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DLL W7 Q3 English 5

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Teacher RYAN L. TAMAYO Learning Area ENGLISH

GRADE V Week/Teaching Date WEEK 7 Quarter THIRD
Daily Lesson Log


A. Content Standards Provide evidence to support opinion/fact Provide evidence to support opinion/fact Provide evidence to support opinion/fact Provide evidence to support opinion/fact
B. Performance Standards The leaner will be able to… The leaner will be able to… The leaner will be able to… The leaner will be able to…
a. identify a fact and an opinion a. identify a fact and an opinion a. identify a fact and an opinion a. identify a fact and an opinion
b. provide evidence to support b. provide evidence to support b. provide evidence to support b. provide evidence to support
opinion/fact opinion/fact opinion/fact opinion/fact
c. participate actively during the c. participate actively during the c. participate actively during the c. participate actively during the
discussion discussion discussion discussion
C. Learning Competencies Provide evidence to support opinion/fact Provide evidence to support opinion/fact Provide evidence to support opinion/fact Provide evidence to support opinion/fact
EN5OL-IIf-3.5.1 EN5OL-IIf-3.5.1 EN5OL-IIf-3.5.1 EN5OL-IIf-3.5.1
MELC #12 MELC #12 MELC #12 MELC #12
D. Learning Objectives The leaner will be able to… The leaner will be able to… The leaner will be able to… The leaner will be able to…
a. identify a fact and an opinion a. identify a fact and an opinion a. identify a fact and an opinion a. identify a fact and an opinion
b. provide evidence to support b. provide evidence to support b. provide evidence to support b. provide evidence to support
opinion/fact opinion/fact opinion/fact opinion/fact
c. participate actively during the c. participate actively during the c. participate actively during the c. participate actively during the
discussion discussion discussion discussion

II. CONTENT Providing Evidence to Support Providing Evidence to Support Providing Evidence to Support Providing Evidence to Support CATCH-UP
( Subject Matter) Opinion/Fact Opinion/Fact Opinion/Fact Opinion/Fact FRIDAY


A. References ATTATCHED
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource LR portal
B. Other Learning Resources PowerPoint, images PowerPoint, images PowerPoint, images PowerPoint, images
A. Drill/Reviewing previous What is a fact? An opinion? What have you learned so far about fact Read the sets of sentences. Here are some of the definitions or clues
Lesson or presenting new and opinion? A. I believe that reading books is still the to distinguish whether the statement is a
wisest thing to do. fact or opinion. Now, can you identify
Maybe it will be good to experience what are for opinion and what are for a
Hundred Island first. fact?
I guess it’s time to visit.
B. President Duterte is the current
President of the Philippines.
Bats are the only true flying mammals.
The sun rises and sets every single day.
Make personal comments
Tells attitudes or judgment
Point of view
Measurable and observable
Cite evidence or proof
Scientific data
Times and dates
B. Establishing a purpose for the A fact is something that can be proven to Work with your groupmates. Which set of sentences expresses Discuss the answers.
lesson exist or to be true while an opinion is a opinions?
feeling, viewpoint, or a person’s Recall the selection “Rice Terraces of How did you know?
perception of a given item or event. the Philippines Cordilleras – What expressions are used?
An evidence is a proof or fact, while an Outstanding Universal Value.” Based Can you give other expressions to signal
opinion is a personal belief. A fact can be on the information that you have learned opinions?
proven, but opinions cannot. This is why from the selection, identify the paragraph Which set of sentences states facts?
most facts are supported by proof, that provides evidence as to why the Rice How did you know?
whereas most opinions are supported by Terraces was proclaimed by the
specific reasons. UNESCO as a world heritage site,
making it a world-renowned tourist
Answer: Paragraph 4
C. Presenting examples/ instances Copy and read each statement and Give the leaners much time to work on A statement can be a fact or an opinion. How do fact and opinion differ?
of the new lesson then determine whether it is a the activity, then let them present their Distinguishing the difference between the
fact or an opinion by encircling Fact or work. two is necessary for you to decide
Opinion at the end of each statement. whether to believe or not the statement.
1. The fastest land-dwelling creature is When you are stating a fact statement or
the cheetah. Fact or Opinion expressing your opinion, provide
2. Cellphones emit radiation that may or necessary evidence to persuade people to
may not cause brain cancer. Fact or believe what you are saying.
3. There seems to be too much testing in The ability to distinguish between fact
public school. Fact or Opinion and opinion helps people think for
4. A prison is one of the worst places in themselves and resist being manipulated
the planet. Fact or Opinion by others. Knowing the difference will
5. It is wrong for people under the age of help you develop your critical thinking
21 to drink alcohol. Fact or Opinion and the ability to reason out.
Answer: F, F, O, O, O
D. Discussing new concepts and Read the article about the Mayon Copy and read each statement and Opinion is a statement that expresses To fully understand the difference
practicing new skills.#1 Volcano and answer the questions that then determine whether it is a one’s ideas, feelings beliefs, likes or between fact and opinion, study the
follow. fact or an opinion by encircling Fact or dislikes. When you express your opinion, given table.
Opinion at the end of each statement. you state how you feel and think about
1. Oranges contain both calcium and something. It is your decision whether to
vitamin C. Fact or Opinion believe or not the opinion of others.
2. Diamonds are the hardest substance on
Earth. Fact or Opinion Note the following pointers in
3. The price of gas has grown to become expressing opinions:
too expensive. Fact or Opinion
4. Chicken has more protein than carrots.
Fact or Opinion
5. Vegetarians are healthier than people
who eat meat. Fact or Opinion
Answer: F, F, O, F, O

Here are some examples of opinion.

1. What is the article about?

2. Who were involved?
3. How many cultural and natural
properties of the Philippines are inscribed This statement is an opinion because not
in the official list of World Heritage all people believe dogs as the best pets.
Sites? What are they? Some believes that cats, birds and other
4. Why do you think there is a need to animals are the best.
preserve and protect the wildlife
sanctuary of the animals?
5. In your opinion, did Governor Joey
Salcedo and the team make a sound and
right move in nominating MVNP? Why? Some people believe that a smartphone is
really necessary because they can use it
in their everyday lives like in studies,
business etc. But for some it is only a

Not all intelligent children succeed. There

are children who are not intelligent, but
they succeed in life. For some people,
intelligence is not the basis for an
individual’s success in life. It is one’s
attitude towards life that counts.
E. Discussing new concepts and Fact: Mayon Volcano is an active Recall the lesson on fact and opinion and A fact is an idea that can be verified with Write F if the sentence states a fact and
practicing new skills #2. volcano. reiterate why they have to support a claim evidence. It is something that is true and O if it expresses an opinion.
Evidence: Residents living in the with evidence. tells what actually happened. We can’t
communities around the volcano need to change the fact. There is no room for 1. There are sixty (60) seconds in one
evacuate if there is an alert level from the difference in a fact. A fact is universal in minute.
PHIVOLCS. character. 2. Bataan Province is located in Region
Opinion: The province of Albay has Here are the clues to prove whether the III.
many tourist attractions than any other statement is a fact or not. 3. I would say that music relives stress
destinations in the country. - time and dates and makes you focus.
Evidence: There are many other tourist - historical events 4. I think it is better to have a big family
spots and destinations around the - numbers and statistics rather than the small one.
country. other than Mayon Volcano. - scientific data 5. Corona virus disease was first detected
- names and places in Wuhan, China.
You learned that a fact refers to a - references
statement that can be observed, historical, - documents
and proven true. On the other hand, an Let us study the given examples. Answer: F, F, O, O, F
opinion refers to one’s feeling, thought,
belief, or judgment that is not 100% true
and cannot be proven.
However, when you state a fact or an
opinion, you have to support such claim
with evidence. This may include
observations, experiences, or conclusions
based on experiment or studies.

By using world atlas or other references

we can verify that Australia is the
smallest continent in the world with land
area of 3,300,000 sq. miles
F. Developing Mastery Read on to find out why the Rice The first sentence is the writer’s Write F if the sentence states a fact and Write one factual statement and one
Terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras opinion about a certain group of O if it expresses an opinion. opinion on each of the following
(Lead to Formative Assessment 3)
is considered to be a wonder of the people. Look for sentences that pictures.
world. support this opinion from the rest of 1. Cheetah is the fastest land-dwelling
the paragraph. creatures.
2. There seem to be too much testing in
private schools.
3. Japanese food tastes better than French
4. Philippines is one of the countries in
Southeast Asia.
5. Many pupils say that Mathematics is
the most difficult subject.

Answer: F, O, O, F, O
Answer: Sentences 4-8

1. What are the five clusters of Rice

Terraces in the Cordilleras?
2. What makes the Rice Terraces
3. Why do you think the Ifugao built the
Rice Terraces?
4. How do the Rice Terraces reflect the
culture of the Ifugao?
5. Why do you think the article is entitled
“Outstanding Universal Value”?
6. From the given article, point out the
sentences that are fact or opinion and
support your answer.
1. Nagacan, Hungduan, Mayoyao, Bangaan,
2. It is a living cultural landscape of beauty
beyond compare.
3-6. Answers may vary
G. Finding practical application of Read the text and answer the questions Read the text and answer the questions Which of the following statements are Which of the following statements are
concepts and skills in daily that follow. that follow. facts and which are opinions? Why? facts and which are opinions? Why?
Magsaysay was elected President of the In 1639, the Chinese began a rebellion in
Philippines in 1953. He became a well- the Philippines, but it was crushed by 1. Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on 1. Super typhoon Yolanda is one of the
loved and trusted President because he Spanish-Filipino troops. This could have our planet. deadliest Philippines typhoons on record.
championed the Filipinos. If he were been prevented if only the Filipinos were 2. Poor people never succeed in their
alive today, he could have done a lot of a little friendly to the Chinese. 2. Most unemployed people have no lives.
good to Filipinos. What fact is noted in the paragraph? work because they do not want to work. 3. Mark Zuckerberg is the founder of
What does the author think about What was the writer’s opinion Facebook and the fourth richest man in
Magsaysay? about the Chinese rebellion? Answer: F, O the world.
What facts did he mention in the Answer:
paragraph? 1. Chinese began a rebellion in the Answer: F, O, F
Answer: Philippines, but it was crushed by Spanish-
1. If he were alive today, he could have done a Filipino troops.
lot of good to Filipinos. 2. Rebellion could have been prevented if only
2. Magsaysay was elected President of the the Filipinos were little friendly to the
Philippines in 1953. Chinese.

H. Making Generalizations and What is a fact and an opinion? When and why is providing evidence What have you learned so far about fact
Abstraction about the Lesson. needed? and opinion?

I. Evaluating Learning Copy and read each statement and Identify whether the statement is a Identify whether the statements are Identify whether the given sentence is a
then determine whether it is a fact or Fact or an Opinion. Then support the Fact or Opinion. Write it in your fact or opinion. Write your answer on
opinion by placing your answer on the statement by providing evidence or notebook. Then explain your answer. a sheet of paper.
given space. Afterwards, justify or proof to the fact or opinion.
support your answer. 1. There are active volcanoes under the 1. Mt. Mayon is the most beautiful
1. I believe that the president of the sea. volcano in the world.
country is doing his best to unite the 2. Men make major decisions in the 2. Skin is the largest organ in our body.
people. family. 3. Sen. Cynthia Villar is the richest
2. The president will serve the country 3. The Philippines is an archipelago. politician in the Philippines.
for six years. 4. Women want girls for their first-born 4. I believe that a good education is more
3. It is better to watch a movie than to child. important than a good car.
listen to music. 5. A dolphin is always playful. 5. In my opinion, children learn best
4. Boracay is the best place to spend your when they are feeling comfortable.
summer vacation.
5. Star apple is a tree. Answer; O, F, F, O, O
Answer; F, O, F, O, O
Answer: O, F, O, O, F

J. Additional Activities for Study the new lesson. Learn more about fact and opinion. Review more. Review more.
Application or Remediation
Prepared by: Checked & Noted:


Teacher-II /Adviser School Head

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