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Tarihci Biz

    Tarihci Biz

    Bozok University, History, Faculty Member
    Ibn Khaldun, one of the most important Muslim thinkers of the Middle Ages, wrote the book of Kitabu’l-Iber in 1375. For this book, he wrote an introduction titled Mukaddime and gave important information that can be considered very... more
    Ibn Khaldun, one of the most important Muslim thinkers of the Middle Ages, wrote the book of Kitabu’l-Iber in 1375. For this book, he wrote an introduction titled Mukaddime and gave important information that can be considered very advanced according to his age on historical knowledge and social development. Ibn Khaldun put forward the idea of the cyclic view of time in the philosophy of history depending his philosophy. His thoughts both contributed to the scientificization process of historiography and ensured the establishment of sociology.
    Ibn Khaldun was discovered by the Italian scientist Giambattista Vico and introduced to the Western World. Upon Vico’s writings being brought to the agenda by Jules Michelet in France, both Vico and Ibn Khaldun became important names in 19th-century philosophy. Especially cyclic views of time in the philosophy of history were made popularly through Oswald Spengler and Arnold Toynbee. In this study, Ibn Khaldun’s contribution to the philosophy of history and thoughts on the production of historical knowledge will be discussed.
    Historiography, accepted to have started with Herodotus, has developed with new writing techniques created by different historians in a different era and reached its present form. Historiography in antiquity underwent major changes with... more
    Historiography, accepted to have started with Herodotus, has developed with new writing techniques created by different historians in a different era and reached its present form. Historiography in antiquity underwent major changes with the writings of several historians. The first of these was Thucydides. Thucydides combined historiography with a more realistic narrative. Polybius, also one of the important names of the ancient era, brought new approaches to historiography with his 40-volume work. These innovations were comparative world historiography, the need to write historical events as they appeared, and the necessity of using documents in historiography. These ideas of Polybius were developed by the German historian Leopold von Ranke and became the foundations of scientific historiography. It will be given in this study, the information about Polybius' life, works, and thoughts on historiography.
    Research Interests:
    Research Interests:
    Before Herodotos, all events in the World used to be recounted as a part of myth, legend, or epic. Herodotos, adding the concepts of time and place to the telling of the events that are those are of the part of the past, made... more
    Before Herodotos, all events in the World used to be recounted as a part of myth, legend, or epic. Herodotos, adding the concepts of time and place to the telling of the events that are those are of the part of the past, made historiography earthly. The literate people who came after Herodotos wrote history books by imitating him. One of the thinkers who lived in the 2nd century AD, the master of satire Lucian of Samosata wrote a book titled How to Write History to put an end to mediocrity, exaggerated relatings, and arbitrariness in historiography. In his work, Lucian explained with examples the characteristics of the historian, in which standards a history book can be written, what should be considered in the research, the importance of the arrangement of the matter, and the diction used in the narrative of the events. How to Write History, one of the important works in the development of historiography, is also the first known book on the method of historiography.
    In this paper, the life and works of Lucian of Samosata were presented. The main purpose of the article, however, is to make visible the work titled How to Write History and to determine that the seeking for the method of history started from the 2nd century AD. In this article, the English translation of How to Write History and the works on the life of Lucian was used.
    In our paper, we will pay attantion to the period between the two world wars, when the Kingdom of Yugoslavia was divided into nine banovinas. We will try to give an overview Vardar Banovina, in addition to state aid, remained undeveloped... more
    In our paper, we will pay attantion to the period between the two world wars, when the Kingdom of Yugoslavia was divided into nine banovinas. We will try to give an overview Vardar Banovina, in addition to state aid, remained undeveloped and passive as long as it existed.
    Hasan Fehmi Pasha, was appointed to many important posts at the end of the 19th century, was one of the significant statesmen of the Ottoman Empire. Among his duties are the Presidency of the Parliament in the second term of the first... more
    Hasan Fehmi Pasha, was appointed to many important posts at the end of the 19th century, was one of the significant statesmen of the Ottoman Empire. Among his duties are the Presidency of the Parliament in the second term of the first Parliament (Meclis-i Mebusan), the Ministry of Public Works and the Ministry of Justice, governors of Aydın and Thessaloniki, his duty to discuss the Egypt issue in London in 1884 after the occupation of Egypt by the British Empire, and in 1897 his election as the president of the court to investiagete the Tokat incidents and punish criminals. This article covers Hasan Fehmi Pasha's activities during the "Tokat Incidents". In the study, it was tried to reveal the inner face of the incident with primary sources by using as many Ottoman archival documents as possible. In this way, the article aims to explain the efforts of the Ottoman Empire to solve the 1897 Tokat Incidents quickly without being an international problem. The article is based on documents obtained from the Ottoman Archive.
    Research Interests:
    During the 18th century, the Ottomans reacted to the strengthening military solidarity, increasing material wealth and scientific developments among the European states from the second half of the 17th century, and to the Western... more
    During the 18th century, the Ottomans reacted to the strengthening military solidarity, increasing material wealth and scientific developments among the European states from the second half of the 17th century, and to the Western influence that began to make feel itself on Ottoman society in the next century. After the terrible defeats of their army in the wars between 1683 and
    Tarihçi ocak, mayıs ve eylül olmak üzere yılda üç defa yayınlanan uluslararası hakemli dergidir. Yayın dili Türkçe ve İngilizcedir. Tarihçi is an international peer-reviewed journal issued three times per year, in january, may and... more
    Tarihçi ocak, mayıs ve eylül olmak üzere yılda üç defa yayınlanan uluslararası hakemli dergidir. Yayın dili Türkçe ve İngilizcedir.

    Tarihçi is an international peer-reviewed journal issued three times per year, in january, may and september.The languages of the journal are Turkish and English
    Insurance is one of the two essential foundations of the social security system. Its historical background can be analysed in two categories as pre-modern and modern time practices. The theory of insurance based on the struggle to provide... more
    Insurance is one of the two essential foundations of the social security system. Its historical background can be analysed in two categories as pre-modern and modern time practices. The theory of insurance based on the struggle to provide coverage against future risks. Before the new insurance system arose, mechanical solidarity practices took the place of insurance in Europe and the Ottoman Empire. Modern insurance has evolved on the basis of premiums and contracts. Insurance first appeared in Italian cities in direct proportion to the growth of maritime trade. It entered the Ottoman geography in the 19th century. There are some reasons such as legal, economic and cultural for this delay.
    In this article, the historical development of insurance in the West and in the Ottoman Empire has been emphasized, and then, the opinions of the intellectuals of the late Ottoman Empire on insurance were tried to be put forward. In this context, the works written by intellectuals composed of scholars and bureaucrats were examined and their opinions on insurance were determined. Şânîzâde Ataullah, Ahmed Reşid, İsmail Es-Safaihi, Mustafa Hamid, Mehmed Zühdü and Ali Suad Efendi are Muslim intellectuals whose ideas have been reached. On the other hand, the perspectives of intellectuals such as Karatodori Pasha, Nazaret Haçaryan and Max Bonnafus, who worked in Ottoman institutions, were also included. In general, these intellectuals had touched upon issues such as the etymology of insurance business, its historical development, social benefit, types of insurance, the way the system works, and the approach of Ottoman social classes to the issue.
    Arnold J. Toynbee explains with “the challenge and respond theory” that societies, cultures, historical processes and civilizations develop with the relation of challenge and response. Challenges and responses also reveal the conflict and... more
    Arnold J. Toynbee explains with “the challenge and respond theory” that societies, cultures, historical processes and civilizations develop with the relation of challenge and response. Challenges and responses also reveal the conflict and the antagonism. According to Toynbee; when different beliefs and cultures come across, some conflicts ensue and the reflection, as a result of these conflicts, creates a motivation that takes societies furtherward. It is the action-reaction process that formed the basis of the whole human history.
    That the Ottoman Empire encountered with Western civilization has revealed both a conflict and a challenge. When evaluated within the frameaork of Arnold Toynbee’s teory of challange and response, it has been seen that the reaction showed by the Ottomans against the process that started with the military and political superiority of the western states, also contianed a challenge in itself.  In this context, the article focuses on determining how the Ottoman Empire’s “challenge and response” once takes place in the long run  after its decline starting from the 18th century against a superior powers of the West.                                                           
    This paper evaluates Turkish modernization’s action-reaction process, and the establishment of the Republic of Turkey within the scope of Arnold Toynbee’s theory of challenge and response. In this respect, the study theoretically interprets both Toynbee's theory of conflict and the modernization process in Turkey from a broad perspective, which reviews the theoretical aspects of the modernization process.
    One of the basic rules of democracy is adherence to the principles of tolerance and compromise. This is also the cornerstone in the multi-party political system. The leaders of the political parties had often designated the levels of the... more
    One of the basic rules of democracy is adherence to the principles of tolerance and compromise. This is also the cornerstone in the multi-party political system. The leaders of the political parties had often designated the levels of the relationship between the political parties in Turkey. This stiuation is directly related to the historical development of the political culture of the country. Shortly after the transiton to multi-party political system in Turkey, the parliament and political parties have either been closed or damaged as a result of military coups and interventions took place at intervals. Therefore, both democracy and political parties could not be institutionized and the masses pursued a leader rather than the party, that is to say, leaders got ahead of the parties. As a result, a kind of leader-led regime has emerged. The language and style used by the leaders in this unnamed unofficial system determined the level of both political parties’ relation with each other and the political culture of the period.
    In this paper, the referendum of 6 September 1987, which determined the fate of the temporary 4 article of the 1982 Constitution, which banned the politicians, who are the leaders of the parties before the Semptember 12, was taken as the sample and tried to be revealed the political language and the style of the politicians of the period. In paper, it has been tired to find answers to different questions such as; “How has the language used by politicians influenced the public? Do the political language and style vary according to time and conditions? Is there a variability in discourses when principles and interests conflict?” In this study, the periodicals of the period was used as main resources and was also used research works as secondary resources.
    Author: Iana Güngör The gravestones and the inscriptions on them are a important source of information of which gives different aspects about the grave owner . Besides, inscriptions can also provide information about the socio-cultural... more
    Author: Iana Güngör

    The gravestones and the inscriptions on them are a important source of information of which gives different aspects about the grave owner . Besides, inscriptions can also provide information about the socio-cultural and economic conditions of the societies they belong to. From this point of view, gravestone inscriptions can be an important source for research.
    The tombstone found in the Ala-Arça Cemetery in 2010 not only gives information about the grave owner, but also gives information about the social-cultural lives of the peoples living in Turkestan from the end of the 19th century to the first quarter of the 20th century. In this article it is Since the information in the tombstone inscription is supported by first-hand sources, it has been shown that the stone can be used as an additional source in research. The article emphasizes the importance of gravestones in terms of obtaining historical information and in this context the periodic features of Tatar history. In the prepatation of this study, along with the gravestones, documents obtained from Kyrgyz Archive were used, in this way, the records about the gravestone owner and the historical period were revelead.
    The present article analyzes the activity of Romanian diplomacy in the International Straits Commission from 1924 to 1933 in the lights of the unpublished documents found in the Diplomatic Archives of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign... more
    The present article analyzes the activity of Romanian diplomacy in the International Straits Commission from 1924 to 1933 in the lights of the unpublished documents found in the Diplomatic Archives of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The study reveals the discussions inside of the International Straits Commission which had to clarify the issues that concern them such as the head office of ISC, the internal regulation of ISC, the ranking of the delegations, disputes with the flag, gratuities to ISC members, the meeting of ISC members, the elaboration of the ISC budget, the drawing up of the list of naval forces of the powers bordering the Black Sea, the transit passage of capital ships through the Straits, the work of ISC regarding coding various rules applied to maritime and air navigation in the Straits, the regime of merchant ships in the Port of Istanbul and of those in transit passage through the Straits, the sanitary charges levied to merchant ships in transit passage, navigation restrictions for merchant ships in the Gulf of Izmit.
    This article has been written based on a library catalog register which is kept in the private archive of the Çapanoglu family, one of the well-known and established families of Yozgat. The main aim of this study is to reveal the content... more
    This article has been written based on a library catalog register which is kept in the private archive of the Çapanoglu family, one of the well-known and established families of Yozgat. The main aim of this study is to reveal the content of the book collection in the Library of Demirli Madrasa, which was founded by Çapanoglu Ahmed Pasha in 1753 in Yozgat. The madrasa is one of the oldest educational institution in Yozgat and it harbored many books in its library throughout the long years when the Madrasa was active in teaching. Therefore, the books in question are also significant for showing the value of the madrasa and its library. In this regard, firstly, information on the history of the madrasa will be given and then the books in the library of the madrasa will be evaluated.
    The monarchy witnessed various Kurdish tribal revolts in Iraq. When General Qasim seized power in 1958, he initially cooperated with the Kurds. In 1961, Mulla Barzani started a widespread revolt against the government, with neither side... more
    The monarchy witnessed various Kurdish tribal revolts in Iraq. When General Qasim seized power in 1958, he initially cooperated with the Kurds. In 1961, Mulla Barzani started a widespread revolt against the government, with neither side securing a decisive advantage in the ensuing hostilities. In 1963, the government renewed hostilities against the Kurds, resulting once more in a military stalemate, but hostilities began once more in 1965. In June 1966, the Iraqi Prime Minister, announced a 12-point plan for peace in the north of Iraq. Any hopes of a settlement diminished when he was dismissed from office in August. In March 1970, the Kurds and the government agreed on the terms of a new settlement that foresaw Kurdish autonomy within the framework of the Iraqi Republic. Little progress was made towards the implementation of the agreement, and relations between the Kurds and the government steadily deteriorated. Fresh fighting broke out and Iran, taking advantage of the opportunity to destabilise the Iraqi regime, provided the Kurds with material support. When, in 1975, as part of the Algiers Agreement, the Shah withdrew his support for the Kurds partly in return for Iraq's acceptance of Iranian frontier claims, the rebellion collapsed.
    Author: Söhrab Mustafayev The new Turkish State has waited a quarter of a century to switch multi-party implementation after the proclamation of the Republic. The attempts of the Terakkiperver Cumhuriyet Party in 1924 and the Serbest... more
    Author: Söhrab Mustafayev

    The new Turkish State has waited a quarter of a century to switch multi-party implementation after the proclamation of the Republic. The attempts of the Terakkiperver Cumhuriyet Party in 1924 and the Serbest Cumhuriyet Firkasi (SCF) in 1930 was failed. The Democratic Party is the symbol of Turkey's transition to a multiparty system and it came to power in 1950. Therefore, it is accepted that Turkey's multiparty system was established with the DP's transition to life. In fact, the Milli Kalkinma Party (MKP) was established before the DP. However, MKP, which could not have a political presence, had to withdraw from the political arena after a while.
    Although it remains an unsuccessful attempt, the importance of the MKP cannot be ignored in terms of the history of Turkish democracy. Although Nuri Demirag who the founder of the party was failed he was Republic of Turkey and the Turkish nationis a valuable individuals who have given great service. railway construction in Turkey, the construction of important buildings,  the first domestic cigarette paper production and of course, the production of first domestic passenger plane such as who signed the great successes Nuri Demirag has reached of Turkey's richest man position once upon a time.
    In this study, it will be tried to give information about the establishment process and activities of MKP, which is the main subject of the paper, besides mentioning Nuri Demirag's identity as a contractor, engineer and trader.
    The High Commissioner, a title used in administrative structures established in South Africa, Egypt, Cyprus, New Zealand, Australia and Canada colonized by the British under various names such as colony, mandate, patronage, was included... more
    The High Commissioner, a title used in administrative structures established in South Africa, Egypt, Cyprus, New Zealand, Australia and Canada colonized by the British under various names such as colony, mandate, patronage, was included in the occupation order establised in Istanbul after the Mudros Armistice. The Entente States, which started to occupy Istanbul on 13 November 1918, established an occupation administration containing political and military parts in the city. The political part of this occupation administration was defined as the High Commissioner. Britain, France, Italy, the USA, and even Greece and Japan appointed their representatives named the High Commissioner. The British High Commissioner was the most active and effective in the city and also in the country. Although officially, it appears to be just a communication channel between the Ottoman and the British governments, in practice, it acted as a colonial governor, intervened in many issues from the local administration of Istanbul to the appointment of ministers directing the politics in Istanbul.
    In this paper, the origin and usage areas of the title of high commissioner was explained. Particularly the relationship of the High Comissioner with the Istanbul government was emphasized and it was questioned whether the High Comissioner’s office was a communication tool or an occupation adminitration tool. The sources of the period, especially the Military History Archive (ATASE) and Ottoman Archive, and the works written on the subject constitute the main references of the article.
    The city of Kırklareli faced the largest wave of forced migration from the Balkans in its history with the Turkish immigration from Bulgaria in 1950-1951. 154.000 refugees who entered the country from Edirne were sent to various centers... more
    The city of Kırklareli faced the largest wave of forced migration from the Balkans in its history with the Turkish immigration from Bulgaria in 1950-1951. 154.000 refugees who entered the country from Edirne were sent to various centers of the country and some of them were settled in the region of Thrace. 7027 of these refugees were sent to and settled in the center and districts of Kırklareli province. The people of the region, who welcomed the refugees very hospitably, provided financial and moral support in addition to state aids. In the files of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey Directorate of State Archives, we found that the assistance provided by the state was recorded individually and the needs of the refugees were met in every way. Not only was land distributed, but also all the agricultural equipments needed to cultivate that land, even wheat seed was distributed. The accommodation needs of the refugees were met by building houses in village and city form. In this way, the integration of refugees into socio-economic and cultural life was quickly ensured and Turkey's resettlement program, implemented in a short time, against such a large wave of forced migration, was successfully managed.
    Main and secondary sources were used to write this article.The Immigrant Principal Register Books in the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey Directorate of State Archives (BCA) was used as the main source. All references to sources preceded by BCA refer to documents held in the State Archives.
    V.V. STAVİTSKİY Çeviri: Erhan KARAOĞLAN Backround. The period of the Great Migration in the periodization of history occupies an intermediate position between the early Iron Age and the Middle Ages. This era is characterized by mass... more
    Çeviri: Erhan KARAOĞLAN

    Backround. The period of the Great Migration in the periodization of history occupies an intermediate position between the early Iron Age and the Middle Ages. This era is characterized by mass migration, which resulted in formation of a number of peoples previously unknown to historians. Among such were the Volga river Finns. Results. The aim of this article is to examine the extent to which the modern hypotheses correspond to the written and archaeological sources. The first mention of the Finnish peoples of the Volga river – the Mordovians and Mary – in written sources is dated in the era of the Great Migration. Their archaeological sites are represented by the late Dyakovo and ancient Mordovian cultures. The culture of the Ryazan-Oka cemeteries, particular ethnicity of which remains controversial, also belongs to the Volga river Finns. The culture of Muroms and Mari was formed only in the Middle Ages. In the Soviet historiography the accuracy of the written sources on this issue was questioned by ideological reasons. Autochthonous views dominated in the science, their supporters dimineshed the role of migration in the history of the Volga river Finns. The archaeological researches of the monuments of the II–V centuries confirmed the accuracy of the written sources and allowed to clarify the role and place of the Volga river Finns in the events of this era. In the early [German] stage of the era of the Great Migration the Volga river Finns took an active part in the migration, during which the formation of Mordovians and Mari took place. Hun invasion, according to the most researchers, had no significant effect on the peoples of the West Volga.
    Prof. Dr. Ali Akyıldız ile Tarih ve Tarihçilik Üzerine Söyleşi

    An Interview with Prof. Ali Akyıldız on History and Historiography

    Prof. Dr. Ali AKYILDIZ

    Elif Ayça KARACA
    Tarihçi is an international peer-reviewed journal issued three times per year, in january, may and september.The languages of the journal are Turkish and English
    Tarihçi ocak, mayıs ve eylül olmak üzere yılda üç defa yayınlanan uluslararası hakemli dergidir. Yayın dili Türkçe ve İngilizcedir. Tarihçi is an international peer-reviewed journal issued three times per year, in january, may and... more
    Tarihçi ocak, mayıs ve eylül olmak üzere yılda üç defa yayınlanan uluslararası hakemli dergidir. Yayın dili Türkçe ve İngilizcedir.

    Tarihçi is an international peer-reviewed journal issued three times per year, in january, may and september.The languages of the journal are Turkish and English
    Prof. Dr. Yunus Koç Kimdir? • 1985: Bir yıl İngilizce Hazırlık Sınıfı okuduktan sonra H.Ü. Edebiyat Fakültesi Tarih Bölümü'nden mezun oldu. • 1985: H. Ü. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Tarih Anabilim Dalında Yüksek Lisans (MA) eğitimine... more
    Prof. Dr. Yunus Koç Kimdir?
    • 1985: Bir yıl İngilizce Hazırlık Sınıfı okuduktan sonra H.Ü. Edebiyat Fakültesi Tarih Bölümü'nden mezun oldu.
    • 1985: H. Ü. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Tarih Anabilim Dalında Yüksek Lisans (MA) eğitimine başladı.
    • 1987: Türk Tarih Kurumu'nda “uzman yardımcısı” olarak çalıştı.
    • 1987: H. Ü. Edebiyat Fakültesi Tarih Bölümü'nde “araştırma görevlisi” olarak çalışmaya başladı.
    • 1988: H. Ü. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Tarih Anabilim Dalı'ndan "Tarihte Bilim Uzmanı" (MA) derecesi aldı.
    • 1990: 1988 yılında başladığı Doktora eğitimini yarıda bırakarak Hacettepe Üniversitesi burslusu olarak "Dil ve Doktora" eğitimi amacıyla Fransa'ya gitti.
    • 1993: Dil kurslarını takiben kayıt yaptırdığı Paris I Üniversitesi (Université de Paris I, PanthéonSorbonne) Bizans ve Bizans Sonrası Yakın Doğu Tarihi Araştırmaları Bölümü’nde DEA (Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies) derecesi aldı.

    • 1995: Burs süresinin sona ermesi üzerine Fransa'dan dönerek Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tarih Bölümü'ndeki görevine başladı.
    • 1997: Paris I Üniversitesi’nde (Université de Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne) "çok iyi" derece ile "Tarihte Doktor" unvanı aldı (27.11.1997).
    • 1998: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Tarih Bölümü'nde Yardımcı Doçent Kadrosuna atandı. Aynı yıl Tarih Bölümü Başkan Yardımcısı oldu.
    • 1998: İLESAM, Türkiye İlim ve Edebiyat Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği Yönetim Kurulu Üyeliğine seçildi.
    • 2004: H.Ü. Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Müdür Yardımcılığı görevine atandı.
    • 2006: "Osmanlı Kurumları ve Medeniyeti Tarihi" alanında "Doçent" unvanı aldı (08.05.2006).
    • 2006: Tarih Bölümü'nde "Doçent" kadrosuna atandı (06.12.2006).
    • 2010: TKAE, Türk Kültürünü Araştırma Enstitüsü Yönetim Kurulu Üyeliğine seçildi.
    • 2012: Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Müdürü oldu (25.01.2012).
    • 2013: H.Ü. Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü’ne “Profesör” olarak atandı (14.08.2013).
    • 2019: Türk Tarih Kurumu “Bilim Kurulu” üyeliğine seçildi.
    • Yabancı Dil: Fransızca, İngilizce, Arapça
    Beyaz perdeye de aktarılan Zaman Makinesi, Görünmez Adam, Dr. Moreau’nun Adası veya Dünyalar Savaşı romanlarını duymayan çok az kişi vardır. Elbette geniş kesimlerin ilgisini çeken bu romanların yazarı Herbet George Wells de sinema ve... more
    Beyaz perdeye de aktarılan Zaman Makinesi, Görünmez Adam, Dr. Moreau’nun Adası veya Dünyalar Savaşı romanlarını duymayan çok az kişi vardır. Elbette geniş kesimlerin ilgisini çeken bu romanların yazarı Herbet George Wells de sinema ve edebiyat meraklıları için çok aşina bir isimdir. Ancak onun tarihçiliği, hakkında özel araştırma yapmayanlar için şaşırtıcı bir bilgi olarak görünebilir. Bilim-kurgu romanlarının yazarı H. G. Wells aynı zamanda bir tarihçidir.  Üstelik Mustafa Kemal Atatürk tarafından Nutuk’ta kendisine yer verilen bir isimdir. Nutuk’ta yer alması ise Wells’in 20. yüzyıl başlarındaki sıradışı yazarlardan biri olarak “federal dünya devleti” kurulmasıyla ilgili görüşlerini geniş kitlelere ulaştırmayı başarabilmesinden kaynaklanır. Atatürk, onun ulus-devletlerin devam etmesi durumunda insanlığın felakete sürükleneceği tezi ile Hilafet taraftarlarının ulus-devlete karşı oluşları arasında paralellik kurarak, Wells’in düşüncelerine Nutuk’ta yer verir. Atatürk şöyle der:
    The missionary organization of the Congregation of the Mission, which is mostly known as the Lazarists, was created by Saint Vincent de Paul in 1625. Later, a women’s branch called the Daughters of Charity was added to the Congregation.... more
    The missionary organization of the Congregation of the Mission, which is mostly known as the Lazarists, was created by Saint Vincent de Paul in 1625. Later, a women’s branch called the Daughters of Charity was added to the Congregation. The Lazarists started their mission in the Ottoman Empire in 1783. In the beginning, their presence was quite humble, but this changed in the 19th century. The mission in the Ottoman Empire strengthened when the Daughters of Charity joined in 1839. One of the most successful mission of the Lazarists in the Empire was in Syria. The “civil war” of 1860, which mainly took place in the Mount Lebanon and Syria, made a deep impact on the Lazarists mission. Beirut became the center of the Syria mission. Increasing needs, changing demographic structure, and the intervention of the Great Powers to the region offered new opportunities for the Lazarist missions. The priests and the sisters engaged in the most needed fields in Syria and they had such establishments as schools, orphanages, ateliers and hospitals. They could reach the people and give them religious inculcation thanks to these establishments. Thus, they could fulfill their biblical mission of “serve to god”.  On the other hand, the Lazarists had a strong French character and they played a significant role in the diffusion of the French culture and language so that they contributed to the increase of the French influence in Syria. Thus, they were also in the “service of France”. In this article, the missions of the Lazarist priests and the Daughter of Charity sisters in Syria, and the contribution of these missions to France’s prestige and influence will be evaluated.
    Keywords: Lazarist, Missionary, Catholic, France, Syria
    Bu makalenin amacı, Memlûk sultanı Baybars’ın dört Sünnî mezhep için birer başkadılık kurulmasını sağlayan reformunu bütüncül bir bakış açısıyla çözümlemektir. İncelemede öncelikle başvurulan kaynak eserlerden edinilen bilgilerden... more
    Bu makalenin amacı, Memlûk sultanı Baybars’ın dört Sünnî mezhep için birer başkadılık kurulmasını sağlayan reformunu bütüncül bir bakış açısıyla çözümlemektir. İncelemede öncelikle başvurulan kaynak eserlerden edinilen bilgilerden hareketle söz konusu hukuki düzenlemenin gelişim süreci tasvir edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Yine aynı malumatlar ekseninde Baybars’ı böyle bir karar almaya sevk eden faktörlerin tespit edilmesine odaklanılmıştır. Pek çok kronik yazarının anlatımında, başkadı Bintü’l-A’azz’ın yargılama sürecini olumsuz etkileyen tutumlarının başlıca etken olarak öne çıktığı gözlemlenmiştir. Çalışmanın takip eden bahsinde, reformun ikincil literatürde karşılık bulduğu yorumlar mukayeseli olarak irdelenmiştir. Son olarak, müelliflerin nakilleri ve modern araştırmacıların argümanları göz önünde tutularak, yeni hukuki nizamın Baybars’ın merkezileşme yönelimli siyaseti bağlamında da değerlendirilebileceği yönündeki görüşümüze yer verilmiştir.
    Anahtar Kelimeler: Memlûk, Baybars, Bintü’l-A’azz, Hukuk Reformu, Dörtlü Başkadılık Sistemi
    Rus Çarlığının Türkistan’ı işgal etmesinden sonra kurduğu Türkistan Genel Askeri Valiliği bölgeyi idare etmiştir. Bu valilik beş eyaletten meydana gelmiştir. Coğrafi merkezi en fazla nüfusa sahip Fergana Eyaleti’dir. Türkistan... more
    Rus Çarlığının Türkistan’ı işgal etmesinden sonra kurduğu Türkistan Genel Askeri Valiliği bölgeyi idare etmiştir. Bu valilik beş eyaletten meydana gelmiştir. Coğrafi merkezi en fazla nüfusa sahip Fergana Eyaleti’dir. Türkistan coğrafyasındaki yerleşiklerin yoğun yaşadıkları merkezi şehirlerin bulunduğu bölge de bu eyalettir. Çalışmanın ana problemi, Fergana Eyaleti’nde Türk/Müslüman ve Rus/Hristiyan eğitim kurumlarının istatistiki verilerinin derlenmesi, bu bilgilerden yola çıkılarak durum tespiti yapılmasından ibarettir. Çalışmada Fergana Eyalet yönetiminin yıllık olarak yayınladığı, çoğunlukla komisyonlar tarafından oluşturulan sayısal veriler temel kaynak olarak kullanılmıştır. Zira yıllıklar, belirtilen dönem ve coğrafya hakkında amaçlanan sonuçlara ulaşmak için kullanılabilecek yegane kaynak niteliğindedir.
    Araştırmada, 1887-1913 yılları arası sistematik dönemlere ayrılarak elde edilen veriler tasnif edilmiştir. Değerlendirilen bilgiler ışığında Türk/Müslüman eğitim kurumlarından mekteplerin nüfus artışına paralel gelişme gösterdiği, işgalden 1913 yılına kadar okullaşmanın genel nüfusa oranının ortalama %3 olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Medreselerin bina ve öğrenci sayılarını koruduğu, ancak bölgenin nüfus artış oranına paralel bir artış olmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Rus/Hristiyan okullarının 1887’de %13 okullaşma oranından, 1913 yılına kadar nüfus artış oranının oldukça gerisinde kaldığı, 1913 yılında okullaşma oranına %2’ye kadar düştüğü görülmüştür.
    Anahtar Kelimeler: Mektep, Medrese, Rus Okulları, Türkistan, Fergana.
    Cemal Paşa iki yaveri ile birlikte, 21 Temmuz 1922 tarihinde, Tiflis’te bir cinayete kurban gittiğinde, dünya kamuoyunun büyük bir kısmı bu cinayetin Ermeni militanlar tarafından işlendiğine inandırılmıştı. Bir taraftan Bolşevik Rusya’nın... more
    Cemal Paşa iki yaveri ile birlikte, 21 Temmuz 1922 tarihinde, Tiflis’te bir cinayete kurban gittiğinde, dünya kamuoyunun büyük bir kısmı bu cinayetin Ermeni militanlar tarafından işlendiğine inandırılmıştı. Bir taraftan Bolşevik Rusya’nın basına servis ettiği haberler diğer taraftan kısa süre önce Ermeni teröristlerce Sait Halim Paşa, Talat Paşa, Dr. Bahaeddin Şakir, Cemal Azmi gibi İttihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti Merkez-i Umumi üyelerinin öldürülmeleri, Cemal Paşa cinayetinin de fanatik Ermeni milliyetçileri tarafından işlenmiş olabileceği iddiasını doğrular şeklinde bir algı oluşturmuştu. Fakat kısa süre sonra suikastın arkasındaki esas gücün Bolşevik Rusya olabileceği ihtimali de kuvvetlenmeye başlamıştı. Zamanla bu iddia çeşitlenerek, Cemal Paşa’nın İngilizler tarafından veya Enver Paşa tarafından öldürülmüş olabileceğine yönelik görüşler da ortaya atıldı. Dolayısıyla Cemal Paşa suikastının kimler tarafından ve niçin düzenlendiği sorunsalı günümüze kadar güncelliğini korumaktdır.
    Bu çalışmada önce Cemal Paşa suikastı ile ilgili dört temel iddia ele alındı. Sonra da Alman Dışişleri Bakanlığı Arşivi’nden elde edilen ve belge niteliği taşıyan bir gazete makalesi ile bir gazete haberi iddialar çerçevesinde değerlendirmeye tabi tutuldu. Almanya’ya ait bu iki yeni belge Cemal Paşa Suikastı’na karar verenlerin ve organize edenlerin Bolşevik Rusya olabileceği yönündeki iddialara katkı sağlamaktadır. Dolayısıyla bu çalışma Cemal Paşa’nın Bolşevikler tarafından öldürülmüş olabileceği iddiasına yeni belgelerle bir bakış açısı getirmektedir. Çalışmada konu ile ilgili kaleme alınmış telif eserler kullanılmakla beraber, özellikle Berlin’deki Dışişleri Bakanlığı Arşivi’nden temin edilen belgeler özgün nitelikli yeni kaynaklar olarak makalede yer almaktadır.
    Anahtar Kelimeler: Hesse, Nemesis, Afganistan, Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, Cemal Paşa, Enver Paşa

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