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Psychology and Architecture
in Cities:
Phallic Architecture, Urban Quality of
Life, Environmental Psychology and
Social Engineering
Assist.Prof.Dr. Ulas Basar Gezgin
E-mail: ulasbasar@gmail.com
• The urban links between psychology and architecture is closer than it looks at first glance: A somehow marginalized literature focuses on the notion of ‘phallic architecture’ which
is loosely conceptualized as the urban high rises that were intentionally or unintentionally built to symbolize phallus. While global examples of intentional phallic architecture
usually serves as touristic attractions, psychology as a discipline rarely focused on unintentional phallic architecture. Given the scarcity of comprehensive works on this topic, this
paper tries to develop some psychologically-grounded arguments based on a few relevant sources.
• Secondly, the paper reviews discussions about urban quality of life and the notion of ‘skyscraped city’ from a psychological perspective, together with spatial segregation not only
on class lines or ethnic lines, but also on the distinction between advantaged vs. disadvantaged urban residents including social capital relations.
• Thirdly, the paper connects the area of environmental psychology with the participatory approaches in the field of urban planning to extend beyond a critique of existing order by
detailing a ‘planning for people, by people and with people’ framework. As stated in Gezgin (2011), environmental psychology revolves on research about the following:
“Psychological effects of urban policies; place attachment and place identity; perceptions of city image and urban design; pro-environmental behavior, transportation choices,
urban navigation and commuting issues; urban noise, recycling behavior, energy-related behaviors, green identities; and perceptions, attitudes and information on green issues
such climate change, global warming, sustainability, conservation, biodiversity, and mitigation measures.”
• Finally, as the backdrop to all these topics covered in the paper, the debates on social engineering are on the spot, since the paper conceptualizes psychology and architecture as
two subareas of social engineering, following a holistic analysis of ‘authority’. The paper plans to reverse-engineer psychology and architecture in this context.
• Keywords: Architecture, psychology, environmental psychology, participatory planning, and social engineering.
• 1. Introduction: Phallic Architecture
• 2. Skyscraping Race: Verticalization of Skylines
• 3. Urban Planning and Social Psychology: Methodological
• 4. Phallic Architecture and Social Engineering
• 5. Notes for Future Studies
• 6. Questions for Future Studies
• 7. Conclusion
• References
1. Introduction: Phallic Architecture
• Ambrose’s ‘Visual Dictionary of Architecture’ defines ‘phallic architecture’
as “tall buildings that consciously or unconsciously provide a symbolic
representation of the phallus. Phallic architecture may take the form of
phallic symbols, which were historically used to represent fertiliy, the male
sexual organ and the male orgasm.” (s.199).
• Ambrose pronounces the Obelisk of Theodosius (Dikilitaş) at Sultanahmet,
Istanbul and Olympic Stadium of Montreal, Canada as examples of phallic
architecture. The former may be unintentional while the latter is
intentional. However, Ambrose warns us: “it would be naive to label all tall
buildings as phallic symbols”.

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1. Introduction: Phallic Architecture
• Lefebvre: ‘phallic architecture’ metaphorically
• ‘Architecture parlante’ (‘speaking
architecture’): Claude Nicolas Ledoux,
Étienne-Louis Boullée and Jean-Jacques
• Not intended to be non-metaphorically phallic
images, but interpreted as phallic images
1. Introduction: Phallic Architecture
• Lefebvre: ‘phallic verticality, phallic erectility and
• Verticality vs. Horizontality
• Westernization as masculinization
• Lin (2010): CCTV Tower vs. People’s Daily Towe
• the Big Tower building vs. All-China Women’s
Federation building (Beijing)
• Feminine: National Grand Theater and the National
Stadium buildings
1. Introduction: Phallic Architecture
• Those for which it is important to be in vs. those
which are expected to be viewed from outside.
• Cinemas, opera houses, stadiums, zoos etc.
• Nest-like and/or egg-like structures.
• It is obvious that some buildings can’t be
implemented as skyscrapers. Some types of
buildings would not bring more benefit if they rise
1. Introduction: Phallic Architecture
• ‘Architecture terrible’: terrible prerevolutionary façades of French prisons to
deter the society from crime
• Architectural styles (e.g. post-modern, hightech, expressionist etc.) and phallicity of the
capitalist architecture.

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2. Skyscraping Race:
Verticalization of Skylines

2. Skyscraping Race:
Verticalization of Skylines
• Symbols of ‘modernity’, ‘civilization’ and
• Signature buildings
• Historic heritages
• Financially rewarding
2. Skyscraping Race:
Verticalization of Skylines
• Analysis of 6 Asian cities: Shanghai, Kuala Lumpur, Tokyo, Singapore, Seoul,
• Postcard images
• Residentialization
• From office use to heterogenous uses
• Tokyo: Gov, incineration, university
• Seoul: Hospital
• Singapore: Maximum height limit (280 m.)
• Bangkok: 3 tallest are hotels.
• Bridges
• Lefebvre needs revision
2. Skyscraping Race:
Verticalization of Skylines
• Urban heat island effect and micro-climate
• Traffic congestion
• Privatization of urban planning
• The conflict between high-rises and historical

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3. Urban Planning and Social Psychology:
Methodological Issues
Urban Pre-Implementation Research

Relevant Psychological Research

Mainly qualitative

Mostly quantitative

Spatial (involves maps)

Rarely spatial





Descriptive and prescriptive


Knowledge is the by-product.

Knowledge is the main product.

Process is important.

Results are important.

Not experimental.

Sometimes experimental.

Table 1. Differences Between Urban Pre-Implementation
Research vs. Relevant Psychological Research
Source: Gezgin, 2011, p.66.
3. Urban Planning and Social Psychology:
Methodological Issues
• Two meanings of environmental psychology
• Psychodynamic approach
• Linguistic analysis
• Anthropological, sociological, ethnological and historical aspects
• Research on perceptions of architectural structures and
elements, e.g. ‘the uses and psychological meaning of living
room’, ‘the evaluations of house façades on the basis of
preference, complexity and impressiveness’, ‘residential
satisfaction of students in Nigeria tapping social qualities of the
residences’ etc.
4. Phallic Architecture
and Social Engineering
• “In democratic countries, the voters have the power to appoint the local
and/or central governors; but in some cases, they are not asked about
what kind of a city they would like to live in. Urban skylines have been
totally changed without notice of the public as if skyline is not a public
good. Postcard images have changed quite rapidly, but the question is
whether the residents are happy about it. Secondly, user participation is
problematic in some of the high rise buildings, as future users have not
been asked about what kind of a residential unit they would prefer”
(Gezgin, 2011, p.15).
4. Phallic Architecture
and Social Engineering
• Herman and Chomsky (1988)’s notion of
manifacturing consent
• Scott (1992)’s discussion of resistance
• King (2007): affirmative action with eugenic

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5. Notes for Future Studies
• Relativity of verticality and horizontality
• “Who has the power to erect his phallus over
the city?”: Corporations, gov, religion etc.
• Phallus and agricultural society
• Lakoff’s metaphor research
• Monuments: Female vs. Male figures.
• Forms of buildings
6. Questions for Future Studies
• Matriarchal vs. Patriarchal society and architecture
• Inside/outside & social identity theory
• Hofstede’s model
• Possibility of the 3rd category
• Jung: Anima/animus
• Horney, vagina envy
• Obelisks, monuments, steles and tombstones
6. Questions for Future Studies
• Lacan’s “the signification of the phallus”
• Phallic personality
• Groundscrapers
• Phallic design principles
• System justification and social dominance theories
• Tombstone and mound
• Jungian archetypes
• Other body metaphors for city parts (e.g. Lungs)
7. Conclusion
• The abstract of this paper set out a wide perspective that was
too ambitious. Due to time and space limitations and
methodological problems, the paper could not deliver what
the abstract promised. However, it can be comfortably stated
that with its exploratory nature, it has the potential to
contribute to research on high-rise buildings. The
interdisciplinary character of the paper and the questions
posed are original contributions that need to be extended in
future studies.

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• Ambrose, G. (2008). Visual dictionary of architecture. Lausanne: AVA Publishing SA.
• Carmona, & Freeman, (2005). The groundscraper: Exploring the contemporary reinterpretation, Journal of Urban Design, 10(3), 309-330.
• Carr, S. (2012). Beehive sculpture in Hyde park is taken down for being ‘too phallic’. Greater Manchaster News. Retrieved September 30, 2013, from http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/beehive-sculpture-in-hyde-park-is-taken-685486
• Cheek, L.W. (2011). Architects find their dream client, in China. New York Times. Retrieved September 30, 2013, from http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/16/business/16build.html?pagewanted=1&adxnnl=1&ref=general&src=me&adxnnlx=1380485002-StXst/zAPoXvljTHx5na0Q
• Douglas, G.H. (2004). Skyscrapers: A social history of the very tall building in America. North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers.
• Eller, C. (2006). Sons of the mother: Victorian anthropologists and the myth of matriarchal prehistory. Gender & History, 18(2), 285-310.
• Gezgin, U.B. (2011). Economics, environment & society: Planning cities at the center of mass/mess of the sustainability triangle. Germany: Lambert Publishing.
• Glass, N. & Hoare, R. (2012). Koolhaas rewrites script with blockbuster buildings. CNN. Retrieved September 30, 2013, from http://edition.cnn.com/2012/10/02/world/asia/koolhaas-big-pants-cctv/index.html
• Göregenli, Melek (2010). Çevre psikolojisi: İnsan mekân ilişkileri. İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
• Herman, E.S. & Chomsky, N. (1988). Manufacturing consent: The political economy of the mass media. New York: Pantheon Books.
• Kartiganer, D.M. (1994). Faulkner and psychology. Mississippi: University Press of Mississipi.
• Kennedy, M.I. (1981). Toward a rediscovery of ‘feminine’ principles in architecture and planning. Women’s Studies International Quarterly, 4(1), 75-81.
• Kinnear, S. (2011). New York’s leading lady: The statue of liberty on film. In S.J.Harris (ed.). World film locations: New York. Bristol, UK: Intellect Books. (pp.24-41).
• King, D. (2007). The American state and social engineering: Policy instruments in affirmative action. Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration, and Institutions, 20(1), 109-126.
• Kipfer, S. (2008). How Lefebvre urbanized Gramsci: hegemony, everyday life, and difference. In K. Goonewardena, S. Kipfer, R. Milgrom & C. Schmid (Eds.). Space, difference, everyday life: Reading Henri Lefebvre. NewYork and London: Routledge (pp.193-211).
• Lakoff, G. & Johnson, M. (2008). Metaphors we live by. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
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• Scott, J.C. (1992). Domination and the arts of resistance: Hidden transcripts. Yale: Yale University Press.
• Singley, P. (1993). The Anamorphic phallus within Ledoux's dismembered plan of Chaux. Journal of Architectural Education, 46(3), 176-188.
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• Stanek, L. (2008). Space as concrete abstraction: Hegel, Marx, and modern urbanism in Henri Lefebvre. In K. Goonewardena, S. Kipfer, R. Milgrom & C. Schmid (Eds.). Space, difference, everyday life: Reading Henri Lefebvre. NewYork and London: Routledge (pp.62-79).
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Psychology and Architecture in Cities: Phallic Architecture

  • 1. Psychology and Architecture in Cities: Phallic Architecture, Urban Quality of Life, Environmental Psychology and Social Engineering Assist.Prof.Dr. Ulas Basar Gezgin E-mail: ulasbasar@gmail.com
  • 2. Abstract • The urban links between psychology and architecture is closer than it looks at first glance: A somehow marginalized literature focuses on the notion of ‘phallic architecture’ which is loosely conceptualized as the urban high rises that were intentionally or unintentionally built to symbolize phallus. While global examples of intentional phallic architecture usually serves as touristic attractions, psychology as a discipline rarely focused on unintentional phallic architecture. Given the scarcity of comprehensive works on this topic, this paper tries to develop some psychologically-grounded arguments based on a few relevant sources. • Secondly, the paper reviews discussions about urban quality of life and the notion of ‘skyscraped city’ from a psychological perspective, together with spatial segregation not only on class lines or ethnic lines, but also on the distinction between advantaged vs. disadvantaged urban residents including social capital relations. • Thirdly, the paper connects the area of environmental psychology with the participatory approaches in the field of urban planning to extend beyond a critique of existing order by detailing a ‘planning for people, by people and with people’ framework. As stated in Gezgin (2011), environmental psychology revolves on research about the following: “Psychological effects of urban policies; place attachment and place identity; perceptions of city image and urban design; pro-environmental behavior, transportation choices, urban navigation and commuting issues; urban noise, recycling behavior, energy-related behaviors, green identities; and perceptions, attitudes and information on green issues such climate change, global warming, sustainability, conservation, biodiversity, and mitigation measures.” • Finally, as the backdrop to all these topics covered in the paper, the debates on social engineering are on the spot, since the paper conceptualizes psychology and architecture as two subareas of social engineering, following a holistic analysis of ‘authority’. The paper plans to reverse-engineer psychology and architecture in this context. • Keywords: Architecture, psychology, environmental psychology, participatory planning, and social engineering.
  • 3. Contents • 1. Introduction: Phallic Architecture • 2. Skyscraping Race: Verticalization of Skylines • 3. Urban Planning and Social Psychology: Methodological Issues • 4. Phallic Architecture and Social Engineering • 5. Notes for Future Studies • 6. Questions for Future Studies • 7. Conclusion • References
  • 4. 1. Introduction: Phallic Architecture • Ambrose’s ‘Visual Dictionary of Architecture’ defines ‘phallic architecture’ as “tall buildings that consciously or unconsciously provide a symbolic representation of the phallus. Phallic architecture may take the form of phallic symbols, which were historically used to represent fertiliy, the male sexual organ and the male orgasm.” (s.199). • Ambrose pronounces the Obelisk of Theodosius (Dikilitaş) at Sultanahmet, Istanbul and Olympic Stadium of Montreal, Canada as examples of phallic architecture. The former may be unintentional while the latter is intentional. However, Ambrose warns us: “it would be naive to label all tall buildings as phallic symbols”.
  • 5. 1. Introduction: Phallic Architecture • Lefebvre: ‘phallic architecture’ metaphorically metonymically • ‘Architecture parlante’ (‘speaking architecture’): Claude Nicolas Ledoux, Étienne-Louis Boullée and Jean-Jacques Lequeu • Not intended to be non-metaphorically phallic images, but interpreted as phallic images
  • 6. 1. Introduction: Phallic Architecture • Lefebvre: ‘phallic verticality, phallic erectility and phallocracy’ • Verticality vs. Horizontality • Westernization as masculinization • Lin (2010): CCTV Tower vs. People’s Daily Towe • the Big Tower building vs. All-China Women’s Federation building (Beijing) • Feminine: National Grand Theater and the National Stadium buildings
  • 7. 1. Introduction: Phallic Architecture • Those for which it is important to be in vs. those which are expected to be viewed from outside. • Cinemas, opera houses, stadiums, zoos etc. • Nest-like and/or egg-like structures. • It is obvious that some buildings can’t be implemented as skyscrapers. Some types of buildings would not bring more benefit if they rise taller.
  • 8. 1. Introduction: Phallic Architecture • ‘Architecture terrible’: terrible prerevolutionary façades of French prisons to deter the society from crime • Architectural styles (e.g. post-modern, hightech, expressionist etc.) and phallicity of the capitalist architecture.
  • 10. 1. Introduction: Phallic Architecture Khalid Nabi Cemetery, Iran Love Park, Jeju Island, Source: South Korea http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/middleSource: http://freelanceflaneur.blogspot.com/2012/01/oh-no.html
  • 11. 1. Introduction: Phallic Architecture Phallic Procession Kanamara Matsuri ( かな まら祭り , "Festival of the Steel Phallus")
  • 12. 1. Introduction: Phallic Architecture Chao Mae Tuptim Shrine, ศาลเจ้าแม่ ทับทิม, Bangkok, Thailand Source: http://www.globalpost.com/dispatches/globalpost-blogs/wanderlust/thailand-penis-shrine-
  • 13. 1. Introduction: Phallic Architecture Luck symbols for house decoration in Bhutan Source: http://finaltransit.com/blog/photo-gallery/bhutan-ph
  • 14. 1. Introduction: Phallic Architecture Haesindang Park (Gangwon, South Korea) Source: http://www.travelblog.org/Photos/6783249 Haesindang Park (Gangwon, South Korea) Source: http://www.visitkorea.or.kr/enu/SI/SI_EN_3_1
  • 15. 1. Introduction: Phallic Architecture The Swiss Re building in London The watertower of Ypsilanti, Michigan Source: Source: http://cabinetmagazine.org/events/phall http://cabinetmagazine.org/events/phallic/winner.php
  • 16. 1. Introduction: Phallic Architecture Phallic Images of Pisa Tower Source: http://www.dailyma Phallic Images of Pisa Tower Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/article-2022760/Pisas-mayor-bans-erotic-tourist-
  • 17. 1. Introduction: Phallic Architecture People’s Daily Tower Source: http://www.theatlanticwire.com/global/2013/05/peoples-daily-building-china-censorship/64845/ People’s Daily Tower & Koolhaas’ China Central Television Building combined Source: http://blog.sfgate.com/hottopics/2013/05/03/china-tries-fails-to-censor-jokes-about-penis-shaped-skyscraper/
  • 18. 2. Skyscraping Race: Verticalization of Skylines Source: http://www.designer-daily.com/cit
  • 19. 2. Skyscraping Race: Verticalization of Skylines Source: http://www.run247.com/articles/article-3
  • 20. 2. Skyscraping Race: Verticalization of Skylines Source: http://www.scmp.com/news/ch
  • 21. 2. Skyscraping Race: Verticalization of Skylines Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new
  • 22. 2. Skyscraping Race: Verticalization of Skylines • Symbols of ‘modernity’, ‘civilization’ and wealth • Signature buildings • Historic heritages • Financially rewarding
  • 23. 2. Skyscraping Race: Verticalization of Skylines • Analysis of 6 Asian cities: Shanghai, Kuala Lumpur, Tokyo, Singapore, Seoul, Bangkok • Postcard images • Residentialization • From office use to heterogenous uses • Tokyo: Gov, incineration, university • Seoul: Hospital • Singapore: Maximum height limit (280 m.) • Bangkok: 3 tallest are hotels. • Bridges • Lefebvre needs revision
  • 24. 2. Skyscraping Race: Verticalization of Skylines • Urban heat island effect and micro-climate changes • Traffic congestion • Privatization of urban planning • The conflict between high-rises and historical heritage
  • 25. 3. Urban Planning and Social Psychology: Methodological Issues Urban Pre-Implementation Research Relevant Psychological Research Mainly qualitative Mostly quantitative Spatial (involves maps) Rarely spatial Data-driven Theory-driven Practical Theoretical Descriptive and prescriptive Descriptive Knowledge is the by-product. Knowledge is the main product. Process is important. Results are important. Not experimental. Sometimes experimental. Table 1. Differences Between Urban Pre-Implementation Research vs. Relevant Psychological Research Source: Gezgin, 2011, p.66.
  • 26. 3. Urban Planning and Social Psychology: Methodological Issues • Two meanings of environmental psychology • Psychodynamic approach • Linguistic analysis • Anthropological, sociological, ethnological and historical aspects • Research on perceptions of architectural structures and elements, e.g. ‘the uses and psychological meaning of living room’, ‘the evaluations of house façades on the basis of preference, complexity and impressiveness’, ‘residential satisfaction of students in Nigeria tapping social qualities of the residences’ etc.
  • 27. 4. Phallic Architecture and Social Engineering • “In democratic countries, the voters have the power to appoint the local and/or central governors; but in some cases, they are not asked about what kind of a city they would like to live in. Urban skylines have been totally changed without notice of the public as if skyline is not a public good. Postcard images have changed quite rapidly, but the question is whether the residents are happy about it. Secondly, user participation is problematic in some of the high rise buildings, as future users have not been asked about what kind of a residential unit they would prefer” (Gezgin, 2011, p.15).
  • 28. 4. Phallic Architecture and Social Engineering • Herman and Chomsky (1988)’s notion of manifacturing consent • Scott (1992)’s discussion of resistance • King (2007): affirmative action with eugenic breeding
  • 29. 5. Notes for Future Studies • Relativity of verticality and horizontality • “Who has the power to erect his phallus over the city?”: Corporations, gov, religion etc. • Phallus and agricultural society • Lakoff’s metaphor research • Monuments: Female vs. Male figures. • Forms of buildings
  • 30. 6. Questions for Future Studies • Matriarchal vs. Patriarchal society and architecture • Inside/outside & social identity theory • Hofstede’s model • Possibility of the 3rd category • Jung: Anima/animus • Horney, vagina envy • Obelisks, monuments, steles and tombstones
  • 31. 6. Questions for Future Studies • Lacan’s “the signification of the phallus” • Phallic personality • Groundscrapers • Phallic design principles • System justification and social dominance theories • Tombstone and mound • Jungian archetypes • Other body metaphors for city parts (e.g. Lungs)
  • 32. 7. Conclusion • The abstract of this paper set out a wide perspective that was too ambitious. Due to time and space limitations and methodological problems, the paper could not deliver what the abstract promised. However, it can be comfortably stated that with its exploratory nature, it has the potential to contribute to research on high-rise buildings. The interdisciplinary character of the paper and the questions posed are original contributions that need to be extended in future studies.
  • 33. References • Ambrose, G. (2008). Visual dictionary of architecture. Lausanne: AVA Publishing SA. • • Carmona, & Freeman, (2005). The groundscraper: Exploring the contemporary reinterpretation, Journal of Urban Design, 10(3), 309-330. • • Carr, S. (2012). Beehive sculpture in Hyde park is taken down for being ‘too phallic’. Greater Manchaster News. Retrieved September 30, 2013, from http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/beehive-sculpture-in-hyde-park-is-taken-685486 • • Cheek, L.W. (2011). Architects find their dream client, in China. New York Times. Retrieved September 30, 2013, from http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/16/business/16build.html?pagewanted=1&adxnnl=1&ref=general&src=me&adxnnlx=1380485002-StXst/zAPoXvljTHx5na0Q • • Douglas, G.H. (2004). Skyscrapers: A social history of the very tall building in America. North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers. • • Eller, C. (2006). Sons of the mother: Victorian anthropologists and the myth of matriarchal prehistory. Gender & History, 18(2), 285-310. • • Gezgin, U.B. (2011). Economics, environment & society: Planning cities at the center of mass/mess of the sustainability triangle. Germany: Lambert Publishing. • • Glass, N. & Hoare, R. (2012). Koolhaas rewrites script with blockbuster buildings. CNN. Retrieved September 30, 2013, from http://edition.cnn.com/2012/10/02/world/asia/koolhaas-big-pants-cctv/index.html • • Göregenli, Melek (2010). Çevre psikolojisi: İnsan mekân ilişkileri. İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları. • • Herman, E.S. & Chomsky, N. (1988). Manufacturing consent: The political economy of the mass media. New York: Pantheon Books. • • Kartiganer, D.M. (1994). Faulkner and psychology. Mississippi: University Press of Mississipi. • • Kennedy, M.I. (1981). Toward a rediscovery of ‘feminine’ principles in architecture and planning. Women’s Studies International Quarterly, 4(1), 75-81. • • Kinnear, S. (2011). New York’s leading lady: The statue of liberty on film. In S.J.Harris (ed.). World film locations: New York. Bristol, UK: Intellect Books. (pp.24-41). • • King, D. (2007). The American state and social engineering: Policy instruments in affirmative action. Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration, and Institutions, 20(1), 109-126. • • Kipfer, S. (2008). How Lefebvre urbanized Gramsci: hegemony, everyday life, and difference. In K. Goonewardena, S. Kipfer, R. Milgrom & C. Schmid (Eds.). Space, difference, everyday life: Reading Henri Lefebvre. NewYork and London: Routledge (pp.193-211). • • Lakoff, G. & Johnson, M. (2008). Metaphors we live by. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. • • Lefebvre, H. (1991). The production of space. Maiden, MA: Routledge. • • Lin, X. (2010). Children of Marx and Coca-Cola : Chinese avant-garde art and independent cinema. Honolulu : University of Hawai'i Press. • • Merriam-Webster (2013). Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Retrieved September 30, 2013, from http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/priapism?show=0&t=1380463268 • • Pandey, G. (2005). Bhutan's phalluses warn off evil. BBC. Retrieved September 30, 2013, from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/4381893.stm • • Pile, S. (1996). The body of the city: Psychoanalysis, space and subjectivity. New York: Routledge. • • Scannell, L. & Gifford, R. (2010). Defining place attachment: A tripartite organizing framework. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 30(1), 1-10. • • Scott, J.C. (1992). Domination and the arts of resistance: Hidden transcripts. Yale: Yale University Press. • • Singley, P. (1993). The Anamorphic phallus within Ledoux's dismembered plan of Chaux. Journal of Architectural Education, 46(3), 176-188. • • Sklair, (2008). Iconic architecture and capitalist globalization. In P. Herrle & E. Wegerhoff (eds.). Architecture and identity (pp.207-220). Berlin: Lit Verlag. • • Smith, W. (1865). Dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities. Boston: Little. • • Stanek, L. (2008). Space as concrete abstraction: Hegel, Marx, and modern urbanism in Henri Lefebvre. In K. Goonewardena, S. Kipfer, R. Milgrom & C. Schmid (Eds.). Space, difference, everyday life: Reading Henri Lefebvre. NewYork and London: Routledge (pp.62-79). • • Spiegel (2008). Members only: The annual Phallus Festival in Greece. Spiegel. Retrieved September 30, 2013, from http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/members-only-the-annual-phallus-festival-in-greece-a-553070.html • • Wainwright, O. (2013). Does Beijing's new People's Daily building remind you of anything? The Guardian. Retrieved September 30, 2013, from http://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/architecture-design-blog/2013/may/10/beijing-peoples-daily-giant-penis • • Wiebenson, D. (1968). “L'Architecture Terrible” and the “Jardin Anglo-Chinois”. Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 27(2), 136-139.

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