Volume2 Issue22 Irregular Magazine
Volume2 Issue22 Irregular Magazine
Volume2 Issue22 Irregular Magazine
4 Editorial
A round up of the latest happenings in the gaming world
5 News
A round up of the latest happenings in the gaming world
11 Ed’s Challenge
Our editor continues painting his grey army.
13 Easy steps in to Historical Gaming
A quick look getiing into historicals for the first time
18 Realms of Ruin
A look at the expansion book for The One Ring RPG
25 Outdoor Games
23 Some outdoor fun
27 Sci-Fi Misions
New book from John Lambshead
37 Z-Unit
A book review
The world is still topsy turvy, rising inflation and rising prices, but that
shouldn’t stop us from getting some hobby done. So what plans do
I have for 2023, well several. Most are army projects, that includes
a 15mm barbarian force for old school Warhammer Fantasy, two
warbands (Celts & Greeks) for Saga Age of Hannibal, US Marines for
Vietnam War in 20mm and finally a 10mm fantasy army though not
sure which faction yet.
In this issue we take a look at some of the easy ways into historical
gaming that are avaliable in the market place. In the past there
weren’t any easy options in to the world of historical gaming, which
meant many hobbyists found it a little daunting. Now there are plenty
of ways to get started in the hobby that makes life a little easier.
We also investigate some of the free zines that are freely avaliable
ou there on the internet. So if you’re looking for additional reading
material then we have some possible options for you.
Song of Shadows and Dust is a rule set for gang warfare in the ancient
world. This can pretty much be played in all historical periods from
the ancient world right uo to the medieval period, anywhere in the
world. So you play in the samurai period, medieval London, ancient
Rome or Tang Dynasty China. Theese are based on the popular Song
of Blades and Heroes rules.
There are also plenty of book reviews, news and a look at the new
Female Cannon Fodder plastic miniatures from Wargames Atlantic.
We’ll see you in 2023, habe a great Christmas and New Year
NEWS Winter 2022
Army Painter Club Bundle
Perfect for any hobby night The bundle includes the following:
The thrilling origin story of The Army Painter involves 1x Wargamers Complete Paint Set (124 paints)
generous amounts of wargaming, brush-licking and coffee 1x Speedpaint Mega Set (24 paints)
vapours. As a company we have always strived to be aware 1x Wet Palette
of our roots, and we have prided ourselves in supporting 1x DipIt’s Mystery Bag
wargaming communities worldwide, sponsoring tourna- Including a painting guide and 6 Wargamer brushes for
ments and competitions globally for at least 10 years. FREE.
On the occasion of our 15th birthday this year we want The bundle was created with the Game Clubs in mind;
to pay a little bit of extra attention to all the passionate however, the offer is of course also available for avid single
wargaming clubs around the globe (often with somewhat painters, The cost is $399 / €360 – Basically, you’re only
meagre budgets). We have assembled this special bundle paying for the Complete Paint Set, saving up to 33%. What
with a substantial discount to allow you to stock your club a deal!
with a comprehensive selection of paints, as well as our
Wet Palette, and a cheeky little gift, chosen by Dipit, our in- Note: The bundle deal is only available till the end of De-
house paint-tasting gnome. cember 2022
The latest release for the award-winning tabletop horror What Critics Are Saying
game, Call of Cthulhu, releases worldwide today, and will
allow players to expand their game to the Regency-era “If you’re seeking the thin whisper of air between two
of England, made famous by the novels of Jane Austen. hovering hands in an open ballroom but aren’t afraid
REGENCY CTHULHU includes new rules for creating to find a writhing tentacle reaching out for you instead,
Regency-era Investigators, along with new skills and oc- Regency Cthulhu is for you.”
cupations unique to this slice of history. - OnePaigeRPG
The book also introduces a brand new mechanic to Call “[...]the world of strict etiquette, teas and reputation as
of Cthulhu: Reputation. Much like Sanity and Luck, Repu- top currency as an interesting, refreshing experience.”
tation is a fluctuating statistic that measures a character’s - Adam Waskiewicz, Polter.Pl
standing amongst others in high society, and will rise
and fall during play. “Sleep, or repose that deserved the name of sleep, was
out of question. That… in which her disturbed imagina-
A detailed primer on the fictional English town of Tar- tion had tormented her on her first arrival, was again the
ryford gives a beginning Keeper everything they need to scene of agitated spirits and unquiet slumbers.”
use the town as a setting for their Call of Cthulhu games - Jane Austen
in both 1813 and 1913.
• A Dance of Death: Travel to the green vales of Will you uncover what’s behind it all – and live to tell
Dalarna in the idyllic springtime to investigate strange the tale? Written by Tomas Härenstam.
events in a remote village and solve a deadly mystery.
Written by Gabrielle de Bourg. • The Devil on the Moor: Journey west to the
windswept autumnal moors of Grimsted Lyng and
• Fireheart: Religious fervour runs high in rural investigate a tale of terror where modernity is pitted
Småland as the hottest summer in living memory against the old ways. Written by Andreas Marklund.
triggers massive forest fires, crop failure, widespread
poverty, and a mass exodus to America. • A Winter’s Tale: Cross the Baltic Sea and brave
the snow-covered forests of Ingria, where an unknown
being stalks the night beneath glittering stars. Written
by Kiku Pukk Härenstam.
Do you dream feverish dreams about a nano-infested Besides an introductory scenario, the 160-page core
future where cybernetic misfits are raging against a re- book is packed with tables to generate near-endless
lentless corporate hell? Now those dreams are within play, including missions, NPCs, locations, corporations
your reach. and cults.
Free League Publishing and Stockholm Kartell today The game uses an updated version of the original
officially released the MÖRK BORG cyberpunk spinoff MÖRK BORG rules, keeping the featherlight openness
tabletop RPG CY_BORG. and simplicity while adding elements like autofire, cy-
bertech and hacking. The six optional classes include
CY_BORG is a game about climate collapse, out-of- the Shunned Nanomancer, the Burned Hacker and the
control consumerism, the commodification of per- Renegade Cyberslasher.
sonal data, late-stage capitalism, transhumanism and
senseless violence. A fever-dream of tech, punk and CY_BORG is compatible with multi-award-winning
fury. Of fighting a failed future. A deck-hacking, brick- apocalyptic heavy metal RPG MÖRK BORG. Rules-light,
throwing upheaval of a game. rage-heavy. Similar in tone and approach to game and
book design but enhanced and augmented. Includes
The game casts the players as cybernetic punks and an introductory scenario and ≈60 random tables
misfits raging against a relentless corporate system, for your every cyberpunk need. Written by Christian
corrupt police forces, and alien/nano-worshipping Sahlén, a veteran of the Swedish OSR scene, with art
cults. The setting is the dystopian metropolis Cy, the and graphic design by Johan Nohr (MÖRK BORG, Into
only city that matters. the Odd Remastered).
New York, NY (November 17, 2022) – As the ground- “The Walking Dead has always been about characters –
breaking TV series The Walking Dead comes to its and audiences, by extension – facing impossible life and
climactic conclusion, AMC Networks today announced death choices,” says Gimple. “Now, fans can face these
a long-term alliance with Free League Publishing and choices head on, putting themselves in the world of the
Genuine Entertainment to continue expanding The Walking Dead – at any time in the timeline, encounter-
Walking Dead Universe with The Walking Dead Universe ing familiar faces and places and brand-new ones and,
Roleplaying Game, an official tabletop roleplaying game. within our apocalypse, making the biggest choice: Who
The Walking Dead Universe Roleplaying Game will debut are you going to be? We’ve seen a lot of stories in the
on Kickstarter in Spring 2023, offering early access to the Walking Dead Universe, now it’s time to see yours.”
Core Rulebook, a Starter Set, and other premium acces-
sories and limited-run exclusives long before its Fall 2023
retail release. For more news and previews, visit thewalk-
A lot of people have asked where I start when it comes Companies like Warlord Games have made historical
to historical gaming, are there any easy options to get gaming much easier to jump into and they’re not the
involved in that side of the hobby. The short answer is yes only company to do so. So, we’re to go through some
there are literally a plethora of options these days. When of the options across the historical periods that’s cur-
I first started years ago those options weren’t available, rently available on the market.
you basically picked a period in history you liked, then
found a set of rules you were happy with before finally So, let’s start in the ancient period, this is quite a
finding suitable miniatures at the scale you wanted. popular section of historical gaming with gamers and
That might sound easy but back when I started finding covers a huge chunk of world history. This gaming
rules and miniatures wasn’t easy, not like today, going period covers pretty much everything up to roughly
down the route of fantasy or Sci-fi was far easier through the Dark Ages.
Games Workshop.
The 18th and 19th Century really only sees two major
wars covered in an easy to jump in option. These are
basically the Napoleonic War and the American Civil
War. There are other conflicts and wars during this
time period but they’re not very easy to jump into,
though Warlord does provide a jump in point for the
Zulu War. Warlord Games has a rule system for this
period, and they provide starter armies/starter sets
in two scales 28mm and 15mm. They predominantly
cover both the Napoleonic Wars and ACW, though
they do have starter armies for the American War of
Independence in 28mm.
Firelock Games produces a skirmish game set in the They also have a naval conflict game set in this period
Golden Age of piracy called Blood and Plunder which of history called Black Seas, this will allow you to rule
starts at the end of the 17th Century. The starter box the seas blasting your cannons to destroy the oppos-
which is themed around Blackbeard’s last battle with ing armies’ ships. If you fancy the idea of recreating
Royal Navy Lieutenant Robert Maynard. Pirates vs. Trafalgar, then this is the rule set for you.
the Royal Navy, classic Blood & Plunder action! This
set comes with two sloops (ships) and crew at 28mm
along with all the rules and counters required to start
playing the game. If you don’t fancy playing pirates in
28mm scale they also produce a naval battle game of
ship-to-ship combat called Oak and Iron, the starter
set comes with 6 ships along with everything else
needed to play out your first naval battles at the end
of the 17th and into the early 18th century.
Long to explore the lone lands of Eriador? Ruins of the Ruins of the Lost Realm is the first expansion for the
Lost Realm is the first expansion for the award-winning award-winning second edition of The One Ring RPG
second edition of The One Ring™ RPG based on the works based on the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. In the westlands
of J.R.R. Tolkien. of Eriador, between the Misty Mountains and the
Mountains of Lune, the Hobbits found both Men and
TTHOSE WHO ARE ABOUT TO DIE…HATE YOU. This box set includes enough parts to build 24 hard
plastic troops with standard rifles and plasma weap-
These are the dregs of the Death Fields sport: the ons along with grenades, backpacks, and other ac-
washouts, the mental cases, the warriors who just cessories to customize your force. Five different head
can’t cut it or the teams whose strategy, training, or types allow for very different looks for your team.
cunning have fallen behind new, younger franchises…
These are also the one final chance for an owner to
The main rules they offer are Grim Dark Future (Sci-Fi)
and Age of Fantasy both are which can be described
as mass combat rules. There are squad-based skirmish
versions of both similar to Kill Team or Warcry. They all
play in the same style as GW games, you go and the I go.
The rules are points based in the same way as most war
The rules are simple but effective, for instance tanks can
be pinged down by small arms fire eventually which
means infantry aren’t useless against vehicles.
Why, play these rules over others say, 40K. Well, you may
be disenchanted with the rules you’re currently playing.
Then switching to these rules might be an idea, they’re
faster, quicker to learn, free and games are faster.
They’ve also been developing rules for various armies/
factions which means most armies from GW or King of You can use any miniatures on the market with these
War can be transferred across. These are basically minia- rules, which is an advantage, you’re not restricted to
ture agnostic rules which are very fast and easy to learn, minis from one company. These are definitely some rules
with alternative activations that keep players occupied. you should try out, especially as they’re free and we’re
living in difficult financial times, and things don’t look
like they’re going to improve any time soon.
SpikeBrite ring that you attach to the round net, and two
rechargeable luminous balls. The batteries for the lumi-
nous balls last a good two hours and can be recharged
using a micro-USB cable. The SpikeBrite set comes with a
handy bag and assembly instructions.
You play Spikeball as a doubles game, with each pair
starting on opposite sides of the mini trampoline.
The rules a quite easy to learn and play really fast, this
means you can easily fit a couple of games into an even-
The game is set in the ancient world, but you could drop
the game into the medieval period, especially as coun-
tries in Europe saw a lot of civil unrest. In fact, there were
several uprisings and rebellions in Britain during the me-
dieval period. You could quite easily use these rules for
small early engagements in an uprising before switching
to another set of rules when the rebellion has grown to
larger battles/skirmishes.
For the price this is definitely a set of rules that are worth
picking up, and you could easily drop these rules into
any pre-gun powder period, anywhere in the world.
There is a lot of scope to play simple gang vs gang sce-
narios, right through civil uprisings.
This period of the war saw many new tanks enter the field
of battle, many being much larger than previous vehicles.
They were much more powerful but limited in numbers.
I came across this website whilst searching for Role- Adventure Chronicle is a quarterly magazine that
master Material, it’s a magazine dedicated to role play- features interviews, reviews, and content compatible
ing in Tolkien’s Middle Earth. Other Minds magazine with 5th Edition and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.
looks at a variety of subjects related to gaming in Mid-
dle Earth, the articles are very well written, and a great Issue #3 features additional Starfinder Roleplaying
source for those gaming or considering a campaign or Game content, a host of Halloween-themed articles
two in Middle Earth. for both sci-fi and fantasy genres, three adventures,
an introduction to adventure writing, the Arcanaium
The purpose of this publication is to provide Tolkien- design contest, an interview with former Paizo staffer
related content of interest to Tolkien enthusiasts of James Sutter, and so much more!
all kinds and more specifically, information usable by
those who love to use role playing games to enjoy the https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/225095/
many facets of J.R.R. Tolkien’s imaginary universe Adventure-Chronicle-3?cPath=8538_25116