はてなキーワード: The worldとは
top 41 - 60
以下のリストは、主に Box Office Mojo 等のデータ(全米興行収入・未調整値)をもとにした、
いずれも 北米(アメリカ&カナダ)での累計興行収入 を概算で示しています。
新月は新しい始まりの時期。タロットカードでは「愚者(The Fool)」に対応します。旬の新鮮な野菜や発芽食品(スプラウト、豆類)を摂取し、新たなエネルギーを受け入れます。
満月は完成と感情の高まりを象徴し、「女教皇(The High Priestess)」に関連づけられます。直感を高めるために、シンプルで自然な食品(白米、乳製品、貝類)を選びます。
水星逆行の時期は見直しや内省に適しており、「隠者(The Hermit)」と関連します。この時期にはデトックス効果のある食材(レモン、グリーンティー、セロリなど)を摂り、内側を浄化します。
春分や秋分など、太陽の動きに合わせた節目には「世界(The World)」のカードに対応する完全性のエネルギーを意識します。バランスの取れた食事(五大栄養素を含む)を心がけます。
曜日 | タロットカード | 天体 | 食材例 |
月曜日 | 女教皇(The High Priestess) | 月 | 海藻スープ、ミルク、白い食材 |
火曜日 | 皇帝(The Emperor) | 火星 | スパイシーカレー、赤身肉 |
水曜日 | 魔術師(The Magician) | 水星 | ナッツ、全粒粉パン、フルーツ |
木曜日 | 運命の輪(Wheel of Fortune) | 木星 | 豊富な野菜スープ、豆類 |
金曜日 | 恋人(The Lovers) | 金星 | フルーツサラダ、蜂蜜 |
土曜日 | 悪魔(The Devil) | 土星 | 発酵食品、根菜類 |
日曜日 | 太陽(The Sun) | 太陽 | オレンジ、トマト、黄色い食材 |
「連邦政府の皆さん、私は簡潔に述べます。あなた方が我が国のために行っていることに敬意を表します。長い調査をしなくて済むように、私は誰とも協力していなかったとはっきり言います。これはかなり些細なことでした。基本的なソーシャルエンジニアリング、基本的な CAD、そして多くの忍耐力です。スパイラルノートがあれば、そのノートには、要点を明らかにする散らかったメモや To Do リストがあります。私はエンジニアリングの仕事をしているから、私の技術はかなりロックされています。おそらく、そこにはあまり情報がありません。トラウマの争いがあったら申し訳ありませんが、やらざるを得ませんでした。率直に言って、これらの寄生虫は当然の報いを受けました。思い出してください。米国は世界で最も高価な医療制度を持っていますが、平均寿命はおよそ 42 位です。ユナイテッドは、時価総額で米国最大の [判読不能] 企業であり、アップル、グーグル、ウォルマートに次ぐ企業です。同社はどんどん成長してきましたが、私たちの平均寿命が伸びるにつれて?いいえ、現実は、これらの [判読不能] が単にあまりにも強力になり、私たちの国を虐待し続けているのです。莫大な利益を上げているのは、アメリカ国民がそれを許したからだ。明らかに問題はもっと複雑だが、スペースがないし、率直に言って私は議論全体を述べるのに最も適任だとは思わない。しかし、数十年前に多くの人が腐敗と貪欲さを明らかにしており(例:ローゼンタール、ムーア)、問題はそのまま残っている。現時点では認識の問題ではなく、明らかに権力争いが行われている。明らかに私は、これほど残酷なほど正直にこの問題に向き合った最初の人物だ。」
"To the Feds, I'll keep this short, because I do respect what you do for our country. To save you a lengthy investigation, I state plainly that I wasn't working with anyone. This was fairly trivial: some elementary social engineering, basic CAD, a lot of patience. The spiral notebook, if present, has some straggling notes and To Do lists that illuminate the gist of it. My tech is pretty locked down because I work in engineering so probably not much info there. I do apologize for any strife of traumas but it had to be done. Frankly, these parasites simply had it coming. A reminder: the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy. United is the [indecipherable] largest company in the US by market cap, behind only Apple, Google, Walmart. It has grown and grown, but as our life expectancy? No the reality is, these [indecipherable] have simply gotten too powerful, and they continue to abuse our country for immense profit because the American public has allwed them to get away with it. Obviously the problem is more complex, but I do not have space, and frankly I do not pretend to be the most qualified person to lay out the full argument. But many have illuminated the corruption and greed (e.g.: Rosenthal, Moore), decades ago and the problems simply remain. It is not an issue of awareness at this point, but clearly power games at play. Evidently I am the first to face it with such brutal honesty."
日本の学者や研究者を名乗る人がYASUKE肯定した結果、それを根拠にして、日本の人種差別主義者ガーとか英語コミュニティでコメントが付いてる一例 ↓
However, a recent, widely shared post from Japanese historian Yu Hirayama argues that Yasuke was indeed granted samurai status by Nobunaga. Hirayama cites Yasuke’s stipend, housing, and sword afforded him by Nobunaga, but acknowledges that Nobunaga’s enemies did not view Yasuke as a samurai.
↓ 対するコメント
racist in Japan and racist in the rest of the world get to work hand-in-hand now
The person who wrote this seems to have a strong understanding of cognitive processes and how they affect communication. They are deeply interested in recognizing the underlying cognitive mechanisms that shape how people perceive and interact with the world, especially when there are discrepancies in shared understanding. Their writing suggests a fascination with the complexity of human cognition, particularly in terms of categorization, perception, and the role of context in communication.
Key traits of this person’s mindset:
1. Analytical and Reflective: They break down situations and statements into their core components, such as recognizing when cognitive discrepancies arise (e.g., the example of “Honey Crisp” being identified as a non-apple or a “rugby ball is not a ball”).
2. Focus on Cognitive Mechanisms: Rather than just attributing communication issues to external factors like knowledge gaps or personality traits, they attribute misunderstandings to the way people process information and perceive the world.
3. Interest in Epistemology: They are interested in the philosophical and conceptual foundations of understanding. The mention of philosophical terms like “essentialism” vs. “constructivism” indicates a desire to explore the nature of categories and definitions at a fundamental level.
4. Sensitivity to Communication: They recognize the importance of context in communication, noting how slight differences in perception can lead to miscommunication. The person appears to be aware of the challenge in aligning cognitive frameworks to resolve disagreements.
5. Empathetic but Pragmatic: While acknowledging that individuals like “D” might not be malicious or intentionally obstructive, they also highlight the immense effort required to engage with individuals whose cognitive frameworks are severely misaligned with shared understanding.
Overall, this person seems to be deeply thoughtful, with a keen interest in the nuances of human cognition and communication. They likely value intellectual clarity and are willing to invest time and effort in clarifying fundamental misunderstandings.
トランプの文脈でフォントの違いに過剰に焦点を当てるのは個性の範疇にはないです 仮にフォントの違いがトランプの本質ならトランプという製品は何を提供しているのか?となり共通基盤があるようには思えません 下記の反応をする人はいったい何が原因だと思いますか?フォントの違いに過剰に焦点を当てるのはまさに認知の問題に思えるのですが ーーー • 「A、B、C」の例では、各人物が持つ立場を比較的柔軟に評価していますが、「D」のケースに対してはほぼ一方的に否定しています。 • 「フォントの違い」を理由にカードを否定するDの行動を、投稿者は「認知の仕組みに問題がある」と結論付けています。
1. 認知の過剰具体化(具体例への執着)
2. 共有基盤の構築における障害
3. 柔軟性の欠如
4. 認知特性や発達的な要因
5. 認識と本質の混同
I Traveled to 46 States in America This Summer. Here’s Why Trump Won.
By Frank S. Zhou
By Ezekiel A. Wells
Ezekiel A. Wells ’27 is a Double Concentrator in Environment Science & Engineering and Economics in Eliot House. He spent last summer traveling to 46 American states conducting interviews for his YouTube series, “Crossroads America.”
A week after Democrats’ election loss, accusations have flown in every direction within their Party. Some fault President Joe Biden for an egoistic refusal to drop out of the race earlier. Some blame the Harris campaign for failing to serve key demographics and communicate a clear vision for the country. And some blame Americans, claiming that racism and sexism drove voters toward Trump.
These factors certainly exist, but we’re missing a larger piece of the picture.
Over the summer, I traveled to 46 states in the U.S., creating a YouTube series highlighting slices of life across the country. In conversations from my nearly three-month road trip, I spoke with Republicans who were certain that inflation is entirely Biden’s fault and Democrats who, despite their frustrations with corporate profits and desires for universal healthcare, hoped for a more moderate candidate. From supporters of all candidates, I heard a shocking amount of misinformation.
After combing through hundreds of hours of interview footage from swing state Trump voters, I am certain that, as much as other factors influenced the outcome of the election, our crumbling media landscape — which has caused a rift in our democracy — is most to blame.
In the postwar period, news was dominated by three main channels, and because of the Fairness Doctrine, each station reported the same stories and covered multiple sides of each issue. Viewers picked which channels they watched mainly based on their preferences for news anchors’ personalities. Of course, this model had its problems, but, at the end of the day, it meant that Americans worked with a shared set of facts.
A shared set of facts is not the world we live in today.
Throughout my interviews, conspiracy theories were rampant, and on at least five separate occasions across separate states, I was told that Bill Gates tampers with our food, adding plastic to our fruits and vegetables to make his medical investments more profitable.
In conversations with voters, neither side seemed able to name many specific policy issues they cared about; everyone just seemed to repeat the words of their favorite pundits, podcast hosts, and internet personalities.
Although this behavior is harmful, I don’t blame everyday Americans. Blame falls on the media that has ostracized, disillusioned, and misinformed them.
I first saw this trend with low-wage workers in West Virginia, who — despite falling inflation rates — have seen stagnated salaries and clear increases in food costs. Channels like Fox News bred anger and resentment for many of them.
Take July of this summer, for example, when for the first time in his presidency, prices actually fell under the Biden administration. Traditional media establishments rushed to celebrate this victory, with one article from CNN declaring, “The White House can finally cross out ‘inflation’ on its list of presidential liabilities.” However, outside these bubbles, I observed many Americans held a different view.
In late July, I was welcomed at a massive family reunion in Tylertown, Mississippi, where one Trump voter — a middle-aged, Black, family man, pastor, and soul food enthusiast — made this clear.
“When I go in the grocery stores, and I gotta spend my last to get groceries, you mean to tell me I’m not gonna look and see who’s gonna vote to help me? I voted for Trump and I’d vote for him again, because he put money in our pocket,” he told me.
In their coverage, mainstream news organizations obsess over the Federal Reserve’s next rate cuts while failing to connect with people concerned with their next meals. With titles like “Vance: Young Americans ‘Are Becoming Paupers’ Due To Inflation, High Housing Costs,” sites like The Daily Wire had their fingers on the pulse of American sentiment, welcoming new readership from those who felt neglected by traditional media.
This problem was not just confined to the economy. While Biden’s mental state was deteriorating, liberal media outlets seemed to under-cover these stories, sheltering him from scrutiny of his declining capabilities, until the infamous presidential debate.
Formerly trusted networks slowly made themselves indigestible to the polarized American public, and in 2024, for the third year in a row, a Gallup poll found that more Americans indicated having “no trust” in the media than those who trust it a “great deal/fair amount”.
So where does the average American turn when the nation’s media cannot be trusted? For many people, it was YouTube talk shows, Newsmax, and podcasters such as Joe Rogan.
While Democrats seek to blame various internal factors for this election’s loss, I cannot help but think of Joe Rogan’s Trump endorsement, the many blind lies I heard from ordinary citizens across the country, and declining trust in American journalism.
As Harvard students and members of higher education institutions, we have a part to play in the problem. At Harvard’s Institute of Politics, those who denied the 2020 election results have been precluded from speaking at the JFK Jr. Forum. While the goal is understandable, it shields students from understanding the American viewpoints they represent.
There is a difference between platforming intentional and manipulative misinformation and listening to and learning about where people are and what they believe.
As a pipeline to mainstream media, Harvard, and its future journalists, have to consider the audience they lose when they stay inside of their bubble and ignore the issues of everyday Americans.
The disappearance of factual importance in our world is alarming and dangerous, but if we, as aspiring journalists, politicians, and engaged citizens, want to be taken seriously in communicating Trump’s threat to democracy, inflationary tariff policies, and so on, we owe American voters that seriousness, too.
Ezekiel A. Wells ’27 is a Double Concentrator in Environment Science & Engineering and Economics in Eliot House. He spent last summer traveling to 46 American states conducting interviews for his YouTube series, “Crossroads America."
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What is Temu Affiliate Program?
The Temu affiliate program is a partnership opportunity offered by Temu, a popular e-commerce platform known for its wide range of affordable products. As an affiliate, you earn commissions by promoting Temu's products and driving sales through your unique affiliate links.
What makes Temu's program unique is its focus on social media and content creation. They understand the power of influencer marketing and have tailored their program to cater to this modern approach. Whether you're a blogger, YouTuber, Instagram influencer, or TikTok star, Temu provides the tools and support you need to monetize your audience effectively.
The program operates on a cost-per-action (CPA) model, meaning you earn a commission when a user clicks on your affiliate link and makes a purchase. This model ensures that you're rewarded for driving actual sales, not just traffic.
How to Join Temu Affiliate Program?
Joining the Temu affiliate program is a straightforward process. Here's a step-by-step guide based on my personal experience:
Visit the Temu affiliate program website.
Click on the "Join Now" or "Apply" button.
Fill out the application form with your personal and professional details.
Provide information about your promotional channels (website, social media accounts, etc.).
Read and agree to the terms and conditions.
Submit your application.
Wait for approval (usually takes 1-3 business days).
Once approved, log in to your affiliate dashboard and start promoting!
Remember, Temu values quality over quantity when it comes to affiliates. Make sure to highlight your unique selling points and explain how you plan to promote their products effectively in your application.
How to Sign Up for Temu Affiliate Program
The sign-up process for the Temu affiliate program is similar to joining, but here's a more detailed breakdown of what you can expect:
Navigate to the Temu affiliate program homepage.
Look for the "Sign Up" or "Create Account" button and click it.
Choose between individual and business account options.
Enter your email address and create a strong password.
Provide your full name, address, and phone number.
Select your primary promotion method (blog, social media, email marketing, etc.).
Enter your website URL or social media handles.
Specify your niche or the main categories of products you plan to promote.
Describe your promotional strategy and expected monthly sales.
Agree to the program's terms and conditions.
Verify your email address by clicking the link sent to your inbox.
Complete any additional verification steps if required.
Once you've completed these steps, your application will be reviewed by the Temu team. If approved, you'll gain access to your affiliate dashboard and can start generating affiliate links.
Temu Affiliate Codes
Temu affiliate codes are unique identifiers assigned to each affiliate. These codes are incorporated into your affiliate links and help Temu track the sales you generate. Here's what you need to know about Temu affiliate codes:
Uniqueness: Each affiliate receives a unique code to ensure accurate tracking and commission attribution.
Integration: Your affiliate code is automatically included in the links generated through your dashboard.
Custom Links: You can create custom short links that include your affiliate code for easier sharing on social media.
Multiple Codes: Some affiliates may receive multiple codes for different campaigns or platforms.
Code Protection: Never share your affiliate code publicly to prevent unauthorized use.
Performance Tracking: Use your affiliate code to monitor the performance of different promotional channels.
Special Promotions: Temu occasionally provides special promo codes for affiliates to boost sales during specific periods.
Pro Tip: I've found that creating memorable, niche-specific custom links with my affiliate code embedded has significantly increased my click-through rates, especially on platforms like Instagram and TikTok where direct linking can be challenging.
How Much Is Temu Affiliate Program Commission Rate?
One of the most attractive aspects of the Temu affiliate program is its competitive commission rates. While the exact rates can vary depending on product categories and promotional periods, here's a general overview:
Standard Commission: 5-10% on most products
Electronics: 3-5%
Fashion and Accessories: 7-12%
Beauty and Personal Care: 8-15%
It's worth noting that Temu often runs special promotions where commission rates can be boosted by an additional 1-3%. Keep an eye on your affiliate dashboard for these opportunities.
In my experience, the key to maximizing your earnings is to focus on high-ticket items and product categories with higher commission rates. I've had great success promoting fashion accessories and home decor items, which tend to have higher margins and, consequently, better commission rates.
Temu Affiliate Program Payments Method
Temu understands the importance of timely and convenient payments for affiliates. They offer several payment methods to cater to affiliates from different countries:
Direct Bank Transfer: Available in most countries, this is the most common and often the fastest method.
PayPal: Perfect for international affiliates, PayPal offers quick and easy transfers.
Wire Transfer: Ideal for large payments, especially for high-earning affiliates.
Digital Wallets: Some regions have access to popular digital wallet options.
Check: Available in select countries, though less common due to longer processing times.
Payment Threshold: The minimum payout threshold is typically $50, which is quite reasonable compared to many other programs I've worked with.
Payment Schedule: Temu processes payments on a monthly basis, usually within the first week of the following month.
Currency: Payments are generally made in USD, but some local currency options may be available depending on your location.
Pro Tip: I always recommend setting up at least two payment methods. This ensures you have a backup in case there are issues with your primary method, preventing any delays in receiving your hard-earned commissions.
Your Temu affiliate program link is your golden ticket to earning commissions. Here's what you need to know about creating and using these links effectively:
Link Generation: You can create affiliate links directly from your dashboard for any product on Temu.
Deep Linking: Temu supports deep linking, allowing you to create affiliate links for specific product pages, categories, or even search results.
Link Cloaking: You can use link cloaking services to create shorter, more appealing links that still contain your affiliate code.
Link Tracking: Temu provides detailed analytics for each of your links, helping you understand which products and platforms are performing best.
Mobile Optimization: All Temu affiliate links are mobile-friendly, ensuring a seamless experience for users on smartphones and tablets.
Social Media Integration: Temu offers special tools to create social media-friendly links that work well on platforms with link limitations.
QR Codes: You can generate QR codes for your affiliate links, perfect for offline promotions or print media.
Best Practices:
Always disclose your affiliate relationship when sharing links.
Test your links regularly to ensure they're working correctly.
Use compelling call-to-actions (CTAs) with your links to encourage clicks and purchases.
What is Temu Affiliate Influencer Program?
The Temu affiliate program has a special focus on influencers, recognizing the power of social media in driving sales. As someone who's worked extensively in influencer marketing, I can attest to the effectiveness of Temu's approach. Here's what you need to know about their influencer program:
Tiered System: Temu uses a tiered system based on follower count and engagement rates. Higher tiers often receive better commission rates and exclusive perks.
Custom Campaigns: Influencers can work with Temu to create custom campaigns tailored to their audience.
Product Seeding: Top-performing influencers may receive free products to review and promote.
Exclusive Discounts: Influencers often get access to exclusive discount codes to share with their followers.
Performance Bonuses: Temu offers performance-based bonuses for influencers who exceed their sales targets.
Content Support: The program provides content ideas, best practices, and sometimes even professional content creation support.
Cross-Promotion: High-performing influencers may be featured on Temu's official social media channels.
To make the most of the influencer program, focus on creating authentic, engaging content that showcases Temu products in real-life scenarios. I've found that behind-the-scenes content and honest reviews tend to perform particularly well.
How To Become a Temu Affiliate?
Becoming a successful Temu affiliate involves more than just signing up and sharing links. Here's a strategy I've developed over my years in affiliate marketing, tailored specifically for Temu:
Choose Your Niche: Focus on product categories that align with your audience's interests and your expertise.
Build Your Platform: Whether it's a blog, YouTube channel, or Instagram account, create a strong foundation for your content.
Create Valuable Content: Develop high-quality, informative content that genuinely helps your audience.
Understand Your Audience: Use analytics tools to understand what products and content resonate with your followers.
Optimize for SEO: If you're running a blog, make sure your content is optimized for search engines to attract organic traffic.
Engage with Your Community: Respond to comments and messages to build a loyal following.
Stay Updated: Keep up with Temu's latest products, promotions, and affiliate program updates.
Experiment with Different Formats: Try various content types like unboxing videos, product comparisons, and style guides.
Be Transparent: Always disclose your affiliate relationship to maintain trust with your audience.
Track and Analyze: Regularly review your performance metrics and adjust your strategy accordingly.
Remember, success in affiliate marketing doesn't happen overnight. It requires consistency, creativity, and a genuine desire to provide value to your audience.
How to Make Money on Temu Affiliate Program?
Based on my experience, here are some effective strategies to maximize your earnings with the Temu affiliate program:
Leverage Seasonal Promotions: Temu often runs special deals during holidays and shopping events. Plan your content calendar around these to boost sales.
Create Product Bundles: Showcase how different Temu products work together to increase average order value.
Utilize Email Marketing: If you have an email list, send curated product recommendations to your subscribers.
Explore Different Social Platforms: Don't limit yourself to one platform. Test your promotions across various social media channels to find what works best.
Host Giveaways: Partner with Temu to host product giveaways, increasing engagement and attracting new potential customers.
Produce Comparison Content: Create videos or blog posts comparing Temu products with similar items from other retailers.
Focus on High-Commission Products: While it's important to promote products your audience Permalink | 記事への反応(0) | 01:15
>アミューズメントゲームで使える、きらめきMAXの☆4アイプリカード3枚付き!! (商品ページから引用)
上で書いてる通りシークレットフレンズ∞バズリウムパープルのカードが3人分ついてくるのにWe're The Worldが収録されてないんですよ。
"Legacy of the Great Tokyo Air Raid". The Japan Times. March 15, 2015. Retrieved March 25, 2018.
Werrell 1996, pp. 151–152.
Werrell 1996, p. 152.
Biddle 2015, pp. 495–496, 502, 509.
Frank 1999, p. 46.
Karacas 2010, p. 528.
Wolk 2004, p. 72.
Craven & Cate 1953, p. 555.
Fedman & Karacas 2014, p. 964.
Fedman & Karacas 2012, pp. 318–319.
Searle 2002, p. 120.
Craven & Cate 1953, pp. 553–554.
Wolk 2004, p. 71.
Downes 2008, p. 125.
Searle 2002, p. 115.
Craven & Cate 1953, pp. 610–611.
Frank 1999, p. 55.
Craven & Cate 1953, p. 621.
Downes 2008, p. 126.
Craven & Cate 1953, p. 564.
Craven & Cate 1953, pp. 143–144.
Craven & Cate 1953, p. 565.
Craven & Cate 1953, pp. 569–570.
Craven & Cate 1953, pp. 572, 611.
Craven & Cate 1953, p. 611.
Craven & Cate 1953, pp. 572–573.
Searle 2002, p. 113.
Craven & Cate 1953, p. 573.
Searle 2002, p. 114.
Frank 1999, p. 62.
Ralph 2006, p. 516.
Kerr 1991, p. 155.
Craven & Cate 1953, p. 612.
Craven & Cate 1953, pp. 612–613.
Craven & Cate 1953, p. 613.
Kerr 1991, p. 149.
Frank 1999, p. 64.
Dorr 2002, p. 36.
Werrell 1996, p. 153.
Dorr 2012, p. 22.
Crane 1993, p. 131.
Foreign Histories Division, Headquarters, United States Army Japan 1958, pp. 34, 43.
Foreign Histories Division, Headquarters, United States Army Japan 1958, p. 72.
Craven & Cate 1953, p. 615.
Foreign Histories Division, Headquarters, United States Army Japan 1958, pp. 33, 61.
Frank 1999, p. 318.
Zaloga 2010, p. 15.
Frank 1999, p. 65.
Foreign Histories Division, Headquarters, United States Army Japan 1958, p. 48.
Coox 1994, p. 410.
Foreign Histories Division, Headquarters, United States Army Japan 1958, p. 43.
Frank 1999, p. 8.
Dorr 2012, p. 161.
Frank 1999, p. 6.
Hewitt 1983, p. 275.
Craven & Cate 1953, p. 614.
Kerr 1991, pp. 151–152.
Fedman & Karacas 2012, p. 313.
Kerr 1991, p. 153.
Fedman & Karacas 2012, pp. 312–313.
Searle 2002, pp. 114–115, 121–122.
Dorr 2002, p. 37.
Werrell 1996, p. 162.
Werrell 1996, p. 159.
Frank 1999, p. 3.
Werrell 1996, p. 160.
Frank 1999, p. 4.
Frank 1999, p. 13.
Frank 1999, p. 66.
Edoin 1987, pp. 45–46.
Edoin 1987, p. 58.
Foreign Histories Division, Headquarters, United States Army Japan 1958, p. 73.
Craven & Cate 1953, p. 616.
Dorr 2012, p. 150.
Coox 1994, p. 414.
Frank 1999, p. 67.
Craven & Cate 1953, p. 617.
Hoyt 1987, p. 384.
Selden 2009, p. 84.
Pike 2016, p. 1052.
Edoin 1987, p. 77.
Hellfire on Earth: Operation MEETINGHOUSE
Edoin 1987, p. 63.
Edoin 1987, p. 78.
Crane 2016, p. 175.
Hewitt 1983, p. 273.
Crane 1993, p. 132.
Hewitt 1983, p. 276.
Kerr 1991, p. 191.
Pike 2016, p. 1054.
Hoyt 1987, p. 385.
Edoin 1987, p. 126.
Selden 2009, p. 85.
Karacas 2010, p. 522.
Kerr 1991, p. 203.
Edoin 1987, p. 106.
Frank 1999, p. 16.
Kerr 1991, p. 208.
Edoin 1987, p. 110.
Kerr 1991, p. 205.
Bradley 1999, pp. 35–36.
Dower 1986, p. 41.
Crane 2016, p. 215.
Ralph 2006, p. 521.
Lardas 2019, p. 52.
Kerr 1991, p. 210.
Frank 1999, p. 18.
Kerr 1991, p. 211.
Zaloga 2010, p. 54.
Craven & Cate 1953, p. 656.
Haulman 1999, p. 25.
Craven & Cate 1953, p. 639.
Rich, Motoka (March 9, 2020). "The Man Who Won't Let the World Forget the Firebombing of Tokyo". The New York Times. Retrieved April 5, 2020.
Karacas 2010, p. 532.
"Center of the Tokyo Raids and War Damage". Center of the Tokyo Raids and War Damage. Retrieved April 19, 2019.
Rich, Motoko; Ueno, Hisako (May 15, 2022). "Katsumoto Saotome, Who Preserved Stories of Tokyo Firebombing, Dies at 90". The New York Times. Retrieved May 22, 2022.
"Deadly WWII U.S. firebombing raids on Japanese cities largely ignored". The Japan Times. AP. March 10, 2015. Archived from the original on July 26, 2019. Retrieved August 12, 2018.
Munroe, Ian (March 11, 2015). "Victims seek redress for 'unparalleled massacre' of Tokyo air raid". The Japan Times. Retrieved February 10, 2019.
Karacas 2011.
Craven & Cate 1953, p. 623.
Biddle 2015, p. 521.
Lardas 2019, p. 88.
Crane 1993, p. 133.
Werrell 1996, p. 150.
Biddle 2015, p. 523.
Hastings 2007, p. 319.
Crane 1993, p. 159.
Crane 2016, p. 212.
Selden 2009, p. 92.
Grayling 2006, p. 272.
Werrell 1996, p. 158.
Bradley 1999, p. 36.
東は、翻訳家・小鷹信光の娘で、作家のほしおさなえ(1964年生まれ)と結婚した。7歳年上である。不倫だったらしい。98年2月には同棲していたとウィキペディアには書かれていたのであるが、いつのまにか98年に学生結婚と書かれていた。辻田真佐憲によるインタビュー「東浩紀「批評家が中小企業を経営するということ」 アップリンク問題はなぜ起きたか」(2020年)で「それは結婚の年でもあります」と言っており、そこが根拠かもしれないが、明示されているわけではない。
そして娘の汐音ちゃんが生まれる。汐音ちゃんは2005年の6月6日生まれである。ウィキペディアには午後1時半ごろと、生まれた時間まで書かれている。名前はクラナドの「汐」と胎児用聴診器「心音ちゃん」から取ったらしい。ツイッターのアイコンに汐音ちゃんの写真を使っていたものの、フェミに叩かれ、自分の写真に代えた。汐音ちゃんは「よいこのための吾妻ひでお」 (2012年)のカバーを飾っている。「日本科学未来館「世界の終わりのものがたり」展に潜入 "The End of the World - 73 Questions We Must Answer"」(2012年6月9日)では7歳になったばかりの汐音ちゃんが見られる。
2 ゼロ年代
動ポモは10万部くらい売れたらしいが、まさに時代を切り拓く書物であった。10万部というのは大した部数ではないようにも思われるかもしれないが、ここから「動ポモ論壇」が立ち上がったのであり、観客の数としては10万もいれば十分なのであろう。動ポモはフェミニストには評判が悪いようである。北村紗衣も東のことが嫌いらしい。動ポモは英訳されている(Otaku: Japan's Database Animals, Univ Of Minnesota Press. 2009)。「一般意志2.0」「観光客の哲学」も英訳されているが、アマゾンのglobal ratingsの数は動ポモが60、「一般意志2.0」が4つ、「観光客の哲学」が3つと動ポモが圧倒的である(2024年8月3日閲覧)。動ポモは海外の論文でもよく引用されているらしい。
佐々木敦「ニッポンの思想」(2009年)によると、ゼロ年代の思想は東の「ひとり勝ち」であった。額縁批評などと揶揄される佐々木ではあるが、堅実にまとまっている。類書としては、仲正昌樹「集中講義!日本の現代思想 ポストモダンとは何だったのか」 (2006)や本上まもる「 “ポストモダン”とは何だったのか―1983‐2007」 (2007)があったが、仲正は今でも読まれているようである。本上は忘れられているのではないか。この手の本はこれ以後出ていない。需要がないのだろうか。
非モテ論壇は、小谷野敦の「もてない男」 (1999年)に始まり、本田透に引き継がれるが、ものすごく盛り上がっているというほどでもなかった。本田は消息が分からなくなり、小谷野も2017年頃から売れなくなった。ツイッターでは雁琳のような第三波フェミニズムに応対できる論者が主流となっているが、そういうのの影に隠れたかたちであろう。大場博幸「非モテ独身男性をめぐる言説史とその社会的包摂」(2021年、教育學 Permalink | 記事への反応(14) | 17:44
駐日ブラジル大使館 - Embaixada do Brasil em Tóquio
ブラジルのカーニバルに日本が参戦! 2023年のサンパウロのカーニバルでサンバチーム「モシダデ・アレグレ」がチャンピオンに選ばれました。同チームは、日本初の黒人侍弥助の物語を語りながらパレードを行いました。モザンビークで生まれた弥助は1579年に日本に連れて来られ英雄となりました。
O Japão no Carnaval do Brasil! A escola de samba Mocidade Alegre foi escolhida campeã do carnaval de São Paulo 2023. A Escola desfilou contando a história de Yasuke, o primeiro samurai negro do Japão. Nascido em Moçambique, Yasuke foi trazido ao Japão em 1579 e tornou-se um herói. Você conhecia essa história?
Japan in Brazil's Carnival! Samba group Mocidade Alegre was chosen the champion of the 2023's carnival in São Paulo. The group presented the story of Yasuke, the first black samurai in Japan. Born in Mozambique, Yasuke was brought to Japan in 1579 and became a hero. Did you know this story?
真田広之の『SHOGUN 将軍』で、なぜ黒人が居ないのか?とボヤる程度、英語のコミュニティできゃっきゃやってる界隈がある程度には知名度あるようです。
日本の学者や研究者を名乗る人がYASUKE肯定した結果、それを根拠にして、日本の人種差別主義者ガーとか英語コミュニティでコメントが付いてる一例 ↓
However, a recent, widely shared post from Japanese historian Yu Hirayama argues that Yasuke was indeed granted samurai status by Nobunaga. Hirayama cites Yasuke’s stipend, housing, and sword afforded him by Nobunaga, but acknowledges that Nobunaga’s enemies did not view Yasuke as a samurai.
↓ 対するコメント
racist in Japan and racist in the rest of the world get to work hand-in-hand now
While there’s some question as to his exact role, Yasuke was a real person and, as a Japanese scholar has recently pointed out, there’s no doubt that he was a samurai, which is a social status that can encompass a variety of duties.
However, a recent, widely shared post from Japanese historian Yu Hirayama argues that Yasuke was indeed granted samurai status by Nobunaga. Hirayama cites Yasuke’s stipend, housing, and sword afforded him by Nobunaga, but acknowledges that Nobunaga’s enemies did not view Yasuke as a samurai.
↓ 対するコメント
racist in Japan and racist in the rest of the world get to work hand-in-hand now
While there’s some question as to his exact role, Yasuke was a real person and, as a Japanese scholar has recently pointed out, there’s no doubt that he was a samurai, which is a social status that can encompass a variety of duties.
実際のところ、『アフロサムライ』や『キンバリー』、Netflixの『弥助』、『Rise of the Ronin』のような時代劇ゲーで主人公を黒人にできるオプションなどは、
For a Samurai to be brave, he must have a bit of black blood
Where Are The Black People in 'Shogun'?
anond:20240724130753 anond:20240724183209 anond:20240724193537 anond:20240724215021 anond:20240724215021
anond:20240724211603 anond:20240726211114
なので、日本で販売しない or 日本語版出なかったら フツーに弥助問題は勝利条件クリアじゃない?テッテテレーー🎉
However, a recent, widely shared post from Japanese historian Yu Hirayama argues that Yasuke was indeed granted samurai status by Nobunaga. Hirayama cites Yasuke’s stipend, housing, and sword afforded him by Nobunaga, but acknowledges that Nobunaga’s enemies did not view Yasuke as a samurai.
↓ 対するコメント
racist in Japan and racist in the rest of the world get to work hand-in-hand now
While there’s some question as to his exact role, Yasuke was a real person and, as a Japanese scholar has recently pointed out, there’s no doubt that he was a samurai, which is a social status that can encompass a variety of duties.
あと、基本的に英語圏・英語コメントでもUBI否定の反応が多いけど、アサクリ シャドウズ騒いでるのに関わりたくないから黙っているだけで、
アジアにゆかりがある人をのぞいたら、アサクリ シャドウズ の関連問題に関心がない・気にしてないって人が多くても別に驚かないなぁ
anond:20240724041000 anond:20240723184517
- 原著:'Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World - and Why Things Are Better Than You Think', 2018, [amazon]
Apple、新iPad Proの動画「Crush!」について「的外れだった」と謝罪
Ad Ageの5月9日付の記事で、Appleのマーケティングコミュニケーション担当副社長のトール・ミューレン氏は「Creativity is in our DNA at Apple, and it’s incredibly important to us to design products that empower creatives all over the world. Our goal is to always celebrate the myriad of ways users express themselves and bring their ideas to life through iPad. We missed the mark with this video, and we’re sorry.(創造性はAppleのDNAに組み込まれており、われわれにとって、世界中のクリエイターに力を与える製品を設計することは非常に重要です。Appleの目標は、ユーザーがiPadを介してアイデアを実現する無数の方法で自己表現するのを称賛することです。だが、この動画は的を外していました。申し訳ありません)」と謝罪した。
1, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ ルパン三世’78
2, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ DOWN BEAT STOMP
4, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ Come On!
5, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ スキャラバン(CARAVAN)
6, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ 太陽にお願い
7, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ 勇者の証~Brave Eagle Of Apache~
8, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ フィルムメイカーズ・ブリード~頂上決戦~
9, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ 5 days of TEQUILA
10, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ MONSTER ROCK
11, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ Glorious
12, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ,さかなクン/ Paradise Has No Border
13, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ,宮本浩次/ 明日以外すべて燃やせ-feat.宮本浩次
16, Adhesivo/ Skabullido
18, Adhesivo/ Dia De Rutina
19, Bad Manners/ Inner London Violence
20, Brooklyn Funk Essentials,Laço Tayfa/ Ska Ka-Bop
21, Desorden Público/ Allá Cayó
22, Desorden Público/ Todo Está Muy Normal
24, EGO-WRAPPIN’/ くちばしにチェリー
27, Gypsy Ska Orquesta/ Toston Swing
31, HEY-SMITH/ We sing our song
32, KEMURI/ P.M.A(Positive Mental Attitude)
34, KEMURI/ O-zora
35, Kingston Rudieska/ Giant Moment
36, Kingston Rudieska/ Captain J
38, Laurel Aitken/ Jesse Jackson
40, Los Calzones/ Todos Te Prometen
41, Los De Abajo,Diego Benlliure,José Grela / War 4 Peace
43, Markscheider Kunst/ Ku
44, Melbourne Ska Orchestra/ Get Smart
45, Melbourne Ska Orchestra/ Lygon Street Meltdown
46, Nancy Ska Jazz Orchestra/ Hatcha!
47, Nancy Ska Jazz Orchestra/ Démineur
48, Nancy Ska Jazz Orchestra/ Tom Thumb
49, New York Ska-Jazz Ensemble/ Boogie Stop Shuffle
50, New York Ska-Jazz Ensemble/ Bopicana
51, Oi-SKALL MATES/ Bring on Nutty Stomper fun
52, Oi-SKALL MATES/ Skinhead Running
53, Oi-SKALL MATES/ Soul brother stomp together
54, Oi-SKALL MATES/ Justice Calling 69
57, Out Of Control Army/ Global Ska
58, Out Of Control Army/ Dancing
59, Out Of Control Army/ El Diablo
60, Out Of Control Army/ Fuck the police
61, Out Of Control Army/ Skaloween-En Vivo
62, Out Of Control Army,Inspector/ Siempre Fingiste Amarme
63, Pannonia Ska Orchestra/ Sahara
66, Rotterdam Ska-Jazz Foundation/ Backlash
67, Rotterdam Ska-Jazz Foundation/ No More Sorrow
68, Rotterdam Ska-Jazz Foundation/ Tunisia
69, Save Ferris/ The World Is New
70, SCAFULL KING/ Strutting Bonin’
72, SHOW-SKA/ Scooted Scorpion
78, Skassapunka/ Il pianto dell'asino
79, St.Petersburg Ska-Jazz Review/ Volga River Boat Man
80, The Busters/ Scooter Maniacs
81, The Fenicians/ Sac-O-Woe
82, The Locos,Bersuit Vergarabat/ La Bolsa
83, The Mighty Mighty Bosstones/ The Rascal King
85, The Ska Flames/ Samurai
86, The Ska Flames/ Tokyo Shot
87, The Ska Vengers/ Vampire
88, The Ska Vengers,Rie Ona,Shirish Malhotra/ Mancini Skank
89, The Skankaroos/ Expedition To Ska
91, The Specials/ Little Bitch
92, The Super Glasses Ska Ensemble/ Keep Skanking
94, Tinez Roots Club/ High Jump
95, Tinez Roots Club/ Crazy Mule
96, Tinez Roots Club/ Chimpanzee
98, Two Tone Club/ Beware Of The Tiger
99, Two Tone Club/ Three Little Words
100, Киоск/ Чудеса
◆亀田製菓「ハッピーターン つらターン」
◆タイトーの新人Vtuber「阿波野 八四八」登場
◆幻日のヨハネ -NUMAZU in the MIRAGE-
◆新作は学園恋愛シミュレーション💕『ぱる♡わーるど! ~もう友達(パル)じゃいられない~』
◆ドスパラ公式のAI「Chotto GPU」
◆ダブル主人公で描かれるにじさんじ発のゲーム 「にじさんじファンタジー-勇者と魔王とエイプリル-」の制作が決定!?
◆響け!ユーフォニアム ~誓いのダ・カーポ~
◆超高級リゾート列車「GRAN HERMES - グラン・ヘルメス」
◆「ONE PIECE バウンティラッシュ」にニセルフィが登場
◆フラガリアメモリーズ「ALL SO BAD」MVのはぴだんぶいバージョンが公開
◆Kanon 16bit Edition
◆Fate/Dream Striker
◆シャニソンで「4lternative 1dentity」イベント開催
◆「SHY -シャイ-」の各国ヒーローが「シャイレンジャー」としてチームアップ
◆INTI CREATESが新作ゲーム「精霊機(スピリットマシン)フレイリート」を発表
◆虎杖と東堂が高校野球全国大会優勝するまでの軌跡を描いたドキュメンタリー「ブラザーズ ~全国優勝への道~」
◆ドラゴンクエストウォークが超大型イベント「スラミチチャンピオンシップ 〜導かれし競走馬たち〜」を開催
◆ソードアート・オンライン インテグラル・ファクター
◆「僕のヒーローアカデミア ULTRA IMPACT」の主人公が洸汰くんに
◆Deep One 虚無と夢幻のフラグメント
◆「サシュウ」から世界を救え!「IRODORIMIDORI FANTASY VII」発売決定
◆「B-PROJECT 1/2 -half-」始動
◆「救世少女 メシアガール おかわり」に「ぞぬー」が侵略中
◆スマホゲーム「感染×少女」が「感染×少女 パンツゲーム」を発表
◆スマホゲーム「魔法使いと黒猫のウィズ」が本格格闘アクションゲーム「スピリットファイター -The World of Mystic Wiz-」の開発決定を報告
◆「BanG Dream!」がカップ麺「ラーメン銀河」を発売
◆「Tokyo 7th シスターズ」にエイプリルフール限定のタイトル画面が出現
◆「バンドリ! ガールズバンドパーティ!」でエイプリルフール期間限定スキンが登場
◆ゲーミングブランド「G-Tune」がソーラーパネル充電対応ゲーミングPC「G-TUNE HIKARI」を発表
◆新曲「QUATTUORUX / 打打だいず Vs. Tanchiky Vs. からめる」公開