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Rodrigo Polanco
  • Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Facultad de Teología
    Av. Vicuña Mackenna 4860
    7820436 Santiago
  • 56-2-23541634
La obra que ahora ofrecemos quiere contribuir precisamente a un mejor conocimiento de la teología de Hans Urs von Balthasar desde su contexto global y sus estructuras de pensamiento. Tiene por objeto exponer los aspectos centrales de su... more
La obra que ahora ofrecemos quiere contribuir precisamente a un mejor conocimiento de la teología de Hans Urs von Balthasar desde su contexto global y sus estructuras de pensamiento. Tiene por objeto exponer los aspectos centrales de su teología, a fin de comprender de mejor manera los aportes más importantes que este gran pensador ha hecho a la teología contemporánea, a partir de las líneas esenciales de su propuesta teológica. Y dado que su Trilogía teológica (escrita entre 1961 y 1987, en 16 vols.) es la obra magna y cimera de su productividad (compuesta de Gloria, Teodramática y Teológica, más el Epílogo), y que para Balthasar llegó a ser «el plan fundamental, la preocupación de una vida» , es entonces el lugar donde podemos ver reflejado lo más hondo de su pensamiento y el resultado de muchos años de estudio, contemplación, entrega apostólica y diálogo fecundo con múltiples autores; y en donde ha quedado plasmada una suerte de recapitulación de toda su teología. Por lo tanto, nuestro texto expondrá los aportes teológicos fundamentales del autor desarrollados de manera ordenada y sintética en su Trilogía teológica. Pero su objetivo no es hacer un resumen de esos vols., ni exponer todo lo que allí dice. Tampoco se propone reemplazar su indispensable y siempre enriquecedora lectura. Su objeto es más acotado y preciso: indicar los aspectos más relevantes de su propuesta teológica, explicarlos dentro de su orgánica global, y mostrar su novedad y aportes a la teología contemporánea. Con todo ello, el lector podrá formarse una idea general de «lo que dice Balthasar» y tendrá los elementos esenciales para emprender una lectura directa de sus múltiples obras.
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El teólogo suizo Hans Urs von Balthasar (1905-1988) fue un autor muy prolífico, con una obra tan vasta y de contenido tan amplio que no es fácil encontrar, ni en la producción del mismo Balthasar, ni en la literatura sobre él, un texto... more
El teólogo suizo Hans Urs von Balthasar (1905-1988) fue un autor muy prolífico, con una obra tan vasta y de contenido tan amplio que no es fácil encontrar, ni en la producción del mismo Balthasar, ni en la literatura sobre él, un texto que exponga de una manera suficientemente completa y global —a la par que sintético y accesible a los lectores que no conocen su obra— las fuentes y la estructura cardinal de su pensamiento. Este libro quiere introducir al lector en el pensamiento teológico de von Balthasar a partir de su Trilogía (Gloria, Teodramática y Teológica), considerada su obra cumbre y que recoge en buena medida su producción anterior. Se trata de mostrar el talante general de su persona y su vida, exponer las líneas esenciales de su pensamiento teológico y ofrecer algunos criterios fundamentales para su lectura y comprensión.

A este volumen le seguirá un segundo (Hans Urs von Balthasar II. Aspectos centrales de su Trilogía), complementario aunque independiente, en el que, en un segundo nivel de profundidad, se expondrán las líneas teológicas centrales de la Trilogía, a fin de dar a conocer las principales aportaciones en las diversas áreas de la ciencia teológica de uno de los autores más relevantes del pensamiento católico del siglo XX.
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The article studies all the interventions of the bishops in Latin America and the Caribbean when drafting the Dogmatic Constitution Lumen gentium, during the Second Vatican Council in 1964. The objective of this study is to bring the... more
The article studies all the interventions of the bishops in Latin America and the Caribbean when drafting the Dogmatic Constitution Lumen gentium, during the Second Vatican Council in 1964. The objective of this study is to bring the contribution that the churches of Latin America made to this document to light. Through this analysis, we draw some conclusions about the shape of the Latin American episcopate and the elements that outlined what would become the ecclesiology of Medellín and its later effects. Knowing his contribution to the conciliar ecclesiology does justice to his work, which is sometimes unexplored and underappreciated, and better explains the subsequent development of the Catholic Church in Latin America.
Balthasar is, first and foremost, a Germanist. His theology is internally related to literature. This article shows how deep this link is, starting from three aspects: the literary coordinates that appear to be integrated in the... more
Balthasar is, first and foremost, a Germanist. His theology is internally related to literature. This article shows how deep this link is, starting from three aspects: the literary coordinates that appear to be integrated in the theological structure of his thought, the theological language that Balthasar discovers in the literature, and the use of some literary instruments to engage with theology. Overall, Balthasar bases this profound and internal use of literature on the harmony/harmonization (Zum-stimmen-bringen/justesse/analogia linguae) he discovers between literary form or style and theological content. This harmony, justesse, or analogia is mediated by the free creativity of the author of the literary text under the power of the Spirit and sustained by the analogia entis and Christological analogia entis.
The reality of evil has always been a great enigma for humanity. Balthasar proposes a Trinitarian and soteriological theology that introduces novel elements into the understanding of evil. In particular, evil finds its condition of... more
The reality of evil has always been a great enigma for humanity. Balthasar proposes a Trinitarian and soteriological theology that introduces novel elements into the understanding of evil. In particular, evil finds its condition of possibility in the distance of love within the Trinity. This position, which I have described as audacious, is evaluated in this study from three perspectives: the placement of evil within the Theo-drama, a certain phenomenology of evil/sin, and the examination of what could be a certain “responsibility” of God for the reality of evil. Is it possible to affirm something like this?
The article reviews Latin American theological-pastoral literature from the years comprised between 1965 and 1968 in order to perceive the particular way in which Vatican II was received in Latin America. This reveals a certain 'ecclesial... more
The article reviews Latin American theological-pastoral literature from the years comprised between 1965 and 1968 in order to perceive the particular way in which Vatican II was received in Latin America. This reveals a certain 'ecclesial climate' which understands that the conciliar process has not ended. This invites a change of mentality that must be articulated in new structures that allow the participation of everyone in the responsibility and mission of the Church. Understanding this 'ecclesial and pastoral ecosystem' from which Francis drew in his early years allows us to understand the orientations that the synodal process is providing.
This study demonstrates the profound theological unity of the works of Hans Urs von Balthasar and Adrienne von Speyr, according to Balthasar’s own consciousness and explicit manifestation. By studying all the prefaces of von Speyr’s works... more
This study demonstrates the profound theological unity of the works of Hans Urs von Balthasar and Adrienne von Speyr, according to Balthasar’s own consciousness and explicit manifestation. By studying all the prefaces of von Speyr’s works (written by Balthasar), the author shows why the work of the two is inseparable. The article exposes Balthasar’s own perception of Adrienne von Speyr’s charisma and his involvement in her work. With this, the importance of A. von Speyr’s influence on him becomes clear, an influence which results in their joint work. The author concludes that in order to understand Hans Urs von Balthasar well, it is necessary to know Adrienne von Speyr as well, since both works are a common work, inseparable enhancing.
The article studies the synodal awareness of the Church as expressed in the documents—including synodal letters, canons, and ancient accounts—of all the synods we know about through to the First Council of Constantinople (381). During the... more
The article studies the synodal awareness of the Church as expressed in the documents—including synodal letters, canons, and ancient accounts—of all the synods we know about through to the First Council of Constantinople (381). During the first centuries of its history, the synods were a crucial way of living and expressing the synodality of the Church. The study of ecclesiological nature considers three aspects that are very present in antiquity and important for renewing synodal awareness today: the joint discernment of the truth of the faith, the reception of synods as a criterion of authenticity, and the intrinsic relationship between synodality and primacy.
The article reviews all the proposals (or vota) sent by the Latin American and Caribbean bishops to the Antepreparatory Commission of the Second Vatican Council on subjects that should be discussed by the conciliar assembly. The purpose... more
The article reviews all the proposals (or vota) sent by the Latin American and Caribbean bishops to the Antepreparatory Commission of the Second Vatican Council on subjects that should be discussed by the conciliar assembly. The purpose is to uncover the underlying ecclesiology of the pastors partaking in the council. The text is structured in two parts. A statistical study of the 395 vota or episcopal responses. And, subsequently, a study of all subjects relating to the nature and mission of the Church, so as to go deep into the underlying ecclesiology. Such a research –not thus far undertaken considering all the vota– reveals Latin American and Caribbean bishops not specially original in contents, but showed nevertheless some attitudes and accents which foreshadow the new ecclesiastical disposition which will begin to emerge on the continent as a result of the conciliar experience.
This paper is intended as a contribution to the discussion ¬—very current— about the possibility and existence of “modifications” in what is known as dogma, throughout history. The objective is to show, on the basis of seven concrete... more
This paper is intended as a contribution to the discussion ¬—very current— about the possibility and existence of “modifications” in what is known as dogma, throughout history. The objective is to show, on the basis of seven concrete historical examples which correspond to different aspects and different periods of Catholic dogmatic development, that the topic has many aspects that have not always been sufficiently considered when delving into this argument. History shows that in dogmatic processes there are reformulations, obstacles that stop a development, silences, setbacks, impoverishment, rediscoveries, corrections and delays. This has to open us up to a much broader understanding of what continuity and discontinuity in dogmatic development means, one that adequately maintains both aspects, but especially one that takes into account the complexity of the subject.
Taking into account the periodical Latin American theological-pastoral literature, this Study introduces the ecclesiological development that gave course to the Conference of Medellin. Considering the previous ecclesiology, it reviews the... more
Taking into account the periodical Latin American theological-pastoral literature, this Study introduces the ecclesiological development that gave course to the Conference of Medellin. Considering the previous ecclesiology, it reviews the very frail development of the ecclesial conscience of the 1950s; it also takes into account the renewal lead on by the Council, in which the continental Church was highly involved, having a very active role in all the changes that took place during the sixties. The reflection over that period of time, clearly supports the idea that Medellín was also an arrival point regarding the development of the Latin American character of the Continental Church.
Why has it not been possible to walk more resolutely towards a theological and structural recovery of the local church in the whole of the universal church? this article hypothesizes that the main reason for this obstacle, is to be found... more
Why has it not been possible to walk more resolutely towards a theological and structural recovery of the local church in the whole of the universal church? this article hypothesizes that the main reason for this obstacle, is to be found in the lack of awareness of the irreducible polar constitution of the church. taking into account lg 23, and a study regarding the theological-historical foundations of catholicity based on the locality, this article proposes some reforms that are currently more urgent and that, from a dual perspective, find a more consistent theological support for their implementation. in short, it is about strengthening a look from the local, or from the base, so as to speak. this view is more in line with both, the early church growth on one side, and current sensitivities on the other.
Considering the mistaken but often very common idea of a certain dichotomy between historical happiness and eternal salvation, this article goes through some of the reasons of this persistent belief. And it shows some aspects that should... more
Considering the mistaken but often very common idea of a certain dichotomy between historical happiness and eternal salvation, this article goes through some of the reasons of this persistent belief. And it shows some aspects that should be considered more thoroughly in order to assert with more conviction the harmony between these two moments coming together in just one completeness. (1) The dual tension between historical and transcendental happiness, recovered for the catholic conscience by the Second Vatican Council in light of the unity of the humanly vocation; (2) joy, as the core of the Gospel, a theme on which Pope Francis has insisted upon, one which should be harmonious with the fundamental needs of humanity; and (3) the need of pressing on God´s loving image, taking into account an authentic trinitarian thought, avoiding inadequate doctrine and catechesis concerning God. This is a very theme that has been mildly reflected in theology.
Latin American Theology underwent significant development following the Second Vatican Council, with a proposal that has come to characterize the continent: Liberation Theology (LT). This theology explicitly proposed to accompany the... more
Latin American Theology underwent significant development following the Second Vatican Council, with a proposal that has come to characterize the continent: Liberation Theology (LT). This theology explicitly proposed to accompany the liberation processes based on the Word of God, and as a church rising in—and as a result of—those broad processes.
Among other relevant aspects, though born as a critical reflection, this theology develops its thoughts from the historical praxis of the liberation of the oppressed and from a conceptualization of the poor as non-person. This validates LT as a humanist proposal with two unique features: a theological humanism and a liberating humanism (liberating people from injustice and oppression). LT has elaborated a significant theological approach to contemporary humanism, with God’s concrete manifestation in the fight for the equality of all people and their development as persons. Beyond their historical conditioning and the huge changes that have taken place in the world and Latin America in the third millennium, some theological institutions remain currently relevant as regards the topic of contemporary humanism.
After introducing LT and the semantic context behind the concept of person, we will develop three aspects that confirm the character of LT as theological and liberating humanism.
For Hans Urs von Balthasar faith is not a simple notional act, and all though it is one, it is something way more complex which has an existential character: it is the reflection and image, in the human being, of the internal trinitarian... more
For Hans Urs von Balthasar faith is not a simple notional act, and all though it is one, it is something way more complex which has an existential character: it is the reflection and image, in the human being, of the internal trinitarian attitude of the Son regarding the Father. Attitude that is a complete dependence and a filial availability, product of the eternal act of the Son’s generation. In essence, faith is our own generation as sons in the Son, but from a vital and permanent experience. This article, divided in five parts (beauty of God and the act of faith; chosen beforehand in Christ; finite liberty in the infinite liberty; archetypical faith; Jesus’s “faith”) allows us to get to know better some ideas that are very proper of Balthasar’s thought and also shines light upon what having faith and living it, is about
This article explores some characteristics of Pope Francis’ ecumenical approach. In the last 50 years, with his way of understanding the pontificate, the Pope has contributed to the path the Church has walked. This has meant some... more
This article explores some characteristics of Pope Francis’ ecumenical
approach. In the last 50 years, with his way of understanding the pontificate, the Pope has contributed to the path the Church has walked. This has meant some contributions which have been evidenced in his speeches and in the interviews he has given throughout the five years of his pontificate. The concept that sums up his thought and action is "ecumenism of the way", which means walking together in prayer, in works of charity, and in the witness to faith. Ecumenism is also, a path of evangelization and an instrument to reach the unity of the world. The second part of this presentation brings forward 4 episodes that enlighten the Pope’s view on ecumenism: his visit to Sweden to commemorate together, luterans and catholics, 500 years of the Reform; the fraternal meetings with the Orthodox Patriarcs; the importance he has given to the Charismatic Renovation in the development of ecumenism; and a special treatment regarding ecumenical theological matters, relegating them to a second place, compared to the importance of walking together in prayer and charity.
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The article presents the structure of Hans Urs von Balthasar's thought from the synthesis he achieved in his " Theological Trilogy " : " Theological Aesthetics, " " Theo-Drama, " and " Theo-Logic ". Because the Trilogy is based on the... more
The article presents the structure of Hans Urs von Balthasar's thought from the synthesis he achieved in his " Theological Trilogy " : " Theological Aesthetics, " " Theo-Drama, " and " Theo-Logic ". Because the Trilogy is based on the three transcendentals of Being (beauty, goodness, and truth), this study—after reviewing Balthasar's influences throughout his life—describes his understanding of the relationship between philosophy and theology and explains how the trinitarian revelation can be aptly expressed through God's manifestation (beauty), bestowal (goodness), and comprehension (truth).
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El artículo expone la historia del movimiento ecuménico en Chile con énfasis particular en la recepción de la apertura ecuménica del Concilio. Muestra el panorama bibliográfico que se ha desarrollado sobre la materia desde los 50’ en... more
El artículo expone la historia del movimiento ecuménico en Chile con énfasis particular en la recepción de la apertura ecuménica del Concilio. Muestra el panorama bibliográfico que se ha desarrollado sobre la materia desde los 50’ en adelante. Se describe la emergencia de la respuesta ecuménica desde organizaciones eclesiales de diverso tipo y se analizan las respuestas institucionales de tipo académico, eclesial y gubernamental en materias de ecumenismo. Se ofrece, finalmente, un panorama general de los desafíos pendientes en los diversos ámbitos para el desarrollo del ecumenismo.
Der Beitrag zeigt wie sehr der Grundgedanke vom Papst Franziskus in vielen Komponenten symphonisch mit dem von Balthasar ist. Zwischen beiden gibt es eine bedeutende theologische Harmonie. Der Text beleuchtet wie zwei Grundkonzepte von... more
Der Beitrag zeigt wie sehr der  Grundgedanke vom Papst Franziskus in vielen Komponenten symphonisch mit dem von Balthasar ist. Zwischen beiden gibt es eine bedeutende theologische Harmonie. Der Text beleuchtet wie zwei Grundkonzepte von Balthasar -Gestalt und Polareinheit der Wirklichkeit- in Wechselbeziehung stehen und auf verschiedene Art in Papst Franziskus vorhanden sind, vor allem aber in seiner „Theologie des Volkes“. So sieht man, warum sich J. M. Bergoglio  mit den Schriften von Balthasar beschäftigte und in ihnen die entsprechenden Konzepte vorfand, um sein eigenes Denken zu erklären, nämlich: «Mitmenschlichkeit» und «Maximalität».

Der Text erklärt auch, woher die Lateinamerikanische Theologie entspringt, um dann klar darzulegen, was diese „Theologie des Volkes“ bedeutet und an der Franziskus auf vielerlei Weise teilnimmt. Wenn man diese Theologie versteht, kann man den Papst besser verstehen.
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