はてなキーワード: Brotherとは
『機動戦士ガンダム 水星の魔女』の最終回において、ラウダ・ニールが地球に移住し「ペトラのそばにいたいんだ」と発言、さらに公式ガイドブックで「ペトラとの関係:周囲に知られないようにしていた」「ペトラに寄り添いながら自分の道を探している」と書かれていたことに対し、これまでラウダとその兄であるグエル・ジェタークとのカップリングを支持していたファンが、制作側によるクィア・ベイティング(Queer-Baiting)であると激怒する事態が発生しました。
### **「ニキ」「ネキ」**
- 「ニキ」は「兄貴」を砕けた形で、親しみや敬意を込めた呼び方。ネット上で「頼りがいがある」「面白い」「有能」と感じられる人に向けて使われることが多いです。
- 「ネキ」はその女性版で、「姉貴」から派生。親しみやリスペクトを込めつつ、フランクに女性を呼ぶ際に用います。
- どちらも軽い敬意や親しみを込めた呼称として使われますが、対等な関係性というよりも、どこか「頼れる存在」や「面白い人物」を表現する色合いが強いです。
- 主に特定のスレッドや投稿で注目された人に対して使われる「称号的」な側面もあります。
### **「BRO」**
- 「BRO」は「BROTHER」の略で、親しい男性間でのフレンドリーな呼称。特にカジュアルな会話でよく使われます。
- 親しみや友情を表す言葉で、特別な敬意を含む場合もありますが、相手を持ち上げるニュアンスは薄いです。
- 相手との対等な関係性を前提としており、軽い冗談やカジュアルな場面でのやりとりに適しています。
### **ニュアンスの違い**
1. **敬意と親しみの度合い**:
- 「ニキ」「ネキ」は、親しみの中に「リスペクト」や「注目」を含むことが多い。
- 「BRO」は親しみや友情が中心で、尊敬の要素は必ずしも含まれません。
2. **使われる場面**:
- 「ニキ」「ネキ」は特定のキャラクター性や行動を称賛する場面で用いられることが多い。
- 「BRO」は日常的で、特に目立つ行動をしていなくても使われることがある。
1. **SIS**:
- 「SISTER」の略。女性に対する親しい呼び方で、「BRO」の女性版ともいえます。ただし、「ネキ」ほどの敬意は含まれません。
2. **QUEEN**:
- 親しみを込めつつ、尊敬や称賛を表す呼称。特に女性が他の女性に使うことが多い。
- 例: 「You go, queen!」は「あなた、最高!」という意味。
- 友達や親しい女性への呼びかけ。「Girl, let me tell you…」のような使われ方をしますが、親しさを表すだけで、リスペクトのニュアンスは薄め。
### **まとめ**
「Yo, my metal brother, you steppin’ in a galaxy without greens, ain’t no buds for yo human lungs, know what I’m sayin’?」
ことの発端は、アムステルダムだ。俺はそこに旅立ち、夢見心地で「Amsterdam 420 Kush」を一服かました。それは舌の上で葉っぱが宇宙クジラの子守歌を歌うような極上の体験だった。ところが同じ頃、面識も無いクセに宇宙的有名人になっていたインフルエンサー「420BlazeChica」がSNSでやらかした。「アムステルダムで合法ハッパ最高~!」なんて調子に乗った配信をやって、銀河規模で炎上し、日本政府は大慌て。結果、法改正後420年の平和だった(建前上)日本は「アムステルダム帰りは全員、尿検査ガチャに参加」なんていう悪夢的イベントを開催するハメになった。
「Chill, my leafless homie, da universe ain’t got no sympathy for yo dried-out fate. Just pee and roll with it, ya feel me?」
「Ain’t no mercy in this big ol’ cosmic playground, my dude. You gon’ be locked up tighter than a stoner’s snack stash.」
ピーピー君が結果をババンと大画面に表示する。「Amsterdam 420 Kush成分、陽性出ちゃいましたっ☆ あ~残念♪」
「Dat’s how da cosmic cookie crumbles, my friend. Next time, stick to dat robot oil, it’s on da house.」
歌を聴くとその歌を聴いていた当時を思い出す。You are freeでは、プロモーションビデオの映像が目に浮かんだ。薄暗い部屋でアスカとチャゲが歌うプロモーションビデオ。あれはクリスマスの頃にマキシシングルとして発売されたんだっけ。史上最大のメリークリスマスっていう2時間の特番もあったよね。
チャゲアス曲を聴くとやっぱりチャゲが足りないと感じてしまう。YAH YAH YAHは最後のサビでチャゲさんに「ラストー!」という声がけをしてほしい。GUYSもBROTHERもチャゲさんのパートがあるし、いないのはさみしい。
歌を聴くとその歌を聴いていた当時を思い出す。You are freeでは、プロモーションビデオの映像が目に浮かんだ。薄暗い部屋でアスカとチャゲが歌うプロモーションビデオ。あれはクリスマスの頃にマキシシングルとして発売されたんだっけ。史上最大のメリークリスマスっていう2時間の特番もあったよね。
チャゲアス曲を聴くとやっぱりチャゲが足りないと感じてしまう。YAH YAH YAHは最後のサビでチャゲさんに「ラストー!」という声がけをしてほしい。GUYSもBROTHERもチャゲさんのパートがあるし、いないのはさみしい。
最後に言わせてもらうぜ。お前たちの批判なんて、俺たちには通用しない!俺たちファンは、『しかのこのこのここしたんたん』を永遠に支持し続けるぜ!信じる者には、限界なんてないんだ!これが俺たちの力、俺たちの誇りだ!LET'S GO, BROTHER!
1, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ ルパン三世’78
2, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ DOWN BEAT STOMP
4, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ Come On!
5, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ スキャラバン(CARAVAN)
6, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ 太陽にお願い
7, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ 勇者の証~Brave Eagle Of Apache~
8, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ フィルムメイカーズ・ブリード~頂上決戦~
9, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ 5 days of TEQUILA
10, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ MONSTER ROCK
11, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ Glorious
12, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ,さかなクン/ Paradise Has No Border
13, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ,宮本浩次/ 明日以外すべて燃やせ-feat.宮本浩次
16, Adhesivo/ Skabullido
18, Adhesivo/ Dia De Rutina
19, Bad Manners/ Inner London Violence
20, Brooklyn Funk Essentials,Laço Tayfa/ Ska Ka-Bop
21, Desorden Público/ Allá Cayó
22, Desorden Público/ Todo Está Muy Normal
24, EGO-WRAPPIN’/ くちばしにチェリー
27, Gypsy Ska Orquesta/ Toston Swing
31, HEY-SMITH/ We sing our song
32, KEMURI/ P.M.A(Positive Mental Attitude)
34, KEMURI/ O-zora
35, Kingston Rudieska/ Giant Moment
36, Kingston Rudieska/ Captain J
38, Laurel Aitken/ Jesse Jackson
40, Los Calzones/ Todos Te Prometen
41, Los De Abajo,Diego Benlliure,José Grela / War 4 Peace
43, Markscheider Kunst/ Ku
44, Melbourne Ska Orchestra/ Get Smart
45, Melbourne Ska Orchestra/ Lygon Street Meltdown
46, Nancy Ska Jazz Orchestra/ Hatcha!
47, Nancy Ska Jazz Orchestra/ Démineur
48, Nancy Ska Jazz Orchestra/ Tom Thumb
49, New York Ska-Jazz Ensemble/ Boogie Stop Shuffle
50, New York Ska-Jazz Ensemble/ Bopicana
51, Oi-SKALL MATES/ Bring on Nutty Stomper fun
52, Oi-SKALL MATES/ Skinhead Running
53, Oi-SKALL MATES/ Soul brother stomp together
54, Oi-SKALL MATES/ Justice Calling 69
57, Out Of Control Army/ Global Ska
58, Out Of Control Army/ Dancing
59, Out Of Control Army/ El Diablo
60, Out Of Control Army/ Fuck the police
61, Out Of Control Army/ Skaloween-En Vivo
62, Out Of Control Army,Inspector/ Siempre Fingiste Amarme
63, Pannonia Ska Orchestra/ Sahara
66, Rotterdam Ska-Jazz Foundation/ Backlash
67, Rotterdam Ska-Jazz Foundation/ No More Sorrow
68, Rotterdam Ska-Jazz Foundation/ Tunisia
69, Save Ferris/ The World Is New
70, SCAFULL KING/ Strutting Bonin’
72, SHOW-SKA/ Scooted Scorpion
78, Skassapunka/ Il pianto dell'asino
79, St.Petersburg Ska-Jazz Review/ Volga River Boat Man
80, The Busters/ Scooter Maniacs
81, The Fenicians/ Sac-O-Woe
82, The Locos,Bersuit Vergarabat/ La Bolsa
83, The Mighty Mighty Bosstones/ The Rascal King
85, The Ska Flames/ Samurai
86, The Ska Flames/ Tokyo Shot
87, The Ska Vengers/ Vampire
88, The Ska Vengers,Rie Ona,Shirish Malhotra/ Mancini Skank
89, The Skankaroos/ Expedition To Ska
91, The Specials/ Little Bitch
92, The Super Glasses Ska Ensemble/ Keep Skanking
94, Tinez Roots Club/ High Jump
95, Tinez Roots Club/ Crazy Mule
96, Tinez Roots Club/ Chimpanzee
98, Two Tone Club/ Beware Of The Tiger
99, Two Tone Club/ Three Little Words
100, Киоск/ Чудеса
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and goodwill, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother’s keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.
In a discussion about the case, someone raised an objection to "someone who was not a party to the incident, who was not from Nagasaki, and who was not from Hiroshima, complaining about it. Seeing that opinion made me aware of my position, so I will say what I must say.
I was born in Nagasaki and am a third-generation A-bomb survivor.
I say this because I grew up hearing the stories of the A-bomb damage directly from those who suffered from the atomic bombings.
I feel that it is unacceptable for someone like me to speak about the A-bomb damage.
However, there are few A-bomb survivors left, so I will speak up.
In Nagasaki, children grow up hearing stories about the atomic bombing. We were made to sit in the gymnasium of an elementary school in the middle of summer, where there was not even an air conditioner or a fan, and for nearly an hour we were made to listen to stories about the atomic bombing. It was hard for me anyway.
I think it was even more painful for the elderly people who told the stories. But I don't think an elementary school kid could have imagined that. I, too, have forgotten most of the stories I was told. I can only remember one or two at most.
Another thing is that at this time of year, pictures of the victims of the atomic bombing are pasted up in the hallways.
In other parts of the country, these are grotesque images that would cause a fuss from the parents who are always nagging about them.
Recently, even the A-bomb museum has become more gentle in its exhibits, and most of the radical and horrifying exhibits that would have traumatized visitors have been removed.
I don't know how elementary schools now teach about the A-bomb damage. But when I was in elementary school, there were photos on display.
There was one photo that I just couldn't face as an elementary school student. It was a picture of Taniguchi Sumiteru(谷口稜曄). If you search for it, you can find it. It is a shocking picture, but I would still like you to see it.
I couldn't pass through the hallway where the photo was displayed, so I always took the long way around to another floor to avoid seeing the photo.
My grandfather was under the bomb and went to the burnt ruins of the bomb to look for his sister. I can understand now that he couldn't turn away or go another way.
There would have been a mountain of people still alive and moaning in the ruins of the burnt ruins. There would have been many more who would have died out in agony.
My grandfather walked for miles and miles, towing a rear wheelchair, through the narrow streets of rubble-strewn Nagasaki in search of his sister.
My grandfather was not a child then. But of course there were elementary school children who did the same thing he did. I am not speculating that there were. There were. I heard the story from him, and I still remember it.
A young brother and sister found their father's corpse in the ruins of the fire and burned it themselves. They didn't have enough wood to burn him alive, and when they saw his brain spilling out, they ran away, and that was the last time they ever saw him again.
I can never forget that story I heard when I was a kid, and even now it's painful and painful, my hands are shaking and I'm crying.
I keep wondering how that old man who ran away from his father's brain was able to expose to the public the unimaginably horrible trauma, the scar that will never heal, even after all these years.
Now I think I understand a little.
Why I can't help but talk about my grandfather and the old man now, even as I remember my own trauma.
Because this level of suffering is nothing compared to their words being forgotten.
It's nothing compared to the tremendous suffering that once existed that will be forgotten, like my hands shaking, my heart palpitating, my nose running with vertigo, and so on.
My grandfather, who went through an unimaginable hell, lived to see his grandchildren born, and met his sister's death in the ruins of the fire.
In other words, my grandfather was one of the happiest people in the ruins of the fire.
My grandfather and that old man were, after all, just people wading in the depths of hell.
I think that the suffering that even people who had experienced unimaginable pain could not imagine was lying like pebbles on the ground in Nagasaki 78 years ago, and no one paid any attention to it.
Their suffering, which I can't even imagine, is nothing compared to the countless, unimaginable suffering they witnessed, which they pretend never happened.
Memories fade inexorably with each passing human mouth. The memories that those people could never allow to be forgotten are almost forgotten.
The tremendous suffering of 78 years ago is mostly gone, never to be recounted.
Those who suffered the most from the atomic bombing died rotting in the ruins of the fire without being able to tell anyone about it.
Many of those who saw it with their own eyes kept their mouths shut and took it with them to their graves. Most of those who spoke a few words are still in their graves.
Compared to the words of the old men, my own words are so light. I would rather keep my mouth shut than speak in such light words.
But still, someone has to take over. I realize that even my words, which are so light, are only the top of the voices that are left in this world to carry on the story of the atomic bombing.
I know how it feels to think that I am the only one. Still, I hope that you will not shut your mouth. I know that I have closed my mouth because I thought I shouldn't talk about it, and that is the result.
Sometimes I almost choose to stop imagining the unimaginable suffering and live my life consuming other people's suffering for fun.
I am writing this while I still have some imagination of the suffering of the old people whose voices, faces, and even words I can no longer recall.
I have seen some posts asking if they should talk about "the case" even though they were not involved in it and were not born in Nagasaki or Hiroshima, and I am a bit aware of it, so I have to say what I have to say. I say this because I was born in Nagasaki, am a third generation atomic bomb survivor, and grew up hearing the stories of those who experienced the atomic bombing firsthand. I know it's a little bit too much for me, but I'm going to say this because there are very few survivors left.
In Nagasaki, children grow up hearing stories about the atomic bombing. They were stuffed into sushi for nearly an hour in the gymnasium of an elementary school in the middle of summer, with no air conditioner or fan, and told stories about the atomic bombing. That was a hard time for me. I think it must have been even harder for the old people who told the stories, but there was no way an elementary school kid could imagine such a thing, and I had forgotten most of the stories I had been told for a long time. I have forgotten most of the stories I was told. I can only remember one or two at most. There is one more hard thing. Every year around this time, a row of grotesque images that would drive the PTA crazy in other areas are prominently displayed in the hallways. These days, I hear that the atomic bomb museum has been bleached out and many of the radical and horrifying exhibits that traumatized visitors have been taken down. I don't know if they are still there, but they were there when I was in elementary school.
There was one photo that I just couldn't face when I was in elementary school. It is a picture of Sumiteru Taniguchi. If you search for it, you can find it. It is a shocking picture, but I would like you to take a look at it. I couldn't pass through the hallway where the photo was posted, so I always took the long way around to another floor of the school building to avoid seeing the photo.
Now I'm thinking that my grandfather, who headed into the burnt ruins to look for his sister, couldn't have turned away or taken a different path. There would have been a mountain of people still alive and moaning, not just pictures, and a mountain more who would have given up at the end of their suffering. He walked for miles and miles, towing his handcart through the narrow streets of rubble-strewn Nagasaki in search of his sister. My grandfather was not a child at the time, but of course there were children who did similar things. Not that there wouldn't have been. There were. I heard the story from him, and I still remember it. A young brother and sister found their father's body in the ruins of a fire and they burned it. They didn't have enough wood to burn his body, and when they saw the raw brain that spilled out, they ran away and that was the last time they ever saw him anymore.
I can never forget the story I heard when I was a kid, and even now it is painful and painful, my hands are shaking and I am crying. I keep wondering how the old man who escaped from that father's brain could have been able to unravel the most horrible trauma imaginable and expose it to the public with scars that will never heal.
Now I think I can understand a little.
The reason I can't help but talk about my grandfather and that old man, even if I have to rehash my own trauma, is that this level of suffering is nothing compared to the fact that their words will be forgotten. My hands shaking, my heart palpitating and dizzy, my nose running with tears, it's nothing compared to the tremendous suffering that was once there and will be forgotten.
My grandfather, who went through an unimaginable hell, lived to see his grandchildren born, and met his sister's death in the ruins of the fire. In other words, my grandfather was one of the happiest people in the ruins of the fire. My grandfather and that old man were, after all, just people wading in the depths of hell. I think that the suffering that even people who had experienced unimaginable pain could not imagine was lying like pebbles in Nagasaki 78 years ago, and no one paid any attention to it. Their suffering, which I can't even imagine, is nothing compared to the countless, tremendous suffering they witnessed, which they pretend never happened.
Memories fade inexorably every time people talk about them. The memories that those people could not allow to be forgotten are now largely forgotten; the tremendous suffering of 78 years ago is mostly gone, never to be recounted again. Those who suffered the most from the atomic bombing died rotting in the ruins of the fire, unable to tell anyone about it. Many of those who saw it with their own eyes kept their mouths shut and took it with them to their graves. Most of those who spoke a few words are now under the grave.
Compared to the words of the old men, my own words are so light. I would rather keep my mouth shut than speak in such light words. But still, someone has to take over. I realize that even my words, which are so light, are only the top of the voices that are left in this world to carry on the story of the atomic bombing. I know how it feels to wonder if someone like myself is allowed to speak about this. Still, I hope that you will not shut your mouth. This is the result of our silence.
Sometimes I almost choose to stop imagining the unimaginable suffering and live my life consuming other people's suffering for the fun of it. I am writing this while I still have some imagination of the suffering of the old people whose voices, faces, and even words I can no longer recall.
Translator's note: The original post in Japanese is a response to a post by a Japanese contributor who wondered if he was qualified to speak out on the subject of the A-bomb when he was not from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but still spoke out about Barbie and the A-bomb. I translated it here because I think it deserves to be read by the world.
The singing sea
The talking trees
A Silent in a noisy way
But give no light
The world spins backward everyday
A checkered cat
Go tail in tail around the road
The mouse is pleased
The sun is shining hot and cold
Today I heard
Sitting upon a silver branch
Which made me sad and start to laugh
But there is only me in the family
When I grow up
兄弟でパートナー婚! 結婚よりパートナーシップ? どうなってるイギリスの結婚制度
生き別れた51歳母と32歳の息子 再会後に恋に落ちアメリカで波紋
A woman in search of her long-lost mother discovered she had married her own BROTHER.
兄弟でパートナー婚! 結婚よりパートナーシップ? どうなってるイギリスの結婚制度
生き別れた51歳母と32歳の息子 再会後に恋に落ちアメリカで波紋
A woman in search of her long-lost mother discovered she had married her own BROTHER.