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Mechanical Properties of

Engineering Materials

o The properties of material that determine its behaviour under applied forces
are known as mechanical properties.
o They are usually related to the elastic and plastic behaviour of the material.
o These properties are expressed as functions of stress, strain, etc.
o A sound knowledge of mechanical properties of materials provides the
basis for predicting behaviour of materials under different load conditions
and designing the components out if them.
Stress and Strain
o Experience shows that any material subjected to a load may either
deform, yield or break, depending upon the

• Magnitude of load
• Nature of the material
• Cross sectional dime
o The sum total of all the elementary interatomic forces or internal resistances
which the material is called upon to exert to counteract the applied load is
called stress.
o Mathematically, the stress is expressed as force divided by cross-sectional
o Strain is the dimensional response given by material against
mechanical loading/deformation produced per unit length.
o Mathematically, Strain is change in length divided by original
Tensile test
One of the most common mechanical stress–strain tests is performed
in tension. As will be seen, the tension test can be used to ascertain
several mechanical properties of materials that are important in
design. A specimen is deformed, usually to fracture, with a gradually
increasing tensile load that is applied uniaxially along the long axis of
a specimen.
Ultimate strength

Yield point

=FORCE/AREA fracture

-Young’s modulus
-Elastic modulus
-Modulus of elasticity

Compressive test
A compression test is conducted in a manner similar to the tensile test, except
that the force is compressive and the specimen contracts along the direction
of the stress. By convention, a compressive force is taken to be negative,
which yields a negative stress.
Shear and Torsional Test
For tests performed using a pure shear force, the shear stress is τ computed
according to τ = F/A0. where F is the load or force imposed parallel to the upper
and lower faces, each of which has an area of A0. The shear strain γ is defined
as the tangent of the strain angle θ, as indicated in the figure. The units for
shear stress and strain are the same as for their tensile counterparts.
Torsion is a variation of pure shear, wherein a structural member is
twisted in the manner of the figure; torsional forces produce a rotational
motion about the longitudinal axis of one end of the member relative to the
other end. Examples of torsion are found for machine axles and drive
shafts, and also for twist drills. Torsional tests are normally performed on
cylindrical solid shafts or tubes. A shear stress τ is a function of the applied
torque T, whereas shear strain λ is related to the angle of twist.

τ = Tr/J
Solid shaft
Hollow shaft
=πr⁴/2 J=(π/32)(D⁴-d⁴)
= (π/2)(R⁴-r⁴)
τ =16T/πd³
o The strength of material is its capacity to withstand destruction
under the action of external loads.
o It determines the ability of a material to withstand stress without
o The maximum stress that any material will withstand before
destruction is called ultimate strength.
o The property of material by virtue of which deformation caused
by applied load disappears upon removal of load.
o Elasticity of a material is the power of coming back to its original
position after deformation when the stress or load is removed.
o The plasticity of a material I its ability to undergo some degree
of permanent deformation without rupture or failure.
o Plastic deformation will take place only after the elastic limit
o It increases with increase in temperature.
Stress strain curve shows elasticity and
plasticity for materials

o The resistance of a material to elastic deformation or deflection is

called stiffness or rigidity.
o A material which suffers slight deformation under load has a high
degree of stiffness or rigidity .
o E.g. Steel beam is more stiffer or more rigid than aluminium beam.
It is the property of a material which enables it to draw out into
thin wires.
E.g. Mild steel is a ductile material.
The percent elongation and the reduction in area in tension is
often used as empirical measures of ductility.
o Malleability of a material is its ability to flattened into thin
sheets without cracking by hot or cold working.
o E.g. Lead can be readily rolled and hammered into thin sheets
but can be drawn into wire.
o Aluminium, copper, tin, lead, steel, etc. are malleable metals.
Comparison of ductility and malleability
o It is the capacity of a material to absorb energy elastically.
o The maximum energy which can be stored in the body up to elastic limit is
called the proof resilience, and the proof resilience per unit volume is called
modulus of resilience.
o The quantity gives capacity of the material t bear shocks and vibrations.
o Hardness is a fundamental property which is closely related to strength.
o Hardness is usually defined in terms of the ability of a material to resist to
scratching, abrasion, cutting, indentation, or penetration.
o Methods used for determining hardness: Brinel, Rockwell, Vickers.
o It is the property of breaking without much permanent
o Non-Ductile material is considered to be brittle material.
o E.g. Glass, Cast iron, etc.
o The slow and progressive deformation of a material with time at constant stress
is called creep.
o Depending on temperature, stresses even below the elastic limit can cause
some permanent deformation.
o It is most generally defined as time-dependent strain occurring under stress.
o This phenomenon leads to fracture under repeated or fluctuating
o Fatigue fractures are progressive beginning as minute cracks and
grow under the action of fluctuating stress.
o Many components of high speed aero and turbine engines are of this

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