- "Paul Krugman on Politics, Inequality, and Following Your Curiosity (Ep. 51)," Conversations with Tyler, October 2018.
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Pretty striking; Ds have been doing very well. And it's interesting *how* they're doing well. I haven't followed all these races, but in all the ones I have the D talked a lot about health care and other bread-and-butter issues 1/ https://t.co/JWGlKeZ1ou
— Paul Krugman (@paulkrugman) 2018年4月25日
財政の専門家 Stan Collender が言うように,「これは予算案ではない.トランプの政治キャンペーン広報資料が政府文書の仮面をかぶっているだけだ」
「ジャーナリストに嫌われるだろうから今日のコラムを書くのは気が進まなかったけれど,道義的な義務のように感じた」んだそうだ.True fact: I was reluctant to write today's col because I knew journos would hate it. But it felt like a moral duty https://t.co/ldee224frl— Paul Krugman (@paulkrugman) 2016年9月5日
it’s surely relevant that the two big advanced economies — the US and the eurozone — both have fiscal policy paralyzed by political gridlock, leaving the central banks as the only game in town.
In the U.S., it’s House Republicans who block spending on anything except weapons; they won’t even allocate funds for Zika! In Europe, nothing fiscal can happen without action by Germany, which is both self-satisfied with its situation and living in its own intellectual universe.他方,日本はちょっと政治経済的な状況がちがうと考えているらしい:
Japan is, I think, an interesting case, because whatever else it may suffer from, it hasn’t faced US or EZ-type gridlock. It’s not as clean a case as I would like — Abe allowed himself to be talked by the Serious People into fiscal tightening early on, putting the whole burden on Kuroda. But if you look at the longer-term story since the 1990s, Japan actually has had a combination of deficit spending and relatively cautious monetary policy — more or less what Weldon thinks the political economy should be causing everywhere.
The problem now is that while advocates of more fiscal push seem to be winning the intellectual battle, the institutional arrangements that produce macro gridlock are likely to persist. It would take a yuuuge Democratic wave to break the gridlock here, and I have no idea what will unlock Europe.
Overall, fiscal policy in Japan has actually gotten tighter, not looser, since Abenomics began, mainly thanks to the consumption tax hike; other measures didn’t offset this much.
So all the weight rested on unconventional monetary policy, which did succeed in depressing the yen and pushing up stocks, but hasn’t been enough to generate a convincing boom or rise in inflation.
And that appears to not be enough, just as the ECB’s actions haven’t been enough without fiscal support. Never mind the third arrow: what we need is the second.
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In a recent interview Mr. Deaton suggested that middle-aged whites have “lost the narrative of their lives.” That is, their economic setbacks have hit hard because they expected better. Or to put it a bit differently, we’re looking at people who were raised to believe in the American Dream, and are coping badly with its failure to come true.もっともらしい仮説だとじぶんも思うけれど,正直なところ,アメリカで絶望が広がっている理由はよくわからないとクルーグマンは言う.
They look carefully at the archival evidence, and find that a key factor was the complaints of commercial banks that low interest rates on government securities were squeezing their profits. That is, the turn to tight money in the face of deflation and a collapsing real economy was driven by the same narrow banker interests I have suggested explain current demands for higher rates despite low inflation.Epstein & Ferguson (1984) のアブストラクト:
Early in 1932 the Federal Reserve System made a serious attempt to reverse the "Great Contraction" through expansionary open market operations, but abandoned it a few months later. In this paper we offer an interpretation of the episode that throws new light on the Fed's behavior during the Depression. Key are the attitude of private bankers, Britain's abandonment of the gold standard, and the brief open market campaign. To protect bank profits the Fed abandoned the progarm which set the stage for the complete financial collapse of the United States in early 1933.
《Fed には,ぜひとも1990年代のことを思い出してほしいと思う.1994年頃,いっけん頑健そうな研究に基づいて NAIRU は 6パーセントくらいだと広く信じられていた.だが,グリーンスパンら一同は,実際にインフレ率が上がってくる証拠を待つことに決めた.その結果どうなったかっていうと,雇用は長らく伸び続けて,インフレが急進することもなく失業率は 4パーセントを下回るところまでいった.もしもグリーンスパンたちが NAIRU の推定値を目標にしていたらどうなっただろう.それまでの何兆という産出をフイにするばかりか,さらに,〔高まった需要に対して供給の〕きびしい労働市場から得られるありとあらゆるいいこともフイにしていたことだろう.》タイトルにある「クロムウェルの規則」(Cromwell's rule) は,はじめて知った.
I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible that you may be mistaken.(キリストのなさけ[はらわた]において懇願する,キミが間違っているかもしれないと考えてくれたまえ)