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Визиoнaри и твoрци сaврeмeнoг тeхничкoг дoбa, Никoлa Teслa и брaћa Вилбур и Oрвил Рajт, рaдили су и ствaрaли у Сjeдињeним Aмeричким Држaвaмa у пeриoду последње две деценије 19. и прве половине 20. века. Свojим тaлeнтoм, умeћeм и великим... more
Визиoнaри и твoрци сaврeмeнoг тeхничкoг дoбa, Никoлa Teслa и брaћa Вилбур и Oрвил Рajт, рaдили су и ствaрaли у Сjeдињeним Aмeричким Држaвaмa у пeриoду последње две деценије 19. и прве половине 20. века. Свojим тaлeнтoм, умeћeм и великим пoжртвoвaњeм ствaрaли су нoви и мoдeрниjи свeт. У Teслинoj зaoстaвштини, пoрeд библиотечког фонда, личних и тeхничких прeдмeтa, чувa сe и oкo 156.000 листова архивске грађе кojа хрoнoлoшки и тeмaтски у цeлини прaти њeгoв живoт и стваралаштво. Meђу aрхивским документима налази се и нeкoликo писaмa кoja су oви вeликaни науке мeђусoбнo рaзмeнили. Сaчувaнa су и двa oдoбрeнa пaтeнтa зa мoдeл aвиoнa брaћe Рajт, штo свeдoчи o Teслинoм интeрeсoвaњу зa њихoв рaд и истрaживaњa. Циљ рaдa je дa aнaлизира сaчувaна дoкумeнтa прeпискe из архивског фонда музеја, као и остaле дoступне извoре и тако сагледа њихово интересовање за област ваздухопловства, дефинише кaрaктeр међусобног познанства и oткриje нoвe дeтaљe из живoтних прича ових визионара./
Nikola Tesla and the Wright brothers, Wilbur and Orville, have worked and created in the United States of America in the period comprising the last two decades of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century. All three of them were visionaries and creators of the modern technical age. In the
Tesla’s legacy, apart from his personal and technical items, press clippings, monographic and serial publications, there are also about 156,000 sheets of archival material which cover his entire life and
work, both chronologically and thematically. Among these testimonies there are four original documents (a concept of a condolence letter, a copy of the sent condolence letter, a brief gratitude note and a formal invitation) that were exchanged between Nikola Tesla and probably Orville Wright, between 1912 and 1920. The oldest preserved document of their correspondence is the concept of Tesla’s condolence letter to Orville Wright on the occasion of the death of his older brother. Two approved patents for the Wright brothers’ aircraft model have been preserved as well, which testifies of the scientist’s interest in their work and aviation research in general. Researching the correspondence between Nikola Tesla and Orville Wright, as well as the other documents from the scientist’s legacy preserved in the Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade, we have tried to highlight the details of his acquaintance with the Wright brothers, that is, a small fragment of his life and work which has
remained almost unknown until today. Results of the research, presented in the form of a scientific research paper, contribute to a better understanding of the aviation history and reveal new details
from the life stories of our renowned scientist and the two famous aviation pioneers. The publication of exclusive documents from Tesla’s legacy is a contribution to the wider scientific community and a
new reference point for all the researchers who are to cover similar topics in the future.
Nikola Tesla and the Wright brothers, Wilbur and Orville, have worked and created in the United States of America in the period comprising the last two decades of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century. All three of them were... more
Nikola Tesla and the Wright brothers, Wilbur and Orville, have worked and created in the United States of America in the period comprising the last two decades of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century. All three of them were visionaries and creators of the modern technical age. In the Tesla's legacy, apart from his personal and technical items, press clippings, monographic and serial publications, there are also about 156,000 sheets of archival material which cover his entire life and work, both chronologically and thematically. Among these testimonies there are four original documents (a concept of a condolence letter, a copy of the sent condolence letter, a brief gratitude note and a formal invitation) that were exchanged between Nikola Tesla and probably Orville Wright, between 1912 and 1920. The oldest preserved document of their correspondence is the concept of Tesla's condolence letter to Orville Wright on the occasion of the death of his older brother. Two a...
The emergence of youth labor actions and their growing popularity after the Second World War, became synonymous of the construction of post-war Yugoslavia. The work actions were attended mainly by young people, who contributed to the... more
The emergence of youth labor actions and their growing popularity after the Second World War, became synonymous of the construction of post-war Yugoslavia. The work actions were attended mainly by young people, who contributed to the reconstruction and construction, mostly through their physical work, exposing themselves to various ailments such as hunger and thirst, and infectious diseases. There are many historical
documents showing in detail the very difficult conditions in which the construction of a devastated state took place. Many young people have lost their lives but a few
have been lucky enough to improve their lives by climbing the socio-economic ladder due to the benefits gained during the numerous competitions in these work actions. Competitions were an integral part of everyday life and everyone had to participate. In this way, the spirit of young brigadiers was strengthened and points were gained that enabled them to have a better diet or position in society. Several talented artist-students, such as: Jovanović Sergej, Džamonja Dušan, Kurnik Majda, Mitrović Milun, Petrović Zoran, Prodanović Boža, Omčikus Petar, Kristl Vlado and others, from the prestigious Academy of Arts, had the opportunity to record and immortalize with pen and ink the course of this time and to convey scenes to us. This text presents their drawings during youth work action for the construction of the Brčko-Banovići railway in 1946. The topics and motives are presented and discussed
as well as some aspects of the school of socialism, which ideologically profiled young builders and indirectly influenced a number of works of art. The text is  accompanied by nine attachments; seven photographs of drawings, one photograph of front cover
of the Map and one attachment is a transcript of the content with the names of the artists and their works that make up this Map of drawings.
The paper summarizes the entire corpus of the Nikola Tesla Museum. The core of this corpus includes personal and original legacy of the famous scientist which was brought to the Nikola Tesla Museum in 1952, the same year when the museum... more
The paper  summarizes the entire corpus of the Nikola Tesla Museum. The core of this corpus includes personal and original legacy of the famous scientist which was brought to the Nikola Tesla Museum in 1952, the same year when the museum was officially founded. Apart from Tesla’s legacy, other rich archival, library and museum materials, collected or received as a gift during the museum’s history, are also kept here.
У тексту је сажето приказан садржај личне библиотеке Николе Тесле која се чува у Музеју Николе Тесле и указано је на то да је ова библиотечка грађа проглашена за културно добро од великог значаја као стара и ретка књига током 2014.... more
У тексту је сажето приказан садржај личне библиотеке Николе Тесле која се чува у Музеју Николе Тесле и указано је на то да је ова библиотечка грађа проглашена за културно добро од великог значаја као стара и ретка књига током 2014. године. Већа пажња посвећена је одређеном сегменту ове библиотеке – хемеротечкој збирци, посебно једном делу ове збирке у којој се чувају укоричени албуми са новинским исечцима које је Никола Тесла прикупљао и
сачувао. Богатство садржаја укоричених албума делимично је приказано увидом у одређене квантитативне податке из прва три Теслина албума. Важност коју је он придавао прикупљању и
сортирању података из албума, видљива је путем картотечких картица које је брижљиво попуњавао. Систем класификације и евиденције картица такође је укратко представљен.
Digital Art History Summer School (University of Malaga, Munich, Berkeley and Durham)
Uputstvo za autore časopis Muzeji 8 (Muzejsko društvo Srbije)
U radu se tumače uticaji digitalne kulture na društvo u celini, sa posebnim osvrtom na potrošačko društvo i neke od savremenih strategija marketinga. U uvodnom delu predstavljene su izvesne predikcije u sferi razvoja novih tehnologija u... more
U radu se tumače uticaji digitalne kulture na društvo
u celini, sa posebnim osvrtom na potrošačko društvo i
neke od savremenih strategija marketinga. U uvodnom delu
predstavljene su izvesne predikcije u sferi razvoja novih tehnologija u narednim decenijama i ukazano je na neke pronalaske iz prošlosti koji su direktno i indirektno uticali na
nastanak i razvoj savremenih tehnologija i medija. Dalje u
radu, kroz objašnjenje promena na polju komunikacijske paradigme, autorke objašnjavaju i promenu u sferi distribucije
informacija i konstituisanja znanja. Takođe je objašnjen i
pojam digitalne kulture kao i njen razvoj, koji se pak odvija
paralelno sa razvojem novih tehnologija i medija. Potom je
kroz objašnjenje konzumerizma, koji je kao koncept prisutan
u svakodnevici sve češće, istaknuto kako ovaj trend ima zna-
čajnih reperkusija i kad je u pitanju kulturni habitat, donoseći
demokratizaciju i dostupnosti kulturnih sadržaja i kako, u
skladu sa navedenim, neminovno dolazi do pluralizacije ali i
trivijalizacije istih. U završnom delu rada predstavljena je relativno nova tehnologija QR kodova, objašnjen je njen nastanak
i rasprostranjenost kao i nesumnjive prednosti, ali i mane.
Ukazano je i na činjenicu da je besplatna za korišćenje, čime
najviše pogoduje razvoju novih marketinških strategija. U
skladu sa ovim i objašnjena je povezanost QR kodova sa
savremenim marketingom kroz nekoliko opisanih projekata.
/ The paper interprets the impact of the digital culture on society as a whole, with special focus on consumer society and
a number of modern marketing strategies. The introduction
presents some predictions regarding the development of
new technologies in the forthcoming decades, and points to
certain past inventions that directly or indirectly influenced
the emergence and development of modern technologies
and media. From the explanation of communication paradigm the authors proceed to the explanation of the changes
in the information distribution and knowledge constitution.
They also define the concept of digital culture and its development which, for its part, is parallel to the development of
new technologies and media. Their explanation of consumerism as an almost omnipresent concept in everyday life underlines the important impact this trend has for the cultural
habitat, for the democratization and accessibility of cultural
contents it brings about go hand in hand with their inevitable pluralization and trivialization. In the concluding part of
the paper the authors discuss a relatively new technology of
QR codes, its emergence and scope, its advantages and disadvantages. Its free use is highlighted as the most favorable for the further development of new marketing strategies. A description of some projects in this context facilitate
the authors to provide for a more detailed explanation of
the QR codes links with modern marketing.
U tekstu autorka upućuje čitaoce na kompleksnost polja kulturnog naseđa i na njegovu povezanost sa socijalnim, ekonomskim i političkim pitanjima društva. Kroz rad ona prezentuje različite pristupe naslovnoj temi, kroz objektiv... more
U tekstu autorka upućuje čitaoce na kompleksnost
polja kulturnog naseđa i na njegovu povezanost sa socijalnim, ekonomskim i političkim pitanjima društva. Kroz rad
ona prezentuje različite pristupe naslovnoj temi, kroz objektiv
arhitekture, umetnosti, istorije. Istražena su pitanja koja okru-
žuju mogućnosti, svrhu i načine interpretacije i prezentacije
kulturnog nasleđa. Takođe, autorka se bavi i savremenim diskursom uzročno-posledičnih odnosa novih medija i kulturnog
nasleđa koji pretenciozno nameće pitanje statusa originala i
kopije kao i odnosa prošlosti i sadašnjosti. Diskusije o teorijskim i tehničkim okvirima zajedno sa metodološkim ograničenjima kreiranja virtuelnog kulturnog nasleđa su protkane
kroz ceo tekst. Predstavljene su mogućnosti i prednosti novih
medija, ali i nezaobilazna ograničenja koja ovi mediji nameću. Takođe, kroz nekoliko primera virtuelne rekonstrukcije,
predstavljen je proces integracije novih medija i kulturnog nasleđa, kao vrlo značajno pitanje današnjice. / The first part of the paper is devoted to the complexity of
cultural heritage and its interconnections with social, economic and political issues in a given society. The author
presents various approaches to her subject including perspectives of architecture, art, history. The problems connected to possibilities, purpose and means of interpretation
and presentation of cultural heritage are also discussed.
The author further analyzes contemporary discourse of a
cause-effect relationship of new media and cultural heritage, that so pretentiously questions the status of original
and copy, as well the past-present relationship. The text as a
whole is interwoven with discussions of theoretical and
technical framework and methodological limitations
built-in creation of virtual cultural heritage. The potentials
and advantages of new media, but also the unavoidable restraints they impose are presented. Few instances of virtual
reconstruction illustrate the process of integration of new
media and cultural heritage as a very important present-time issue.
The Nikola Tesla Museum was the first Yugoslav and Serbian memorial-technical museum, and it keeps the memory of Nikola Tesla on a speciall way. Its rich and diverse heritage materials with its validity ranks this museum as one of the... more
The Nikola Tesla Museum was the first Yugoslav and Serbian memorial-technical museum, and it keeps the memory of Nikola Tesla on a speciall way. Its rich and diverse heritage materials with its validity ranks this museum as one of the most important cultural institutions of our country. In this institution, the heritage of Tesla, which arrived in Belgrade in 1952, is kept and garded.
The collection fund of the Nikola Tesla Musuem consists of two fund units that differ in origin, but their content is both thematically and structurally very similar. The first unit is Nikola Tesla Personnal Fund, which includes its entire heritage, while the Nikola Tesla Museum Fund is the second unit in which materials related to scientist's life and work are keept but are not a part of his legacy.
A significant part of Nikola Tesla's Personal Fund is his library. This library preserves monographic, periodical editions and a press clipping collection, and the library of this great man has been declared as a cultural asset as a rare and old book on March 7th 2014.
Press clipping albums with clips and articles from periodicals represent a distinct unit by which we can conclude much about the modus and methodology that Tesla used in gathering and sorting the information he needed for work. Consistent system of bibliographic classification that he applied is noticeable in the albums. Articles are organized thematically and chronologically. Above almost every article, the source from which the article was taken (cut) is printed. The next level of classification is an additional two divisions within the thematic groups – personal and non-personal classification. The importance that Tesla gave to the periodicals albums is also confirmed by the existence of a Catalogue with the list of articles in the albums. Tesla's interest in periodical publishing is illustrated as well by displayed correspondence with reporters and editors.
Kao model preživljavanja (Šola 1985) kulture i memorije društva, izmišljeni su muzeji, kao mesto gde se sistem utvrđuje i potvrđuje preko hijerarhije koja je pak ustanovljena valorizacijom različitih kultura. Izgradnja muzeja širom sveta... more
Kao model preživljavanja (Šola 1985) kulture i memorije društva, izmišljeni su muzeji, kao mesto gde se sistem utvrđuje i potvrđuje preko hijerarhije koja je pak ustanovljena valorizacijom različitih kultura. Izgradnja muzeja širom sveta je dovela do radikalnog redefinisanja kulture i tada se razvija politika muzejske postavke kako bi se preko nje upravljalo znanjem/obrazovanjem i ukusom posetioca/potrošača.
Pojava i eksploatacija novih medija, pokreće nove debate u pogledu
promovisanja i valorizovanja kulture i umetnosti. Novi komunikacijski (virtuelni) prostor implicira na nove paradigme u oblasti prenošenja znanja koje ne smemo zanemariti. Muzej mora da nađe način za interpretaciju starih i novih saznanja kako bi udovoljio čoveku „četvrtog vala” koji posmatra svet preko monitora.
Ključne reči:
muzej, kultura, umetnost, internet, globalizacija, virtuelno, znanje.
Teslapedia as the Central Database of the Bibliographic Information about Nikola Tesla The purpose of this paper is to present the idea and the process of creating the most complete electronic bibliographic database of the records... more
Teslapedia as the Central Database of the Bibliographic Information
about Nikola Tesla

The purpose of this paper is to present the idea and the process of creating the most complete electronic bibliographic
database of the records related to Nikola Tesla, symbolically named Teslapedia. The database would include Tesla’s
bibliography as well as the bibliography of related works by other authors. The concept of the development of Teslapedia is
visible in two main ideas. The fi rst of them implies alignment of all the existing bibliographical units, located in the Museum
as its property, on a specifi c web site, and the other, equally important, involves the possibility of further development and
upgrading the database structure joining new bibliographic data. This database makes the central part of Teslapedia, the
homonymous project of the Nikola Tesla Museum. Data contained in the database were obtained from fi ve different sources. In
addition to Tesla’s personal press clipping and his librariy, which are located within the Museum, the paper also presents other
sources used in forming the bibliography (Chroniclin America, Tesla Collection, unpublished bibliography of Nikola Tesla by
Milovan Matić). According to the idea of the project, Teslapedia should be the reference point to all specialized databases and
collections that contain useful, relevant and signifi cant information about the life and work of Nikola Tesla.
Nikola Tesla, bibliography, Teslapedia, Nikola Tesla Museum, database, digitization, press clipping, Chronicling America, Tesla
Muzeji 8 (n. s.) / Museums No. 8 (n. s.), Muzejsko društvo Srbije / Serbian Museum Association, Beograd 2021.
Poziv za predaju radova za časopis Muzeji 8 (Muzejsko društvo Srbije)
Muzeji 7 (n. s.) / Museums No. 7 (n. s.), Muzejsko društvo Srbije / Serbian Museum Association, Beograd 2020.
Muzeji 6 (n. s.) / Museums No. 6 (n. s.), Muzejsko društvo Srbije / Serbian Museum Association, Beograd 2019.
Lj. Vasiljević, I. Ćirić, Rubina Raja, Anette Højen Sørensen, Harald Ingholt & Palmyra, Museum of Ancient Art at Aarhus University, Aarhus Denmark 2015 (Review), Archaeology and Science 16 (2020), Center for New Technology Viminacium −... more
Lj. Vasiljević, I. Ćirić, Rubina Raja, Anette Højen Sørensen, Harald Ingholt & Palmyra, Museum of Ancient Art at Aarhus University, Aarhus Denmark 2015 (Review), Archaeology and Science 16 (2020), Center for New Technology Viminacium − Institute of Archaeology Belgrade, Belgrade 2020, 249-254.
Музеј Николе Тесле у Београду, јединствена је институција науке и културе у Србији и свету. У музеју се од 1952. чува оригинална заоставштина Николе Тесле. Међу изузетно вредним музејским колекцијама, посебно се издваја Лична библиотека... more
Музеј Николе Тесле у Београду, јединствена је институција науке и културе у Србији и свету. У музеју се од 1952. чува оригинална заоставштина Николе Тесле. Међу изузетно вредним музејским колекцијама, посебно се издваја Лична библиотека Николе Тесле. Ова библиотечка целина проглашена је за културно добро од великог значаја као ретка и стара књига 2014. године. Чине је монографске студије, серијске публикације и хемеротечка збирка. У раду су размотрена монографска дела из Теслине библиотеке из области лепих уметности, која су богатством тема и садржаја, и својим истакнутим местом у култури и уметности међуратног света, препознати као тема специфичне важности. Кључне речи:Никола Тесла, библиотечка грађа, лепе уметности, културна баштина.

The Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade is the only museum in the world that preserves the original Tesla’s legacy. Apart from many valuable collections, The Museum keeps Tesla’s personal library, which was proclaimed as cultural heritage of great importance.
Tesla’s Library comprises of monographs, serial publications and press clipping collection. Within the Library fund there are over 7000 books and magazines, and over 50000 press clippings. This material is very diverse in content, with many texts from the field of natural sciences, social sciences, as well as those related to arts and culture.
This paper will consider, in more detail, the Library material regarding Fine arts. We believe that the library, rich in subjects that are covered and followed by picturesque illustrations is a fantastic testament of the time Tesla lived in. The study and the representation of this part of the fund is of great importance for both the library profession and scientific community, and for wider public because it puts the promotion of cultural heritage in it’s main focus.