DLL W7 Q3 English 5
DLL W7 Q3 English 5
DLL W7 Q3 English 5
II. CONTENT Providing Evidence to Support Providing Evidence to Support Providing Evidence to Support Providing Evidence to Support CATCH-UP
( Subject Matter) Opinion/Fact Opinion/Fact Opinion/Fact Opinion/Fact FRIDAY
Answer: F, O, O, F, O
Answer: Sentences 4-8
H. Making Generalizations and What is a fact and an opinion? When and why is providing evidence What have you learned so far about fact
Abstraction about the Lesson. needed? and opinion?
I. Evaluating Learning Copy and read each statement and Identify whether the statement is a Identify whether the statements are Identify whether the given sentence is a
then determine whether it is a fact or Fact or an Opinion. Then support the Fact or Opinion. Write it in your fact or opinion. Write your answer on
opinion by placing your answer on the statement by providing evidence or notebook. Then explain your answer. a sheet of paper.
given space. Afterwards, justify or proof to the fact or opinion.
support your answer. 1. There are active volcanoes under the 1. Mt. Mayon is the most beautiful
1. I believe that the president of the sea. volcano in the world.
country is doing his best to unite the 2. Men make major decisions in the 2. Skin is the largest organ in our body.
people. family. 3. Sen. Cynthia Villar is the richest
2. The president will serve the country 3. The Philippines is an archipelago. politician in the Philippines.
for six years. 4. Women want girls for their first-born 4. I believe that a good education is more
3. It is better to watch a movie than to child. important than a good car.
listen to music. 5. A dolphin is always playful. 5. In my opinion, children learn best
4. Boracay is the best place to spend your when they are feeling comfortable.
summer vacation.
5. Star apple is a tree. Answer; O, F, F, O, O
Answer; F, O, F, O, O
Answer: O, F, O, O, F
J. Additional Activities for Study the new lesson. Learn more about fact and opinion. Review more. Review more.
Application or Remediation
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