airlow المعادله
airlow المعادله
airlow المعادله
1) A pressure type altimeter when set to QFE altimeter setting will indicate
a) Altitude
b) Height above the QFE reference datum
c) Flight levels
2) A pressure altimeter when set to QNH altimeter setting will indicate
a) Flight levels
b) Height above the QFE reference datum
c) Altitude
3) A pressure type altimeter when set to a pressure of 1013.2 (HPS)may be used to indicate
a) Flight levels
b) Altitude
c) Height above the QFE reference datum
4) ATS airspaces are classified as
a) Class A to F
b) Class A to G
c) Class A,B,C,D
5) Advisory airspace, an airspace of defined dimensions or designated route, within which
a) Air traffic advisory service and air traffic control service are available
b) Air traffic advisory service is available
c) Flight information service is available
6) “Air traffic advisory service” is a service provided within advisory airspace to ensure separation
between aircrafts which are operating on
a) VFR flight plans
b) VFR and IFR flight plans
c) IFR flight plans only
7) Which is the definition of the term “visual metrological conditions”?
a) Expressed in terms of visibility distance from cloud & ceiling equal to or better than specified
b) Expressed in terms of visibility distance from cloud & ceiling equal to specified minima
c) Expressed in terms of visibility distance from cloud & ceiling equal to or less than the specified
8) The technical term of the transition altitude is
a) The altitude at which the vertical position of the aircraft is controlled by reference to altitudes
b) The altitude at or above which the vertical position of the aircraft is controlled by reference to
c) The altitude at or below which the vertical position of the aircraft is controlled by reference to
9) Which is the correct symbol for the “visual flight rules”
a) VMC
b) VFR
c) IMC
10) Traffic avoidance advice provided by
a) Air traffic services specifying maneuvers to assist avoid a collision
b) A flight dispatcher to assist the pilot to avoid a collision
c) Air traffic services unit specifying maneuvers to avoid a collision
11) Which statement is true regarding “maneuvering area”?
a) That part of an aerodrome to be used for take off, taxing and aprons
b) That part of an aerodrome to be used for take off, landing & taxing of A/C excluding aprons
c) That part of an aerodrome to be used for take off, landing
12) Which statement is true regarding “movement area”?
a) That part of an aerodrome to be used for take off, landing & taxing of A/C consisting of
maneuvering area & the aprons
b) That part of an aerodrome to be used for take off & landing of aircraft
c) The part of an aerodrome to be used for take off, landing & taxing of A/C, consisting of the
maneuvering area the aprons
13) Which statement is true regarding terminal control area (TCA)?
a) A control area normally established of the confluence of ATS routes in the vicinity of one or
more major aerodromes
b) A control area normally established of the confluence of ATS routes in the vicinity of one
c) A control area normally established of the confluence of ATS routes in the vicinity of more major
14) Special VFR flight is a VFR cleared by air traffic control to operate within
a) A control area in metrological conditions below VMC
b) A control zone in visual metrological conditions
c) A control zone in metrological conditions below VMC
15) An airspace of defined dimensions above the land or territorial waters of a state within which the
flight of aircraft is restricted in accordance with certain specified conditions is known as
a) Prohibited area
b) Danger area
c) None of the above
16) An airspace of defined dimensions within which activities dangerous the flight of aircraft
a) Danger area
b) Restricted area
c) Prohibited area
17) Which stamen is true regarding “ceiling”?
a) The height above the ground or water of the base of the lowest layer of cloud below 6000 ft
covering more than half the sky
b) The height above the ground or water of the base of the lowest layer of cloud below 2000 ft
covering more than half the sky
c) The height above the ground or water of the base of the lowest layer of cloud below 20000 ft
covering more than half the sky
18) Which statement is true regarding “ceiling”?
a) The height above the ground or water of the base of the lowest layer of cloud below 600 meters
covering more than half the sky
b) The height above the ground or water of the base of the lowest layer of cloud below 6000
meters covering more than half the sky
c) The height above the ground or water of the base of the lowest layer of cloud below 2000
meters covering more than half the sky
19) Which is the definition of a flight plan related to a series of frequently recurring, regularly operated
individual flights with identical basic features, submitted by an operator for retention and repetitive
use by ATS units?
a) Repetitive flight plan
b) Current flight plan
c) Filed flight plan
20) The flight plan including changes if any brought about by subsequent clearance is defined as
a) Repetitive flight plan
b) Current flight plan
c) Filed flight plan
21) The point to which an aircraft is granted an ATC is
a) An ATC clearance
b) A clearance limit
c) Change over point
22) The point at which an A/C navigating on an ATS route segment defined by reference to VOR is
expected to transfer its primer navigation reference from the facility behind the A/C to the facility
ahead the aircraft is defined as
a) A reporting point
b) Change over point
c) Way point
23) An “ATC clearance” shall be obtained prior to
a) A controlled flight
b) An IFR flight
c) A VFR flight
24) Airspace of defined dimensions above the land areas or territorial areas of a state within which the
flight of aircraft is restricted in accordance with certain specified conditions is known as
a) Restricted zone
b) Restricted area
c) Danger area
25) Alternate aerodrome to which an aircraft may proceed should it become impossible or inadvisable
to land at the aerodrome of intended landing is defined as
a) Take off alternative
b) En-route alternative
c) Destination alternative
26) “Flight information center” is a unit established to provide
a) Flight information service
b) Flight information service & altering service
c) Flight information service & air traffic control service
27) Air traffic service reporting office is a unit established for the purpose of
a) Preventing collisions between aircrafts
b) Expediting & maintaining an orderly flow of air traffic
c) Receiving reports concerning air traffic services &flight plans submitted before departure
28) “Air traffic control clearance” is issued by
a) Aerodrome control tower
b) Approach control office
c) Air traffic control unit
29) A defined area, on a land aerodrome, intended to accommodate aircraft for purpose of loading or
unloading passengers, mail or cargo or fuelling is
a) An apron
b) A maneuvering area
c) A movement area
30) “Advisory route” A designated route along which
a) “Air traffic advisory service” is available
b) “Air traffic advisory service” & “air traffic control service” are available
c) “Air traffic advisory service” & “altering service” are available
31) A defined area on land or water including any (building, installation an equipment) intended to be
used either wholly or in part of arrival, departure & surface movement of aircraft
a) An apron
b) Movement area
c) Aerodrome
32) Under what condition, may pilots fly through a “restricted area”?
a) When flying a controlled airspace
b) With permission of Appropriate Authority
c) Rules of the air do not allow this
33) The vertical distance of a level, a point or an object considered as a point, measured from mean sea
level is
a) Height
b) Altitude
c) MSL
34) A service provided to notify appropriate organizations regarding in proceed of search and rescue aid
and assist such organization as required is
a) Advisory service
b) Search & rescue
c) Alerting service
35) “An area control service” is provided for
a) Arriving and departing controlled flight
b) Controlled flights in controlled areas
c) Controlled flight in controlled zones
36) An approach control service is provided for
a) Arriving and departing controlled flights
b) Over flights
c) Controlled flights in control areas
37) An approach control office is a unit established to provide ATC(s) to controlled flights
a) In flight information region
b) In control area
c) Arriving at or departing from one or more A/D(s)
38) An “area control center” is a unit established to provide ATC(s) to controlled flights in
a) Control area
b) Flight information region
c) Control zone
39) “Change over points” are established to provide the optimum balance in respect of signal strength
and quality between facilities at all levels to be used and to ensure a common source of
a) Magnetic bearing guidance
b) Azimuth guidance
c) Non of the above
40) “Estimated time of arrival” for IFR flights, the time at which the estimated that the aircraft will arrive
a) The RWY threshold
b) The aerodrome (if there is no navigation aid associated with the aerodrome)
c) Touchdown point on the RWY of intended landing
41) Which is the definition of the term instrument met conditions?
a) Expressed in term of visibility, distance from cloud and ceiling equal to or better than specified
minima for VMC conditions
b) Expressed in term of visibility, distance from cloud and ceiling equal to VMC conditions
c) Expressed in term of visibility, distance from cloud and ceiling less than specified minima for
VMC conditions
42) If “VFR flight” wishes to change to IFR flight
a) Issue ATC clearance for the submitted VFR flight plan before IFR operation
b) Communicate the necessary change to the submitted flight plan & then operate IFR operation
c) None of the above
43) What is the definition of “A/D traffic”?
a) All the traffic operating on the vicinity of A/D
b) All the traffic operating in the vicinity of A/D
c) All the traffic operating in & on the vicinity of A/D
44) An airspace of defined dimensions established around an A/D from the protection of A/D traffic is
defined as
a) Control zone
b) A/D traffic zone
c) Terminal control area
45) Which statement is true regarding “control area”?
a) A controlled airspace extending upwards from a specified limit above the earth
b) A controlled airspace extending upwards from the surface of the earth up to specified limit
c) A controlled airspace extending upwards from the surface of the earth up to unlimited
46) Which statement is true regarding “control zone”?
a) A controlled airspace extending upwards from a specified limit up to unlimited
b) A controlled airspace extending upwards from the surface of the earth up to a specified limit
c) A controlled airspace extending upwards from the surface of the earth up to unlimited