Inbound 1985894276213822728
Inbound 1985894276213822728
Inbound 1985894276213822728
the Universe
At the end of this lesson, you will be able to demonstrate an understanding of:
- the formation of elements during the big bang and during stellar evolution.
- the key elements produced during the early stages in the universe.
All three of these are related to the formation and evolution of the universe.
The “Big Bang” was a phenomenally energetic explosion that initiated the expansion of
the universe.
At the moment prior to the Big Bang explosion, all matter and energy were compressed
at a single point (a singularity – a point of infinite density).
We do not know what was before…..?
The universe has been expanding ever since, with galaxies moving farther and farther
Using the rates of expansion measured in the universe and astronomical distances, the
age of the universe can be calculated back to the time of the Big Bang. The age of the
universe is calculated at about 13.7 billion years old. By contrast, our Sun and its
surrounding planets (i.e. our Solar System) is 4.65 billion years old.
Bigbang Nucleosynthesis
Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
All Hydrogen and most Helium in the universe was produced during the Big
Bang Event, starting ~100 seconds after the explosion. A small amount of
Lithium was also produced.
Big Bang nucleosynthesis ceased within a few minutes after the Big
Bang because the universe had expanded and cooled sufficiently by then such
that the temperatures and pressures were too low to support additional
nuclear fusion reactions.
Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
Eventually after more cooling and expansion, the hydrogen and helium nuclei
were able to attract and hold on to electrons. This allowed them to form full
neutral atoms as we have on our periodic table today.
(- E, + P)
(Neutral Atom)
Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
Whereas the formation of the neutral atoms took until about 300,000
years after the big bang. As this matter formed both 3 minutes after and
300,000 years after the big bang, there was a key ratio that happened.
There was 75% hydrogen and 25% helium. And this same ratio of hydrogen
and helium is seen today in our universe and serves as a key evidence of the
Big Bang. It is also a key point where elements were formed in our universe.
Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
Our Sun is only large enough to fuse hydrogen into helium within its core.
Stellar Nucleosynthesis
The formation of these elements takes place in the center of the stars in the
process called fusion. Where it is extremely hot and where there’s an
extreme amount of pressure. This process smashes the nuclei of smaller
elements together to form larger ones.
Stellar Nucleosynthesis
Let’s go through the general process that takes place in stars to form these
heavier elements. Young stars use the elements of hydrogen and helium
to fuel fusion in their cores. Now these smaller nuclei such as hydrogen and
helium are smashed together in the center of stars at such high temperatures
that there’s enough force to stick them together.
(Supernova Nucleosynthesis)
Supernova Nucleosynthesis
Now, these elements are formed during the very
violent explosions that happen in Supernova.
However, elements can also form when a large, unstable nucleus breaks apart in an attempt to achieve a more stable,
lower energy state.
The splitting of a nucleus to form two or more smaller, more stable nuclei is called nuclear fission. (fission =split)
Fission may occur spontaneously (without energy being added) or it may be prompted by firing a nuclear bullet
(like a proton or neutron) at an unstable nucleus, as seen in the example below.
Nuclear Fission
Like fusion, fission also releases energy stored in the nucleus of an atom.
However, not as much energy is released from fission as from fusion. Still,
the energy released per gram of material by fission is considerably more than
the energy released by burning a comparable amount of wood, oil, gasoline,
etc. Fission of uranium-235 atoms is used in nuclear power plants to produce
Fission also occurs naturally within the layers of the earth as radioactive
elements in rocks spontaneously decay to more stable elements, creating a
natural source of heat within the earth. You also contain a small proportion
of radioactive isotopes within your body. These isotopes decay naturally,
releasing radiation. Therefore, you are slightly radioactive too!
Thank You For Listening!