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Gonzalo Buceta Bruneti
  • Trvsa. Francisco Añón nº11-1º C.P: 36002 Pontevedra
  • 619079213

Gonzalo Buceta Bruneti

Rock art researchers describe the existence of a preparation layer of kaolin (with or without organic binder) on the rock, on which megalithic painting was carried out, using a mixture of pigment and binder. The natural pigments used were... more
Rock art researchers describe the existence of a preparation layer of kaolin (with or without organic binder) on the rock, on which megalithic painting was carried out, using a mixture of pigment and binder. The natural pigments used were mainly hematite, ochre and carbon black. As binders, animal fats, blood, resins, etc. were reported. The uncertainty regarding the composition of these paintings means that there is not a clear procedure for their reproduction in the laboratory as mock-ups. This study shows a methodology based on the assessment of a group of parameters that allow assessing the suitability of a binder (in this case, butter or casein) both in the preparation layer and in the pictorial layer. Covering capacity, drying velocity, binding capacity, grip on the substrate and biological growth were evaluated. It was completed with colour spectrophotometry and scanning electron microscopy. The mixture of butter with pigment applied on a kaolin-based substrate was identified as the most suitable.
The memory of the cleaning, documentation, consolidation and repair works for public visit of the petroglyphs of A Gurita 1 and Outeiro da Pedra Bicuda 2 in the CMVMC of Baroña (Porto do Son, A Coruña) are shown.
Close Document Image Close Document Printer Image Print This Document! Conservation Information Network (BCIN). Author: Buceta Bruneti, Gonzalo; Carrera Ramírez, Fernando Title Article/Chapter: "Propostas para a diagnose ...
“Yo soy conservador porque siempre me ha parecido absurdo que los hombres anadan sus facultades intelectuales y su fuerza material al incesante trabajo de destruccion que realiza constantemente e implacablemente la naturaleza… Si todas... more
“Yo soy conservador porque siempre me ha parecido absurdo que los hombres anadan sus facultades intelectuales y su fuerza material al incesante trabajo de destruccion que realiza constantemente e implacablemente la naturaleza… Si todas las cosas estan destinadas a caer, porque esta es su ley fatal, lo mas razonable es apuntalarlas, si es posible” (Pla, 1968, 280)
The rock art necropolis of San Vítor de Barxacova (IX-X A.D.), located in Parada de Sil, Ourense (Spain) is found on a granite rocky outcrop that presents an enormous complexity for its conservation due to the multiple alteration... more
The rock art necropolis of San Vítor de Barxacova (IX-X A.D.), located in Parada de Sil, Ourense (Spain) is found on a granite rocky outcrop that presents an enormous complexity for its conservation due to the multiple alteration mechanisms that affect the rock. That is why different studies, chemical, geological, conservation materials, etc., are being carried out to control their degradation on the surface, something that has already been achieved today on the surface. The present work tries to verify if by means of the study with GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) it is possible to advance in the knowledge of the subsoil of the outcrop, of which its current state is unknown. This non-destructive technique, applied for the first time on an archaeological site of these characteristics and with such specific objectives, could help to better understand the degradation mechanisms that may exist under the surface and therefore prioritize efforts and methods of conservation of this archaeological site improving its diagnosis.
Se proponen una serie de fichas que pretenden facilitar la valoración del estado de conservación de yacimientos y estructuras arqueológicas y, como consecuencia, simplificar la toma de decisiones sobre las actuaciones a desarrollar. Las... more
Se proponen una serie de fichas que pretenden facilitar la valoración del estado de conservación de yacimientos y estructuras arqueológicas y, como consecuencia, simplificar la toma de decisiones sobre las actuaciones a desarrollar. Las diversas fichas que se presentan per­miten una gradación del nivel de diagnóstico, variable en función del grado de estudio reque­rido.
Abstract: this document seeks to describe and collect the treatments carried out in the barn of Lamas de Abade. The reason for the work and its transfer is due to the works of the AVE on its arrival in Santiago de Compostela. The work... more
Abstract: this document seeks to describe and collect the treatments carried out in the barn of Lamas de Abade. The reason for the work and its transfer is due to the works of the AVE on its arrival in Santiago de Compostela. The work carried out consisted of a diagnosis and assessment of the state of conservation, cleaning and disassembly-reassembly of all the preserved parts. Damaged elements were also renewed.
Description and critical review, after almost 20 years, of the works, techniques and materials of conservation, restoration and musealization applied in the hillfort: "Castro da punta do Muíño do Vento". Alcabre-Vigo-Pontevedra, Spain... more
Description and critical review, after almost 20 years, of the works, techniques and materials of conservation, restoration and musealization applied in the hillfort: "Castro da punta do Muíño do Vento". Alcabre-Vigo-Pontevedra, Spain (2003-2020).
The works of extraction and relocation of an outcrop with petroglyphs are described due to the execution of a highway in Nigrán (Pontevedra-Spain). This traumatic operation allowed at least save part of our cultural heritage.
San Vítor de Barxacova necropolis, from the 10th to the 11th century, in Parada de Sil (Ourense), shows a high level weathering of granitic rocks which has involved a great challenge for its conservation due to exposure to outdoor... more
San Vítor de Barxacova necropolis, from the 10th to the 11th century, in Parada de Sil (Ourense), shows a high level weathering of granitic rocks which has involved a great challenge for its conservation due to exposure to outdoor conditions in an environment with very complex degradation processes. Although, the first attempt was proposed as a preventive action, the wrong guidelines from the Administration Office for the Cultural Heritage of Xunta de Galicia compelled the design of an intensive curative intervention. This way of proceeding was determined by the set of mandatory standards in such an important heritage action. The holistic approach of this intervention, the exhaustive diagnosis and the extensive chemical analyses were the key issues which allowed the design of the best method of action to consider nowadays based on the use of new synthesized materials and analysis and treatments methodologies. The whole intervention was defined by its high complexity but, fortunately, the archeological site still remains alive since several restoration and preventive interventions have been made for the last six years and a maintenance protocol was signed, the first in Galicia, has been achieved in order to keep the attractiveness of this archeological site to all the visitors that arrive at this highlighted place. The investments made by different administrations involved in this project have tried to reverse in Parada de Sil the effort made all along these years.
The conclusions and impressions obtained during the work of analysis, diagnosis and active conservation in the different outcrops of the Archaeological Park Rock Art of Campo Lameiro in 2008, (PAAR) are described. It is proved again that... more
The conclusions and impressions obtained during the work of analysis, diagnosis and active conservation in the different outcrops of the Archaeological Park Rock Art of Campo Lameiro in 2008, (PAAR) are described. It is proved again that the only presence of archaeologists and architects in this intervention could never solve the problems that propose ... still the same ... year 2020 (Galicia-Spain).
Reviewed 2020.
Description of the conservation and restoration work carried out in the castle of A Lúa during the 2017-2019 period. The work was carried out fulfilling the purest restoration criteria, giving priority to teaching, sustainability and... more
Description of the conservation and restoration work carried out in the castle of A Lúa during the 2017-2019 period. The work was carried out fulfilling the purest restoration criteria, giving priority to teaching, sustainability and social character over any other approach.
Memory of the analysis, diagnosis and conservation work in the hillfort of San Tomé (Ourense, Spain). Some problems that affect conservation work are also detailed when archaeologists and administration intervene in this process (with... more
Memory of the analysis, diagnosis and conservation work in the hillfort of San Tomé (Ourense, Spain). Some problems that affect conservation work are also detailed when archaeologists and administration intervene in this process (with diametrically opposed views). This problem occurs when trained professionals lead this type of intervention. That action, which is widespread in Galicia and Spain, is due to the lack of regulation (law regulating activities on cultural heritage, especially archeology) that recognizes the restorative's ability to lead these works.
Se presentan en esta comunicación los resultados más importantes de tres intervenciones arqueológicas de diverso alcance realizadas en diferentes momentos, entre 1993 y 2014, en torno a un mismo torreón de la muralla cristiana de Madrid,... more
Se presentan en esta comunicación los resultados más importantes de tres intervenciones arqueológicas de diverso alcance realizadas en diferentes momentos, entre 1993 y 2014, en torno a un mismo torreón de la muralla cristiana de Madrid, en la Plaza de Puerta Cerrada. Los trabajos han permitido documentar un torreón en buen estado de conservación, diversas intervenciones realizadas históricamente en la muralla y un acceso al adarve desde la torre estudiada.
Brief introduction to the conservation works at "Castelo do Casón". Year 2015
Research Interests:
Chemical analysis, diagnosis and conservation proposals for the wall of Santo Domingo de la Calzada (La Rioja, Spain)
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Conservation works in the medieval necropolis of San Vítor de Barxacova (2016)
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Study of mortars in the medieval tower of Sepúlveda (Spain)
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Propuestas de monitorización, análisis y control de las pinturas murales y monasterio de Santa Cristina de Ribas de Sil (Parada de Sil, 2015).
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El eterno dilema que supone la decisión de elegir entre materiales tradicionales y modernos viene ya desde lejos. La búsqueda de un equilibrio entre las dos posiciones puede determinar el éxito de cualquier intervención en conservación y... more
El eterno dilema que supone la decisión de elegir entre materiales tradicionales y modernos viene ya desde lejos. La búsqueda de un equilibrio entre las dos posiciones puede determinar el éxito de cualquier intervención en conservación y rehabilitación. ¿Existe ese equilibrio?
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Nonsense restores
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Descripción dos traballos executados durante a terceira campaña.
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Descripción de los estudios sobre argamasas, relaciones entre estructuras y tratamientos de conservación.
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Resumen de las actuaciones realizas en el solar de Puerta Cerrada 4 para el estudio de argamasas y relaciones entre estructuras murarias.
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Resumen de riesgos a los que se ven sometidos los castros de Galicia, tratamientos y materiales utilizados.
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Diagnosis, analíticas y tratamientos en las tumbas rupestres de la necrópolis visigoda de San Vítor de Barxacova.
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Tratamientos realizados para el traslado y conservación de un hórreo motivado por las obras del AVE en Galicia
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Descrición dos tratamentos de protección, desmonte, traslado, conservación-restauración e montaxe do túmulo coñecido como Chousa Nova I.
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Descrición dos tratamentos de documentación, diagnose, analíticas, conservación e restauración do Cruceiro de Vila de Arriba.
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Resumo dos tratamentos de diagnose, analítica, documentación, rexistro y conservación e restauración do Cruceiro de Vila de Abaixo.
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Intervenciones realizadas sobre un torreón y muralla cristiana de Madrid
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Diagnosis, analíticas e intervención de rehabilitación de las fachadas de granito.
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Descripción de los tratamientos ejecutados en una casa patio del Castro de Sta. Trega en colaboración con E.S.C.R.B.C.G. Año 2014.
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