be linked to graphics,
historical data collection (such as the Historian), and other blocks, as described above, which pre-
viously were functions of the AIN block.
The ECB74 must be linked to an AOUT block to characterize the output signal to the
Intelligent Positioner. This function does not exist in control blocks such as PID.
The ECB74 is not backward compatible with any other Intelligent Field Device, or I/A Series
software versions before 4.0.

Application Software for FBM43

Data transfer for the Intelligent Positioner is maintained by the application software in the
FBM43. This application software provides the connection point for the ECB74 block that drives
the Intelligent Positioner, and additional configured and uploaded data for the operator displays.

System Overview
The data collected by this software from the Intelligent Positioner is provided to you through a
series of default and user-defined displays, such as the System Management displays. The System
Management displays provide a graphic representation of the I/A Series hardware hierarchy con-
figuration and the current health of the control processors, Fieldbus Modules, valve/actuators,
and associated Intelligent Positioners. Through these displays, you can perform actions, such as
calibrations, on-/off-line actions, and EEPROM updates, on a selected Intelligent Positioner.
Figure 1-1 illustrates these control process components and their relationships to the Intelligent

1. Introduction B0193VH – Rev F

Control Processor
See “Typical Parent FBM43
Parent ECB73 I/A Series Fieldbus
Intelligent Positioner
Compound Configuration” FoxCom
in Chapter 3 for Channels
Valve Child
block configurations.

Object Manager Pass Through


Operator Display Workbench
on WP Transmitter Valve

*Refer to MI 020-495 for more information on the IFDC.

Figure 1-1. Intelligent Positioner and Control Process Components

The following hardware components are used to incorporate an Intelligent Positioner into the
I/A Series system:
♦ Control Processor 30, 40, or 60
♦ Fieldbus Module 43
♦ Cable Balun module (optional).

Intelligent Positioner
The Intelligent Positioner is designed to operate pneumatic actuators and electric controllers in an
I/A Series system. The Intelligent Positioner can be attached to both linear actuators and rotary
actuators. It can be set in a single acting configuration to control actuators with spring force, or in
a double acting configuration to control actuators without spring force. Local operations are per-
formed through the positioner’s Local Mode keys, and remote operations are performed via an
FBM43 in the I/A Series system. The positioner is configured through the ICC, PC20, or IFDC.
The Intelligent Positioner uses only digital mode (as opposed to analog mode) using FoxCom
protocol to communicate with the I/A Series system.

Control Processors
The control processor (CP), together with its associated Fieldbus Modules, performs regulatory,
logic, timing, and sequential control functions for the Intelligent Positioners. It also performs data
acquisition (via the Fieldbus Modules), and alarm detection and notification.
The control processor interacts with operator interface devices by communicating with the work-
station processors and/or application processors, or application workstations to which they are
connected. The processors control process variables using algorithms contained in functional con-
trol blocks configured by process engineers to implement the desired control strategies.
The Intelligent Positioner can be used with either the Control Processor 30, 40, or 60 (CP30,
CP40, CP60).

B0193VH – Rev F 1. Introduction

Intelligent Transmitter Interface Module (FBM43)

The FBM43 provides the interface between the Intelligent Positioner and the redundant Fieldbus.
Converted electrical signals are translated from physical variables such as flow, temperature, pres-
sure, and pulse inputs. Fieldbus Modules independently connect to the redundant Fieldbus.
Channel connections from the FBM43 to the Intelligent Positioners are “plug and play”, because
the FBM has a device class recognition function that can determine the type of device to which it
is connected.
The FBM43 contains eight individual channels, each providing internal isolated power and com-
munication capabilities to an Intelligent Positioner or Transmitter over a single twisted-pair of
wires. The FBM43 also allows the use of an external power supply to power the Intelligent Posi-
tioner. The use of an external power supply common to two or more loops requires the use of a
Cable Balun module to maintain digital communication line balance (the FBM43 does not sup-
port analog mode for the Intelligent Positioner).
The FBM43 provides bidirectional digital communication in each of the eight channels at the
same baud rate, 600 or 4800 baud2. The Intelligent Positioner communicates at 4800 baud (dig-
ital mode). On startup, the FBM43 automatically sets the baud rate for all channels to the baud
rate of the first Intelligent Field Device which it sees coming on-line. All the
Intelligent Transmitters connected to the FBM43 must be configured to 4800 baud if an Intelli-
gent Positioner is used with the FBM43.

If the Intelligent Transmitters connected to the FBM43 are not all set to the same
baud rate, some may not be able to communicate with any part of the I/A Series

Field connections are accomplished using termination cable assemblies (TCAs) applicable to the
enclosure containing the FBM43. As shown in Figure 1-2, the FBM43 uses three types of TCAs:
♦ Direct Connection (for use with the Field Enclosure 4)
♦ Plug (Bulk) Connector (for use with all other enclosures)
♦ Discrete Wire Connector (for use with all other enclosures).

The FBM43 communicates at 600 baud in analog mode, and 4800 baud in digital mode.

1. Introduction B0193VH – Rev F

Status Termination
Indicator* Connector

Indicator* 1 of 2

For use with
For use with
Field Enclosure 4 Plug Connector

Wire Block(s)
* Channel status indicators are provided only with digital modules. (1 of 2)
Module status indicators and letterbugs are used with all modules.

NOTE: Bypass jacks (not shown), applicable to some analog modules, are located in this area.
Figure 1-2. FBM43 Termination Cable Assemblies (TCAs)

Cable Balun Module (Optionally Used with FBM43)

The Cable Balun (P0903SV) module maintains digital communication line balance among up to
four Intelligent Positioners, and/or Transmitters, and FBM channels when there are FBM loops
that are powered by a common external power supply. Without a balun in each common power
loop, the common connection at the external power supply results in crosstalk at the system end
of the loop wiring cable. Loops using an FBM internal power source do not require baluns. The
Cable Balun module contains four baluns and can accept connections from four FBMs, four
Intelligent Positioners and/or Transmitters, and an external power supply.
Refer to “Using the Cable Balun Module with Intelligent Transmitters” in System
Equipment Installation (B0193AC) for functional diagrams and installation procedures for the
Cable Balun module.

B0193VH – Rev F 1. Introduction

2. Hardware/Software Installation
This chapter describes the installation procedures for the hardware and software components
required to connect an Intelligent Positioner to the I/A Series system. To prevent redundancy,
references are provided if a particular component’s installation instructions are covered in detail

Hardware Installation
This section describes how to connect the Intelligent Positioner to the FBM43, and supply dc
power to the positioner.
The Intelligent Positioner can be used with three types of actuators (valves):
♦ Linear actuators with direct mounting – Intelligent Positioner attaches directly to
actuator and controls actuator stem via a feedback lever.
♦ Linear actuators with NAMUR mounting – Intelligent Positioner attaches to mount-
ing bracket connected to the yoke of the actuator, and controls the actuator stem via a
feedback lever.
♦ Rotary actuators – Intelligent Positioner attaches to mounting bracket connected to
actuator, and directly controls rotary stem of actuator.
Installation instructions and necessary components differ, depending on the type of actuator used.
Refer to the Intelligent Positioner documentation for instructions on installing the unit to these

Refer to the following notes before proceeding:
1. Review the suggested wiring practices as described in Wiring Guidelines for
Foxboro Intelligent Transmitters (MI 020-350) to ensure proper
communications capability and to minimize the effects of RFI.
2. Foxboro recommends the use of transient/surge protection in installations prone
to high levels of electrical transients and surges.

If you are already familiar with the concept of control loop wiring for the Intelligent
Positioner, proceed to “FBM43 to Intelligent Positioner Connections” on page 10. Otherwise,
proceed to the next section.

Overview of Intelligent Positioner Control Loop Wiring

System wiring between the Intelligent Positioner and FBM43 varies depending on whether the
positioner is located in a safe or hazardous area.
Figure 2-1 shows system wiring between an FBM43 and Intelligent Positioner in a hazardous
area. The Intelligent Positioner is intrinsically safe, and can be stored in a hazardous area.

B0193VH – Rev F 2. Hardware/Software Installation

MTL 4048 or MTL 787S+

In a non-hazardous area Isolated Circuit (Barrier) In a hazardous area

P R1 + R2

Digital*: 12 to 48 V dc Intelligent
at 4 to 20 mA Positioner
+ -

24 V dc
PC20 PC10 Modem
NOTE: Use 2.5 mm 2 (14 AWG) wiring.

* Typically 24 V dc at 6 mA.
To maintain FoxCom, the total capacitance between the two wires must not exceed 60nF.
The maximum communication distance (FBM to Positioner to FBM) should not exceed 500 m (1660 ft)
in a hazardous area.
R1 and R2 are resistors.
Maximum allowable cable load: (R1 + R2) < 500 Ω - 360(Barrier Ω) < 140 Ω.

Figure 2-1. System Wiring Between Intelligent Positioner and FBM43 in Hazardous Area

Figure 2-2 shows system wiring between an Intelligent Positioner and FBM43 in a safe area.

In a safe area
P R1 R2 +
Digital: 12 to 48 V dc at 4 to 20 mA Intelligent
(typically 24 V dc at 6 mA) Positioner
+ -

Use 2.5 mm 2 (14 AWG) wiring.

PC20 PC10 Modem

To maintain FoxCom, the total capacitance between the two wires must not exceed 60nF.
The maximum communication distance (FBM to Positioner to FBM) should not exceed
600 m (2000 ft) in a safe area.
R1 and R2 are resistors.
Maximum allowable cable load with PC10 modem: R1 + R2 must not exceed 500 Ω.
Total Ω must exceed 133 Ω, must not exceed 350 Ω.
Maximum allowable cable load without PC10 modem:R2 must not exceed 500 Ω.
R1 is not required.

Figure 2-2. System Wiring Between Intelligent Positioner and FBM43 in Safe Area

2. Hardware/Software Installation B0193VH – Rev F

Refer to Appendix B “Wire Diameter Size Conversion” for additional information on converting
between AWG or mm2 types of wire diameter measurements.
The PC20 configurator uses the PC10 modem to communicate with the Intelligent Positioner.
The PC10 modem connects to any other convenient location in the system wiring loop between
the FBM43 and Intelligent Positioner. Refer to Intelligent Field Device Configurators
(MI 020-495) for instructions on connecting the PC10 modem to these cables.
The PC10 modem is not intrinsically safe and cannot be located or connected to wires in a haz-
ardous area. If the FBM43 and Intelligent Positioner are both located within a hazardous area, the
PC10 modem requires a barrier, such as the MTL 4048 or MTL 787S+, through which it can
connect to the FBM43 and Intelligent Positioner. The PC10 modem can be connected as shown
in Figure 2-1 if the FBM43 is located in a safe area.
Since both the FBM43 and PC10 modem rely on the same network of cables to communicate
with the Intelligent Positioner, they take turns speaking to the Intelligent Positioner. The FBM43
sends commands every 100 ms to the Intelligent Positioner, which responds to the FBM43 and
ends with a quiet buffer of 15 ms. The PC20 waits for this quiet buffer, and then sends its com-
mands. If the Intelligent Positioner is still responding to the PC20 when the FBM43 is ready to
send its commands again, the FBM43 waits 100 ms before transmitting again. If the Intelligent
Positioner is still responding to the FBM43 when the PC20 is ready to send its commands again,
the PC20 waits 140 ms before waiting for the quiet buffer again.

This document does not cover the PC20 or its modem installation. Refer to Intelli-
gent Field Device Configurators (MI 020-495) for further information for the PC20.

When wiring an Intelligent Positioner, the supply voltage and loop load must be within specified
limits. Any combination of supply voltage and loop load resistance within the limits provided
below can be used. The Intelligent Positioner requires input power of 12 to 48 V dc for digital
operation. To determine the loop load resistance (transmitter output load), add the series resis-
tance of each component in the loop, excluding the Intelligent Positioner. The power supply must
be capable of supplying up to 48 V dc of loop current.
The supply voltage vs. output load relationship for the Intelligent Positioner is shown in
Figure 2-3.

B0193VH – Rev F 2. Hardware/Software Installation

Typical Supply Voltage

and Load Limits NOTE: The positioner functions with
an output load less than 133 Ω, provided
that a PC20 is not connected to it.
350 Connecting an PC20 while operating
in this area may cause output
300 disturbances and/or communication
PC20 problems.

150 AREA


0 10 20 30 40
12 48

Figure 2-3. Load vs. Supply Voltage for Intelligent Positioner

FBM43 to Intelligent Positioner Connections

This section describes how to connect the control loop wiring to the Intelligent Positioner,
FBM43, and Cable Balun module (if necessary).

Ensure that the device name of the Intelligent Positioner is the same as the
letterbug used for that channel in your I/A Series system, or set the Intelligent Posi-
tioner device name to DevNam before installation.

Connections to Intelligent Positioner

This section describes the procedure for connecting signal and power wires to the Intelligent Posi-
Figure 2-4 indicates the locations of the electrical/communication, and diagnostic internal con-
nections to the Intelligent Positioner.

2. Hardware/Software Installation B0193VH – Rev F

2 Screw

Local Mode Keys

(See Caution)

Local Mode Enabler

Screw Key – Press once to
Front View enter Local Mode, and
(Inside Shown) press again to
exit Local Mode

1 Cable gland: all internal wiring connections 4 Signal and input power (-):
must be threaded out through here terminal is marked 12
2 External ground connection 5 Signal and input power (+):
3 Internal ground connection terminal is marked 11

Figure 2-4. Electrical Connections for the Intelligent Positioner

Do not press the Local Mode Enabler key. If this key is accidentally pressed, it puts
the Intelligent Positioner in local mode, indicated by flashing LEDs, and causes it to
reject almost all commands sent through the FBM43 and PC10 modem. If a key is
accidentally pressed, either press the Local Mode Enabler key again, or wait five
minutes, and the Intelligent Positioner automatically returns to its normal function.
Refer to “Local Mode” on page 83 for additional information.

Power can be supplied to the Intelligent Positioner through either the FBM43, or an external
source. A functional diagram of each of these power sources is provided in Figure 2-5.
Twisted-pair wiring should be used to prevent electrical noise from interfering with the dc current
output signal. In some instances, shielded cable may be necessary. If shielded cable is used, earth
(ground) the shield at the field enclosure only. Do not ground the shield at the transmitter.

B0193VH – Rev F 2. Hardware/Software Installation

Module Powered Intelligent Positioner Externally Powered Intelligent Positioner

12 to 36 V dc*
+ +P +P

12 to 36 V dc*
- + + +

- - -
Intelligent +
FBM43 Positioner FBM43

Note (see below)

External Power Supply

Input Compliance Voltage for FBM43: CAUTION: Use twisted-pair wiring inside a shielded cable,
22.0 V minimum at 20.5 mA with the shield grounded at the I/A Series system end.
Supply Voltage for Positioner: The maximum communication distance (FBM43 to
dc 12 to 36 V positioner to FBM43) should not exceed 600 m (2000 ft) in
* Typically 24 V dc at 6 mA a safe area, and 500 m (1660 ft) in a hazardous area.
Note: A user-supplied capacitor can be installed across the external power supply(ies) to shunt ac.
Figure 2-5. FBM43 Functional Connection Diagram

Electrical input and signal connections to the Intelligent Positioner are made through the power
terminals. They are a pair of screw terminals that can accept wires with cross sections of up to
2.5 mm2 (0.004 sq. in). On the Intelligent Positioner, the positive terminal is marked 11, and the
negative terminal is marked 12, as shown in Figure 2-4.
Connect the signal and input power wires from the FBM43 (or external power supply) to the
Intelligent Positioner as follows:
1. Remove the Intelligent Positioner’s casing. Remove the two screws indicated as Screw
in Figure 2-4, and pull the cover up from the Intelligent Positioner.

If the Intelligent Positioner is opened in a hazardous area, it may become damaged.

2. Run the signal/input power wires into the Intelligent Positioner through the cable
gland, shown in Figure 2-4.
3. For Intelligent Positioners in safe environments:
Connect an earth (ground) wire to an earth terminal in accordance with local practice.
The earth (ground) terminals on the Intelligent Positioner are shown in Figure 2-4.

For Intelligent Positioners in hazardous environments:

2. Hardware/Software Installation B0193VH – Rev F

Since shielded cable is used, earth (ground) the shield at the field enclosure only. Do
not ground the shield at the transmitter.

Refer to following cautions before proceeding:
1. To avoid errors resulting from earth loops or the possibility of short-circuiting
groups of instruments in a loop, use only one earth ground in a loop.
2. It is preferable to ground the signal circuit at the negative terminal of the dc
power supply. To avoid errors resulting from earth loops or the possibility of short-
circuiting groups of instruments in a loop, there should be only one earth in a loop.

4. Attach each signal/input power wire (+ and -) to the power terminals. The positive
connection (+) is labeled 5, and the negative connection (-) is labeled 4 in Figure 2-4
on page 11. Proceed as follows:
a. Insert the exposed end of the wire into the correct opening in the power terminal,
as shown in Figure 2-4 on page 11, so the tip of the wire touches the bottom of
the terminal.
b. Insert a small Phillips-head screwdriver into the hole directly to the right of the
power terminal, and twist the screw inside clockwise until snug.
c. Ensure the wire is securely held in the power terminal and does not withdraw
from the opening.
d. Repeat for the second signal/input power wire.
5. When you are finished making internal connections, replace the protective covering
onto the Intelligent Positioner, and secure it with the screws, as shown in Figure 2-4
on page 11.

Connections to FBM43
Use the applicable illustration shown in Figure 2-6 as a guide to connecting the FBM43 signal
wires to the Intelligent Positioner. The termination block assemblies from the FBM43 are shown
in Figure 1-2 on page 5. Note that the type of wire terminations used depends on the type of sys-
tem enclosure used.
Plug connection block field connections are shown in Figure 2-6.

B0193VH – Rev F 2. Hardware/Software Installation

Intelligent Positioner Terminations

Terminals Ground Terminal
(Positioner Interior)

+P or + -
Ground Terminal
+P or +

The following drawings indicate the connections to the Intelligent Positioner, Transmitter,
or Cable Balun Block.

I/A Series System Termination Blocks

Modules with Direct Module with Plug Module with
Connection Block Connection Block (b) Discrete Wire Block (a)
Connector Wire Block +P –
Connection Block Block +P + –
(Plug Side) 1
1 1 1 2
– NC A B +1
1+ 1 1 1 NC C D -1 2 2 2 3
2 2 +P1 E F +2
+P – 3 3 3 4
2+ 3 3 2 NC H J -2
+P2 K L +3 4 4 4
4 4 NC -3 5
+P – M N
3+ 5 5 3 +P3 P R +4 5 5 5 6
NC S T -4
+P 6 6 – +5 6 6 6
4+ 7 7 4 NC +P4 U V 7
W X -5 7 7 7
+P 8 8 – +P5 Y Z +6 8
5+ 9 9 5 NC AA BB -6 8 8 8
+P6 CC DD +7
+P 10 10 –
NC TB3 TB1 TB2 +P + –
6 EE FF -7
6+ 11 11 +P7 HH JJ +8
+P 12 12 – NC KK LL -8
7+ 13 13 7 +P8 MM NN NC Positioner
+P 14 14 – Label Number
8+ 15 15 8
+P 16 16
Positioner Number



(a) Terminals are also identified by label on back of wire block.

(b) Burndy Part Number MSD 34 PM 118, or equivalent, supplied by user.
Figure 2-6. FBM43 Termination Cable Assemblies to the Intelligent Positioner

2. Hardware/Software Installation B0193VH – Rev F

The location of the wire terminations in the I/A Series system enclosure depends both on the type
of enclosure purchased and on the location of the FBM43 inside the enclosure. To determine the
terminal block location for a particular system. Refer to System Equipment Installation (B0193AC)
provided with the I/A Series system.
To connect field wiring to the FBM43 and perform other system wiring details between the Intel-
ligent Positioner and the FBM43, refer to “FBM43 Field Connections” in System Equipment
Installation (B0193AC) provided with the I/A Series system. Instructions are provided for con-
necting each type of termination cable assembly in System Equipment Installation (B0193AC).

Cable Balun Installation

Refer to “Installing the Cable Balun Module” in System Equipment Installation (B0193AC) for
installation instructions and further information pertaining to using the Cable Balun module
with the FBM43.
A functional connection diagram is shown in Figure 2-7. It is slightly modified from the
diagram provided in System Equipment Installation (B0193AC).

Externally Powered Positioner with Cable Balun (Note 1)

N/C +P
+ Field Side to Balun Terminal 2
Field Side System Side
+ + +
Intelligent 1,2 1,2
Positioner 3,4 3,4 -
- 5,6 5,6
Note 3 7,8 7,8 FBM43
- Field Side to Balun Terminal 1 + Note 4
Cable Balun
(See Note 2) External 24 V dc
+ Power Supply
(Note 5)
1. For detailed information on balun use and installation, refer to “Using the Cable Balun Module with
Intelligent Transmitters” in System Equipment Installation (B0193AC).
2. Cable balun is used only when multiple loops are connected to a common power supply. The FBM
negative terminals connect directly to the minus (-) terminal of the power supply. The balun system
side negative (-) terminals (2, 4, 6, and 8) connect to the power supply positive terminals when
there are four (maximum) power loops.
3. For hazardous environments, install an intrinsic safety barrier (either an MTL 4048 or MTL 787S+)
between the balun wiring to limit the amount of energy in the wiring.
CAUTION: Use twisted-pair wiring inside a shielded cable with the shield
grounded at the I/A Series system end.
4. A user-supplied capacitor can be installed across the external power supply(ies) to shunt ac.
5. The external power supply can be redundant power supplies in parallel.

Figure 2-7. Cable Balun Module, FBM43 Connections, Multiple Loops Connected to a
Common External Power Supply

Power and communication connections to the Intelligent Positioner are now complete.

B0193VH – Rev F 2. Hardware/Software Installation

System Definition
Software connections for Intelligent Positioners (and Intelligent Transmitters) are completed
through the System Definition program. When using this program to define the composition of
the system, select an FBM43. Each FBM43 has eight ports, which are used to support up to eight
Intelligent Positioners or Transmitters. For each FBM43 port to be used in the I/A Series system,
you must define:
♦ the letterbug of the Intelligent Device (6 characters) which connects to that specific
port, and
♦ the specific type of this Intelligent Device.

The Intelligent Positioner must take the first port in the FBM43. The ECB74 and
AOUT software require the positioner’s communications to be assigned to this first
channel (PNT_NO must equal 1). Refer to “Adding Compounds” on page 40 for
additional information.

Once these parameters have been defined, the Intelligent Positioner and Transmitter are automat-
ically linked to the I/A Series system.
The FBM43 is automatically assigned a specialized operating system by the System Definition
program. The FBM43 uses the iom73 operating system when using Intelligent Transmitters only,
and the iom73 operating system when using Intelligent Transmitters and Positioners.
iom73 is available through a software upgrade package for systems using I/A Series version 4.2.x

You require a version of the System Definition program later than version 1.1 for
the program to assign the correct iom software to the FBM43.

Software Installation
Intelligent Positioner support is provided in a standard I/A Series system or as a separate
system upgrade. To install the system upgrade diskette, use the reinstall procedure in
Software Installation (Solaris Platform) (B0193JG) for 50 Series workstations, or Software Installa-
tion (Windows NT Operating System) (B0400JG) for 70 Series workstations.

3. Configuring Your I/A Series
Control Database for the Intelligent
This chapter describes how to configure the I/A Series control database for the Intelligent
This chapter assumes that you are acquainted with the fundamental structure of an I/A Series
control station’s database and the control processing cycle; and with the I/A Series Integrated
Control Configurator (ICC). In particular, it is assumed that you are familiar with the
concepts of:
♦ Basic Processing Cycle (BPC) (read, process, write)
♦ Compounds
♦ Blocks
♦ Equipment Control Blocks (ECBs)
♦ Control blocks
♦ Compound and block parameters
♦ Compound and block periods and phases of execution.
You should understand how to:
♦ Invoke the ICC
♦ Add and configure a compound
♦ Add and configure an ECB
♦ Add and configure a control block
♦ Checkpoint your database
♦ Back up your database to disk (SaveAll).
If you have not been introduced to these concepts and techniques, refer to Integrated Control Block
Descriptions (B0193AX) for information on using the ICC and configuring control blocks.
This chapter provides specific guidance for the configuration of the following components for
your I/A Series control database:
♦ ECB73
♦ ECB74.
Configuration procedures for the Intelligent Positioner include the specifics for the connection of
the AOUT and PID to the ECB74 and values required for ECB73 and ECB74 parameters.
From the perspective of upstream control blocks the behavior of the PID block is not changed.
The normal principles and options relating to cascade configuration and behavior apply.

B0193VH – Rev F 3. Configuring Your I/A Series Control Database for the

Recommended Configuration Sequence

Before you can configure an Intelligent Positioner using the IFDC, you must use the
Integrated Control Configurator (ICC) to add the ECB73 and each ECB74 for the positioner to
the I/A Series system. Refer to Integrated Control Configurator (B0193AV) for information per-
taining to this configuration process.
The most direct and expedient approach to getting your I/A Series workstation on-line and oper-
ational after all hardware and software have been installed, and after the Intelligent Positioners
with which the I/A Series workstation is to communicate have been connected properly to the
I/A Series workstation, is to proceed as follows:
1. Configure the ECB73 (see page 19).
2. Add and configure an ECB74 for each Intelligent Positioner connected to the FBM43
(see page 27).
3. Put the ECBs on-line (see page 40).
4. Add and configure the block providing characterization (AOUT) and control block
(PID) needed in each compound (see page 43).
5. Turn on each compound.
6. Confirm that the data specified is being read into the corresponding ECBs.
7. Add the remaining blocks, if any, (for alarm, data processing, and control) to the com-
pounds in accordance with your control system design (see “Adding Compounds” on
page 40).
The paragraphs below discuss these steps in detail, with helpful examples and with a
convenient summary of the most important points given at the end of the chapter.

Blocks Available in the I/A Series Workstation

The block types that are specific to I/A Series workstation with Intelligent Positioners are the
ECB73 and ECB74. The ECB74 block is used exclusively to describe and communicate with
Intelligent Positioners.
All the other control block types available in the I/A Series workstation are used by many
I/A Series control stations, and they are documented in Integrated Control Block Descriptions
(B0193AX) and on-line Help. No attempt is made here to repeat the information provided in
that document. However, some of the parameters for the AIN and PID blocks have been changed;
these parameters are described in “AIN Blocks” on page 42 and “PID Blocks” on page 43.
Process Operations and Displays (B0193MM) describes how to view and configure these blocks in
the chapter titled, “Faceplates”.

Initial Unconfigured Database

When you first install your I/A Series workstation and boot it, prior to having configured any
database, an initial database comprising two compounds is created for you automatically by the
I/A Series workstation. This initial database contains two special purpose compounds: the station
compound and the ECB compound. Each contains a special purpose block: the station com-
pound contains the station block; and the ECB compound contains the ECB73.

3. Configuring Your I/A Series Control Database for the Intelligent Positioner B0193VH – Rev F

The names of the station and ECB compounds are the letterbug ID of the I/A Series
workstation, with _STA appended for the station compound, and with _ECB appended for the
ECB compound.
The station block is named Station and is the only block that can reside in the station compound.
When using the ICC, the station compound and ECB compound appear as the first and
second compounds, respectively, in the list of compounds in the I/A Series workstation. You can-
not configure any compounds preceding these compounds in the linked list of compounds for the

Configuring ECB Blocks

The child ECB74 is connected to the parent ECB73 through the ECB74’s PARENT
parameter. This parameter must be configured with the letterbug of the parent FBM43, but this
can only occur if the parent ECB73 is located in the station_ECB compound and the ECB73’s
block name1 is the same as its letterbug.
Configuring PARENT = COMPOUND:BLOCK name of the parent FBM ECB is always valid.
(See Figure 3-5 on page 40 for an example of this.)
Add and configure the ECB74 for each device driver or network interface and then connect the
ECB73 to the desired ECB74.

Accessing ICC
With your I/A Series workstation booted up and with no database configured, access the ICC
from the I/A Series workstation as follows:
1. Select an engineering environment.
2. From the Config menu, choose CIO_Config.
3. When you select CIO_Config, the first screen of the configurator, Compound Selec-
tion, displays, as shown in Figure 3-1.
4. Select a control processor to configure.
5. Select OK.
The list of compounds in your I/A Series workstation is presented on the left side of the display,
with the configuration menu presented in the center of the display (Figure 3-2).

1. ECBs can be located in normal compounds, and so their user-chosen block names are not restricted
to device letterbugs.

B0193VH – Rev F 3. Configuring Your I/A Series Control Database for the

Figure 3-1. Control Processor Selection Menu

Figure 3-2. Initial Configuration Menu

3. Configuring Your I/A Series Control Database for the Intelligent Positioner B0193VH – Rev F

With an unconfigured database, the only compounds in the list are the station compound and the
ECB compound. Select the ECB compound, then select View Blocks/ECBs in this Compound.
The list of compounds is replaced with a list of the ECBs in the ECB compound. Also, the menu
is replaced with a block configuration menu (Figure 3-3).

Figure 3-3. ICC with Block Configuration Menu

From this display, select the primary ECB, then select Edit All Block/ECB Parameters from the
menu. All configurable parameters are presented for configuration.

ECB73 Configuration
The ECB73 describes the interface to the Intelligent Positioner network with which it communi-
cates. Only one ECB73 per FBM is required, no matter how many physical ports may be config-
ured in this configuration. Configuration of more than one ECB73 is not needed, but does not
cause any errors. This block is created when the I/A Series workstation is first booted up with no
database yet added.

ECB73 Parameters
ECB73 uses basically the same parameters as an ECB12, with minor changes, such as the options.
These parameters are listed in Table 3-1.
Connectable/settable combinations are represented using the following abbreviations:

B0193VH – Rev F 3. Configuring Your I/A Series Control Database for the

Accessibility Definition
con Connectable when not secured
set Settable when not secured
no-con Not connectable
no-set Not settable

Table 3-1. ECB73 Parameters

Name Description Type Accessibility Default Units/Range

PERIOD Block Sample Time SI no-con/no-set 1 0 to 9
PHASE Execution Phase I no-con/no-set 0 (SEE NOTE)
SECURE Secure Select B no-con/no-set 0 0 to 1
SELRD Selective Read PL no-con/no-set 0xFFFFFF 0-0xFFFFFF
NAME Index to Block Name S no-con/no-set 2 blanks 1 to 6 characters
TYPE Block Type I no-con/no-set 273 ECB73
DESCRP Index to Descriptor S no-con/no-set 2 blanks 1 to 32 characters
DEV_ID FBM Letterbug C no-con/no-set 1 blank 6 characters
HWTYPE Hardware Type SI no-con/no-set 1 blank 0-0xFF
SWTYPE Software Type SI no-con/no-set 0 0-0xFF
BUSWDS Bus Switch Disable SI no-con/no-set 0 0-0xFF
HWREV Hardware Revision C no-con/no-set 2 blanks 2 characters
SWREV Software Revision R no-con/no-set 1 blank 12 characters
ACHNGE DB Install Flag I no-con/no-set 0 -32K to +32K-1
ECBSTA Block Status Parameter PL no-con/no-set 0 0-0xFFFFFFFF
Data Stores
ACTION Equipment Change Action PB no-con/set 0x09 0-0xFF
DEFINE Block Defined Indicator B no-con/no-set 1 0 to 1
ERCODE Block Configuration. Error Code S no-con/no-set 0 1 to 43 char
LADDR Logical Address SI no-con/no-set 0xFF 0-0xFF
OPSTAT Operational Status SI no-con/no-set 0 0-0xFF
OUOM01 Offset to Output Message SI no-con/no-set --- 0-0xFF

PHASE range depends on the BPC, compound PERIOD and PHASE, and block

3. Configuring Your I/A Series Control Database for the Intelligent Positioner B0193VH – Rev F

Parameter Definitions
ACHNGE A Change is an integer output that is incremented each time a settable
parameter is changed externally. It wraps around from 32767 to -32768.

ACTION Equipment Change Action is a packed Boolean data store that is a request
from the Station Manager to perform an action related to a
particular FBM. The format of the request is a 2-byte mask:

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Boolean B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15 B16

Bit Number Boolean Connection

(0 to 15) Description When True (B16 to B1)

BUSWDS Bus Switch Disable is a Boolean input that enables or disables FBM port
0 = Disable port switching
1 = Enable port switching.

DEFINE Define is a Boolean data store. When true, it indicates that the block has
no configuration errors. DEFINE is set to 0 (undefined) if the block
detects a parameter configuration error. To return DEFINE to a true state,
correct all configuration errors and reinstall the block.

DESCRP Block Description is a string of up to 32 characters that can be left blank.

It is a user-defined string that can describe the block’s function. (for exam-

DEV_ID Device Identification is a text identifier used by the System Manager (dis-
plays and messages). The value used for the NAME parameter is com-
monly used for the DEV_ID parameter.

ECBSTA ECB Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate various block oper-
ational states. For the ECB73, only the following (unshaded) bits are used:

B0193VH – Rev F 3. Configuring Your I/A Series Control Database for the

3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bit Number Boolean Connection
(0 to 31) Description When True (B32 to B1)
0 ECB is on scan = 1 ECBSTA.B32
ECB is off scan = 0
1 Device is shut down ECBSTA.B31
8 Device is not ready ECBSTA.B24
9 Communication failed ECBSTA.B23
14 ECB is undefined ECBSTA.B18
15 ECB is on-line = 1 ECBSTA.B17
ECB is off-line = 0

ERCODE Error Code is a string data store that indicates the type of configuration
error that caused the block’s DEFINE parameter to be set false. Validation
of configuration errors does not proceed past the first error encountered
by the block logic. The following list specifies the possible values of
ERCODE, and the significance of each value in this block:


PHASE does not exist for given block PERIOD, or block PERIOD
not compatible with compound PERIOD.
The source parameter specified in the input connection cannot be
found in the source block, or the source parameter is not connectable,
or an invalid Boolean extension connection has been configured.
An I/O block is connected to an ECB when the specified point num-
ber is invalid or when the specified group or octet number is invalid.
A parameter value is not in the acceptable range.

HWREV Hardware Revision is the revision level of the FBM type that connects to
this ECB. For the Intelligent Positioner, the revision level is 43.

HWTYPE Hardware Type is the type of FBM that connects to this ECB. Hardware
Type is the number 43 for ECB73, and must be configured to 43.

LADDR Logical Address of an FBM is a non-connectable, non-settable, short data

store parameter.

3. Configuring Your I/A Series Control Database for the Intelligent Positioner B0193VH – Rev F

NAME The text name identifies the ECB73. It is not configurable and cannot be
left blank.

OPSTAT Module Operational Status is a non-connectable, non-settable, short data

store to indicate the following operational status:
0 = Device failed
1 = COMM failed
2 = Ride through
3 = Go maintenance off
4 = Go ECB off
5 = Going on
6 = MODULE ok
7 = Maintenance off
8 = ECB off

OUOM01 Output Message Index 0 is a short, non-connectable, non-settable data

store specifying the offset in the ECB buffer of the output message from
the CP to the FBM.

PERIOD Period is an indexed input that dictates the block’s execution time base
and allowable PHASE values. A block period must be an integral multiple
of its compound period. For stations, the PHASE number must be within
the range determined by the number of cycles in the specified period.
PERIOD values range from 0 to 13 and map to the following period time
lengths and allowable PHASE values:

Value Length Phase Values
0 0.1 sec [0] default
1 0.5 sec [0] default
2 1.0 sec [0, 1]
3 2.0 sec [0, 1, 2, 3]
4 10 sec [0 to 19]
5 30 sec [0 to 59]
6 1 min [0 to 119]
7 10 min [0 to 119]
8 1 hour [0 to 7199]
9 0.2 sec [0] default
10 5.0 sec [0 to 9]
11 600 ms non-cfg
12 6 sec non-cfg
131 50 ms ---
CP40 Only

B0193VH – Rev F 3. Configuring Your I/A Series Control Database for the

When configuring the block PERIOD, make sure that the block PHASE value is
within the valid range for that PERIOD. An invalid PHASE value is not flagged by
the ICC and results in the block not being processed.

PHASE Phase is an integer input that causes the block to execute at a specific BPC
within the time determined by the PERIOD. The PHASE value defaults
to 0 and is best left at 0 unless processor loading factors compel you to
consider phase configuration. See “Block Phasing” in Integrated Control
Software Concepts (B0193AW) before attempting phase configuration.

SECURE Secure Protocol is a non-connectable, non-settable Boolean option, that

acts as a flag to select Secure Protocol name checking (that is, DEVNAM)
on the Intelligent Positioner:
0 = Do not use secure protocol on the Intelligent Positioner bus
1 = Use secure protocol on the Intelligent Positioner bus.
If this parameter is set to 1, the value of the DEVNAM parameter in the
Intelligent Positioner (or Intelligent Transmitter) must be configured to
match the value of DEV_ID configured in its corresponding ECB74 or

SELRD Selective Read is a configurable packed long parameter that allows you to
specify which channels from Intelligent Positioners require real-time scan-
ning. The bit masks contained in this parameter are not defined, and,
therefore, not in use by the Intelligent Positioner. It should be left config-
ured to the default value of -1.

SWREV Software Revision is the revision level of the ECB73.

SWTYPE Software Type is the number 73 for the ECB73 and is not configurable.

TYPE Block Type for this ECB is ECB73 and is not configurable.

Sample Configured ECB73

An annotated example of ECB73 configured parameters is illustrated in Figure 3-4.

3. Configuring Your I/A Series Control Database for the Intelligent Positioner B0193VH – Rev F

Not configurable.
The block type; not configurable.
Descriptive text field – up to 32 characters. Can be left blank.
Dictates ECB execution time base and allowable PHASE value.
Determines when block will execute. Should be configured to 0.
Letterbug Identifier.
Hardware Type 43 (Type of FBM).
Software Type 73 (Type of ECB).
Not configurable.
Acts as a flag to select Secure Protocol name checking for the positioner.
Specifies channels required for real-time setting.

Figure 3-4. Sample ECB73 Configuration

When your ECB73 is properly configured, the I/A Series workstation is properly connected to the
port, and the ECB73 goes on-line and is operational. If it fails, you must repair and reboot the
I/A Series workstation. The status of the ECB73 can be seen using the System Manager equip-
ment configuration display. (Refer to Chapter 5 “System Management Displays”). When the
ECB73 is on-line, it appears in white with white text. Red indicates failure (faulty parameter con-
figuration or faulty connection of the I/A Series workstation to the communications link). Cyan
(blue) indicates a non-configurable parameter. Yellow indicates the current parameter that you
have selected.
It is recommended that you do not proceed further with your database configuration until your
ECB73 is successfully on-line.

ECB74 Configuration
When the ECB73 has been successfully configured and is on-line, an ECB74 should be config-
ured for each Intelligent Positioner with which the I/A Series workstation is to communicate. The
ECB74 is used exclusively for the definition of a Intelligent Positioner to be accessed by a
I/A Series workstation. An ECB74 is a reserved block of memory that is allocated at the time the
ECB is added to the database through the ICC.
The ECB74 can be linked to graphics, historical data collection, and other blocks (such as the
AOUT) directly. Refer to Figure 3-6 on page 41 for an illustration of an ECB74 in a compound.

B0193VH – Rev F 3. Configuring Your I/A Series Control Database for the

The parameters for the ECB74 are listed in Table 3-2.

ECB74 Parameters
Connectable/Settable combinations are represented using the following abbreviations:

Accessibility Definition
con Connectable when not secured
set Settable when not secured
no-con Not connectable
no-set Not settable

Table 3-2. ECB74 Parameters

Name Description Type Accessibility Default Units/Range

DESCRP Index to Descriptor S no-con/no-set 2 blanks 1 to 32 characters
PERIOD Block Sample Time SI no-con/no-set 1 0 to 9
PHASE Execution Phase I no-con/no-set 0 (See Note on
page 30)
CHAN Channel Number SI no-con/no-set 1 1 to 8
HSCI1 Setpoint Range – Hi Scale R no-con/no-set 100.0 any real
LSCI1 Setpoint Range – Low Scale R no-con/no-set 0.0 any real
DELTI1 Setpoint Range Limit – Delta R no-con/no-set 1.0 position real%
HSCI2 Position Range – Hi Scale R no-con/no-set 100.0 any real
LSCI2 Position Range – Low Scale R no-con/no-set 0.0 any real
DELTI2 Position Range Limit – Delta R no-con/no-set 1.0 position real%
HSCI3 Aux #1 Range – Hi Scale R no-con/no-set 100.0 any real
LSCI3 Aux #1 Range – Low Scale R no-con/no-set 0.0 any real
DELTI3 Aux #1 Range Limit – Delta R no-con/no-set 1.0 position real%
HSCI4 Aux #2 Range – Hi Scale R no-con/no-set 100.0 any real
LSCI4 Aux #2 Range – Low Scale R no-con/no-set 0.0 any real
DELTI4 Aux #2 Range Limit – Delta R no-con/no-set 1.0 position real%
HSCI5 Aux #3 Range – Hi Scale R no-con/no-set 100.0 any real
LSCI5 Aux #3 Range – Low Scale R no-con/no-set 0.0 any real
DELTI5 Aux #3 Range Limit – Delta R no-con/no-set 1.0 position real%
VWOPT View Options SI no-con/no-set 0 0-0xFF
ATC Air To Close SI no-con/no-set 0 0 to 1
NOERPT No Error Report SI no-con/set 0 0 to 1
SCLOPT Scaling Option B no-con/no-set 0 0 to 16383
Data Stores
EGU_1 Setpoint Engineering Units C no-con/no-set % 6 characters
EGU_2 Position Engineering Units C no-con/no-set % 6 characters

3. Configuring Your I/A Series Control Database for the Intelligent Positioner B0193VH – Rev F

Table 3-2. ECB74 Parameters (Continued)

Name Description Type Accessibility Default Units/Range

EGU_3 Aux #1 Engineering Units C no-con/no-set % 6 characters
EGU_4 Aux #2 Engineering Units C no-con/no-set % 6 characters
EGU_5 Aux #3 Engineering Units C no-con/no-set % 6 characters
NAME Index to Block Name S no-con/no-set 2 blanks 1 to 6 characters
TYPE Block Type I no-con/no-set 1 blank ECB74
DEV_ID Logical Name of Device C no-con/no-set 1 blank 6 character
PARENT Parent ECB Index S no-con/no-set 2 blanks 1 to 32 characters
SETPNT Setpoint Measurement R con/no-set 0.0 RI1
ACCEPT Accept DB Change B no-con/set 0 0 to 1
CCOUNT Cycle Count LI no-con/no-set 0 0-0xFFFFFFFF
CLIMIT Cycle Limit LI no-con/no-set 0 0xFFFFFFFF
DBCHNG Database Change SI no-con/no-set 0 0-0xFF
DEVOPT Device Options SI no-con/no-set 0 0-0xFF
FAILSF Fail-Safe Mode SI no-con/no-set 0 0 to 2
FAILTM Fail-Safe Watchdog Timer R no-con/no-set 0.0 any real
FBPOS Fallback Position R no-con/no-set 0.0 0.0 to 100.0
HIALRM High-High Alarm R no-con/no-set 100.0 0.0 to 100.0
HIWARN High Alarm R no-con/no-set 100.0 0.0 to 100.0
IFDTYP Intelligent Field Device Type I no-con/no-set 0 0-0xFFFF
INTEMP Internal Temperature in C R no-con/no-set none variable
IV_TYP Sensor Type Code SI no-con/no-set 0 0-0xFF
LOALRM Low-Low Alarm R no-con/no-set 0.0 0.0 to 100.0
LOWARN Low Alarm R no-con/no-set 0.0 0.0 to 100.0
LRL1 Setpoint Lower Range Limit R no-con/no-set 0.0 any real
LRL2 Position Lower Range Limit R no-con/no-set 0.0 any real
LRL3 Aux #1 Lower Range Limit R no-con/no-set 0.0 any real
LRL4 Aux #2 Lower Range Limit R no-con/no-set 0.0 any real
LRL5 Aux #3 Lower Range Limit R no-con/no-set 0.0 any real
MAX_PR Maximum Pressure SI no-con/no-set 86 (0x56) 0-0xFF
POSLIN Mounting Compensation SI no-con/no-set 2 2 to 3
POWRUP Power Up Action SI no-con/no-set 1 1 to 2
SEN1UN Sensor #1 Units SI no-con/no-set 7 6, 7, 12
SEN2UN Sensor #2 Units SI no-con/no-set 7 6, 7, 12
SPRING Spring Type SI no-con/no-set 1 0 to 2
SUBTYP Sensor Subtype SI no-con/no-set 0 0-0xFF
SUMLIM Travel Sum Limit LI no-con/no-set 0 0-0xFFFFFFFF
TEMPUN Temperature Units SI no-con/no-set 32 32, 33
TRVSUM Travel Sum LI no-con/no-set 0 0-0xFFFFFFFF
URL1 Setpoint Upper Range Limit R no-con/no-set 100.0 any real
URL2 Position Upper Range Limit R no-con/no-set 100.0 any real
URL3 Aux #1 Upper Range Limit R no-con/no-set 100.0 any real
URL4 Aux #2 Upper Range Limit R no-con/no-set 100.0 any real
URL5 Aux #3 Upper Range Limit R no-con/no-set 100.0 any real

B0193VH – Rev F 3. Configuring Your I/A Series Control Database for the

Table 3-2. ECB74 Parameters (Continued)

Name Description Type Accessibility Default Units/Range

VALVAC Actuator Action B no-con/no-set 1 1 to 2
VALVTY Valve Type SI no-con/no-set 0 0 to 6
VFLOW Flow Characteristics SI no-con/no-set 0 0 to 6
ZERCON Control Action SI no-con/no-set 0 0 to 1
ACHNGE DB Install Flag I con/no-set 0 -32K to +32K-1
AUX1 Auxiliary Measurement #1 R con/no-set 0.0 RI3
AUX2 Auxiliary Measurement #2 R con/no-set 0.0 RI4
AUX3 Auxiliary Measurement #3 R con/no-set 0.0 RI5
CONDIF Control Difference R con/no-set 0.0 RI2
ECBSTA Block Status Parameter PL con/no-set 0 0-0xFFFFFFFF
IV2STA Channel, Primary/Secondary Status PL con/no-set 0 0-0xFFFFFFFF
POSITN Position Measurement R con/no-set 0.0 RI2
Data Stores
ACTION Equipment Change Action PB no-con/set 0x09 0-0xFF
CAL_DA Calibration Date I no-con/no-set 0x14CB 0-0xFFFF
DEFINE Block Defined Indicator B no-con/no-set 1 0 to 1
DEVNAM Software Letterbug C no-con/no-set 1 blank 6 characters
DIA_ER Diagnostic Error Code I no-con/no-set 0 0-0x7FFF
ERCODE Block Configuration Error Code S no-con/no-set 0 1 to 43 characters
FW_REV Firmware Revision SI no-con/no-set 0 0-0xFF
GEOLOC Geographic Location C no-con/no-set ‘‘ 14 characters
OPSTAT Operational Status SI no-con/no-set 0 0-0xFF
OUOM01 Offset to Output Message SI no-con/no-set none 0-0xFF
RI1 Setpoint Range Limits R no-con/no-set --- ---
RI2 Position Range Limits R no-con/no-set --- ---
RI3 Aux #1 Range Limits R no-con/no-set --- ---
RI4 Aux #2 Range Limits R no-con/no-set --- ---
RI5 Aux #3 Range Limits R no-con/no-set --- ---
SENMFG Sensor Manufacturing Date I no-con/no-set 0x14EC 0-0xFFFF
SENSER Sensor Serial Number I no-con/no-set 0 0-0xFFFF
TAGNAM Tag Name C no-con/no-set 1 blank 14 characters
TAGNO Tag Number C no-con/no-set 1 blank 12 characters

PHASE range depends on the BPC, compound PERIOD and PHASE, and block

Parameter Definitions
ACCEPT Operator Accept Database Change is a non-connectable, settable Boolean

3. Configuring Your I/A Series Control Database for the Intelligent Positioner B0193VH – Rev F

ACHNGE A Change is an integer output that is incremented each time a settable

parameter is changed externally. It wraps around from 32767 to -32768.

ACTION Equipment Change Action is a packed Boolean data store that is a request
from the Station Manager to perform an action related to a particular
FBM. The format of the request is a 2-byte mask:

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Boolean B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15 B16

Bit Number Boolean Connection

(0 to 15) Description When True (B16 to B1)

ATC Air to Close control action: parameter indicates whether the valve (see
“Hardware Installation” on page 7) is connected in a normally open or
normally closed configuration, and inverts the Setpoint output from the
AOUT block and inverts the Setpoint and Position measurements:
0 = Direct, normal operation, no inversion
1 = Reverse acting, invert output and measurements.
It is a configurable, non-settable, non-connectable short integer.
Note that the overall system allows this action to be applied in three
places: the AOUT block, the ECB74, and inside the Intelligent

AUX1 Auxiliary Measurement #1 is a measurement that indicates optional sen-

sors that vary with valve type. For the Intelligent Positioner, AUX1 is the
stem setpoint after any characterization configured in the Intelligent Posi-
tioner is applied. It is a non-configurable, non-settable, connectable real.

AUX2 Auxiliary Measurement #2 is a measurement that indicates optional sen-

sors that vary with valve type. For the Intelligent Positioner, this field rep-
resents the current value of Sensor 1, usually air supply pressure. It is a
non-configurable, non-settable, connectable real.

AUX3 Auxiliary Measurement #3 is a measurement that indicates optional sen-

sors that vary with valve type. For the Intelligent Positioner, this field rep-
resents the current value of Sensor 2, usually output pressure. It is a non-
configurable, non-settable, connectable real.

CAL_DA Instrument Calibration Date is a non-connectable, non-settable data store

integer. This parameter is a packed data string: seven bits indicate the year,
four bits indicate the month, and five bits indicate the day.

CCOUNT Cycle Count is a measurement that tallies the number of valve direction
changes (open/close). These changes must exceed a certain gap value (the

B0193VH – Rev F 3. Configuring Your I/A Series Control Database for the

Cycle Limit, see below) to be included in the Cycle Count. It is a non-

configurable, non-settable, non-connectable long integer. (It is writable, to
zero, to reset the count.)

CHAN Channel is a short, non-connectable, non-settable input that represents

the number of the parent FBM channel (one of eight) assigned to the
Intelligent Positioner.

CLIMIT Cycle Limit is a value that contains the number of cycles (qualifying
motions occurring in either direction) necessary to trigger an alarm condi-
tion. When the Cycle Count equals or exceeds this number, an alarm bit is
raised in the Intelligent Positioner additional status (refer to “Additional
Status Bytes” on page 59). It is a non-configurable, non-settable, non-con-
nectable long integer.

CONDIF Control Difference is a measurement that indicates the difference between

the valve’s setpoint and position, and is actually calculated in the control
processor. For an Intelligent Positioner, it is the difference between the
AUX1 (Stem Setpoint) and POSITN measurements.

DBCHNG Database Change Counter is a parameter that is incremented every time

the positioner’s configured database is altered. It is a non-configurable,
non-settable, non-connectable parameter (0 to 0xFF).

DEFINE Define is a Boolean data store. When true, it indicates that the block has
no configuration errors. DEFINE is set to 0 (undefined) if the block
detects a parameter configuration error. To return DEFINE to a true state,
correct all configuration errors and reinstall the block.

Change Delta for Input Ranges 1 through 5 are real, non-connectable,
non-settable values that define the resolution as a percent of the
measurement range. Entering a 1 causes the Object Manager to recognize
and respond to a change of 1 percent of the full error range.

DESCRP Block Description is a non-connectable, non-settable string of up to

32 characters that can be left blank. It is a user-defined string that can
describe the block’s function. (for example, TEMPERATURE – DEG C).

DEVNAM Device Name is a non-connectable, non-settable 6-character soft letterbug

identifier for the Intelligent Positioner. The channel letterbug ID defined
during System Configuration must match the DEVNAM in the Intelli-
gent Field Device Configurator (IFDC).

DEVOPT Device Options is a non-connectable, non-settable, non-configurable

parameter. The lowest five bits are currently reserved for external position
transmission, internal pressure sensors exist, external binary status, exter-
nal binary output, and external analog sensor.

3. Configuring Your I/A Series Control Database for the Intelligent Positioner B0193VH – Rev F

DEV_ID Device Identification is a text identifier used by the System Manager (dis-
plays and messages). The value used for the NAME parameter is com-
monly used for the DEV_ID parameter.

DIA_ER Instrument Diagnostic Error Code is a non-connectable, non-settable

integer. Refer to “VALVE STATUS NO. 1” on page 74 and “VALVE
STATUS NO. 2” on page 75 for a complete list of definitions for this bit.

ECBSTA ECB Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate various block oper-
ational states. For the ECB74, only the following (unshaded) bits are used:

3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bit Number Boolean Connection

(0 to 31) Description When True (B32 to B1)
0 ECB is on scan = 1 ECBSTA.B32
ECB is off scan = 0
1 Device is shut down ECBSTA.B31
8 Device is not ready ECBSTA.B24
9 Communications failed ECBSTA.B23
14 ECB is undefined ECBSTA.B18
15 ECB is on-line = 1 ECBSTA.B17
ECB is off-line = 0

EGU_1 to EGU_5
Engineering Units Measurement 1 to 5 are non-connectable, non-settable
6-character data stores. These units are associated with both the ECB18
and ECB74.
When configuring these units, if the menu has the units you desire for the
selected measurement, pick on that entry and ICC assigns the selected
Custom enables you to enter units not included in the menu provided.

ERCODE Error Code is a string data store that indicates the type of configuration
error that caused the block’s DEFINE parameter to be set false. Validation
of configuration errors does not proceed past the first error encountered
by the block logic. The following list specifies the possible values of
ERCODE, and the significance of each value in this block:

B0193VH – Rev F 3. Configuring Your I/A Series Control Database for the


PHASE does not exist for given block PERIOD, or block PERIOD not
compatible with compound PERIOD.
The source parameter specified in the input connection cannot be
found in the source block, or the source parameter is not connectable,
or an invalid Boolean extension connection has been configured.
An I/O block is connected to an ECB when the specified point number
is invalid or when the specified group or octet number is invalid.
A parameter value is not in the acceptable range.
An I/O block has a connection to an ECB that does not exist or has not
yet been installed. When the ECB is installed, previously installed
I/O blocks waiting for that ECB initialize automatically.

FAILSF Fail-Safe mode indicates whether the valve utilizes its fail-safe capabilities
when it enters a fail-safe state. It is a non-configurable, non-settable, non-
connectable short integer:

0 = De-energize valve
1 = Hold
2 = Use user-defined fallback position.

FAILTM Fail-safe Watchdog Timer indicates how long, in seconds, the Intelligent
Positioner waits before entering a fail-safe state. Zero indicates that it will
never “time-out” and never enter this fail-safe state. It is a non-config-
urable, non-settable, non-connectable real.

FBPOS Fail-safe Fallback Position is the position that the valve moves to when it is
in fail-safe operation and the fallback option has been set to use the fall-
back position. The units are position in #%. It is a non-configurable, non-
settable, non-connectable real.

FW_REV Firmware Revision is a short, non-connectable, non-settable data store.

GEOLOC Geographic Location is a non-connectable, non-settable 14-character

identifier for ECB74 that describes the location of the Intelligent Posi-
tioner device. The ICC can display and/or reconfigure this Intelligent
Positioner parameter.

HIALRM High-High Alarm is when the valve position exceeds this parameter, the
high alarm status bit in the secondary device status and additional status is
set. It is a non-configurable, non-settable, non-connectable real.

3. Configuring Your I/A Series Control Database for the Intelligent Positioner B0193VH – Rev F

HIWARN High Alarm is when the valve position exceeds this parameter, the
Hi Warning status bit in the secondary device status and additional status
is set. It is a non-configurable, non-settable, non-connectable real.

HSCI1 to HSCI5 High Scale for Input Ranges 1 through 5 are real, non-connectable, non-
settable values that define the upper limit of the measurement ranges. You
should make the range and units consistent with the measurement source.

IFDTYP Intelligent Field Device Type indicates the type of Intelligent Positioner. It
should read SRD991. It is a non-configurable, non-settable, non-connect-
able integer.

INTEMP Internal Temperature is the internal electronics temperature of the valve in

degrees Celsius. It is a non-configurable, non-settable, and non-connect-
able real.

IV2STA Valve Status is the valve’s channel, primary, and secondary status bytes. It
is a non-configurable, non-settable, connectable packed long (most signif-
icant bit to least significant bit = | reserved - unused | secondary status |
primary status | channel status |).

IV_TYP Valve Type is the Intelligent Positioner’s sensor type. It is a non-config-

urable, non-settable, non-connectable short integer. (Parameter should be
set to 36 for the Intelligent Positioner.)

LOALRM When the valve position exceeds the Low-Low Alarm parameter, the low
alarm status bit in the secondary device status and additional status is set.
It is a non-configurable, non-settable, non-connectable real.

LOWARN When the valve position exceeds the Low Alarm parameter, the low warn-
ing status bit in the secondary device status and additional status is set. It
is a non-configurable, non-settable, non-connectable real.

LRL1 to LRL5 Lower Range Limits 1 through 5 are the limits for MEAS1 to MEAS5

LSCI1 to LSCI5 Low Scale for Input Ranges 1 through 5 are real, non-connectable, non-
settable values that define the lower limit of the measurement ranges. You
should make the range and units consistent with those of the measure-
ment source.

MAX_PR This parameter is not used by the Intelligent Positioner. It is a non-config-

urable, non-settable, non-connectable short integer.

NAME The Text Name identifies the ECB74. The value configured for the
NAME parameter of the ECB74 is used by all blocks (I/O blocks such as
the AOUT block) that wish to access the Intelligent Positioner. It is not
configurable or settable, and cannot be left blank.

NOERPT No Error Reporting, when set, inhibits that ECB74 block from generating
system alarms. It is a configurable, settable, non-connectable short integer.

B0193VH – Rev F 3. Configuring Your I/A Series Control Database for the

OPSTAT Module Operational Status is a non-connectable, non-settable, short data

store to indicate the following operational status:
0 = Device failed
1 = COMM failed
2 = Ride through
3 = Go maintenance off
4 = Go ECB off
5 = Going on
6 = MODULE ok
7 = Maintenance off
8 = ECB off

OUOM01 Output Message Index 0 is a short integer data store that specifies the off-
set in the ECB buffer of the output message from the CP to the FBM.

PARENT Parent ECB is a non-connectable, non-settable string. Parameter is the

name of the ECB that is parent to this child. Name of the ECB can be up
to 12 characters, or 6 characters if it resides in the ECB compound.

PERIOD Period is an indexed input that dictates the block’s execution time base
and allowable PHASE values. A block period must be an integral multiple
of its compound period. For stations other than gateways, the PHASE
number must be within the range determined by the number of cycles in
the specified period. PERIOD values range from 0 to 13 and map to the
following period time lengths and allowable PHASE values:

Value Length Phase Values
0 0.1 sec [0] default
1 0.5 sec [0] default
2 1.0 sec [0, 1]
3 2.0 sec [0, 1, 2, 3]
4 10 sec [0 to 19]
5 30 sec [0 to 59]
6 1 min [0 to 119]
7 10 min [0 to 119]
8 1 hour [0 to 7199]
9 0.2 sec [0] default
10 5.0 sec [0 to 9]
11 600 ms non-cfg
12 6 sec non-cfg
131 50 ms ---
1. CP40 only

3. Configuring Your I/A Series Control Database for the Intelligent Positioner B0193VH – Rev F

When configuring the block PERIOD, make sure that the block PHASE value is
within the valid range for that PERIOD. An invalid PHASE value is not flagged by
the ICC and results in the block not being processed.

PHASE Phase is an integer input that determines when the block executes. The
PHASE value defaults to 0 and is best left at 0 unless processor loading
factors compel you to consider phase configuration. See “Block Phasing”
in Integrated Control Software Concepts (B0193AW) before attempting
phase configuration.

POSITN Valve Position Measurement is the valve’s position that is normally mea-
sured as percent full scale. It is a non-configurable, non-settable, connect-
able real (default: 0.0 to 100.0%).

POSLIN The POSLIN parameter is the mounting compensation of the valve. This
byte field is either 3 (linear) or 2 (tangential/rotary). It is a non-config-
urable, non-settable, non-connectable short integer.

POWRUP Power Up Action controls how the valve behaves when power is applied:
1 = On-line:, hold current position as a de-energized valve
2 = Fail-safe: use fail-safe settings.
This parameter is a non-configurable, non-settable, non-connectable short

RI1 to RI5 Range Input is an array of real, non-connectable, non-settable values that
specify the high and low engineering scale and change delta of a particular
real input. For a given block, it also forms an association with a group of
real input parameters that have the same designated range and change

SCLOPT Scaling Option is a Boolean, non-connectable, non-settable option. When

set to 1, the configurable HSC1x and LSCIx parameters are used instead
of the upper and lower range limits uploadable from Intelligent Positioner.
SCLOPT addresses the fact that for displays, scale values from some posi-
tioners have different functions than are required. In those cases, setting
SCLOPT allows HSCIx and LSCIx to be used for scale values, instead of
inputs for scale.

SEN1UN Sensor #1 Units indicates the units of measure for Sensor #1 (AUX2):
6 = PSIg
7 = kPa
12 = Bar
It is a non-configurable, non-settable, non-connectable short integer.

B0193VH – Rev F 3. Configuring Your I/A Series Control Database for the

SEN2UN Sensor #2 Units indicates the units of measure for Sensor #2 (AUX3):
6 = PSIg
7 = kPa
12 = Bar
It is a non-configurable, non-settable, non-connectable short integer.

SENMFG Instrument Date of Manufacture is a non-connectable, non-settable data

store integer. This parameter is a packed data string: seven bits indicate the
year, four bits indicate the month, and five bits indicate the day.

SENSER Instrument Serial Number is a non-connectable, non-settable data store


SETPNT Setpoint Measurement is a readback of the setpoint value that the valve is
currently using. It is a non-configurable, non-settable, connectable real
(default: 0.0 to 100.0%).

SPRING Spring Type is a byte field that specifies whether the spring opens (1), or
closes (2) the valve, or whether there is no spring at all (0). Only valid if
VALVAC parameter is single. This parameter is a non-configurable, non-
settable, non-connectable short integer.

SUBTYP Sensor Subtype is a code that provides a device-specific code in addition to

the sensor type. It is a non-configurable, non-settable, non-connectable
short integer (0-0xFF).

SUMLIM Travel Sum Limit is a field that specifies the limit of how far the valve can
travel in its openings and closings. If the value is exceeded, an alarm con-
dition is raised in the Intelligent Positioner’s additional status area. It is a
non-configurable, non-settable, non-connectable long integer.

TAGNAM Tag Name is a non-connectable, non-settable, arbitrary 14-character text

that describes the Intelligent Positioner associated with this configured
channel of an ECB74. The ICC can display and/or reconfigure this Intel-
ligent Positioner parameter.

TAGNO Tag Number is a non-connectable, non-settable, arbitrary 12-character

text that describes the Intelligent Positioner associated with this config-
ured channel of an ECB74. The ICC can display and/or reconfigure this
Intelligent Positioner parameter.

TEMPUN Temperature Units is a byte field that specifies whether Celsius or Fahren-
heit degrees are used for the internal temperature sensor. It does not effect
internal temperature reports. It is a non-configurable, non-settable, non-
connectable short integer.
32 = Celsius
33 = Fahrenheit

TRVSUM Travel Sum is a four-byte integer field that contains the actual summarized
travel value in full strokes for the packing travel. Each change in the pack-

3. Configuring Your I/A Series Control Database for the Intelligent Positioner B0193VH – Rev F

ing travel must exceed a deadband value in order to be counted in this

parameter, so as not to take jitter movement into account. Travel Sum is a
non-configurable, non-settable, non-connectable long integer. (It is reset-
table by a write of zero.)

TYPE Type is a system-level mnemonic label indicating the block type. Block
TYPE for this ECB is ECB74 and is non-configurable, non-settable, and

URL1 to URL5 Upper Range Limits 1 to 5 are the limits for MEAS1 to MEAS5 respec-

VALVAC Actuator Action specifies whether the actuator acts in one or two direc-
1 = Single acting
2 = Double acting
It is a non-configurable, non-settable, non-connectable short integer.

VALVTY Valve Type specifies whether the Intelligent Positioner is designed to work
with various types of valves. This parameter indicates the type of valve to
which the Intelligent Positioner is currently connected:
1 = Rotary
3 = Globe
4 = Butterfly
5 = Ball
6 = Diaphragm
It is a non-configurable, non-settable, non-connectable short integer.

VFLOW Flow Characterization is the valve’s flow characteristic. It is a non-config-

urable, non-settable, non-connectable short integer.
1 = Linear
2 = Equal Percentage
3 = Quick Open
4 = Custom

VWOPT View Options is currently an unused parameter.

ZERCON Control Action indicates how the valve acts as an increasing setpoint sig-
nal is applied:
0 = Set +; Opens (Direct Acting)
1 = Set +; Closes (Reverse Acting)
It is a non-configurable, non-settable, non-connectable short integer.

Sample Configured ECB74

Figure 3-5 shows an annotated example of ECB74 configured parameters.

B0193VH – Rev F 3. Configuring Your I/A Series Control Database for the

The name used by all I/O blocks to access the ECB.

The block type.
Block description – up to 32 characters. May be left blank.
Dictates ECB execution time base and allowable PHASE value.
Determines when block will execute. Should be configured to 0.
The name of the ECB used by the System Manager.
The name of the parent of the ECB74.
FBM channel number (1 to 8) assigned to Intelligent Positioner.

Figure 3-5. Sample ECB74 Configuration

Putting the ECB74s On-Line

When an ECB74 is added to the database with the ICC, it is in an off-line state, and appears red
on the System Manager displays. Before adding blocks that read data from the configured Intelli-
gent Positioners, put the ECB74 on-line using the System Manager display’s Equipment Change
page. Refer to Chapter 5 “System Management Displays”.
An ECB that is successfully on-line appears in white on the System Manager displays. If an ECB
cannot be put on-line successfully (stays red on the System Manager displays), check the hardware
connections from the I/A Series workstation to the device or network, and check the configura-
tion of the ECB’s parameters.

Adding Compounds
In an I/A Series workstation with Intelligent Positioners, a compound typically contains:
♦ An ECB74 to transfer data to and from an Intelligent Positioner into the correspond-
ing ECB73, AOUT, and PID block.
♦ I/O blocks to get data from the ECB73 for further processing, or to write data to the
ECB73 for transmission to the Intelligent Positioner. The AOUT block is necessary to
provide characterization for the output signal.

3. Configuring Your I/A Series Control Database for the Intelligent Positioner B0193VH – Rev F

♦ Data processing and control blocks which process the input data and generate output
data and alarm data to implement the control system design.

If you wish to include alarming, add and configure a real (REALM) or measurement
(MEALM) alarm block, and link it to the PID block.

Figure 3-6 shows an illustration of a typical compound used with the Intelligent Positioner and


or PID or
OUT or
Optional Real (REALM) Optional Real (REALM)
or Measurement (MEALM) or Measurement (MEALM)
Alarm Block Alarm Block
To Displays and
Maintenance or
Data Collection

* The AIN block is only needed

in configurations in which you wish
ECB73 to incorporate filtering (for example,
for Intelligent Transmitters which
require signal conditioning).
** AOUT block is necessary to
characterize the output signal
IT to the Intelligent Positioner
(requires SCO = 14)


Intelligent Positioner Intelligent Transmitter

Figure 3-6. Typical Intelligent Positioner Compound Configuration

The Intelligent Positioner must take the first port in the FBM43. The ECB74 and
AOUT software require the positioner’s communications to be assigned to this first
channel (PNT_NO must equal 1).

B0193VH – Rev F 3. Configuring Your I/A Series Control Database for the

Blocks in other compounds get their inputs from and send their outputs to the ECB74 blocks,
using peer-to-peer connections. These compounds have no need for an ECB, and are not dis-
cussed in this document.
The following parameters are typically used when connecting other blocks to the ECB74:
♦ IOM_ID = COMPOUND:BLOCK of ECB74 (can be the letterbug if the com-
pound is a station _ECB and the block name is the letterbug of the Intelligent
♦ PNT_NO = 1
♦ SCO = 14
♦ IOMOPT = 0 or 2 (For AOUT, 1).

The IOMOPT parameter must not equal 1 for any block except the AOUT block;
the IOMOPT parameter must be set to 0 or 2 for all other blocks or they do not
If you set IOMOPT to 0, you may use any valid SCI value to condition the input,
or use characterization, if available. If IOMOPT is set to 2, signal conditioning or
characterization are unavailable, and the values of SCI and EXTBLK are ignored.

AIN Blocks
The Analog Input block (AIN) receives an input value from a single point, and converts it into
suitable form for use in an I/A Series control strategy. The input to the block is the digitized data
from the FBM’s equipment control block (ECB), and the output is a value expressed in the appro-
priate engineering units.
The AIN block is not required for any other function except for optional filtering; most AIN
functionality is incorporated into other blocks. The Intelligent Positioner communicates with
data already converted to Engineering Units, so the AIN block is not required to provide this con-
version function. The ECB74 can be linked to graphics, historical data collection, and other
blocks (such as the PID) directly, without requiring the AIN block as an interface. If you wish to
include alarming, add and configure a real (REALM) or measurement (MEALM) alarm block,
and link them to the PID block, instead of reading the AIN block.

You do not need to configure an AIN block for any purpose except filtering.

Values associated with this block can be configured and viewed via the Display Manager, as
described in the chapter “Faceplates” in Process Operations and Displays (B0193MM).

3. Configuring Your I/A Series Control Database for the Intelligent Positioner B0193VH – Rev F

The IOMOPT parameter in the AIN block must not equal 1 to connect to a
ECB73 or ECB12; the block does not function unless the IOMOPT parameter is
set to 0 or 2.
If you set IOMOPT to 0, you may use any valid SCI value to condition the input,
or use characterization. If IOMOPT is set to 2, you may not use signal conditioning
or characterization, and the values of SCI and EXTBLK are ignored.

Figure 3-6 on page 41 presents a diagram of the block structure when used with an Intelligent
Positioner and AIN block.

AOUT Blocks
The Analog Output (AOUT) block is necessary to characterize the output signal to the
Intelligent Positioner based on the SCO (Signal Conditioning Output), a function which does
not exist in control blocks such as PID. The AOUT block connects directly to the ECB74, as
shown in Figure 3-6 on page 41.
Configuration of the AOUT block for use in the I/A Series workstation is simple: all the parame-
ters have their normal meaning and usage (that is, IOM_ID, INITMA, and so forth); the only
application-specific parameter is the PNT_NO parameter. PNT_NO is used to identify the posi-
tioner’s intelligent output to be accessed via the ECB74.
More information on characterization for the Intelligent Positioner is provided in Appendix A
“Device Parameters for Intelligent Positioner” on page 88.
The following parameters must be configured for the AOUT block when used with the
Intelligent Positioner:
♦ IOM_ID = COMPOUND:BLOCK of ECB74 (can be letterbug if compound is sta-
tion _ECB and Block Name is letterbug of Intelligent Positioner)
♦ IOMOPT = 1
♦ SCO = 14
♦ PNT_NO = 1 (always = 1).
Additional values associated with this block can be configured and viewed via the Display Man-
ager, as described in the chapter “Faceplates” in Process Operations and Displays (B0193MM).

PID Blocks
The Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) block performs the functions of a traditional three-
term interacting PID controller. Refer to Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX) for a
complete description of the functions of this control block.
See Figure 3-6 on page 41 for an example of the PID block used in a compound with the Intelli-
gent Positioner.
Values associated with this block can be configured and viewed via the Display Manager, as
described in the chapter “Faceplates” in Process Operations and Displays (B0193MM).

B0193VH – Rev F 3. Configuring Your I/A Series Control Database for the

Summary of Recommendations and Guidelines

Below is a summary of the most significant database configuration recommendations and guide-
lines from this section:
Checkpoint your work often.
Do a SaveAll whenever a configuration session is completed.
Configure your database in the following sequence:
1. Configure the ECB73 and get it on-line (white).
2. Configure all ECB74s and get them on-line (white).
3. Configure all compounds that may contain I/O blocks, such as the PID block.
4. Add all I/O, data processing, and control blocks to the compounds.
5. Turn each compound on and confirm that data is being accessed correctly by the
I/O blocks in the compound.
6. Add the compounds that do not contain I/O blocks.
Know the internal configurations of your Intelligent Positioners, what data they can accept, and
what their responses are to the received data.
Configure your ECB73s using:
“ECB73 Parameters” on page 21.
Configure your port ECB74 using:
“ECB74 Parameters” on page 28.
Configure your I/O blocks using Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX) and “PID
Blocks” on page 43.
Refer to Control Process Sizing Spreadsheet (B0193BF) for calculating the control throughput load
for standard I/A Series control blocks used with the I/A Series workstation.

4. Process Displays
This chapter describes the I/A Series workstation ECBs for Intelligent Positioners that are
available to the process operator and process engineer.
Invensys supplies a standard set of Block Detail displays for the I/A Series workstation. From a
Block Detail display, you can:
♦ View the values configured (with the ICC) for the ECB’s parameters
♦ View specific information pertaining to the valve
♦ Call up the IFDC to adjust displayed parameters
♦ View flow rates passing through the valve
♦ View diagnostic errors and the current operational status of the valve
♦ View changes in any of these values over a period of time (trends).
All Block Detail displays have a base display that shows the block’s faceplate, a matrix of overlay
buttons next to the faceplate, and a button bar at the bottom of the display. Use the overlay but-
tons next to the faceplate to select overlays. Use the button bar at the bottom of the display to
manipulate parameters, block states, and perform other operator actions.
There is a Block Detail display specifically designed for each block type. The following is a list of
the blocks whose faceplates and overlays are described in this section:
♦ ECB73: Equipment Control Block 73
♦ ECB74: Equipment Control Block 74.
The System Management Display Handler (SMDH – the program through which you call up the
Detail displays) shows all the information it is configured to receive in the Detail displays. Since
the SMDH is limited to displaying certain specific variables, the Detail displays tend to be faster,
more complete windows.
For information on the Process displays for other I/A Series control blocks, refer to Process Opera-
tions and Displays (B0700BN), and for information on the I/A Series control blocks, refer to Inte-
grated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX).

B0193VH – Rev F 4. Process Displays

Accessing Block Detail Displays

You can access Block Detail Displays on a 50 Series workstation using either the FoxSelect screen
or the standard 50 Series Display Manager Select Screen.

FoxSelect Screen
To invoke FoxSelect, perform one of these actions:
♦ In the FoxView Display Bar, click FoxSelect.
♦ From FoxView, click File > FoxSelect.
The FoxSelect screen appears as shown in Figure 4-1. For more information on FoxSelect features,
refer to FoxView (B0700BD).

Figure 4-1. FoxSelect Screen

4. Process Displays B0193VH – Rev F

To view a Block Detail Display from FoxSelect:

1. Click a block.
2. Perform one of these actions:
♦ Click in the toolbar.
♦ Double-click the block name.
♦ Click Options > Show Detail Display.
To view a Block Detail Display for PLB and Sequence Blocks:
♦ Select a block and click Options > Show Parameter Detail Display.

50 Series Display Manager Select Screen

Access the faceplates for the integrators, as follows:
1. Click Select in the top menu bar.
The system displays the Select Screen as shown in Figure 4-2.

Figure 4-2. 50 Series Display Manager Select Screen

The scrollable menu on the left lists the letterbugs of all control stations on the node.

The compound list for the ECB73 differs from that shown in Figure 4-2.

B0193VH – Rev F 4. Process Displays

2. To filter the station and compound list:

a. Enter the name of the station (or a portion of the name and a wild card (*)) in the
CP NAMES field in the center of the screen.
b. Press the Enter key.
The list now shows only the selected station and its compounds.
3. Select a compound by picking it from the menu on the left. A list of the blocks in the
selected compound appears on the right menu.
4. Click on the block from the menu on the right.
The system displays the Block Detail Display for the selected block.

I/A Series Workstation Displays for the Intelligent

This section describes the Block Detail Displays for ECB73 and ECB74.
Block Detail Displays allow you to view and control alarms, view trend data, tune loops, and per-
form process control tasks.
A Block Detail Display contains a faceplate, block alarm summary, buttons to open various over-
lays, contents of the control input/output page, and buttons for manipulating block parameters
and moving from page to page in the display.

ECB73 Block Detail Display

The Block Detail Display for ECB73 (Figure 4-3) consists of a faceplate in the upper-right corner
of the display, a 12-key overlay button area to its left, a base display in the overlay area, and a but-
ton bar at the bottom.

4. Process Displays B0193VH – Rev F

Figure 4-3. ECB73 Display

ECB73 Overlay Button

Prev Disp Shows the previous Block Detail Display.

ECB73 Faceplate
Figure 4-4 represents the ECB73 faceplate (left) as it appears in the Block Detail Display and
illustration (right).

Block Description

Compound Name

Block Name

Figure 4-4. ECB73 Faceplate and Illustration

B0193VH – Rev F 4. Process Displays

The fields in the illustration represent the following:

DEV_ID Device Identification is the text configured for the ECB73’s DEV_ID

HWTYPE Hardware Type is the number of the associated ECB.

For ECB73, HWTYPE = 43

SWTYPE Software Type is the number of the associated ECB.

For ECB73, SWTYPE = 73

1. ECB States

OFF_LINE The ECB73 has been switched off-line using the System Management
Display, or has never been on-line. You must use the System
Management Display to place the ECB on-line.

ON_LINE The ECB73 is on-line.

UNDEFINED Faulty configuration has resulted in the ECB73 being marked


2. Failure Status

COMMFAIL There has been a communication failure between the control processor
and the Intelligent Positioner.

DEV_FAIL The Intelligent Positioner reports a fatal hardware failure or other fault.
This is possibly a result of too many communication errors.

3. Scan States

OFF_SCAN The Intelligent Positioner is healthy but its operating mode is not compat-
ible with its normal functions. No block is currently using the
Intelligent Positioner.

ON_SCAN The Intelligent Positioner is accessible and functioning. It is currently

used by a block in a compound that is on.

HWTYPE Hardware Type is the number of the associated ECB. Hardware type is the
number 43 for the ECB73.

SWTYPE Software Type is the number of the associated ECB. Software type is the
number 73 for ECB73.
To exit the ECB display, click Prev Disp in the 12-key overlay button pad.

4. Process Displays B0193VH – Rev F

ECB74 Display
The initial Block Detail Display for ECB74 (Figure 4-5) consists of a faceplate in the upper-right
corner of the display, a 12-key overlay button area to its left, a base display in the overlay area, and
a button bar at the bottom.

Figure 4-5. Initial ECB74 Display

ECB74 Overlay Buttons

There are 6 overlay buttons on the ECB74 display. Their function is as follows:
Config Displays the Configuration overlay shown in Figure 4-7 on page 54.
Prev Disp Displays the previous faceplate display.
Trend Displays the trend overlay shown in Figure 4-8 on page 55.
VLV Info Displays the Valve Information overlay shown in Figure 4-9 on page 56.
VLV Meas Displays the Valve Measurements overlay shown in Figure 4-10 on
page 57.
VLV Status Displays the Valve Status overlay shown in Figure 4-11 on page 58.

B0193VH – Rev F 4. Process Displays

ECB74 Faceplate
The ECB74 faceplate (left) and Illustration (right) is shown in Figure 4-6.

Block Description
Compound Name
Block Name



Figure 4-6. ECB74 Faceplate Display

The fields in the illustration represent the following:

This is the name of the compound that holds the block.

BLOCK NAME Block Name is the name as configured in the NAME parameter
(VLVCH4 in the example display).

SETPOINT This is the Measurement #1 value. Setpoint Measurement is a readback of

the setpoint value that the valve is currently using. It is a non-config-
urable, non-settable, connectable real (default: 0.0 to 100.0%). The value
is recorded in the parameter AUX2.

STEM SP This is the Measurement #2 value. It is set after any characterization

applied by the ICC. The value is recorded in the parameter AUX1.

POSITION This is the Measurement #3 value. Valve Position Measurement is the

valve’s position that is normally measured as percent full scale. It is a non-
configurable, non-settable, connectable real (default: -10.0 to 110.0%).
The value is recorded in the parameter AUX3.

1. Indicator Bar
The SETPOINT indicator bar indicates the value of its associated parameter. It is white.

2. Indicator Bar
The STEM SP indicator bar indicates the value of its associated parameter. It is blue.

3. Indicator Bar
The POSITION indicator bar indicates the value of its associated parameter. It is purple.

4. Process Displays B0193VH – Rev F

4. Failure States
The following list of possible failure states for the ECB74 appears in black text in Position 4 in
Figure 4-6.

COMMFAIL Communication Failure indicates the ECB cannot communicate with the
Intelligent Positioner.

DEV_FAIL The Intelligent Positioner reports a fatal hardware failure or other fault.
This is possibly a result of too many communication errors.

PARNT OFF ECB73 is not accessible. To place the ECB73 on-line, use the System
Management displays for the parent ECB73.

DEV FAULT The Intelligent Positioner has a non-fatal fault.

NOT READY The Intelligent Positioner is healthy but not available while it undergoes
normal start-up.

BYPASS One or more measurement points are in the bypass mode, which allows
manual manipulation of individual measurements for control simulation.

5. ECB States
The following is a list of possible states for the ECB74, which appears in black text in Position 5
in Figure 4-6.

OFF_SCAN The Intelligent Positioner is healthy but its operating mode is not compat-
ible with its normal functions. No block is currently using the
Intelligent Positioner.

ON_SCAN The Intelligent Positioner is accessible and functioning. It is currently

used by a block in a compound that is on.

OFF_LINE The Intelligent Positioner is not accessible. It has been switched off-line
using the System Management Display, or has never been on-line. You
must use the System Management Display to place the Intelligent
Positioner on-line.

ON_LINE The Intelligent Positioner is on-line.

6. Name
This is the name of the Intelligent Positioner.

Configuration Overlay
The Configuration overlay (Figure 4-7) appears when you click the Config overlay button. The
Configuration overlay displays the ECB74 block parameters as configured using the ICC. You
cannot change these parameters from the Configuration overlay. You must return to the ICC to

B0193VH – Rev F 4. Process Displays

change the parameters. The overlay is a convenient way to remember what you
configured without going back to the ICC, dbvu, or a hardcopy.

Figure 4-7. ECB74 Configuration Display

TYPE Type is the name of the block, ECB74.

PERIOD Period is the value as configured for the PERIOD parameter.

PHASE Phase is the value as configured for the PHASE parameter.

DEV_ID Device Identification is the text configured for the ECB74’s DEV_ID

CHAN Channel is the value as configured for the CHAN parameter, FBM point
# (1-8).

HSCI1 to HSCI5 High Scale for Input Ranges 1 through 5 are values for the upper limit of
the measurement ranges, as configured for the HSCI1 to HSCI5

LSCI1 to LSCI5 Low Scale for Input Ranges 1 through 5 are values for the lower limit of
the measurement ranges, as configured for the LSCI1 to LSCI5

SCLOPT Scaling Option is the value as configured for the SCLOPT parameter.

4. Process Displays B0193VH – Rev F

ATC ATC is the value as configured for the ATC parameter, an Air To Close

PARENT Parent is the name of the Parent ECB, stored in the PARENT parameter.

Trend Overlay
The Trend overlay (Figure 4-8) appears when you click the Trend overlay button. The Trend over-
lay displays a trend of SETPNT, STEM SP, and POSITN.

Figure 4-8. ECB74 Trend Overlay Display

SETPNT Setpoint Measurement (white) is the value as configured for the

AUX2 parameter.

STEM SP Stem Setpoint (magenta) is the value as configured for the

AUX1 parameter.

POSITN Valve Position Measurement (cyan) is the value as configured for the
AUX3 parameter.
You can close the Trend display by clicking the octagonal button in the lower right corner,
or by changing displays.

B0193VH – Rev F 4. Process Displays

Valve Information Overlay

The Valve Information overlay (Figure 4-9) appears when you click the Valv Info overlay but-
ton. The Valve Information overlay displays the valve information as received from the Intelligent

Figure 4-9. ECB74 Valve Information Overlay Display

TAG NUMBER Tag Number is the value as configured for the TAGNO parameter.

SERVICE DESC Service Description is the text as configured for the DESCRP parameter.

DEVICE NAME Device Name is the text as configured for the DEVNAM parameter.

Geographic Location is the text as configured for the GEOLOC parame-

Positioner Type is the text as configured for the IFDTYP parameter.

TYPE CODE Type Code is the value as configured for the IV_TYP parameter.

VALVE TYPE Valve Type is the text as configured for the VALVTY parameter.

4. Process Displays B0193VH – Rev F

Characteristic is the text as configured for the VFLOW parameter.

Spring Action is the text as configured for the SPRING parameter.

FAILSAFE TIME The Fail-Safe Time is the value as configured for the FAILTM parameter.

Fail-Safe Position is the text as configured for the FAILSF parameter.

Actuator Revision is the text as configured for the ACTNUM parameter.

Valve Measurements Overlay

The Valve Measurements overlay (Figure 4-9) appears when you click the Valv Meas overlay but-
ton. The Valve Measurements overlay displays the valve measurement information as received
from the Intelligent Positioner.

Figure 4-10. ECB74 Valve Measurements Overlay Display

SETPOINT Setpoint measurement is the value as configured for the

SETPNT parameter.

B0193VH – Rev F 4. Process Displays

POSITION Valve Position measurement is the value as configured for the

POSITN parameter.

STEM SETPNT Stem Setpoint is the value as configured for the AUX1 parameter.

POS ERROR Position error is the value as configured for the POS ERROR parameter.

AUX2 Supply pressure (Auxiliary Measurement #2) is the value as configured for
the AUX2 parameter.

AUX3 Output pressure (Auxiliary Measurement #3) is the value as configured for
the AUX3 parameter.

Valve Status Overlay

The Valve Status overlay (Figure 4-9) appears when you click the Valv Status overlay button.
The Valve Status overlay displays the valve status information as received from the
Intelligent Positioner.

Figure 4-11. ECB74 Valve Status Overlay Display

CHAN STATUS Channel status is the value for the FAILFB (FAILSF) parameter as
received from the Intelligent Positioner.

COMM FAIL This parameter is the status of the communication channel from the
FBM. It displays a text read-out for the Bit 7 in the CHAN STATUS

4. Process Displays B0193VH – Rev F

parameter (refer to “FBM Chan Status” on page 73). FAIL indicates com-
munication failure.

STAT1 Status 1 is the value for the primary status byte (see“VALVE STATUS
NO. 1” on page 74) as received from the Intelligent Positioner.

STAT2 Status 2 is the value for the secondary status byte (see “VALVE STATUS
NO. 2” on page 75) as received from the Intelligent Positioner.

FLAGS Flags is the value for the IV2STA parameter as received from the Intelli-
gent Positioner.

DIAG ERROR Diagnostic Error provides a hexadecimal representation of the Diagnostic

Error field in the System Management display. Refer to “Diagnostic
Error” on page 76. This parameter can be followed by one of two vari-
History Displays the last diagnostic error which occurred, but was
Current Displays the current diagnostic error which must be
resolved. This changes back to History once this diagnos-
tic error no longer applies.

To exit the ECB display, click Select, or click Prev Disp in the 12-key overlay button pad.

Additional Status Bytes

These bytes are not explicitly displayed in the Block Detail displays. They are pre-
sented in the IFDC, for information only. They are not connectable with other

The Additional Status bytes are four bytes that contain additional status information for the Intel-
ligent Positioner. The first byte contains the system errors. The second byte contains the process
errors. The error conditions indicated in the first and second bytes are reflected only as long as the
error remains. Once the underlying fault has been corrected, the first and second bytes indicate
the error is no longer present.
The third byte is a historical record of the first byte, which indicates conditions that have existed
but have been cleared. The fourth byte is a historical record of the second byte.
Each bit is separate.

B0193VH – Rev F 4. Process Displays

Cycle Count Travel Sum

Trim Loop Configuration Invalid
Trim Feedback Temperature Low
Binary Input Temperature High
Channel Set
0000 0000
(Bit Position: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0)
Note: 0 = good 1 = bad or subsequent action required
Figure 4-12. Additional Status Bytes – First and Third

The explanation of the activity or event associated with the setting of each bit in the first and third
bytes is as follows:

Table 4-1. Additional Status Byte 1 and 3

Hexadecimal Bit Position

Value Set Condition
1 Bit 0 Device temperature above limit set by autostart.
2 Bit 1 Device temperature below limit set by autostart.
4 Bit 2 Invalid configuration.
8 Bit 3 Travel sum has exceeded the limit configured.
10 Bit 4 Cycle count has exceeded limit configured.
20 Bit 5 4 to 20 mA output signal requires tuning.
40 Bit 6 Feedback unit requires tuning.
80 Bit 7 One of the binary input contacts has switched.1
When configured within the positioner, this bit will be set (or not) if one of the binary input
contacts is switched. Default is yes.

Control Difference LoLo Alarm

Auto Start Failure HiHi Alarm
Air Supply Failure Low Alarm
Outlet Pressure Failure High Alarm

0000 0000
(Bit Position: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0)
Note: 0 = good 1 = bad or subsequent action required
Figure 4-13. Additional Status Bytes – Second and Fourth

The explanation of the activity or event associated with the setting of each bit in the second and
fourth bytes is as follows:

4. Process Displays B0193VH – Rev F

Table 4-2. Additional Status Byte 2 and 4

Hexadecimal Bit
Value Position Set Condition
1 Bit 0 Indicates the travel position is above the high alarm setpoint.
2 Bit 1 Indicates the travel position is below the low alarm setpoint.
4 Bit 2 Indicates the travel position is above the high high alarm setpoint.
8 Bit 3 Indicates the travel position is below the low low alarm setpoint.
10 Bit 4 Difference between setpoint requested and current position
exceeds allowed for user specified time.
20 Bit 5 Autostart was run and did not complete successfully.
40 Bit 6 Air supply pressure (AUX3) has exceeded or dropped below
specified limits.
80 Bit 7 Output pressure (AUX2) has exceeded or dropped below
specified limits.

These status errors and their recommended solutions are described in Table 5-18 on page 82.

B0193VH – Rev F 4. Process Displays

5. System Management Displays
This chapter explains the options available to the operator when using the System Management
displays to monitor the ECB73 and ECB74 for the Intelligent Positioner.
The I/A Series workstation that monitors Intelligent Positioners uses standard System Manage-
ment displays except for the Equipment Information pages for the ECB73 and ECB74. The
Equipment Information pages display a variety of information about the equipment, including
communication statistics received from the ECB73 and ECB74. The next sections provide details
of the equipment information for both types of ECBs. For information on the standard System
Management displays, refer to System Management Displays (B0193JC).

Accessing Equipment Information Displays

Select the desired device (station or device) on a station and device (PIO Bus) display
(System Health display) or on one of the Network displays (Network Health displays) and then
select the Equip Info overlay button that displays the equipment information for that device on
the bottom half of the screen.
The Equipment Information display for a selected station or device includes type-specific config-
uration information, such as: the current health status of the station or peripheral, equipment
change action status, hardware and software information. Equipment status fields update when a
status update occurs or when the display is re-entered. Refer to the equipment information for a
specific ECB73 or ECB74 for additional information regarding field updates.
The ACK key is included in the top menu bar of the Equipment Information display and is
selectable if the health status of the selected device needs to be acknowledged and the workstation
is designated to acknowledge that faulted device.
The overlay buttons (Equip Chg, Equip Info) appear at the bottom of the Equipment Informa-
tion display. Equip Chg provides access to the Equipment Change display for the previously
selected device. Equip Info provides access to the Equipment Information display for the previ-
ously selected device.

Equipment Information Display Actions

From the Equipment Information display for the selected device it is possible to:
♦ Select the ACK key in the top menu bar to acknowledge the device, if faulted.
♦ View the current information (up to three pages depending on device).
♦ Select the Equip Chg overlay button to access the Equipment Change options for the
previously selected device.
♦ Select the Paging keys to access the next or previous page.
♦ Select the Return (double triangle icon) overlay button to return to the station display.

B0193VH – Rev F 5. System Management Displays

Equipment Information Display for ECBs

The Equipment Information fields contain information specific to the ECB selected. The con-
tents of these fields can change under the following conditions: when a status update occurs or
when the display is recalled. The fields updated when a status change occurs are:
♦ Run Mode ♦ Device State
♦ Fail Ack State ♦ Download State
♦ Warning Condition ♦ Fail Dev Att
♦ Diag Status 1 to 4 ♦ FBM Status
♦ Diagnostic Error ♦ FBM Chan Status
♦ Valve Status No. 1 ♦ Valve Status No. 2
♦ Valve Mode ♦ FBM Status Errors

All other fields are static or change when the display is recalled.

ECB73 Equipment Information

Figure 5-1 illustrates the information available for the Equipment Information display for the

Figure 5-1. Equipment Information Display for ECB73

The Equipment Information display for an ECB73 contains the following fields:

5. System Management Displays B0193VH – Rev F

Table 5-1. Equipment Information for ECB73

Field Explanation of Field

NAME This is the name of the letterbug of the station in which the primary FBM
(FBM43) is located. The Name is assigned to a particular channel of the
FBM or interface module and must be the same as the Device Name of the
Intelligent Positioner.
TYPE TYPE represents the primary FBM.
RUN MODE This is either set to On-Line or Off-Line. The FBM43 or ECB73 is
initially installed as On-Line after it is configured. For the FBM43 located
in a station, changing the FBM status to Off-Line causes all
communication to the Fieldbus, respective highway, or converter box to
stop. Subsequently, all attached FBMs fail. As a result a number of messages
appear at the printer indicating communication failures and peripheral
equipment failures.
Changing an FBM peripheral status to Off-Line causes communication to
that specific device to stop.
The Run Mode can be changed by the Equipment Change options of
Go On-line and Go Off-line performed by you. If station reporting is
disabled, the last known run state appears in this field.
DEVICE STATE The possible mutually exclusive states are:
♦ On Scan: The device is connected to the control strategy, though
measurements are not guaranteed to be good.
♦ Comm Failures: No real device information is available.
♦ Failed: Fatal hardware or other fatal fault reported by the device.
This presupposes that communication has not failed.
♦ Not Ready: This is a transition state. The device is healthy, and
normal automatic startup procedures are bringing the device
On Scan.
♦ Out of Service: The device is healthy, but is operating in a mode
incompatible with its normal control functions.
FAIL ACK STATE This displays either Acknowledged or Not Acknowledged. This field
is initially set to Acknowledged. If the DEVICE STATE changes from
Not Failed to Failed, the FAIL ACK STATE field changes to
Not Acknowledged. Use the ACK key in the top menu bar of the
Equipment Information display to acknowledge the selected faulted
device; or use the ACK ALL key in the top menu bar of the initial
System Management display to acknowledge all the unacknowledged
devices for which the workstation has responsibility.
ALARMING This indicates whether alarming is Enabled or Inhibited for the device.
STATE When alarming is Inhibited, the System Monitor continues to indicate
overall system and network health (a green “SYS BAR”) while equipment
is failed or off-line. System Alarm messages are not logged to the system
printer, or to the Historian.

B0193VH – Rev F 5. System Management Displays

Table 5-1. Equipment Information for ECB73 (Continued)

Field Explanation of Field

DOWNLOAD This displays either Downloading or Not Downloading. Field is initially
STATE set to Not Downloading. When the station is rebooted via an operator-
initiated request, the status changes to Downloading until the action is
completed. Upon completion, the field changes back to
Not Downloading whether the process was successful or not successful.
WARNING This displays either Yes or No. If the device has a non-fatal error
CONDITION condition, it is indicated in this field.
DEVICES ATT This displays either Yes or No. If the peripheral has a device attached, it is
indicated in this field.
LAST CABLE Possible values reflect the health of both cables (Both Cables OK,
ACCESS Cable A Failed, Cable B Failed, or Both Cables Failed). This field
applies to the selected FBM43 and indicates whether transmissions were
successfully sent the last time either Bus A or B was used.
FAIL DEV ATT This displays either Yes or No. Yes is specified if one or more peripherals
attached to the station are reported as failed.
COMPOUND The name of the compound that contains the ECB73.
FAIL DEV ACK This displays either Acknowledged or Not Acknowledged. This field is
initially set to Acknowledged. If any of the attached devices become
unacknowledged, the field changes to Not Acknowledged.
BLOCK NAME This is the text string configured (with ICC) for the ECB73’s NAME
parameter. This name is used by all I/O blocks (in their IOM_ID
parameter) to reference the FBM.
HARDWARE TYPE This is the number associated with the FBM type.
SOFTWARE TYPE This indicates the type of application software being used with the FBM43.
HARDWARE This is the hardware part number related to the FBM.
HARDWARE REV This refers to the hardware release level of the FBM hardware type.
See HARDWARE TYPE field, above.
SOFTWARE REV This refers to the FBM software type release level.
EEPROM REV This refers to the firmware release level for the FBM.
SERIAL NUMBER This is the number assigned to each FBM hardware module.
MANUF DATE This is the date of manufacture. One of the three date standards,
determined during System Configuration, is used: US (MM-DD-YYYY),
ISO (YY-MM-DD), UR or European (DD-MM-YY).
DIAG STATUS 1 This is a hexadecimal value relating to the previous FBM status error
condition. Typically the value is 4, which indicates a previous non fail-safe
condition (green light condition). Refer to “Diagnostic Status 1” on
page 67 for a complete list of bit settings for the FBM Status conditions.

5. System Management Displays B0193VH – Rev F

Table 5-1. Equipment Information for ECB73 (Continued)

Field Explanation of Field

DIAG STATUS 2 This is a hexadecimal value for the last FBM startup condition. The list of
possible starting conditions is related to hexadecimal bit settings. A value of
0 indicates there is no history of the last start condition. This implies an
absence of data due to lack of communications. If this is the case, all four
diagnostic status bytes are meaningless. Refer to “Diagnostic Status 2” on
page 68 for definitions.
DIAG STATUS 3 This is a hexadecimal value relating to the previous software or hardware
error for the FBM43. Refer to “Diagnostic Status 3 and 4” on page 68 for a
complete list of possible errors.
DIAG STATUS 4 This is a hexadecimal value for the current software or hardware error for
the FBM43. Typically, the value is 0. Refer to “Diagnostic Status 3 and 4”
on page 68 for a complete list of possible errors.
PRIM CMD STAT This is a hexadecimal value related to the status of communication between
the primary FBM and the selected FBM. Typically the value is 0 or 1. The
value of 1 indicates that a successful retry took place and communication
has been restored to normal. Either hexadecimal value indicates there is not
a problem; any other value implies a failed transmission. Refer to “PRIM
CMD Status” on page 69 for a complete list.
FBM CMD This is a hexadecimal value associated with the return status included in
STATUS the header of every response from the Intelligent Positioner to the
FBM43. The following list represents the bit positions set to 1.
Typically the hexadecimal value is 0 indicating the command was
understood and action was taken. Refer to “FBM CMD Status” on
page 70.
FBM STATUS This is a hexadecimal value relating to the current FBM status. Typically
the value is 4 indicating the instructions are valid (Bit 2 is set). Refer to
“FBM Status” on page 70 for a listing of explanations of the bits (set to 1)
relating to the FBM status.
LOGICAL ADDR This is a number between 1 and 48. FBMs are typically numbered as they
appear in the display (left to right) beginning at 1. The order of FBMs is
the order in which the FBMs were configured using the Integrated Control
Configurator. However, if an FBM is deleted and another added later, the
new FBM is given the lowest number available. For example, if FBM2 is
deleted from the sequenced group of FBM1, FBM2, and FBM3, the next
FBM added results in the following sequence group: FBM1, FBM3, and
EXTENSION This is the FBM expansion type number. The FBM43 does not have an
TYPE expansion unit.

Diagnostic Status 1
Table 5-2 presents the hexadecimal values relating to the previous FBM status error conditions.

B0193VH – Rev F 5. System Management Displays

Table 5-2. Diagnostic Status 1 Bit

Hexadecimal Value Bit Position Set Condition

1 Bit 0 Set if the FBM status changes.
2 Bit 1 Set if the Diagnostic Register is non-zero. The FBM
does not start if this bit is set.
4 Bit 2 Normally set for non-fail-safe condition. Reset only if
the output mode of operation is fail-safe.
8 Bit 3 Not used.
10 Bit 4 Not used.
20 Bit 5 Not used.
40 Bit 6 Set only if the FBM is off-line. In off-line mode, the
software control is ROM-based; in on-line mode, the
software is RAM-based.
80 Bit 7 Set if initialization is taking place. All channel and I/O
data is initializing.

Diagnostic Status 2
Table 5-3 presents the hexadecimal values for the last FBM startup conditions.

Table 5-3. Diagnostic Status 2 Bit

Hexadecimal Value Bit Position Set Condition

1 Bit 0 Cold start (power up)
2 Bit 1 Power fail recovery
4 Bit 2 Watchdog timer failure
8 Bit 3 Warm reset (equip change download)
10 Bit 4 Expansion status

Diagnostic Status 3 and 4

Table 5-4 presents the hexadecimal values for the current software or hardware errors for the
FBM43. Diagnostic Status Bit 4 shows the current hexadecimal value, and Diagnostic Status
Bit 3 shows the previous hexadecimal value.

Table 5-4. Diagnostic Status 3 and 4 Bits

Hexadecimal Value Description

Hardware Errors:
0 OK
2 I/O gate array failure
3 Clock generator failure
4 Watchdog timer (WDT) failure during cold start

5. System Management Displays B0193VH – Rev F

Table 5-4. Diagnostic Status 3 and 4 Bits (Continued)

Hexadecimal Value Description

5 WDT failure as part of WDT recovery diagnostics
6 Clear diagnostic register command
7 Warm start command
8 RAM failure
9 8044 failure
Software Errors:
10 FBM configuration table invalid
11 FBM is a fatal babbler
12 Secure write failed
13 Clock overrun
14 Analog input (ai) conversion overrun
15 FBM hardware type mismatch
16 FBM software type mismatch
17 Expansion type mismatch
18 No response command error
19 Illegal factory ID
1A Unknown reset condition
1B RAM checksum test failure
1C Illegal interrupt
1D Module ID mismatch
1E PI overrun
1F ROM FN (functional) level mismatch
20 I/O bus error
21 Expansion I/O bus error
22 Bad I/O clock
23 EEPROM update failed
25 L (logic) machine execution error
37 Fault-tolerant miscompare on alternate bus test
40 Test EEPROM checksum failed
80 Test expansion port failed


Table 5-5 lists the explanations of the bits (set to 1) relating to the primary command status:

Table 5-5. PRIM CMD Status Bits

Hexadecimal Value Bit Position Set Description

1 Bit 0 Set if an exchange has been completed with a retry.

B0193VH – Rev F 5. System Management Displays

Table 5-5. PRIM CMD Status Bits (Continued)

Hexadecimal Value Bit Position Set Description

2 Bit 1 Set only if an exchange times out.
4 Bit 2 Set if response from the FBM to the primary FBM is
invalid. Validity varies with transaction type.
0 Bits 4, 3 Stage at which error occurred.
♦ 00 – Stage 0: Attempt by the primary FBM to
reset the datalink.
8 Bits 4, 3 ♦ 01 – First exchange of messages failed.
10 Bits 4, 3 ♦ 10 – Second exchange of messages failed.
18 Bits 4, 3 ♦ 11 – Currently unassigned code.
20 Bit 5 Mode flag; set if the device is off-line. (The above
definitions apply when this bit is = 0 (on-line).)
40 Bit 6 Set if command is invalid.
80 Bit 7 Miscompare error if set (MSB). Relates to fault-tolerant
station. This bit triggers FT error recovery.

FBM CMD Status

Table 5-6 presents the hexadecimal values associated with the return status included in the header
of every response from the Intelligent Positioner to the FBM43.

Table 5-6. FBM CMD Status Bits

Hexadecimal Value Bit Position Set Description

1 0 Command not understood.
2 1 Command understood; but unable to take action.
4 2 Invalid argument.

FBM Status
Table 5-7 presents the explanations of the bits (set to 1) relating to the FBM status:

Table 5-7. FBM Status Bits

Hexadecimal Value Bit Position Set Description

1 Bit 0 Set if the FBM status changes.
2 Bit 1 Set if the Diagnostic Register is non-zero. The FBM does
not start if this bit is set.
4 Bit 2 Normally set for non-fail-safe condition. Reset only if
output mode of operation is fail-safe.
8 Bit 3 Not used.
10 Bit 4 Not used.
20 Bit 5 Not used.

5. System Management Displays B0193VH – Rev F

Table 5-7. FBM Status Bits (Continued)

Hexadecimal Value Bit Position Set Description

40 Bit 6 Set only if the FBM is off-line. In off-line mode, the
software control is ROM-based; in on-line mode, the
software is RAM-based.
80 Bit 7 Set if initialization is taking place. All channel and I/O
data is initializing.

ECB74 Equipment Information

ECB74 Equipment Information, Page 1
Figure 5-2 illustrates the information available for the Equipment Information display for
ECB74, Page 1.

Figure 5-2. Equipment Information Display for ECB74 (Page 1)

The Equipment Information display on Page 1 for an ECB74 contains the fields shown in
Table 5-8:

B0193VH – Rev F 5. System Management Displays

Table 5-8. Equipment Information for ECB74 (Page 1)

Field Explanation of Field

NAME This parameter shows the station letterbug assigned during system
hardware configuration. The NAME is assigned to a particular channel of
the FBM and must be the same as the Device Name of the Intelligent
TYPE This parameter shows the type of station defined when the letterbug is
assigned during system configuration.
RUN MODE This displays either On-Line or Off-Line. This field is initially Off-Line. It
changes to On-Line when the station, after booting up, reports to the
System Monitor. If reporting is disabled, the last known state appears in
this field. RUN MODE and FAIL STATE should be viewed as separate,
but related fields for some stations. Although certain Equipment Change
options change the RUN MODE to Off-Line, they do not fail the station.
However, a failed station results in the RUN MODE changing to Off-
The field changes to off-line if any of the following occur:
♦ A reboot of the station
♦ An EEPROM update
♦ An off-line diagnostic request
♦ A physical pull-push of the station (requiring more than two
minutes to come back on-line)
♦ Any station hardware failure or communication failure that results
in the station no longer being able to send its internal reports for
two minutes or more.
DEVICE STATE This displays either Failed or Not Failed. This field is initially
Not Failed. This field changes to Failed if any of the following occur:
♦ You select the Fail overlay button after running Off-line Diagnostics.
♦ A hardware problem causes the station to fail for more than two
♦ A physical pull-push of the station (requiring more than two
minutes to come back on-line) is performed.
♦ Any station hardware failure or communication failure results in
the station not being able to send its internal reports for two or
more minutes.
Operator-initiated Equipment Change actions (reboot, EEPROM update)
or Off-line Diagnostics change the RUN MODE to Off-line, but do not
change the FAIL STATE to Failed.

5. System Management Displays B0193VH – Rev F

Table 5-8. Equipment Information for ECB74 (Page 1) (Continued)

Field Explanation of Field

FAIL ACK STATE This displays either Acknowledged or Not Acknowledged. This field is
initially set to Acknowledged. If the FAIL STATE changes from
Not Failed to Failed, the FAIL ACK STATE field changes to
Not Acknowledged to indicate this transition. Use the ACK key in the
top menu bar of the Equipment Information display to acknowledge the
selected faulted device or use the ACK ALL key in the top menu bar of the
initial System Management Display to acknowledge all the
unacknowledged devices for which the workstation has responsibility.
COMPOUND This is the name of the compound that contains the ECB74.
DIAGNOSTIC This is a hexadecimal value for the current or previous error. Refer to
ERROR “Diagnostic Error” on page 76 for more information.
BLOCK NAME This is a text string configured (with ICC) for the ECB74’s NAME
parameter. This name is used by all I/O blocks (in their IOM_ID
parameter) to reference the positioner.
FBM CHAN This indicates the status of communications to the Intelligent Positioner as
STATUS represented by an eight-bit word. This field contains dynamic data which is
updated automatically by the system. Refer to “FBM Chan Status” on
page 73 for more information.
TAG NUMBER This is a 12-character alphanumeric tag number. A user-specified tag
number assigned during Integrated Control Configuration (ICC). The tag
number can be changed via the ICC. If changed via the ICC configurator,
an operator-initiated DOWNLOAD DATABASE must be performed from
the Equipment Change display for the selected device.
VALVE STATUS This indicates the current operational status of the Intelligent Positioner, as
NO. 1 represented by an eight-bit word. It is updated automatically with every
response message received by the ECB. Refer to “VALVE STATUS NO. 1”
on page 74 for more information.
VALVE TYPE NO. This indicates the type of valve used by the Intelligent Positioner. Its value
must be 36 for the Intelligent Positioner.
VALVE STATUS This specifies the type of error (if any) occurring in the Intelligent
NO. 2 Positioner, as represented by an eight-bit word. It is sent with the VALVE
STATUS NO. 1 message, updated automatically with every response
message received by the ECB. Refer to “VALVE STATUS NO. 2” on
page 75 for more information.
VALVE TYPE This shows the specific type of Intelligent Positioner used by the valve
NAME (should be SRD991). Identified during system configuration.

FBM Chan Status

FBM CHAN STATUS (Status Byte 1) indicates the status of communications to the
Intelligent Positioner as represented by an eight-bit word. A 1 in one of the defined
positions below indicates the current status. This field contains dynamic data which is updated
automatically by the system.

B0193VH – Rev F 5. System Management Displays

Letterbug Name Mismatch (1)

Database Change (1) Fault Flag (1)
Communication Busy (1)
Failure (1) Initializing (1)

0000 0000
(Bit Position: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0) Note: 0 = good (OK)
Figure 5-3. FBM Chan Status

The explanation of the activity or event associated with the setting of each bit to 1 is shown in
Table 5-9:

Table 5-9. FBM Chan Status Bits

Hexadecimal Position
Value Set Condition
1 Bit 0 The Intelligent Positioner is resetting to the On-line mode.
2 Bit 1 The FBM is busy processing another request.
4 Bit 2 The VALVE STATUS NO. 1 is not zero. Refer to “VALVE STATUS
NO. 1” on page 74 and “VALVE STATUS NO. 2” on page 75 for
field explanations.
10 Bit 4 A letterbug name mismatch has occurred. The system-configured
letterbug does not match the Device Name (DEV_ID parameter) in
the Intelligent Transmitter.
20 Bit 5 Database has been changed. To reset the bit to 0, Press the Download
option in the Equipment Change display option.
80 Bit 7 Communication failure has occurred and all data on the screen may be
invalid. Refer to System Maintenance (B0193AD) for corrective actions.


The VALVE STATUS No. 1 indicates the current operational status in the Intelligent
Positioner as represented by an eight-bit word. This field contains dynamic data which is updated
automatically by the system with every response message received by the ECB.

Diag Error Health

SSTAT Error Device Busy
Analog Operate

0000 0000
(Bit Position: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0)
Note: 0 = good 1 = bad or subsequent action required
Figure 5-4. Valve Status No. 1

5. System Management Displays B0193VH – Rev F

The explanation of the activity or event associated with the setting of each bit is shown in
Table 5-10:

Table 5-10. Valve Status No. 1 Overview

Hexadecimal Bit
Value Position Set Condition
0 Bits 1, 0 These bits indicate the Intelligent Positioner’s current mode, as
♦ 00 – ON-LINE mode (normal)
1 Bits 1, 0 ♦ 01 – LOCAL mode1 (normal, only PC20 is allowed to
write setpoint)
2 Bits 1, 0 ♦ 10 – CALIBRATE mode (autostart)
3 Bits 1, 0 ♦ 11 – OFF-LINE mode (FAULT, off-line)
4 Bit 2 Indicates there has been an EEPROM burn request, or the
Intelligent Positioner is in an incorrect mode. The current
command issued is valid, but not currently executable.
0 Bits 4, 3 Indicates setpoint health, as follows:
♦ 00 – OK, operation of Intelligent Positioner is normal
8 Bits 4, 3 ♦ 01 – Warning condition, alarm is set but Intelligent
Positioner is still functional
10 Bits 4, 3 ♦ 10 – Error condition, the Intelligent Positioner is
non-functional (this error supersedes all warnings)
18 Bits 4, 3 ♦ 11 – Out of Service. Intelligent Positioner cannot operate the
setpoint because it is in OFF-LINE, LOCAL or CALIBRATE
20 Bit 5 Indicates a Current Diagnostic Error exists.
0 indicates that the current error condition has been corrected.
1 indicates that the current diagnostic error condition is valid and
corrective action must be taken.
Refer to “Diagnostic Error” on page 76 for more information.
40 Bit 6 Indicates an error has occurred that is described in the Secondary
Status. It requests FBM action to correct the error. Refer to
“VALVE STATUS NO. 2” on page 75 to identify the error.
80 Bit 7 A 1 indicates the Intelligent Positioner is running in analog
(600 baud), and a 0 indicates if it is running in digital (4800 baud)
While this bit is set to 1 by default, it should be set to 0.
1. Refer to “Local Mode” on page 83 for more information.

These status errors and their recommended solutions are described in Table 5-16.


The VALVE STATUS NO. 2 indicates the type of error encountered in the Intelligent
Positioner as represented by an eight-bit word. This field contains dynamic data which is updated

B0193VH – Rev F 5. System Management Displays

automatically by the system. The error conditions indicated in this parameter are reflected only as
long as the error remains. Once the underlying fault has been corrected, this parameter indicates
the error is no longer present. Each bit is separate.

Low Alarm High Alarm

HiHi Alarm
LoLo Alarm More Status
Control Difference Fail-safe time out

0000 0000
(Bit Position: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0)
Note: 0 = good 1 = bad or subsequent action required
Figure 5-5. Valve Status No. 2

The explanation of the activity or event associated with the setting of each bit is shown in
Table 5-11:

Table 5-11. Valve Status No. 2 Overview

Hexadecimal Bit
Value Position Set Message Condition
1 Bit 0 Failsafe Timeout Currently in fail-safe time out.
2 Bit 1 Additional Status Indicates an error has occurred that is
described in the Additional Status.
4 Bit 2 - Reserved, previously used to indicate a bad
FoxCom connection.
8 Bit 3 HI Alarm Exceeded Indicates the travel position is above the
high alarm setpoint.
10 Bit 4 LO Alarm Exceeded Indicates the travel position is below the
low alarm setpoint.
20 Bit 5 HI Warng Exceeded Indicates the travel position is above the
high high alarm setpoint.
40 Bit 6 LO Warng Exceeded Indicates the travel position is below the
low low alarm setpoint.
80 Bit 7 Ctrl Dif Out of R Difference between setpoint requested and
current position exceeds the amount
allowed for user-specified time.

These status errors and their recommended solutions are described in Table 5-17.

Diagnostic Error
This is a hexadecimal value for the current error. It is transferred to the ECB74 as two bytes, but is
represented as hexadecimal. The DIAGNOSTIC ERROR parameter indicates the type of diag-
nostic error encountered in the Intelligent Positioner as represented by two eight-bit words. The
second word is presently always null, and is not described in this document. This field contains
dynamic data which is updated automatically by the system. Each bit is separate.

5. System Management Displays B0193VH – Rev F

Bit 5 of VALVE STATUS NO. 1 (Primary Status Byte) indicates whether or not this error has
been resolved.

Out of Range ADC not finished

Current Loop ROM Error
Pot Fail EEPROM Error
Option Brd RAM Error
0000 0000
(Bit Position: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0)
Note: 0 = good 1 = bad or subsequent action required

Figure 5-6. Diagnostic Error Byte

The explanation of the activity or event associated with the setting of each bit is shown in
Table 5-12:

Table 5-12. Diagnostic Error Codes

Hexadecimal Bit Position

Value Set Message Condition
1 Bit 0 RAM Err RAM error
2 Bit 1 EEPROM Chksum Err EEPROM error
4 Bit 2 ROM Checksum Err ROM checksum error
8 Bit 3 ADC conversion ADC will not finish conversion
10 Bit 4 Actuator OOR Actuator out of range
(see “Overview of Intelligent Positioner
Control Loop Wiring” on page 7)
20 Bit 5 Cur loop broken Current loop to the Intelligent
Positioner motor is broken
40 Bit 6 Pot Failure Potentiometer failed
80 Bit 7 Option Brd Error Condition: Option Board Error

These status errors and their recommended solutions are described in detail in Table 5-19 on
page 83.

ECB74 Equipment Information, Page 2

Figure 5-7 illustrates the information available for the Equipment Information display for
ECB74, Page 2.

B0193VH – Rev F 5. System Management Displays

Figure 5-7. Equipment Information Display for ECB74 (Page 2)

The Equipment Information display on Page 2 for an ECB74 contains the fields listed in
Table 5-13:

Table 5-13. Equipment Information for ECB74 (Page 2)

Text Field Description

DIAGNOSTIC An ASCII representation of the DIAGNOSTIC ERROR appears as text.
ERROR Refer to “Diagnostic Error” on page 76 for a list of possible errors.
VALVE STATUS Text detailing current status of valve. Refer to “Valve Status Overlay” on
ERR page 58.
VALVE MODE The Intelligent Positioner status, represented by Bits 0 and 1 of “VALVE
STATUS NO. 1” on page 74. Possible values are: Online (00), Local (01),
Calibrate (10) and Offline (11).
FBM STATUS An ASCII representation of the current FBM status errors appears as text.
ERRORS Refer to Table 5-14 for a list of conditions.

Table 5-14. FBM Status Errors

Hexadecimal Value Bit Position Set Condition

1 Bit 0 Initializing
2 Bit 1 Write

5. System Management Displays B0193VH – Rev F

Table 5-14. FBM Status Errors (Continued)

Hexadecimal Value Bit Position Set Condition

4 Bit 2 Calibrate
8 Bit 3 Fault Active
10 Bit 4 Letterbug error
20 Bit 5 Database
40 Bit 6 Unused
80 Bit 7 Comm Failure

ECB74 Equipment Information, Page 3

Figure 5-8 illustrates the information available for the Equipment Information display for
ECB74, Page 3.

Figure 5-8. Equipment Information Display for ECB74 (Page 3)

The Equipment Information display on Page 3 for an ECB74 contains the following fields:

B0193VH – Rev F 5. System Management Displays

Table 5-15. Equipment Information for ECB74 (Page 3)

Text Field Description

GEO This is a 14-character alphanumeric location. A user-defined geographic
LOCATION location of the device assigned during Integrated Control Configuration.
The location can be changed via the ICC or IFDC. If changed via the ICC
or IFDC, perform a database download from the Equipment Change
display for the selected device.
CHANNEL Channels can be 1 through 8, corresponding to the FBM channel
NUMBER connection used by the selected Intelligent Positioner. This number is not in
the memory of the Intelligent Positioner.
SERVICE This is a 12-character alphanumeric name. A user-specified tag name
DESCRIPTN assigned during Integrated Control Configuration. The tagname can be
changed via the ICC.
HIST DIAG The Historized Diagnostic Error is the last known diagnostic error if the
ERROR diagnostic error is not current. Refer to “Additional Status Bytes” on page 59
for further information.
VALVE This is the revision level of the valve used with the Intelligent Positioner.
MANUFACTURE This is the date (MM-DD-YY) of manufacture. One of the three date
DATE standards, determined during System Configuration, is used:
US (MM-DD-YYYY), ISO (YY-MM-DD), UR or European
DEVICE NAME This is a six-character, alphanumeric, user-defined, device name assigned
during Integrated Control Configuration. The information is downloaded to
the Intelligent Positioner during a download.
VALVE TYPE This indicates the type of valve currently connected to the Intelligent
Positioner. Defined by the VALVTY parameter:
1 = Rotary
3 = Globe
4 = Butterfly
5 = Ball
6 = Diaphragm
FLOW This indicates the type of flow passing through the valve. Defined by the
1 = Linear
2 = Equal Percentage
3 = Quick Open
4 = Custom
ALARMING This indicates whether alarming is Enabled or Inhibited for the device.
STATE When alarming is Inhibited, the System Monitor continues to indicate
overall system and network health (a green SYS BAR) while equipment is
failed or off-line. System Alarm messages are not logged to the system printer,
nor the Historian.

5. System Management Displays B0193VH – Rev F

Status Error Messages

If any problems occur during operation, the Intelligent Positioner reports a status error message in
Equipment Information display Page 2, and the Detail display VLV Status page. Table 5-16
through Table 5-19 on page 83 provide a list of status error messages, their probable causes, and
possible solutions.

Table 5-16. Intelligent Positioner Status Error Messages – Primary Status Fields

Message Explanation Recommended Action

Device Busy Positioner is writing If problem persists, select Test – Go Online from the
EEPROM or is in IFDC. If this does not clear problem, contact
Local. Invensys.
Diagnostic Indicates an active Refer to “Intelligent Positioner Status Error Messages –
Error diagnostic error. Diagnostic Status Fields” on page 83 to determine
problem and corrective action.
Secondary Indicates an error in Refer to “Secondary Status Fields” below to determine
Status Error second status. problem and corrective action.

Table 5-17. Intelligent Positioner Status Error Messages – Secondary Status Fields

Message Explanation Recommended Action

Fail-safe No setpoint command is Re-establish communication (broken wire, I/A Series
Timeout seen in the Timeout period. system off-line, FBM or CP software being loaded).
Additional Indicates an alert exits in See additional status to determine problem and
Status Additional Status. corrective action.
High Alarm Position above High Alarm Monitor situation or correct cause.
Low Alarm Position below Low Alarm Monitor situation or correct cause.
High High Position above High High Correct cause.
Alarm Alarm Setpoint.
Low Low Position below Low Low Correct cause.
Alarm Alarm Setpoint.
Control Difference between setpoint There is too much difference between setpoint and
Diff OOR requested and current position. Check to ensure that there is adequate
position exceeds allowed supply pressure. Verify tuning parameters.
limit for user-specified

B0193VH – Rev F 5. System Management Displays

Table 5-18. Intelligent Positioner Status Error Messages – Additional Status

Message Explanation Recommended Action

Temp. High Temperature above Almost certainly a problem in the Intelligent
allowed limit. Positioner environment. Correct environmental
Temp. Low Temperature below problem.
allowed limit.
Invalid Invalid configuration. Correct configuration, rerun Autostart Calibration
Configuration procedure.
Travel Sum Travel sum has exceeded Conduct scheduled maintenance.
Limit limit configured.
Cycle Count Cycle count has exceeded Conduct scheduled maintenance.
Limit limit configured.
Input Loop 4 to 20 mA output Perform Analog Setpoint Calibration procedure
Trim signal requires tuning. (only valid if running Intelligent Positioner in analog
Feedback Feedback unit requires Perform Angle Calibration procedure.
Trim tuning.
Position High
Position Low
Repeat of Field Device Status entries above.
Position High
Position Low
Diff OOL
Auto Start Autostart was run and did Correct cause, remount Intelligent Positioner on
Failed not complete successfully. valve, and/or change configuration and rerun
Autostart Calibration procedure. Refer to on-line
Help for potential causes.

5. System Management Displays B0193VH – Rev F

Table 5-19. Intelligent Positioner Status Error Messages – Diagnostic Status Fields

Message Explanation Recommended Action

RAM Error writing positioner memory.
EEPROM Error writing positioner EEPROM.
ROM Error writing positioner ROM.
ADC Converter function not controllable. Replace Intelligent Positioner.
Actuator Actuator setpoint does not agree with
OOR position (loss of control).
Current Loop I/P motor does not get required current.
I/P Motor
Potentiometer Inconsistent position readings.

Local Mode
The Intelligent Positioner can be manually calibrated and tested, to a limited degree, through a set
of three buttons located under its protective covering (see Figure 2-4 on page 11). Local mode can
be established by the operation of the Intelligent Positioner’s local keypad, or a request by the
PC20 or IFDC. In local mode, the Intelligent Positioner asks the FBM to stop transmitting while
the manual operation is performed. It rejects the normal setpoint write command used by the
control blocks. However, it accepts the PC20’s order to set the valve setpoint, because the PC20
can manipulate parameters independent of the I/A Series control strategy. This
prevents contention between the FBM43 and the PC20 and provides clear state reporting to the
control blocks.
The Intelligent Positioner automatically reverts to the on-line mode when given the command by
the remote operator, or if it receives no manual input for five minutes. The valve returns to its pre-
vious setpoint (or fail-safe position) when the Intelligent Positioner leaves local mode.
Refer to Intelligent Field Device Configurators: IFDC for use with I/A Series Systems and PC20 for use
with Windows-based PCs (MI 020-495) for instructions on configuring the Intelligent Positioner
in local mode.

B0193VH – Rev F 5. System Management Displays

Appendix A. Device Parameters for
Intelligent Positioner
This appendix describes the complete list of parameters used by the Intelligent Positioner.
The ECB parameters described in Chapter 3 “Configuring Your I/A Series Control Database for
the Intelligent Positioner” determine their values from their corresponding parameters included in
this list. These parameters are configured from the ICC or IFDC.
The complete list of parameters for the Intelligent Positioner are provided below in Table A-1.
The device parameter numbers appear in the fourth column (P#) of each table.

Table A-1. Intelligent Positioner Device-Specific Parameters

Name Description Type P# Units/Range Default

A_SPHI Analog Setpoint High 4R 4B DDD.D mA 20.00
A_SPLO Analog Setpoint Low 4R 4A DDD.D mA 4.00
A_STPT Analog Setpoint 4R 4E DDD.D 0.00
ACTNUM Actuator Serial Number 14C 2E 14 characters “ACT SERIAL NUM”
ADSTAT Additional Status 4B 6A 4 bytes 00000000
ALHYST Alarm Deadband 4R 5D DD.DD% ≤ 5% 1.0
(5% is maximum)
ANLOUT Analog Output (not used for 4R 1F DD.DD mA (not used for (no default)
Intelligent Positioner) Intelligent Positioner)
AUTONT Factory Auto Start Status 1B 6E NO ERROR=0, else err NO ERROR
AUX1 Valve Setting (SV) 4R 1B DDD.D% (no default)
AUX2 Air Supply Pressure 4R 3A DD.DD 0.80
AUX3 Output Pressure 4R 3B DD.DD 0.00
C_INFO Calibration Info 14C 34 14 characters “MESSAGE 5”
CALGOR Control Algorithm (not used for B 17 PID=0, FUZZY=1 PID
Intelligent Positioner) (not used for Intelligent
CALING Upper Input Current Value 4R 4D DD.DD mA 20.00
(define as 20 mA)
CALINZ Lower Input Current Value 4R 4C DD.DD mA 4.00
(define as 4 mA)
CALS1G Calibrate Sens1 Gain 4R A6 --- 1.35
CALS1Z Calibrate Sens1 Zero 4R A5 --- 0.8
CALS2G Calibrate Sens2 Gain 4R A8 --- 3.00
CALS2Z Calibrate Sens2 Zero 4R A7 --- 0.00
CALTMP Calibrate Temperature 4R A4 --- 25.00
CANGLG Calibrate Angle Gain 4R A3 --- 22.00
CANGLZ Calibrate Angle Zero 4R A2 --- -8.00
CCOUNT Cycle Count (write 0 to reset) 4I 42 DDDDDDDD 0
CLIMIT Cycle Limit 4I 43 DDDDDDDD cycles 90000000
CONDIF Control Difference (TV) 4R 1D DD.D% (no default)
CONGAP Control Gap 4R 53 DD.D% 0.2

B0193VH – Rev F Appendix A. Device Parameters for Intelligent Positioner

Table A-1. Intelligent Positioner Device-Specific Parameters (Continued)

Name Description Type P# Units/Range Default

COUTPG Calibrate Output Gain 4R A1 --- 20.00
COUTPZ Calibrate Output Zero 4R A0 --- 4.00
D_DEC Differential Part Decrement (not 4R 25 D.DD 0.00
used for Intelligent Positioner)
D_INC Differential Part Increment 4R 38 D.DD sec 0.00
DEC_LL Min. Decrement 100->0 63% 4R 41 DDD.D ms 6.03
Response Time
DECRAT 63% time if slower than DEC_LL 4R 49 secs, > 0 0.1
DIFLIM Control Diff. Limit 4R 50 DD.D% 5.00
DIFTIM Control Diff. Time 4R 51 milliseconds 60.00
EGUS Prim + Sec EGUs (not used for 12B 35 2x6 characters (not used “EGUNM1”,
Intelligent Positioner) for Intelligent Positioner) “EGUNM2”
FABNUM Fabrication Number 4I 4F DDDDDDDD 0
FAILFB Communication Fail/Fail-safe B 11 DEENERGIZED=0, DEENERGIZE
(FAILSF) configuration; HOLD=1,
(no 1As) meaningless in analog SPECIFIC VAL=2
FAILTM Fail-safe Time out 4R 45 DDD.D secs, 0=OFF OFF
FBPOS Fallback Position 4R 46 DD.DD% 0.00
GEOLOC Geographic Location 14B 67 14 characters “INSTR LOCATION”
HIALRM Position High-High Alarm 4R 58 DDD.D% 110.0
HIWARN Position High Alarm 4R 57 DDD.D% 110.0
I_DEC Integral Part Decrement (Sec) 4R 24 DD.D 10.51
I_INC Integral Part Increment 4R 37 DD.D sec 1.88
INC_LL Min. Increment 0->100 63% 4R 40 DDD.D ms 3.00
Response Time
INCRAT 63% time if slower than INC_LL 4R 48 secs, > 0 0.1
INTEMP Internal Electronics Temperature 4R 20 +/- DDD C degrees (no default)
LINFRQ Line Frequency B 19 50Hz=0, 60Hz=1 60Hz
LOALRM Position Low-Low Alarm 4R 5A DDD.D% -10.0
LOC_EN Local HHT Enable (Not Used) B 27 ENABLE=0, DISABLE=1 ENABLE
LOWARN Position Low Alarm 4R 59 DDD.D% -10.0
LRL4 Supply Pressure Scaling Low 4R 3C DD.DD in P#60 units 0.00
LRL5 Output Pressure Scaling Low 4R 3E DD.DD in P#60 units 0.00
M_INFO Maintenance Info 14C 33 14 characters “MESSAGE 4”
MAXPOS Position Upper Limit 4R 5C DD.DD% 100.0
MINPOS Position Lower Limit 4R 5B DD.DD% -10.0
MSG1 Message 1 14C 30 14 characters “MESSAGE 1”
MSG2 Message 2 14C 31 14 characters “MESSAGE 2”
MSG3 Message 3 14C 32 14 characters “MESSAGE 3”
NUMPTS Number of Characterizers B 56 0 to 22 2

Appendix A. Device Parameters for Intelligent Positioner B0193VH – Rev F

Table A-1. Intelligent Positioner Device-Specific Parameters (Continued)

Name Description Type P# Units/Range Default

OPTION Device Options B 6F +1 w Feedback Analog 0
+2 Internal Sens1,
+10 External,
+4 Internal Sens2,
+20 External
P_DEC Linear Part Decrement (-gain) 4R 23 D.DD 1.57
P_INC Linear Part Increment (+gain) 4R 36 D.DD 0.13
POSITN Valve Position (PV) 4R 1A DDD.D% (no default)
POSLIN Mounting Compensation B 2B Linear=3, Linear
POSUNT Travel Position EGUs B 10 MM=31, IN=2F, DEG=F2 DEGREES
RAWCFG Restore Factory Settings B 65 RESTORE=4 4
RESET Reset 0B 66 --- any
RSTAT Reset Status 0B 64 --- any
SCHYST Hysteresis of seal close; 4R 55 DD.DD% 0.50
(cutoff + hyst to reopen)
SCSPAN Travel between closing stop and 4R 54 DD.DD% 0.00
begin of throughput; “cutoff”
SEN1UN Air Supply Pressure Units B 60 PSIg=6, kPa=7, Bar=12 PSIg
SEN2UN Output Pressure Units B 61 PSIg=6, kPa=7, Bar=12 PSIg
SERNUM Instrument Serial Number; 14C 2D 14 characters “INSTR SER NUM”
model code
SETPNT Digital Setpoint 4R 1C DDD.D% (no default)
SETSRC Valve Setpoint Source B 0F DIGITAL=2, Digital
(can fry box if miswired) ANALOG=3
SIM_EN Simulation Enable B 28 ENABLE=1, DISABLE=0 DISABLE
SIMVAL Simulation Value 4R 52 DDD.D% 0.00
SPRING Valve Spring Action, B 14 CLOSES=1, OPENS=2, CLOSES
only valid if SINGLE NO SPRING=0
SUMBND Travel Sum Deadband 4R 44 DD.D% 1.00
SUMLIM Travel Sum Limit 4I 47 DDDDDDDD cycles 90000000
TAGNAM Tag Name 14B 68 14 characters “OWNER TAG
TEMPMN Electronics Temperature Lower 4R 5E DDDD -4.0
Limit (C)
TEMPMX Electronics Temperature Upper 4R 5F DDDD 176.0
Limit (C)
TEMPUN Electronic Temperature Units B 2C CELSIUS=32, FAHRENHEIT
TRSPAN Stroke 4R 39 DD.D default?, 57.06?
TRVPOS Travel Position Units (QV) 4R 1E DDD.D/DD.DD (no default)
TRVSUM Travel Sum Value 4I 21 DDDDDDDD (no default)
URL4 Supply Pressure Scaling High 4R 3D DD.DD 0.00
URL5 Output Pressure Scaling High 4R 3F DD.DD 0.00
VALNUM Valve Serial Number 14C 2F 14 characters “VALVE SER NUM”
VALVAC Type of pneumatic actuator B 13 SINGLE=1, DOUBLE=2 SINGLE
action in # directions

B0193VH – Rev F Appendix A. Device Parameters for Intelligent Positioner

Table A-1. Intelligent Positioner Device-Specific Parameters (Continued)

Name Description Type P# Units/Range Default

VFLOW Valve Characterization B 16 LINEAR=0, EQUAL%=1, LINEAR
W_PROT Write Protect B 29 ENABLE=1, DISABLE
X0_VAL X0 Value (flow) 4R 70 DDD.D 0
X1_VAL X1 Value 4R 72 DDD.D 100.0
X2_VAL X2 Value 4R 74 DDD.D 0
X20VAL X20 Value 4R 98 DDD.D 0
X21VAL X21 Value 4R 9A DDD.D 0
Y0_VAL Y0 Value (position) 4R 71 DDD.D 0
Y1_VAL Y1 Value 4R 73 DDD.D 100.0
Y2_VAL Y2 Value 4R 75 DDD.D 0
Y20VAL Y20 Value 4R 99 DDD.D 0
Y21VAL Y21 Value 4R 9B DDD.D 0
ZERCON Control Action B 15 SET+ OPENS=0 DIRECT
(“air to flow”) (Direct),

The “Characterization” portions specify your defined valve characterization. This allows the val-
ues of the setpoint to pressure parameters to be displayed as a series of straight line segments over
the operating range in the ECB faceplates in the Process displays (see Figure 4-4 on page 49 and
Figure 4-6 on page 52). Typically, this never involves more than eight characterization points,
although 22 are provided.
The number of characterizers is the number of valid pairs of values (n) written to the Intelligent
Positioner. The values must be written to the Intelligent Positioner, in the order; X0-Value,
Y0-Value, X1-Value, Y1-Value until Xn-1, Yn-1. Disruptions to this writing sequence by any
other write command is not allowed. Disruptions by read commands are allowed.
The characterization must be monotone increasing, that is, Xn+1 ≥ Xn and Yn+1 ≥ Yn.
Characterization is performed via the AOUT block. Refer to “AOUT Blocks” on page 43 for
more information on configuring this block.

Parameter Definitions
A_SPHI This parameter is the Analog Setpoint High.

A_SPLO This parameter is the Analog Setpoint Low.

A_STPT This parameter is the Analog Setpoint.

Appendix A. Device Parameters for Intelligent Positioner B0193VH – Rev F

ACTNUM This parameter is the Actuator Serial Number.

ADSTAT This parameter is the Additional Status.

ALHYST This parameter is the Alarm Deadband.

ANLOUT This parameter is the Analog Output (not used for Intelligent Positioner).

AUTONT This parameter is the Factory Auto Start Status.

AUX1 Auxiliary Measurement #1 is a measurement that indicates optional sen-

sors that vary with positioner type. For the Intelligent Positioner, AUX1 is
the stem position setpoint after any characterization is applied by configu-
ration to the Intelligent Positioner. It is a non-configurable, non-settable,
connectable real.

AUX2 Auxiliary Measurement #2 is a measurement that indicates optional sen-

sors that vary with positioner type. For the Intelligent Positioner, this field
represents the current value of Sensor 1, usually air supply pressure. It is a
non-configurable, non-settable, connectable real.

AUX3 Auxiliary Measurement #3 is a measurement that indicates optional sen-

sors that vary with positioner type. For the Intelligent Positioner, this field
represents the current value of Sensor 2, usually output pressure. It is a
non-configurable, non-settable, connectable real.

C_INFO This parameter provides the Calibration Information, initial, and date of
last calibration.

CALGOR This parameter is the Control Algorithm (not used for Intelligent

CALING This parameter is the Upper Input Current Value (define as 20 mA).

CALINZ This parameter is the Lower Input Current Value (define as 4 mA).

CALS1G This parameter is the Calibrate Sens1 Gain.

CALS1Z This parameter is the Calibrate Sens1 Zero.

CALS2G This parameter is the Calibrate Sens2 Gain.

CALS2Z This parameter is the Calibrate Sens2 Zero.

CALTMP This parameter is the Calibrate Temperature.

CANGLG This parameter is the Calibrate Angle Gain.

CANGLZ This parameter is the Calibrate Angle Zero.

CCOUNT Cycle Count is a measurement that tallies the number of valve direction
changes (open/close). These changes must exceed a certain gap value (the
Cycle Limit, see below) to be included in the Cycle Count. It is a non-

B0193VH – Rev F Appendix A. Device Parameters for Intelligent Positioner

configurable, non-settable, non-connectable long integer. (It is writable to

zero, to reset the count.)

CLIMIT Cycle Limit is a value that contains the number of cycles (qualifying
motions occurring in either direction) necessary to trigger an alarm condi-
tion. When the Cycle Count equals or exceeds this number, an alarm bit is
raised in the Intelligent Positioner additional status (refer to “Additional
Status Bytes” on page 59). It is a non-configurable, non-settable, non-con-
nectable long integer.

CONDIF Control Difference is a measurement that indicates the difference between

the valve’s setpoint and position, and is actually calculated in the control
processor. For an Intelligent Positioner, it is the difference between the
AUX1 (Stem Setpoint) and POSITN measurements.

CONGAP This parameter is the Control Gap.

COUTPG This parameter is the Calibrate Output Gain.

COUTPZ This parameter is the Calibrate Output Zero.

D_DEC This parameter is the Differential Part Decrement (not used for
Intelligent Positioner).

D_INC This parameter is the Differential Part Increment.

DEC_LL This parameter indicates the Minimum Increment (0->100 63%

Response Time).

DECRAT This parameter indicates that the Minimum Increment has a 63% time if
slower than DEC_LL.

DIFLIM This parameter is the Control Differential Limit.

DIFTIM This parameter is the Control Differential Time.

EGUS This parameter is the Prim + Sec EGUs (not used for
Intelligent Positioner).

FABNUM This parameter is the Fabrication Number.

FAILFB (FAILSF) Fail-safe mode indicates whether the valve utilizes its fail-safe capabilities
when it enters a fail-safe state. It is a non-configurable, non-settable, non-
connectable short integer.
0 = De-energize valve
1 = Hold
2 = Use user-defined fallback position

FAILTM Fail-safe watchdog timer indicates how long, in seconds, the Intelligent
Positioner waits before entering a fail-safe state. Zero indicates that it will

Appendix A. Device Parameters for Intelligent Positioner B0193VH – Rev F

never “time-out” and enter this fail-safe state. It is a non-

configurable, non-settable, non-connectable real.

FBPOS Fail-safe Fallback Position is the position to which the valve moves when it
is in fail-safe operation and the fallback option has been set to use the fall-
back position. The units are position in #%. It is a non-configurable, non-
settable, non-connectable real.

GEOLOC Geographic Location is a non-connectable, non-settable 14-character

identifier for ECB74 that describes the location of the Intelligent Posi-
tioner device. The ICC can display and/or reconfigure this Intelligent
Positioner parameter.

HIALRM High-High Alarm indicates that the valve position exceeds this parameter;
the high alarm status bit in the secondary device status is set. It is a non-
configurable, non-settable, non-connectable real.

HIWARN High Alarm indicates that the valve position exceeds this parameter; the
Hi Warning status bit in the secondary device status is set. It is a non-con-
figurable, non-settable, non-connectable real.

I_DEC This parameter is the Integral Part Decrement (in seconds).

I_INC This parameter is the Integral Part Increment (in seconds).

INC_LL This parameter indicates the Minimum Increment 0 -> 100

63% Response Time.

INCRAT This parameter indicates that the Minimum Increment has a 63% time if
slower than INC_LL.

INSTRU This parameter indicates the Instrument mode.

INTEMP Internal Temperature is the internal electronics temperature of the valve in

degrees Celsius. It is a non-configurable, non-settable, and non-connect-
able real.

LINFRQ This parameter is the Line Frequency.

LOALRM Low-Low Alarm indicates that the valve position exceeds this parameter,
the low alarm status bit in the secondary device status is set. It is a non-
configurable, non-settable, non-connectable real.

LOC_EN This parameter indicates if the Local HHT enable mode is selected. The
Hand-Held Terminal (HHT) does not support the Intelligent Positioner,
and does not function properly if connected to the unit.

LOWARN Low Alarm indicates that the valve position exceeds this parameter, the
low warning status bit in the secondary device status is set. It is a non-con-
figurable, non-settable, non-connectable real.

LRL4 Lower Range Limit 4 is the supply pressure scaling low limit for MEAS4.

B0193VH – Rev F Appendix A. Device Parameters for Intelligent Positioner

LRL5 Lower Range Limit 5 is the output pressure scaling low limit for MEAS5.

M_INFO Maintenance information provides the initials and date of the last mainte-
nance inspection for the Intelligent Positioner.

MAXPOS This parameter is the Position Upper Limit.

MINPOS This parameter is the Position Lower Limit.

MSG1...MSG3 Messages 1 through 3 are simply lines where you can add text. They are
designed to be used as a scratch pad.

NUMPTS This parameter indicates the number of characterizers.

OPTION This parameter indicates the device options.

P_DEC This parameter indicates the linear part decrement (-gain).

P_INC This parameter indicates the linear part increment (+gain).

POSITN Valve Position Measurement is the valve’s position that is normally mea-
sured as percent full scale. It is a non-configurable, non-settable, connect-
able real (default: -10.0 to 110.0%).

POSLIN This parameter is the mounting compensation of the valve. This byte field
is either 3 (linear) or 2 (tangential/rotary). It is a non-configurable, non-
settable, non-connectable short integer.

POSUNT This parameter is the travel position EGUs.

POWRUP Power Up Action controls how the valve behaves when power is applied:
1 = On-line
2 = Fail-safe
This parameter is a non-configurable, non-settable, non-connectable short

RAWCFG This parameter indicates you wish to restore factory settings.

RESET This parameter indicates that the positioner has been Reset.

RSTAT This parameter is the Reset Status.

SCHYST This parameter indicates the Hysteresis of seal close (cutoff + hyst to

SCSPAN This parameter records the travel length between the closing stop and the
begin of throughput for the positioner and valve. It is also known as the
“cutoff ”.

Appendix A. Device Parameters for Intelligent Positioner B0193VH – Rev F

SEN1UN Sensor #1 Units indicates the units of measure for Sensor #1 (AUX2):
6 = PSIg
7 = kPa
12 = Bar
It is a non-configurable, non-settable, non-connectable short integer.

SEN2UN Sensor #2 Units indicates the units of measure for Sensor #2 (AUX3):
6 = PSIg
7 = kPa
12 = Bar
It is a non-configurable, non-settable, non-connectable short integer.

SERNUM This parameter is the Instrument Serial Number.

SETPNT Setpoint Measurement is a readback of the setpoint value that the valve is
currently using. It is a non-configurable, non-settable, connectable real
(default: 0.0 to 100.0%).

SETSRC This parameter is the Valve Setpoint Source.

SIM_EN This parameter is the Simulation Enable.

SIMVAL This parameter is the Simulation Value.

SPRING Spring Type is a byte field that specifies whether the spring opens (1), or
closes (2) the valve, or whether there is no spring at all (0). Only valid if
VALVAC parameter is single. This parameter is a non-configurable, non-
settable, non-connectable short integer.

SUMBND This parameter is the Travel Sum Deadband.

SUMLIM Travel Sum Limit is a field that specifies the limit of how far the valve can
travel in its openings and closings. If the value is exceeded, an alarm con-
dition is raised in the Intelligent Positioner’s additional status area. It is a
non-configurable, non-settable, non-connectable long integer.

TAGNAM Tag Name is a non-connectable, non-settable, arbitrary 14-character text

that describes the Intelligent Positioner associated with this configured
channel of an ECB74. The ICC can display and/or reconfigure this Intel-
ligent Positioner parameter.

TEMPMN This parameter is the Electronics Temperature Lower Limit.

TEMPMX This parameter is the Electronics Temperature Upper Limit.

B0193VH – Rev F Appendix A. Device Parameters for Intelligent Positioner

TEMPUN Temperature Units is a byte field that specifies whether Celsius or Fahren-
heit degrees are used for the internal temperature sensor. It does not effect
internal temperature reports. It is a non-configurable, non-settable, non-
connectable short integer.
32 = Celsius
33 = Fahrenheit

TRSPAN This is the stroke parameter, which indicates how far a value travels from
0% to 100%. It can be measured in degrees, inches, or millimeters.

TRVPOS This parameter is the Travel Position units (QV).

TRVSUM Travel Sum is a four-byte integer field that contains the actual summarized
travel value in full strokes for the packing travel. Each change in the pack-
ing travel must exceed a deadband value in order to be counted in this
parameter, so as not to take jitter movement in account. Travel Sum is a
non-configurable, non-settable, non-connectable long integer. (It is reset-
table by a write of zero.)

URL4 This parameter is the Supply Pressure Scaling High.

URL5 This parameter is the Output Pressure Scaling High.

VALNUM This parameter is the Valve Serial Number.

VALVAC Actuator Action specifies whether the actuator acts in one or two
1 = Single acting
2 = Double acting
It is a non-configurable, non-settable, non-connectable short integer.
Refer to “Intelligent Positioner” on page 3 and “Hardware Installation” on
page 7 for additional information.

VALVTY Valve Type specifies whether the Intelligent Positioner is designed to work
with various types of valves. This parameter indicates the type of valve cur-
rently connected to the Intelligent Positioner:
1 = Rotary
3 = Globe
4 = Butterfly
5 = Ball
6 = Diaphragm
It is a non-configurable, non-settable, non-connectable short integer.

Appendix A. Device Parameters for Intelligent Positioner B0193VH – Rev F

VFLOW Flow Characterization is the valve’s flow characteristic. It is a non-config-

urable, non-settable, non-connectable short integer.
1 = Linear
2 = Equal Percentage
3 = Quick Open
4 = Custom

W_PROT This parameter is the Write Protect.

This parameter is the Xnum Value (flow).

This parameter is the Ynum Value (position).

ZERCON Control Action indicates how the valve acts as an increasing setpoint sig-
nal is applied:
0 = Set +; Opens (Direct Acting)
1 = Set +; Closes (Reverse Acting)
It is a non-configurable, non-settable, non-connectable short integer.

B0193VH – Rev F Appendix A. Device Parameters for Intelligent Positioner

Appendix B. Wire Diameter Size
This appendix provides a convenient table for converting Intelligent Field Device wire
diameter sizes between AWG and mm2 forms of measurement.
When selecting wire to use between Intelligent Field Devices and their respective FBMs and bar-
riers, you must specify the diameter size of this wiring. Table B-1 lists the two standards used to
designate wire diameter size (AWG and mm2), and provides a list of conversions for the most
common wire diameter sizes.

Table B-1. Wire Diameter Size Conversion Table

AWG Diameter (mm2)

4 25.00
6 16.00
8 10.00
10 6.0
12 4.0
14 2.5
16 1.50
18 1.00
20 0.75
22 0.50
24 0.22

B0193VH – Rev F Appendix B. Wire Diameter Size Conversion

Abbreviations xii
Actuators and valves 7
Adding alarms for ECB74 41
AIN block 2
configuring 42
Alarming in compound 41
AOUT block 2, 16, 17, 41, 43, 88
configuring 43, 88

MTL 4048 and MTL 787S+ 9
Baud rates for Intelligent field devices used with FBM43 4
configuring 42
AOUT 2, 16, 17, 41
configuring 43, 88
MEALM (measurement alarm) 41
PID 2, 43
REALM (real alarm) 41
Block displays
accessing 46
ECB73 48
ECB74 51
soft keys 45

Cable Balun module 5
installation 15
Characterization for Intelligent Positioner 18, 31, 39, 40, 42, 43, 88
Child ECB 1, 19
ECB18 1
Connection via software (SysDef) 16
Control processors 1, 3
Control software (ECB73, ECB74, and FBM43 software) 1

Database, generation for positioner ECBs 18
Diagnostic error codes 73, 75, 76
Direct connect wires 4
Display actions, equipment information 63

B0193VH – Rev F Index

ECB block configuration 19
ECB18 1
ECB73 1, 17, 18, 19
block displays 48
configuring database 21
equipment information displays 63, 64
parameters 21
sample configuration 26
ECB74 1, 17, 19
adding alarms 41
block displays 51
configuring database 27
equipment information displays 71
parameters 28
putting on-line 40
sample configuration 39
Equipment information displays
accessing 63
actions 63
ECB73 64
ECB74 71

FBM43 2, 4
Cable Balun module 5
hazardous environment 9
installation 13
supplying power to positioner 11
system definition 16
invoking 46

Generating database for positioner ECBs 18

Hardware installation 7
Cable Balun 15
FBM43 13
supplying power to positioner 11
Intelligent Positioner 10
power 11
system wiring 7

Index B0193VH – Rev F

ICC 1, 3, 17
accessing 19
IFDC 1, 3
hardware 7
software 16
Integrated Control Configurator 1, 3, 17
accessing 19
Intelligent Field Device Configurator
Technician’s Workbench 1, 3
Intelligent Positioner 1
baud rate (4800) 4
installation 10
overview 3
parameters 85
power 11
status error messages 81
valves and actuators 7
Intelligent Transmitter 1, 5, 16, 26
baud rates 4
Intelligent Transmitter Interface Module 2, 4
Cable Balun module 5
hazardous environment 9
installation 13
supplying power to positioner 11
iom software 16
iom73 operating system (for FBM43) 16
IOMOPT parameter 42, 43
IT 1, 5, 16, 26

Local mode 3, 11, 75, 83

MEALM (measurement alarm) block 41
MTL 4048 9
MTL 787S+ 9

ECB73 21
ECB74 28
Intelligent Positioner 85
IOMOPT 42, 43
SCO 43
Parent ECB 1, 18, 19
PC10 modem 9

B0193VH – Rev F Index

PC20 1, 3, 9, 83
PID block 2, 17, 43
Power to Intelligent Positioner 11

REALM (real alarm) block 41

SCO parameter 43
Site planning
power to Intelligent Positioner 11
system wiring 7
Soft keys 45
Software, connection and installation 16
Status bytes
additional 59, 76
FBM channel 73
primary 73, 74, 77
secondary 73, 75
Status Error messages 81
Summary of recommendations and guidelines 44
System definition 16
System Management Display Handler 45
System wiring 7

Technician’s Workbench, IFDC 1, 3
Transmitter, Intelligent 5

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