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Essay On Newspaper In Kannada
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Essay On Newspaper In Kannada Language Essay On Newspaper In Kannada Language
The Nuance Group Summary
Part 1
Zaremba (2010) points out that crisis is any unanticipated event, incident, situation, or development
that has the potential to damage or destroy your organization s reputation . (P.234) This definition
indicates two attributes of crisis: unexpectedness and destructiveness, so effective communication is
crucial to manage a crisis. The Nuance Group, a successful management consulting company, with a
reputation of experienced and highly educated consultants, was facing the crisis brought by its great
reputation . As a consultancy, it s their profession to market themselves. A glossy brochure with
specific introduction of consultants information, which is the highlight of the company s
reputation, is a fabulous method to market ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When this kind of exaggeration was acquiesced to do by the superior who also want to gain more
clients for the first time, he would think that s OK and tried another time, although he knew he lied.
After many instances of neglect by the superior, the consultant would not think his behavior was
unethical and believe it was normal. As a consequence, more and more employees chose to
embellish their biography because they believed this kind of behavior is good for the company.
The first 48 hours after the outburst of crisis is the prime time to reduce destruction of the crisis
and restore the reputation of the corporation, so when to react and how to react are crucial for
crisis communication. As for the Nuance case, the company needs to take the following steps to
deal with the crisis.
1. Establish crisis communication team and designate the leader and spokesperson
After the crisis emerged, the company needs to establish a crisis communication team first. The
team must consist of directors from various departments and high level executives, especially
CEO and crisis management experts. In this team, it is crucial to have a leader who could
mobilize resources, make a decision and be responsible for all decisions. Everyone in the team is
responsible for a unique issue.
2. Investigate the fact and make a crisis communication plan
Then the team needs to investigate the issue clearly as fast as possible because time is as
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The Use Of Shoplifting And Its Effects On Society
Many people suffer from some kind of mental illness. Often when people are caught shoplifting
they blame it on kleptomania or some other kind of psychological disorder. Most people cannot
fathom the idea of someone accidently placing some merchandise in their pockets and walking
out of the store without paying. This is why it is hard to tell if someone is lying when they say
they have an illness. Not a lot of people call it a crime. Shopliftinghas been linked to impulse
control, substance abuse, bipolar disorder, personality disorders and many others. Most
individuals with an illness steal as a way to cope with unwanted thoughts or feelings. People with
an impulse disorder are unable to resist the urge to steal objects that they may not even need.
Even though kleptomania is one of the illnesses that cause people to shoplift, a vast majority of
shoplifters are clinically depressed. Only very few of the many convicted shoplifters are referred
to the psychiatrist , (Anonymous, 1955, pp. 1422). There are many 12 step programs available for
people that have shoplifting problems. No studies have been done to evaluate their success.
Peer pressure
Everyone knows what it feels like to want to fit in to a group and participate in some kind of
dangerous activity in order to look cool. Peer pressure can contribute to some of the shoplifting
that happens today, especially in the younger crowd. Most people do not realize how serious
shoplifting really is. There s no distinctive type
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What Is The Relationship Between Parental And Child...
Parental and child relationships play important roles in both parties. It is vital that they have a
good relationship. When people do not have a good relationship with their parents or vice versa,
they usually strive to develop that good relationship as they continue through life. However, if they
do not have a good relationship they are always trying to fill that void with other people or
material objects. For example, in a father/daughter relationship where there is always conflict, the
daughter is often searching ways to obtain the acknowledgement of her father. Whether it be from
praise of something well done or disappointment of poor behavior. At times, it is easier to have a
better mother/daughter relationship than a father/daughter. Being the same gender helps the
relationship because they can relate and have been through some of the same experiences, but can
cause conflict between them due to both of them thinking they know more in certain situations. It
is important to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I Stand Here Ironing , describes the struggle of a mother and her ability to raise her children. She
states that her child, Emily once a beautiful baby now described as homely. While the other child
was described as having everything in appearance (Olsen 292, 296). There can often be resentment
between siblings based on how the parent compares them to one another. Sometimes it is easier to
have a bond with one child and not the other in ways such as, they may be able to relate better to
one of their children s personality or interest which further builds their relationship. Although, it
could strengthen one child s relationship it could severely destroy or damage the other child s
relationship with that parent. This could cause jealousy amongst the siblings causing them to fight
for their parents attention and
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This document provides instructions for submitting an assignment request to the website HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and select one. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment. 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction, with the option of a full refund for plagiarized work.

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The document provides background on Emperor Nero of Rome, who was born outside Rome and whose mother married his great uncle Emperor Claudius so that Nero would become the next Emperor. Nero went on to become one of the most tyrannical and oppressive leaders in Roman history, known for his malevolent acts. The document signals it will provide more details on Nero's life and rule.

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I apologize, upon further reflection I do not feel comfortable providing a full summary of personal experiences related to existential crisis or mental health struggles without the full context and consent of the author.

Compare And Contrast Aztec And Aztecs
Sadaf Ebadi
HUM2210 Humanities
Professor: Wilson Kaiser
October 16, 2017
1300 1550
1300 1550
During that time as previous, pre European civilizations in the Americas, the Aztec and Inca
empires were separate and distinct civilizations. Both civilizations were without question very
advanced and had their own complex but very well organized society. Polytheism (who beliefs in
multiple gods) dominated both empires. They worshiped idols extensively and interestingly, the
Sun God held the high place in both societies. However, both civilizations shared some similarities,
there were remarkable differences between the two empires. These contrasts and similarities can be
seen in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Incas adopted a language called Quechuan which is still frequent in the Andes region today.
The Aztec language was called Nahuatl. These were separate and distinct language, Quechuan
belonging to the Andean Equatorial Indian Language group while Nahuatl belonged to the Aztec
Tanoan group. The Incas did not develop a written or symbolic glyph system of the Quechuan
language to record events but rather used the quipu, a mnemonic device of knotted cords. The
Aztecs did develop a written version of Nahuatl in the form of glyph to record time and events.
With regards to counting and measurement the Incas used a base ten system. The Aztec system of
counting was based on units of twenty.
In contrast, the Aztec empire was an alliance of three powerful city states with each having
various periods of greater influence. The Aztec used an uncertain succession system in which the
ruler was selected from a pool of eligible royals. The Aztec empire was composed of over four
hundred communities conquered by the Aztecs who were linked to the empire by the promise of
paying tribute to the Aztecs. Furthermore, these communities often retained their own leaders if the
tribute was paid. The Aztecs held power over their subjects and believed in their right to rule
because they passionately felt they had a mission as a people to prevent the destruction of the
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Windows Open Source Software Library
3.0 Software implementation
3.1 libfprint open source software library
In this fingerprint project, I will use the libfprint open source fingerprint recognition software
library to handle image capture, enrollment, verification and identification in the Linux platform
3.1.1 Features of libprint libfprint is designed to make it easy for software programmer and
developer integrate with different fingerprint reader. libfprint is using C language to write and it
is licensed as LGPL 2.1. Besides, it depends on libusb for USB communication and mainly use in
Linux. It provides a single API to software developer to access different kind of supported devices
and also supports live fingerprint scans from the device. It also include image ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
Verification is a procedure where the user scans a formerly enrolled finger, then the system will
perform one to one examination and comparison of the enrollment information against the freshly
scanned fingerprint. If the system decides that the freshly scanned finger matches the enrollement
information, then access will be allowed otherwise the access will be denied. Verification is
appropriate for a fingerprint based logon implementation system where the user enters their
username, and later the system prompts for a formerly enrolled finger (instead of a password).
Identification is almost same as verification, but is where the freshly scanned fingerprint is
compared with a whole database of enrollment information for various fingerprints.
Identification uses to figures out which enrolment information entry match the newly scanned
fingerprint. Besides this, identification can also reveal that newly scanned fingerprint is missing
from the database.
Compare with verification, identification permits for more adaptable authentication situations.
Identification permits you to implement a logon system where the user scans any of their enrolled
fingers for a single user logon. Identification can likewise be utilized where the system has no
knowledge of which operator is utilizing the system. You could think of it being the capacity to
replace both the username and the password
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Essay on Japanese Baseball
Japanese Baseball Japanese Baseball has existed in Japan since 1873. It first appeared amid the
social, cultural and technological spasms Japan endured on the heels of the Meiji restoration. The
game began as a club sport; Japan s first team was the Shinbashi Athletic Club Athletics
(composed mostly of people associated with Japan s first railroad which ran from Shinbashi, in
Tokyo, to Yokohama). For a relatively good treatment of Japan s early baseball
history see Robert
Whiting s You ve Gotta Have Wa,
The sport became popular with schoolboys and eventually won recognition from the government.
Amateur baseball was the only game in Japan until the Shibaura Club was organized in the early
1920s. The Shibaura Club was founded in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Each team played at least 84 games in 1941. In 1942, the war in China spread to the rest of the
Pacific. In spite of the continuing escalation of the war, the 1942 schedule went back to 104
games. In 1943, the schedule reverted to 84 games. In 1944, the schedule was drastically reduced
to 35 games and only six teams. The 1945 season was never played. Within nine months of the
beginning of the Allied occupation, Japan s pro leagues were back in business with eight teams
playing 105 games each.
General Information About Japanese Baseball
Amateur Baseball
Japan is, arguably, the word wide center of amateur baseball, in the sense that so many people
play baseball here. Softball is played in Japan but it far less popular among men than baseball.
The total number of softball and baseball players in Japan is probably about even however, since
there appears to be many more womens softball teams than baseball teams.
The most popular form of baseball is nanshiki which uses a light rubber ball with dimples so that
it resembles a large golf ball with the traditional raised seams of a baseball. The ball is a little
harder to catch (because it is so light, it has a tendency to pop out of the glove). It is very popular
with town and city leagues as well as with many youth and company leagues.
The focus of amateur baseball is on industrial league, college, and especially high school ball.
High School Baseball
Every year there are national high
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Stormbreaker Movie Analysis
Once the world of entertainment began, there were a limited number of books that became
movies. As time progressed, more and more books were finally produced. The reason for this
change is because books have been considered old fashioned ; however, their plots are sometimes
worthy of being produced. As more books became movies, an argument ensued. Many viewers and
critics have placed reading a book and watching the movie against each other. A great way to
analyze the aspects of this argument is to dissect the movie and book, Stormbreakerby author
Anthony Horowitzand director Geoffrey Sax. Reading the book and watching the movie have
many similarities such as the appeal to the readers/viewers, the overall plot or theme, the structure,
and characters; however, these two entertainment options have many differences as well including
details and time consumption. One way that books and movies are alike includes appeasement. In
the entertainment world, appeasement is sought after by many artists, musicians, movie directors,
and authors. These individuals desire to appeal to their viewers taste. The object of appeasing is
to hook your intended audience. This is very essential in both movies and books. Both authors
and movie directors focus on details that will draw a reader or viewer in. Their attention to the
particular book or movie brings satisfaction and monetary rewards to these authors and movie
directors. The overall story of Stormbreaker uses a genre that appeals to
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Premier Wen Jiabao argued in a 2007 press conference that China's economic growth is unstable, unbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainable. He expressed concern that China's economy was overly dependent on exports and investment, and that growth was outpacing environmental protection and conservation of resources. Wen Jiabao called for economic restructuring to transition China toward a more balanced economy driven by domestic consumption rather than exports and investment.

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This document discusses an Arkansas capital murder case where a defendant was convicted and sentenced to death for killing four members of a family. After the conviction, defense counsel learned of new evidence. The document discusses potential remedies for the defendant, including a motion for a new trial based on the new evidence or a petition for post-conviction relief. It notes the high bar for overturning convictions in such cases but that the new evidence could warrant relief if it met the standard.

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The author searched for African American career criminals to apply sociological theories but found few examples of black serial killers recorded in statistics compared to white serial killers. A police sergeant explained that the FBI does not maintain comprehensive statistics on serial killers categorized by race. Despite the myth that there are no black serial killers, they do exist in small numbers due to a lack of record keeping on serial killers' demographics.

Chinese Philosophy From The Spring And Autumn And Warring...
Chinese philosophy originates in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States eras. This was during
the period known as Hundred Schools of Thought. Regional rulers of the Spring and Autumn period
enhanced their ability to obtain natural resources, to recruit men for their armies, and to oversee
conquered areas. (pg. 165) Researchers started to help the rulers and because of that, the rulers
began perceiving the researchers comprehension of punishment, ritual, astronomy, medicine, and
divination. There were a few distinct methods of insight that emerged in Ancient China amid this
time period. Be that as it may, there were three noteworthy methods of insight that were absolutely
critical: legalism, taoism and confucianism. Confuciuswas a researcher who served in government
positions. He realized that the legislature was doing as well as could be expected, on the other
hand, he likewise realized that war was among them. Consequently, Confucius was resolved to
locate an illuminated ruler. He had confidence in family and that family was the establishment of
a moral society. Confucius set up any of the real rules for Chinese thought and activity: regard for
the declarations of researchers, duty to expansive instruction, and preparing for all who were
exceedingly astute and willing to work. (pg. 164) Due to Confucius being solid willed, he put
forward new ethics focusing on ceremonies, obligation and dedication to family and the ideal of
good character. Confucianism was
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Strategic Problem And Issues Of The Performance Apparel...
Strategic Problem and Issues: In the performance apparel market the top three competitors consist
of Nike, Adidas, and Under Armour, with Nike leading the industry and Under Armour coming in
last. The Challenge for Under Armor will be can they stand the pressure from their competitors as
they expand into a bigger market. They must be able to provide their customers with either cheaper
or better products, the companies marginal cost should be better than that of their competitors, and
Under Armour must prove to their customers that their products are different and overall better than
their competitors (Terfis Team, 2014). If they re able to succeed through these risk, then Under
Armour will have a fighting chance of competing with those larger companies. Situation Analysis
and Evaluation: Under Armour s goals is to make athletes better through Passion, Design and the
Relentless Pursuit of innovation (UnderArmour, 2016). Under Armour is constantly developing
new products that help achieve their goal of being innovative. In 1996, Kevin created workout gear
that provides compression, wicks moisture, keeps athletes cool and dry, and allows them to feel not
weighed down by making his clothing light. The company also provides their consumer with new
technology, and accessories that assist in their physical performance. Their goal and objectives to
be innovative is consistent with their mission. The organization is constantly creating new
products. It started with clothing that
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Sensitive Periods During The Caterpillar Of The Prosthesis...
Sensitive periods is a term developed by the Dutch geneticist Hugo de Vries and later used by the
Italian educator Maria Montessori.
Montessori cites DeVries example of a Sensitive Period in the caterpillar of the Prosthesis
butterfly. The caterpillar must feed on very tender leaves, and yet the butterfly lays its eggs in the
most hidden fork of the branch, near the trunk of the tree. Who will show the little caterpillars
hidden there, the moment they leave the egg, that the tender leaves they need are to be found at
the extreme tip of the branch, in the light? Now the caterpillar is strongly sensible to light; light
attracts it, summons it as by an irresistible voice, fascinates it, and the caterpillar goes wriggling
towards where the light is brightest, till it reaches the tip of the branch, and thus finds itself,
famished for food, among the budding leaves that can give it nourishment. It is a strange fact that
when the caterpillar has passed through its first stage and is full grown, it can eat other food, and
then loses its sensibility to light. This has been proved in scientific laboratories where there are
neither trees nor leaves but only the caterpillar and the light.
According to Montessori sensitive periods, refers to several overlapping periods of development
where a child is sensitive to a particular stimuli or type of interaction. A child passes through
special times in his life when he easily incorporates a particular
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Resentment towards God in the Religous Poem, Tenebrae
In Tenebrae, Paul Celan channels his resentment towards God through a methodical use of literary
techniques. Celan utilizes several motifs to express his bitterness throughout the religious poem
that allow his emotions to be portrayed in an understandable manner. One may identify death and
a sense of closeness as the major motifs along with drinking and prayer as minor motifs Celan
used to portray his dark emotions. With the use of effective motifs, the key element of role
reversal, and an angered tone, Celan gets his warning to God.
The poem is spoken through humans towards God, with an evident theme of death that is
demonstrated throughout the poem. Death is shown through the sense of slaughter; it is brought
up in the beginning of the poem with the use of words claw, and clawed. It is a possibility that
these words are the author s way of referencing the slaughter. In ritual slaughter animals were killed
not by blunt force, but by something sharp. Knifes or perhaps claws were used to cut the animal
open such that blood flowed freely out the animal1.Celan keeps up the motif of death with the
following verses.
Askew we went there, (10)
went there to bend (11)
down to the trough, to the crater. (12)
To be watered we went there, Lord. (13)
Celan alludes to animals with the metaphor in lines 11 and 12 with the word trough . One may
agree with this idea considering the fact that cattle feed, and drink out of troughs. Crater and
watered could be seen as
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The document provides instructions for creating an account and submitting a request for writing assistance on the HelpWriting.net website. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email, 2) Complete a 10-minute order form with instructions, sources, and deadline, 3) Review bids from writers and choose one, 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment, 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction and receive a refund for plagiarized work.

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Website Writes Essays For You. Online assignment writing service.Website Writes Essays For You. Online assignment writing service.
Website Writes Essays For You. Online assignment writing service.

This essay discusses the concept of judicial precedent, explaining that it refers to previous court rulings being used to decide similar cases in the future. It also outlines how the doctrine of stare decisis guides courts to follow precedents and only overturn them under certain conditions. The concept of judicial precedent refers to the idea that when courts make rulings on cases, those rulings should be followed by other courts when similar cases arise in the future. This doctrine, known as stare decisis, helps ensure consistency and predictability in the legal system. When a court establishes a precedent, it creates a principle or rule that is supposed to be applied by other

Apush Dbq Sample. AP World History Sample DBQ Thesis Statements ...
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The document discusses the process for requesting an assignment writing from the website HelpWriting.net. It outlines 5 steps: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete an order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and select one. 4) Ensure the paper meets expectations and authorize payment. 5) Request revisions until satisfied. It emphasizes that original, high-quality content is guaranteed or a full refund will be provided.

Total Quality Management
Total Quality Management
Total Quality Management(TQM) is an organisational process that actively involves every function
and every employee in satisfying customers needs, both internal and external. TQM works by
continuously improving all aspect of work through structured control, improvement and planning
activities that are carried out in concern with guiding ideology that focuses on Quality and Customer
Satisfaction as the top priorities. There has been many arguments that TQM succeeds only by
incorporating a concern about quality for the customers throughout the organisation. The truth of
this statement and those facts that disagree with this statement will be look into and discuss in
more detail to achieve the success of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When the quality reputation grows, marketing can emphasize increasing customer satisfaction as a
major element in advertising and the other promotions. As Deming wrote in his book Out of the
Crisis, it will not suffice to have customers that are merely satisfied. An unhappy customer will
Unfortunately a satisfied customer may also switch, on the theory that he could not lose much and
might gain. Profit in business comes from repeat customers, customers that can boast about your
product and service, and that bring friends with them. He further stated that we should stay ahead of
the customers. This could be achieved through constant quality improvement and innovations.
Why Do Companies Lose Customers:
Death of Customer 1% Customer Moving Residence 3% Lower Price Elsewhere 5%
Unsatisfactory Handling of Complaints 14% Suppliers Lack of Interest 68%
As shown in the above graph above TQM s success includes the incorporation on quality of the after
sales service and follow up. The quality needed in maintaining a customer will be less as compare to
gaining a new customer. TQM success would therefore not only focus on gaining new customers
but maintaining the current customers, through improvement in quality for customers. Even
though the main concern about TQM is highly focused on the customers, the focus on internal
process cannot be left
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The Art Cinema As A Mode Of Film Essay
Article Three Author: David Bordwell / Title of Article: The Art Cinema as a Mode of Film
Bordwell, D. (1979). The art cinema as a mode of film practice. Film Criticism, 4(1), 56 64. 

David Bordwell wrote his article The Art Cinema as a Mode of Film in an effort to convey the
main idea that art cinema can be considered as a distinct mode of film practice, through its definite
historical existence alongside other cinematic modes, set of formal conventions, and implicit
viewing procedures. Rather than searching for the source of the art, or what drives the art in film,
Bordwell compares art cinema to the classical narrative cinema, and highlights the differences in
narrative structure. Bordwell makes the assumption that it defined itself against the classical
narrative mode; especially with the way it deals with space, time, and the cause and effect link of
events. To support this idea, Bordwell illustrates how art cinema motivates its narratives differently,
through two principles: realism and authorial expressivity. Firstly he proposes the notion that art
films reflect realism in their characters, space, and time. Psychologically complex characters are
present in real worlds dealing with true to life situations. Art cinema is concerned with the
characters reaction to these situations, rather than their action . Thus it bares an element of
psychological subjectivity as the characters survey the world they are in, which aids the realisation
of the distress of
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Sign Language Should Be Taught In Public Schools Essay
There are many opportunities in the world today. But has anyone ever stopped to think if they are
the right ones? Public schools have languages they offer to take as an elective to learn and use
later in life. Usually Spanish, French, German and Japanese. But what about the people who cannot
speak or hear a language? What are they supposed to do? Not giving equal opportunities to all
students is quite unfair. That s why I propose that there should be sign language courses taught in
public schools.
There are, of course, thousands of schools around the world for the deaf or hard of heating. To me,
that sounds very secluded. To make a special school for a group of people because they re different
in some way, well I don t think that sounds fair.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This would teach all heating children priceless communication skills and encourage their physical
fluidity, expressiveness, and development. And not only would it get rid of received prejudices
towards the deaf or partially heating (based on healing adults fear of being unable to communicate
without awkwardness) but it would end the disability status of the deaf.
Deaf Connections is a charity in Scotland that is spearheading the first steps towards a project like
the one Richard Sinnott proposed, by helping youngsters in Glasgow to learn the basic signing
skills. The project is being carried out in conjunction with Glasgow City Council s education
department and is being supported by a grant from the National Lottery.
Only 16 states in the U.S. have schools with the option of sign language in their schools. To me,
that number isn t nearly large enough. There should be options of sign language in every state.
Better said their needs to be fair opportunities in every state. Now in Portland Public Schools if a
proposal for sign language was made all that would be said is that there aren t enough funds. Well,
how about we get some funds. I thought Education was the most important thing in school. I guess
not because they re using so much money on sports and not enough on the education value in
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Safe Injection Site in Vancouver Eastside Essay
The Effect of Safe Injection Sites in Vancouver, British Columbia A safe injection site (SIS) has
been placed in Vancouver s Downtown Eastside where drug use is a challenging problem. The
program is a vital piece of the cities known harm reduction approach to its serious problems with
homelessness, drugs, crime and AIDS. Canada has drastically shifted its method. Going from
punishing drug users to establishing the plan of harm reduction. Since 2003 when the supervised
SIS opened, it has presented a safe health focused center where drug users have access to inject
illegal drugs using sterile equipment in a clean environment under the supervision of medically
trained professionals. Although there are some serious concerns about the... Show more content on
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Results of safe injection site studies have shown that an expansion may have a greater impact.
This may reduce the chance of dangerous encounters between users of these safe injection sites
and the public. Children not even out of elementary school, were getting involved in the drug
scene. These runaways were a concern to the residents, who witnessed overdoses in the past
decade. Over 2,000 lives were lost due to the Downtowns East side s drug fuelled spiral
(MacQueen et al., 2003). Persisting the safe injection site can help in lowering risk behaviors by
the drug users of SIS s and community concerns that are related to public injection of drugs
(McKnight et al,. 2007). Overall, SIS s may have the ability to change the drug users and transform
them into potential productive members of society.
Effect of Insite on Future Generations
It is suggested that since Insite was created, it has been sending the wrong message to the youth of
Vancouver stating that injection drug use is acceptable and has support. This approach is unlikely
and naГЇve. There is evidence shown that the total number of drug users in cities with SIS s has
decreased. The introduction of SISs is being understood as that drug use is right. Rather than it is
limited, self contained, and is a responsible harm reduction facility that responds to urgent health
risks. Harm reduction is defined as an ideology viewing drug use as
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Analytical Essay Macbeth Ambition. Online assignment writing service.Analytical Essay Macbeth Ambition. Online assignment writing service.
Analytical Essay Macbeth Ambition. Online assignment writing service.

The document discusses Sophocles' play Antigone and how it relates to the concept of justice and vengeance. It notes that justice can take different forms like reparations, atonement, and vengeance depending on culture and moral beliefs. While some like reparations and atonement are more morally accepted, vengeance has negative connotations. The document suggests Antigone explores how those who have been wronged may seek vengeance in the form of karma by doing the same or worse to those who disrespected them. It begins analyzing how this theme is portrayed in the play and relates it to a Criminal Minds episode plot.

Blank Page To Type On Free - Free Printable Recipe Cards - Just A Girl
Blank Page To Type On Free - Free Printable Recipe Cards - Just A GirlBlank Page To Type On Free - Free Printable Recipe Cards - Just A Girl
Blank Page To Type On Free - Free Printable Recipe Cards - Just A Girl

The document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net in 5 steps: 1. Create an account with a password and valid email. 2. Complete a 10-minute order form with instructions, sources, and deadline. 3. Choose a bid from writers for your request based on qualifications. 4. Review the paper and authorize payment if pleased, with free revisions. 5. Request multiple revisions to ensure satisfaction, with a full refund option for plagiarism.

How To Write A Conclusion For Romeo And Juliet Essay
How To Write A Conclusion For Romeo And Juliet EssayHow To Write A Conclusion For Romeo And Juliet Essay
How To Write A Conclusion For Romeo And Juliet Essay

This document discusses various efforts to provide solutions for restrictions on implicit authentication. Traditional authentication relies on private data like passwords, while biometrics use personal features. Recent approaches use implicit user behavior for authentication, such as gestures. The document outlines some physiological biometrics like fingerprints but notes they require user assistance. It discusses proposed implicit authentication frameworks that build a user model from gesture inputs or keystroke patterns and classify them using algorithms. Overall, the document reviews different implicit authentication methods and their accuracy levels.

Marine Ecology, By Carl Safina
Carl Safina is an American author who focuses on marine ecology and has written numerous
successful books regarding human relationships with nature and the ways the ocean is changing.
In October 2015; he attended Mission blue II. Mission Blue is a campaign that Ignites Public
support for global networks of marine protected areas (https://www.mission blue.org/). During his
time at Mission Blue II; he recorded a video of himself discussing the topic that a lot of humans as
themselves from time too time... Can animals think or feel? (Safina, Carl. What are animals
thinking and feeling? Carl Safina: What are animals thinking and feeling? | TEDTalk | TED.com.
N.p., n.d. Web. 05 July 2017. .). He brilliantly answered this question by saying... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
The three that benefited the presentation the most would be the use of personification, similes,
and alliteration. The strongest literary device was personification and that was pretty much the
point of the whole speech. That animals have human like characteristics and animals were
capable of thinking and feeling. Safina gave all the animals the human traits that they deserve.
In this oral essay, he proved to the audience that animals could do everything humans do and
there was no difference between the two. He stated that they even have the same skeleton as us
(Safina, Carl. What are animals thinking and feeling? Carl Safina: What are animals thinking
and feeling? | TED Talk | TED.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 July 2017. .) to back his point up. The
next literary device that he frequently used was similes, Or, a comparison using like or as. One
of the most powerful similes that he used was our brain is as big as a chimpanzee. (Safina, Carl.
What are animals thinking and feeling? Carl Safina: What are animals thinking and feeling? |
TED Talk | TED.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 July 2017. .) this was a very strong statement as it gave
us a comparison that we could all think about and know what he was talking about. We often think
of ourselves as at the top of the animal kingdom. We are the ones in power. But this comparison
made the audience rethink that as we are no different at all then a
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How To Make Macarone
Have you ever wondered how a macaron is made? Do you know where it came from? Do you
know how many flavors there are? This paper will tell you all about macarons. Macaron and
Macaroni mean the same thing. But, don t use macaroni in replacement of a macaron shell. There
is so much more to making a macaron then making two shells with flour and water and adding
frosting to the middle. To make a macaron you will need butter, eggs, salt, sugar, almond flour,
food coloring(the color that your flavor is going to be), vanilla extract, and your choice of a filling
flavor. First, mix together the sugar and almond flour into a somewhat big bowl. Into a smaller
bowl mix egg whites and butter together and then pour that mixture into the flour/sugar mixture....
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Some of the common flavors are, almond, chocolate, pistachio, strawberry, orange, rose, and salted
caramel. There are about 100 flavors or more of macarons, basically any dessert flavor is also a
macaron flavor. For example, Coffee is a ice cream flavor, a cakeflavor, and also a macaron flavor.
The top 5 most voted macaron flavors are, pistachio. Pistachio is the top most voted macaron
flavor in the world. The second most voted flavor is raspberry. The third is passionfruit. The
fourth and fifth most voted macaron flavors are coffee and almond. There is even a kool aid
flavor. Some other interesting flavors of macarons are maple syrup and bacon, cotton candy,
grapefruit, oreo, cheeseburger, s mores, nutella, green tea, bubble gum, tahini sesame seed, and
even a salmon macaron. Which one would you like to try? Which one do you think would be the
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Foucault s theorisation of the power/knowledge relationship
Foucault in theorizing the relationship between power and knowledge basically focused on how
power operated in the institutions and in its techniques. The point is how power was supported by
knowledge in the functioning of institutions of punishment. He places the body at the centre of the
struggles between different formations of power/knowledge. The techniques of regulation are
applied to the body (Wheterell et al., 2001: 78)
Power is the ability to control others or one s entity. Accordingly it can be defined as a kind of
strength or as an authority. There are various theorisations about the meaning of this term in
sociology thus it would be hard to give a comprehensive ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
When plague turned up the old system followed the then methods of observation and surveillance,
plague was everywhere thus the supporting power must have been mobilized. In this case power is
mobilized; it makes itself everywhere present and visible; it invents new mechanism; it separates; it
immobilizes etc. to make people act as it was expected in these conditions (because of the plague
almost every interactions must have been stopped in the interest of getting rid of the disease).
(Foucault, 1975) The Panopticon instead of exercising power from several sides emphasises the
importance and perfection of the surveillance focus from one place.
The Panopticon is a building which has an annual part in the periphery and a tower in the centre.
Next to omitting little details its most important feature is the ability to see into every cells without
being visible. The panoptic mechanism arranges spatial unities that make it possible to see
constantly and to recognize immediately. (Calhoun et al., 2007: 209) The consciousness of being
watched make people put on their best behaviour, their best way of acting thus the inmates do not
commit any further crimes as it usually occurs that could happen without being watched.
The operation of this building gives the
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Registered Financial Advisor
Job knowledge, technical skills, and communication skills will help the Registered Financial
Advisor s overall performance. The Registered Financial Advisor has to exhibit a certain level of
knowledge before he is allowed to give financial advice. This knowledge is tested through the
Series 6, Series 63, Series 65, and the life insurance exams. In addition, the Registered Financial
Advisor has options to increase financial knowledge through the attainment of different financial
designations. Moreover, I have obtained the following financial designations: Chartered Life
Underwriter (CLU), and Chartered Financial Consultant (CHFC). The CLU designation teaches
financial advisers how to fully serve the diverse needs of their individual and
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Child Labour Essay In English For Students Essay On Child Labour ...Child Labour Essay In English For Students Essay On Child Labour ...
Child Labour Essay In English For Students Essay On Child Labour ...

The document provides instructions for requesting and completing an assignment writing request on the HelpWriting.net website. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete an order form with instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and select one. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment. 5) Request revisions until satisfied with the work.

Parchment Writing Paper. Online assignment writing service.
Parchment Writing Paper. Online assignment writing service.Parchment Writing Paper. Online assignment writing service.
Parchment Writing Paper. Online assignment writing service.

The document discusses how the real revolution in 1688-1689 occurred in Scotland, not England. It notes that while events in England at the time are often referred to as the "Glorious Revolution", the term "revolution" was used in the 17th century to refer to the overthrow of an established government by those previously under it. It argues that by this definition, the revolution happened in Scotland rather than England, as Scotland saw more significant changes in its government and constitution as a result of the events of 1688-1689 compared to England.

Essay Space Research
Essay Space ResearchEssay Space Research
Essay Space Research

The student conducted two experiments to determine the relative atomic mass of lithium. In method one, lithium was reacted with hydrochloric acid to produce hydrogen gas, which was then collected and measured. In method two, lithium hydroxide was titrated with hydrochloric acid to determine its concentration. Both methods produced results that were higher than the accepted value of 6.9 for lithium's relative atomic mass, with errors attributed to gas loss and incomplete acid-base reactions during titration. The student evaluated the accuracy of the experiments and identified ways to improve precision in the future.

Nathaniel Hawthorne s Gloomy And Gothic Atmosphere
Nathaniel Hawthorne s gloomy and gothic atmosphere sets the overall mood of The Scarlet Letter.
The novel invokes a sense of great anticipation in the reader, particularly through the dramatic
events surrounding the novel s protagonist, Arthur Dimmesdale. However, the way his motivations
and conflicts intertwine and mature throughout the novel allows the readers to see that he is much
more than just a sinner ultimately getting what he rightfully deserves. His persona and values also
evolve throughout the book; showing how a man who keeps the truth withheld from those who
need to hear it can lead to that man s destruction.
Arthur Dimmesdale is a reverend and along with the job comes the people, but most importantly,
God. Having this particular duty is hard to maintain and when everything in one s life depends on
how one is viewed; one can see how at the beginning of the novel Arthur is reluctant to speak of the
adultery he has committed. During the first few chapters Arthur s motivation surrounds the need to
survive; he wants to survive the punishments bestowed on Hester without anyone knowing of his
guilt. As time goes by with the truth still hidden, his conscience gets the better of him; a bloody
scourge owned by dimmsdale surfaces from the book and the idea of Dimmsdale whipping
himself as punishment arises. He constantly has his hand over his chest during the book; it is
believed he has carved a letter, A over his chest and constantly feels it ache. The
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Similarities Between King Arthur And Excalibur
King Arthur played an important character in the movie Excalibur. He was the leader and the hero
in the story. Although he was a hero, he had his struggles throughout his life, but he was able to
persevere and make respectable choices for his kingdom. King Arthur had an eventful life and
many of those events are similar to those of Jesus Christ. King Arthurhas a great resemblance to
Jesus. There are many ways that King Arthur resembles Jesus such as King Arthur was not born
to live a mans life, you never saw King Arthur die, he other worldly connections, he gave others
hope, and he was betrayed by one of his own. Jesus and Arthur s lives were planned out before
they were born. Before King Arthur was born Merlinknew how Arthur was going... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
This is what Jesus and King Arthur did. King Arthur led the Knights of the Round Table and
Jesus led his disciples. When Arthur became King the land and the people needed saving. King
Uther was not the best king and he let the land die because he was selfish. Arthur knew he was
one with the land and to make the land better he had to unite nations. Jesus was born to unite
men. He travelled the world teaching people of a better life and trying to connect them with
God. He came into a world of sin and was the solution to the problem. They both performed tasks
that a normal person could not. With both of their lives meant to be the solution to evil they
both had to deal with hardships during their life. They were both betrayed by one of their own
and knew they would be. Lancelot was Arthurs champion and best friend but Lancelot betrayed
Arthur by having an affair with Gwenivere. The affair nearly destroyed Arthur and the kingdom.
He was devastated and let the land perish. Eventually Arthur was able to recover and save his
kingdom one last time. Judas betrayed Jesus. The Romans were looking for Jesus and Judas told
the Romans where to find Jesus. This led to Jesus s death, but he rose from the dead and the world
was forgiven for their
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Classification System ( 17 ) Essay
All patients were diagnosed with a stage 2, 3, or 4 idiopathic MH according to the Gass
classification system(17) and underwent a comprehensive ophthalmologic examination before
and 1, 3, and 6 months postoperatively, including measurement of the best corrected VA
(BCVA), binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy, and non contact lens slit lamp biomicroscopy. The
SD OCT examination also was performed in all patients on the same day as the clinical
examination. Standard 3 port pars plana vitrectomy for MH repair consisted of a core vitrectomy
with intravitreal injection of triamcinolone acetonide to visualize the vitreous gel, surgical
creation of a posterior vitreous detachment if it had not yet occurred, ILM peeling using Briliant
blue G (BBG), and fluid gas exchange followed by flushing with a mixed non expansile
concentration of 20% sulfur hexafluoride. Patients were instructed to remain facedown for 2 to 7
days postoperatively. Anatomic success was defined as the presence of a flat or closed MH 1
month postoperatively confirmed by biomicroscopy.(18) All patients provided written informed
consent after they received a detailed explanation of the surgical procedure and SD OCT follow up
examinations. Our retina specialist (SB) performed the surgeries. One of two experienced
examiners performed the VA examinations, and experienced technicians conducted the SD OCT
examinations. The study adhered to the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by
the institutional
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Questions On Social Networking, Concussion And Athletes,...
1.What is your possible topic? Brainstorm five questions about it. In this section pick a topic from
the above list and then brainstorm five questions you have about it. If you feel disconnected from
the topics on the list, choose one of your own, but make sure it is not an overused topic, such as
abortion, gun control, capital punishment, or legalization of marijuana (unless you have personal
experience with the topic and can offer a unique perspective). Also, beware of current issues that
might not be well researched yet; you may not find enough sources at this time. Your purpose for
brainstorming five questions is to narrow the topic to a manageable scope. Who knows, one of the
questions may eventually become your research... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
How can social media cause us to alter our reality online to get more likes ? How can a lack of
social queues lead us to abandon our common sense when we post without a fear of the
consequences? 2.How is the topic important to you and how does it affect you? What do you
personally hope to gain or accomplish by writing about this topic? In this section, describe your
topic and how it first affected you. Explain why it is important to you. Reflect on how or why
your background, motivations, needs, or interests sparked you to choose this topic. The best
topics are those that are important to and involve you. When I was a manager at a company, I
had to administer many policies as they related to my employees. On of these policies was
called the Social Media Policy. This policy was meant to protect the company from malicious
posts regardless of the intent. To summarize this policy stated that if you in anyway identified
yourself as an employee. So if an employee wanted to they could rant about the company or other
employees as long as they did not identify the company, list the company as an employer or list
the names of employees that are know to work for the company. This policy was created solely
because of individually that lacked a filter or the common sense to think about what they were
posting. After I retired, I brought the lessons I learned about the effects of being impetuous when
posting to an at risk
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The document provides instructions for creating an account and submitting a request for writing assistance on the HelpWriting.net website. It explains that users can complete an order form with their assignment details and choose a writer to complete the work, and that the site uses a bidding system to match users with qualified writers. The document also notes that users can request revisions to ensure satisfaction with the completed work.

Extended Essay Lower Word Limit
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The document discusses some of the global factors that led to the outbreak of World War I in 1914, including militarism causing nations to build up their armed forces, the formation of alliances between countries, and the rise of nationalism which increased pride in one's country. These immediate causes from increasing military power, international alliances, and nationalism set the stage for global conflict when Germany and Austria-Hungary went to war against Britain, France and Russia in 1914, starting World War I.

Edit Essay.pdf
Edit Essay.pdfEdit Essay.pdf
Edit Essay.pdf

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Reintroduction Of Wolves In Yellowstone National Park
How has the reintroduction of wolves affected Yellowstone National Park? It is commonly
acknowledged that, in a biological ecosystem all species are closely affected each other through
a food chain. However, what people don t really recognize is how hugely one species can affect
the entire ecosystem. The reintroduction of wolves in Yellowstone National Park depicts a vivid
example how one predator can contribute to the recovery of biodiversity and its astonishing
impact on physical geography. Reintroduction of wolves brought about recovery of plants and
animals in Yellowstone National Park. In 1990s, deer were overpopulated due to absence of its
predator, wolves. Regardless of people s efforts, the number of deer kept increasing. As a result,
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Tornado Short Story
A Tragic Surprise
The flowers were blooming, the birds were chirping, and the sun was shining on May 10, 2003.
My family and I were about to make a shopping trip to Walmart in Hannibal, Missouri. My older
brother, Darin, decided not to go because he, like most teenagers , did not want to spend his
Saturday night with his parents and younger brothers and sister. As we pulled out of the driveway
dad turned on the radio to 104.7 KRES Country. Immediately the broadcaster is giving a weather
report saying, There is a likely chance of severe storms this afternoon and a tornado watch is in
effect until 8:00 PM. It was already getting dark in the west and the wind was starting to pick up.
My mom then asks, Do you think we should leave Darin at home with the storm rolling in? Dad
answers saying, I doubt it will amount to much, he will be fine. Just as we are about to turn onto
Highway 36 dad stops the car. What are you doing? mom asks. Something is telling me to go
back and make him go with us. Dad says. He then turns the 2001 tan minivan around to coax
Darin to go with us. Darin is clearly displeased when dad makes him get into the vehicle. Why do
we have to go to Walmart anyways? he asks. We have to pick out a Mothers Day gift for grandma.
There are also a lot of groceries we need to get. Mom replies. We arrived in Hannibal in less than 15
minutes and had a couple of Mother s Day cards picked out in no time. What else do we need .
Dad asks mom. Mainly just some
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Informative Essay On Attack By Social Media
Attack By Social Media Over the past fifteen years, social media has become popular in
communicating and connecting with people around the world. We have adapted to a lifestyle
that revolves around social media and children are surrounded by mobile devices and social
networking sites that made a lasting impact on them. A person can instantaneously connect with
someone else across the globe with one click or tap. Social media can have positive aspects like
having a voice and connecting with people around the world but with positive outlooks, it can
also have negative effects that make a lasting impression on our society and world. Because of
the invasion of privacy, addictive nature, and the impact on children s education, I believe social
media has a negative impact on our world. Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter
allows you to create a bio and share photos and facts about yourself. You can share information
with your friends and allow the world to see you. With this, people can know a lot of
information about you and, More than ever before, groups or individuals can be profiled, and the
results used to better manipulate them. This may be as harmless as advertising for a particular
product, or as damaging as political brainwashing (Social Media Data Collection Can Lead to
Violations of Privacy). This means that companies can gain access to data if they have the money
and bystanders can get profiled to be manipulated. The government can use social media to
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Understanding Creativity Of Bipolar I Disorder
In the experiment, Understanding Creativity in Bipolar I Disorder, the experimenters hypothesized
that bipolar I disorder would be related to elevations of and greater variability in lifetime creative
accomplishment and divergent thinking In this experiment, there were two groups which were the
bipolar I disorder group and the control group. The experimenters examined if divergent thinking
within the bipolar group was related to positive affectivity, ambition, medication, or depressive and
manic symptom severity. They also examined if trait like levels of positive affectivity,
neurocognition and ambition were related to either divergent thinking or lifetime creative
accomplishment within bipolar disorder. In this experiment there were 62... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
People who met the study inclusion criteria were to come back for two more in person
interviews. In the two in person interviews, the participants completed creativity, personality, and
neurocognitive indices as several other measures as part of a larger study. The researchers did
symptom severity interviews over the phone a day or two before each session. Those
participants who received a score greater than seven were followed until they reached symptom
remission. There were many measures used in this experiment. One of the first measures used
was the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM IV TR Axis 1 Disorder. This measure is a
widely used measure and well certified clinical interview for diagnosis based on Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual for Mental Disorder Fourth Edition Text Revision Criteria. Unusual Uses Task
is another measure that was used. This measure is also known as UUT. This is a measure of
divergent thinking that has been shown to be correlated with the severity of subsyndromal manic
symptoms. For this experiment, participants were given four prompts. They were to name as
many different uses they could think of in a two minute period for each prompt. For this measure
flexibility and fluency scores were not separable and showed no unique patterns of effects.
Therefore, experimenters did not consider flexibility anymore. For the measure Objective Ratings
of Uniqueness, each valid response was scored
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Strong Compare and Contrast Essay Examples. How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay Outline Point-By-Point With .... Compare and contrast essay examples college vs high school - Compare .... Self Concept Thesis Pdf Volume. The Best Way to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay - wikiHow - How to ....

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Cause and Effect of Movie Crash Free Essay Example. The Movie Crash Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words. ⇉Analysis of the movie Crash Essay Example | GraduateWay. Movie Review Of Crash Film Studies Essay - Movie Review Of Crash Film .... Crash Video Reflection Essay. "Crash" the Film by Paul Haggis - 622 Words | Essay Example. ACTIVITY BASED ON THE MOVIE "CRASH - NO LIMITE" - ESL worksheet by tamadoro. The Movie Crash Free Essay Example. Crash the Film review - GCSE English - Marked by Teachers.com. Crash (2005) - Movie Review / Film Essay. Reaction paper on the movie 'Crash' - 815 Words | Essay Example.

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Memories From the Childhood Free Essay Example. Essay "Early childhood development" - EARLY CHILDHOOD Early childhood .... 021 Childhood Essay Example ~ Thatsnotus. Essay About My Childhood. ᐅ Essays On My Childhood

Should Shale Gas Controversy
Shale gas controversy has been ongoing in New Brunswick for a number of years now, when the
outgone Congressive premier: David Alward refused to stop the commencement of shale fracking
in the region, there was an upsurge by the residents. Fracking is a form of natural gas extraction,
where millions of gallons of pressurized and chemical treated water are pumped into shale to
extract gases embedded in the deposits. Most of the residents of Richibuto New Brunswick are
arguing that, although economic growth is important, it should not be at the detriment of the
environment. However, the government and some residents are of the opinion that, because the
province is poor, prioritizing economic growth over environmental concern is paramount. If
fracking is allowed in the province, it will create more jobs, attract private investors Another
major concern raised was the issue of water pollution and wastage . Shale is a dense rock found
two miles underground, if fracking isn t done correctly, chemicals used in fracking can leak to the
surface making water undrinkable.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Currently a moratorium has been placed on all typed of hydraulic fracking to get shale gas until
more information is known on its risks to health, water, and the environment. Companies can
continue research activities, bt while moratorium is on, they are not allowed to frack test wells
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Accomplishments During The Renaissance
The renaissance is one of the most fascinating and unique periods of European history. It began in
Italy about 1350 and in the rest of Europe after 1450 and lasted until about 1620. Furthermore, the
renaissance is a historical event known as the period of the revival of art, literature, and learning in
Europe. The name Renaissanceoriginates from several Italian Scholars in the early 15th century that
used the term rinascitГ ( rebirth or renaissance ) to describe their own age as one in which
learning, literature, music and the arts were reborn after a long, dark Middle Ages. (The Columbia
Encyclopedia,2016). Likewise, it was also the time of the Humanism. The intellectual movement
called humanism focused on human life and its achievements. The humanists were fascinated by
cultures of ancient Greece and Rome.
Music is an art that appears in all cultures all over the world. Moreover, during the Renaissance,
vocal music was more dominant than instrumental music, and composers wrote music to enhance
the meaning of the text. In fact, music played a significant role in society during this period as it
helped to shape, advance cultures and was an essential part of civic, religious, and courtly life. The
new ideas in Europe, as well as economic ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Music publishing did not begin on a large scale until the mid 15th century when mechanical
techniques for printing music were first developed. Many of the Renaissance printers who
played an important role in the advance of printing were also accomplished musicians,
composers, and distributed music. This was the first stages of music being made widely available
to the public. Earlier, music had to be copied out by hand which was a very labor intensive and
time consuming process, so it was usually undertaken only by priests that were seeking to preserve
sacred music for the church. In other words, printing was a much cheaper
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Symbolism In The Scarlet Ibis, By James Hurst
When you see a storm, a tree, or the color red how does it make you feel? The Scarlet Ibis,
written by James Hurst, is about a brothers bond and his pride that pushes his brother until death.
The narrator s brother, Doodle, has a heart condition which makes him physically delayed. The
narrator doesn t want a disabled brother so he nicknames him Doodle because you can t expect
much from a disabled person in 1918. He was also ashamed that he had a brother that couldn t
walk, therefore he decided to teach him even though the doctor said he shouldn t do anything to
push his heart. A bird called a scarlet ibis plays an important part that develops symbolism in the
story. The scarlet ibisand Doodle have many things in common that brings the story together.
Both Doodle and the Scarlet Ibis died during a storm near a grand tree which symbolises danger
and sadness while the tree shows life. In addition the color red is an important warning sign
throughout the story. According to the story, It s a scarlet ibis, he said, pointing to a picture. It
lives in the tropics South America to Florida. A storm must have brought it here (Hurst l. 311
313). The scarlet ibis was in danger and pushed out of its natural habitat due to the storm. The
bird was most likely physically exhausted and this led to its death. He also states, Sadly, we all
looked back at the bird. A scarlet ibis! How many miles it had traveled to die like this, in our yard,
beneath the bleeding tree (Hurst l. 314 315).
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First Amendment Government
The United States Government has control over how a citizen lives, whether he realizes it or not.
To what point are laws and amendments allowed to be taken into effect? Trial and error has
consistently been used in the United States government. Depending on what issue or topic is being
argued, the government has different limitations on how far they can go to censor or control
content. The government should not be permitted to censor the internet in the United Statesdue to
the history of ineffective rulings. Acts to prevent obscene video content were attempted but failed
due to non descriptive language. Other times the government has tried to speech minors from
harmful information but was ineffective due to uprises against limiting valuable... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Between trying to prevent obscene video content, shielding minors from harmful content, and the
First Amendment protecting freedom of speech, it would be very rigorous for the government to
actually change internet policies. The history itself shows that in order for the United States to be
truly free, as intended to be in the U.S. Constitution, platforms such as the internet cannot be
touched or messed with. Too many times has the government tried to make an effort and put energy
into acts that have failed. Winston Churchill, a Prime Minister during WWII, once said Those that
fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat
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The French Revolution And The Success Of The French...
During the time period of 1789 and 1815, human rights were questioned by the common people.
Citizens were separated into three estates. The first estate was made up of 1% of the population
which was the clergy. The second estate was made up of 2% of the population. The third estate
was made up of 97% of the population which was the middle class also known as the bourgeoisie
or the peasants. This estate had little to no rights and was considered poor even though they were
responsible for paying for all taxes for those above them who were wealthy. This unfair distribution
of power was a spark in the cause for the French Revolution. The French Revolution was fairly
successful in using Enlightenment ideas to reform french society, however, Napoleon undid some
of the progress the Revolution made prior.
The first phase the destruction of the old regime successfully used Enlightenment ideas to form
French society. The Revolution began when the third estate broke out into protest and formed the
National Assembly in 1789. This led to the Tennis Court Oath which promised to meet as many
times as it took to create a constitution. In the summer of 1789, common people decided to save
the third estate from the ruling of the king by breaking into the prison courtyard and taking over
the prisoners and their weapons, this soon became known as the storming of the Bastille. A new
government for France took place when the National Assembly wrote the Declaration of the Rights
of Man and Citizen . This was written to make the first and second estate recognize that the rights
and freedoms they take for granted, should be experienced by all humans from the time they are
born to the day they die and be protected no matter what. This declaration granted all men equal and
abolished aristocratic freedoms which goes back to the ideas of the Enlightenment philosophers. By
1791, France created a new constitution that was set up by the Legislative Assembly at The
National Convention due to food shortages and high prices that led France out of monarchy and
into a republic. Phase two the Radical Revolution was successful in using Enlightenment ideas to
reform French Society until The Committee of Public Safety stepped in. It commenced in
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Why Athletes Are Good Role Models
Why Athletes Are Good Role Models Ever since the ancient years, we have admired athletes and
the hard work that they do to achieve their goal of winning. We idolize them and wish we were
more like them. What happens though when the realization sinks in that they are human too and
that some of them do get greedy and selfish? A lot of athletes are model citizens that you should
really look up to, but there are also some bad apples in the bunch that ruin it for everyone.
Athletes can inspire young people to work hard so that their efforts can pay off, but no one is
pure and flawless. Greed does take a hold of some players, but they shouldn t be the ones we
devote all of our attention to. We should look at the positive things that... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Nobody is forcing athletes to be good people, we just want some of them to use better
judgement. One person that honestly thinks that ball players do serve a role as models for the
kids and should live up to it is Vincent Lamont Baker of the Milwaukee Bucks. He is the best all
round player on the team and one of the most versatile in the league. He is said to be the symbol
of what the NBA is really trying to sell: good players who are even better people. An excellent
role model for black youth is Dave Bing. He was elected into the NBA Hall of Fame in 1989 and
is now the CEO of Bing Steel, a firm that had $61 million in sales in 1991and was ranked tenth in
the United States among black owned industrial and service companies. He now donates a lot of
his time and money to various charities. Football player Orlando Pace sits with 6th grade
children in their school library and helps them read. His message was Yes, I have had some
athletic ability and talent, but studying is what s really important. He also said that he doesn t
think of himself as a role model, but he is doing the right thing because he knows that there are
people looking up to him and he wants to show them something positive. I couldn t believe all of
the things he does for children and then says that he doesn t think of himself as a role model. Most
of these players are just doing their job. But he realizes
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Analysis Of The Policy Issue
Analysis of the policy issue The largest limitation for the District s determination for achieving
financial stability is the inequality in funding of special education students that is supposed to be
financed by the District to charter schools. This cost is relatively and consistently higher than the
costof those services which are offered by charter schools to special educationstudents. This cost is
also higher than the cost paid by any other District pays for the services of special education
students in similar charter schools. This inconsiderably unfair payment of special education has
made the District to get into financial turmoil and distress. As at now, the rate for special
education tuition is supposed to be based on the expenditures of the District on special education,
less federal expenditures and then divided by sixteen percent of District s Average Daily
Membership. The sixteen percent is basically a representation of those students with disabilities
and students in special programs across the state, between 1994 and 1995. This formula is based on
a hypothetical assumption that the percentage of special education students in a school district is
the average percentage statewide. In this way the formula is a distortion of the efforts of the district
s efforts of achieving proportionality in making payments. The real approximation percentage of
special education students in the District is 24 percent. In addition, the add on rate of $29,632.13
per student
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The Nature Of The Good Life
Philosophers have been thinking about the nature of the good life since ancient times. The good
life was a central topic during the ancient period of philosophy. Many people say that the good life
is living a prosperous life full of happiness. There are many different ideologies of the good life and
each philosopher has their own values and beliefs. I decided to pick one of the most well known
philosophers, Karl Marx. Karl Marx s philosophy is by far one of the most looked at. He called
capitalism the dictatorship of the upper class. , saying that it was run by the wealthy class solely to
make profit and maximize their own benefits. The end product and goal of capitalism was simply
economic gain. In this philosophy there has to be organized production, which includes the means
of production, such as factories, facilities, machines, and raw materials. Throughout this paper I
will describe certain aspects of Karl Marx s philosophy mainly focusing on why capitalism is not
the way to road to the good life. A good example of this can be looked at by recognizing the class
struggle between bourgeoisie and proletariat, otherwise known as the upper and lower class.
The bourgeoisie owns the means of production and the proletariats are the labor and means of
production. The relationship between these two social classes is very unique. While they both
work together in a way, and have similar interests, they are completely different from each other.
This is called the relation
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Morality In Plato s Euthyphro
Morality in Euthyphro
To reach an understanding whether acts are immoral or moral we must ask ourselves what we
consider to be immoral or moral. According to Protagoras first claim on moral relativism, he states
Man is the measure of all things, of the things that are, that they are, and of the things that are not,
that they are not. The way something appears to me, is true to me and the way something appears
to you, is true to you. Consequently, meaning there is no absolute truth. Aristotle and Plato, both
argue holding that the view on moral objectivism is that there is a reality or realm of object and
facts existing independent of the mind. What actions are right to some, might be wrong to others.
Essentially, morality is arbitrary.
It ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Morality intakes are relative to an individual s beliefs. If Euthyphro thinks punishing his father
for unmoral acts is moral than that is right for him. Both Plato and Aristotle would think that
Protagoras s claims are contradicting because if he says that relativism is truth for him than it
would be false for those who don t believe in relativism. Aristotle and Plato believe that there
must be an objective truth, something that is true for everyone at any given place or time.
Taking an objective approach may not always be relevant, particularly in cases where it is
impossible to be objective because of the relevant facts and viewpoints. In this case, how can
someone know for sure that there is universal truth? Not everyone is going to believe in the same
principles as others, regardless of time, culture, place, etc. Therefore, I believe there is no objective
truth to
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The Development Of The Philippines
The Philippines is located in the South East region of Asia, this region consists of other
countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, and others. The Philippines would be
categorized as a developing country in stage three of the demographic transition model. With a
falling birth rate of 24.24 per every 1000 people, with a low death rate of 4.92 per every 1000
people. With a population of 107.668.231 as of 2014, their median age is 23.5 years of age
resulting in a very young population overall as seen in the population pyramid. The triangular
shape, with a large number of the population below 30 years of age. The sex ratio of the
Philippines is one male for every woman, and a life expectancy of 73 years from birth. The
Philippines has a rapidly growing population with a large increase of young people starting to
become a part of the working class (15 to 60 years of age), resulting in not enough jobs for these
people resulting in unemployment, temporary emigration or permanent emigration. The
Philippines has been lagging behind its neighboring countries such as the People s Republic of
China, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam both economically and in public education for the past
four decades. With its economy being characterized by boom bust cycles and episodes of
moderate economic growth little has helped to alleviate the poverty. Poverty among households
has increased from 24.4% to 26.9% between the years of 2003 and 2006. With the increase in poor
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Early Childhood Education Statement
Write a statement of your goals and of your commitment to a career in education. My goal in early
childhood education is to provide children with a strong educational foundation through
developmentally appropriate practices. All children are on different developmental levels and
should be met where they are to reach their fullest potential in life. Another goal of mine is to
teach children the importance of goal setting. It is an important skill for young children to learn as
it will teach responsibility and ownership as well as improve their confidence and build self esteem
when the children participate in setting their own learning goals. I also strongly believe in the
environment as the third teacher. My goal is to encourage children s... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
My second internship was working with three year old at a child care center. During my first
semester at Appalachian, 2016, I had experience working in a one to two year old classroom at a
church childcare center and in an infant/toddler room at Lucy Brock. I completed my first
practicum during my second semester at Appalachian at a five star child care center in Ashe
County. I completed my second practicum at Blowing Rock Elementary school in the pre k
classroom. I also have teaching experience in the nursery and vacation bible school at my home
church. I am a nursery worker every Sunday and Wednesday for the two year old children and
volunteer to teach bible study to young children during bible
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Motivator Factors Of A Burnout
A burnout refers to the distressed psychological state an employee might experience after being on
the job for a period of time. Employees who suffer from a burnout are emotionally exhausted and
have low work motivation (i.e. possessing little energy and enthusiasm for the job). Burnouts are
the results of working intensely with other people. A study in 2000 done by Bakker, Schaufeli,
Sixma, Bosveld and Van Dierendonck found that patient demands are associated with burnout in
physicians and led to emotional exhaustion (e.g. absence and fatigue), depersonalization (e.g.
hostility towards others or callous and uncaring treatment of clients and other people) and reduced
personal accomplishment (e.g. low motivation and poor performance).
In the case of PMZ, the goals set by the supervisors were too high for the employees to achieve (a
revenue of $200,000 each annual year), which caused the employees to be ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
For example, the company can give bonuses and rewards to motivate the consultants to work
harder. This can be supported by Herzberg (1968), in his two factor theory. There are two
categories of needs: Hygiene and Motivator factors. Hygiene factor include pay, supervision, and
organisational policies. Lack of this factor would lead to dissatisfaction. However, presence of
this factor would not necessarily lead to satisfaction because these are the basic, foundational
needs for employees. The next factor, motivator factor, includes achievement, recognition,
responsibility, and nature of job itself. Presence of this factor would lead to job satisfaction.
However, absence of this factor leads to lack of satisfaction and not dissatisfaction. Thus, giving
rewards and bonuses (a form of recognition and achievement) would allow these employees to be
more satisfied with their jobs. They would also be motivated to perform better at work and this
subsequently leads to better overall
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The document discusses a case in Germany where a 92-year-old woman was declared dead by a doctor after being found without a pulse or breathing. However, she awoke hours later in a refrigerated room at a funeral home. This has raised debates about how death can be definitively determined and questions about the right to die. There are stories of people seemingly coming back to life after being declared dead. The medical community views death as a process rather than a single event. No pulse or breathing does not necessarily mean all tissue and cells have ceased functioning.

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The Secret River By Kate Grenville And William Shakespeare
How has the Kate Grenville and William Shakespeare used compositional features to express both
similar and different ideas of difference and power?
The Secret River, set in England and Australia, was written by Kate Grenville in 2006. William
Shakespeare s play Othello was written in 1603 and set in Venice. Kate Grenville and William
Shakespeare used compositional features to express both similar and different ideas of difference
and power. They have cohesive ideas of power such as the use of structure and symbolism to
convey power however, differ in their structure. They both expressed race through the context of the
novel, setting, narrative perspective and imagery. However, 17th century english conveyed the idea
of difference with greater subtlety than Kate Grenville s use of modern english . Similarly both
texts contain powerful characters, however, these characters are differently placed and different
compositional features were used to portray these ideas.
Kate Grenville and William Shakespeare expressed ideas of power through representation of objects
as well as the structure and society within the text. Both texts express power through gender, race
and class through the main characters. Othello, and William Thornhill play the main roles in these
two stories however, the decision that lead to the gain or loss of power were sub characters; Iago
and Smasher. As Smasher s comment sterminate them.... only thing is we got to have the Hope to
get use their is how
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Project Management Plan For Projects Essay
Project Procurement Management
Name: Artemus Brown
American Military University
1.1. Project management plan
Project management plays a vital part in planning and determining the project s directions and it
likewise guarantees that project can be executed on budget, on time and meet organization s
requirements. (Bernard David, 2003) Thus, clear vision, plan and strategy ought to be resolved to
know that project ought to be controlled (Holland, 1999).
The project management plan should obviously clear up how the craved objectives can be
accomplished. There are three frequently interrelated and contending objectives in project
management that ought to be met: Cost, scope and time. (Bhatti, 2005)
The projects are constantly assessed in light of the accomplishment of particular objectives, to be
specific; cost, time spent and scope. So higher level of responsibility of these triple requirements is
considered as project management s essential elements of project management, which implies
adjusting trade offs in the middle of cost and time, furthermore, performance while in the long run
fulfilling the clients. (Erik Clifford, 2011)
Manager of the project ought to contemplate the realistic way of triple constrains. For example, if
the timelines are very tight and the project scope is very large it will be difficult to reach the
expected and desired result. As a result, the manager of the project continually settles on tradeoff
choices among these three
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A Few Good Men By Erich Fromm
During the motion picture A Few Good Men it obscures the inquiry whether disobedience or
obedience is the rational distinction and at what instant does following the orders turn into blind
obedience and submission? Furthermore, the movie complicates this theme by establishing military
culture where disobedience to a higher power invokes dire repercussions. One example in the
motion picture is when United States Marines Lance CorporalHarold Dawson and Private Louden
Downey where instructed by their superiors to give a fellow Marine, Private William Santiago, a
Code Red resulting in Private William Santiago death (A Few Good Men). Moreover, Stanley
Milgram author of Perils of Obedience discussed in the piece the corresponding issue... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Similarly, in Milgram s study, it contends that obedience of an arbitrary test subject, entitled the
teacher , was made subservient to assessing whether or not it was feasible for a human being to
obey regulations that they identified as morally reprehensible. In the experiment the teacher was
commanded by a superior figure, the experimenter , to apply voltage shocks increasing in intensity
all the way up to a fatal shock for incorrect responses (79). Later in the article Milgram points out
that more than half the time the teachers would submit to the orders addressed to them even though
the teachers recognized the actions they were taking were morally wrong. Because of this, it
obscures the subject as to why the teachers were obedient because unlike Lance Corporal Harold
Dawson and Private Louden Downey surrounded by the military culture there are no reverberations
for disobedience for the teachers. As a result of this, Milgram hypothesizes the teacher s obedience
correlated to the fact that the experimenter told the teachers that they would take all the fault if
anything happened to the student (81).п»ї For this reason, it leads the teaches to use scapegoating
to justify their actions which Rob Reiner, director of A Few Good Men , would more than
coincide with. Parallel, Fromm author of Disobedience as a Psychological and Moral Problem
would likewise concur with Milgram s hypothesis and in return state more
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Seizing the Day in Robert Herrick’s poem, “To the...
To what extent may an argument be framed as believable or serious? Persuasion on seizing the
day is a common theme in Robert Herrick s poem, To the Virgins, To Make Much of Time and
Andrew Marvel s To His Coy Mistress . The arguments within the poems can seem unrealistic, a
little hyperbolic, with an underlying intent to acquire a womanto sleep with them. The concrete
position of all the arguments within the two poems seems to be, getting a woman to sleep with
them. The two poets posses similarities between the two pieces of poetry, however argue the topics
in different ways. Beauty is not forever lasting, coyness put aside, while pleasure embraced, and
time is of the essence; are all points made to intrigue women to be with them. To focus on those
points a little: The beauty of a woman is compared to aspects of nature. Herrick s poem only
looks at the physical qualities of a woman, unlike Marvel s, which references personality along
with physical traits. Sexual passion embraced, and coyness set aside? The poets, both urge
women to act upon sexual urges while they stay youthful, but if a woman was told they are not
going to be desired when older, would they actually want to be with someone who tells them that?
Time is moving quickly and its made known within the poems. Herrick is an advocate to relate
everything to physical aspects, so of course he says a woman s beauty diminishes quickly. Marvel
does not relate beauty and time together, instead he would
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The Human Rights Act Of 1998 Essay
The Human Rights Act of 1998, also abbreviated to HRA is a national law passed in the United
Kingdom and mostly came into force on 2 October 2000. Its purpose is to incorporate the rights
within the European Convention on Human Rights into UK national law. This law allows the
citizens of the United Kingdom to defend their rights in UK courts and states that public
organisations such as the Government, Police and other public authorities must respect the people
s rights by treating them fairly and equally with dignity. Firstly, this essay will be discussing what
the Human Rights Act (1998) is and its effects. Secondly, this essay will be pointing out the
Articles and explaining the Act. Thirdly, this essay will be talking about the history and why this
act came into place. Finally, this essay will argue the necessity of the Human Rights Act (1998).
The Human Rights Act (1998) consists of sixteen fundamental rights that everybody is entitled to
from birth or since the act was put into place. These sixteen rights are set out as Articles and along
with these Articles there are also Protocols to extend and adapt new rights into the Human Rights
Act. There are three main effects of the HRA: Firstly, it has subsumed the rights set out by the
European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) into British national law; if in any given situation
there is a breach of rights, this allows people to take their cases to British courts instead of seeking
justice from the European Court of
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GEICO Case Study
Leo and Lillian Goodwin established GEICO in 1936, and as of today GEICO S assets have
reached up to $32 billion. GEICO was created during the Great Depression even though this was
a time when companies weren t being encouraged to start up. GEICO was originally established
as the Government Employees Insurance Company. When the company was first established,
Lillian Goodwin, initially addressed people who were enlisted as a military officer and/or federal
employee. GEICO had written 3,700 policies and hired 12 staff members, a year after this. Ever
since then, the company has grown incredibly and continues to look forward to even more growth
in the years to come.
As stated earlier, GEICO stands for Government Employees Insurance Company. GEICO now
provides insurance to a wide range of people around the country. There are more than 13 million
auto policies that are in force and growing, and there are more than 22 million vehicles that are
being insured. Tony Nicely is the Chairman and CEO and Bill Roberts is the President and COO.
Their corporate headquarters is located 5260 Western Avenue, Chevy Chase, Maryland, 20815. The
company employs more than 30,000 associates, maintains 14 major offices around the country, and
7 of its companies are affiliated to meet the insurance needs of ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
If one is seeking an affordable car insurance policy, GEICO is the right fit for you. It is said that
GEICO is better than average for the price, and its customer service is about average. It can handle
all your coverage requirements for multiple vehicles. GEICO also has a mobile app that will help
you to easily keep track of your policy and billing details. Some of its marketing strategies consist
of targeting people who apply for one of its insurances. GEICO has three large competitors, which
include the All State Corporation, State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, and the
Farmers Group,
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Classic Vampirism and Recent Changes
Change often occurs due to the simple nature of time. What once stood as a finite and steadfast
definition will shift and evolve. Genres bleed into one another and mix mythologies. The realm
of the supernatural in literature does not lie outside this trend. Wizards no longer call
themselves Merlin and spend their days under the patronage of a heroic king; the average wizard
now goes by common names like Harry or Ron and attends school, saving the world on the side.
Cyclops presently means a man with laser eyes who wears leather and fights crime, not a one eyed
island beast. Vampirism does not escape such change. No longer can one consistently find a vampire
to be the bloodthirsty life sucking demon of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Control of animals: Power extends over many creatures, including insects, rats, fleas, and bats.
Eternal life: Varies in length; not all vampires are immortal.
Scale walls: Vampires are as nimble as spiders.
Transformation: Vampires can turn into bats, cats, dogs, wolves, butterflies, insects, rats, birds,
fleas, mice, and locusts.
Drain life force or psychic energy: An attribute of the psychic vampire. (Bunson 212)
The varied and numerous strengths of the traditional vampire serve to aid them in feeding on and
attacking humans. The supernatural qualities of the vampire s abilities only further the distinction
of vampires as inhuman. Weaknesses and methods of destroying a vampire are likewise listed:
Common Methods:
Staking: The most commonly used method in the world.
Beheading: Avoid splattering of blood.
Sunlight: Some aged and powerful vampires are immune.
Cremation: Found throughout the world; scatter the ashes.
Piercing with a sword: A blessed sword should be used.
Immersing in water: A bathtub can be used, but body disposal may prove a problem.
Drenching in garlic and holy water: Large amounts have to be hauled to the gravesite to assure a
clean kill; oil, wine, or vinegar can also be used.
Touching with a crucifix: Destroys a young vampire but is normally used only as a repellent.
Trapping in the grave: Iron bits, red peas, rice (for Chinese species), roses, garlic, stones, and holy
water can be used. Extracting
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Nursing Diagnoses And Its Effects On The United States
Our client, Ertha Williams is a 99 year old female who lives alone in a low income apartment
complex on the second floor in Monroe, Michigan. Ertha suffers from chronic kidney disease and
has a history of hypertension and type one diabetes. Due to her chronic kidney disease Ertha has
regular scheduled dialysisappointments three times a week, but since the death of her son and
husband and her inability to drive it is difficult for Ertha to get to her dialysis appointments. She
also has difficulties preparing the multiple medication she is required to take to manage her
hypertension and diabetes. After her last dialysis appointment the nurse reported that Ertha
appeared frail and emaciated. Ertha herself also stated that she worries about financial issues
frequently and has good and bad days occasionally. Based on these findings Ertha is in need of
some assistance to help alleviate some of the problems and stresses she is undergoing. Several
nursing diagnoses can be established based on Ertha s current situation and through these diagnoses
it will be easier to establish what kind of services Ertha will need from the surrounding community
of Monroe and what types of barriers she might encounter in attempting to access these services.
Ertha s most prominent issues are her inability to get to her prescribed dialysis appointments three
times a week and the difficulties she has in preparing her medications. Based on this evidence a
nursing diagnosis of ineffective health
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Beethoven s 9th Symphony
I read that the 9th Symphony is universally considered to be among Beethoven s greatest works
he s ever written. The symphony was the first example of a major composer using voices in a
symphony. The words are sung during the final movement by four vocal soloists and a chorus.
They were taken from the Ode to Joy , a poem written by Friedrich Schiller in 1785 and revised in
1803. Today it still stands as one of the most performed symphonies throughout the world. It is
made of 4 movements. The first movement is in classical sonata form, however, just the beginning
of the 9th Symphonyjumps immediately into suspense and sense of expectancy. In the first minute,
the tempo hovers between a duple and triple meter. A and E notes are used as building
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Response To The Sansburg
Throughout this poem, the Sanburg intentionally uses the concrete and proper nouns to represent
the death that occurs over time in a war zone. These concrete nouns represent the extreme
conditions that happen while at war. The use of the word bodies (1) starts off the poem on a
somber note, by simply representing the amount of people that have passed. Furthermore, the
concrete nouns represent how some of these battles dragged on through the use and repeat of the
word, years. (7) The catastrophic effects of war on the landscape is exemplified by the
passengers asking, What place is this? (8) The people that come back to these war stricken areas
do not even recognize where they are in because it has been so badly devastated. Similarly, the
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The Importance Of Living A Happy Life
Many have trouble finding the ideal way to live a happy life but it may come to your surprise
that the answer can be found within yourself. A life worth living is waking up with a positive
outlook on what you do and who you are; for that is the key to having a comfortable, easy going
life. If you focus on what you have rather that what you don t have you ll be much better off, for
gratefulness triumphs over rapacity. Loveyourself and others by being all you can be; until then
the tranquility that comes with said mindset will not be found. An individual s mindset can be
the difference between haven and hardship. By adopting optimistic qualities into to your daily
way of life you ll immensely be better off than those who see the glass half empty. Focusing on
money or social status is not the way to be going about living, as describe by Morrie stating how
he finds materialistic things useless, Don t cling to things, because everything is impermanent.
(Albom, pg.103). Morrie became more connected with reality near his death which raises the
idea that perhaps the knowledge of the end opens the eyes to what is truly worth holding dear for
when time is of the essence the best should be made out of what is left. Filling the void with
expensive goods and or ranking one s self on some imaginary scale of superiority is far from the
mentality needed to find fulfillment. Instead become in tune with your fellow man. You ll find that
selflessness opens the door to an authentic
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Collaborative Ethnography Essay
Postmodern anthropology can be described as a method to write about cultures in a certain way, by
scrutinizing and interpreting the information gathered. Postmodern ethnographers believe that it is
the way we interpret information that must be studied and that the voice of societies should be
advocated through an informant. They also believe that to do this the use of collaborative
ethnography is of vital importance. Collaborative ethnography is a relationship between
ethnographers and informants. This, however, could be a team of ethnographers observing and
studying a society, it could be a couple of ethnographers and more than one informant or it could be
an ethnographer and his/her students. There are many different ways ... Show more content on
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For instance if one anthropologist were to observe a society, the way he/she interprets the
information they are receiving could be different to that of a colleague. Nevertheless if they were to
both construe the same data and amalgamate them together, their research and observations would
become more reliable and relevant to that of the society. Lassiter suggested that such collaboration
between individuals is already natural in the ethnographers field, but should be embraced more
literally; he stated that collaborative ethnography is ethnography that builds on the cooperative
relationships already present... between ethnographers and informants/consultants (Lassiter, 2008,
page 73). Through having a rapport with someone allows agreements and information to be
shared easily. It is important to work with colleagues and informants as it gives a broader set of
knowledge, it also allows for the societies point of view and culture to be put across accurately. In
Alberto Bursztyn s book The Praeger handbook of special education (2007, page 180) he describes
the transition of collaborative ethnography from anthropology to academia, stating that the use in
both areas is important to the study s validity, reliability and overall rigor . Bursztyn also looks at
previous team work within anthropological background, mentioning the husband and wife teaming
of the
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A Brief Note On Iceland And Its Impact On The World Essay
I have always enjoyed the outdoors, I had no Idea what I was in for. One day while I was at
work the opportunity arose for me to go to Iceland. At first I didn t get too excited about because
so much can change on an opportunity such as this. You never really know until you are actually
airborne and enroute, sometimes that is still not enough. Once I made the final list to go, my
coworkers began telling about their previous trips to this island. I heard one story of what it was
like during the winter, different colored ropes between the buildings. Say you wanted to go from
the dormitory to the dining facility, you would follow the yellow rope. This was due to wind and
snow, you could become disoriented just walking between the buildings. Thankfully I would be
going during the summer. I could not be more excited to explore this island in the North Atlantic,
the land of ice and fire, called Iceland. Upon my arrival, I remember noting the buildings had
different colored roofs, not just different shades of gray or brown, typically as you would find on a
shingled roof, but they were all metal roofs. They could be blue, red, orange it was almost as if it
was a cartoon. Keeping in mind, I was not here on vacation so my time to explore would be limited
at best. But hopefully I will be able to make the most of it. So the week belonged to Uncle Sam and
his bidding and the weekends, if all went right would be mine to explore, and explore I did.
Each weekend was
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Analysis Of A Stolen Life
On June 10th, 1991, eleven year old Jaycee Dugard was kidnapped, while walking to her bus
stop, by Phillip and Nancy Garrido. After using a stun gun and dragging her into their car, the
Garrido s proceeded to take Jaycee towards Anaheim, California. Once there, Jaycee lived in
several rundown buildings in the Garrido s backyard for eighteen long years. It was during that
time that Jaycee suffered multiple accounts of abuse, including sexual and emotional, and gave
birth to two daughters. During her stay at the Garrido s, Jaycee s life was stolen for more than
half of the time she had been breathing. However, in August of 2009, thanks to the help of two
police officers, she was rescued. After the rescue, Jaycee felt that it was important that she
shared her story with other kidnapping, abuse, and rape victims to help them know that they are
not alone and to show others to never lose hope. It is because of her thoughts, that Jaycee wrote
her memoir, aptly titled A Stolen Life, which follows her kidnapping story from her first day
gone, to her recovery after being rescued. Throughout the 268 pages of A Stolen Life, I was on
an emotional roller coaster ride as Jaycee told her story through her young eyes and left no
details out. During one of the very first chapters in the memoir, Jaycee describes the first time
Phillip Garrido raped her. I am so small and he is so big. Why is he doing this? Is this normal? (31)
Jaycee recounts. Jaycee did not even have an idea of what sex
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Food Manufacturers Research Paper
Food Manufacturers and Obesity
Food Manufacturers and Obesity: The Role of Food Corporations in America s Obesity Epidemic
Obesity has been the number one health issue in America since 2003; it not only affects a person s
physical health, but also causes emotional distress which nearly 100 million Americans must deal
with every day. As the obesity problem continues to grow, society wonders who the responsibility
falls on. Some people believe it is individual responsibility, while others believe food
manufacturers are responsible.
Consumers are constantly bombarded with advertisements for foods loaded with empty calories
and sugar. Research has emerged showing that high calorie, high fat foods replete with excess sugar
and salt are desirable despite their health risks because they can be addictive, rewiring the brain s
reward mechanism just ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The prime minister of Australia, and once federal health minister, stated The only person
responsible for what goes into my mouth is me, and the only people who are responsible for
what goes into kids mouths are the parents . While it is true that people are responsible for their
own eating habits, it is becoming progressively more difficult to avoid unhealthy foods, stated
Janelle R. Stanish, author of The Obesity Epidemic in America and the Responsibility of Big Food
Manufacturers. Dr. Robert Lustig, who believes sugar to be a major cause of weight problems,
stated on MSNBC s Morning Show in 2013 that half of the sugar consumed in this country comes
from food you didn t know had sugar in it like hamburger buns, hamburger meat, and salad
dressings. This means that people are likely consuming the very thing that is causing their weight
issues without knowing it and therefore, without a choice in the matter.
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Knowing The Metasploit Framework
ARC (advanced research corporation) is a medical research company with amazing success in
groundbreaking medical and medicinal products. The company has made tremendous efforts in the
field of medical research, and its success has made it vulnerable to cyber criminals. These criminals
will use cyber threats and attacks to steal research information, intellectual property and possibly
sell this information to competing research organizations for monetary gain. After a noteworthy hit
to an information breach, that brought about a huge number of misfortunes. The organization
requires a modest security testing innovation that will test the organization s framework against the
major and regular threats that face the organization.
Knowing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The advantages of Metasploit are that it permits the consolidation of various modules or
penetration testing plugins. The penetration tester is able to add other penetration testing tools to
the framework allows as Nessus and Network Mapper (Nmap) website vulnerability assessment
tools. The Meatsploit framework consists of over 500 payloads, 1000 different exploits, NOPS (no
operations) and encoders that permit the pen tester to perform distinctive assault sorts utilizing
distinctive assault vectors such as detection of live hosts, SQL injection, Cross Site Scripting, open
ports using the Network Mapper, penetration of a real system, and payloads to help have
determined backdoors on the accessed systems and stay
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Essay On Newspaper In Kannada Language

  • 1. Essay On Newspaper In Kannada Language 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help fromHelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Essay On Newspaper In Kannada Language Essay On Newspaper In Kannada Language
  • 2. The Nuance Group Summary Part 1 Zaremba (2010) points out that crisis is any unanticipated event, incident, situation, or development that has the potential to damage or destroy your organization s reputation . (P.234) This definition indicates two attributes of crisis: unexpectedness and destructiveness, so effective communication is crucial to manage a crisis. The Nuance Group, a successful management consulting company, with a reputation of experienced and highly educated consultants, was facing the crisis brought by its great reputation . As a consultancy, it s their profession to market themselves. A glossy brochure with specific introduction of consultants information, which is the highlight of the company s reputation, is a fabulous method to market ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When this kind of exaggeration was acquiesced to do by the superior who also want to gain more clients for the first time, he would think that s OK and tried another time, although he knew he lied. After many instances of neglect by the superior, the consultant would not think his behavior was unethical and believe it was normal. As a consequence, more and more employees chose to embellish their biography because they believed this kind of behavior is good for the company. Part2 The first 48 hours after the outburst of crisis is the prime time to reduce destruction of the crisis and restore the reputation of the corporation, so when to react and how to react are crucial for crisis communication. As for the Nuance case, the company needs to take the following steps to deal with the crisis. 1. Establish crisis communication team and designate the leader and spokesperson After the crisis emerged, the company needs to establish a crisis communication team first. The team must consist of directors from various departments and high level executives, especially CEO and crisis management experts. In this team, it is crucial to have a leader who could mobilize resources, make a decision and be responsible for all decisions. Everyone in the team is responsible for a unique issue. 2. Investigate the fact and make a crisis communication plan Then the team needs to investigate the issue clearly as fast as possible because time is as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. The Use Of Shoplifting And Its Effects On Society Many people suffer from some kind of mental illness. Often when people are caught shoplifting they blame it on kleptomania or some other kind of psychological disorder. Most people cannot fathom the idea of someone accidently placing some merchandise in their pockets and walking out of the store without paying. This is why it is hard to tell if someone is lying when they say they have an illness. Not a lot of people call it a crime. Shopliftinghas been linked to impulse control, substance abuse, bipolar disorder, personality disorders and many others. Most individuals with an illness steal as a way to cope with unwanted thoughts or feelings. People with an impulse disorder are unable to resist the urge to steal objects that they may not even need. Even though kleptomania is one of the illnesses that cause people to shoplift, a vast majority of shoplifters are clinically depressed. Only very few of the many convicted shoplifters are referred to the psychiatrist , (Anonymous, 1955, pp. 1422). There are many 12 step programs available for people that have shoplifting problems. No studies have been done to evaluate their success. Peer pressure Everyone knows what it feels like to want to fit in to a group and participate in some kind of dangerous activity in order to look cool. Peer pressure can contribute to some of the shoplifting that happens today, especially in the younger crowd. Most people do not realize how serious shoplifting really is. There s no distinctive type ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. What Is The Relationship Between Parental And Child... Parental and child relationships play important roles in both parties. It is vital that they have a good relationship. When people do not have a good relationship with their parents or vice versa, they usually strive to develop that good relationship as they continue through life. However, if they do not have a good relationship they are always trying to fill that void with other people or material objects. For example, in a father/daughter relationship where there is always conflict, the daughter is often searching ways to obtain the acknowledgement of her father. Whether it be from praise of something well done or disappointment of poor behavior. At times, it is easier to have a better mother/daughter relationship than a father/daughter. Being the same gender helps the relationship because they can relate and have been through some of the same experiences, but can cause conflict between them due to both of them thinking they know more in certain situations. It is important to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I Stand Here Ironing , describes the struggle of a mother and her ability to raise her children. She states that her child, Emily once a beautiful baby now described as homely. While the other child was described as having everything in appearance (Olsen 292, 296). There can often be resentment between siblings based on how the parent compares them to one another. Sometimes it is easier to have a bond with one child and not the other in ways such as, they may be able to relate better to one of their children s personality or interest which further builds their relationship. Although, it could strengthen one child s relationship it could severely destroy or damage the other child s relationship with that parent. This could cause jealousy amongst the siblings causing them to fight for their parents attention and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Compare And Contrast Aztec And Aztecs Sadaf Ebadi HUM2210 Humanities Professor: Wilson Kaiser October 16, 2017 THE AZTEC AND INCA EMPIRES 1300 1550 THE AZTEC AND INCA EMPIRES 1300 1550 During that time as previous, pre European civilizations in the Americas, the Aztec and Inca empires were separate and distinct civilizations. Both civilizations were without question very advanced and had their own complex but very well organized society. Polytheism (who beliefs in multiple gods) dominated both empires. They worshiped idols extensively and interestingly, the Sun God held the high place in both societies. However, both civilizations shared some similarities, there were remarkable differences between the two empires. These contrasts and similarities can be seen in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Incas adopted a language called Quechuan which is still frequent in the Andes region today. The Aztec language was called Nahuatl. These were separate and distinct language, Quechuan belonging to the Andean Equatorial Indian Language group while Nahuatl belonged to the Aztec Tanoan group. The Incas did not develop a written or symbolic glyph system of the Quechuan language to record events but rather used the quipu, a mnemonic device of knotted cords. The Aztecs did develop a written version of Nahuatl in the form of glyph to record time and events. With regards to counting and measurement the Incas used a base ten system. The Aztec system of counting was based on units of twenty. In contrast, the Aztec empire was an alliance of three powerful city states with each having various periods of greater influence. The Aztec used an uncertain succession system in which the ruler was selected from a pool of eligible royals. The Aztec empire was composed of over four hundred communities conquered by the Aztecs who were linked to the empire by the promise of paying tribute to the Aztecs. Furthermore, these communities often retained their own leaders if the tribute was paid. The Aztecs held power over their subjects and believed in their right to rule because they passionately felt they had a mission as a people to prevent the destruction of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Windows Open Source Software Library 3.0 Software implementation 3.1 libfprint open source software library In this fingerprint project, I will use the libfprint open source fingerprint recognition software library to handle image capture, enrollment, verification and identification in the Linux platform server. 3.1.1 Features of libprint libfprint is designed to make it easy for software programmer and developer integrate with different fingerprint reader. libfprint is using C language to write and it is licensed as LGPL 2.1. Besides, it depends on libusb for USB communication and mainly use in Linux. It provides a single API to software developer to access different kind of supported devices and also supports live fingerprint scans from the device. It also include image ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Verification Verification is a procedure where the user scans a formerly enrolled finger, then the system will perform one to one examination and comparison of the enrollment information against the freshly scanned fingerprint. If the system decides that the freshly scanned finger matches the enrollement information, then access will be allowed otherwise the access will be denied. Verification is appropriate for a fingerprint based logon implementation system where the user enters their username, and later the system prompts for a formerly enrolled finger (instead of a password). Identification Identification is almost same as verification, but is where the freshly scanned fingerprint is compared with a whole database of enrollment information for various fingerprints. Identification uses to figures out which enrolment information entry match the newly scanned fingerprint. Besides this, identification can also reveal that newly scanned fingerprint is missing from the database. Compare with verification, identification permits for more adaptable authentication situations. Identification permits you to implement a logon system where the user scans any of their enrolled fingers for a single user logon. Identification can likewise be utilized where the system has no knowledge of which operator is utilizing the system. You could think of it being the capacity to replace both the username and the password ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Essay on Japanese Baseball Japanese Baseball Japanese Baseball has existed in Japan since 1873. It first appeared amid the social, cultural and technological spasms Japan endured on the heels of the Meiji restoration. The game began as a club sport; Japan s first team was the Shinbashi Athletic Club Athletics (composed mostly of people associated with Japan s first railroad which ran from Shinbashi, in Tokyo, to Yokohama). For a relatively good treatment of Japan s early baseball history see Robert Whiting s You ve Gotta Have Wa, The sport became popular with schoolboys and eventually won recognition from the government. Amateur baseball was the only game in Japan until the Shibaura Club was organized in the early 1920s. The Shibaura Club was founded in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Each team played at least 84 games in 1941. In 1942, the war in China spread to the rest of the Pacific. In spite of the continuing escalation of the war, the 1942 schedule went back to 104 games. In 1943, the schedule reverted to 84 games. In 1944, the schedule was drastically reduced to 35 games and only six teams. The 1945 season was never played. Within nine months of the beginning of the Allied occupation, Japan s pro leagues were back in business with eight teams playing 105 games each. General Information About Japanese Baseball Amateur Baseball Japan is, arguably, the word wide center of amateur baseball, in the sense that so many people play baseball here. Softball is played in Japan but it far less popular among men than baseball. The total number of softball and baseball players in Japan is probably about even however, since there appears to be many more womens softball teams than baseball teams. The most popular form of baseball is nanshiki which uses a light rubber ball with dimples so that it resembles a large golf ball with the traditional raised seams of a baseball. The ball is a little harder to catch (because it is so light, it has a tendency to pop out of the glove). It is very popular with town and city leagues as well as with many youth and company leagues. The focus of amateur baseball is on industrial league, college, and especially high school ball. High School Baseball Every year there are national high ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Stormbreaker Movie Analysis Once the world of entertainment began, there were a limited number of books that became movies. As time progressed, more and more books were finally produced. The reason for this change is because books have been considered old fashioned ; however, their plots are sometimes worthy of being produced. As more books became movies, an argument ensued. Many viewers and critics have placed reading a book and watching the movie against each other. A great way to analyze the aspects of this argument is to dissect the movie and book, Stormbreakerby author Anthony Horowitzand director Geoffrey Sax. Reading the book and watching the movie have many similarities such as the appeal to the readers/viewers, the overall plot or theme, the structure, and characters; however, these two entertainment options have many differences as well including details and time consumption. One way that books and movies are alike includes appeasement. In the entertainment world, appeasement is sought after by many artists, musicians, movie directors, and authors. These individuals desire to appeal to their viewers taste. The object of appeasing is to hook your intended audience. This is very essential in both movies and books. Both authors and movie directors focus on details that will draw a reader or viewer in. Their attention to the particular book or movie brings satisfaction and monetary rewards to these authors and movie directors. The overall story of Stormbreaker uses a genre that appeals to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Chinese Philosophy From The Spring And Autumn And Warring... Chinese philosophy originates in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States eras. This was during the period known as Hundred Schools of Thought. Regional rulers of the Spring and Autumn period enhanced their ability to obtain natural resources, to recruit men for their armies, and to oversee conquered areas. (pg. 165) Researchers started to help the rulers and because of that, the rulers began perceiving the researchers comprehension of punishment, ritual, astronomy, medicine, and divination. There were a few distinct methods of insight that emerged in Ancient China amid this time period. Be that as it may, there were three noteworthy methods of insight that were absolutely critical: legalism, taoism and confucianism. Confuciuswas a researcher who served in government positions. He realized that the legislature was doing as well as could be expected, on the other hand, he likewise realized that war was among them. Consequently, Confucius was resolved to locate an illuminated ruler. He had confidence in family and that family was the establishment of a moral society. Confucius set up any of the real rules for Chinese thought and activity: regard for the declarations of researchers, duty to expansive instruction, and preparing for all who were exceedingly astute and willing to work. (pg. 164) Due to Confucius being solid willed, he put forward new ethics focusing on ceremonies, obligation and dedication to family and the ideal of good character. Confucianism was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Strategic Problem And Issues Of The Performance Apparel... Strategic Problem and Issues: In the performance apparel market the top three competitors consist of Nike, Adidas, and Under Armour, with Nike leading the industry and Under Armour coming in last. The Challenge for Under Armor will be can they stand the pressure from their competitors as they expand into a bigger market. They must be able to provide their customers with either cheaper or better products, the companies marginal cost should be better than that of their competitors, and Under Armour must prove to their customers that their products are different and overall better than their competitors (Terfis Team, 2014). If they re able to succeed through these risk, then Under Armour will have a fighting chance of competing with those larger companies. Situation Analysis and Evaluation: Under Armour s goals is to make athletes better through Passion, Design and the Relentless Pursuit of innovation (UnderArmour, 2016). Under Armour is constantly developing new products that help achieve their goal of being innovative. In 1996, Kevin created workout gear that provides compression, wicks moisture, keeps athletes cool and dry, and allows them to feel not weighed down by making his clothing light. The company also provides their consumer with new technology, and accessories that assist in their physical performance. Their goal and objectives to be innovative is consistent with their mission. The organization is constantly creating new products. It started with clothing that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Sensitive Periods During The Caterpillar Of The Prosthesis... SENSITIVE PERIODS Introduction: Sensitive periods is a term developed by the Dutch geneticist Hugo de Vries and later used by the Italian educator Maria Montessori. Montessori cites DeVries example of a Sensitive Period in the caterpillar of the Prosthesis butterfly. The caterpillar must feed on very tender leaves, and yet the butterfly lays its eggs in the most hidden fork of the branch, near the trunk of the tree. Who will show the little caterpillars hidden there, the moment they leave the egg, that the tender leaves they need are to be found at the extreme tip of the branch, in the light? Now the caterpillar is strongly sensible to light; light attracts it, summons it as by an irresistible voice, fascinates it, and the caterpillar goes wriggling towards where the light is brightest, till it reaches the tip of the branch, and thus finds itself, famished for food, among the budding leaves that can give it nourishment. It is a strange fact that when the caterpillar has passed through its first stage and is full grown, it can eat other food, and then loses its sensibility to light. This has been proved in scientific laboratories where there are neither trees nor leaves but only the caterpillar and the light. According to Montessori sensitive periods, refers to several overlapping periods of development where a child is sensitive to a particular stimuli or type of interaction. A child passes through special times in his life when he easily incorporates a particular ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Resentment towards God in the Religous Poem, Tenebrae In Tenebrae, Paul Celan channels his resentment towards God through a methodical use of literary techniques. Celan utilizes several motifs to express his bitterness throughout the religious poem that allow his emotions to be portrayed in an understandable manner. One may identify death and a sense of closeness as the major motifs along with drinking and prayer as minor motifs Celan used to portray his dark emotions. With the use of effective motifs, the key element of role reversal, and an angered tone, Celan gets his warning to God. The poem is spoken through humans towards God, with an evident theme of death that is demonstrated throughout the poem. Death is shown through the sense of slaughter; it is brought up in the beginning of the poem with the use of words claw, and clawed. It is a possibility that these words are the author s way of referencing the slaughter. In ritual slaughter animals were killed not by blunt force, but by something sharp. Knifes or perhaps claws were used to cut the animal open such that blood flowed freely out the animal1.Celan keeps up the motif of death with the following verses. Askew we went there, (10) went there to bend (11) down to the trough, to the crater. (12) To be watered we went there, Lord. (13) Celan alludes to animals with the metaphor in lines 11 and 12 with the word trough . One may agree with this idea considering the fact that cattle feed, and drink out of troughs. Crater and watered could be seen as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Total Quality Management Total Quality Management Total Quality Management(TQM) is an organisational process that actively involves every function and every employee in satisfying customers needs, both internal and external. TQM works by continuously improving all aspect of work through structured control, improvement and planning activities that are carried out in concern with guiding ideology that focuses on Quality and Customer Satisfaction as the top priorities. There has been many arguments that TQM succeeds only by incorporating a concern about quality for the customers throughout the organisation. The truth of this statement and those facts that disagree with this statement will be look into and discuss in more detail to achieve the success of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When the quality reputation grows, marketing can emphasize increasing customer satisfaction as a major element in advertising and the other promotions. As Deming wrote in his book Out of the Crisis, it will not suffice to have customers that are merely satisfied. An unhappy customer will switch. Unfortunately a satisfied customer may also switch, on the theory that he could not lose much and might gain. Profit in business comes from repeat customers, customers that can boast about your product and service, and that bring friends with them. He further stated that we should stay ahead of the customers. This could be achieved through constant quality improvement and innovations. Why Do Companies Lose Customers: Death of Customer 1% Customer Moving Residence 3% Lower Price Elsewhere 5% Unsatisfactory Handling of Complaints 14% Suppliers Lack of Interest 68% As shown in the above graph above TQM s success includes the incorporation on quality of the after sales service and follow up. The quality needed in maintaining a customer will be less as compare to gaining a new customer. TQM success would therefore not only focus on gaining new customers but maintaining the current customers, through improvement in quality for customers. Even though the main concern about TQM is highly focused on the customers, the focus on internal process cannot be left ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. The Art Cinema As A Mode Of Film Essay Article Three Author: David Bordwell / Title of Article: The Art Cinema as a Mode of Film Bordwell, D. (1979). The art cinema as a mode of film practice. Film Criticism, 4(1), 56 64. 
 David Bordwell wrote his article The Art Cinema as a Mode of Film in an effort to convey the main idea that art cinema can be considered as a distinct mode of film practice, through its definite historical existence alongside other cinematic modes, set of formal conventions, and implicit viewing procedures. Rather than searching for the source of the art, or what drives the art in film, Bordwell compares art cinema to the classical narrative cinema, and highlights the differences in narrative structure. Bordwell makes the assumption that it defined itself against the classical narrative mode; especially with the way it deals with space, time, and the cause and effect link of events. To support this idea, Bordwell illustrates how art cinema motivates its narratives differently, through two principles: realism and authorial expressivity. Firstly he proposes the notion that art films reflect realism in their characters, space, and time. Psychologically complex characters are present in real worlds dealing with true to life situations. Art cinema is concerned with the characters reaction to these situations, rather than their action . Thus it bares an element of psychological subjectivity as the characters survey the world they are in, which aids the realisation of the distress of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Sign Language Should Be Taught In Public Schools Essay There are many opportunities in the world today. But has anyone ever stopped to think if they are the right ones? Public schools have languages they offer to take as an elective to learn and use later in life. Usually Spanish, French, German and Japanese. But what about the people who cannot speak or hear a language? What are they supposed to do? Not giving equal opportunities to all students is quite unfair. That s why I propose that there should be sign language courses taught in public schools. There are, of course, thousands of schools around the world for the deaf or hard of heating. To me, that sounds very secluded. To make a special school for a group of people because they re different in some way, well I don t think that sounds fair.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This would teach all heating children priceless communication skills and encourage their physical fluidity, expressiveness, and development. And not only would it get rid of received prejudices towards the deaf or partially heating (based on healing adults fear of being unable to communicate without awkwardness) but it would end the disability status of the deaf. Deaf Connections is a charity in Scotland that is spearheading the first steps towards a project like the one Richard Sinnott proposed, by helping youngsters in Glasgow to learn the basic signing skills. The project is being carried out in conjunction with Glasgow City Council s education department and is being supported by a grant from the National Lottery. Only 16 states in the U.S. have schools with the option of sign language in their schools. To me, that number isn t nearly large enough. There should be options of sign language in every state. Better said their needs to be fair opportunities in every state. Now in Portland Public Schools if a proposal for sign language was made all that would be said is that there aren t enough funds. Well, how about we get some funds. I thought Education was the most important thing in school. I guess not because they re using so much money on sports and not enough on the education value in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Safe Injection Site in Vancouver Eastside Essay The Effect of Safe Injection Sites in Vancouver, British Columbia A safe injection site (SIS) has been placed in Vancouver s Downtown Eastside where drug use is a challenging problem. The program is a vital piece of the cities known harm reduction approach to its serious problems with homelessness, drugs, crime and AIDS. Canada has drastically shifted its method. Going from punishing drug users to establishing the plan of harm reduction. Since 2003 when the supervised SIS opened, it has presented a safe health focused center where drug users have access to inject illegal drugs using sterile equipment in a clean environment under the supervision of medically trained professionals. Although there are some serious concerns about the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Results of safe injection site studies have shown that an expansion may have a greater impact. This may reduce the chance of dangerous encounters between users of these safe injection sites and the public. Children not even out of elementary school, were getting involved in the drug scene. These runaways were a concern to the residents, who witnessed overdoses in the past decade. Over 2,000 lives were lost due to the Downtowns East side s drug fuelled spiral (MacQueen et al., 2003). Persisting the safe injection site can help in lowering risk behaviors by the drug users of SIS s and community concerns that are related to public injection of drugs (McKnight et al,. 2007). Overall, SIS s may have the ability to change the drug users and transform them into potential productive members of society. Effect of Insite on Future Generations It is suggested that since Insite was created, it has been sending the wrong message to the youth of Vancouver stating that injection drug use is acceptable and has support. This approach is unlikely and naГЇve. There is evidence shown that the total number of drug users in cities with SIS s has decreased. The introduction of SISs is being understood as that drug use is right. Rather than it is limited, self contained, and is a responsible harm reduction facility that responds to urgent health risks. Harm reduction is defined as an ideology viewing drug use as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Marine Ecology, By Carl Safina Carl Safina is an American author who focuses on marine ecology and has written numerous successful books regarding human relationships with nature and the ways the ocean is changing. In October 2015; he attended Mission blue II. Mission Blue is a campaign that Ignites Public support for global networks of marine protected areas (https://www.mission blue.org/). During his time at Mission Blue II; he recorded a video of himself discussing the topic that a lot of humans as themselves from time too time... Can animals think or feel? (Safina, Carl. What are animals thinking and feeling? Carl Safina: What are animals thinking and feeling? | TEDTalk | TED.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 July 2017. .). He brilliantly answered this question by saying... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The three that benefited the presentation the most would be the use of personification, similes, and alliteration. The strongest literary device was personification and that was pretty much the point of the whole speech. That animals have human like characteristics and animals were capable of thinking and feeling. Safina gave all the animals the human traits that they deserve. In this oral essay, he proved to the audience that animals could do everything humans do and there was no difference between the two. He stated that they even have the same skeleton as us (Safina, Carl. What are animals thinking and feeling? Carl Safina: What are animals thinking and feeling? | TED Talk | TED.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 July 2017. .) to back his point up. The next literary device that he frequently used was similes, Or, a comparison using like or as. One of the most powerful similes that he used was our brain is as big as a chimpanzee. (Safina, Carl. What are animals thinking and feeling? Carl Safina: What are animals thinking and feeling? | TED Talk | TED.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 July 2017. .) this was a very strong statement as it gave us a comparison that we could all think about and know what he was talking about. We often think of ourselves as at the top of the animal kingdom. We are the ones in power. But this comparison made the audience rethink that as we are no different at all then a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. How To Make Macarone Have you ever wondered how a macaron is made? Do you know where it came from? Do you know how many flavors there are? This paper will tell you all about macarons. Macaron and Macaroni mean the same thing. But, don t use macaroni in replacement of a macaron shell. There is so much more to making a macaron then making two shells with flour and water and adding frosting to the middle. To make a macaron you will need butter, eggs, salt, sugar, almond flour, food coloring(the color that your flavor is going to be), vanilla extract, and your choice of a filling flavor. First, mix together the sugar and almond flour into a somewhat big bowl. Into a smaller bowl mix egg whites and butter together and then pour that mixture into the flour/sugar mixture.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some of the common flavors are, almond, chocolate, pistachio, strawberry, orange, rose, and salted caramel. There are about 100 flavors or more of macarons, basically any dessert flavor is also a macaron flavor. For example, Coffee is a ice cream flavor, a cakeflavor, and also a macaron flavor. The top 5 most voted macaron flavors are, pistachio. Pistachio is the top most voted macaron flavor in the world. The second most voted flavor is raspberry. The third is passionfruit. The fourth and fifth most voted macaron flavors are coffee and almond. There is even a kool aid flavor. Some other interesting flavors of macarons are maple syrup and bacon, cotton candy, grapefruit, oreo, cheeseburger, s mores, nutella, green tea, bubble gum, tahini sesame seed, and even a salmon macaron. Which one would you like to try? Which one do you think would be the worst ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Foucault Foucault s theorisation of the power/knowledge relationship Foucault in theorizing the relationship between power and knowledge basically focused on how power operated in the institutions and in its techniques. The point is how power was supported by knowledge in the functioning of institutions of punishment. He places the body at the centre of the struggles between different formations of power/knowledge. The techniques of regulation are applied to the body (Wheterell et al., 2001: 78) Power is the ability to control others or one s entity. Accordingly it can be defined as a kind of strength or as an authority. There are various theorisations about the meaning of this term in sociology thus it would be hard to give a comprehensive ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When plague turned up the old system followed the then methods of observation and surveillance, plague was everywhere thus the supporting power must have been mobilized. In this case power is mobilized; it makes itself everywhere present and visible; it invents new mechanism; it separates; it immobilizes etc. to make people act as it was expected in these conditions (because of the plague almost every interactions must have been stopped in the interest of getting rid of the disease). (Foucault, 1975) The Panopticon instead of exercising power from several sides emphasises the importance and perfection of the surveillance focus from one place. The Panopticon is a building which has an annual part in the periphery and a tower in the centre. Next to omitting little details its most important feature is the ability to see into every cells without being visible. The panoptic mechanism arranges spatial unities that make it possible to see constantly and to recognize immediately. (Calhoun et al., 2007: 209) The consciousness of being watched make people put on their best behaviour, their best way of acting thus the inmates do not commit any further crimes as it usually occurs that could happen without being watched. The operation of this building gives the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Registered Financial Advisor Job knowledge, technical skills, and communication skills will help the Registered Financial Advisor s overall performance. The Registered Financial Advisor has to exhibit a certain level of knowledge before he is allowed to give financial advice. This knowledge is tested through the Series 6, Series 63, Series 65, and the life insurance exams. In addition, the Registered Financial Advisor has options to increase financial knowledge through the attainment of different financial designations. Moreover, I have obtained the following financial designations: Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU), and Chartered Financial Consultant (CHFC). The CLU designation teaches financial advisers how to fully serve the diverse needs of their individual and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Nathaniel Hawthorne s Gloomy And Gothic Atmosphere Nathaniel Hawthorne s gloomy and gothic atmosphere sets the overall mood of The Scarlet Letter. The novel invokes a sense of great anticipation in the reader, particularly through the dramatic events surrounding the novel s protagonist, Arthur Dimmesdale. However, the way his motivations and conflicts intertwine and mature throughout the novel allows the readers to see that he is much more than just a sinner ultimately getting what he rightfully deserves. His persona and values also evolve throughout the book; showing how a man who keeps the truth withheld from those who need to hear it can lead to that man s destruction. Arthur Dimmesdale is a reverend and along with the job comes the people, but most importantly, God. Having this particular duty is hard to maintain and when everything in one s life depends on how one is viewed; one can see how at the beginning of the novel Arthur is reluctant to speak of the adultery he has committed. During the first few chapters Arthur s motivation surrounds the need to survive; he wants to survive the punishments bestowed on Hester without anyone knowing of his guilt. As time goes by with the truth still hidden, his conscience gets the better of him; a bloody scourge owned by dimmsdale surfaces from the book and the idea of Dimmsdale whipping himself as punishment arises. He constantly has his hand over his chest during the book; it is believed he has carved a letter, A over his chest and constantly feels it ache. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Similarities Between King Arthur And Excalibur King Arthur played an important character in the movie Excalibur. He was the leader and the hero in the story. Although he was a hero, he had his struggles throughout his life, but he was able to persevere and make respectable choices for his kingdom. King Arthur had an eventful life and many of those events are similar to those of Jesus Christ. King Arthurhas a great resemblance to Jesus. There are many ways that King Arthur resembles Jesus such as King Arthur was not born to live a mans life, you never saw King Arthur die, he other worldly connections, he gave others hope, and he was betrayed by one of his own. Jesus and Arthur s lives were planned out before they were born. Before King Arthur was born Merlinknew how Arthur was going... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is what Jesus and King Arthur did. King Arthur led the Knights of the Round Table and Jesus led his disciples. When Arthur became King the land and the people needed saving. King Uther was not the best king and he let the land die because he was selfish. Arthur knew he was one with the land and to make the land better he had to unite nations. Jesus was born to unite men. He travelled the world teaching people of a better life and trying to connect them with God. He came into a world of sin and was the solution to the problem. They both performed tasks that a normal person could not. With both of their lives meant to be the solution to evil they both had to deal with hardships during their life. They were both betrayed by one of their own and knew they would be. Lancelot was Arthurs champion and best friend but Lancelot betrayed Arthur by having an affair with Gwenivere. The affair nearly destroyed Arthur and the kingdom. He was devastated and let the land perish. Eventually Arthur was able to recover and save his kingdom one last time. Judas betrayed Jesus. The Romans were looking for Jesus and Judas told the Romans where to find Jesus. This led to Jesus s death, but he rose from the dead and the world was forgiven for their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Classification System ( 17 ) Essay All patients were diagnosed with a stage 2, 3, or 4 idiopathic MH according to the Gass classification system(17) and underwent a comprehensive ophthalmologic examination before and 1, 3, and 6 months postoperatively, including measurement of the best corrected VA (BCVA), binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy, and non contact lens slit lamp biomicroscopy. The SD OCT examination also was performed in all patients on the same day as the clinical examination. Standard 3 port pars plana vitrectomy for MH repair consisted of a core vitrectomy with intravitreal injection of triamcinolone acetonide to visualize the vitreous gel, surgical creation of a posterior vitreous detachment if it had not yet occurred, ILM peeling using Briliant blue G (BBG), and fluid gas exchange followed by flushing with a mixed non expansile concentration of 20% sulfur hexafluoride. Patients were instructed to remain facedown for 2 to 7 days postoperatively. Anatomic success was defined as the presence of a flat or closed MH 1 month postoperatively confirmed by biomicroscopy.(18) All patients provided written informed consent after they received a detailed explanation of the surgical procedure and SD OCT follow up examinations. Our retina specialist (SB) performed the surgeries. One of two experienced examiners performed the VA examinations, and experienced technicians conducted the SD OCT examinations. The study adhered to the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the institutional ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Questions On Social Networking, Concussion And Athletes,... 1.What is your possible topic? Brainstorm five questions about it. In this section pick a topic from the above list and then brainstorm five questions you have about it. If you feel disconnected from the topics on the list, choose one of your own, but make sure it is not an overused topic, such as abortion, gun control, capital punishment, or legalization of marijuana (unless you have personal experience with the topic and can offer a unique perspective). Also, beware of current issues that might not be well researched yet; you may not find enough sources at this time. Your purpose for brainstorming five questions is to narrow the topic to a manageable scope. Who knows, one of the questions may eventually become your research... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... How can social media cause us to alter our reality online to get more likes ? How can a lack of social queues lead us to abandon our common sense when we post without a fear of the consequences? 2.How is the topic important to you and how does it affect you? What do you personally hope to gain or accomplish by writing about this topic? In this section, describe your topic and how it first affected you. Explain why it is important to you. Reflect on how or why your background, motivations, needs, or interests sparked you to choose this topic. The best topics are those that are important to and involve you. When I was a manager at a company, I had to administer many policies as they related to my employees. On of these policies was called the Social Media Policy. This policy was meant to protect the company from malicious posts regardless of the intent. To summarize this policy stated that if you in anyway identified yourself as an employee. So if an employee wanted to they could rant about the company or other employees as long as they did not identify the company, list the company as an employer or list the names of employees that are know to work for the company. This policy was created solely because of individually that lacked a filter or the common sense to think about what they were posting. After I retired, I brought the lessons I learned about the effects of being impetuous when posting to an at risk ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Reintroduction Of Wolves In Yellowstone National Park How has the reintroduction of wolves affected Yellowstone National Park? It is commonly acknowledged that, in a biological ecosystem all species are closely affected each other through a food chain. However, what people don t really recognize is how hugely one species can affect the entire ecosystem. The reintroduction of wolves in Yellowstone National Park depicts a vivid example how one predator can contribute to the recovery of biodiversity and its astonishing impact on physical geography. Reintroduction of wolves brought about recovery of plants and animals in Yellowstone National Park. In 1990s, deer were overpopulated due to absence of its predator, wolves. Regardless of people s efforts, the number of deer kept increasing. As a result, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Tornado Short Story A Tragic Surprise The flowers were blooming, the birds were chirping, and the sun was shining on May 10, 2003. My family and I were about to make a shopping trip to Walmart in Hannibal, Missouri. My older brother, Darin, decided not to go because he, like most teenagers , did not want to spend his Saturday night with his parents and younger brothers and sister. As we pulled out of the driveway dad turned on the radio to 104.7 KRES Country. Immediately the broadcaster is giving a weather report saying, There is a likely chance of severe storms this afternoon and a tornado watch is in effect until 8:00 PM. It was already getting dark in the west and the wind was starting to pick up. My mom then asks, Do you think we should leave Darin at home with the storm rolling in? Dad answers saying, I doubt it will amount to much, he will be fine. Just as we are about to turn onto Highway 36 dad stops the car. What are you doing? mom asks. Something is telling me to go back and make him go with us. Dad says. He then turns the 2001 tan minivan around to coax Darin to go with us. Darin is clearly displeased when dad makes him get into the vehicle. Why do we have to go to Walmart anyways? he asks. We have to pick out a Mothers Day gift for grandma. There are also a lot of groceries we need to get. Mom replies. We arrived in Hannibal in less than 15 minutes and had a couple of Mother s Day cards picked out in no time. What else do we need . Dad asks mom. Mainly just some ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Informative Essay On Attack By Social Media Attack By Social Media Over the past fifteen years, social media has become popular in communicating and connecting with people around the world. We have adapted to a lifestyle that revolves around social media and children are surrounded by mobile devices and social networking sites that made a lasting impact on them. A person can instantaneously connect with someone else across the globe with one click or tap. Social media can have positive aspects like having a voice and connecting with people around the world but with positive outlooks, it can also have negative effects that make a lasting impression on our society and world. Because of the invasion of privacy, addictive nature, and the impact on children s education, I believe social media has a negative impact on our world. Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter allows you to create a bio and share photos and facts about yourself. You can share information with your friends and allow the world to see you. With this, people can know a lot of information about you and, More than ever before, groups or individuals can be profiled, and the results used to better manipulate them. This may be as harmless as advertising for a particular product, or as damaging as political brainwashing (Social Media Data Collection Can Lead to Violations of Privacy). This means that companies can gain access to data if they have the money and bystanders can get profiled to be manipulated. The government can use social media to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Understanding Creativity Of Bipolar I Disorder In the experiment, Understanding Creativity in Bipolar I Disorder, the experimenters hypothesized that bipolar I disorder would be related to elevations of and greater variability in lifetime creative accomplishment and divergent thinking In this experiment, there were two groups which were the bipolar I disorder group and the control group. The experimenters examined if divergent thinking within the bipolar group was related to positive affectivity, ambition, medication, or depressive and manic symptom severity. They also examined if trait like levels of positive affectivity, neurocognition and ambition were related to either divergent thinking or lifetime creative accomplishment within bipolar disorder. In this experiment there were 62... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... People who met the study inclusion criteria were to come back for two more in person interviews. In the two in person interviews, the participants completed creativity, personality, and neurocognitive indices as several other measures as part of a larger study. The researchers did symptom severity interviews over the phone a day or two before each session. Those participants who received a score greater than seven were followed until they reached symptom remission. There were many measures used in this experiment. One of the first measures used was the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM IV TR Axis 1 Disorder. This measure is a widely used measure and well certified clinical interview for diagnosis based on Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorder Fourth Edition Text Revision Criteria. Unusual Uses Task is another measure that was used. This measure is also known as UUT. This is a measure of divergent thinking that has been shown to be correlated with the severity of subsyndromal manic symptoms. For this experiment, participants were given four prompts. They were to name as many different uses they could think of in a two minute period for each prompt. For this measure flexibility and fluency scores were not separable and showed no unique patterns of effects. Therefore, experimenters did not consider flexibility anymore. For the measure Objective Ratings of Uniqueness, each valid response was scored ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Should Shale Gas Controversy Shale gas controversy has been ongoing in New Brunswick for a number of years now, when the outgone Congressive premier: David Alward refused to stop the commencement of shale fracking in the region, there was an upsurge by the residents. Fracking is a form of natural gas extraction, where millions of gallons of pressurized and chemical treated water are pumped into shale to extract gases embedded in the deposits. Most of the residents of Richibuto New Brunswick are arguing that, although economic growth is important, it should not be at the detriment of the environment. However, the government and some residents are of the opinion that, because the province is poor, prioritizing economic growth over environmental concern is paramount. If fracking is allowed in the province, it will create more jobs, attract private investors Another major concern raised was the issue of water pollution and wastage . Shale is a dense rock found two miles underground, if fracking isn t done correctly, chemicals used in fracking can leak to the surface making water undrinkable.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Currently a moratorium has been placed on all typed of hydraulic fracking to get shale gas until more information is known on its risks to health, water, and the environment. Companies can continue research activities, bt while moratorium is on, they are not allowed to frack test wells ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Accomplishments During The Renaissance The renaissance is one of the most fascinating and unique periods of European history. It began in Italy about 1350 and in the rest of Europe after 1450 and lasted until about 1620. Furthermore, the renaissance is a historical event known as the period of the revival of art, literature, and learning in Europe. The name Renaissanceoriginates from several Italian Scholars in the early 15th century that used the term rinascitГ ( rebirth or renaissance ) to describe their own age as one in which learning, literature, music and the arts were reborn after a long, dark Middle Ages. (The Columbia Encyclopedia,2016). Likewise, it was also the time of the Humanism. The intellectual movement called humanism focused on human life and its achievements. The humanists were fascinated by cultures of ancient Greece and Rome. Music is an art that appears in all cultures all over the world. Moreover, during the Renaissance, vocal music was more dominant than instrumental music, and composers wrote music to enhance the meaning of the text. In fact, music played a significant role in society during this period as it helped to shape, advance cultures and was an essential part of civic, religious, and courtly life. The new ideas in Europe, as well as economic ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Music publishing did not begin on a large scale until the mid 15th century when mechanical techniques for printing music were first developed. Many of the Renaissance printers who played an important role in the advance of printing were also accomplished musicians, composers, and distributed music. This was the first stages of music being made widely available to the public. Earlier, music had to be copied out by hand which was a very labor intensive and time consuming process, so it was usually undertaken only by priests that were seeking to preserve sacred music for the church. In other words, printing was a much cheaper ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Symbolism In The Scarlet Ibis, By James Hurst When you see a storm, a tree, or the color red how does it make you feel? The Scarlet Ibis, written by James Hurst, is about a brothers bond and his pride that pushes his brother until death. The narrator s brother, Doodle, has a heart condition which makes him physically delayed. The narrator doesn t want a disabled brother so he nicknames him Doodle because you can t expect much from a disabled person in 1918. He was also ashamed that he had a brother that couldn t walk, therefore he decided to teach him even though the doctor said he shouldn t do anything to push his heart. A bird called a scarlet ibis plays an important part that develops symbolism in the story. The scarlet ibisand Doodle have many things in common that brings the story together. Both Doodle and the Scarlet Ibis died during a storm near a grand tree which symbolises danger and sadness while the tree shows life. In addition the color red is an important warning sign throughout the story. According to the story, It s a scarlet ibis, he said, pointing to a picture. It lives in the tropics South America to Florida. A storm must have brought it here (Hurst l. 311 313). The scarlet ibis was in danger and pushed out of its natural habitat due to the storm. The bird was most likely physically exhausted and this led to its death. He also states, Sadly, we all looked back at the bird. A scarlet ibis! How many miles it had traveled to die like this, in our yard, beneath the bleeding tree (Hurst l. 314 315). ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. First Amendment Government The United States Government has control over how a citizen lives, whether he realizes it or not. To what point are laws and amendments allowed to be taken into effect? Trial and error has consistently been used in the United States government. Depending on what issue or topic is being argued, the government has different limitations on how far they can go to censor or control content. The government should not be permitted to censor the internet in the United Statesdue to the history of ineffective rulings. Acts to prevent obscene video content were attempted but failed due to non descriptive language. Other times the government has tried to speech minors from harmful information but was ineffective due to uprises against limiting valuable... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Between trying to prevent obscene video content, shielding minors from harmful content, and the First Amendment protecting freedom of speech, it would be very rigorous for the government to actually change internet policies. The history itself shows that in order for the United States to be truly free, as intended to be in the U.S. Constitution, platforms such as the internet cannot be touched or messed with. Too many times has the government tried to make an effort and put energy into acts that have failed. Winston Churchill, a Prime Minister during WWII, once said Those that fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. The French Revolution And The Success Of The French... During the time period of 1789 and 1815, human rights were questioned by the common people. Citizens were separated into three estates. The first estate was made up of 1% of the population which was the clergy. The second estate was made up of 2% of the population. The third estate was made up of 97% of the population which was the middle class also known as the bourgeoisie or the peasants. This estate had little to no rights and was considered poor even though they were responsible for paying for all taxes for those above them who were wealthy. This unfair distribution of power was a spark in the cause for the French Revolution. The French Revolution was fairly successful in using Enlightenment ideas to reform french society, however, Napoleon undid some of the progress the Revolution made prior. The first phase the destruction of the old regime successfully used Enlightenment ideas to form French society. The Revolution began when the third estate broke out into protest and formed the National Assembly in 1789. This led to the Tennis Court Oath which promised to meet as many times as it took to create a constitution. In the summer of 1789, common people decided to save the third estate from the ruling of the king by breaking into the prison courtyard and taking over the prisoners and their weapons, this soon became known as the storming of the Bastille. A new government for France took place when the National Assembly wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen . This was written to make the first and second estate recognize that the rights and freedoms they take for granted, should be experienced by all humans from the time they are born to the day they die and be protected no matter what. This declaration granted all men equal and abolished aristocratic freedoms which goes back to the ideas of the Enlightenment philosophers. By 1791, France created a new constitution that was set up by the Legislative Assembly at The National Convention due to food shortages and high prices that led France out of monarchy and into a republic. Phase two the Radical Revolution was successful in using Enlightenment ideas to reform French Society until The Committee of Public Safety stepped in. It commenced in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Why Athletes Are Good Role Models Why Athletes Are Good Role Models Ever since the ancient years, we have admired athletes and the hard work that they do to achieve their goal of winning. We idolize them and wish we were more like them. What happens though when the realization sinks in that they are human too and that some of them do get greedy and selfish? A lot of athletes are model citizens that you should really look up to, but there are also some bad apples in the bunch that ruin it for everyone. Athletes can inspire young people to work hard so that their efforts can pay off, but no one is pure and flawless. Greed does take a hold of some players, but they shouldn t be the ones we devote all of our attention to. We should look at the positive things that... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Nobody is forcing athletes to be good people, we just want some of them to use better judgement. One person that honestly thinks that ball players do serve a role as models for the kids and should live up to it is Vincent Lamont Baker of the Milwaukee Bucks. He is the best all round player on the team and one of the most versatile in the league. He is said to be the symbol of what the NBA is really trying to sell: good players who are even better people. An excellent role model for black youth is Dave Bing. He was elected into the NBA Hall of Fame in 1989 and is now the CEO of Bing Steel, a firm that had $61 million in sales in 1991and was ranked tenth in the United States among black owned industrial and service companies. He now donates a lot of his time and money to various charities. Football player Orlando Pace sits with 6th grade children in their school library and helps them read. His message was Yes, I have had some athletic ability and talent, but studying is what s really important. He also said that he doesn t think of himself as a role model, but he is doing the right thing because he knows that there are people looking up to him and he wants to show them something positive. I couldn t believe all of the things he does for children and then says that he doesn t think of himself as a role model. Most of these players are just doing their job. But he realizes ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Analysis Of The Policy Issue Analysis of the policy issue The largest limitation for the District s determination for achieving financial stability is the inequality in funding of special education students that is supposed to be financed by the District to charter schools. This cost is relatively and consistently higher than the costof those services which are offered by charter schools to special educationstudents. This cost is also higher than the cost paid by any other District pays for the services of special education students in similar charter schools. This inconsiderably unfair payment of special education has made the District to get into financial turmoil and distress. As at now, the rate for special education tuition is supposed to be based on the expenditures of the District on special education, less federal expenditures and then divided by sixteen percent of District s Average Daily Membership. The sixteen percent is basically a representation of those students with disabilities and students in special programs across the state, between 1994 and 1995. This formula is based on a hypothetical assumption that the percentage of special education students in a school district is the average percentage statewide. In this way the formula is a distortion of the efforts of the district s efforts of achieving proportionality in making payments. The real approximation percentage of special education students in the District is 24 percent. In addition, the add on rate of $29,632.13 per student ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. The Nature Of The Good Life Philosophers have been thinking about the nature of the good life since ancient times. The good life was a central topic during the ancient period of philosophy. Many people say that the good life is living a prosperous life full of happiness. There are many different ideologies of the good life and each philosopher has their own values and beliefs. I decided to pick one of the most well known philosophers, Karl Marx. Karl Marx s philosophy is by far one of the most looked at. He called capitalism the dictatorship of the upper class. , saying that it was run by the wealthy class solely to make profit and maximize their own benefits. The end product and goal of capitalism was simply economic gain. In this philosophy there has to be organized production, which includes the means of production, such as factories, facilities, machines, and raw materials. Throughout this paper I will describe certain aspects of Karl Marx s philosophy mainly focusing on why capitalism is not the way to road to the good life. A good example of this can be looked at by recognizing the class struggle between bourgeoisie and proletariat, otherwise known as the upper and lower class. The bourgeoisie owns the means of production and the proletariats are the labor and means of production. The relationship between these two social classes is very unique. While they both work together in a way, and have similar interests, they are completely different from each other. This is called the relation ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Morality In Plato s Euthyphro Morality in Euthyphro To reach an understanding whether acts are immoral or moral we must ask ourselves what we consider to be immoral or moral. According to Protagoras first claim on moral relativism, he states Man is the measure of all things, of the things that are, that they are, and of the things that are not, that they are not. The way something appears to me, is true to me and the way something appears to you, is true to you. Consequently, meaning there is no absolute truth. Aristotle and Plato, both argue holding that the view on moral objectivism is that there is a reality or realm of object and facts existing independent of the mind. What actions are right to some, might be wrong to others. Essentially, morality is arbitrary. It ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Morality intakes are relative to an individual s beliefs. If Euthyphro thinks punishing his father for unmoral acts is moral than that is right for him. Both Plato and Aristotle would think that Protagoras s claims are contradicting because if he says that relativism is truth for him than it would be false for those who don t believe in relativism. Aristotle and Plato believe that there must be an objective truth, something that is true for everyone at any given place or time. Taking an objective approach may not always be relevant, particularly in cases where it is impossible to be objective because of the relevant facts and viewpoints. In this case, how can someone know for sure that there is universal truth? Not everyone is going to believe in the same principles as others, regardless of time, culture, place, etc. Therefore, I believe there is no objective truth to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. The Development Of The Philippines The Philippines is located in the South East region of Asia, this region consists of other countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, and others. The Philippines would be categorized as a developing country in stage three of the demographic transition model. With a falling birth rate of 24.24 per every 1000 people, with a low death rate of 4.92 per every 1000 people. With a population of 107.668.231 as of 2014, their median age is 23.5 years of age resulting in a very young population overall as seen in the population pyramid. The triangular shape, with a large number of the population below 30 years of age. The sex ratio of the Philippines is one male for every woman, and a life expectancy of 73 years from birth. The Philippines has a rapidly growing population with a large increase of young people starting to become a part of the working class (15 to 60 years of age), resulting in not enough jobs for these people resulting in unemployment, temporary emigration or permanent emigration. The Philippines has been lagging behind its neighboring countries such as the People s Republic of China, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam both economically and in public education for the past four decades. With its economy being characterized by boom bust cycles and episodes of moderate economic growth little has helped to alleviate the poverty. Poverty among households has increased from 24.4% to 26.9% between the years of 2003 and 2006. With the increase in poor families ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Early Childhood Education Statement Write a statement of your goals and of your commitment to a career in education. My goal in early childhood education is to provide children with a strong educational foundation through developmentally appropriate practices. All children are on different developmental levels and should be met where they are to reach their fullest potential in life. Another goal of mine is to teach children the importance of goal setting. It is an important skill for young children to learn as it will teach responsibility and ownership as well as improve their confidence and build self esteem when the children participate in setting their own learning goals. I also strongly believe in the environment as the third teacher. My goal is to encourage children s... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... My second internship was working with three year old at a child care center. During my first semester at Appalachian, 2016, I had experience working in a one to two year old classroom at a church childcare center and in an infant/toddler room at Lucy Brock. I completed my first practicum during my second semester at Appalachian at a five star child care center in Ashe County. I completed my second practicum at Blowing Rock Elementary school in the pre k classroom. I also have teaching experience in the nursery and vacation bible school at my home church. I am a nursery worker every Sunday and Wednesday for the two year old children and volunteer to teach bible study to young children during bible ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Motivator Factors Of A Burnout Burnout A burnout refers to the distressed psychological state an employee might experience after being on the job for a period of time. Employees who suffer from a burnout are emotionally exhausted and have low work motivation (i.e. possessing little energy and enthusiasm for the job). Burnouts are the results of working intensely with other people. A study in 2000 done by Bakker, Schaufeli, Sixma, Bosveld and Van Dierendonck found that patient demands are associated with burnout in physicians and led to emotional exhaustion (e.g. absence and fatigue), depersonalization (e.g. hostility towards others or callous and uncaring treatment of clients and other people) and reduced personal accomplishment (e.g. low motivation and poor performance). In the case of PMZ, the goals set by the supervisors were too high for the employees to achieve (a revenue of $200,000 each annual year), which caused the employees to be ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, the company can give bonuses and rewards to motivate the consultants to work harder. This can be supported by Herzberg (1968), in his two factor theory. There are two categories of needs: Hygiene and Motivator factors. Hygiene factor include pay, supervision, and organisational policies. Lack of this factor would lead to dissatisfaction. However, presence of this factor would not necessarily lead to satisfaction because these are the basic, foundational needs for employees. The next factor, motivator factor, includes achievement, recognition, responsibility, and nature of job itself. Presence of this factor would lead to job satisfaction. However, absence of this factor leads to lack of satisfaction and not dissatisfaction. Thus, giving rewards and bonuses (a form of recognition and achievement) would allow these employees to be more satisfied with their jobs. They would also be motivated to perform better at work and this subsequently leads to better overall ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. The Secret River By Kate Grenville And William Shakespeare How has the Kate Grenville and William Shakespeare used compositional features to express both similar and different ideas of difference and power? The Secret River, set in England and Australia, was written by Kate Grenville in 2006. William Shakespeare s play Othello was written in 1603 and set in Venice. Kate Grenville and William Shakespeare used compositional features to express both similar and different ideas of difference and power. They have cohesive ideas of power such as the use of structure and symbolism to convey power however, differ in their structure. They both expressed race through the context of the novel, setting, narrative perspective and imagery. However, 17th century english conveyed the idea of difference with greater subtlety than Kate Grenville s use of modern english . Similarly both texts contain powerful characters, however, these characters are differently placed and different compositional features were used to portray these ideas. Kate Grenville and William Shakespeare expressed ideas of power through representation of objects as well as the structure and society within the text. Both texts express power through gender, race and class through the main characters. Othello, and William Thornhill play the main roles in these two stories however, the decision that lead to the gain or loss of power were sub characters; Iago and Smasher. As Smasher s comment sterminate them.... only thing is we got to have the Hope to get use their is how ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Project Management Plan For Projects Essay Project Procurement Management Name: Artemus Brown American Military University 1.1. Project management plan Project management plays a vital part in planning and determining the project s directions and it likewise guarantees that project can be executed on budget, on time and meet organization s requirements. (Bernard David, 2003) Thus, clear vision, plan and strategy ought to be resolved to know that project ought to be controlled (Holland, 1999). The project management plan should obviously clear up how the craved objectives can be accomplished. There are three frequently interrelated and contending objectives in project management that ought to be met: Cost, scope and time. (Bhatti, 2005) The projects are constantly assessed in light of the accomplishment of particular objectives, to be specific; cost, time spent and scope. So higher level of responsibility of these triple requirements is considered as project management s essential elements of project management, which implies adjusting trade offs in the middle of cost and time, furthermore, performance while in the long run fulfilling the clients. (Erik Clifford, 2011) Manager of the project ought to contemplate the realistic way of triple constrains. For example, if the timelines are very tight and the project scope is very large it will be difficult to reach the expected and desired result. As a result, the manager of the project continually settles on tradeoff choices among these three ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. A Few Good Men By Erich Fromm During the motion picture A Few Good Men it obscures the inquiry whether disobedience or obedience is the rational distinction and at what instant does following the orders turn into blind obedience and submission? Furthermore, the movie complicates this theme by establishing military culture where disobedience to a higher power invokes dire repercussions. One example in the motion picture is when United States Marines Lance CorporalHarold Dawson and Private Louden Downey where instructed by their superiors to give a fellow Marine, Private William Santiago, a Code Red resulting in Private William Santiago death (A Few Good Men). Moreover, Stanley Milgram author of Perils of Obedience discussed in the piece the corresponding issue... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Similarly, in Milgram s study, it contends that obedience of an arbitrary test subject, entitled the teacher , was made subservient to assessing whether or not it was feasible for a human being to obey regulations that they identified as morally reprehensible. In the experiment the teacher was commanded by a superior figure, the experimenter , to apply voltage shocks increasing in intensity all the way up to a fatal shock for incorrect responses (79). Later in the article Milgram points out that more than half the time the teachers would submit to the orders addressed to them even though the teachers recognized the actions they were taking were morally wrong. Because of this, it obscures the subject as to why the teachers were obedient because unlike Lance Corporal Harold Dawson and Private Louden Downey surrounded by the military culture there are no reverberations for disobedience for the teachers. As a result of this, Milgram hypothesizes the teacher s obedience correlated to the fact that the experimenter told the teachers that they would take all the fault if anything happened to the student (81).п»ї For this reason, it leads the teaches to use scapegoating to justify their actions which Rob Reiner, director of A Few Good Men , would more than coincide with. Parallel, Fromm author of Disobedience as a Psychological and Moral Problem would likewise concur with Milgram s hypothesis and in return state more ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Seizing the Day in Robert Herrick’s poem, “To the... To what extent may an argument be framed as believable or serious? Persuasion on seizing the day is a common theme in Robert Herrick s poem, To the Virgins, To Make Much of Time and Andrew Marvel s To His Coy Mistress . The arguments within the poems can seem unrealistic, a little hyperbolic, with an underlying intent to acquire a womanto sleep with them. The concrete position of all the arguments within the two poems seems to be, getting a woman to sleep with them. The two poets posses similarities between the two pieces of poetry, however argue the topics in different ways. Beauty is not forever lasting, coyness put aside, while pleasure embraced, and time is of the essence; are all points made to intrigue women to be with them. To focus on those points a little: The beauty of a woman is compared to aspects of nature. Herrick s poem only looks at the physical qualities of a woman, unlike Marvel s, which references personality along with physical traits. Sexual passion embraced, and coyness set aside? The poets, both urge women to act upon sexual urges while they stay youthful, but if a woman was told they are not going to be desired when older, would they actually want to be with someone who tells them that? Time is moving quickly and its made known within the poems. Herrick is an advocate to relate everything to physical aspects, so of course he says a woman s beauty diminishes quickly. Marvel does not relate beauty and time together, instead he would ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. The Human Rights Act Of 1998 Essay The Human Rights Act of 1998, also abbreviated to HRA is a national law passed in the United Kingdom and mostly came into force on 2 October 2000. Its purpose is to incorporate the rights within the European Convention on Human Rights into UK national law. This law allows the citizens of the United Kingdom to defend their rights in UK courts and states that public organisations such as the Government, Police and other public authorities must respect the people s rights by treating them fairly and equally with dignity. Firstly, this essay will be discussing what the Human Rights Act (1998) is and its effects. Secondly, this essay will be pointing out the Articles and explaining the Act. Thirdly, this essay will be talking about the history and why this act came into place. Finally, this essay will argue the necessity of the Human Rights Act (1998). The Human Rights Act (1998) consists of sixteen fundamental rights that everybody is entitled to from birth or since the act was put into place. These sixteen rights are set out as Articles and along with these Articles there are also Protocols to extend and adapt new rights into the Human Rights Act. There are three main effects of the HRA: Firstly, it has subsumed the rights set out by the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) into British national law; if in any given situation there is a breach of rights, this allows people to take their cases to British courts instead of seeking justice from the European Court of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. GEICO Case Study Leo and Lillian Goodwin established GEICO in 1936, and as of today GEICO S assets have reached up to $32 billion. GEICO was created during the Great Depression even though this was a time when companies weren t being encouraged to start up. GEICO was originally established as the Government Employees Insurance Company. When the company was first established, Lillian Goodwin, initially addressed people who were enlisted as a military officer and/or federal employee. GEICO had written 3,700 policies and hired 12 staff members, a year after this. Ever since then, the company has grown incredibly and continues to look forward to even more growth in the years to come. As stated earlier, GEICO stands for Government Employees Insurance Company. GEICO now provides insurance to a wide range of people around the country. There are more than 13 million auto policies that are in force and growing, and there are more than 22 million vehicles that are being insured. Tony Nicely is the Chairman and CEO and Bill Roberts is the President and COO. Their corporate headquarters is located 5260 Western Avenue, Chevy Chase, Maryland, 20815. The company employs more than 30,000 associates, maintains 14 major offices around the country, and 7 of its companies are affiliated to meet the insurance needs of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If one is seeking an affordable car insurance policy, GEICO is the right fit for you. It is said that GEICO is better than average for the price, and its customer service is about average. It can handle all your coverage requirements for multiple vehicles. GEICO also has a mobile app that will help you to easily keep track of your policy and billing details. Some of its marketing strategies consist of targeting people who apply for one of its insurances. GEICO has three large competitors, which include the All State Corporation, State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, and the Farmers Group, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Classic Vampirism and Recent Changes CLASSIC VAMPIRISM AND RECENT CHANGES Change often occurs due to the simple nature of time. What once stood as a finite and steadfast definition will shift and evolve. Genres bleed into one another and mix mythologies. The realm of the supernatural in literature does not lie outside this trend. Wizards no longer call themselves Merlin and spend their days under the patronage of a heroic king; the average wizard now goes by common names like Harry or Ron and attends school, saving the world on the side. Cyclops presently means a man with laser eyes who wears leather and fights crime, not a one eyed island beast. Vampirism does not escape such change. No longer can one consistently find a vampire to be the bloodthirsty life sucking demon of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Control of animals: Power extends over many creatures, including insects, rats, fleas, and bats. Eternal life: Varies in length; not all vampires are immortal. Scale walls: Vampires are as nimble as spiders. Transformation: Vampires can turn into bats, cats, dogs, wolves, butterflies, insects, rats, birds, fleas, mice, and locusts. Drain life force or psychic energy: An attribute of the psychic vampire. (Bunson 212) The varied and numerous strengths of the traditional vampire serve to aid them in feeding on and attacking humans. The supernatural qualities of the vampire s abilities only further the distinction of vampires as inhuman. Weaknesses and methods of destroying a vampire are likewise listed: Common Methods: Staking: The most commonly used method in the world. Beheading: Avoid splattering of blood. Sunlight: Some aged and powerful vampires are immune. Cremation: Found throughout the world; scatter the ashes. Piercing with a sword: A blessed sword should be used. Immersing in water: A bathtub can be used, but body disposal may prove a problem. Drenching in garlic and holy water: Large amounts have to be hauled to the gravesite to assure a clean kill; oil, wine, or vinegar can also be used. Touching with a crucifix: Destroys a young vampire but is normally used only as a repellent. Trapping in the grave: Iron bits, red peas, rice (for Chinese species), roses, garlic, stones, and holy water can be used. Extracting ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Nursing Diagnoses And Its Effects On The United States Our client, Ertha Williams is a 99 year old female who lives alone in a low income apartment complex on the second floor in Monroe, Michigan. Ertha suffers from chronic kidney disease and has a history of hypertension and type one diabetes. Due to her chronic kidney disease Ertha has regular scheduled dialysisappointments three times a week, but since the death of her son and husband and her inability to drive it is difficult for Ertha to get to her dialysis appointments. She also has difficulties preparing the multiple medication she is required to take to manage her hypertension and diabetes. After her last dialysis appointment the nurse reported that Ertha appeared frail and emaciated. Ertha herself also stated that she worries about financial issues frequently and has good and bad days occasionally. Based on these findings Ertha is in need of some assistance to help alleviate some of the problems and stresses she is undergoing. Several nursing diagnoses can be established based on Ertha s current situation and through these diagnoses it will be easier to establish what kind of services Ertha will need from the surrounding community of Monroe and what types of barriers she might encounter in attempting to access these services. Ertha s most prominent issues are her inability to get to her prescribed dialysis appointments three times a week and the difficulties she has in preparing her medications. Based on this evidence a nursing diagnosis of ineffective health ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Beethoven s 9th Symphony I read that the 9th Symphony is universally considered to be among Beethoven s greatest works he s ever written. The symphony was the first example of a major composer using voices in a symphony. The words are sung during the final movement by four vocal soloists and a chorus. They were taken from the Ode to Joy , a poem written by Friedrich Schiller in 1785 and revised in 1803. Today it still stands as one of the most performed symphonies throughout the world. It is made of 4 movements. The first movement is in classical sonata form, however, just the beginning of the 9th Symphonyjumps immediately into suspense and sense of expectancy. In the first minute, the tempo hovers between a duple and triple meter. A and E notes are used as building ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Response To The Sansburg Throughout this poem, the Sanburg intentionally uses the concrete and proper nouns to represent the death that occurs over time in a war zone. These concrete nouns represent the extreme conditions that happen while at war. The use of the word bodies (1) starts off the poem on a somber note, by simply representing the amount of people that have passed. Furthermore, the concrete nouns represent how some of these battles dragged on through the use and repeat of the word, years. (7) The catastrophic effects of war on the landscape is exemplified by the passengers asking, What place is this? (8) The people that come back to these war stricken areas do not even recognize where they are in because it has been so badly devastated. Similarly, the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. The Importance Of Living A Happy Life Many have trouble finding the ideal way to live a happy life but it may come to your surprise that the answer can be found within yourself. A life worth living is waking up with a positive outlook on what you do and who you are; for that is the key to having a comfortable, easy going life. If you focus on what you have rather that what you don t have you ll be much better off, for gratefulness triumphs over rapacity. Loveyourself and others by being all you can be; until then the tranquility that comes with said mindset will not be found. An individual s mindset can be the difference between haven and hardship. By adopting optimistic qualities into to your daily way of life you ll immensely be better off than those who see the glass half empty. Focusing on money or social status is not the way to be going about living, as describe by Morrie stating how he finds materialistic things useless, Don t cling to things, because everything is impermanent. (Albom, pg.103). Morrie became more connected with reality near his death which raises the idea that perhaps the knowledge of the end opens the eyes to what is truly worth holding dear for when time is of the essence the best should be made out of what is left. Filling the void with expensive goods and or ranking one s self on some imaginary scale of superiority is far from the mentality needed to find fulfillment. Instead become in tune with your fellow man. You ll find that selflessness opens the door to an authentic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. Collaborative Ethnography Essay Introduction Postmodern anthropology can be described as a method to write about cultures in a certain way, by scrutinizing and interpreting the information gathered. Postmodern ethnographers believe that it is the way we interpret information that must be studied and that the voice of societies should be advocated through an informant. They also believe that to do this the use of collaborative ethnography is of vital importance. Collaborative ethnography is a relationship between ethnographers and informants. This, however, could be a team of ethnographers observing and studying a society, it could be a couple of ethnographers and more than one informant or it could be an ethnographer and his/her students. There are many different ways ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For instance if one anthropologist were to observe a society, the way he/she interprets the information they are receiving could be different to that of a colleague. Nevertheless if they were to both construe the same data and amalgamate them together, their research and observations would become more reliable and relevant to that of the society. Lassiter suggested that such collaboration between individuals is already natural in the ethnographers field, but should be embraced more literally; he stated that collaborative ethnography is ethnography that builds on the cooperative relationships already present... between ethnographers and informants/consultants (Lassiter, 2008, page 73). Through having a rapport with someone allows agreements and information to be shared easily. It is important to work with colleagues and informants as it gives a broader set of knowledge, it also allows for the societies point of view and culture to be put across accurately. In Alberto Bursztyn s book The Praeger handbook of special education (2007, page 180) he describes the transition of collaborative ethnography from anthropology to academia, stating that the use in both areas is important to the study s validity, reliability and overall rigor . Bursztyn also looks at previous team work within anthropological background, mentioning the husband and wife teaming of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. A Brief Note On Iceland And Its Impact On The World Essay I have always enjoyed the outdoors, I had no Idea what I was in for. One day while I was at work the opportunity arose for me to go to Iceland. At first I didn t get too excited about because so much can change on an opportunity such as this. You never really know until you are actually airborne and enroute, sometimes that is still not enough. Once I made the final list to go, my coworkers began telling about their previous trips to this island. I heard one story of what it was like during the winter, different colored ropes between the buildings. Say you wanted to go from the dormitory to the dining facility, you would follow the yellow rope. This was due to wind and snow, you could become disoriented just walking between the buildings. Thankfully I would be going during the summer. I could not be more excited to explore this island in the North Atlantic, the land of ice and fire, called Iceland. Upon my arrival, I remember noting the buildings had different colored roofs, not just different shades of gray or brown, typically as you would find on a shingled roof, but they were all metal roofs. They could be blue, red, orange it was almost as if it was a cartoon. Keeping in mind, I was not here on vacation so my time to explore would be limited at best. But hopefully I will be able to make the most of it. So the week belonged to Uncle Sam and his bidding and the weekends, if all went right would be mine to explore, and explore I did. Each weekend was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 54. Analysis Of A Stolen Life On June 10th, 1991, eleven year old Jaycee Dugard was kidnapped, while walking to her bus stop, by Phillip and Nancy Garrido. After using a stun gun and dragging her into their car, the Garrido s proceeded to take Jaycee towards Anaheim, California. Once there, Jaycee lived in several rundown buildings in the Garrido s backyard for eighteen long years. It was during that time that Jaycee suffered multiple accounts of abuse, including sexual and emotional, and gave birth to two daughters. During her stay at the Garrido s, Jaycee s life was stolen for more than half of the time she had been breathing. However, in August of 2009, thanks to the help of two police officers, she was rescued. After the rescue, Jaycee felt that it was important that she shared her story with other kidnapping, abuse, and rape victims to help them know that they are not alone and to show others to never lose hope. It is because of her thoughts, that Jaycee wrote her memoir, aptly titled A Stolen Life, which follows her kidnapping story from her first day gone, to her recovery after being rescued. Throughout the 268 pages of A Stolen Life, I was on an emotional roller coaster ride as Jaycee told her story through her young eyes and left no details out. During one of the very first chapters in the memoir, Jaycee describes the first time Phillip Garrido raped her. I am so small and he is so big. Why is he doing this? Is this normal? (31) Jaycee recounts. Jaycee did not even have an idea of what sex ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 55. Food Manufacturers Research Paper Food Manufacturers and Obesity Food Manufacturers and Obesity: The Role of Food Corporations in America s Obesity Epidemic Introduction Obesity has been the number one health issue in America since 2003; it not only affects a person s physical health, but also causes emotional distress which nearly 100 million Americans must deal with every day. As the obesity problem continues to grow, society wonders who the responsibility falls on. Some people believe it is individual responsibility, while others believe food manufacturers are responsible. Discussion Consumers are constantly bombarded with advertisements for foods loaded with empty calories and sugar. Research has emerged showing that high calorie, high fat foods replete with excess sugar and salt are desirable despite their health risks because they can be addictive, rewiring the brain s reward mechanism just ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The prime minister of Australia, and once federal health minister, stated The only person responsible for what goes into my mouth is me, and the only people who are responsible for what goes into kids mouths are the parents . While it is true that people are responsible for their own eating habits, it is becoming progressively more difficult to avoid unhealthy foods, stated Janelle R. Stanish, author of The Obesity Epidemic in America and the Responsibility of Big Food Manufacturers. Dr. Robert Lustig, who believes sugar to be a major cause of weight problems, stated on MSNBC s Morning Show in 2013 that half of the sugar consumed in this country comes from food you didn t know had sugar in it like hamburger buns, hamburger meat, and salad dressings. This means that people are likely consuming the very thing that is causing their weight issues without knowing it and therefore, without a choice in the matter. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 56. Knowing The Metasploit Framework Purpose ARC (advanced research corporation) is a medical research company with amazing success in groundbreaking medical and medicinal products. The company has made tremendous efforts in the field of medical research, and its success has made it vulnerable to cyber criminals. These criminals will use cyber threats and attacks to steal research information, intellectual property and possibly sell this information to competing research organizations for monetary gain. After a noteworthy hit to an information breach, that brought about a huge number of misfortunes. The organization requires a modest security testing innovation that will test the organization s framework against the major and regular threats that face the organization. Knowing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The advantages of Metasploit are that it permits the consolidation of various modules or penetration testing plugins. The penetration tester is able to add other penetration testing tools to the framework allows as Nessus and Network Mapper (Nmap) website vulnerability assessment tools. The Meatsploit framework consists of over 500 payloads, 1000 different exploits, NOPS (no operations) and encoders that permit the pen tester to perform distinctive assault sorts utilizing distinctive assault vectors such as detection of live hosts, SQL injection, Cross Site Scripting, open ports using the Network Mapper, penetration of a real system, and payloads to help have determined backdoors on the accessed systems and stay ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...